rfp - wcp 3- hassan - ramanathapura - periyapatna

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  • 8/19/2019 Rfp - Wcp 3- Hassan - Ramanathapura - Periyapatna


    Government of Karnataka

    Public Works, Ports & Inland Water Transport DepartmentProject Implementation Unit

    Karnataka Road Development Corporation Limited




    PRO(ECT NO) "CP *

    De+i,n$ %-ild$ Finan.e$ Operate$ Maintain and Tran+fer &D%FOMT' of E/i+tin, tate !i,01a2 !a++an 3 Ramanat0ap-ra 3 Peri2apatna in t0e tate of Karnataka on

    D%FOMT Ann-it2 %a+i+)



    Karnataka Road Development Corporation Limited,st !loor, " # $ %,

    T immaia Road Cross,'iller Tank (ed )rea,

    *asant ana+ar,(an+alore -#. .-/

  • 8/19/2019 Rfp - Wcp 3- Hassan - Ramanathapura - Periyapatna



    LETTER OF IN6ITATION 01 23333333333 Dtd333333333


    -78e.t9 Pro8e.t No) "CP * !a++an 3 Ramanat0ap-ra: Peri2apatna 4)ppro5 len+t 678#9kms: i n t0e tate of Karnataka on D%FOMT Ann-it2 7a+i+)

    Dear ;ir,

    Pursuant to or ?uali>ication >or t e above said

    Project 4t e @R!?@:, ied$ conditionall< =uali>ied as a (idder, and asked vide our

    letter dated 3333333 to remit non re>undable >ee >or (iddin+ documents >or eac Packa+e8 We

    ereb< re=uest Rs8 -..,... 4Rs8 !ive Bundred t ousand onlorm o> DD

    in >avour o> t e 'ana+in+ Director, KRDCL, (an+alore, as t e cost o> procurin+ t e (iddin+

    documents8 Please note t at a scanned cop< o> t e DD s ould be uploaded on t e e procurement

    portal alon+ Ait t e DD ma< be submitted to KRDCL on or

    be>ore t e date o> openin+ o> bids8

    ou are re=uested to participate in t e (id ;ta+e and submit a bid 4t e @ %idE: >or t e

    a>oresaid Project 0o8WCP 7in accordance Ait terms and conditions set >ort in t is R!P8 I> ied on t e basis o> a Letter o> Intent to >ormall< enter into a %oint (iddin+

    )+reement, t e re=uirement in para8 /8/8# o> t e R!? to submit i>teen: da India, as received a loan >rom t e International (ank >or Reconstruction and

    Development 4I(RD or World (ank: toAards t e cost o> t e Karnataka ;tate Bi+ Aa t e proceeds o> t is loan Aill be applied

    to eli+ible paor t is Project under t e D(!1'T 4B

  • 8/19/2019 Rfp - Wcp 3- Hassan - Ramanathapura - Periyapatna


    implemented b< Karnataka Road Development Corporation Limited8 T e (iddin+ Aill be conducted

    t rou+ t e International Competitive (iddin+ 4IC(: procedures speci>ied in t e World (ankGs

    Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, (January 2011 and is open to all

    bidders >rom eli+ible source countries as de>ined in t e Fuidelines8 ;ubject to t e applicable

    provisions o> t is R!P, t e Concession )+reement Aill be aAarded to t e (idder 4i: A ose bid is

    substantiall< responsive to t e re=uirements o> t e (iddin+ Documents, 4ii: A o as been determined

    to be =uali>ied to per>orm t e Concession )+reement satis>actoril< and 4iii: A ose (id Price re=uires

    t e loAest )nnuit< amount >or undertakin+ t e Project subject to clause 7878 o> R!P, to be

    determined b< t e )ut orit< t rou+ evaluation and comparison o> (ids8

    T ankin+ ait >ull

  • 8/19/2019 Rfp - Wcp 3- Hassan - Ramanathapura - Periyapatna


    GLO AR#

    Ann-it2 )s de>ined in Clause 8 8-A-t0orit2 )s de>ined in Clause 8 8

    -7+idiar2 )s de>ined in Clause /8/8 7%ank G-arantee )s de>ined in Clause /8 68

    %id&+' )s de>ined in Clause 8/8/

    %idder+ )s de>ined in Clause 8/8%iddin, Do.-ment+ )s de>ined in Clause 8/87

    %id D-e Date )s de>ined in Clause 8 86%iddin, Pro.e++ )s de>ined in Clause 8/8

    %id e.-rit2 )s de>ined in Clause /8 6%id ta,e )s de>ined in Clause 8/8/

    Con.e++ion )s de>ined in Clause 8 8#Con.e++ion A,reement )s de>ined in Clause 8 8/Con.e++ionaire )s de>ined in Clause 8 8/

    Confli.t of Intere+t )s de>ined in Clause /8/8 7

    DPR )s de>ined in Clause 8 87E+timated Pro8e.t Co+t )s de>ined in Clause 8 8HGovernment Fovernment o> Karnataka

    LOA )s de>ined in Clause 7878/

    Mem7er 'ember o> a %oint *enture

    PPP Public Private Partners ipPro8e.t )s de>ined in Clause 8 8Re) or R+) or INR Indian Rupee

    RFP or Re;-e+t for Propo+al+ )s de>ined in t e Disclaimer

    T e Aords and e5pressions be+innin+ Ait capital letters and de>ined in t is document s all, unless

    repu+nant to t e conte5t, ave t e meanin+ ascribed t ereto erein8 T e Aords and e5pressions

    be+innin+ Ait capital letters and not de>ined erein, but de>ined in t e R!?, s all, unless repu+nant

    to t e conte5t, ave t e meanin+ ascribed t ereto t erein8

    KRDCL iii

    !a++an : Ramanat0ap-ra 3 Peri2apatna Re=uest >or Proposal

  • 8/19/2019 Rfp - Wcp 3- Hassan - Ramanathapura - Periyapatna


    Ta7le of Content+DI;CL)I' R8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888

    8 I0TR1DUCTI108888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 (ack+round88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888/ (rie> description o> (iddin+ Process88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888887 ;c edule o> (iddin+ Process888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888

    /8 I0;TRUCTI10; T1 (IDD R;888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888)8 (IDDI0F D1CU' 0T;8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888/8 T e (iddin+ Documents comprise o>28888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888(8 T R'; 1! (IDDI0F8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888/8/ Feneral Terms o> (iddin+888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888/87 C an+e in ;tructure or !ormation o> t e %oint *enture8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888/8H C an+es in 1Aners ip88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888/8- Cost o> (iddin+88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888/8# ;ite visit and veri>ication o> in>ormation88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888/86 *eri>ication and Dis=uali>ication88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888/8JClari>ications888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888/89 )ddenda to (iddin+ document includin+ R!P888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888C8 PR P)R)TI10 )0D ;U('I;;I10 1! (ID;8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888/8 . !ormat and ;i+nin+ o> (id88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888/8 ;ealin+ and 'arkin+ o> (ids8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888/8 / (ids Due Date$(id ;ubmission88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888/8 7 Late (ids888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888/8 H'odi>ications$ ;ubstitution$ Wit draAal o> (ids88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888/8 -*alidit< o> (ids88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888/8 #Con>identialit responsiveness8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888787 valuation o> (ids, Clari>ication o> (ids and )Aard o> t e Concession )+reement 888888888888/7

    H8 !raud and corruption polic< o> t e Aorld bank applicable to t e project 888/6-8 Pre (ID Con>erence888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888


  • 8/19/2019 Rfp - Wcp 3- Hassan - Ramanathapura - Periyapatna



    T e in>ormation contained in t is Re=uest >or Proposal document 4t e RFP E: or subse=uentl<

    provided to (idder4s:, A et er verball< or in documentar< or an< ot er >orm b< or on be al> o> t e

    )ut orit< 4as de>ined in Clause 8 8 beloA: or an< o> t eir emploormation is provided8

    T is R!P is not an a+reement and is neit er an o>>er b< t e )ut orit< to t e prospective (idders or an<

    ot er person8 T e purpose o> t is R!P is to provide interested parties Ait in>ormation t at ma< be

    use>ul to t em in makin+ t eir >inancial o>>ers 4(ids: pursuant to t is R!P8 T is R!P ma< not be

    appropriate >or all persons, and it is not possible >or t e )ut orit eac part< A o reads or uses t is

    R!P8 T e )ut orit< as taken all reasonable measures to ensure t at t e in>ormation and data provided

    in t is R!P are correct8 BoAever, (idders s ould satis>< t emselves t rou+ due dili+ence t at t e

    (iddin+ Documents listed in Clause /8 o> t is R!P contain no errors or ot er de>ects8 ac (idder

    s ould, t ere>ore, conduct its oAn investi+ations and analrom

    appropriate sources >or takin+ part in t e (iddin+ Process8

    In>ormation provided in t is R!P to t e (idder4s: is on a Aide ran+e o> matters, some o> A ic ma<

    depend upon interpretation o> laA8 T e in>ormation +iven is not intended to be an e5 austive account o>

    statutor< re=uirements and s ould not be re+arded as a complete or aut oritative statement o> laA8

    T e )ut oritor an< loss, dama+es, cost or e5pense

    A ic ma< arise >rom or be incurred or su>>ered on account o> an t is R!P does not impl< t at t e )ut orit< is bound to appoint t e selected (idder or Concessionaire, as t e case ma< be, >or t e ProjectMsN and t e )ut orit< reserves t e ri+ t to

    reject all or an< (idders or (ids Ait out incurrin+ an< liabilities to t e (idders8


    !a++an : Ramanat0ap-ra 3 Peri2apatna Re=uest >or Proposal

  • 8/19/2019 Rfp - Wcp 3- Hassan - Ramanathapura - Periyapatna






    8 8 T e Fovernment o> Karnataka 4 GOK> or ?%orro1er E: t rou+ t e

    Fovernment o> India as secured a loan >rom t e International (ank >or Reconstruction and Development 4I(RD: 4 erein a>ter called t e (ankE:

    toAards t e cost o> t e Karnataka ;tate Bi+ Aa t e proceeds o> t is loan Aill be applied

    to eli+ible paor t is Project under t e D(!1'T 4B ;tate Bi+ Aa t is endeavour, t e )ut orit< as decided to undertake development o>

    ;tate Bi+ Aa t e packa+e detailed beloA 4eac o> t e

    packa+es bein+ erein a>ter re>erred to as Pro8e.t E:, t rou+ public private

    partners ip 4PPP: on Desi+n, (uild, !inance, 1perate, 'aintain and Trans>er

    4D(!1'T: )nnuit< Concession basis8

    T e )ut orit< as decided to carr< out t e biddin+ process >or selection o> t e

    bidder to A om t e Project ma< be aAarded8 (rie> particulars o> t e Project isas >olloAs2


    Pro8e.t Name Len,t0in Km


    E+timatedPro8e.tCo+t555in R+ Crore

    WCP 7 Project 0o8WCP 7Bassan Ramanat apuraPeri Karnataka on D(!1'T)nnuit<

    678#9 . Construction


    Rs /6#897Crores

    +++ !%e stimated Pro-ect Cost includes stimated Construction Cost,.u$er)ision Cost, /inancin Costs, P%ysical and Price Contin encies*

    T e (iddin+ Aill be conducted t rou+ t e International Competitive (iddin+

    4IC(: procedures speci>ied in t e World (ankGs Fuidelines2 Procurement

    under I(RD Loans and ID) Credits, 4%anuar< /. : and is open to all bidders

    >rom eli+ible source countries as de>ined in t e Fuidelines8

    !a++an : Ramanat0ap-ra 3 Peri2apatna Re=uest >or Proposal

  • 8/19/2019 Rfp - Wcp 3- Hassan - Ramanathapura - Periyapatna


    8 8/ T e ;elected (idder s all promote and incorporate t e Concessionaire 4t e

    OGCon.e++ionaire E: as a limited liabilit< compan< under t e Companies )ct,

    9-# and as amended in /. 7 prior to t e e5ecution o> t e Concession

    )+reement 4t e ?Con.e++ion A,reement> :8 T e Concessionaire s all undertake

    and per>orm t e obli+ations and e5ercise t e ri+ ts o> t e ;elected (idder

    4;in+le ntit< or %oint *enture: under t e Letter o> )Aard 4L1):, includin+ t e

    obli+ation to enter into t e Concession )+reement pursuant to t e L1) >or

    e5ecutin+ t e Project8 T e Concession )+reement to be entered s all be in t e

    >orm provided b< t e )ut orit< as part o> t e (iddin+ Documents pursuant

    ereto88 87 T e scope o> Aork Aill broadl< include t e desi+n, en+ineerin+, >inancin+,

    procurement, construction, operation, and maintenance >or up+radin+ o> t e

    e5istin+ carria+eAa< to tAo lane standard Ait ori ontal and vertical ali+nmentimprovements, construction o> neA pavement, construction and$or re abilitation

    o> major and minor brid+es, culverts, road intersections, interc an+es, drains,

    road sa>et< en ancements, until t e trans>er at t e end o> t e Concession Period8

    T e (idders are advised to re>er to t e Detailed Project Report 4 DPR : attac ed

    Ait and >ormin+ part o> t is R!P ) T e bidders are re=uested to collect a so>t

    cop< o> t e DPR >rom t e )ut orit< be>ore t e bid due date88 8H T eE+timated Pro8e.t Co+t as been speci>ied in Clauses 8 8 above, and

    includes t e stimated Construction Cost, ;upervision Cost, t e !inancin+

    Costs and P submittin+ bids,

    (idders s all make t eir oAn assessments o> actual costs88 8- T e Concessionaire is not entitled to lev< and collect Toll >rom t e users o> t e

    Project8 T e KRDCL ma< procure Toll collectin+ a+enc< separatelrom t e Tollin+ o> t e Project, i> an

    KRDCL, Aill accrue to KRDCL8

    T e Concessionaire Aill be entitled to Lump ;um and )nnuit< Paied in article /6 o> t e Concession )+reement A ic is part o> t e(iddin+ Documents speci>ied in Clause /8 8

    8 8# T e Concession )+reement, A ic is attac ed to t is R!P >or re>erence, sets

    >ort t e detailed terms and conditions >or +rant o> t e concession to t e

    Concessionaire, includin+ t e scope o> t e ConcessionaireGs services,

    per>ormance and >ul>ilment o> obli+ations and ri+ ts in accordance Ait t e

    provisions o> t is )+reement and matters incidental t ereto or necessar< >or t e

    per>ormance o> an< or all o> t e obli+ations o> t e Concessionaire under t is

    !a++an : Ramanat0ap-ra 3 Peri2apatna Re=uest >or Proposal

  • 8/19/2019 Rfp - Wcp 3- Hassan - Ramanathapura - Periyapatna


    )+reement 4t e Con.e++ion E:88 86 ?uali>ied$ conditionall< =uali>ied (idders s all prepare t eir (ids in accordance

    Ait t is R!P and ot er documents to be provided b< t e )ut oritied, altered, amended and clari>ied b< t e )ut oritied, altered andamended b< t e )ut orit< on or be>ore t e date >or t e submission o> bids, as

    speci>ied in Clause 87, 4t e ?%id D-e Date> :8=)@ %rief de+.ription of %iddin, Pro.e++

    8/8 T e )ut orit< as adopted a tAo sta+e process 4collectivel< re>erred to as t e

    @%iddin, Pro.e++ @: >or selection o> t e (idder >or aAard o> t e Project8 T e

    >irst sta+e 4t e @4-alifi.ation ta,e @: o> t e process A ic involved t e

    =uali>ication o> interested ;in+le ntities and %oint *entures based on t e R!?

    as been completed and all )pplicants ave been in>ormed o> t e results o> t e

    ?uali>ication ;ta+e8 1nl< applicants A o Aere =uali>ied$ conditionall< =uali>ied

    >or t is Project ereina>ter re>erred as (iddersE ave been re=uested to

    participate in t e (iddin+ Process and submit (ids88/8/ In t e second sta+e 4t e %id ta,e>' , =uali>ied$ conditionall< =uali>ied (idders

    are bein+ called upon to submit t eir >inancial bids 4t e %id+E: in accordance

    Ait t e terms speci>ied in t e (iddin+ Documents8 (ids s all be valid >or a

    period o> not less t an /. 4one undred tAentied in Clause 87 >or submission o> (ids 4t e ?%id 6alidit2 Period> :8

    8/87 T e (iddin+ Documents s all mean t e documents listed in Clause /8 4t e?%iddin, Do.-ment+> :8 ;ubject to t e provisions in Clause /8/87, an< addenda

    issued b< t e )ut orit< subse=uent to issuin+ t is R!P s all be deemed to >orm

    part o> t e (iddin+ Documents88/8H (ids are invited >or t e Project on t e basis o> t e loAest )nnuit< re=uired b< a

    (idder >or desi+n, build, >inance, operate, maintain and trans>er 4 D%FOMT E:

    o> t e Project8 (idders s all =uote in Indian Rupees, t e )nnuit< >or t e Project

    mentioned in Clause 8 8 8 T e aAard o> t e Concession )+reement Aill be

    made to t e substantiall< responsive (idder =uotin+ t e loAest )nnuit< 4t e

    ?Lo1e+t Eval-ated %idder> :, to be determined b< t e )ut orit< in t e manner

    provided in Clause 7878 Dis=uali>ication under Clause /868/ or >ailure or re>usal

    o> t e LoAest valuated (idder to accept t e L1) as re=uired in t is R!P, or to

    >urnis t e Per>ormance ;ecurit< in accordance Ait t is R!P or to si+n t e

    Concession )+reement s all constitute su>>icient +rounds >or t e annulment o>

    t e L1) and >or>eiture o> t e (id ;ecuritor Proposal

  • 8/19/2019 Rfp - Wcp 3- Hassan - Ramanathapura - Periyapatna


    substantiall< responsive bidder =uotin+ t e second loAest )nnuitor aAard o> t e Concession )+reement88/8# Details o> t e biddin+ and aAard process to be >olloAed at t e (id ;ta+e and

    t e terms t ereo> are spelt out in t is R!P88/86 )s >urt er described in Clause /8J, (idders re=uirin+ an< clari>ication

    concernin+ t is R!P ma< submit t eir =ueries be>ore t e Last Date >or

    Receivin+ ?ueries indicated in clause 878

    Clari>ication =ueries s all be addressed to2T e 'ana+in+ Director,Karnataka Road Development Corporation Limited,

    st !loor, " # $ %,T immaia Road Cross,'iller Tank (ed )rea, *asant ana+ar,Cit2 2 (an+alore

    IP Code 2 -#. .-/Telep0one9 9 J. //7J/7#. $ //7J. H. $ H $ H/, .J. H9.6 H..Fa/9 9 J. //7J. H7E3mail9 mdkrdclQ+mail8com , eeHkrdclQ+mail8com

    T e communication s all bear >olloAin+ identi>ication$ title2

    @?ueries$ Re=uest >or Clari>ication2 R!P >or t e Project "CP *9 De+i,n$

    %-ild$ Finan.e$ Operate$ Maintain and Tran+fer &D%FOMT' of !a++an 3

    Ramanat0ap-ran 3 Peri2apatna in t0e tate of Karnataka on D%FOMTAnn-it2>)

    T e responses Aill also be publis ed in Procurement Aebsite Ait out

    identi> t e =ueries )

    !a++an : Ramanat0ap-ra 3 Peri2apatna Re=uest >or Proposal

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/19/2019 Rfp - Wcp 3- Hassan - Ramanathapura - Periyapatna


    =)* .0ed-le of %iddin, Pro.e++9

    T e )ut orit< s all endeavour to ad ere to t e >olloAin+ sc edule2%id ta,e

    Date o> Invitation to;ubmit (ids on R!P

    =Bt0 April @B=

    / Last date >or receivin+=ueries on R!P

    @ t0 April @B=

    7 Pre (id Con>erence ) Pre (id Con>erence 1ill take place at t e>olloAin+date, time and place2

    Date2 @ t0 April @B=Time2 2.. Brs

    Pla.e9 84Tentative Aill be intimated separatel

  • 8/19/2019 Rfp - Wcp 3- Hassan - Ramanathapura - Periyapatna




    @)= T0e %iddin, Do.-ment+ .ompri+e of

    *ol I 9 Re=uest >or Proposal R!P*ol II 9 Part I Concession )+reement

    Part II ;c edules*ol III 9 DraAin+s*ol I* 9 )n< )ddenda$Corri+endum

    issued*ol * 9 DPR

    %) TERM OF %IDDING@)@ General Term+ of %iddin,

    /8/8 ) (idder is eli+ible to submit onl< one (id >or a Project8 ) (idder biddin+ individuall< or as a'ember o> a %oint *enture s all not be entitled to submit anot er bid eit er individuall< or as a

    'ember o> an< ot er %oint *enture, as t e case ma< be8 ) (idder A o submits or participates in

    more t an one (id Aill cause all (ids in A ic t e (idder as participated to be dis=uali>ied8/8/8/ T e (idders s all >amiliarise t emselves Ait t e terms and conditions o> t e Concession

    )+reement and t e ri+ ts and obli+ations o> t e Concessionaire8/8/87 T e (idders s all satis>< t emselves >or t e ade=uac< o> t e in>ormation in t e DPR be>ore

    submittin+ t e bids8/8/8H T e (id Price =uoted b< t e (idder s all consist o> t e )nnuit< A ic s all be pa t e Concession )+reement8/8/8- T e (id Price s all be >urnis ed e5clusivel< in t e >ormat at )ppendi5 I, 4 ?Letter Compri+in,

    t0e %id> and indicated clearl< in Indian Rupees in bot >i+ures and Aords8 In t e event o> an<

    di>>erence betAeen t e >i+ures and Aords, t e amount indicated in Aords s all be taken into

    account8 T e Letter Comprisin+ t e (id s all be si+ned b< t e (idderGs aut orised si+natorrom outside India durin+ t e Construction Period, as re=uired b< t e (idder and

    identi>ied in t e (id, correspondin+ percenta+es o> t e ;peci>ied !i5ed Lump;um Paorei+n currencies, alon+ Ait t e e5c an+e rate used in calculatin+ t ese >orei+n currenc<

    pa Indian Rs8 -8-H


    T e (idder s all >urnis part o> t e (id ;ecurit< >or an amount o> Rs8 ,..,...$ 4Rupees 1ne

    lak onl t e >olloAin+ e Pa

  • 8/19/2019 Rfp - Wcp 3- Hassan - Ramanathapura - Periyapatna


    8 Credit Card/8 Direct Debit78 0ational lectronic !unds Trans>er 40 !T:H8 1ver t e Counter 41TC: desi+nated )5is (ank branc es located across t e countr<

    T e e pa t e above options s all remain valid >or a period o> J. 41neundred and ei+ trom time to time8 T e (id s all be summaril< rejected

    i> it is not accompanied b< t e (id ;ecuriturt er details re+ardin+ e Paer to Procurement Website8

    T e remainin+ part o> bid securit< s all be in accordance Ait clause /8 6 o> t is R!P8

    Name of t0e Pro8e.t %id e.-rit2T0ro-,0 e3

    pa2mentT0ro-,0 %ank

    G-aranteeDesi+n, (uild, !inance, 1perate,'aintain and Trans>er 4D(!1'T: o>

    5istin+ ;tate Bi+ Aa< BassanRamanat apura Peri Karnataka on D(!1'T )nnuit<(asis8




    /8/8J T e (idder s all submit a PoAer o> )ttorne< as per t e >ormat at )ppendi5 III, or anot er

    >ormat t at is substantiall< compliant Ait it, aut orisin+ t e si+nator< o> t e (id to commit t e

    (idder8/8/89 In case t e (idder is a %oint *enture, eac 'ember t ereo> s ould >urnis a PoAer o> )ttorne< as

    Lead 'ember o> t e %oint *enture in t e >ormat at )ppendi5 I* or anot er >ormat t at is

    substantiall< compliant Ait it8/8/8 . T e )ut orit a (idGs responsiveness Aill be based solel< on t e contents o>

    t e (id itsel>8 ) substantiall< responsive (id is one t at meets t e re=uirements o> t e (iddin+

    Documents Ait out material deviation, reservation, or omission8 ) material deviation,

    reservation or omission is one t at,

    4a: i> accepted Aould 4i: a>>ect in an< substantial Aa< t e scope or per>ormance o> t eobli+ations in t e Concession )+reement, or 4ii: limit in an< substantial Aaied, Aould un>airl< a>>ect t e competitive position o> ot er (idders presentin+

    substantiall< responsive (ids8

    In t is conte5t, OGdeviationE s all be de>ined as a departure >rom t e re=uirements o> t e (iddin+

    Documents8 OGReservationE s all be de>ined as t e settin+ o> limitin+ conditions or Ait oldin+


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    >rom t e complete acceptance o> t e re=uirements in t e (iddin+ Documents8 OG1missionE s all

    be de>ined as t e >ailure to submit part or all o> t e in>ormation or documentation re=uired in t e

    (iddin+ Documents8/8/8 T e (id and all communications in relation to or concernin+ t e (iddin+ Documents and t e (id

    s all be in n+lis lan+ua+e8/8/8 / T e (iddin+ Documents includin+ t is R!P and all attac ed documents, provided b< t e

    )ut orit< are and s all remain or become t e propert< o> t e )ut orit< and are transmitted to t e

    (idders solel< >or t e purpose o> preparation and t e submission o> a (id in accordance

    ereAit 8 (idders are to treat all in>ormation as strictl< con>idential and s all not use it >or an<

    purpose ot er t an >or preparation and submission o> t eir (id8 T e provisions o> t is clause

    s all also appl< mutatis mutandis to (ids and all ot er documents submitted b< t e (idders8/8/8 7 Confli.t of Intere+t

    )n< (idder >ound to ave a Con>lict o> Interest 4t e Confli.t of Intere+t E: s all be dis=uali>ied8

    ) (idder ma< be considered to ave a Con>lict o> Interest Ait one or more parties in t is

    (iddin+ Process, i>2

    4i: T e< ave common controllin+ partner, e5cept t at t is dis=uali>ication s all not

    appl< to an< oAners ip b< a bank, insurance companund or a public

    >inancial institution re>erred to in relevant section o> t e Companies )ct, /. 78

    T e )pplicants are advised to ascertain t e updated list o> Public !inancial

    Institutions >rom t e available sourcesS or 4ii: T e< receive or ave received an< direct or indirect subsid< >rom an< o> t emS or 4iii: T e< ave t e same le+al representative >or purposes o> t is (idS or 4iv: T e< ave a relations ip Ait eac ot er, directl< or t rou+ common t ird

    parties, t at puts t em in a position to access to in>ormation about or in>luence on

    t e (id o> anot er (idder, or in>luence t e decisions o> t e )ut orit< re+ardin+

    t is biddin+ processS or 4v: T e (idder participates in more t an one (id >or t e same project in t is (iddin+

    Process eit er individuall< or as a 'ember in a %oint *enture8 ;uc participation

    b< t e (idder in more t an one (id Aill result in t e dis=uali>ication o> all (ids in

    A ic suc (idder is involved8 BoAever, t is does not limit t e inclusion o> t e

    same subcontractor in more t an one (id84vi: T e (idder, or an< o> its subsidiaries participated as a consultant in t e

    preparation o> an< documents, desi+n or tec nical speci>ications o> t e Project

    t at are subject o> t e (idS or 4vii: T e (idder or an< o> its subsidiaries as been ired 4or is proposed to be ired: b<

    t e )ut orit< as Project 'ana+er >or t e Project8

    !or purposes o> t is R!P, ;ubsidiar< 4 ?t0e -7+idiar2> : s all be determined b< laA, contract or

    ot erAise, accordin+ to controllin+ oAners ip o> t e assets o> t e subsidiar

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    or in accordance Ait t e (ank Fuidelines on Preventin+ and Combatin+ Corruption in Projects

    !inanced b< I(RD Loans and ID) Credits and Frants, s all be ineli+ible to be aAarded a (ank

    >inanced contract, >inanciall< or ot erAise, durin+ suc period o> time as t e (ank s all

    determine8/8/8 - T is R!P is not trans>erable8

    @)* C0an,e in tr-.t-re or Formation of t0e (oint 6ent-re/878 T e )ut orit< as invited bids onl< >rom ?uali>ied$ Conditionall< ?uali>ied (idders8 )n<

    c an+es in t e structure or >ormation o> a (idder, a>ter bein+ =uali>ied$ conditionall<

    =uali>ied b< t e )ut orit< and invited to bid s all be subject to t e Aritten approval o> t e

    )ut orit< prior to t e (id Due Date8 ;uc approval s all be denied, i> as a conse=uence o>

    t e c an+e, t e Lead 'ember o> t e %oint *enture is c an+ed and t e substitute is not at

    least e=ual in terms o> Tec nical Capacit< and$or !inancial Capacit %oint *enture,

    substantiall< in t e >orm at )ppendi5 I*8 or in anot er >ormat t at is substantiall< compliant

    Ait it8 T e )ut orit< Aill neit er consider Letters o> Intent to >orm a %oint *enture in

    >ul>ilment o> t is re=uirement nor subse=uentl< consider (ids A ic are not accompanied

    b< a revised %oint (iddin+ )+reement and revised PoAer o> )ttorne< >or Lead 'ember o>

    %oint *enture, in cases A ere t e )ut orit< as previousl< approved suc c an+es at t e

    (idderGs re=uest, in accordance Ait sub clause /878 8@) C0an,e+ in O1ner+0ip/8H8 (< submittin+ t e (id, t e (idder s all be deemed to ave acknoAled+ed t at it Aas

    =uali>ied on t e basis o> its oAn Tec nical Capacit< and !inancial Capacit< as a sin+le

    (idder or t e collective Tec nical Capacit< and !inancial Capacit< o> t e %oint *enture

    'embers, as t e case ma< be, A o s all, till t e end o> Concession Period, old e=uit<

    s are capital representin+ not less t anS 4i: /# eac o> t e subscribed and paid up e=uit< o>

    t e Concessionaire and 4ii: not less t an - o> t e Total Project Cost speci>ied in t e

    KRDCL .

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    Concession )+reement8 BoAever, an< o> suc 'embers e5cept t e Lead 'ember, ma t e )ut orit< in Aritin+, A ic s all not be unreasonabl<

    Ait eld reduce its s are oldin+ beloA /# 4tAent< si5 percent: o> t e subscribed and

    paid up e=uit< s are capital o> t e Concessionaire and less t an - 4>ive percent: o> t e

    Total Project Cost a>ter a period o> / 4tAo: rom t e date o> commercial operation o> t e Project, subject to all 'embers o> t e %oint *enture continuin+ to collectivel< old at

    least /# 4TAent< si5 percent: o> t e subscribed and paid up e=uit< o> t e Concessionaire

    and subject >urt er to t e 'ember providin+ 1 & ' services o> its oAn or t rou+ its

    ;ubsidiar< continuin+ to old at least - o> t e subscribed and paid up e=uit< s are capital

    in t e Concessionaire, till t e end o> Concession Period8

    !urt er, in case o> a %oint *enture, t e e=uit< s are capital eld b< t e Lead 'ember and

    'embers A ose Tec nical and !inancial Capacit< Aere considered >or ?uali>ication under

    t e R!?, s all not be less t an J o> t e Total Project Cost till tAo rom t e Date o>

    Commercial 1peration 4C1D: o> t e Project8

    In case o> a sin+le entit t e Concessionaire, subject to same bein+ not less t an J o> t e Total Project Cost till

    tAo rom C1D o> t e Project8 BoAever, t e sin+le entit< ma t e )ut orit< in Aritin+, A ic s all not be unreasonabl< Ait eld, reduce its

    s are oldin+ beloA t e entire subscribed and paid up e=uit< o> t e Concessionaire, a>ter a

    period o> tAo rom C1D o> t e Project, subject to it continuin+ to old at least /# o> t e subscribed and paid up e=uit< o> t e Concessionaire till t e end o> Concession Period8

    T e (idder >urt er acknoAled+es and a+rees t at t e a>oresaid obli+ation s all be in

    addition to suc ot er obli+ations as ma< be contained in t e Concession )+reement8/8H8/ In t e event t at t ere is a c an+e in oAners ip o> a sin+le (idder or a %oint *enture

    'ember A ose Tec nical and !inancial Capacit< Aere considered >or ?uali>ication under

    t e R!?, and suc c an+e in oAners ip occurs a>ter t e Letter o> )Aard 4L1): as been

    issued to t e ;elected (idder, t e )ut orit< marom t e ;elected (idder and appropriate its (id ;ecurit t eir

    (ids and t eir participation in t e (iddin+ Process8 T e )ut orit< Aill not be responsible or

    in an< Aa< liable >or suc costs, re+ardless o> t e conduct or outcome o> t e (iddin+



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    @) ite vi+it and verifi.ation of information/8#8 (idders are encoura+ed to visit and assess conditions at t e Project site, prior to submittin+

    t eir (ids, in order to ascertain >or t emselves t e tra>>ic conditions, location, surroundin+s,

    climate, availabilit< o> poAer, Aater and ot er utilities >or construction, access to site,

    andlin+ and stora+e o> materials, Aeat er data, applicable laAs and re+ulations, and an<

    ot er matter relevant >or preparin+ t e (id and enterin+ into t e Concession )+reement8

    T e costs o> visitin+ t e Project site s all be at t e (idderGs oAn e5pense8/8#8/ It s all be deemed, t at b< submittin+ a (id, t e (idder as made a complete and care>ul

    e5amination o> t e (iddin+ Documents set out in Clause /8 and all subse=uent

    amendments8@) 6erifi.ation and Di+;-alifi.ation/868 0otAit standin+ an<

    all statements, in>ormation and document submitted b< t e (idder previousl< in response to

    t e R!?, currentl< in response to t e R!P or t e (iddin+ Documents8 )n< suc veri>ication

    or lack o> suc veri>ication, b< t e )ut orit< s all not relieve t e (idder o> its obli+ations

    or liabilities ereunder nor Aill it a>>ect an< ri+ ts o> t e )ut orit< t ereunder8/868/ T e )ut orit< reserves t e ri+ t to accept or reject an< bid and to annul t e biddin+ process

    and reject all bids at an< time prior to t e aAard o> t e Concession )+reement, Ait out

    t ereb< incurrin+ an< liabilit< to (idders8 In case o> annulment, all bids submitted and

    speci>icallication on t e (iddin+ documents includin+ R!P ma< noti>< t e

    )ut orit< in Aritin+ or b< >a5 or e mail in accordance Ait Clause 8/868 (idders s all send

    t eir =ueries on or be>ore t e Last Date >or Receivin+ ?ueries on (iddin+ documents

    includin+ R!P s oAn in t e ;c edule o> (iddin+ Process in Clause 878 T e responses Aill

    also be publis ed in Procurement Aebsite Ait out identi> t e =ueries8

    T e )ut orit< s all endeavor to respond to t e =ueries Ait in t e period speci>ied t erein,

    but no later t an - 4>i>teen: daa5 or e mail8 T e )ut orit< Aill >orAard all t e =ueries and its responses t ereto, to all

    =uali>ied applicants o> record Ait out identi> =ueries8

    /8J8/ I> an< clari>ication results in c an+es to t e (iddin+ documents includin+ R!P, t e)ut orit< s all modi>< t e (iddin+ documents includin+ R!P and issue an )ddendum in

    accordance Ait Clause /898@) Addenda to %iddin, do.-ment in.l-din, RFP/898 )t an< time prior to t e (id Due Date, t e )ut orit< maor an< reason, A et er at its

    oAn initiative or in response to clari>ications re=uested b< a (idder, modi>< t e (iddin+

    documents includin+ R!P b< t e issuance o> )ddenda8 T e )ut orit< ma< also on its oAn

    motion, i> deemed necessarications to all )pplicants

    t rou+ Procurement Aebsite8

    KRDCL /

    !a++an : Ramanat0ap-ra 3 Peri2apatna Re=uest >or Proposal

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    )ll documents o> t e bid submitted in electronic mode under t is R!P s all be uploaded on

    Procurement Aebsite2 AAA8eproc8karnataka8+ov8in usin+ di+ital si+nature in t e correct

    slots in e procurement Aebsite8

    ) ardcop< o> t e same, e/.l-din, t0e Letter Compri+in, t0e %id , s all be placed in an

    envelope, sealed and marked as (IDE, and s all be submitted to t e )ut orit< on or be>ore

    t e (id 1penin+ Date8/8 8/ ) true cop< o> t e (id, includin+ t e accompanied in Clause

    /8 8 above, s all be bound to+et er in ard cover and t e pa+es s all be numbered

    seriall t is true cop< o> t e (id s all be initialled in indelible ink b< t e

    person aut ori ed to si+n t e (id in accordance Ait t e PoAer o> )ttorne< re>erred to in

    ;ub Clause /8 8 4b: above8 T is true cop< o> t e (id s all be placed in a separate

    envelope, sealed and marked ?COP#>

    /8 87 T ese tAo envelopes containin+ t e ori+inals and t e copies s all be placed to+et er in anouter envelope, A ic s all also be sealed8 ac o> t e t ree envelopes s all bear t e

    >olloAin+ identi>ication2

    %id for t0e KRDCL Pro8e.t "CP *

    De+i,n$ %-ild$ Finan.e$ Operate$ Maintain and Tran+fer &D%FOMT' of !a++an 3

    Ramnat0ap-ra 3 Peri2apatna in t0e tate of Karnataka on D%FOMT Ann-it2)

    T e inner and outer envelopes s all clearl< indicate t e name and address o> t e sin+le

    (idder, or i> t e (idder is a %oint *enture, t e name o> t e %oint *enture and t e name andaddress o> t e Lead 'ember o> t e %oint *enture8 In addition, t e (id Due Date s all be

    indicated on t e ri+ t and top corner o> eac o> t e envelopes8/8 8H ac o> t e envelopes s all be addressed to2

    T e 'ana+in+ Director,

    Karnataka Road Development Corporation Limited,

    st !loor, " # $ %,T immaia Road Cross,

    'iller Tank (ed )rea,

    *asant ana+ar,

    Cit2 2 (an+alore IP Code 2 -#. .-/

    Telep0one9 9 J. //7J/7#. $ //7J. H. $ H $ H/, .J. H9.6 H..

    Fa/9 9 J. //7J. H7 E3mail9 mdkrdcl Q+mail8com , eeHkrdclQ+mail8com/8 8- I> t e envelopes are not sealed and marked as instructed above, t e )ut orit< assumes no

    responsibilit< >or t e misplacement o> t e contents o> t e (id submitted or misidenti>ication

    o> t e (id and conse=uent losses, i> an>ered b< t e (idder8/8 8# (ids s all be submitted onl< b< and, courier or mail8 (ids submitted b< >a5, tele5,

    tele+ram or e mail s all not be entertained and s all be rejected and returned to t e (idders

    A o submitted t em8KRDCL H

    !a++an : Ramanat0ap-ra 3 Peri2apatna Re=uest >or Proposal

    http://www.eproc.karnataka.gov.in/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.eproc.karnataka.gov.in/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

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    @)=@ %id+ D-e Date %id -7mi++ion/8 /8 (ids s all be submitted in electronic mode in t e Procurement portal, no later t an t e

    date and time s oAn in Clause 87 as t e (id Due Date and at t e address provided in

    Clause /8 8H in t e manner and >orm as detailed in t is R!P8 P bids

    s all be made no later t an t e date and time s oAn in Clause 87 as t e Date o> openin+ o>

    (ids and at t e address provided in Clause /8 8H in t e manner and >orm as detailed in t is

    R!P8 Upon t e (idderGs re=uest, a receipt t ereo> ma< be obtained >rom t e person

    speci>ied at Clause /8 8H8@)=* Late %id+

    (ids received b< t e )ut orit< a>ter t e speci>ied time in clause /8 /8 s all be declared late

    and rejected and s all not be eli+ible >or consideration at t e bid openin+ and t e bid

    evaluation8 (ids declared late and rejected s all be returned unopened to t e (idders A o

    submitted t em8@)= Modifi.ation+ -7+tit-tion "it0dra1al of %id+/8 H8 T e (idder ma< modi>ter submission, provided t at suc

    modi>ication, substitution or Ait draAal is processed t rou+ procurement Portal prior to

    (id Due Date8/8 H8/ )n< additional in>ormation supplied subse=uent to t e (id Due Date s all be disre+arded,

    e5cept as t e )ut orit< ma< re=uest in Aritin+ durin+ t e evaluation o> (ids, in accordance

    Ait Clause 787 o> t is R!P8@)= 6alidit2 of %id+

    (ids s all be valid >or a period o> not less t an /. 4one undred and tAent t e (id *alidit<

    Period, t e )ut orit< ma< re=uest (idders to e5tend t e period o> validit< o> t eir (ids8 T e

    re=uest and t e responses s all be made in Aritin+8 T e (idder +rantin+ t e )ut oritor si5t< 4#.: da t e L1),

    t e ;elected (idder s all e5tend t e validit< o> its (id ;ecurit< as >urt er described in

    Clause /8 68H8 ) (idder ma< re>use t e )ut orit

    its (id, Ait out >or>eitin+ its (id ;ecurit< its bid8

    @)= Confidentialit2In>ormation relatin+ to t e e5amination, clari>ication, evaluation and recommendation >or

    t e (idders s all not be disclosed to an< person A o is not o>>iciall< concerned Ait t e

    process or is not a retained pro>essional advisor advisin+ t e )ut orit< in relation to, or

    matters arisin+ out o>, or concernin+ t e (iddin+ Process, until in>ormation on t e aAard o>

    t e Concession )+reement is communicated to all (idders88 T e )ut orit< Aill treat all

    in>ormation, submitted as part o> t e (id, in con>idence and Aill re=uire all t ose A o ave

    access to suc material to treat t e same in con>idence8 T e )ut orit< ma< not divul+e an<

    suc in>ormation, unless it is directed to do so b< an< statutor< entit< t at as t e poAer

    KRDCL -

    !a++an : Ramanat0ap-ra 3 Peri2apatna Re=uest >or Proposal

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    under laA to re=uire its disclosure8

    )n< attempt b< a (idder to in>luence t e )ut orit< at an< time in t e evaluation o> t e (id

    or in t e aAard o> t e Concession )+reement s all result in rejection o> t e (idderGs (id8

    0otAit standin+ t e above i> a (idder Ais es to contact t e )ut orit< on an< matter

    relatin+ to t e (iddin+ Process it s all do so onl< in Aritin+ and in accordance Ait t e

    applicable provisions o> t is R!P8D) %ID ECURIT#@)= %id e.-rit2/8 68 T e (idder s all >urnis as part o> its (id, a (id ;ecurit< re>erred to in Clauses /8/86

    ereinabove in t e >orm o> an unconditional bank +uarantee 4 ?%ank G-arantee> : issued

    eit er b< 4i: a nationalised bank in India , or 4ii: a ;c eduled (ank in India or 4iii: a

    eputable bank or >inancial institution, selected b< t e (idder, in an< eli+ible countr< as

    de>ined in t e orld Ban Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits,

    (January 2011 3 i> t e bid securit< is issued b< a >inancial institution t at is located outside

    India, suc >inancial institution s all ave a correspondent >inancial institution in India to

    make it en>orceable , or 4iv: in t e >orm o> a demand dra>t issued b< a nationalised bank or a

    ;c eduled (ank in India8

    T e >urnis ed (id ;ecurit< s all be in >avour o> t e )ut orit< and in t e >ormat at

    )ppendi5 II 4t e Form of %id e.-rit2> : or in anot er substantiall< similar >ormat

    approved b< t e )ut orit< prior to (id submission8 ) scanned cop< o> t e (id ;ecurit< Aill

    ave to be submitted on t e e procurement portal and t e ori+inal cop< s all be submittedto t e )ut orit< on or be>ore t e Date o> openin+ o> bids8 In eit er case, t e >orm s all

    include t e complete name o> t e (idder8

    T e (id ;ecurit< o> a %oint *enture s all be in t e name o> t e %oint *enture t at submits

    t e (id, as set out in t e %oint (iddin+ )+reement8 T e validit< period o> t e (id ;ecurit<

    s all be #. 4si5tined under ;ection /4e: o> t e Reserve (ank o> India )ct, 97H8/8 68/ T e )ut orit< s all not be liable to pa< an< interest on t e (id ;ecurit unsuccess>ul (idders s all be returned b< t e )ut orit t e (id o> t e ;elected (idder and

    issuance o> t e L1) or A en t e biddin+ process is cancelled b< t e )ut orit unsuccess>ul (idders, to t e

    address +iven in t e (id, Ait in 7. 4da t e (id *alidit<

    Period8 T e (id ;ecurit< o> t e ;elected (idder s all be retained as set out in subpara+rap

    KRDCL #

    !a++an : Ramanat0ap-ra 3 Peri2apatna Re=uest >or Proposal

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    /8 68H and s all be e5tended at t e e5pense o> t e ;elected (idder beormance ;ecurit< is provided b< t e ;elected (idder in accordance

    Ait t e applicable provisions o> t e Concession )+reement, t e (id ;ecurit< o> t e

    ;elected (idder s all remain in >orce and e>>ect8 Upon provision o> t e Per>ormance

    ;ecurit< as stated ereinabove, t e )ut orit< s all release t e (id ;ecurit< to t e

    Concessionaire8/8 68- T e (idder, b< submittin+ its (id pursuant to t is R!P, s all be deemed to ave

    acknoAled+ed and con>irmed t at t e )ut orit< Aill su>>er loss and dama+e on account o>

    t e Ait draAal o> its (id or >or ot er de>ault b< t e (idder durin+ t e (id *alidit< period,

    as set out beloA in para8 /8 68#8/8 68# T e (idder s all be in breac o> its obli+ations under t e (iddin+ Documents and its (id

    ;ecurit< s all be >or>eited and appropriated b< t e )ut orit t e (idder Ait draAs its (id durin+ t e (id *alidit< Period speci>ied b< t e

    (idder in t e (id and as e5tended b< mutual consent o> t e (idder and t e )ut orit, avin+ been noti>ied o> t e acceptance o> its (id b< t e )ut orit< durin+ t e (id

    *alidit< Period and as e5tended b< mutual consent o> t e (idder and t e )ut orit, t e ;elected (idder >ails or re>uses to accept t e L1) Ait in 6 da, t e ;elected (idder >ails or re>uses to provide t e Per>ormance ;ecurit< in

    accordance Ait t is R!P, or >ails to e5tend t e validit< o> t e (id ;ecuritormance ;ecurit< as been provided to t e )ut orit, t e ;elected (idder >ails or re>uses to e5ecute t e Concession )+reement8

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    *)= Openin, of %id+78 8 4a: T e )ut orit< s all open t e (ids in public, in t e presence o> (iddersG desi+nated

    representatives A o c oose to attend, at t e address speci>ied in subpara+rap /8 8H

    and on t e date and time speci>ied in Clause 87 ereinabove8

    4b: )ll bids s all be opened one at a time on t e e procurement portal, readin+ out t e

    name o> t e (idder t e (id Price )nnuit a (id ;ecurit cost toAards procurement o> biddin+ document, and an< ot er details as

    t e )ut orit< ma< consider appropriate8 1nl< bids t at are opened and read out at bid

    openin+ s all be considered >urt er subject to >ul>illment o> test o> responsiveness8

    4c: T e )ut orit< s all prepare a record o> t e bid openin+ t at s all include, as a

    minimum2 t e name o> t e (idder, t e amount o> t e (id Price )nnuit< as read out,and t e presence or absence o> a (id ;ecurit< and an< ot er details as t e )ut orit<

    ma< consider appropriate8 ac si+ned Letter Comprisin+ t e (id, as per )ppendi5 I,

    s all be initialed b< t e aut orised representatives o> t e )ut orit< attendin+ t e bid

    openin+8 T e (iddersG aut orised representatives A o are present s all be re=uested to

    si+n t e record8 T e omission o> a (idderGs si+nature on t e record s all not invalidate

    t e contents and e>>ect o> t e record8 ) cop< o> t e record s all be distributed to all

    (idders A o submitted t eir bids on time878 8/ T e )ut orit< Aill subse=uentl< e5amine and evaluate t e (ids in accordance Ait t e

    provisions set out in t is ;ection 78*)@ Te+t+ of re+pon+ivene++78/8 Prior to t e evaluation o> (ids, t e )ut orit< s all determine A et er eac (id is

    substantiall< responsive to t e re=uirements o> t e (iddin+ Documents8 ) (id s all be

    considered substantiall< responsive onl< i>2

    4a: it is received as per t e >ormat at )ppendi5 IS

    4b: it is submitted t rou+ Procurement Aebsite in t e manner speci>ied in t isdocument

    4c: it complies substantiall< Ait t e re=uirements >or preparation, submission, sealin+and markin+ as speci>ied in Clauses /8 . and /8 S

    4d: it is accompanied b< t e (id ;ecurit< as speci>ied in Clauses /8/86 and /8 6S

    4e: it is accompanied b< t e PoAer4s: o> )ttorne< as speci>ied in Clauses /8/8J and

    /8/89, as t e case ma< beS and

    4>: it does not contain material deviations, reservations or omissions, as set out in

    Clause /8/8 .8


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    4+: )n amount o> Rs -,..,... 4Rupees !ive lacs onlt toAards cost o> procurin+ biddin+ documents on or be>ore t e (id

    1penin+ Date8*)* Eval-ation of %id+$ Clarifi.ation of %id+ and A1ard of t0e Con.e++ion A,reement7878 a' Provided t at a (id is >ound to be substantiall< responsive to t e re=uirements o> t e

    (iddin+ Documents, as summari ed in Clause 78/8 above, t e )ut orit< maormation or

    documentation, Ait in a reasonable time period, to recti>< nonmaterial noncon>ormities

    in its (id8 T e )ut oritor clari>ication and t e (idderGs response s all be in

    Aritin+8 0o c an+e in t e (id Price )nnuit< or substance o> t e (id s all be sou+ t,

    o>>ered or permitted8 I> a (idder does not provide clari>ication o> its (id b< t e date and

    time set b< t e )ut orit< in its re=uest >or clari>ication, t e (idderGs (id ma< be


    7' I> a (id is not substantiall< responsive to t e re=uirements o> t e (iddin+ Documents,

    as summari ed in Clauses 78/ and 7878 4a: above, t e )ut orit< s all reject it8 It ma<

    not be made responsive subse=uentl< b< correction o> or c an+es in material deviations,

    reservations and omissions, as set out in Clause /8/8 .8

    .' ;ubject to t e applicable provisions o> t e R!PGs Disclaimer, t e )ut orit< s all aAard

    t e Concession )+reement to t e (idder 4i: A ose (id is substantiall< responsive to t e

    re=uirements o> t e (iddin+ Documents , 4ii: A o Aas determined in t e ?uali>ication

    ;ta+e to be =uali>ied to per>orm t e Concession )+reement satis>actoril< and 4iii:

    A ose (id Price re=uires t e loAest )nnuit< amount >or undertakin+ t e Project, to be

    determined b< t e )ut orit< t rou+ evaluation and comparison o> (ids in order to

    arrive at t e least cost combination >or t e )ut orit< >or WCP , WCP7, WCP-, WCP#

    and WCP68 An ill-+tration of t0e eval-ation i+ provided alon, 1it0 t0i+ RFP)

    d' T e openin+ o> bids o> all t e >ive D(!1'T annuit< projects Aill be conducted

    concurrentlter selection o> t e LoAest valuated (idder, a Letter o> )Aard 4 L1)E: s all be issued,

    in duplicate, b< t e )ut orit< to t e ;elected (idder8 T e ;elected (idder s all, Ait in 6

    4seven: da t e receipt o> t e L1), si+n and return t e duplicate cop< o> t e L1) in

    acknoAled+ement t ereo>8 In t e event t e duplicate cop< o> t e L1), dul< si+ned b< t e

    ;elected (idder, is not received b< t e stipulated date, t e )ut orit< maor an e5tension o> time >or submission

    t ereo>, annul t e L1) and appropriate t e (id ;ecurit< o> t e ;elected (idder8 In t at

    event, t e )ut orit< maor Proposal

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    (idder A ose (id is substantiall< responsive878787 )>ter acknoAled+ement o> t e L1) b< t e ;elected (idder, t e )ut orit< Aill endeavor to

    ad ere to t e completion o> t e (iddin+ Process and t e ;i+nin+ o> t e Concession

    )+reement, as set out in ;ection 87 and in t is conte5t, collaborate Ait t e ;elected

    (idder in >inali in+ t e transactions precedent to t e si+nin+ o> t e Concession )+reement8

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    H8 )s per t e World (ankGs polic< on !raud and Corruption A ic is applicable to t is R!P,

    t e (orroAers 4includin+ bene>iciaries o> (ank loans:, as Aell as (idders, suppliers, and

    contractors and t eir a+ents 4A et er declared or not:, personnel, subcontractors, subconsultants, service providers or suppliers under (ank >inanced contracts, are re=uired to

    observe t e i+ est standard o> et ics durin+ t e procurement and e5ecution o> suc

    contracts8 In pursuance o> t is policines, >or t e purposes o> t is provision, t e terms set >ort beloA as >olloAs2

    4i: Corrupt practiceE / is t e o>>erin+, +ivin+, receivin+ or solicitin+, directl< or

    indirectl an value to in>luence improperl< t e actions o> anot er partraudulent practiceE 7 is an< act or omission, includin+ a misrepresentation, t at

    knoAin+l< or recklessl< misleads, or attempts to mislead, a part< to obtain a>inancial or ot er bene>it or to avoid an obli+ationS

    4iii: Collusive practiceE H is an arran+ement betAeen tAo or more parties desi+ned to

    ac ieve an improper purpose, includin+ in>luencin+ improperl< t e actions o>

    anot er partluence improperl<

    t e actions o> a part evidence material

    to t e investi+ation or makin+ >alse statements to investi+ators in order to

    materiall< impede a (ank investi+ation into alle+ations o> a corrupt, >raudulent,

    coercive or collusive practiceS and$or t reatenin+, arassin+ or intimidatin+ an<

    part< to prevent it >rom disclosin+ its knoAled+e o> matters relevant to t e

    investi+ation or >rom pursuin+ t e investi+ation, or

    4bb: acts intended to materiall< impede t e e5ercise o> t e World (ankGs

    inspection and audit ri+ ts provided >or under sub clause H8 4e: beloA84vi: Aill reject a proposal >or aAard i> it determines t at t e (idder recommended >or

    aAard as, directl< or t rou+ an a+ent, en+a+ed in corrupt, >raudulent, collusive,

    coercive or obstructive practices in competin+ >or t e contract in =uestionS

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    4b: Aill cancel t e portion o> t e loan allocated to a contract i> it determines at an< time

    t at representatives o> t e (orroAer or o> a bene>iciar< o> t e loan en+a+ed in corrupt,

    >raudulent, collusive, or coercive practices durin+ t e procurement or t e e5ecution o>

    t at contract, Ait out t e (orroAer avin+ taken timel< and appropriate action

    satis>actor< to t e (ank to address suc practices A en t e< occurS4c: Aill sanction a >irm or individual, at an< time, in accordance Ait prevailin+ (ankGs

    sanctions procedures # includin+ b< publicl< declarin+ suc >irm or individual t em

    ineli+ible, eit er inde>initel< or >or a stated period o> time 4i: to be aAarded a (ank

    >inanced contract and 4ii: to be a nominated 6 sub contractor, consultant, manu>acturer

    or supplier, or service provider, or service provider o> an ot erAise eli+ible >irm bein+

    aAarded a (ank >inanced contract8 )nd

    4d: s all be permitted to inspect an< accounts and records and ot er documents relatin+ to

    t e (id submission and contract per>ormance, and to ave t em audited b< auditorsappointed b< t e World (ank8

    1 In t%is conte#t, any action ta en "y a A$$licant, "idder, su$$lier, contractor, or any o' its $ersonnel, or its a ents, or its su"cultants, su"4contractors, ser)ice $ro)iders, su$$liers and5or t%eir em$loyees to in'luence t%e $rocurement $rocess or contract e#ecution 'or undue ad)anta e is im$ro$er*

    2 6anot%er $arty7 re'ers to a $u"lic o''icial actin in relation to t%e $rocurement $rocess or contract e#ecution8* In t%isconte#t, 6$u"lic o''icial7 includes orld Ban sta'' and em$loyees o' ot%er or ani9ations ta in or re)ie in $rocurement decisions*

    ; a 6$arty7 re'ers to a $u"lic o''icial3 t%e terms 6"ene'it7 and 6o"li ation7 relate to t%e $rocurement $rocess or contract e#ecution3 and t%e 6act or omission7 is intended to in'luence t%e $rocurement $rocess or contract e#ecution*

    < 6$arties7 re'er to $artici$ants in t%e $rocurement $rocess (includin $u"lic o''icials attem$tin to esta"lis% "id $rices at arti'icial, non com$etiti)e le)els*

    = a 6$arty7 re'ers to a $artici$ant in t%e $rocurement $rocess or contract e#ecution*

    > A 'irm or an indi)idual may "e declared ineli i"le to "e a arded a Ban 4'inanced contract u$on com$letion o' t%e Ban ?s sanctions $roceedin s as $er its sanctions $rocedures, includin inter alia: (i tem$orary sus$ension or early tem$orary sus$ension in connection it% an on oin sanctions $roceedin s3 (ii cross4de"arment as a reed it% ot%er International /inancial Institutions, includin &ultilateral De)elo$ment Ban s3 and (iii t%e orld Ban Grou$ cor$orate administrati)e $rocurement sanctions $rocedures 'or 'raud and corru$tion@ A nominated su"4contractor, consultant, manu'acturer or su$$lier, or ser)ice $ro)ider (di''erent names are used de$endin ont%e $articular "iddin document is one %ic% %as : (i eit%er "een included "y t%e "idder in its $re4 uali'ication a$$lication or "id "ecause it "rin s s$eci'ic and critical e#$erience and no %o t%at allo t%e "idder to meet t%e uali'ication re uirements

    'or t%e $articular "id3 or (ii a$$ointed "y t%e Borro er*

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    -8 ) Pre (id con>erence o> t e (idders s all be convened at t e desi+nated date, time and

    place set out in ;ection 878 )ttendance o> t e (idders is optional but i+ l< encoura+ed8-8/ Durin+ t e course o> Pre (id con>erence, t e (idders Aill be >ree to seek clari>ications and

    make su++estions >or consideration o> t e )ut oritications in accordance Ait ;ection /8J8 (idders are also encoura+ed to seek

    clari>ications >rom t e )ut orit< prior to or a>ter t e Pre (id Con>erence, in accordance

    Ait Clause /8J8-87 T e )ut orit< s all >orAard copies o> its response to =ueries raised b< t e (idders at t e

    Pre (id Con>erence to all (idders o> record, b< virtue o> avin+ paid t e re=uired >ee >or

    t is R!P document, irrespective o> t eir attendance o> t e Pre (id con>erence, and upload

    same on t e )ut orit t e =ueries s all not be disclosed in t e


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    nor are liable to be dis=uali>ied under t e terms o> Clause /8/8 H o> t e R!P document8

    4c: I$We ereb< certi>< t at I$ Ae, includin+ mor an<

    part o> t e Concession )+reement, ave not been declared ineli+ible b< t e World

    (ank, under t e laAs or o>>icial re+ulations o> India or b< an act o> compliance Ait

    t e United 0ations ;ecurit< Council8 I$ Ae ave taken steps to ensure t at I$ Ae are in

    con>ormance Ait t e provisions o> ;ection H8o> t e R!P8

    4d: T e undertakin+s +iven b< us alon+ Ait t e )pplication in response to t e R!? >or

    t e Project, includin+ our Tec nical and !inancial Capacit makin+ o> t e )pplication and are also true and correct as on t e (id

    Due Date and I$We s all continue to abide b< t em8 MI> applicableN We speci>icall<

    acknoAled+e t at t e de>iciencies A ic led to our bein+ conditionall< =uali>ied Aere

    >ull< corrected, be>ore submittin+ t is (id8

    #8 I$We declare t at Ae$ an< 'ember o> t e %oint *enture, or our $ its ;ubsidiaries are$ is not a

    'ember o> an< ot er %oint *enture submittin+ a (id >or t e Project8

    68 I> I am$ Ae are noti>ied b< t t at as been

    provided to me$us as part o> t is R!P, a cop< A ereo>, initialed on eac pa+e b< t e aut ori ed

    si+nator< o> t e (idder, is attac ed Ait t is (id8 We a+ree to abide b< t e same8

    J8 I> I am$ Ae are noti>ied b< ormance securit< in accordance Ait t e (iddin+ Documents8

    98 I$ We ave studied all t e (iddin+ Documents care>ull< and also surve>ic8 We understand t at t e )ut orit< as taken all reasonable measures to ensure t at

    t e (iddin+ Documents listed in Clause /8 o> t is R!P are correct8 (e>ore takin+ part in t is

    biddin+ process, Ae ave e5amined, understood and c ecked t ese (iddin+ Documents and

    ave ascertained t at t e< contain no errors or ot er de>ects8

    .8 I$We enclose t e (id ;ecurit< in con>ormance Ait t e re=uirements set out in Clause /8 6 o>

    t e R!P8

    8 1ur (id s all be valid >or a period o> /. 4one undred tAent t e )ut oritor Proposal

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    ot er (idder8

    78 We ave paid or Aill pa< t e >olloAin+ commissions, +ratuities or >ees Ait respect to t e

    biddin+ process or t e e5ecution o> t e Concession )+reement2

    0ame o> Recipient




    I' none %as "een $aid or is to "e $aid, $lease indicate ?none*78

    In Aitness t ereo>, I$Ae submit t is (id under and in accordance Ait t e terms o> t e

    R!P document8

    H8 I$ We ereb< certi>< t at I$ Ae ave taken steps to ensure t at no person actin+ >or me$ us on

    our be al> Aill en+a+e in briberait >ull t e )ut orised ;i+natoror and on be al> o>2

    0ame and seal o> t e )pplicant$ Lead 'ember

    KRDCL /#

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    APPENDI< :II 9 Form of %id e.-rit2

    (Re'er Clauses 2*2*@ and 2*1@*1

    !o "e su"mitted in t%is 'ormat or in anot%er su"stantially similar 'ormat a$$ro)ed "y t%e Aut%ority prior to Bid su"mission 8N




    We ave been in>ormed t at 4 ereina>ter called

    @t e (idder@: as submitted to ter called @t e (id@: >or t e e5ecution o> Concession )+reement >or PRO(ECT NO)

    "CP *3 De+i,n$ %-ild$ Finan.e$ Operate$ Maintain and Tran+fer &D%FOMT' of !a++an 3

    Ramanat0ap-ra 3 Peri2apatna in t0e tate of Karnataka on D%FOMT Ann-it2$ under t e

    Re=uest >or Proposal 0o8 dated4 t e R!PE:8

    !urt ermore, Ae understand t at, accordin+ to t e (idder, Ae ereb< irrevocabl< undertake to pa< 4 : upon receipt b< us o> irst demand in Aritin+

    accompanied b< a Aritten statement statin+ t at t e (idder is in breac o> its obli+ation4s: under t e bid conditions, because t e (idder2

    4a: as Ait draAn its (id durin+ t e period o> (id validit< speci>ied b< t e (idder in t e Letter

    Comprisin+ t e (id and as e5tended b< mutual consent o> t e (idder and t e )ut oritied o> t e acceptance o> its (id b< t e )ut orit< durin+ t e period o> (id

    *alidit< and as e5tended b< mutual consent o> t e (idder and t e )ut oritails or re>uses to si+n and return t e duplicate cop< o> t e Letter o> )Aard in

    acknoAled+ement t ereo> Ait in 6 4seven: da its receipt, as re=uired in t is R!P S

    ii: t e (idder >ails or re>uses to >urnis t e Per>ormance ;ecurit< in accordance Ait t is


    iii: t e (idder >ails or re>uses to e5ecute t e Concession )+reement

    T is +uarantee Aill e5pire2 4a: i> t e (idder is t e success>ul (idder, upon our receipt o> copies o>

    t e Concession )+reement si+ned b< t e (idder and t e per>ormance securit< issued to t e (idderS and 4b: i> t e (idder is not t e success>ul (idder, upon t e earlier o>

    KRDCL /6

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    4i: our receipt o> a cop< ication to t e (idder o> t e name o> t e success>ul (idderS or 4ii:

    si5t< dater t e e5piration o> t e (idderGs bid8

    Conse=uentlor pa>ice

    on or be>ore t at date8

    T is +uarantee is subject to t e Uni>orm Rules >or Demand Fuarantees, ICC Publication 0o8 H-J8

    si nature(s 8

    Note: All italicized text is for use in preparing this form and shall be deleted from the final


    KRDCL /J

    !a++an : Ramanat0ap-ra 3 Peri2apatna Re=uest >or Proposal

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    APPENDI< : III9 Po1er of Attorne2 for +i,nin, of %id

    (Re'er Clause 2*2*(In India, to "e e#ecuted on .tam$ $a$er o' a$$ro$riate )alue3 'or Bidders 'rom outside India, to "ee#ecuted accordin to t%e a$$lica"le la in t%e Bidder?s country and "y ta in into account t%e

    Eotes s%o n "elo *

    KnoA all men b< t ese presents, We, 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 4name o> t

    address o> t e re+istered o>>ice: do ereb< irrevocabl< constitute, nominate, appoint and

    aut orise 'r8 $ 's 40ame:, 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 and p

    8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888, A o is presentl< emplo our %oint *enture (stri e out %ic%e)er is ina$$lica"le , and oldin+

    t e position o> , as our true and laA>ul attorne< 4 ereina>ter re>erred to as t e )ttorne, all suc acts, deeds and t in+s as are necessar< or re=uired in

    connection Ait or incidental to submission o> our bid >or t e (Pro)ide Pro-ect Eo* and Eame as $er

    clause 1*1*1 proposed or bein+ developed b< t e 'ana+in+ Director, Karnataka Road Development

    Corporation Limited 4t e )ut orit all

    applications, bids and ot er documents and Aritin+s, participate in biddersV and ot er con>erences

    and providin+ in>ormation $ responses to t e )ut oritore t e

    )ut orit all contracts includin+ t e Concession )+reement and

    undertakin+s conse=uent to acceptance o> our bid, and +enerall< dealin+ Ait t e )ut orit< in all

    matters in connection Ait or relatin+ to or arisin+ out o> our bid >or t e said Project and$or upon

    aAard t ereo> to us and$or till t e enterin+ into o> t e Concession )+reement Ait t e )ut orit< and con>irm and do ereb< rati>< and con>irm all acts, deeds and

    t in+s laA>ull< done or caused to be done b< our said )ttorne< pursuant to and in e5ercise o> t e

    poAers con>erred b< t is PoAer o> )ttorne< and t at all acts, deeds and t in+s done b< our said

    )ttorne< in e5ercise o> t e poAers ereb< con>erred s all and s all alAa )ttorne< as been e5ecuted b< t e person4s: mentioned beloA pursuant to a resolution

    dated M N passed b< t e (oard o> Directors o> t e (idder$Lead 'ember companor Proposal

  • 8/19/2019 Rfp - Wcp 3- Hassan - Ramanathapura - Periyapatna


    I0 WIT0 ;; WB R 1! W , 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888, TB )(1*PRI0CIP)L B)* CUT D TBI; P1W R 1! )TT1R0 10 TBI;8888888888888888888888888888888888888D) 1!888888888888888888888888888888888888, /.888888


    4;i+nature, name, desi+nationand address:



    /8 )ccepted 0otarised

    4;i+nature, name, desi+nation and addresso> t e )ttorneor Proposal

  • 8/19/2019 Rfp - Wcp 3- Hassan - Ramanathapura - Periyapatna


    APPENDI< : I6 Po1er of Attorne2 for Lead Mem7er of (oint 6ent-re

    (To be executed separately by each Member of the Joint Venture on stamp paper of appropriate alue!

    (Re'er Clause 2*2*(/or Bidders 'rom outside India, to "e e#ecuted accordin to t%e a$$lica"le la in t%e Bidder?s

    country and "y ta in into account t%e Eotes s%o n "elo *

    W ereas t e 'ana+in+ Director, Karnataka Road Development Corporation Limited 4 t e

    )ut oritrom =uali>ied and selected parties >or t e Project 0o8 "CP * !a++an 3

    Ramanat0ap-ra 3 Peri2apatna 4 t e ProjectE:8

    W ereas, 88888888888888888888888888888888,88888888888888888888888888888888888888888 and 888888888888

    t e %oint *entureE: bein+ 'embers o> t e %oint *enture are interested in biddin+ >or t e Project in

    accordance Ait t e terms and conditions o> t e Re=uest >or Proposal and ot er connected

    documents in respect o> t e Project, and

    W ereas, it is necessar< >or t e 'embers o> t e %oint *enture to desi+nate one o> t em as t e Lead

    'ember, A o s all be t e le+al representative Ait all necessar< poAer and aut orit< to do >or and

    on be al> o> t e %oint *enture, all acts, deeds and t in+s as ma< be necessar< in connection Ait t e

    %oint *entureGs bid >or t e Project and its e5ecution8


    We, 8888888888888888888888888888 avin+ our re+istered o>>ice at , avin+ our re+istered

    o>>ice at , 4 ereina>ter re>erred to as t e PrincipalE: do ereb< irrevocabl< desi+nate, nominate,

    constitute, appoint and aut orise '$s 888 (mention name o' Lead mem"er , avin+ its re+istered o>>ice

    at , bein+ one o> t e 'embers o> t e %oint *enture, as t e Lead 'ember and true and laA>ul attorne<

    o> t e %oint *enture 4 ereina>ter re>erred to as t e )ttorneor and on be al> o> t e %oint *entureand an< one o> us durin+ t e (iddin+ Process and, in t e event t e %oint *enture is aAarded t e

    Concession$ Contract, durin+ t e e5ecution o> t e Project, and in t is re+ard, to do on our be al> and

    on be al> o> t e %oint *enture, all or an< o> suc acts, deeds or t in+s as are necessar< or re=uired or

    incidental to t e submission o> its bid >or t e Project, includin+ but not limited to si+nin+ and

    submission o> all applications, bids and ot er documents and Aritin+s,

    KRDCL 7

    !a++an : Ramanat0ap-ra 3 Peri2apatna Re=uest >or Proposal

  • 8/19/2019 Rfp - Wcp 3- Hassan - Ramanathapura - Periyapatna


    accept t e Letter o> )Aard, participate in biddersG and ot er con>erences, respond to =ueries, submit

    in>ormation$ documents, si+n and e5ecute contracts and undertakin+s conse=uent to acceptance o>

    t e bid o> t e %oint *enture and +enerall< to represent t e %oint *enture in all its dealin+s Ait t e

    )ut orit t e %oint *enture bid >or t e Project and$ or upon aAard t ereo> till t e

    Concession )+reement is entered into Ait t e )ut orit< and con>irm and do ereb< rati>< and con>irm all acts, deeds and t in+s

    laA>ull< done or caused to be done b< our said )ttorne< pursuant to and in e5ercise o> t e poAers

    con>erred b< t is PoAer o> )ttorne< and t at all acts, deeds and t in+s done b< our said )ttorne< in

    e5ercise o> t e poAers ereb< con>erred s all and s all alAa )ttorne< as been e5ecuted b< t e person4s: mentioned beloA pursuant to a

    resolution dated M N passed b< t e (oard o> Directors o> t e compan

  • 8/19/2019 Rfp - Wcp 3- Hassan - Ramanathapura - Periyapatna


    APPENDI< 69 Li+t of P-7li. Finan.ial In+tit-tion+

    (Re'er Clause 2*2*1;

    )s per t e )pplicable LaAs, presentl< t e >olloAin+ institutions ave been declared as Public

    !inancial Institutions2

    i: T e Li>e Insurance Corporation o> India, establis ed under section 7 o> t e Li>e Insurance

    Corporation )ct, 9-#8

    ii: T e In>rastructure Development !inance Compan< Limited, a compan< >ormed and

    re+istered under t e Companies )ct, 9-# so repealed b< t e Companies )ct /. 78

    iii: speci>ied compan< re>erred to in t e Unit Trust o> India 4Trans>er o> Undertakin+ and

    Repeal: )ct, /../

    iv: T e institutions noti>ied b< t e Central Fovernment under sub section 4 2: o> section H) o>

    t e Companies )ct, 9-# so repealed under section H#- o> Companies )ct, /. 7

    Furthermore, this list is deemed to include such other institution as may be

    notifed by the Central Government in consultation with the Reserve Bank o



    !a++an : Ramanat0ap-ra 3 Peri2apatna Re=uest >or Proposal


  • 8/19/2019 Rfp - Wcp 3- Hassan - Ramanathapura - Periyapatna



    A1ard De.i+ion 7a+ed on finan.ial .apa.it29

    =) T0e Total Pro8e.t Co+t of t0e five pa.ka,e+ &Ill-+trative' are a+ 7elo19

    Pro8e.t A Pro8e.t % Pro8e.t C Pro8e.tD Pro8e.t E

    Total Project Cost .. . /.. H. 9.'in8 netAort re=uired to meet >in8capacit< criteria 4 /- o> TPC: /- /68- -. 7- //8-

    @) Ann-it2 4-ote+ re.eived 72 Pre3;-alified 7idder+ are a+ 7elo19

    Pro8e.t A Pro8e.t % Pro8e.t C Pro8e.t D Pro8e.t E

    (idder /6 7. # HJ /-

    (idder / 7/ 7 #7 H9 /#

    (idder 7 77 7/ #H -. /H

    (idder H 7H /9 #- - /7(idder - 7- 77 ## -/ /6

    *) From t0e a7ove ta7le$ t0e lea+t ann-it2 ;-ote+ re.eived for vario-+ pa.ka,e+$ pro8e.t31i+e L=7idder+ and t0eir net1ort0 are a+ 7elo1

    Pro8e.t A Pro8e.t % Pro8e.t C Pro8e.t D Pro8e.t E

    L (idder (idder (idder H (idder (idder (idder H

    L =uote /6 /9 # HJ /7 0etAort o> t eL (idders .. #. .. .. #.

    ) ta,e =9 Net1ort0 mappin,Case 2

    Cumulative 0etAort re=uirement >orProject ), Project C and Project D 4/-X-.X7-: Y .

    0etAort o> bidder ..

    In>erence 0etAort Cum8 0etAort re=uiremento> bidder o> respective projects

    Case /2

    Cumulative 0etAort re=uirement >or

    Project ( and Project 4/68-X//8-: Y -.

    0etAort o> bidder H #.

    In>erence 0etAort Z Cum8 0etAort re=uiremento> bidder o> respective packa+es

    (idder as in+-ffi.ient capacit< to be aAarded all t ree projects

    (idder H as +-ffi.ient netAort and t ere>ore can be aAarded bot t e projects


    !a++an : Ramanat0ap-ra 3 Peri2apatna Re=uest >or Proposal


  • 8/19/2019 Rfp - Wcp 3- Hassan - Ramanathapura - Periyapatna


    ta,e @9 A1ard de.i+ion9

    .enario =9 %idder = i+ a1arded Pro8e.t A and Pro8e.t C$ and Pro8e.t D a1arded to L@


    Pro8e.t A Pro8e.t % Pro8e.t C Pro8e.t D Pro8e.t E Total

    annuit< pa>ective)nnuit<

    Pro8e.t A Pro8e.t % Pro8e.t C Pro8e.t D Pro8e.t E Totalannuit<


    Pro8e.t A Pro8e.t % Pro8e.t C Pro8e.t D Pro8e.t E Totalannuit<

    paor Proposal