representation of feminism in the novels of nayantara sahgal -

Copyright © 2020 PhdAssistance. All rights reserved 1 Representation of Feminism in the Novels of Nayantara Sahgal Dr. Nancy Agens, Head, Technical Operations, Phdassistance [email protected] I. INTRODUCTION In the world, women have been suffered for a long time since the human specie evolved from monkeys, and some people are constantly raised the voice against the suppression of women. In India, Nayantara Sahgal, an English Writing, is one of them who wrote many novels that depict the social condition of women in India and advocates how to demolish the enslavement of women. II. FAMILY AND BACKGROUND OF NAYANTARA SAHGAL Nayantara Sahgal was born on 10 th May 1927 in Allahabad, India to orthodox Hindu family. Her mother Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit was first Ambassador to UN, and her uncle was Jawaharlal Nehru, and her cousin was Indira Gandhi. Even though she born in orthodox Hindu family, she raised the voice against oppression of women in Indian society. III. REPRESENTATION OF FEMINISM IN HER NOVELS Nayantara Sahgal has written eight novels, two collections of memories, and some non-fictional works. She is one of the few authors who has written about feminism in her novels. She has written about female child murder, female child marriage, and purdha (disengagement). Nayantara Sahgal, in her novels, depicts the actual status of women in Indian, and she stressed that women should raise to break the barriers that were set by our forefathers. In her novels, she has portrayed women as a strong personality. She created “Rose” and “Smitri”, the female characters which had the strong will power and ability to live independently without male companion. Amanjeet (2018) said Sahal has dived deep into the female mind, that is why she could depict female mind clearly. Sahgal, in her novels, stresses the equality of men and women, and she opposed the customs that worship husband as God. Prasanth and Ambika (2018) said: Nayantara wants to bring out the rule that man women (sic) relationship with perfect equality.” IV. CONCLUSION Nayantara Sahgal is one of the few writers who work for women empowerment. Even though she born in orthodox Hindu family; she fights for women equality. She dedicates her life to women empowerment, because of his works she won Sinclair Fiction Prize and the Sahitya Akademi Awards, but one thing she forgets that without demolishing all religions, women empowerment cannot be possible. Most religions in the world treat women as second-class citizens and properties to male. REFERENCES [1] Amanjeet, K., (2018). “Feminist perspective and approach in the novel of Nayantara Sahgal: a review”. Journal of Advances and Scholarly Reviews in the allied edition. 15(6): doi: 10.29070/JASRAE [2] Prasanth, K. and Ambika, G., (2018). “Portrayal of feminism in Nayantara Sahgal's the day in the shadow.” Research Journal of English Language and Literature:

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In the world, women have been suffered for a long time since the human specie evolved from monkeys, and some people are constantly raised the voice against the suppression of women. In India, Nayantara Sahgal, an English Writing, is one of them who wrote many novels that depict the social condition of women in India and advocates how to demolish the enslavement of women. Visite : Contact Us: UK NO: +44-1143520021 India No: +91-8754446690 Email: [email protected]


Page 1: Representation of Feminism in the Novels of Nayantara Sahgal -

Copyright © 2020 PhdAssistance. All rights reserved 1

Representation of Feminism in the Novels of Nayantara Sahgal

Dr. Nancy Agens, Head,

Technical Operations, Phdassistance

[email protected]


In the world, women have been suffered

for a long time since the human specie

evolved from monkeys, and some people

are constantly raised the voice against the

suppression of women. In India, Nayantara

Sahgal, an English Writing, is one of them

who wrote many novels that depict the

social condition of women in India and

advocates how to demolish the

enslavement of women.



Nayantara Sahgal was born on 10th


1927 in Allahabad, India to orthodox

Hindu family. Her mother Vijaya Lakshmi

Pandit was first Ambassador to UN, and

her uncle was Jawaharlal Nehru, and her

cousin was Indira Gandhi. Even though

she born in orthodox Hindu family, she

raised the voice against oppression of

women in Indian society.



Nayantara Sahgal has written eight novels,

two collections of memories, and some

non-fictional works. She is one of the few

authors who has written about feminism in

her novels. She has written about female

child murder, female child marriage, and

purdha (disengagement). Nayantara

Sahgal, in her novels, depicts the actual

status of women in Indian, and she

stressed that women should raise to break

the barriers that were set by our

forefathers. In her novels, she has

portrayed women as a strong personality.

She created “Rose” and “Smitri”, the

female characters which had the strong

will power and ability to live

independently without male companion.

Amanjeet (2018) said Sahal has dived deep

into the female mind, that is why she could

depict female mind clearly. Sahgal, in her

novels, stresses the equality of men and

women, and she opposed the customs that

worship husband as God. Prasanth and

Ambika (2018) said: “Nayantara wants to

bring out the rule that man women (sic)

relationship with perfect equality.”


Nayantara Sahgal is one of the few writers

who work for women empowerment. Even

though she born in orthodox Hindu family;

she fights for women equality. She

dedicates her life to women empowerment,

because of his works she won Sinclair

Fiction Prize and the Sahitya Akademi

Awards, but one thing she forgets that

without demolishing all religions, women

empowerment cannot be possible. Most

religions in the world treat women as

second-class citizens and properties to



[1] Amanjeet, K., (2018). “Feminist perspective and

approach in the novel of Nayantara Sahgal: a review”.

Journal of Advances and Scholarly Reviews in the allied

edition. 15(6): doi: 10.29070/JASRAE

[2] Prasanth, K. and Ambika, G., (2018). “Portrayal of

feminism in Nayantara Sahgal's the day in the shadow.”

Research Journal of English Language and Literature: