zee khana khazan recipes

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes



    By Gautam Mehrishi

    INGREDIENTS 11 tsp desi hee

    ! t"sp #e$uree% seeds

    1 t"sp#e$$e&seeds

    ' ( ) "&a*% pepper *+r$s

    ! tsp #e$uree% p+,der

    - tsp a&m+$d p+,der

    - tsp *ashe, $ut p+,der

    ! *up ,h+&e ,heat #&+ur

    ! t"sp #i$e&y *h+pped raisi$s

    *up "r+,$ suar

    MET.OD .eat desi hee i$ a pa$/ saut0 ,h+&e ,heat #&+ur i$ it

    N+, "&e$d #e$uree% p+,der/ #e$$e& seeds/ "&a*% pepper/ #e$uree% p+,der/ a&m+$d p+,der a$d *ashe, $ut p+,der i$ a

    mi2er t+ prepare a p+,der mi2ture

    A#ter this/ mi2 saut0ed # &+ur a$d desi hee i$ a "+,&

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    *up *+r$ syrup

    6 *up mi&%

    F+r ar$ish



    :+r$ syrup

    9am syrup


    MET.OD Mi2 +atmea& #&+ur/ a&& purp+se #&+ur/ *++%i$ s+da/ dry i$er p+,der/ aram masa&a p+,der/ *i$$am+$ p+,der a$d "utter

    i$ a "+,&

    N+, mi2 suar/ *+r$ syrup/ a$d mi&% i$ it t+ #+rm a d+uh

    N+, *+at the shaped d+uh i$ a&& purp+se #&+ur a$d %eep them i$ the m+u&ds

    Spri$%&e +atmea& #&+ur +$ it a$d %eep it i$ +3e$ #+r 1; mi$s at 1);< *e$tirade

    Keep the prepared per%i$s +$ =am a$d mi&% mi2ture "ase

    Gar$ish them ,ith +&de$ syrup/ =am syrup a$d *i$$am+$ p+,der

    4+ur 5er%i$s are ready


  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    By Sur=a$ Si$h 9+&&y

    INGREDIENTS 1 "+,& spi$a*h "+i&ed

    1; s&i*e "read ?*rum"s@

    1 pi$*h "&a*% pepper

    Sa&t a**+rdi$ t+ taste

    1dr+p ree$ *+&+ur

    F+r stu##i$

    8 t"spm+are&&a *heese

    8 t"sp *+ttae *heese

    ! t"sps,eet *+r$

    1 t"sp *h+pped +$i+$

    1 t"sp *apsi*um

    t"sp ree$ *hi&&y

    Sa&t as per taste

    5epper as per taste

    F+r dip

    1 *up hu$ *urd

    ! *&+3es ar&i*

    1 tsp *ream

    Sa&t t+ taste

    MET.OD T+ ma%e the Spi$a*h puree mi2 "read *rum"s/ Sa&t/ 5epper a$d ree$ *+&+r a$d %$ead i$t+ d+uh

    F+r stu##i$ ta%e *heese i$ a "+,&/ add *+ttae *heese/ s,eet *+r$/ :apsi*um/ O$i+$/ Sa&t/ B&a*% 5epper/ :hi&&y a$d

    :+ria$der a$d mi2 ,e&&

    Ta%e the d+uh a$d stu## the :heese mi2ture i$t+ this d+uh a$d ma%e "a&&s +ut +# it

    Ta%e +i& i$ a deep "+tt+m pa$ a$d deep #ry the "a&&s i$ it

    T+ ma%e the dip/ ta%e :urd i$ a B+,&/ a$d add Gar&i* paste/ :ream a$d Sa&t a$d mi2 ,e&&

    Ser3e this dip ,ith the Spi$a*h Ti%%i ,ith :+r$ a$d :heese


  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    By Gautam Mehrishi

    INGREDIENTS 1;; m #eta *heese

    ; m pr+*essed *heese

    C ( ' spri spri$ +$i+$

    :rushed "&a*% pepper t+ taste

    !; m d+uh

    ! tsp +&i3e +i&

    F+r dusti$

    A&& purp+se #&+ur

    F+r ar$ish

    R+asted spri$ +$i+$

    O&i3e +i&

    Mi$t &ea3es

    :rushed "&a*% pepper

    MET.OD Mi2 #eta *heese/ rated pr+*essed *heese/ *h+pped spri$ +$i+$ a$d "&a*% pepper i$ a "+,& t+ prepare a mi2ture

    N+,/ r+&& +ut the d+uh a$d #i&& the prepared mi2ture i$ it/ r+&& it +ut aai$

    A#ter this/ *++% the r+&&ed +ut d+uh i$ the pa$ a&+$ ,ith spri$ +$i+$ a$d t+p it ,ith +&i3e +i&

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    Gar$ish the prepared "read ,ith r+asted spri$ +$i+$/ remai$i$ #eta *heese mi2ture/ +&i3e +i&/ mi$t &ea3es a$d *rushed

    "&a*% pepper

    4+ur Feta Fi&&ed Bread is ready


    By Gautam Mehrishi

    INGREDIENTS 1t"sp mustard+i&

    1 ( !; &ady #i$er

    1 *u*um"er

    7 ( 8 dry red *hi&&ies

    ! tsp turmeri* p+,der

    Sa&t t+ taste

    C t"sp *+r$ %er$e&s

    *up "+i&ed a$d *h+pped ride +urd

    7 ( 8 s+a%ed ar*i$ia &$di*a

    7t"sp ree$ *hi&&i paste

    ' ( ) t"sp #resh *+*+$ut paste

    1 6 *up *++%ed red ram

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    F+r ar$ish

    A&ready prepared temperi$

    MET.OD .eat +i& i$ a pa$

    Mi2 dry red *hi&&i/ *h+pped &ady #i$er a$d u$pee&ed *u*um"er i$ it

    N+, add turmeri* p+,der/ sa&t a$d *+r$ %er$e&s i$ it t+ *++%

    A#ter *+r$ %er$e&s are s&iht&y *++%ed add ride +urd / *h+pped ar*i$ia i$di*a a$d its ,ater i$ the pa$ t+ *++% #+r 8 mi$s

    ( mi$s

    N+, add ree$ *hi&&i paste/ *+*+$ut paste a$d ,ater i$ it t+ *++% #+r ! mi$s ( 8 mi$s

    Ne2t/ add *++%ed red ram i$ it a$d *++%

    Gar$ish the prepared 3eetaria$ %+$%a$i *urry ,ith the a&ready prepared temperi$

    4+ur eetaria$ K+$%a$i :urry is ready


    By Gautam Mehrishi

    INGREDIENTS *up *h+pped dates

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    1! 3a$i&&a p+d

    ! t"sp i*i$ suar

    8 ( C t"sp *aster suar

    1 ( ! *up a&& purp+se #&+ur

    7 ( 8 t"sp ,hite "utter

    1 *up mi&%

    :aster suar as reuired

    F+r dusti$

    A&& purp+se #&+ur

    F+r reasi$


    F+r ar$ish

    a$i&&a p+d

    I*i$ suar

    MET.OD Mi2 dates/ 3a$i&&a e2tra*t a&+$ ,ith ,ater i$ a h+t pa$ a$d mash the dates

    N+,/ add i*i$ suar/ *aster suar a$d ,ater i$ it t+ prepare a mi2ture

    A#ter this/ mi2 a&& purp+se #&+ur/ 3a$i&&a e2tra*t a$d ,hite "utter i$ a "+,& t+ %$ead a d+uh

    Ne2t/ mi2 the prepared mi2ture/ *aster suar a$d mi&% i$ a mi2er t+ prepare a paste

    A#ter this/ r+&&+ut the d+uh a$d spread the prepared paste +$ it

    Grease it ,ith the e ,hiteHs a$d r+&& them

    N+,/ put the r+&&ed d+uh i$ the "a%i$ tray a$d spri$%&e i*i$ suar +$ it

    Ba%e it i$ the preheated +3e$ at 1C; < :e$tirade #+r 1; mi$s

    A#ter this/ "a%e it aai$ at 18; < :e$tirade #+r 1!(18 mi$s

    :ut the "a%ed s,ir&s i$ pie*es

    Gar$ish the prepared s,ir&s ,ith remai$i$ dates paste/ 3a$i&&a p+d a$d i*i$ suar

    4+ur MaHam+u& S,ir&s are ready


  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    F+rm sma&& r+u$ds +# the d+uh a$d p&a*e them i$ a reased "a%i$ tray

    T+p them ,ith hee s+a%ed *h+pped a&m+$ds

    Spri$%&e *ardam+m p+,der #r+m t+p

    Ba%e it #+r 18 mi$s 1 mi$s +$ 1); deree *e$tirades i$ a preheated +3e$

    Gar$ish the $a$%hatais ,ith i*i$ suar a$d *ardam+m p+,der

    4+ur 5arsi Na$%hatai is ready


    By Ra$3eer Brar

    INGREDIENTS 1 r+ti

    Oi& t+ *++% the ,rap

    F+r #i&&i$

    1 t"sp +i&

    tspmustard seeds

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    1 tsp "&a*% ram da&

    ) ( 1;*urry &ea3es

    1 tsp i$er paste

    6 *up rated *+*+$ut

    Sa&t t+ taste

    tsp asa#+etida

    tsp turmeri* p+,der

    tsp red *hi&&i p+,der

    6 *up *h+pped #re$*h "ea$s

    1 *up "+i&ed sp&it *hi*%peas

    1 t"sp *h+pped*+ria$der

    F+r sa&ad

    1 aam papd

    ! ( 7 t"sp p+p*+r$

    1 *up re#i$ed #&+ur a$d ,ater mi2ture

    F+r re#i$ed #&+ur a$d ,ater mi2ture

    tsp red *hi&&i p+,der

    Sa&t t+ taste

    1 t"sp rated *+*+$ut

    F+r ar$ish

    1 spri$ +$i+$ sta&%J

    Sa&t t+ taste

    MET.OD T+ prepare #i&&i$ heat +i& i$ a pa$ Add mustard seeds/ "&a*% ram daa&/ *urry &ea3es/ i$er paste/ rated *+*+$ut/ sa&t/

    asa#etida/ turmeri* p+,der/ red *hi&&i p+,der/ *h+pped #re$*h "ea$s/ "+i&ed sp&it *hi*%peas/ ,ater/ sa&t a$d mash it Add ,ater a$d

    &et it *++% N+, add *h+pped *+ria$der

    Keep the prepared #i&&i$ i$ the #ride t+ *hi&& a$d +$*e *hi&&ed rem+3e it #r+m the #ride

    T+ prepare sa&ad #i$e&y *h+p the aam papad Mi2 this ,ith p+p*+r$ i$ a "+,&

    I$ the re#i$ed #&+ur a$d ,ater mi2ture add red *hi&&i p+,der/ sa&t a$d rated *+*+$ut

    5&a*e the &e#t+3er r+ti +$ the p&ate Add the prepared #i&&i$ t+ it a$d sea& it ,ith the prepared re#i$ed #&+ur mi2ture :+at

    the e$tire r+ti ,ith the "atter

    .eat +i& +$ pa$ a$d sha&&+, #ry the r+ti +$ &+, #&ame

    Rem+3e it a$d *ut it 5ut the prepared sa&ad i$ the ri$ m+u&d a$d press d+,$ Ser3e this ,ith ,rap

    T+ Gar$ish s&i*e the spri$ +$i+$ sta&% a$d spri$%&e sa&t +$ it


  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    By Gautam Mehrishi

    INGREDIENTS ! #i$e&y *h+pped app&e

    1 tsp i$er p+,der


    ! tsp &em+$ =ui*e

    ! t"sp h+$ey

    ) t"sp"r+,$ suar

    *up *h+pped ,a&$uts

    F+r *rum"&e

    *up #&+ur

    :i$$am+$p+,der a pi$*h

    *up Butter

    7 ( 8 t"sp "r+,$ suar

    F+r ar$ish

    Me&ted "utter

    Gi$er p+,der

    Nutme p+,der

    MET.OD .eat ,ater i$ a pa$

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    Add i$er p+,der/ $utme p+,der/ &em+$ =ui*e/ h+$ey a$d app&e i$ it t+ *++% #+r ( ' mi$s

    A#ter *++%ed/ add "r+,$ suar i$ it t+ *++% #+r ( ' mi$s

    Ne2t/ mi2 #&+ur/ *i$$am+$ p+,der/ "utter a$d "r+,$ suar i$ a "+,& t+ #+rm a s+#t d+uh

    N+,/ me&t "r+,$ suar i$ a$+ther pa$ a$d add ,ater i$ it t+ #+rm a syrup a&+$ ,ith ,a&$uts i$ it

    Ne2t/ #i&& *++%ed app&es i$ the m+u&ds a$d p+ur the prepared suar syrup a$d ,a&$ut mi2ture i$ it

    T+p it ,ith *rum"&e

    Aai$ put "r+,$ suar a$d ,a&$ut mi2ture +$ it

    Ne2t/ "a%e it #+r 1! ( 18 mi$s at 1);

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    Suar syrup as per taste

    ! t"sp a&m+$d p+,der

    ! t"sp *rushed a&m+$d

    F+r ar$ish

    A&m+$d #&a%es as reuired

    Ra"di as reuired

    :arame&ised A&m+$d sti*% as reuired

    MET.OD >he$ the mi&% is "+i&i$ add 3i$ear t+ *urd&e the mi&%

    >he$ the mi&% *urd&es/ rem+3e it +$ a mus&i$ *&+th a$d prepare *he$$a +ut +# it

    O$ a pa$ add hee a$d *he$$a a$d mi2 ,e&&

    N+, add suar syrup/ a&m+$d p+,der a$d *rushed a&m+$d

    Rem+3e this mi2ture +$ a p&ate a$d set it

    Spri$%&e a&m+$d #&a%es +3er it

    Keep this mi2ture i$ the re#rierat+r #+r 1; t+ 1 mi$utes

    Ser3e Ma&ai Badam Bar#i ,ith ra"di a$d *arame&ised a&m+$d sti*%s


    By Gautam Mehrishi

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes



    ' ( ) t"sp sem+&i$a #&+ur

    ' ( ) t"sp a&& purp+se #&+ur

    Sa&t t+ taste

    7 tsp #i$e&y *h+pped i$er

    tsp #i$e&y *h+pped ree$ *hi&&ies

    t"sp suar

    8 ( t"sp #resh&y rated *+*+$ut

    1 t"sp y+hurt

    1 tsp "utter

    F+r ar$ish

    Fi$e&y *h+pped i$er

    Fresh y+hurt

    Fi$e&y *h+pped ree$ *hi&&ies

    Fresh rated *+*+$ut

    >hite "utter

    MET.OD Mi2 sem+&i$a/ a&& purp+se #&+ur/ sa&t/ i$er/ ree$ *hi&&ies/ suar/ #resh *+*+$ut/ y+hurt a$d ,ater i$ a "+,& t+ #+rm a


    N+, sha&&+, #ry the "atter ,ith hee

    Gar$ish the prepared r+ti ,ith i$er/ y+hurt/ ree$ *hi&&i/ *+*+$ut a$d ,hite "utter

    4+ur A%%i R+ti is ready


  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    By Sur=a$ Si$h 9+&&y

    INGREDIENTS C ( ' ,hite *h+*+&ate *u"es

    *up di*ed ma$+

    7 t"sp ma$+ puree

    1 t"sp i*i$ suar

    ! tsp &em+$ =ui*e

    1; m #resh *ream

    1 t"sp "is*uit p+,der

    1 t"sp #i$e&y *h+pped *ashe, $uts

    F+r ar$ish

    Ma$+ puree

    Di*ed ma$+

    MET.OD First&y/ put the ,hite *h+*+&ate i$ a d+u"&e "+i&er t+ me&t

    Mea$,hi&e/ mi2 di*ed ma$+/ ma$+ puree a$d suar a&+$ ,ith &em+$ =ui*e i$ a pa$

    N+, mi2 #resh *ream i$ the me&ted *h+*+&ate

    A#ter this/ mi2 "is*uit p+,der a$d *ashe, $uts i$ a$+ther "+,& t+ prepare a mi2ture

    N+, put the ma$+ puree/ ma$+/ me&ted *h+*+&ate a$d prepared mi2ture at the "ase +# the ser3i$ &ass t+ ma%e a

    &ayer Repeat this pr+*ess #+r m+re t,+ times

    Gar$ish the prepared ma$+ tri#&e ,ith ma$+ puree a&+$ ,ith di*ed ma$+ a$d %eep it i$ the #ride #+r 1(!; mi$s

    4+ur Ma$+ Tri#&e is ready t+ ser3e


  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    By Gurdip K+&hi 5u$=

    INGREDIENTS ! tsps mustard paste

    ! tsps ar&i* paste

    ! t"sps +i&

    1 tsp +rea$+

    1 tsp ,+r*estershire sau*e

    Sa&t a$d pepper

    !; ms *+ttae *heese ?pa$eer@

    1 *up "read *rum"s

    ! t"sp re#i$ed F&+ur

    Oi& #+r #ryi$

    MET.OD :+m"i$e the re#i$ed #&+ur/ mustard paste/ ,+r*estershire sau*e/ %et*hup/ +rea$+/ "&a*% pepper/ ar&i* paste/ sa&t a$d

    &itt&e ,ater t+ #+rm a thi*% paste

    Mari$ate the pa$eer pie*es i$ this mi2ture

    :+at the pa$eer pie*es ,ith "read *rum"s a$d deep #ry i$ +i& ti&& +&de$ "r+,$

    Ser3e +$ a "ed +# &ettu*e ,ith a &em+$ ,ede

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes



    By Gurdip K+&hi 5u$=

    INGREDIENTS 1 *up ri*e #&+ur

    1 *up *rushed sp&it "&a*% ram

    1 t"sp u$sa&ted "utter

    1 tsp asa#+etida

    ! tsp *umi$ seeds

    ! tsp "&a*% sesame seeds

    1 t"sp +i&

    Sa&t t+ taste

    B&a*% pepper p+,der t+ taste

    Oi& t+ #ry

    MET.OD T+ ma%e the d+uh/ i$ a "+,& add ri*e #&+ur/ *rushed sp&it "&a*% ram/ u$sa&ted "utter/ asa#+etida/ *umi$ seeds/ "&a*%

    sesame seeds/ +i&/ h+t ,ater/ sa&t a$d "&a*% pepper p+,der a$d %$ead it

    Add the d+uh t+ the *ha%&i ma%er

    5&a*e "utter paper +$ a "+ard a$d ma%e *ha%&iHs +$ it

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    Fry the *ha%&iHs i$ h+t +i& a$d rem+3e +$ a tissue paper

    5&a*e the ready muru%%uHs +$t+ a p&ate

    Muru%%uHs are ready t+ eat


    By Gautam Mehrishi

    INGREDIENTS 1 *up re#i$ed #&+ur

    1 t"sp *ar+m seeds

    Sa&t t+ taste

    *up +i&

    1; ms *+r$ %er$e&s

    1 i$*h i$er

    ! t"sps ar&i* *h+pped

    1 t"sp suar

    1; *ashe, $uts

    Oi& t+ #ry

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    MET.OD :+m"i$e the #&+ur/ sa&t/ *+ria$der p+,der/ *ar+m seeds a$d suar i$ a "+,& Add as mu*h ,ater as $eeded a$d %$ead t+

    ma%e a d+uh Lea3e t+ rest #+r a"+ut 1; mi$utes

    .eat s+me +i& i$ a pa$ a$d saut0 the *ashe,s a&+$ ,ith s+me i$er/ ar&i* a$d ree$ *hi&&ies Add i$ the suar t+ i3e

    the *ashe,s a *arame&ied &ae Add i$ the *+r$ %er$e&s a$d *++% #+r a #e, mi$utes

    Di3ide the d+uh a$d r+&& +ut i$t+ a puri 5&a*e a sp++$#u& +# *ashe, a$d *+r$ stu##i$ i$ the *e$tre a$d pi$*h the e$ds t+

    ma%e a p+t&i Deep #ry these p+t&is #+r a"+ut ' mi$utes a$d ser3e h+t


    By Gautam Mehrishi

    INGREDIENTS ! ( ! t"sp pea$ut +i&

    ! t"sp #i$e&y *h+pped ar&i*

    ! t"sp *h+pped i$er

    ! t"sp *h+pped red *apsi*um

    ! t"sp *h+pped ye&&+, *apsi*um

    ! tsp *umi$ seeds

    7(! t"sp *h+pped spri$ +i& &ea3es

    1 t"sp r+asted *umi$ seeds p+,der

    *up *h+pped spi$a*h

    Sa&t t+ taste

    ! *up par"+i&ed ri*e

    7 tsp *h+pped*+ria$der

    F+r ar$ish

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    :h+pped *+ria$der

    R+asted *umi$

    MET.OD .eat +i& i$ a pa$/ #ry *h+pped ar&i* a$d i$er i$ it

    Add *h+pped red a$d ye&&+, *apsi*um/ a$d *umi$ seeds i$ the pa$/ #ry them

    A#ter #ried/ add *h+pped spri$ +$i+$ &ea3es/ r+asted *umi$ p+,der/ a$d *h+pped spi$a*h/ #ry them

    >he$ spi$a*h is #ried/ add sa&t i$ it

    N+, put ri*e a$d *h+pped *+ria$der i$ the pa$/ t+ss them

    T+ ar$ish/ spri$%&e *h+pped *+ria$der/ a$d r+asted *umi$ +$ prepared spi$a*h ri*e

    4+ur Spi$a*h Fried Ri*e is ready


    By Ra$3eer Brar

    INGREDIENTS 1 *up =aery

    6 *up ram &e$ti&

    Nutme p+,der a pi$*h

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    :ardam+m p+,der a pi$*h

    ! ( 7 spri$ r+&& sheet

    ! ( 7 tsp +i&

    Re#i$ed #&+ur a$d ,ater "atter as reuired

    I*i$ suar as reuired

    MET.OD I$ a pa$ add ,ater a$d =aerry a$d &et it me&t/ the$ %eep a &itt&e syrup #r+m the me&ted =aery separate

    I$ the rest +# the mi2ture put s+a%ed a$d "+i&ed ram &e$ti&/ $utme p+,der a$d *ardam+m p+,der

    Keep the #i&&i$ i$ the "+,& a$d &et it *++& i$ the #ride

    App&e +i& +$ the spri$ r+&& sheets a$d put the stu##i$ i$ it the$ +$ the sides put the re#i$ed #&+ur a$d ,ater mi2ture a$d

    r+&& it

    5repare m+re su*h strude&sH

    5re heat the +3e$ at 1); deree :e&sius a$d "a%e the spri$ r+&& #+r ) t+ 1; mi$utes

    N+, put the =aery syrup +$ the strude&s

    Keep them +$ the p&ate a$d dri&e ,ith =aery syrup a$d i*i$ suar


    By Gautam Mehrishi


  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    F+r d+uh

    ! *up a&& purp+se #&+ur

    7 ( 8 t"sp ram #&+ur

    ! t"sp desi hee

    F+r #i&&i$

    7 t"sp ma,a

    ! t"sp suar

    1 t"sp #i$e&y *h+pped raisi$s

    1 t"sp #i$e&y *h+pped *ashe,$uts

    1 t"sp #i$e&y *h+pped a&m+$ds

    Oi& t+ #ry

    *up sa##r+$ s+a%ed i$ mi&%

    >ater as reuired

    F+r ar$ish

    Fi$e&y *h+pped dry #ruits

    Sa##r+$ s+a%ed i$ mi&%

    I*i$ suar

    MET.OD T+ ma%e meerut ,a&i meethi %a*h+ri / mi2 a&& purp+se #&+ur a$d ram #&+ur i$ a "+,& Ru" hee i$t+ the #&+ur/ put s+me

    ,ater a$d %$ead ,e&& u$ti& d+uh is #+rmed/ %eep it t+ set #+r 8 ( mi$utes +$ r++m temperature

    N+, heat ma,a i$ a pa$/ ,he$ ma,a starts me&ti$ add suar/ #i$e&y *h+pped raisi$s/ *ashe,$uts/ a$d a&m+$ds i$ it a$d

    mi2 ,e&& Ta%e the mi2ture +ut #r+m pa$ a$d %eep it t+ *++&

    R+&& +ut d+uh i$t+ #&at dis*s/ put the #i&&i$ i$ the *e$ter a$d sea& the r+&&

    Keep the #i&&ed r+&&s i$ a p&ate/ a$d ru" the sa##r+$ stra$ds(s+a%ed i$ mi&% +$ the r+&&s

    N+, #ry %a*h+ris +3er the #&ame i$ h+t +i&/ ,he$ they tur$ +&de$ "r+,$/ ta%e them +ut +# the pa$ *are#u&&y

    N+, dip the %a*h+ris i$ the suar syrup a$d the$ ta%e them +ut

    Mi2 the I*i$ suar a$d s+a%ed sa##r+$ i$ the remai$i$ dry #ruits/ p&a*e it +$ t+p +# e3ery %a*h+ri/ a$d spri$%&e i*i$

    suar +$ them

    4+ur Meerut >a&i Meethi Ka*h+ri is ready t+ ser3e


  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    By Gautam Mehrishi

    INGREDIENTS "+i&ed tur$ip

    7 ( 8 t"sp +&i3e +i&

    ! medium #i$e&y *h+pped +$i+$

    1 t"sp #i$e&y *h+pped i$er

    8 ( #i$e&y *h+pped ree$ *hi&&i

    tsp turmeri* p+,der

    tsp red *hi&&i p+,der

    1 tsp *+ria$derp+,der

    6 tsp r+asted *umi$ p+,der

    ! ( 7 tsp &em+$ =ui*e

    ! ( 7 t"sp suar

    Sa&t t+ taste

    ! t"sp #i$e&y *h+pped *+ria$der

    1! ( 1 mi$t &ea3es

    1 t"sp aram masa&a p+,der

    F+r ar$ish

    5repared aram masa&a paste

    Mi$t &ea3es

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    Fi$e&y *h+pped *+ria$der

    MET.OD Di*e the tur$ip a#ter trimmi$ its sides

    N+, heat +&i3e +i& i$ a pa$

    Fry +$i+$/ i$er a$d ree$ *hi&&i i$ it

    A#ter #ried/ *+at the di*ed tur$ip ,ith the pa$Hs spi*es

    Add ,ater i$ it a$d *++% #+r 1 mi$s ( ! mi$s

    Mea$,hi&e/ mi2 turmeri*/ red *hi&&i/ *+ria$der/ a$d r+asted *umi$ p+,der/ &em+$ =ui*e/ suar a$d ,ater i$ a "+,&

    A#ter a s&iht "+i& *+mes i$ the pa$ mi2 the prepared spi*e paste i$ it

    N+, add sa&t/ *+ria$der/ a$d mi$t &ea3es i$ the pa$ t+ *++% #+r 7 mi$s ( 8 mi$s +$ &+, #&ame

    N+, mi2 aram masa&a p+,der/ ,ater a$d +&i3e +i& i$ a "+,&

    5&a*e the prepared tur$ip ,ith the aram masa&a paste

    N+, ar$ish the prepared dish ,ith mi$t &ea3es a$d *h+pped *+ria$der

    4+ur S,eet a$d Ta$y Tur$ip is ready


    By Gautam Mehrishi


  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    !;; m pa$eer

    tsp *++%i$ s+da

    6 *up a&& purp+se #&+ur

    Oi& #+r deep #ryi$

    ! *up suar syrup

    ! tsp r+se ,ater

    F+r ar$ish

    Si&3er &ea#

    Suar syrup

    Fi$e&y *h+pped pista*hi+s

    MET.OD Mi2 pa$eer/ *++%i$ s+da a$d a&& purp+se #&+ur i$ a "+,& t+ %$ead a d+uh

    N+,/ r+&&+ut the d+uh a$d i3e them the shape +# the =a&e"is

    Mea$,hi&e/ mi2 r+se ,ater i$ suar syrup a$d put the #ried =a&e"i i$ it

    Gar$ish the prepared =a&e"iHs ,ith si&3er &ea#/ suar syrup a$d pista*hi+s

    4+ur 5a$eer 9a&e"i is ready


  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    By Gautam Mehrishi

    INGREDIENTSF+r the "atter

    *up mi&&et #&+ur

    *up ,heat #&+ur

    1 tsp "a%i$ p+,der

    1 tsp "a%i$ s+da

    1 tsp $utme p+,der

    1 *ups mi&%

    ! t"sp "r+,$ suar

    1 &are e

    F+r the &ae

    *up "r+,$ suar

    ! *ups +ra$e =ui*e

    ! t"sp h+$ey

    6 tsp r+u$d $utme

    ! t"sp u$sa&ted "utter

    MET.OD :+m"i$e the ,heat #&+ur/ mi&&et #&+ur/ "a%i$ s+da a$d $utme p+,der i$ a "+,& The$ add the mi&%/ "r+,$ suar a$d

    es t+ the #&+urs a$d ,his% t+ ma%e a thi*% "atter .eat s+me "utter i$ a pa$ a$d p+ur a &ad&e(#u&& +# "atter i$ it t+ ma%e apa$*a%e :++% these pa$*a%e +$ "+th sides ti&& +&de$ "r+,$

    I$ a$+ther pa$ ma%e a h+$ey &ae "y me&ti$ s+me "r+,$ suar i$ a pa$ a&+$ ,ith h+$ey a$d $utme p+,der 5+ur

    this +3er the *++%ed pa$*a%e a$d ser3e h+t


  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    By Ra$3eer Brar

    INGREDIENTS ! *ups #&atte$ed ri*e

    1 t"sp +i&

    1 t"sp *h+pped i$er

    *up *h+pped +$i+$s

    1 "+i&ed p+tat+

    ! t"sp *h+pped ree$ *hi&&i

    Sa&t t+ taste

    *up *h+pped *e&ery

    ! t"sp t+mat+ sau*e

    1 tsp s+ya sau*e

    tsp p+,dered suar

    &em+$ =ui*e

    1 t"sp *h+pped *+ria$der

    F+r ar$ish

    Se3 as reuired

    1 t"sp rated *+*+$ut

    1 spri*+ria$der

    1 &em+$ ,ede

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    MET.OD S+a% #&atte$ed ri*e i$ ,ater a$d strai$ the ,ater

    I$ a pa$ heat +i& add *h+pped i$er/ *h+pped +$i+$s t+ it

    :h+p "+i&ed p+tat+es #i$e&y

    Further add *h+pped ree$ *hi&&i/ sa&t/ *h+pped *e&ery/ *h+pped "+i&ed p+tat+/ t+mat+ sau*e/ s+ya sau*e/ p+,dered

    suar/ s+a%ed #&atte$ed ri*e/ &em+$ =ui*e/ *h+pped *+ria$der a$d mi2 ,e&&

    Ser3e +$ a p&ate a$d ar$ish ,ith se3/ rated *+*+$ut/ *+ria$der a$d &em+$ ,ede


    By Gautam Mehrishi

    INGREDIENTSF+r #ritters

    !; m s,eet p+tat+?"+i&ed@

    1! m *+r$ %er$e&s?"+i&ed@

    1; m *arr+t?"+i&ed@

    7 t"sp se raisi$ #&+ur

    T+ #ry pea$ut +i&

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    By Gautam Mehrishi

    INGREDIENTS t"sp "utter

    ) ( - a&m+$ds

    *up suar

    ! es

    1 *up sem+&i$a

    tsp "a%i$ p+,der

    *up mi&%

    1 tsp +&i3e +i&

    F+r syrup

    1 *up suar syrup

    7 t"sp h+$ey

    MET.OD :+m"i$e a&& the i$redie$ts t+ ma%e the suar syrup a$d add s+me h+$ey

    I$ a "+,&/ ta%e s+me "utter a$d add s+me suar Add sem+&i$a a$d "a%i$ p+,der a$d mi2

    I$ a$+ther "+,&/ ta%e es/ add s+me suar a$d "eat Add s+me "utter

    Add the sem+&i$a t+ the es a$d *ut a$d #+&d it i$ Add mi&% a$d ma%e sure the *+$siste$*y is thi*%

    Grease the "a%i$ dish ,ith +&i3e +i& a$d p+ur i$ the "atter 5ut it i$ the +3e$ a$d "a%e

    >he$ "a%ed/ sm++the$ it a$d *ut it i$t+ suares Gar$ish ,ith a&m+$ds a$d ser3e ,ith the suar syrup

    4+ur Bas"+usa is ready


  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    By Ra$3eer Brar

    INGREDIENTS C ( ' ar&i* *&+3es

    1 "+tt&e +urd

    F+r #i&&i$

    1 t"sp +i&

    1 tsp #i$e&y *h+pped i$er

    1 t"sp #i$e&y *h+pped +$i+$

    Sa&t t+ taste

    ! t"sp #i$e&y *h+pped red/ ye&&+, a$d ree$ "e&& peppers

    ! t"sp "&a*% pepper p+,der

    1 t"sp t+mat+ puree

    ! t"sp #i$e&y *h+pped a$d #ried ep&a$t

    7 ( 8 *h+pped "asi& &ea3es

    ! ( 7 spri$ r+&& sheets

    Re#i$ed #&+ur a$d ,ater "atter as reuired

    Oi& t+ #ry

    F+r ar$ish

    May+$$aise as reuired


  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    :h+p ar&i* *&+3es i$t+ #i$e pie*es :ut the "+tt&e +urd #r+m the midd&e/ deseed it a$d the$ *h+p it i$t+ #i$e pie*es

    T+ ma%e the #i&&i$ i$ a pa$ add +i&/ #i$e&y *h+pped ar&i*/ #i$e&y *h+pped i$er/ #i$e&y *h+pped +$i+$/ sa&t/ #i$e&y

    *h+pped red/ ye&&+, a$d ree$ "e&& peppers/ #i$e&y *h+pped a$d deseeded "+tt&e +urd a$d "&a*% pepper p+,der a$d &et it *++%

    The$ add t+mat+ puree/ #i$e&y *h+pped a$d #ried ep&a$t a$d *h+pped "asi& &ea3es a$d mi2 S,it*h +## the as a$d &et it


    Fi&& a spri$ r+&& sheet ,ith the #i&&i$ a$d sea& it ,ith the re#i$ed #&+ur a$d ,ater "atter Ma%e s+me m+re

    Fry them i$ h+t +i& a$d rem+3e +$ a tissue paper

    Fi&& the sh+t &asses ,ith may+$$aise a$d *ut the spri$ r+&&s a$d p&a*e them i$ the &asses


    By Gautam Mehrishi

    INGREDIENTS 1 *up se raisi$ #&+ur

    6 tsp "a%i$ s+da

    ! ( 7 t"sp desi hee

    1 sma&& 3a$i&&a p+d

    Oi& t+ #ry

    F+r ar$ish

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    :ha$di ,ar%

    MET.OD 5ut the F&+ur/ a$d Ba%i$ S+da i$ a "+,&/ add Desi Ghee t+ it N+, add a$i&&a e2tra*t a$d mi2 them ,e&& ,ith the he&p +#

    >ater t+ #+rm a d+uh

    D+uh "ei$ #+rmed/ ma%e sma&& r+u$ds +# d+uh a$d press them &itt&e #r+m the *e$ter/ put them i$ the h+t Oi& t+ #ry

    >he$ tur$ed G+&de$ Br+,$/ ta%e the Ba&ushahiHs +ut #r+m the pa$ a$d dip them i$t+ the a&ready prepared Suar Syrup

    a$d p&ate them "y putti$ :ha$di >ar% +$ them

    4+ur a$i&&a Ba&ushahi is ready t+ ser3e


    By Gurdip K+&hi 5u$=


    *up ri*e #&+ur

    Sa&t t+ taste

    1 t"sp +i&

    1 tsp +i& t+ r+ast

    Mi$t *hut$ey as reuired

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    :+*+$ut *hut$ey as reuired

    F+r #i&&i$

    1 t"sp +i&

    1 tsp *umi$

    1 tsp *h+pped ree$ *hi&ies

    1; ( 1! *urry &ea3es

    ! t"sp #i$e&y *h+pped +$i+$

    *up "+i&ed a$d mashed p+tat+

    MET.OD F+r the "atter/ i$ a "+,& mi2 the rai #&+ur/ ri*e #&+ur/ sa&t/ ,ater a$d +i& a$d ,his% Keep the "atter aside

    F+r the #i&&i$/ i$ a pa$ add +i&/ *umi$/ *h+pped ree$ *hi&ies/ *urry &ea3es a$d #i$e&y *h+pped +$i+$s a$d saut0

    The$ add the "+i&ed mashed p+tat+ a$d mi2 ,e&&

    >ith a &ad&e/ p+ur the "atter i$ t+ a #&at pa$ a$d ma%e a d+sa Add +i& a$d *++% #r+m "+th sides

    The$ add the prepared #i&&i$ i$ the d+sa a$d r+&& it Rem+3e +$ a p&ate

    Ma%e a$+ther d+sa

    Ser3e the rai d+sa ,ith mi$t *hut$ey a$d *+*+$ut *hut$ey

    Rai D+sa is ready


  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    By Ra$3eer Brar

    INGREDIENTS ! "r+,$ "read s&i*es

    Butter as per taste

    ! ( 7 t"sp "utter t+ t+ast the sa$d,i*h

    F+r #i&&i$

    1 t"sp +i&

    1 tsp "utter

    1 tsp *h+pped ar&i*

    1 t"sp *h+pped +$i+$

    1 tsp *umi$ seeds

    ! t"sp *h+pped t+mat+es

    Sa&t t+ taste

    1 tsp *h+pped i$er =u&ie$$es

    1 tsp *umi$ p+,der

    :rushed "&a*% pepper t+ taste

    "u$*h "&a$*hed spi$a*h &ea3es

    6 *up rated *heese

    F+r "atter

    *up ram #&+ur

    1 t"sp *h+pped *+ria$der

    1 tsp *h+pped ree$ *hi&&i

    1 tsp turmeri* p+,der

    1 tsp red *hi&&i p+,der

    Sa&t t+ taste

    Tamari$d *hut$ey t+ ser3e

    F+r ar$ish

    Lettu*e &ea3es as reuired

    &em+$ =ui*e

    1 spri *+ria$der

    Red *hi&&i p+,der a pi$*h

    MET.OD T+ prepare #i&&i$/ heat +i& I$ this add "utter/ *h+pped ar&i*/ *h+pped +$i+$s/ *umi$ seeds/ *h+pped t+mat+es/ sa&t/

    i$er =u&ie$$es/ *umi$ p+,der/ *rushed "&a*% pepper a$d mi2 ,e&& :h+p the "&a$*hed spi$a*h &ea3es a$d add t+ the pa$

    Add rated *heese t+ the #i&&i$ a$d mi2 ,e&&

    T+ ma%e "atter i$ a "+,& add ram #&+ur/ *h+pped *+ria$der/ *h+pped ree$ *hi&&ies/ turmeri* p+,der/ red *hi&&i p+,der/

    sa&t/ ,ater a$d mi2 ,e&& Keep the "atter t+ rest

    App&y "utter t+ the "r+,$ "read s&i*es a$d add the #i&&i$ t+ it

    O$ a pa$ add "utter :+at the prepared sa$d,i*h i$ the "atter a$d *++% it #+r ! t+ 7 mi$utes +$ "+th the sides

    Rem+3e #r+m pa$ a$d *ut i$t+ tria$&es

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    Ser3e ,ith tamari$d *hut$ey

    F+r ar$ish spri$%&e &em+$ =ui*e +$ the &ettu*e &ea3es/ arra$e *+ria$der +$ it a$d p&a*e this +$ the sa$d,i*h Spri$%&e red

    *hi&&i p+,der


    By Sa$=ee3 Kap++r

    INGREDIENTS 1 *up s+ya "ea$ *hu$%s s+a%ed

    8 tsp *+r$#&+ur

    tsp ree$ *hi&i paste

    ! tsp dar% s+y sau*e

    1 tsp +i&

    ! medium +$i+$s r+uh&y *h+pped

    1 ( ! spri$ +$i+$s *h+pped

    I i$*h pie*e i$er *h+pped

    7 *&+3es ar&i* *h+pped

    7 tsp s+y sau*e

    1 tsp ree$ *hi&i sau*e

    ! tsp t+mat+ %et*hup

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    Sa&t t+ taste

    1 sma&& ree$ *apsi*um

    1 tsp 3i$ear

    8 ( sta&%s spri$ +$i+$s

    MET.OD Mi2 s+ya *hu$%s/ sa&t/ t,+ teasp++$s *+r$#&+ur/ ree$ *hi&&i paste a$d dar% s+y sau*e i$ a "+,&

    .eat ha the +i& i$ a pa$/ add the s+ya *hu$%s a$d saut0 #+r t,+ t+ three mi$utes

    Tra$s#er i$t+ a "+,&

    Add the remai$i$ +i& t+ the same pa$ a$d saut0 +$i+$s/ spri$ +$i+$s/ i$er a$d ar&i* #+r t,+ t+ three mi$utes

    Add s+y sau*e/ ree$ *hi&&i sau*e a$d t+mat+ %et*hup a$d mi2

    Add t,+ *ups +# ,ater a$d &et the mi2ture *+me t+ a "+i&

    Add the s+ya *hu$%s a$d *++% #+r #i3e m+re mi$utes

    Add sa&t a$d mi2

    Add remai$i$ *+r$#&+ur diss+&3ed i$ t,+ ta"&esp++$s +# ,ater a$d *++% ti&& the mi2ture thi*%e$s s&iht&y

    Add *apsi*um/ stir i$ 3i$ear a$d ta%e it +## the heat

    Gar$ish ,ith spri$ +$i+$ ree$s a$d ser3e h+t ,ith #ried ri*e +r $++d&es


    By Gautam Mehrishi

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    De*+rate a p&ate ,ith &ettu*e &ea3es a$d *+r$ 5&a*e the *heese *+r$ "a&&s +$ the de*+rated p&ate a$d ser3e ,ith t+mat+ %et*hup


    By Ra$3eer Brar

    INGREDIENTS 1 "urer "u$

    6 +$i+$

    6 *u*um"er

    6 t+mat+

    Butter as per taste

    Sa&t t+ taste

    1 &ettu*e &ea3es

    F+r ti%%i

    1 *up s+a%ed a$d "+i&ed ree$ *hi*%peas

    1 *up s+a%ed a$d "+i&ed sp&it *hi*%peas

    *up "+i&ed *+r$

    1 tsp r+asted *umi$ p+,der

    ! tsp red *hi&&i p+,der

    Sa&t t+ taste

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    By Gautam Mehrishi

    INGREDIENTS !;; m #resh pa$eer

    ! ( 7 tsp #i$e&y *h+pped ree$ *hi&&ies

    Sa&t t+ taste

    >hite pepper p+,der t+ taste

    1 tsp =eera p+,der

    ! t"sp #i$e&y *h+pped #resh *+ria$der

    7 *up *+r$#&a%es

    Oi& t+ #ry

    F+r ar$ish

    9eera p+,der

    >hite pepper p+,der

    Fresh *+ria$der &ea3es

    T+mat+ sau*e

    MET.OD Grate #resh pa$eer i$ a "+,&

    Add *h+pped ree$ *hi&&i/ sa&t/ ,hite pepper p+,der/ =eera p+,der/ a$d #i$e&y *h+pped #resh *+ria$der ,ith pa$eer a$d

    mash it

    :rush *+r$#&a%es i$ a di##ere$t "+,&

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    R+&& sma&& r+u$ds +# pa$eer mi2ture i$t+ *+r$#&a%es

    N+, heat +i& i$ a pa$

    Fry the prepared pa$eer r+&&s ti&& they tur$ +&de$ "r+,$

    Gar$ish the prepared patti*e ,ith t+mat+ sau*e/ =eera p+,der/ ,hite pepper p+,der/ a$d #resh *+ria$der

    4+ur F&a%y 5a$eer 5atti*e is ready


    By Ra$3eer Brar

    INGREDIENTS 8 ,hite "read s&i*es

    Butter as reuired

    Mi$t *hut$ey as reuired

    ! *heese s&i*es

    F+r t+mat+ =ui*e

    1 *up t+mat+ =ui*e

    ! tsp ,+r*hestire sau*e

    B&a*% pepper p+,der t+ taste

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    1 t"sp *hi&i sau*e

    &em+$ =ui*e

    MET.OD App&y "utter +$ the "read s&i*es Spread mi$t *hut$ey +$ ! s&i*es

    5&a*e ! *heese s&i*es +$ the *hut$ey "read s&i*e a$d *+3er ,ith the "uttered "read s&i*e Ma%e +$e m+re sa$d,i*h App&y

    m+re "utter +$ "+th sides

    Gri&& the sa$d,i*hes #r+m "+th sides +$ a h+t pa$

    T+ ma%e the t+mat+ sh+ts/ i$ a sha%er add t+mat+ =ui*e/ ,+r*hestire sau*e/ "&a*% pepper p+,der/ *hi&i sau*e a$d &em+$

    =ui*e a$d sha%e ,e&&

    Trim the sides +# the ri&&ed sa$d,i*hes a$d *ut i$t+ 8 pie*es

    5&a*e 7 pie*es +# the sa$d,i*h +$ a p&ate a$d p+ur the t+mat+ =ui*e i$t+ sh+t &asses 5ier*e a t++thpi*% thr+uh the

    &e#t+3er sa$d,i*h pie*es a$d p&a*e these +$ t+p +# the sh+t &asses

    Gri&&ed *heese is ready t+ eat


    By Gautam Mehrishi

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    INGREDIENTS "u$*h spi$a*h #i$e&y *h+pped

    ;; ms *+ttae *heese rated ?pa$eer@

    1! mushr++ms #i$e&y *h+pped

    ! ree$ *hi&&ies *h+pped

    1 i$*h i$er *h+pped

    8( p+ds ar&i*

    1 t"sp *umi$ seeds

    t"sp red *hi&&i p+,der

    ! t"sp hee

    (C t+mat+es

    1 t"sp *+r$ #&+ur

    MET.OD :+m"i$e the spi$a*h a$d mushr++ms i$ a mi2i$ "+,& Mi2 i$ the rated pa$eer/ aram masa&a/ red *hi&&i p+,der/ s+me

    +# the i$er/ s+me +# the ar&i* a$d sa&t Mi2 i$ the *+r$ #&+ur t+ "i$d a&& the i$redie$ts t+ether Shape this mi2ture i$t+ &ime sied

    "a&&s +r %+#tas

    B+i& the t+mat+es i$ ,ater a&+$ ,ith *i$$am+$ sti*%s/ ma*e/ *&+3es a$d "ay &ea3es #+r a"+ut 1; mi$utes >he$ the

    t+mat+es "e*+me s+#t/ tra$s#er a&& the i$redie$ts t+ a #++d pr+*ess+r a$d ri$d t+ ma%e a paste

    .eat s+me hee i$ a pa$ a$d temper the *umi$ seeds Add the *h+pped i$er a$d ar&i* t+ the pa$ a$d #ry ,e&& The$

    add s+me *h+pped *hi&&ies a$d red *hi&&i p+,der Tra$s#er the t+mat+ paste t+ the pa$ a$d &et it simmer #+r a #e, mi$utes

    >hi&e the ra3y thi*%e$s/ deep #ry the %+#tas i$ hee ti&& they are +&de$ "r+,$ a$d tra$s#er them t+ the simmeri$

    t+mat+ ra3y Ser3e h+t


  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    By Ra$3eer Brar


    ! es

    *up p+,dered suar

    1 *up 3eeta"&e +i&

    *up rated *arr+t

    1 *up a&& purp+se #&+ur

    ! tsp 3a$i&&a esse$*e

    1 tsp "a%i$ p+,der

    1 tsp *i$$am+$p+,der

    F+r #r+sti$

    *up *ream *heese

    *up "utter

    ! t"sp p+,dered suar

    F+r ar$ish

    Mi$t &ea3es a**+rdi$ t+ reuireme$t

    ! t"sp ,a&$ut

    Stra,"erry sau*e a**+rdi$ t+ reuireme$t

    MET.OD T+ ma%e the "atter i$ a "+,& add es/ p+,dered suar/ 3eeta"&e +i&/ rated *arr+t/ a&& purp+se #&+ur/ 3a$i&&a esse$*e/"a%i$ p+,der *i$$am+$ p+,der a$d "eat it

    Fi&& the "atter i$ a si&i*+$ m+u&d

    Ba%e the *arr+t mu##i$s i$ the +3e$ at 1); deree :e&sius #+r !; t+ !! mi$utes/ ,he$ "a%ed ta%e it +ut a$d &et it *++&

    T+ ma%e the Fr+sti$ ta%e *ream *heese/ "utter/ p+,dered suar a$d ,ith the he&p +# a ha$d "&e$der "&e$d it

    Ta%e the *arr+t mu##i$s +ut i$ a p&ate a$d de*+rate it ,ith #r+sti$/ ar$ish it ,ith mi$t &ea3es

    :ut the ,a&& $ut a$d a&s+ ar$ish the *arr+t mu##i$s ,ith it

    Dri&e the stra,"erry sau*e a$d the *arr+t a$d *ream *heese mu##i$s is ready


  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    By Gautam Mehrishi

    INGREDIENTS ! t"sp *hi&&i #&a%es

    1 tsp red *hi&&i p+,der

    Sa&t t+ taste

    ! t"sp t+mat+ %et*hup

    :rushed "&a*% pepper a pi$*h

    7 p+tat+

    ! ( ! t"sp +i&

    F+r dip

    1 t"sp +i&

    - ( 1; ar&i*

    ! ( 7 t"sp t+mat+ %et*hup

    7 t"sp h+$ey

    ! tsp *+r$ #&+ur

    F+r ar$ish

    :hi&&i #&a%es


    MET.OD Mi2 *hi&&i #&a%es/ red *hi&&i p+,der/ sa&t/ t+mat+ %et*hup a$d "&a*% pepper i$ a "+,& t+ prepare a mi2ture

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    N+,/ di*e the p+tat+es &e$th,ise a$d heat +i& i$ a pa$

    Mea$,hi&e/ add the p+tat+es i$ the mi2ture a$d *+3er it ,ith a$+ther "+,& t+ sha%e

    N+,/ #ry p+tat+es i$ the +i&

    Ne2t/ *++% #i$e&y *h+pped ar&i*/ t+mat+ %et*hup a$d h+$ey i$ the remai$i$ +i& t+ prepare a dip

    Mea$,hi&e/ add *+r$ #&+ur a&+$ ,ith ,ater i$ a "+,& t+ prepare a s+&uti+$ a$d mi2 it i$ the prepared dip

    N+,/ add #ried p+tat+es i$ it t+ *++%

    Gar$ish the prepared p+tat+es ,ith *hi&&i # &a%es a$d h+$ey

    4+ur Red .+t :hi&&i 5+tat+es are ready


    By Gurdip K+&hi 5u$=

    INGREDIENTS 1 *up *h+*+&ate *hips

    ! es

    1 tsp "a%i$ p+,der

    8 t"sp "r+,$ suar

    1 tsp 3a$i&&a esse$*e

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    *up re#i$ed #&+ur

    Oi& t+ rease

    F+r ar$ish

    :h+*+&ate sau*e as reuired

    >hite *h+*+&ate *hips as reuired

    MET.OD >ith the he&p +# d+u"&e "+i&i$ meth+d %eep the *h+*+&ate *hips t+ me&t

    I$ a "+,& separate the e ,hites

    Add "a%i$ p+,der/ "r+,$ suar/ 3a$i&&a esse$*e/ me&ted *h+*+&ate/ re#i$ed #&+ur a$d mi2 ,e&&

    Grease the *a%e m+u&ds ,ith +i&

    5reheat the +3e$ at !;; deree *e&sius

    Keep the *h+*+&ate me&ts i$ the +3e$ at !;; deree *e&sius #+r 1; mi$utes O$*e "a%ed rem+3e it #r+m the +3e$

    De*+rate the p&ate ,ith *h+*+&ate sau*e Rem+3e the *up*a%es #r+m the m+u&ds a$d arra$e them +$ p&ate

    Gar$ish ,ith ,hite *h+*+&ate *hips


    By Gurdip K+&hi 5u$=

  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    INGREDIENTS *up re#i$ed #&+ur

    1 t"sp suar

    tsp "a%i$ p+,der

    1 tsp 3a$i&&a esse$*e

    *up *ream

    Butter as reuired

    .+$ey t+ssed mi2ed dry #ruits as reuired

    T+ ser3e

    Map&e syrup as reuired

    MET.OD I$ a "+,&/ add re#i$ed #&+ur/ suar/ "a%i$ p+,der/ 3a$i&&a esse$*e/ *ream a$d ,ater a$d ,his% ,e&&

    5ut "utter i$t+ the ,a##&e ma%er a$d ,ith a &ad&e p+ur the ,a##&e "atter i$t+ it Add m+re "utter a$d &et it *++%

    O$*e *++%ed/ put the ,a##&es +$ a p&ate a$d add h+$ey t+ssed mi2ed dry #ruits +$ t+p

    Ser3e ,ith map&e syrup

    >a##&es are ready t+ eat


  • 8/13/2019 Zee Khana Khazan Recipes


    By Gautam Mehrishi

    INGREDIENTS 1 *up "+i&ed ree$ pea paste

    1 *up "+i&ed rated *au&i#&+,er

    1 *up "+i&ed rated *arr+t

    *up "+i&ed #i$e&y *h+pped spi$a*h

    *up par"+i&ed #i$e&y *h+pped ree$ "ea$s

    *up rated pa$eer

    1 medium +$i+$

    ! tsp i$er(ar&i* paste

    tsp red *hi&&i p+,der

    1 tsp aram masa&a(*umi$ p+,der

    Sa&t t+ taste

    ! ( 7 tsp ram #&+ur

    *up r+asted ram #&+ur

    7 t"sp p+ppy seeds

    ! ( 7 t"sp +&i3e +i&

    F+r #ryi$

    O&i3e +i&

    F+r ar$ish

    Garam masa&a(*umi$ p+,der


    MET.OD Mi2 the paste +# ree$ pea/ *au&i#&+,er/ *arr+t/ spi$a*h/ ree$ "ea$s/ pa$eer/ +$i+$/ a$d i$er(ar&i* paste i$ a "+,&

    Add red *hi&&i p+,der/ aram masa&a(*umi$ p+,der/ sa&t a$d ram #&+ur i$ it t+ prepare a "i$di$

    N+, ta%e r+asted ram #&+ur/ a$d p+ppy seeds i$ t,+ di##ere$t p&ates

    5repare r+u$d "a&&s #r+m the "+,&Hs mi2ture a$d *+at them ,ith p+ppy seeds a$d the$ ram #&+ur

    N+, heat +&i3e +i& i$ a #&at pa$

    Sha&&+, #ry the r+&&s i$ the pa$

    Gar$ish the prepared %e"a"s ,ith aram masa&a(*umi$ p+,der/ a$d *+ria$der &ea3es

    4+ur Spri$ Ke"a"s are ready
