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  • 8/10/2019 Tugas TG


    KASUS : Nenek 76th

    menderita penyakit jantung, level.. , met.

    A. Penyakit Jantung.

    Penyakitjantung merupakan penyakit yang mematikan. Di seluruh dunia, jumlah penderita

    penyakit ini terus bertambah. Kategori penyakit ini tidak lepas darigaya hidup yang kurang

    sehat yang banyak dilakukan seiring dengan berubahnya pola hidup. Di Indonesia, penyakit

    jantung koroner adalah penyebab kematian ketiga dan setiap tahun angka penderita penyakit

    jantung koroner kian bertambah.Penyakit jantung jenis ini diperkirakan terus meningkat seiring

    dengan meningkatnya pendapatan masyarakat.

    Ada beberapa gejala yang lebih spesifik, antara lain:

    Nyeri. Jikaotot tidak mendapatkan cukupdarah (suatu keadaan yang disebut iskemi),

    makaoksigen yang tidak memadai dan hasil metabolisme yang berlebihan menyebabkan

    kram ataukejang.Angina merupakan perasaan sesak di dada atau perasaan dada diremas-

    remas, yang timbul jika otot jantung tidak mendapatkan darah yang cukup. Anginaadalah

    gejala yang ditunjukkan dengan ketidaknyamanan pada dada yang memiliki hubungan

    dengan stress secara emosional. Sakit pada dada bisa menjalar dari dekat ulu hati ke rahang

    dan lengan kiri. Terkadang pada anginayang telah akut, penderita jantung koroner mudah

    berkeringat, mual, dan muntah. Kelelahan juga menjadi bagian dari angina.

    Anginadikatakan bertambah parah jika terjadi pengurangan tenaga secara besar-besaran

    dalam waktu singkat. Puncak dari angina yang semakin memburuk ini adalah nyeri pada

    saat istirahat.

    Jika myokard infark terjadi, gejalanya adalah nyeri dada yang hebat, mudah berkeringat,

    mual, muntah, hingga hilangnya kesadaran. Kondisi kematian otot jantung ini juga bisa

    menyebabkan kematian. Gejala myokard infarkini berbeda-beda tergantung seberapa

    banyak otot jantung yang rusak.

    Sesak napas merupakan gejala yang biasa ditemukan pada gagal jantung. Sesak merupakan

    akibat dari masuknya cairan ke dalam rongga udara diparu-paru (kongesti pulmoner atau

    edema pulmoner).

    Kelelahan atau kepenatan. Jika jantung tidak efektif memompa, maka aliran darah ke otot

    selama melakukan aktivitas akan berkurang, menyebabkan penderita merasa lemah dan

    lelah. Gejala ini seringkali bersifat ringan. Untuk mengatasinya, penderita biasanya

    mengurangi aktivitasnya secara bertahap.

    Palpitasi (jantung berdebar-debar)

    Pusing & pingsan. Penurunan aliran darah karena denyut atau irama jantung yang abnormal

    atau karena kemampuan memompa yang buruk, bisa menyebabkan pusing danpingsan.

  • 8/10/2019 Tugas TG


    Serangan jantung adalah puncak bencana dari sebuah proses kerusakan yang berlangsung

    lama, yang sering melibatkan kejutan-kejutan emosional, kekacauan fisiologisdan

    kelelahanmental.Tanda-tanda peringatan dini begitu subyektifdan begitu tersamar.

    B. Aktifitas Terapeutik

    1. Approach.


    2. Metode.

    The various frames of reference in Occupational Therapy are

    useful in relating the care plans from the perspectives of

    different team members. These frames of references provide

    a systematic way of considering performance problems, and

    help therapists identify priorities for intervention to address

    the problem. It is important to look into several options

    when determining the care plan.

    Rehabilitation Frame of Reference

    Rehabilitation is when you are "enabling someone with an impairment to regain

    maximal function in daily activities" (Seidel, 2003) within OT this is enforced through

    remaining client - centred and promoting the clients independence through various

    goals of which have meaning to that individual. For example; a client with MS may

    have fatigue of which affects their function in their activities of daily living and so the

    OT could suggest occupations which can act as a 'means to' improving or adapting

    their level of function within specific areas. Rehabilitation does not mean that a

    client will return back to their ful function or their impairment can be rectified and

    so other techniques and approaches assist the rehabilitation frame. The

    rehabilitation frame of reference is often used in conjunction with various

    approaches in practice for example; teaching, learning and compensatory

    approaches. In relation to our chosen occupation of Yoga for clients with MS, the

    application of the rehabilitation frame of reference allows us to remain focused on

    the clients overall function and participation within the occupation of Yoga and is

    taken into consideration throughout the planning and intervention process.

    Depending on the type of MS the client has and their various symptoms, the clients

    level of function can be impacted as a result.

  • 8/10/2019 Tugas TG


    Through our 'Task Analysis' and 'Task Sequencing' we were able to break down the

    occupation of Yoga into the core components and level of function required to

    participate. This is a key stage in configuring the appropriatness of the occupation to

    the client in compatability of their level of mobility and function to carry out the

    occupation. This is where we were able to apply the compensatory approach toenable clients who did not necessarily have that physical level of function for a

    specific sequence within the Yoga session. For example; the 'ragdoll' position within

    Yoga requires the physical ability to stand whilst crouching forward with your arms

    folded. This requires various physical abilities such as; balance, stability and muscle

    strength within your legs and arms. A client who may not have the required level of

    function in particualr their leg muscle strength or balance, they would compensate

    through the use of supportive equipment such as a chair to sit on. This is still

    enabling the client to participate and use their level of function such as their arm

    muscle stregth as much as they were able to and overtime build up their staminar.

    Other compensatory techniques such as use of equipment may be temporary and

    can be gradually fased out through the client slowly building up strength and

    staminar and ultimately benefiting their symptoms of MS such as fatigue.

    3. Teknik

    4. Media

    5. Tahapan

    6. Aktivitas