medical instruments

Stetoskop Stetoskop adalah salah satu alat yang sudah menjadi simbol dari profesi kedokteran. Wajib bagi seorang dokter untuk memiliki alat kedokteran ini. Fungsi dari stetoskop ini adalah untuk mendengarkan detak jantung, suara usus, dan lain sebagainya. Dengan kemampuannya ini, Stetoskop dapat digunakan pula untuk mengetahui kerja paru-paru dan juga untuk mengukur tekanan darah dengan mendengarkan denyut nadi. Endoscopy Endoscopy adalah salah satu alat kedokteran yang memiliki fungsi untuk mengetahui kelainan yang terjadi pada alat-alat pencernaan bagian atas dan juga tenggorokan. one medical device that is very useful to look at the body cavities. Basically, this tool is a long hose ends are given cameras and other medical devices. Then the hose is put our bodies Endoscope is a device used in endoscopy. These devices are small tubular length that can be inserted into the body, such as the stomach, into the joint, or other body cavities. In the pipeline are two optical fibers. One for generating light to the body at the front end of an endoscope clearly visible, while other fibers serve as conductor of the image captured by the camera. In addition to the two optical fibers, there is one more piece that can be used as a channel for the delivery of drugs and fluids to enter or suck. In addition, the section can also be fitted with medical devices such as small scissors, small brush, etc.. Benefits Endoscopy: 1. know how the parts of the gastrointestinal tract (if there are injuries, a growth, gastrointestinal deformities, etc.)

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Many medical instruments that we use in clinic


Page 1: Medical Instruments


Stetoskop adalah salah satu alat yang sudah menjadi simbol dari profesi kedokteran. Wajib bagi seorang dokter untuk memiliki alat kedokteran ini. Fungsi dari stetoskop ini adalah untuk mendengarkan detak jantung, suara usus, dan lain sebagainya. Dengan kemampuannya ini, Stetoskop dapat digunakan pula untuk mengetahui kerja paru-paru dan juga untuk mengukur tekanan darah dengan mendengarkan denyut nadi.


Endoscopy adalah salah satu alat kedokteran yang memiliki fungsi untuk mengetahui kelainan yang terjadi pada alat-alat pencernaan bagian atas dan juga tenggorokan.

one medical device that is very useful to look at the body cavities. Basically, this tool is a long hose ends are given cameras and other medical devices. Then the hose is put our bodies

Endoscope is a device used in endoscopy. These devices are small tubular length that can be inserted into the body, such as the stomach, into the joint, or other body cavities. In the pipeline are two optical fibers. One for generating light to the body at the front end of an endoscope clearly visible, while other fibers serve as conductor of the image captured by the camera. In addition to the two optical fibers, there is one more piece that can be used as a channel for the delivery of drugs and fluids to enter or suck. In addition, the section can also be fitted with medical devices such as small scissors, small brush, etc..

Benefits Endoscopy:

1. know how the parts of the gastrointestinal tract (if there are injuries, a growth, gastrointestinal deformities, etc.)

2. can be used to take part in a tissue sample (biopsy) for examination.

Endoscopy can be used to view the inside of the body, among other things:

1. gastrointestinal (gastrokopi)

2. colon (colonoscopy)

3. abdominal cavity or cavities outside the colon (peritoneoskopi or laparoscopic)

4. bile and pancreatic duct (endoscopic retrograde pancreatography cholagio)

Page 2: Medical Instruments

Endoscopy was also very instrumental in determining the cause of the gastrointestinal bleeding that is difficult to determine based on radiologic examination. Some lesions (whitish or pale) that is not seen on radiological examination can be identified by endoscopy. Based on the function endoscopy is divided into two namely endoscopic diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy. Endoscopic diagnostic role in determining the cause of the bleeding and the location of lesions that occur, whereas therapeutic endoscopy plays to stop the bleeding that occurs. "Endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract is divided into two major parts, namely upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (esofagoduodenoskopi) and lower gastrointestinal tract (colonoscopy). Followed by now there capsule endoscope.

Endoscopy not only serve as a check but also to perform medical procedures such as removal of polyps, sewing, and others. In addition, the endoscope can also be used to take tissue samples if the suspect tissue is exposed to cancer or other disorders.

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Page 3: Medical Instruments

Colonoscopy adalah alat kedokteran yang fungsinya untuk mengetahui kondisi saluran pencernaan bagian bawah. Bagian tersebut dimulai dari rectum, anus sampai dengan usus pada bagian bawah.


Alat kedokteran ini dipergunakan untuk mengukur tensi atau tekanan darah. Dipergunakan untuk pemeriksaan pasien hipertensi, anemia, dan lain sebagainya. Ada dua jenis tensimeter yaitu tensimeter air raksa dan tensimeter digital.

Tensimeter air raksa di luar negeri saat ini sudah dilarang untuk digunakan lagi karena bahaya dari air raksanya jika tensimeter tersebut pecah. Tensimeter digital sendiri lebih canggih dan praktis dipergunakan, namun harganya memang lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan yang konvensional.


Termometer adalah alat kedokteran yang dipergunakan untuk mengukur suhu tubuh. Ada dua jenis termometer yaitu termometer raksa dan digital. Perbedaannya terletak pada alat pengukurnya.

Untuk termometer digital, jika suhu tubuh sudah di dapat maka alat tersebut akan mengeluarkan bunyi dengan sendirinya sedangkan termometer raksa sendiri deteksinya memakan waktu yang lama, sehingga kurang efisien untuk dipergunakan. Ini salah satu alat yang wajib dimiliki dan tersimpan di kotak P3K Anda.


CT- singkatan dari Computed Temography sedangkan Scan adalah foto. Sehingga fungsi dari alat ini tiada lain adalah untuk menghasilkan foto bagian-bagian dalam dari tubuh dengan lebih lengkap dan akurat. Hal ini dikarenakan foto yang dihasilkan dari CT-Scan ini merupakan foto (gambar) bagian dalam tubuh berupa irisan.

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Orang lebih mengenal alat kedokteran ini dengan sebutan Rontgen. Alat ini dipergunakan untuk mengetahui bagian dalam khususnya paru-paru. X-ray menjalankan fungsi kerjanya dengan penggunaan sinar radiasi.


Alat kedokteran ini adalah alat yang berfungsi untuk pembersihan darah. Selain itu, laparoscopy juga dipergunakan untuk melakukan inseminasi.

Alat Cek Darah

Alat cek darah biasanya memiliki tiga fungsi dalam satu alat. Selain untuk mengecek kadar gula darah, juga dapat digunakan untuk mengecek asam urat dan kolesterol dalam darah. Dipergunakan pada pemeriksaan penyakit kolesterol, asam urat, diabetes, dan lain sebagainya.

Ultrasonography (USG)

USG sering dipergunakan untuk melihat perkembangan janin dalam tubuh ibu hamil, untuk mengecek adanya penyakit lain dalam tubuh seperti kanker, miom, dan lain sebagainya.

Elektrokardiografi (ECG)

Elektrokardiografi adalah alat kedokteran yang fungsinya untuk merekam aktivitas elektro atau kelistrikan yang terjadi di dalam jantung. Hasilnya dapat terlihat pada elektrodiagram. Biasanya dipergunakan pada penyakit-penyakit yang berkaitan dengan fungsi dari jantung.

Page 5: Medical Instruments

Stethoscope is one tool that has become a symbol of the medical profession. Mandatory for a doctor to have this medical equipment. This is the function of the stethoscope to listen to the heartbeat, bowel sounds, and so forth. With this ability, stethoscope can be used also to know the working of the lungs and also to measure blood pressure by listening to the pulse.


Endoscopy is a medical device that has a function to find abnormalities that occur in devices upper digestive and throat.


Colonoscopy is a medical device whose function is to determine the condition of the lower digestive tract. The section starts from the rectum, anus until the intestine at the bottom.


This medical device used to measure blood pressure or blood pressure. Used for examination of patients with hypertension, anemia, and so forth. There are two types tensimeter tensimeter mercury and digital tensimeter.

Tensimeter mercury abroad are now forbidden to use again because of the danger of mercury if tensimeter water broke. Digital Tensimeter itself more advanced and practical use, but the price is more expensive than conventional ones.


The thermometer is a medical instrument used to measure body temperature. There are two types of thermometers are mercury and digital thermometers. The difference lies in measurement tool.

Page 6: Medical Instruments

For digital thermometer, if the temperature is in the can so the tool will emit mercury thermometer itself while its own detection takes a long time, making it less efficient to use. It's one of the must-have tool and stored in your P3K box.


CT stands for Computed Temography while Scan is a photograph. So the function of this tool no other is to produce the parts of the body with a more complete and accurate. This is because the image produced from CT-Scan is a photograph (image) of the body in the form of slices.


People are more familiar with this medical device as the X-ray. This tool is used to find out the inside of the lungs in particular. X-ray function works with the use of the radiation beam.


This medical device is a device that cleansing the blood. Moreover, laparoscopy was used to carry out insemination.

Equipment Check Blood

The tool checks the blood usually have three functions in one tool. In addition to check blood sugar levels, can also be used to check uric acid and cholesterol in the blood. Used in disease screening, cholesterol, uric acid, diabetes, and others.

Ultrasonography (USG)

Page 7: Medical Instruments

Ultrasound is often used to see the development of the fetus in pregnant woman's body, to check the presence of other diseases in the body such as cancer, myoma, and so forth.

Electrocardiographic (ECG)

Electrocardiography is a medical device whose function is to record the electrical activity of electro or occurring within the heart. The results can be seen on the electrocardiogram. Usually used in diseases related to the function of the heart.


Abocath (jarum infus). (AKATSUKI-NERS.BLOGSPOT.COM)

Infusion is one way or part of the treatment to include medications or vitamins into the body of the patient. Infection can be a major complication of integral intravenous (IV) infusion system is in place jabbed or venous (darmawan, 2008).

Infus set / Transet ( selang infus)

Cairan infus.


Tensi (tensimeter)



Page 8: Medical Instruments

Tools made of iron. Tweezers (the pointy end), is used to retrieve or pull some samples.

The function of tweezers is to pinch small objects or very soft (soft).

There are few samples or substances contained in the lab can cause allergies or irritation in humans. to avoid it then the alternative is a pair of tweezers

If the tool is rusty and dirty, clean it, or replace it with a new tool....

Spuit (suntikan) (

Syringes or syringe (UK: syringe) is a simple piston pump to inject or suck liquids or gases. Syringes consist of a tube with a piston in it that comes out of the back end. The front end can be fitted with a hypodermic needle or tube to help direct the flow into or out of the tube. Syringes with needles are generally sold in a single package.

Laparoscopy is also commonly referred to as "Band-Aid surgery" or minimally invasive surgery. It is typically performed on an outpatient basis using 2 or 3 small incisions about 1/2 an inch each. The first incision is through the belly button. We use this one to introduce a lighted viewing instrument called a laparoscope. The laparoscope allows us to see directly the reproductive organs. Through the other incisions small operating instruments or laser fibers can be passed so we can correct any abnormalities that are found. Operating time is about an hour. The patient then recovers for 2 to 3 hours in the hospital and goes home on the same day. Typically decreased activity is advised for 48 - 72 hours and then normal activity can resume.

Laparoscopy is frequently combined with hysteroscopy which is a procedure to check the inside of the uterus.  

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HysteroscopyHysteroscopy is performed through the vaginal canal without any incisions. The cervix ( opening of the uterus ) is dilated or stretched and we work though this to reach the inside of the uterus. Hysteroscopy can be used to remove scar tissue, or polyps or fibroids from within the uterus. We also use the procedure to open the tubes with catheters if they are plugged at their origin in the uterus.