Download - Processing Language

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Fun Approach to Learning

Creative Computer Programming

Processing Language

Oleh: Ismail Adha Kesuma, S.Kom

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Processing adalah bahasa pemrograman dan lingkungan untuk pemrograman (development environment) yang bersifat open source untuk memprogram gambar, animasi, dan suara. (

Apa itu Processing?

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It is especially good for someone studying or working in a visual field, such as graphic design, painting, sculpture, architecture, film, video, illustration, web design, and so on.

The language has been used to create various data visualization and installation art pieces

But most often you just see people playing with it

creating complex and beautiful pictures and animations.

What some special in Processing?

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The Processing software runs on the Mac, Windows, and GNU/Linux platforms.

With the click of a button, it exports applets for the Web or standalone applications for Mac, Windows, and GNU/Linux.

Graphics from Processing programs may also be exported as PDF, DXF, or TIFF files and many other file formats.

Future Processing releases will focus on faster 3D graphics, better video playback and capture, and enhancing the development environment.

Some experimental versions of Processing have been adapted to other languages such as JavaScript, ActionScript, Ruby, Python, and Scala; other adaptations bring Processing to platforms like the OpenMoko, iPhone, and OLPC XO-1.

What some special in Processing? (continued)

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Multi-platform: Any program runs on Windows, Mac OS, or Linux.

Secure: Allows high-level cryptography for the exchange of important private information.

Network-centric: Applications can be built around the internet protocols.

Dynamic: Allows dynamic memory allocation and memory garbage collection.

International: Supports international characters.Performance: Provides high performance with just-

in-time compiles and optimizers.Simplicity: Processing is easier to learn than other

languages such as a C, C++, or even Java.

Some of the characteristics of Processing (and Java) language

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In 1967, the Logo programming language was developed by Daniel G. Bobrow, Wally Feurzeig, and Seymour Papert.

With Logo, a programmer writes instructions to direct a turtle around the screen, producing shapes and designs.

John Maeda’s Design By Numbers (1999) introduced computation to visual designers and artists with a simple, easy to use syntax.

While both of these languages are wonderful for their simplicity and innovation, their capabilities are limited.

Processing, a direct descendent of Logo and Design by Numbers , was born in 2001 in the “ Aesthetics and Computation ” research group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab.

It is an open source initiative by Casey Reas and Benjamin Fry, who developed Processing as graduate students studying with John Maeda.

Processing's History

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Casey and Ben began developing Processing in the fall of 2001, releasing early alpha versions of the software soon after.

In April 2005, they released the beta version for Processing 1.0 & over 125,000 people have had downloaded the Processing software.

Many leading universities around the world have begun including Processing in their digital arts curriculum, including- Parsons School of Design- Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia- Helsinki University- Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen- School of the Art Institute of Chicago- University of Washington- Elisava School of Design, Barcelona- (and many, many others).

Processing's History (continued)

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Tens of thousands of companies, artists, designers, architects, and researchers use Processing to create an incredibly diverse range of projects. Design firms such as Motion Theory provide motion graphics

created with Processing for the TV commercials of companies like Nike, Budweiser, and Hewlett-Packard.

Bands such as R.E.M., Radiohead, and Modest Mouse have featured animation created with Processing in their music videos.

The University of Washington's Applied Physics Lab used Processing to create a visualization of a coastal marine ecosystem as a part of the NSF RISE project.

The Armstrong Institute for Interactive Media Studies at Miami University uses Processing to build visualization tools and analyze text for digital humanities research.

They had included Processing for their Project

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Tool Processing bisa didownload di: windows 59,6 Mb)- Format filenya berekstensi *.zip

Extract file program (boleh di-extract di direktori mana pun).

Karena program ini dibangun dengan bahasa Java, maka sebelumnya user sudah meng-install Java Development Kit (JDK). Disarankan untuk menggunakan JDK versi 6 ke atas.

Untuk memulai, jalankan file processing.exe

Let's take a Tour…!

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Processing Development Environment (PDE) – Tampilan lingkungan Processing




Text Editor

Message Area

Text Area

Untuk keterangan lebih jelas, user bisa mempelajari beberapa kegunaan PDE seperti menu File, Edit, Sketch,Tools, dan Help.Pada menu:Help -> Environtment

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Dalam Processing struktur program dapat dibuat dalam tiga tingkat kompleksitas:- Mode Statik.- Mode Aktif.- Mode Java.

Struktur Bahasa Processing

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Mode Statik digunakan untuk membuat gambar statik.

Contoh berikut menggambar sebuah segi empat kuning di layar.

Mode Static

size(200, 200);background(255);noStroke();fill(255, 204, 0);rect(30, 20, 50, 50);

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[email protected]

Mode Aktif menyediakan bagian setup() opsional yang akan berjalan ketika program mulai berjalan.

Bagian draw() akan berjalan selamanya sampai progam dihentikan.

Contohnya menggambar segi empat yang mengikuti posisi mouse (disimpan dalam variabel mouseX dan mouseY).

Mode Aktif

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Contoh Mode Aktif• Contoh segi empat yang mengikuti posisi mouse

void setup() { size(200, 200); rectMode(CENTER); noStroke(); fill(255, 204, 0);}void draw(){ background(255); rect(width-mouseX, height-mouseY, 50, 50); rect(mouseX, mouseY, 50, 50);}

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[email protected]

Mode ini memungkinkan menulis program Java secara lengkap.

Salah satu caranya adalah dengan mengimport Processing library (lokasinya: \Processing-1.1\lib\core.jar) ke dalam tool program Java itu sendiri. Misalnya bisa menggunakan tool NetBeans.

Misalkan ingin juga mengintegrasikan dengan OpenGL library, user juga dimungkinkan untuk meng-import-nya ke dalam tool program Java tersebut. Lokasinya:- \Processing-1.1\libraries\opengl\library\opengl.jardan- \Processing-1.1\libraries\opengl\library\jogl.jar

Mode Java

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Contoh program yang diintegrasikan dengan Netbeans

Mode Java

package letsp5;import processing.core.*;public class Main extends PApplet{ public Main(){ } public static void main(String[] args) { PApplet.main(new String[] {"letsp5.Main"}); } public void setup(){ // Set the size of the window size(200,200); } public void draw(){ background(255); // Body stroke(0); fill(175); rectMode(CENTER); rect(mouseX,mouseY,50,50); }}

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Untuk mode statik sangat direkomendasikan bagi pemula.

Untuk mode aktif, dianjurkan agar struktur penulisan kode program lebih terstruktur dan rapi.

Untuk mode Java, diperuntukkan bagi Java advance programmer.


Page 18: Processing Language

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User bisa mempelajari perintah-perintah bahasa Processing secara lengkap pada menu:Help -> Reference

Atau bisa membaca buku-buku berikut ini:- “Learning Processing - A Beginner’s Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction” by Daniel Shiffman.- “Processing - A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists” by Casey Reas & Ben Fry.- “Algorithms for Visual Design Using the Processing Language” by Kostas Terzidis.- “Processing Creative Coding and Computational Art” by Ira Greenberg.

Ingin bereksperimen lebih lanjut?

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[email protected]

Dapat mengaplikasikan dasar-dasar teori komputasi grafis dengan cepat dan mudah tanpa harus mempelajari bahasa pemrograman dari awal.

Bisa diterapkan untuk Pengolahan Citra Digital.Bisa dijadikan sebagai alat percobaan, dasar

pemodelan, dan sketsa grafis sebelum diimplementasikan ke dalam project sebenarnya.

Dapat meningkatkan skill komputasi grafis.Bisa diintegrasikan dengan pemrograman Java.Sebagai wadah untuk menyalurkan bakat seni dan


Manfaat Mempelajari Processing

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