soal direktorat bahasa inggris kelas 9

END OF SEMESTER TEST TRY OUT PILOT OF INTERNATIONAL STANDARD SCHOOL SUBJECT : ENGLISH CLASS : IX (NINTH) Answer the questions carefully! 1. What information do you have from the board? You should: A. care to the material B. avoid from the material C. be careful from the material D. throw away the material 2. What information can you get from the card? A. the dedication has paid off B. the desire is caught C. the hard work has appeared D. the hard work has achieved 3. Why do the insects attract to be closer to the pitcher plant? A. they like to have the fluid in the pitcher leaves Your hard work has blossomed! The Picher of Death You may have heard of a plant called the Picher of Death. As you can probably tell by its name, it kills and eats insects. If you want to know how, read on! To catch flies and other insects, this plant needs bait and a trap. The bait in this case in nectar. The trap is the cup or ‘pitcher’ shaped leaves which have short hairs at the top to give the insect a sure foothold, but slippery hairs pointing downwards, so it can’t escape once it falls in. The other part of the trap is a digestive fluid inside the cup. How it catches the insect is really quite simple. First the insect is attracted by the nectar. Then it slips on the smooth inner surface of the plant. Next it is forced downwards by the slippery hairs. Then it falls into the digestive fluid and is drowned. An interesting fact about this plant is that the pitcher leaves can

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Answer the questions carefully!

1. What information do you have from the board?You should:

A. care to the materialB. avoid from the materialC. be careful from the materialD. throw away the material

2. What information can you get from the card?A. the dedication has paid offB. the desire is caughtC. the hard work has appearedD. the hard work has achieved

3. Why do the insects attract to be closer to the pitcher plant?A. they like to have the fluid in the pitcher leaves B. the pitcher leaves have nice smellC. because of nectarD. slippery hairs pointing downwards are good for them

Your hard work has blossomed!

The Picher of Death

You may have heard of a plant called the Picher of Death. As you can probably tell by its name, it kills and eats insects. If you want to know how, read on!

To catch flies and other insects, this plant needs bait and a trap. The bait in this case in nectar. The trap is the cup or ‘pitcher’ shaped leaves which have short hairs at the top to give the insect a sure foothold, but slippery hairs pointing downwards, so it can’t escape once it falls in. The other part of the trap is a digestive fluid inside the cup.

How it catches the insect is really quite simple. First the insect is attracted by the nectar. Then it slips on the smooth inner surface of the plant. Next it is forced downwards by the slippery hairs. Then it falls into the digestive fluid and is drowned.

An interesting fact about this plant is that the pitcher leaves can grow to the size of a fully grown adult’s hand.

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4. you are prohibited to:A. smokeB. not to smokeC. put cigarette offD. let cigarette off

5. What will people do, if they want to smoke?A. go away from the paceB. find out a smoking areaC. smoking is strictly forbiddenD. they can be in unused rooms

6. What is the purpose of the text?A. request anyone not smokingB. it is expected anyone not smokingC. it is prohibited to have smokingD. to announce public not to be at the smoking area

7. What is the purpose of the invitation?A. to discuss the experiment resultB. to discuss the experiment result and sharing experienceC. to have excellent opportunity to meet the members D. to get new experience from discussion

8. The discussion aims about the result of the recent experiment. The underlined word means……..

A. productB. outcomeC. outputD. note

9. What advantage of joining the class discussion?

A. to have good dishes and drinkB. to present the experiment result C. to support the class to be more active and have more challenging activityD. to have opportunity to meet and exchange experiences

Dear visitors,For our safety and convenience in this area,

“Thank You for Not Smoking”or, Please, use smoking area available

The biology teacher has the pleasure of inviting you to a class discussion on

12th April 2011 at SMP 1 Situbondo

The discussion aims about the result of the recent experiment. There will also be presentations from students who have conducted the such experiment from other school as the comparison.

We are looking forward to meeting you at the discussion, which we hope will provide an excellent opportunity to meet and exchange experiences.

Please submit your registration form no later than 25 March 2011. Please give us your name, title/occupation, work address, email and phone.

The invitation and more information can also be found on the website: www.SMP 1 or contact us by phone: 08123465789

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Read the text carefully!

10. Biopsy exam is …A. to see cancerous cellsB. to detect somebody’s healthC. to see the patient healthD. to see internal body

11. Somebody is judged suffering from lung cancer if he or she is identified that:

A. there is nodule at the lungB. there are a tumor and cancerous cellsC. he / she has been examined by biopsy examD. he / she has severe shortness of breath

12. If you are experiencing the following symptoms then you will want to tell your doctor right away and get in for a CT scan.( paragraph 1).The underlined word means:…..

A. to get an image of a part of somebody’s bodyB. to look at part of somebody’s body in a short timeC. to trace something carefully D. to read in a short time

If you are worried that you may have lung cancer, I would like you to first relax. Understand that detecting lung cancer is a long process, and along the way there are many other reasons for everything that seems abnormal. If you fear that you have detected lung cancer in you or a close loved one, please do not panic, let the doctor make the call.

The first thing I would like to cover is your emotions. I have had many family members who have been tested for lung cancer recently, and even though they are at high risk and they had all the symptoms, they did not have lung cancer. So please, please do not worry until the doctor has diagnosed you with lung cancer. It is not official until then.

If you are experiencing the following symptoms then you will want to tell your doctor right away and get in for a CT scan. The symptoms are: a new, consistent cough, "smoker's cough" changes, coughing up blood, shortness of breath, chest pain, wheezing, and hoarseness. You also will want to talk to your doctor about any risk factors that you may have.

The CT scan will be able to tell if anything is abnormal around or on your lungs. You may have a nodule or you may have nothing. Many patients will be scared to no end when they have a nodule on their lung, but relax and know that there are many possibilities besides a tumor. For example, my mother's ended up being fatty tissue, while my grandmother's was calcium build up.

If you have been told you have a nodule on your lung, your doctor can run various tests to see if it is other possibilities. If it does come back as a tumor after this test, then it is still not time to worry. The next step is a biopsy exam. A biopsy will be able to tell if it is cancerous cells or just a tumor. You are not officially diagnosed with lung cancer until the biopsy results come back as cancerous, and that is very rare compared to the number of people who are tested.

If your results came back as cancerous, then the best of luck to you. Join support groups, and evaluate your life so you are able to share your experience with others and your children. How would you want them to prevent lung cancer? Talk to your doctor about the variety of treatment methods and about how severe your cancer is. The early your stage, the greater chance you have of removing all of the cancer cells.

If your test results came back good, then congratulations, but do not forget this experience and still try to limit your risk factors and prevent yourself from developing lung cancer along with other cancers. Keep yourself healthy and your family healthy. Exercise regularly together. If any of you are at high risk, then work extra hard and bring about a greater awareness in your children about how smoking and drinking can harm them.

Adapted from

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For number 13-16

13. Why is the summer daylight longer than winter daylight?

A. because of the closer distance of the earth and the sun in summerB. because of the closer distance of the earth and the sun in winterC. because the sun is above the horizonD. because of the tilt of the earth

14. What is the topic of the last paragraph? A. earthB. sunC. horizonD. daylight

15. As the earth get closer to the sun but the amount of daylight we get decrease, this is because:

A. tilt of the earthB. orbitC. speed of rotationD. the cloud

16. It seems strange that as the earth get closer to the sun during its orbit then… (Paragraph 3)

The underlined word refers to...

A. the sunB. the earthC. winterD. summer

For number 17- 20

What is a tornado?

Tornadoes are known as one of the most damaging disasters. What is the description of tornadoes? A tornado is a very powerful column of winds which spirals around a center of low atmospheric pressure. A tornado will look like a large black funnel which hangs down from a storm cloud.

The name "tornado" derives from the Latin "tonare". It means "to thunder." While the Spanish developed the word into "tornear" which means "to turn or twist". This is why a tornado is sometimes called twister or cyclone.

The winds inside a twister can spin around at speeds up to 500 miles an hour, but it usually travels at roughly 300 miles an hour. This speed twisting makes a tornado the most dangerous storm.

The average tornado has a diameter of about 200 to 300 yards. The smaller tornadoes are known as satellite tornadoes. These small off spring, about 50 yards across, can be very fierce and do lots of damage.

The forming of a tornado can be very quick. Sometimes it can form in a minute or less. A tornado can travel across the ground at high speeds, then it can suddenly vanish. Most tornadoes last less than twenty minutes and travel less than 15 miles. However, the super storms sometimes travel over 100 miles before they are exhausted.

Adapted from

17. What is the topic of the last paragraph?

A. twister

Why Summer Daylight Longer Than Winter Daylight

In the summer, the amount of daylight that we get is more than we get in winter. This is not because as much people think we are closer to the sun but because of the tilt of the earth.

The earth is actually closer to the sun in winter than it is in summer but you would be forgiven for thinking that this cannot be true after looking out of your window on a cold and frosty morning.

It seems strange that as the earth get closer to the sun during its orbit then the amount of daylight that we get decrease. But that is the case. It is the tilt of the earth that determine the amount of daylight that we get and so the length of time that for us the sun is above the horizon.

Adapted from

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B. tornadoC. stormD. super storm

18. When does the tornado happen?

A. It Happens At Any Time B. When The Wind Comes GentlyC. When It Forms A FunnelD. When The Cloud Appears Dense

19. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. the derivation of the word tornadoB. the description of tornadoC. the sequence of tornadoD. the change of tornado

20.Which sentence is true based on the information from the text?

A. Tornado travels in high speed and last very fastB. Tornadoes are known as the most damaging disastersC. A Tornado is a column of winds which spirals around a center of high atmospheric pressure.D. A Tornado will look like a large black funnel which hangs down from the sky

For number 21-24

21. What is the topic of the first paragraph?

A. robberB. bankC. rifleD. money

22. What is the main idea of paragraph 4.

A. a security guard was covered with scotch tapeB. the staff members were gathered and covered with scotch tapeC. the staff members and a security guard were gathered and covered with scotch tapeD. the staff members and a security guard were shot by the robbers.

23.Who was asked to take the cash?

A. the securityB. the branch headC. the staff members D. the member of the robber

24. Where was the money located?

A. in the bank’s safety depositB. on the bank deskC. at the staff members

Saturday, March 19, 2011 20:45 PMRobbers loot Rp 67 m from bank in BandungThe Jakarta Post | Thu, 02/17/2011 8:14 PM | Archipelago

A group of armed robbers looted Rp 67 million (US$7,571) from a Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) branch in Bandung Kidul, Bandung, on Thursday, leaving a toy rifle behind. A witness said that the robbery was conducted by four people.

“[It] occurred at around 3 p.m. when the bank was near closing time. Two entered the bank, tied the staff up and covered their mouths with scotch tape, then another two entered not long after,” Inne N.F., the head of Kujang Sari neighborhood in Bandung Kidul, said as quoted by

A security guard said the two people held out weapons when they entered. Staff members were gathered together and some had their eyes covered with scotch tape too.

The robbers then asked Wahyu, the branch head, to take out the cash stored in the bank’s safety deposit. A toy rifle was left on a bank officer's desk.


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D. at the bank tellerFor number 25-28

25. The main idea of paragraph 1

A. the tourism is beneficial for local peopleB. the tourism contributes much money for local peopleC. the tourism supports the local industriesD. the tourism gives opportunity for people to work

26.The hotels may not give benefit for local people when…

A. the hotels don’t advertise it to publicB. the hotels don't care about the surrounding natureC. the hotels exploit the environmentD. the hotel force surrounding people to work there

27. What policies that the government take to make the tourism beneficial?

A. to make sure that the tourism will not harm for surrounding peopleB. to guarantee that the local people can work at the hotelC. to announce that there will be built hotelsD. to built some stalls selling handicraft in that area

28 …Tourism is now a huge contributor to the economies of most countries(paragraph 1)

The underlined word means:

A. highB. bigC. largeD. perfect

Tourism Benefit on Local PeopleWhat is the benefit of tourism for local people? Well, Tourism is now a huge contributor to the economies of most countries. Tourism industries can bring money, job vacancy and advancement especially to developing regions. However, this money often goes into the pockets of foreign investors, and only rarely benefits for local people.

Tourism industries will not give much benefit for local people if, for example, multinational hotel chains don't care about the surrounding nature when they build new hotels. This can cause many social, cultural and geographical problems. Some local people may get job and money from that International hotel chain. However in case of missing that opportunity, some of them still have their own environment.

Moreover, some facts show that tourists tend to go, visit and spend their money in restaurants, bars and even luxury hotels of that multinational chains. They less go to such places; restaurant, bar, hotel, shop which are owned by local people. This can prevent the local people's business from becoming even larger.

Most important thing, tours or excursions of tourism have little effect on nature. Even it can disrupt or destroy ecosystems and environments, and if it does, the local people will get the risk.


So the local government policies should be put in place to ensure that tourism will make the benefit spreading widely. The policies should guarantee that tourism will not cause any harm to any local people or places.


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For Number 29-31

29. The following sentences are true, except:

A. Somebody who takes the syrup, Natar Bio relief can get relief from coughs due to colds and the fluB. The Syrup, Natar Bio can be provided for everybody who suffer from congestion and irritated throatC. The Five Year old children is best suggested taking the medicine, Natar BioD. Take the syrup, Natar Bio if you suffer from a sore throat

30.The syrup, Natar Bio can cure …

A. bronchial cough, irritated throats, and feverB. fever, congestion and sore throatC. flue, sore nose, and bronchial coughD. a cold or flu , cough and sore throat

31. When you come down with a cold or flu and suffer from a sore throat, all you want is relief. Get that relief from Natra Bio's Cough Syrup Expectorant Plus, designed for ages 12 and up.

The underlined words mean…

A. lowerB. affectedC. unusualD. weak

For number 32-35

Marie Curie was born Marya Salomee Sklodowska in Poland when that part of the country was under Russian rule. She was the youngest of five children. She had a brother and three older sisters.

Her father was a professor. Sometimes the family would rent out rooms to students to help pay the bills. At one time they had ten boys living in the apartment with the family, and Marya had to sleep on a couch in the dining room.

Her mother was very ill with tuberculosis* and died of the disease when Marya was ten years old.

When she graduated from high school she won a gold medal because she had been such a good student. Her father knew she had worked very hard, and as a reward, she was permitted to spend a whole year in the country with relatives. She enjoyed a marvelous year with her cousins.

She wanted to study when she returned to Warsaw, but there was no money to send her away to college. She and her sister did private tutoring to earn money. Marya told her sister she would work to send her to school, then when Bronya became a doctor, she could return the favor. That's what they did.

Her sister invited her to come to Paris to live and begin her studies. Marya changed her name to a French name, Marie. At the Sorbonne, the university, she chose to study mathematics and physics. While studying there she lived in a cold apartment and survived on very little food, but when she graduated she had the highest grades in the class. She had a master's degree in physics. Then she was awarded a scholarhip and was able to study further to get a master's degree in mathematics. She would also later receive a doctorate in physics.

She met Pierre Curie and they married in 1895. With the money a cousin gave her for a wedding present, Marie bought two bicycles, one for herself and one for Pierre. They pedaled through the French countryside on their honeymoon.

32. The text above tells us about ...A. The big family of Marya Salomee SklodowskaB. The Russian woman named Marie CurieC. Marya’s mother’s cause of her deathD. The life of the polish expert named Marie Curie33. Marya’s achievement in srudying Math and Science can be found in....A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 634. What did Marya and her sister do when she could not go to a college?


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A. She became a doctorB. She worked as a private teacherC. She sent Bronya to a universityD. She asked for the money to her father35. “.....she could return the favor”. The word ‘she’ refers to ...A. MarieB. MaryaC. Marya’s cousinD. Bronya

For number 36-39

On Sunday, my parents, my best fruend Novi, and I visited a cave at Maros called Leang-leang . It was my first time to visit the cave, better yet, my best friend came to visit it with me!

The cave was famous for its primitive cave wall paintings which were some hand prints and wild boar paintings. The cave and its surroundings was turned into a national park, so it was taken care of. My parents took a rest in a small hut for visitors of the park, while Novi and I adventured around the cave with a guide. We had to climb some metal stairs to get to the cave, because the cave was embedded into a small mountain. Next stop was a place where some seashells littered the ground and some were actually piled into a big mound! The guide said that these piles of seashells are called kjokkenmoddinger, or kitchen trash. The humans who lived here ate the shells and dumped the left overs in their 'kitchen'. The last place was a small museum where they have skeletons of the humans who lived in the caves. The skeletons along with some roughly made jewelry and weapons were placed inside glass cases for display. The walls of the museum were adorned with photographs taken when they did an excavation there.

After a quick lunch with Novi and my parents, we decided it was time to go back home. We really had the time of our lives.36. The text tells about...

A. The writer and his family’s spending holiday at Leang Leang caveB. Visiting the primitive walls and museumsC. Novi and her parents went to Maros for a picnicD. The story about how Leang Leang cave came to exist

37. What is the main idea of paragraph two?A. The writer’s first visit at MarosB. The places the writer and family visited at the caveC. Where the parents took a restD. The time when the writer and family went home

38. From the text we know that the writer and family felt...........during the holiday.A. AnnoyedB. PleasedC. StressedD. Gloomy

39. The writer wrote the text for ......A. Describing the location of the caveB. Informing the readers about leang leang caveC. Sharing the experience of spending holiday in MarosD. Entertaining the readers about holiday

For number 40-43It looks like any buildingWhen you pass it on the street,Made of stone and glass and marble,Made of iron and concrete.But inside you can rideA camel or a train,Visit Rome, Siam, or Nome,Feel a hurricane,Meet a king, learn to sing,How to bake a pie,Go to sea, plant a tree,Find how airplanes fly,Train a horse, and of course,Have all the dogs you’d like,See the moon, a sandy dune,Or catch a whooping pike.Everything that books can bringYou’ll find inside those walls.A world is there for you to shareWhen adventure calls.You cannot tell its magicBy the way the building looksBut there’s wonderment within itThe wonderment of books.

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40. What is meant by the poem?A. A bookB. A libraryC. A schoolD. A museum

41. What makes the building different from other buildings?A. It has a lot of roomsB. It has a lot of peopleC. It has a lot of booksD. It has many treasures

42. How can someone entering the building do alot of things or go to many places?A. By buying many ticketsB. By reading booksC. By calling the magic wallsD. By having a dream

43. “But there’s wonderment within it”. The word “it” in the sentence refers to...A. The callsB. The booksC. The wallsD. The building

Untuk nomor 44-46

44. The three texts above are written to ...A. Invite someone to attend the placesB. Announce there are new places for shoppingC. Attract people to go to the places D. Help people manage their money wisely

45. Lidya will have an engagement party, she needs to go to ..........and ...........for the party.A. The jewelry shop and computer centerB. The milgram and computer centreC. The computer centre and jewelryD. The jewlery shop and milgram

46. ‘Half price. Complete joy’. The word ‘joy’ means ....A. WasteB. LossC. HappinessD. Comfort

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Teks untuk nomor 47- 50

47. Why did Danny Peck feel frustrated? Because ....A. Max had made him angryB. Max’s organization had sent him mail written on a paperC. Danny felt that the organiztion could not satisfy his needD. Danny thought the organization was not credible

48. What is the irony Max Muller’s organization had made according to Danny Peck?A. The organization did different thing from their missionB. It campaigned to save environment but it took non enviroment friendly actionsC. It used the poeple’s money for destroying the environmentD. The organization had creating profit upon other’s support

49. “I will invest my money in something more worthwhile”. The word ‘worthwhile’ means....A. Advantageous B. InterestingC. ComfortableD. Valuable

50. ‘ money is being used to spam its members....”. the underlined word refers teyo ...A. My moneyB. MaterialsC. A group D. A letter

Untuk nomor 51

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51. From the label above we know that ....A. The clothes’ material is dangerousB. The cotton is made of chemically harmful substancesC. The clothes will be safe to wearD. The clothes must be expensive

The following text is for questions number 52 to 54

The Lion & The Rabbit

The animals of the forest made a bargain with a ferocious lion that killed for pleasure. It was agreed that one animal each day would willingly come to the ferocious lion's den to be his supper and, in turn, the lion would never hunt again. The first to go to the lion's den was a timid rabbit, who went slowly.

"Why are you late?" the lion roared when the rabbit arrived.

"I'm late because of the other lion," said the rabbit.

"In my jungle? Take me to this other lion."

The rabbit led the lion to a deep well and told him to look in. The lion saw his own reflection in the water and roared! The sound of his roar bounced right back at him as an echo.

"I alone am king of this jungle," he roared again.

His echo answered him, "I alone am king of this jungle."

With that, the lion became so enraged, he charged into the deep well with a great splash! The lion attacked his own reflection and was never heard from again.

52. What agreement did the animals of the forest make with the lion? A. The animals would send one rabbit each day to the lion B. The lion should hunt animals everyday for his own supper C. The animal that would come first to the lion to be his supper was a timid rabbitD. The lion did not need to hunt anymore because an animal had been provided for him

53. When the lion was told by the rabbit that there was other lion in the jungle, he felt the followings, EXCEPT ….A. delightedB. angryC. offendedD. furious

54. What lesson can we learn from the story above?A. Be firm and steady to get your success B. Don’t be arrogant when you are in powerC. Don’t be lazy to get your supperD. Keep hunting until you get what you want

It is next to impossible to capture a photo without a camera. A camera is a device, which enables the recording of still and moving photographs within seconds. Without camera, it was never possible to ……………..(55),,,,,,,,,,, good memories.

Camera was first designed by Joseph N. Niepce, who was from France, a retired Military Officer. He invented the first camera in 1826 in France. His camera known as "Obscura" had two wooden boxes out of which one box had a lens and the other had a screen, which was green in color. He then invented a diaphragm, which helped in the …………..(56)……. of the image by sharpening the image.

The first discovery of the camera was made by a German Mathematician, Friedrich Risner. As there were more and more developments in the technology of camera, this led to improvement in the quality of pictures, film, flash and color pictures. With all these improvements and the developments in the camera, today we are ……….(57)……. to see our past in our present. If there were no camera to capture our past, it would have been simply impossible to record our memories and moments of the past.

55. A. Stop

B. Save

C. Capture

D. Wash

56. A. Blur

B. clarity

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C. dirt

D. Quality

57. A. improper

B. able

C. ability

D. unseemly

58. A. simple

B. simplify

C. simply

D. simplify

59. Rearrange the following sentences into a good paragraph.

1. Their mothers teach them to hunt and fish when they play.

2. An American Black Bear can be up to seven feet tall if it stands on its back legs.

3. The cubs stay with their mother in a bear den.

4. The mom eats plants and berries.

5. American Black Bears live in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

6. The cubs go outside in summer.

7. The babies are cubs.

8. They drink their mother’s milk until fall.

9. Two or three baby Black Bears are born to each mother in winter.

10 . Bear cubs like to run and play.

The correct arrangement is …

A. 2- 5- 7- 9- 3- 6- 8- 4- 1- 10

B. 2 -5- 9 – 7 – 33 – 6 – 8 – 4 – 10 – 1

C. 5- 2- 9- 7- 3- 6- 8- 4 -10- 1

D. 5 – 2 -9 – 7 – 6 – 3 – 4 – 1 – 10

60. will – till – exhibited – the paintings – the end – this month – of – be

A. Will be the paintings exhibited till the end of this month.

B. The paintings will be till the end of this month exhibited

C. The paintings be will exhibited till the end of this month

D. The paintings will be exhibited till the end of this month

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