Page 1: Pertemuan 07 [english]


PREFERENCESSir Kalifatullah Ermaya ST MM

Page 2: Pertemuan 07 [english]

INVITATION WITH “WOULD YOU” Anda bisa mengungkapkan sebuah ajakan dengan menggunakan would you like yang berarti maukah Anda. Would you like diikuti oleh bentuk infinitive atau Verb ing.

1. Would you like to go with me tonight?

2. Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow night?

Page 3: Pertemuan 07 [english]

CUSTOMS WITH PRESENT SIMPLE Present simple digunakan untuk menyatakan hal-hal yang menjadi kebiasaan. Untuk membuat pertanyaan tentang suatu kebiasaan maka kita menggunakan Do you like yang disini berarti Apakah Anda suka. Do you like juga diikuti oleh bentuk infinitive to atau verb ing.

1. Do you like to go to the theatre on Sunday?

2. Do you like to visit your grandma in the weekend?

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1. ___ to watch movie with me this Saturday night?

2. Do you like to jog ___?

3. ___ to watch football every Saturday night?

4. Would you like ___ basketball this afternoon? (play)

5. ___ to swim with me this afternoon?

6. ___ to go to the mall with me this afternoon?

7. ___ going on foot to your school every morning?

8. Do you like to go to the beach ___?

9. Would you like to go skiing with me ___?

10. ___ playing golf with me this afternoon?

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PREFERENCES (WOULD RATHER) Would rather digunakan jika kita ingin mengungkapkan keinginan kita sendiri. Walaupun would rather tampak seperti berbentuk past tense tetapi would rather digunakan untuk menyampaikan keinginan saat ini dan yang akan dating

I would rather eat meatball than chicken noodle.

I would rather not to eat meatball.

Lihatlah pemakaian would rather that di bawah ini. Would rather that selalu diikuti oleh bentuk past tense meskipun aktivitas yang dimaksud dalam bentuk present. Would rather that menunjukkan keinginan si subjek tentang orang lain.

I would rather that Tina went to the dance with me.

I would rather that we walked to Professor Robert about the accident.

I would rather that we did not talk to Professor Robert about the accident.

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Prefer yang berarti lebih memilih atau lebih suka. Juga digunakan untuk menyampaikan pilihan keinginan. Prefer diikuti oleh Noun atau gerund dan menggunakan to, bukan than untuk penyambungnya.

1. He prefers cars to motorbikes.

2. He preferred swimming to skiing.

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1. Hendra would rather ___ than walk. (drive)

2. I prefer ___ in the living room to sleeping in the bedroom. (sleep)

3. Jane told to me that she’d rather ___ than go to the party. (stay)

4. He told me that he would rather ___ smoking instead of getting cough. (stop)

5. Lingga would rather ___ milk than tea. (drink)

6. I would rather that you ___ until tomorrow morning. (not - go)

7. The coach would rather that his team ___ playing rough. (stop)

8. Mrs. Smith would rather that her husband ___ in the house instead of joining a group of firing. (stay)

9. Mrs. Tari would rather that I ___ my vocal than I played guitar. (rehearse)

10. Azizah would rather that her brother ___ drink alcohol anymore. (not)

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11. She said that she would rather ___ more time in her village. (spend)

12. Your brother would rather that you ___ back home as soon as possible. (go)

13. She said that she would rather ___ with Johnny than with me. (stay)

14. My teacher would rather that I ___ my assignment better. (write)

15. Robert would rather that his son ___ that loud (not - cry)

16. Janet said that she would rather works alone than in a team.

17. Despite the fact that his father was a great guitarist. Brian Gilbert told me that he preferred played drums.

18. The security guards would rather that I give my bag to them before entering the building.

19. Even though I have money, I would rather saved it than buy a new car.

20. Mrs. Wayne would rather that her husband wear the black tuxedo than the white one.

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