2010 pollution prevention minimization

Tujuan: Peserta mengetahui tahapan proses di industri yang menghasilkan limbah sehingga peserta memahami prinsip meminimumkan limbah demi mempertahankan kualitas lingkungan oleh: Retno Gumilang Dewi Pencegahan Pencemaran dan Minimisasi Limbah B-3 (Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun)

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pollution prevention minimization


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Peserta mengetahui tahapan proses di industri yang menghasilkan limbah sehingga peserta memahami prinsip meminimumkan limbah demi mempertahankan kualitas lingkungan

oleh: Retno Gumilang Dewi

Pencegahan Pencemaran dan Minimisasi Limbah B-3 (Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun)

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Minimisasi Limbah Sebagai Salah Satu Strategi Pencegahan Pencemaran Limbah

Pencegahan Pencemaran (Pollution Prevention): pencegahan terbentuknya polutan di sumber pencemaran - minimisasi limbah (prevention-reduction, recycling-re-use-recovery); - pengolahan limbah (padat-cair-gas secara fisika, kimia, biologi);- penanganan pada saat penyimpanan dan penanganan disposal

(insinerasi atau land fill/dumping).

Minimisasi LimbahReduksi limbah dari sistem produksi sebelum limbah mengalami proses

pengolahan, penyimpanan, dan pembuangan akhir pada tingkat yang dimungkinkan dari segi volume maupun tingkat bahaya/toksisitas limbah yang bersangkutan.

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Pollution Prevention Hierarchy

Prevention & Reduction(Source – reduction)

Recycling & Re-Use(in-process recycle, on-site-recycle, off-site



Disposalsecure disposal or direct

release to the environment

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Minimisasi Limbah

Waste minimization techniques

Source reduction Recycling(on site and off site)

Product changes- product substitution- product conservation- change in product composition

Source control Use and reuse- return to original process- raw material substitute for another process

Reclamation- processes for resource recovery- processes as a by- product

Input material changes

- material purification- material substitution

Technology changes

- process changes- equipment, piping, or layout changes- additional automation- change in operational settings

Good operating practices- procedural measures- loss prevention- management practices- wastestream segregation- material handling improvements- production scheduling

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Penerapan Minimisasi Limbah Pada Sistem Proses




penggunaanbahan dan




Proses daurulang

(recycle )




Market andPost

Processingof Products

Waste RepositorySystem

Pelepasan kelingkungan

MinimumHazardous Waste

Bahan baku yang masihmengandung polutan

Bahan bakubebas polutan


Limbah yang ramah lingkungan(Environmental Benign Wastes )

Limbah yang mengandung polutan


Limbah yangmengandung polutan

Bahan bakubebas polutan

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Definisi- Source reduction, melibatkan pengurangan limbah di

sumber pencemar dalam suatu proses, merupakan pilihan paling layak dalam hirarki pencegahan pencemaran.

- Menghindari pembentukan limbah, source reduction mengurangi masalah penanganan & pembuangan limbah.

Sumber potensial kehilangan bahan (material loss)- Loading & Un-loading- Storage- Process

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Loss prevention dan Segregasi

Mengurangi limbah dengan menghindari tumpahan/kebocoran peralatan. Cara efektif mengurangi limbah yang dihasilkan:

- perancangan tangki sesuai dengan rancangan yang disyaratkan;

- memasang bendungan (dike) untuk menampung tumpahan;

- memasang safety valve, dan lain-lain.

Segregasi - Mengurangi volume limbah B3 dengan mencegah

tercampurnya limbah B3 dan non B3 - Memerintahkan semua pekerja melaksanakan aturan

penting pencegahan pencemaran. Pertama-tama para pekerja harus memahami mengapa prosedur pengelolaan limbah diterapkan.

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Waste Segregation for Hazardous Waste

Hazardous waste : any waste or combination of wastes that pose a danger

immediately or over a period of time to human, animal or plant life.

A waste is classified as hazardous if it exhibits any characteristic of a Hazardous Substance”.

Hazardous wastes :

• Used battery,

• fluorescent lamp,

• paint & thinner,

• waste lube oil,

• contaminated drum/packaging, etc 8

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Waste Segregation for Non Haz. Waste

Non Hazardous Waste:- biodegradable waste :

food waste, - burnable waste : e.g. paper,

cardboard, wood (Some are reusable/office paper)

- non-burnable waste : tin cans, tires, plastics, glass, etc

- scrap metal, - inert waste : rubble,

earthworks, gravel, non-contaminated fill, etc.

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Perubahan prosedur di dalam managemen, organisasi, dan fungsi-fungsi personal produksi

Membutuhkan sedikit biaya kapital dan menghasilkan tingkat pengembalian investasi yang tinggi

Segala ukuran perusahaan dapat menerapkannya

Perubahan prosedur meliputi:- Loss Prevention- Penanganan material- Perbaikan jadwal - Segregasi- Praktek yang melibatkan pegawai (personnel)


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Penanganan bahan dan pelaksanaan inventori

Pengurangan kehilangan material akibat kesalahan penanganan, habisnya waktu hidup (shelf life) dari bahan-bahan yang senstif terhadap waktu (time-sensitive material)

Perubahan jadwal

Produksi batch menurunkan frekuensi pembersihan peralatan


Penjadwalan batch di pabrik cat harus berturut-turut dari terang ke gelap untuk mengurangi kebutuhan pembersihan dan untuk memperbaiki keseragaman warna.

Penanganan bahan dan pelaksanaan inventori

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Perubahan teknologi dengan modifikasi proses dan peralatan untuk mengurangi limbah, terutama sejak tahap perancangan.

Modifikasi teknologi memerlukan personil dan biaya kapital yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan perubahan prosedur.

Perubahan teknologi diterapkan setelah menelusuri semua perubahan prosedur yang mungkin.

Modifikasi teknologi- Perubahan proses;- Peralatan, perpipaan, atau perubahan layout;- Perubahan kondisi operasi;- Penambahan otomatisasi atau pengendalian.Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization

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Perubahan proses melalui inovasi teknologi untuk mengembangkan proses baru guna mendapatkan produk akhir berkualitas sama tetapi mengurangi limbah. Modifikasi/penggantian peralatan akan mengurangi limbah dengan meningkatkan efisiensi peralatan.

Perubahan kondisi operasi melibatkan perubahan operasi peralatan, termasuk pengaturan temperatur, tekanan, laju alir, dan waktu tinggal.


Perusahaan electroplating dapat mengubah laju alir kromium dalam bak plating hingga kondisi optimum untuk mengurangi konsentrasi kromium yang digunakan sehingga limbah kromium yang terbentuk berkurang.

Pengendali operasi tambahan (otomatisasi) untuk perbaikan monitoring dan pengaturan parameter operasi untuk menjamin efisiensi tinggi.


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Perubahan material input dalam beberapa kasus membantu program pencegahan pencemaran dengan mengurangi material-material limbah yang memasuki proses.

Perubahan material input dimasukkan ke dalam kategori substitusi dan pemurnian material.


Perubahan produk dilakukan oleh pembuat produk dengan maksud mengurangi limbah yang dihasilkan dari penggunaan produk termaksud.

Contoh: pabrik cat memproduksi cat water-based sebagai pengganti cat solvent-based

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• Kualitas produk yang harus dipenuhi

• Biaya besar

• Kualitas produk tidak dapat dikorbankan sebagai hasil usaha pencegahan pencemaran

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ISO 14001:2004 Structure (Total = 17 element / clausal)

Continual Improvement

Management Review

Checking & Corrective Action Monitoring & measurement Evaluation of compliance Nonconformity, corrective action &

preventive action Control of records Internal audit

Environmental Policy

Planning Environmental aspects Legal & other requirements Objectives, targets and programe

Implementation & Operation Resources, roles, responsibility & authority Competence, training and awareness Communication Documentation Control of documents Operational control Emergency preparedness and response

ISO 14001:2004 Structure (Total = 17 element / clausal)

Continual Improvement

Management Review

Checking & Corrective Action Monitoring & measurement Evaluation of compliance Nonconformity, corrective action &

preventive action Control of records Internal audit

Environmental Policy

Planning Environmental aspects Legal & other requirements Objectives, targets and programe

Implementation & Operation Resources, roles, responsibility & authority Competence, training and awareness Communication Documentation Control of documents Operational control Emergency preparedness and response

ISO 14001:2004 Structure (Total = 17 element / clausal)

Continual Improvement

Management Review

Checking & Corrective Action Monitoring & measurement Evaluation of compliance Nonconformity, corrective action &

preventive action Control of records Internal audit

Environmental Policy

Planning Environmental aspects Legal & other requirements Objectives, targets and programe

Implementation & Operation Resources, roles, responsibility & authority Competence, training and awareness Communication Documentation Control of documents Operational control Emergency preparedness and response


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Waste Management

Responsibilities - for each TI actor on site - highlight interfaces with other sites, - inventory the third parties involved

with name and contact of main re-presentatives




All personnel: - knowing the actual and potential waste stream

routes- attending any training and/or environmental talks

related to waste management, - adhering to the communication campaigns.

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Waste Management – Responsibility

Site Env.Supervisor Implement & monitor on Site- Monthly register waste - Segregate, label,

storageManage the risks on

Site: - Ensuring compliance - Appointing a Waste

Handler, - Maintaining & Improve

waste management practices

- Validate waste data


Ensure all chemical storage, handling &disposal .

Monitor that procedures are followed on site.

Head of Env. Dept. Develop & maintain TI WMP Communicate WMP Auditing Getting Permits Collect data for report to

DGEP, etc

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References: • PP no. 18/1999 jo PP 85/1999), • Kep-Bapedal no.1,2,3,4,5 / 1995• SOP Waste Management • SOP Waste Documentation procedure

Scope of Waste management

Handling Storing Transferrin

gTreating & Disposing


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How to Manage Waste ?

Identification of licensed Waste Handlers to treat and dispose of waste streams

Waste Handler

Internal : Use WTN Refer to SOP No...

External : Hazardous Waste

Manifest (HWM) Refer to SOP No...

Symbol & label

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How to Manage Waste ?

Site inspection program: - planned general

inspection lists and schedule,

- audit schedules and action plans,

Training: - annual training

program relating to Waste

- individual schedule of site personnel


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Waste Management records

Records Waste Register: qualitative and

quantitative record of waste generation, Waste Transfer Notes/WTN Hazardous Waste Manifests (if any), Anomaly reports for non-conformance,

action plans and follow up,

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Waste Management records

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Waste Management Strategy

Prior to treatment and disposal, the following options should be reviewed:

•Reduce: Substitution with longer life alternatives, respect expiry dates, use bulk supply

•Reuse/ Recycle: Return to Supplier, or recycle by Licensed Hazardous Waste Contractor

•Treatment/ Disposal: Treatment and disposal must be performed with license from Ministry of Environment or internal treatment.

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Chemical Management

Definition: Hazardous SubstancesMaterial due to its nature and or concentration and or quantity, directly or indirectly, may pollute and or damage the environment, and or may harm the environment, health, human and other living organism existence

(PP 74 Th. 2001)

Clasification of Hazardous Substances:-Very toxic-Toxic-Harmful-Corrosive-Irritant-Danger of sensitisation-Carcinogenic-Teratogenic-Mutagenic-Dangerous for the environment. 25Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization

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Hazardous Substances Management

Ensure proper Handling & Storing

Keep clean & tidy, far from ignition not store in direct sun, inspect on a regular basis, fire protection & spillage recovery equipment.


26 Respect for the Environment – System in Place 26Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization

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Hazardous Substances Management

Employees /third party must be made fully aware of:

- the hazards - protective clothing,- First aid - MSDS,- Disposal & protective

measures to Environment.

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RSES : • ensuring the safe custody of haz..substances,• designating areas for the storage of haz.subst.,• adhering to safe procedures on transport, storage,

use & disposal of hazardous substances.

HSE:- assisting in developing SSI,- evaluation of safety & environment

acceptability - maintaining MSDS database - update of contingency plans

END USER• Understand the hazard of chemicals,• Ensure PO/contract, incl. MSDS, correct labeling, etc• Ensure safety & Env Precautions & Use PPE.

Site S & E SPT/SUPV• maintaining SSI • verifying MSDS • Inspection practices • participating in risk assessments

The Company Doctors (HSE/MED) -Provide advice/assistance on hazardous substances -Audits.

The Procurement/ Logistic services :• ensuring that the supplier for MSDS, packaging,

label, transport requirements.• forwarding MSDS to relevant personnel• training & communication of handling & storage

practices within the warehouses. 28Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization

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Ref: KEP. MENAKER 187/MEN/ 1999

Provided by Vendor/Supplier (English & Indonesia), in paper & Electronic, and available on site

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Symbol & Lable

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The HSE Management System

Policy & Objectives - MAESTRO Rules & Regulation, Environmental Studies


Implementation & Operation Waste Mgmt & Chemical Mgmt ERP - Emergency Response &

Preparedness Monitoring & Reporting Review & Audit

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Emergency Team Preparedness

Oil Spill Contingency Plan Training Level 1 and 2.

Periodic ERT (Emergency Response Team) drill.

Periodic Emergency Exercise, including Major Scale Emergency Exercise.

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To set in motion the necessary actions to stop or minimize any discharge of oil and to mitigate its effects.

Provides an emergency notification system & standard forms for oil spill reporting.

Explains the escalation process from Tier 1 to Tier 2 and Tier 3 incidents.

Outlines a system for command and control.

Provides checklists of actions to be taken by key personnel during an oil spill response

Slide ShowOSCP

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34 Respect for the Environment – Concrete Production

Hazardous Waste Transfer Area

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Initial Action Procedures

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First response to spill – PEAR Principle

The priorities in an oil spill response :

PEOPLE : Ensure safety of personnel, responders and public

ENVIRONMENT: Protection of sensitive assets in the environment (birds, fish, shellfish and sheltered coastal habitats)ASSETS: Protection of property, socio-economic resources (e.g. shrimp farms, fisheries), and TI installations

REPUTATION• Rapid response, at the correct level• Good organization and efficient communication• Keep people informed (TI personnel, next of kin, public and

the Media)• Be helpful, be honest• Restore the environment to pre-spill state• Deal fairly with claims and compensation• Learn from mistakes

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AnPoll Equipment

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AnPOll Equipment

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Anti Pollution Equipment on Site

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The HSE Management System

Policy & Objectives - MAESTRO Rules & Regulation, Environmental Studies


Implementation & Operation Waste Mgmt & Chemical Mgmt ERP - Emergency Response &

Preparedness Monitoring & Reporting Review & Audit

41 - Respect for the Environment – System in Place41Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization

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Monitoring: periodical sampling,

measuring and recording, of the characteristics of the environmental elements

Reference: Applicable rules and

regulations RKL/RPL and/ UKL/UPL Site- EMP


Management ensures that significant environmental impact factors are regularly monitored, and the results recorded and reported. These measurements are done in accordance with specific procedures

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Regular Environmental Monitoring

Water monitoring

Ambient Air monitoring

Air Emission Monitoring

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Responsibilities in Monitoring

Head ENV. Dept : Review the Environmental

Monitoring Plan at Affiliate and Site levels on an annual basis (ref. regulation, AMDAL (RKL/RPL and ESIAs) and TI activity plans.

Produce & maintain RKL/RPL

Approve request for monitoring

Coordinator for a cross-functional team

Oversee environmental monitoring

Initiate the SOP review / 2years

Report to internal & external Ask for correction, in case of

anomalies detected

Any Division/ Department/ Service :

• Inform Head of ENV. Dept. prior to the start-up,

Risk management on Site,

Monitor environmental performances,

Ensuring the Site Env.Monitoring Plan has been prepared, implemented, and reviewed

Validate all environmental data under area responsibility


Ensure that EMP included in Contract agreement with their contractor(s)

Review the results of monitoring & include them in HSE performance indicators.

Prod. Area Method (FO/Area/MTH)

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Element to be Monitored

• Air: industrial air emissions, ambient air, noise, odour.

• Water: liquid discharge e.g. produced water, domestic waste water, leachate, and/or effluent from potable water treatment, ground water, river water and sea water,

• Soil: possibly contaminated soils

• Waste: drill cuttings

monthly report: oil content in produced water,

quarterly report: all parameters in produced water including well and stream water,

6 monthly report: air ambient and noise from each site,

regular intervals: heavy metals of OBM / WBM in exploration wells,

yearly report: implementation of RKL/RPL and UKL/UPL..

Environmental Reporting2007

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GHG Reporting

Annual Questionaire Affiliate’s characteristic/production

data, Atmospheric Emission with more

complete detail of GHG sources - Drilling fuel consumption, - Well Operations, burn pits for liquid

and sludge, combustion machines, - direct venting & unburnt gas emission, - storage tank vents, loading, fugitive

emissions, etc..

Monthly Monitoring- Flaring,- Fuel gas, - Liquid fuel, - Venting, - gas parameter,- Net utilized


Refer to SOP GHG Reporting System.Activity Sheet GHG Estimations/ Calculations

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Responsibility - GHG Reporting


Validate all data


Provide production and wells daily data


Focal point for GHG Reporting at SITE


Ensure the compliance of GHG emission production data metering with CR EXP 002


Perform the laboratory analysis of gas composition of samples


Provide daily data of gas burnt during clean up, offloading, well testing, and

vented gas during LWO and Slick Line operation,


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The HSE Management System

Policy & Objectives Rules & Regulation, Environmental Studies


Implementation & Operation Waste Mgmt & Chemical Mgmt ERP - Emergency Response & Preparedness

Monitoring & Reporting Review & Audit

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Tools to evaluate conformance of the system (HSE MS, ISO 14001) and/or compliance (Audit for Proper Program)

Responsibility : Management and/or HQ (Env. Review )

SHE Committee Meeting : every 2 months on Site

- Site : Level 1- GM; Level 2 :Division;

- Level 3 -Site, 4- Service

Audit Principles:

- refer to specific criteria, objective evidence

- Personnel : professional, independent, not to find personnel faults, etc

Environmental Reviews and Auditing

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