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JURNAL INFORMATIKA IMPLEMlENTASI METODE PROMETHEE PADA PENXlLAIAN KELAYAKAN PROPOSAL KREDIT' MIRA MUSRINI"', ASEP NANA HERMANA"', IMAM MUNANDAR PUTERA"' Teknik Informatika Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung ABSTRAX Pertimbangan layak atau tidaknya suatu proposal pengajuan bedit GOLBERTAP berdasarkun kaidah The Five C's of Credit Analysis. Analisis tersebut dilakuhn oleh seorang account oflcer (mantri). Selama ini proses menganalisa tersebut dilakukan secara manual tanpa melalui analisis yang sisternutis. Disamping itu, cara ini akan rnernakan banyak waktu bila proposal yang harm diarialisis berjumlah besar. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebur, dibutuhkan sisrem yang &pat menganalisa layak atau tidaknya suatu proposal pengqiuan kredit GOLBERTAP secara baik w e PROME (Preferences Ranking Organization Method For Enrichment Evaluation) adalar urutan brioritas) dalarn analisis multikeriteria. Sistern ya ~enggunakan metode PROMETHEE untuk melakukan analisa terhadap kredit GOLBERTAP berdasarkan kaidah ini adalah prioritas terbaik dari analisis. Dengan memberikan . . ABST~CT Consideration of whether a proposal of GOLBERTAP's credit is credible or nol is based on the rules of The Five C's of Credit Analysis. The analysis was performed by an accounts oflcer. AN analysis process were done manually without a systematic analysis. with a large number of Proposals took a lot of time for the proposals have to be analyzed To overcome these problems, it takes the system to analyze whether or not a loan proposal GOLBERTAP can be approved Promethee method (Preferences Ranking Organization Method For Enrichment Evaluation) is a method of determining the order (priority) in the multicriteria analysis. The system will be built using Promethee method to analyze the proposal of GOLBERTAP1scredit by the rules of fie Five C's of Credit Analysis. The output ofthis system is the best priority of the alternatives (credit recipients) that have gone through the process of analysis. This system was expected to provide facilities for the account oflcer in providing recommendations applicant credit worthiness well. Keywords: Credit GOLBERTAP, Promethee Method, The Five C's of Credit Analysis. No.2, Vol. 4, Mei - Agustl~s 2013 ISSN: 2087-5266 106

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Teknik Informatika Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung

ABSTRAX Pertimbangan layak atau tidaknya suatu proposal pengajuan bedit GOLBERTAP

berdasarkun kaidah The Five C's of Credit Analysis. Analisis tersebut dilakuhn oleh seorang account oflcer (mantri). Selama ini proses menganalisa tersebut dilakukan secara manual tanpa melalui analisis yang sisternutis. Disamping itu, cara ini akan rnernakan banyak waktu bila proposal yang harm diarialisis berjumlah besar. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebur, dibutuhkan sisrem yang &pat menganalisa layak atau tidaknya suatu proposal pengqiuan kredit GOLBERTAP secara baik w e PROME (Preferences Ranking Organization Method For Enrichment Evaluation) adalar urutan brioritas) dalarn analisis multikeriteria. Sistern ya ~enggunakan metode PROMETHEE untuk melakukan analisa terhadap kredit GOLBERTAP berdasarkan kaidah ini adalah prioritas terbaik dari analisis. Dengan


. . A B S T ~ C T

Consideration of whether a proposal of GOLBERTAP's credit is credible or nol is based on the rules of The Five C's of Credit Analysis. The analysis was performed by an accounts oflcer. AN analysis process were done manually without a systematic analysis. with a large number of Proposals took a lot of time for the proposals have to be analyzed To overcome these problems, it takes the system to analyze whether or not a loan proposal GOLBERTAP can be approved Promethee method (Preferences Ranking Organization Method For Enrichment Evaluation) is a method of determining the order (priority) in the multicriteria analysis. The system will be built using Promethee method to analyze the proposal of GOLBERTAP1s credit by the rules of f i e Five C's of Credit Analysis. The output ofthis system is the best priority of the alternatives (credit recipients) that have gone through the process of analysis. This system was expected to provide facilities for the account oflcer in providing recommendations applicant credit worthiness well.

Keywords: Credit GOLBERTAP, Promethee Method, The Five C's of Credit Analysis.

No.2, Vol. 4, Mei - Agustl~s 2013 ISSN: 2087-5266 106