fcs erp software

FCS-ERP BUSINESS SOFTWARE “Simple Way For Having Complete Business Application”

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Post on 10-May-2015




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Your flexible and evolutionary Solution for the midmarket


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“Simple Way For Having Complete Business Application”

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Simple Way For Having Complete Business Application. Ketika perusahaan anda

menyadari kebutuhkan sebuah sistem aplikasi bisnis yang terintegrasi, hal tersebut

sering kali menjadi persoalan besar untuk memutuskan antara membuat sendiri

aplikasi yang dibutuhkan (development from scratch) atau membeli sistem applikasi

bisnis yang telah jadi (ERP system package). Kedua pilihan tersebut memiliki

kekurangan dan kelebihan masing – masing yang harus manjadi perhatian (concern)

dari perusahaan yang akan menggunakan ERP System.

Dihubungkan proses bisnis dari perusahaan tentunya perusahaan memiliki strategy

process yang unique dimana hal tersebut menjadi keunggulan (Winning Point

company) di dalam menghadapi pesaing (competitor) dan jika di hubungkan dengan

perkembangan perusahaan tentunya perusahaan juga menginginkan system ERP yang

ada dapat mengikuti perkembangan perusahaan, misalkan kedepan perusahaan akan

menerapkan Kanban system , atau lainnya.

Pengalaman kami dalam implementasi system ERP, untuk bisnis proses pada

akhirnya perusahaan yang mengikuti system (winning point company manjadi tidak

di pakai dan mengikuti standard bisnis process) yang berarti perusahaan anda

memiliki bisnis proses yang sama dengan pesaing. Sedangkan jika dihubungkan pada

perkembangan perusahaan jika perusahaan kedepan menerapkan system management

baru tidak jarang ERP system yang ada harus “dibuang” atau tidak di pakai

(Perusahaan Membuang Asset).

SOLUSI !!!!!!!

Kami menawarkan SOLUSI, yaitu FCS Business Software yang menjadi penengah

antara kedua option sebelumnya yaitu development from scratch dan ERP system

package. FCS Business Software adalah sebuah framework dimana di dalamnya

telah dilengkapi template business process seperti Purchase Module, Sales Module,

Inventory Management Module, Production Module, Accounting Module,

Scheduler System, Production Cost Module, Payroll Module. Semua Template

module dapat anda gunakan sebagai standard application. Jika anda menginginkan

perubahan terhadap standard system atau ingin membuat module yang baru, maka

dengan mudah anda dapat mengubah dan menambah module aplikasi baru lainnya

misalnya ingin menambahkan Module Quality System, maka dengan mudah anda

dapat membuat sendiri. Laporan (Reports) dapat di customize sesuai dengan yang

anda inginkan.


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* Sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku

SCHEMA FCS Business Software

Overview Business Process

Object Generator

Process Engine


Reports / Analysis


Objects Definition (Prod, Acc, Payroll, etc)

FCS Business Software

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Template FCS Business Software

Purchasing Module o Orders Processing

Purchase Request (Request Quotation)

Purchase Order Logistic

Purchase Order PGA

Purchase Category Logistic

Purchase Category PGA

o Display Orders

Purchase Request Monitoring

Purchase Order Monitoring Summary

Purchase Order Monitoring Detail

Purchase Order Category Monitoring

o Receiving Pocessing

Purchase Received

Purchase Received Category

o Internal Quality Control

Purchase Approval

o Internal Reference Purchase

Internal Reference PO

Internal Reference PO Category

o Inbound Purchase

Inbound Process

Outboud Return Process

Sales Module o Orders Processing

Sales Quotation (Quotation)

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Sales Contract

Sales Order

Purchase Category Logistic

Purchase Category PGA

o Display Orders

Monitoring Quotation

Monitoring Order

Monitoring Delivery Sales

Sales Delivery Monitoring

o Generate Picking List

Generate Picking List

Display Picking List

o Packing Order Management

Packing Order

Packing Slip

o Outbound Delivery Order

Delivery Order

Invoice Sales

Production Module o Data Master Management

Bill of Material / Formula

List Item Task Management

Routing & Machine Management

Relationship Management

o Demand Planning Management

Create / Change Demand Planning

Display Demand Planning

Create Forecasting Order

o Scheduling

Running Scheduling

Purchase Order Suggestion

Work Order Suggestion

Sub – Contract Suggestion

o Production Activity

Production Order Transaction

Production Order Plan

Production Execution Control

Completion Production

Display Production Order

Monitoring Production Order

Monitoring Completion Production

Outbound Production

Generate Outbound Production

Maintain & Release Outbound

Delete Generate Outbounf Production

Create Add New Material Issue Production

Display Outbound Production

Display Add New Material

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Display Material Issue Production

Display Data Issue Production

Monitoring Material Production

Inbound Production

Create Return Production

Create Packing Standard Production

Create Production Receipt Inspection

Create Inbound Receipt Production

Re-Packing Order Process

Service Module o Master Files


Level of qualification


Type of service assignment




Mailing List

Service Product

Service Product BOM

Service BOM

o Service processes

Service requests

Service Request

Service quotations

Service quotation

Service orders

Service order

Reservation of service

Invoice From Service Processes

Delivery notes from service orders

Repair orders

Repair order

o Evaluations and reports

Service report

Service product

Means of transport reservations

Service engineer assignments

Service engineer assignments (CW)

Service request

Invoice service request

Service product where-used list

Outstanding services

Customer information centre

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Financial Accounting General Ledger

Bank Module

Cash / Bank Transaction

Account Payable

Account Receivable

Historical Journal Transaction

Closing Process

Production Costing

Sys Journal Change Price

Sys Journal Forex Variance

Journal Generator

Clossing Process

Report Accounting Real

Report Accounting Simulation

Line Balance Sheet Data Real

Line Balance Sheet Data Simulation

Bank Data

Neraca Saldo Real

Neraca Saldo Simulation

Other Module (Warehouse & Inventory Management, ect)

Capture System :

Form Transactional

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Business Intelligence

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Production Scheduling

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System Supports : Producion Planning Library.

Postgres Database (Open Source DB).

SQL Server Database

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Oracle Database

Reports Builder

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Untuk informasi dan show product silakan hubungi kami, anda dapat

melihat kecangihan system kami.