
CONDITIONAL1. CONDITIONAL TYPE 1 FUNGSI : berandai andai untuk hal hal yang akan terjadi di waktu yang akan datang Rumus If + S + v1 S + will + v 1 If + S + (simple present) S + (simple future)Kalimat conditionalnya tidak mempengaruhi kenyataan. Positif atau negatif kenyataan nya sama yaitu belum pastiNext month Udin will face school test. He feels so anxious. He doesnnt know what to do. If he studies hard he will pass the test easily. If he doesnt study hard he will not pass the test easily

2. CONDITIONAL TYPE 2 FUNGSI : berandai andai, mengomentari dan ngomelin untuk hal hal yang terjadi di waktu sekarang ( present ) Rumus If + S + v2 S + would + v 1 If + S + (simple past) S + (simple past future) Jika kalimat conditional nya positif berarti faktanya negatif Jika kalimat conditional nya negatif berarti faktanya positifCONTOH (+): Now Udin is sitting down on a chair with the tear drop from his eyes. His father is so angry and shouting at him because he doesnt pass the test. If Udin studied hard He would pass the test easily

CONTOH (-): Now Udin is sitting down on a chair with the sweet smile He is so happy because he passes the test with very good scores. His father is so proud of him . If Udin didnt study hard He wouldnt pass the test easily

3. CONDITIONAL TYPE 3 FUNGSI : berandai andai, mengomentari dan ngomelin untuk hal hal yang terjadi di waktu lampau ( past ) Rumus If + S + had+ v3 S + would + have + v 3 If + S + (past perfect) S + (past future pefect) Jika kalimat conditional nya positif berarti faktanya negatif Jika kalimat conditional nya negatif berarti faktanya positifCONTOH (+) Two years ago I saw udin was sitting on the chair. He was crying because he got bad scores in his report book. He didnt make his father happy. His father shouted at him If he had studied hard he would have got the good scores CONTOH (-) Two years ago I saw udin was sitting on the chair. He was smiling because he got good scores in his report book. He made his father happy. His father was proud of him If he hadnt studied hard he wouldnt have got the good scores

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