Page 1: RPP bahasa Inggris SMP (asking and giving information-listening skill)




Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Aspek/Skill : Listening (Mendengarkan)

Kelas/Semester : VII/Gasal

Alokasi Waktu : 4 X 40 menit ( 2x pertemuan)

Jenis Teks : Teks Transaksional/ Interpersonal

Tema : Asking and Giving Information Expressions

Standar Kompetensi : 1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan

interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan terdekat

Kompetensi Dasar : 1.2 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get

things done dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang

menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara

akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur:

meminta dan member informasi. Mengucapkan

terimakasih, meminta maaf dan mengungkapkan


Indikator : 1. Mengidentifikasikan makna dan fungsi ungkapan meminta

(asking for) dan memberikan informasi (giving information).

2. Merespon ungkapan meminta (asking for) dan memberikan

informasi (giving information).

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:

a. Mendengarkan dan merespon percakapan tentang meminta dan memberi informasi.

b. Menjawab/merespon pertanyaan berdasarkan materi yang diperdengarkan

Page 2: RPP bahasa Inggris SMP (asking and giving information-listening skill)

c. Mengetahui penggunaan kata tanya where, when, how many, what and which dengan

tepat dalam kalimat intterogative.

d. Mengetahui dan membuat kalimat menggunakan phrase.

e. Membedakan penggunaan conjunction (and/or) dalam sebuah kalimat

Karakter siswa yang diharapkan :

Cermat, komunikatif dan memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang tinggi.

2. Materi Pembelajaran

(1st meeting)

Asking information Giving Information

1. Where is used to ask questions about the place / location

- Where do you play football?- Where does she buy a pencil?

2. When is used to ask questions about the time

- When does the library open? - When do you go to sleep?

3. How many is used to ask questions about amount

- How many erasers do you have?- How many students in VII L?- How many books are there?

- I play football in the field- She buys a pencil in the


- The library opens at 8 o’clock- I go to sleep at 09.00 in the night

- I have 2 erasers- There are 40 students in VII L- There are three books

Preposition : in, on, at, under, behind, beside, in front of, between.

(2nd meeting)


Black = HitamYellow = KuningGreen = HijauPink = Merah mudaPurple = UnguGreey = Abu-abuBlue = BiruRed = MerahBrown = CokelatWhite = Putih

Number + Adjective [color] + noun e.g:1. Three apples Red apple Three red apples2. One cat Yellow cat One yellow cat3. Six birds Green bird Six green birds

Page 3: RPP bahasa Inggris SMP (asking and giving information-listening skill)

Conjunction and/or

1. What book do you buy? I buy dictionary and comic.

Which book do you buy, dictionary or comic?

2. What sport does Rendy like? He like football and basketball.

Which sport does Rendy like, football or basketball?

3. What animal does Reni like? She likes cat and rabit.

Which animal does Reni like, cat or rabbit?

4. Which food do you eat? I eat spaghetti and burger.

Which food do you eat, spaghetti or burger?

3. Metode Pembelajaran / Teknik

Three Phase Technique

4. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan

1st meeting

(Asking and Giving Information Expressions about where, when and how many)

Uraian KegiatanAlokasi


Kegiatan Awal 10 menit

Guru mengawali proses pembelajaran dengan salam, berdoa, dan


Confirming readiness (mengkonfirmasi kesiapan siswa)

Siswa bersama guru mengingat materi yang dipelajari pada pertemuan


Apersepsi :

Guru memberi stimulus kepada siswa dengan bertanya jawab.

Motivasi :

Menjelaskan pentingnya materi yang akan dipelajari berikut kompetensi

yang harus dikuasi siswa

Kegiatan inti 50 menit

Page 4: RPP bahasa Inggris SMP (asking and giving information-listening skill)

Siswa mendengarkan dialog mengenai meminta dan memberi informasi

yang dibacakan oleh guru (Activity 1)

Siswa bersama-sama membacakan dialog

Siswa berkelompok (work in pairs) dan mendiskusikan kosa kata baru.

Siswa diarahkan untuk menemukan kata kunci dalam dialog tersebut.

Siswa menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan dialog yang dibacakan guru.

Siswa mengidentifikasi tindak tutur yang dipakai dalam meminta dan

memberi informasi dalam sebuah dialog (Activity 2)

Siswa memperhatikan penjelasan guru tentang penggunaan kata where,

when, and how many dalam kalimat intterogative. (Activity 3)

Siswa mengerjakan latihan (Activity 4)

Siswa bersama guru mengevaluasi hasil diskusi.

5 menit

5 menit

5 menit

5 menit

10 menit

7 menit

5 menit

8 menit

5 menit

Kegiatan Penutup 15 menit

Guru mengkonfirmasi pemahaman siswa.

Evaluasi (siswa mengerjakan soal latihan)

Feed back (Menanyakkan kesulitan siswa selama KBM)

Guru bersama siswa menyimpulkan tentang materi yang telah diajarkan.

Guru mengingatkan materi yang akan di ajarkan di pertemuan berikutnya

2nd meeting (Asking and Giving Information Expressions about what and which)

Uraian KegiatanAlokasi


Kegiatan Awal 15 menit

Guru mengawali proses pembelajaran dengan salam, berdoa, dan


Confirming readiness (mengkonfirmasi kesiapan siswa)

Guru bersama siswa mengingat materi yang dipelajari pada pertemuan


Apersepsi : Guru memberi stimulus kepada siswa dengan bertanya jawab

berdasarkan gambar.

Page 5: RPP bahasa Inggris SMP (asking and giving information-listening skill)

Motivasi : Menjelaskan pentingnya materi yang akan dipelajari berikut

kompetensi yang harus dikuasi siswa.

Kegiatan inti 50 menit

Siswa mengerjakan latihan tentang macam-macam warna. (Activity 1)

Siswa dan guru bersama-sama membahas jawaban yang benar

Siswa memperhatikan penjelasan guru mengenai noun phrase (Acitivy 2)

Siswa mengerjakan latihan berdasarkan gambar dan contoh yang ada

(Activity 3)

Siswa mengerjakan latihan tentang penggunaan conjunction and/or.

(Activity 4)

Siswa dan guru bersama-sama membahas jawaban yang benar


5 menit

5 menit

5 menit

5 menit

5 menit

5 menit

20 menit

Post Activities 10 menit

Guru mengkonfirmasi pemahaman siswa.

Feed back (Menanyakkan kesulitan siswa selama


Guru bersama siswa menyimpulkan tentang materi

yang telah diajarkan.

Guru menutup kegiatan pembelajaran

5. Sumber Belajar dan Media Pembelajaran

- Buku paket “English in Focus for SMP/MTs Class VIII pengarang Artono

Wardiman, Masduki B. Jahur, M. Sukirman Djusman/2008 halaman 22, 23,

- Buku Let’s Talk kelas VII edisi 4 pengarang Th. Joko Siswanto, Yuniarti Dwi

Arini, Wasi Dewanto /2005 halaman 60, 68, 69, 71.

- Lingkungan kelas (real objects in the classroom).

- Script percakapan.

- Web (Internet).

- Gambar-gambar yang relevan.

Page 6: RPP bahasa Inggris SMP (asking and giving information-listening skill)

6. Penilaian

I. Teknik Penilaian : Tes Tulis

Bentuk Instrumen : Tes listening (PG)

Contoh Instrumen/ Soal : Terlampir

II. Teknik Penilaian : Tes tulis

Bentuk Instrumen : Tes listening (Essay)

Contoh Instrumen/ Soal : Terlampir

a. Rubrik Penilaian

No. Uraian Skor

I. Jawaban benar

Jawaban yang salah/ tidak dijawab



II. Jumlah soal 5

b. Pedoman Penilaian.

1. Setiap jawaban benar skor 5

2. Jumlah skor maksimal 2 x 5 = 10

3. Nilai Siswa = X 10

Guru Pamong

Cirebon, September 2013

Mahasiswa Praktikan,

Page 7: RPP bahasa Inggris SMP (asking and giving information-listening skill)


NIP 19700914 199412 2 002


NPM. 110060440

BAHAN AJAR (1st meeting)



Activity 1:

Listen carefully to the conversation from the teacher!

1. Father is on his way to a stall. A man comes to him. He wants to go to Mr. Marwan’s

house. He doesn’t know where it is.

The man : Excuse me. Do you know where Mr. Marwan’s house is?

Father : Of course. It is in front of the fruit stall.

The man : Oh, I see. Thank you.

Father : You’re welcome

1. What is the conversation about?

2. Who ask for Mr. Marwan’s house?

3. What does the man say?

4. Who give information?

5. What does father say to the man?

2. Wulan lost her pen and she asks Neta about it.

Wulan : Do you know where my pen is?

Neta : Which one?

Wulan : The red one. The one I put on the table.

Neta : No, I don’t know where it is.

1. What is the conversation about?

2. Who lose the pen?

3. What does Wulan say?

4. Where is the pen?

5. What is the color of the pen?

6. Who give information?

Page 8: RPP bahasa Inggris SMP (asking and giving information-listening skill)

7. Does Neta know where the pen is?

Activity 2:

Listen carefully to the conversation from the teacher!

Dina : Excuse me, do you know where the book store is?

Nina : Yes, the book store is at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo street.

Dina : when does the book store open?

Nina : The book store open at 09.00, but how many books do you want to buy?

Dina : I want to buy 3 books.

Nina : Oh, okay.

Dina : Thank you Nina.

Nina : You’re welcome.

Activity 3:

Asking information Giving Information

1. Where is used to ask questions about the place / location

- Where do you play football?- Where does she buy a pencil?

2. When is used to ask questions about the time

- When does the library open? - When do you go to sleep?

3. How many is used to ask questions about amount

- How many erasers do you have?- How many students in VII L?- How many books are there?

- I play football in the field- She buys a pencil in the


- The library opens at 8 o’clock- I go to sleep at 09.00 in the night

- I have 2 erasers- There are 40 students in VII L- There are three books

Preposition: in, on, at, under, behind, beside, in front of, between.

Page 9: RPP bahasa Inggris SMP (asking and giving information-listening skill)

INSTRUMENT (1st meeting)




Listen to your teacher and answer the questions!

Mark : Excuse me, can you help me? I’m looking for the library.

Tony : Ah, yes, the library is behind VII D classroom.

Mark : Do you know where is the VII D classroom?

Tony : It is beside the laboratory

Mark : Ok great. And when does the library open?

Tony : It opens at 9.00 am.

Mark : Thank you very much.

Tony : your welcome.

Question !

1. What is the conversation about?

2. Who ask for library?

3. Who give information?

4. Where is the library?

5. When does the library open?

Kunci Jawaban.

1. A

2. C

3. B

4. D

5. A

Page 10: RPP bahasa Inggris SMP (asking and giving information-listening skill)

Name : ____________________ Class: _____

Read the dialogue

Mark : Excuse me, can you help me? I’m looking for the library.

Tony : Ah, yes, the library is behind VII D classroom.

Mark : Do you know where is the VII D classroom?

Tony : It is beside the laboratory

Mark : Ok great. And when does the library open?

Tony : It opens at 9.00 am.

Mark : Thank you very much.

Tony : your welcome.

I. Listen carefully and choose the answer based on the reading above.

1. A. Mark is looking for the library. C. Mark is looking for the


B. Tony is looking for the library. D. Tony is looking for the laboratory.

2. A. Mother B. Tony C. Mark D.


3. A. Mother B. Tony C. Mark D.


4. A. The library is in front of VII D classroom.

B. The library is beside VII D classroom.

C. The library is under VII D classroom.

D. The library is behind VII D classroom.

5. A. It opens at 9.00 am. C. It opens at 11.00 am.

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B. It opens at 10.00 am. D. It opens at 12.00 am.

INSTRUMENT (2nd meeting)




Listen to your teacher and answer the questions!

Ani : Excuse me.

Shop assistant : Yes, miss. What can I do for you?

Ani : I want to buy a bag?

Shop assistant : which one?

Ani : the blue one, please.

1. What does Ani buy? She buys a bag

2. Which bag does Ani buy? She buys the blue one

Beta : Hello nina, what are you doing here?

Nina : I want to buy food?

Betta : Which food do you like, pizza or sandwich?

Nina : I like pizza. How about you?

BEtaa : I very like sandwich?

3. Which food does Nina like? She likes pizza

Ade : Leo, do you have pets?

Leo : Of course.

Ade : How many pets do you have?

Leo : I have three pets.

Page 12: RPP bahasa Inggris SMP (asking and giving information-listening skill)

Ade : What pets are they?

Leo : one white cat and two black rabbits

4. How many pets Leo has? He has three pets

5. What pets does Leo have? He has one white cat and two black rabbits

Page 13: RPP bahasa Inggris SMP (asking and giving information-listening skill)

BAHAN AJAR (2nd meeting)

“WHAT.. ? WHICH… ?”

Activity 1: Look at the picture then answer the questions!

Activity 2: Color

Match the colors with the words in the box.

Activity 3: Noun Phrase (Adjective [colour] + Noun)

Study and use pattern below.

Three apples

Red apple

Three red apples

One cat

Yellow cat

Six birds

Green bird

One yellow cat Six green birds

Make noun phrase based on these picture!


Activity 4: and/ or

Put and/ or into these sentences!

1. What book did you buy last week? I bought dictionary

(and/or) comic.

Which book did you bought, dictionary (and/or) comic?

2. What sport does Rendy like? He like football (and/or)


Which sport does Rendy like, football (and/or) basketball?

3. What animal does Reni like? She likes cat (and/or)


Which animal does Reni like, cat (and/or) rabbit?

4. Which food do you eat? I eat spaghetti (and/or) burger.

Which food do you eat, spaghetti (and/or) burger?

Activity 5:

Listen to your teacher than answer these questions!

1. What does Ani buy?

1. What is the picture?

2. What are they doing?

3. Do you like this boy band?

4. Which personnel do you like?

WhiteBlackYellowGreyBlueRed PurpleBrownPink10.Green

Page 14: RPP bahasa Inggris SMP (asking and giving information-listening skill)

2. Which bag does Ani buy?

3. Which food does Nina like?

4. How many pets Ade has?

5. What pets does Ade have?

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