
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Kesehatan Junk Foods Effects for Your Health

[After school]Fitri : [Sigh] School really makes me hungry. Lets get something delicious to eat!Ratih : Good idea! Its lunch time anyway. Do you have any idea of delicious foods for our lunch?Bobi : Hey, what about that food stall?Ratih : Huh? Wait a minute. That is fast food stall, isnt it?Bobi : Yeah. Come on! My stomach cant wait any longer.Ratih : Why fast food? Can we find healthier foods for our lunch?Bobi : Nope, I think there are no healthier food choices around. I heard that it sells delicious cheese burgers and French fries too. Lets go! I cant stand hearing my stomach roaring.Fitri : Come on, Ratih. Hamburger sounds delicious.Ratih : [sigh]Ratih : Oh my, Bobi. You ordered two large cheese hamburgers, French fries, and coke. Are you going to eat all these junk foods?Bobi : Of course! Im a man. I need more foods.Ratih : Do you ever think what kind of danger that will come for you by eating these foods?Bobi : Um overly full?Ratih : No.. Bobi. These foods will bring bad effects for your precious health.Bobi : Huh? What are the bad effects anyway?Ratih : I join the healthy life club that attempts to motivate its members to live a healthy lifestyle. We were taught to stay away from junk foods since junk foods like foods you are going to eat now are known to be very bad for health.Bobi : Why is that?Ratih : You know that these foods contain high calories, fats, and sugar, but are really low in nutritional value. Due to the high calories, the more you eat these foods the bigger your body will be. It is called obesity. These foods are also high in salt. If you really love eating these foods, they will lead you to a risk of high blood pressure.Fitri : Wow, can it get worse then?Ratih : Of course! Moreover, if you consume these junk foods day in, day out, then the saturated fats will accumulate in your body, especially in your blood vessels. Day after day the fats will pile up in your blood vessels and eventually block your blood stream and make it clogged. If this happens on the blood vessels on your brain, you will then get a brain stroke. The worst one is if you have high blood pressure and the fats block the blood stream on your heart, then you can get a fatal heart strike that can lead you to death.Bobi : [Gulp] is that. Is that true?Ratih : there is no use if I tell fake stories.Bobi : Alright, I think youre right. I have to start to go with a healthy lifestyle.Fitri : Whoa, thanks for that information, Ratih. You really opened our eyes.Bobi : So, what should I do with all these foods? I havent even eaten them yet.Ratih : I heard you have dogs. Maybe they will like it.Bobi : [sigh] Oh, great~

Glossaries Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Kesehatan

Delicious: enakFood stall: kios/warung makananFast food: makanan cepat sajiHealth: kesehatanHealth: sehat (Healthier: lebih sehat)Choices: pilihanAround: di sekitar (suatu tempat)Cheese burger: burger kejuFrench fries: kentang goringI cant stand: aku tidak tahan (akan sesuatu)Roaring: meraung-raung (My stomach is roaring: Perut saya bersuara keras karena kelaparan)Junk food: makanan sampah (makanan cepat saji tidak sehat)Come for you: mendatangi kamuOverly full: terlalu kenyangBad effect: dampak burukPrecious: berhargaMotivate: mendorong, memotivasiAttempt: berusahaSince: sejak, karena(to be) known: diketahui, dikenalNutritional value: nilai giziObesity: obesitas/kegemukanSalt: garamRisk of high blood pressure: risiko tekanan darah tinggiGet worse: menjadi lebih burukMoreover: selain ituConsume: mengkonsumsiDay in, day out: setiap hariSaturated fats: lemak jenuhAccumulate: berakumulasi, menumpukBlood vessels: pembuluh darahDay after day: hari demi hariPile up: menumpukBlood stream: aliran darahClogged: tersumbatBrain stroke: penyakit stroke otakWorst one: yang terburukFatal heart strike: serangan jantung yang fatalLead to: membuat, mengarahkanThere is no use: tidak ada gunanyaFake stories: cerita bohongOpened our eyes: (idiom) membuka mata kami (menyadarkan kami)

Husni : Hai, how are you? Galih : Im Fine, and you? Husni : Im fine too. Do you know? Now, many of our friends are sick. Galih : Yes, i know from Adit, What do you think about health? Husni : I think health is important Galih : Why did you answer it? Husni : Because, without health, we cant do activity, are you agree? Galih : Yes, I agree with you. But some people can still do activity while sick Husni : Can you tell me the Example? Galih : Yes I can. People infected with HIV can still do activity altough in control Husni : So, whats the meaning of Health? Galih : Health is Good life style, for example consuming halal food, exercising, maintaining cleanliness. Husni : Whats the example of damage our health? Galih : Example, Consuming Alcohol, Drugs, Doing Free Sex, and smoking. Are you agree with me? Husni : Yes I agree with you, but smoking not so harmful. Because according to research, smoking can extend our life. Galih : Thats HOAX! I not agree with you. Smoking only can damage our body and drain our pocket! Why smoking not harmful? Husni : Because my grand father still healthy until now. Why do you not believe me? Galih : Maybe he always save his healty altough he always smoking. Where are you get the hoax information? Husni : I just only assumed, hehe sorry my friend. Galih : Oh My God. And, how to be a long age man like your grand father? Husni : Just only save your healthy from disease, and to be a vegetarian.

PATIENT : Good evening, doctor.

DOCTOR : Good evening, sir. What's your trouble?

PATIENT : I haven't been feeling well lately.

DOCTOR : What exactly is the problem?

PATIENT : I often feel quite sick. Have had a lot of pain in the stomach for several days. I've also had severe headaches for over two days.

DOCTOR : What's your appetite like?

PATIENT : Not at all good. I don't feel like eating anything. I feel full up all the time.

DOCTOR : Have you had any fever?

PATIENT : Well, I do feel feverish all the time. I've also had a bad taste in the mouth sincc I've been sick.

DOCTOR : All right, let me take your temperature first. There! Give me your wrist, please. There's nothing wrong with the pulse. Now take off your pullover. And your shirt too. Loosen your clothes a little. I'll examine you, if you lie down on that couch. Do you feel any pain here?

PATIENT : Yes, some.

DOCTOR : And here?

PATIENT : Oh, that's quite painful!

DOCTOR : All right. You may get dressed now.

PATIENT : I hope there's nothing serious, doctor?

DOCTOR : No, nothing serious. I'm prescribing two kinds of tablets. Take one before meals. And the other after meals for three days. Don't eat any fried or spicy food. Drink milk and have milk foods as much as you can. And do take some rest.

PATIENT : Do I need to stay away from work, doctor?

DOCTOR : No, not at all. Just take it easy and have rest whenever you can. Come and see me if the trouble does not go quickly.

PATIENT : Thank you very much, doctor. Good-bye!


Conversations About Cigarettes


: Would you like a cigarette?

(Apakah anda mau rokok?)Bayu

: No thanks

. I dont smoke.

(Tidak. Terima kasih. Saya tidak merokok)Angga :

Would you like a cigarette?

(Apakah anda mau rokok?)Arif :

No thanks, I

dont smoke too.

( Tidak, terima kasih. Saya juga tidak merokok)Angga :

And You ?

( Dan anda ? )Dichia :

No, thanks.

( Tidak, terima kasih )Angga


Dont you? Why not?

(Oya? Mengapa tidak?)Dichia :

I think its bad for our health

(Saya pikir itu tidak baik buat kesehatan kita)Angga :

Youre right, Its a bad habbit.

(Ya, anda benar. Ini adalah kebiasaan yang buruk)Bayu :

Are you a heavy smoker?

(Apakah anda perokok berat?)Angga :

No, not really.

(Tidak juga)Arif :

How many cigarettes do you smoke?

(Berapa kali kamu merokok setiap hari?)Angga :

I smoke about five a day.

(Saya merokok 5 kali sehari)Dichia :

Smoking isnt good for our health, but its difficult to stop smoking.

(Merokok sangat buruk buat kesehatan, tapi sangat susah untuk berhenti)Bayu :

Its also an expensive habit. Cigarettes are expensive nowadays. A packet

costs one thousand rupiahs.

(Merokok juga suatu kebiasaan yang mahal. Rokok sangat mahal sekali akhir -akhir ini. Satu bungkus harganya Seribu rupiah)Arif :

What cigarettes do you like to smoke?

(Rokok apa yang paling kamu suka?)Angga :

I like gudang garam, but sometimes I like Jarum.

(Saya suka gudang garam, tapi kadang

kadang juga suka Jarum)Dichia :

Yes , I still think that smoking is a bad habit that should be stopped.

( Ya, menurut saya merokok itu merupakan kebiasaan buruk yang harus segeradihentikan )Bayu :

Everytime inhaling cigarette smoke wheter intentionally ornot, meansalso suck more than 4000 of posion, because it is similar to smoking toxinsentering into the oral cavity and lungs of course

( Setiap kali menghirup asap rokok entah sengaja atau tidak, berarti jugamenghisap lebih dari 4000 macam racun, karena itu merokok sama denganmemasukkan racun-racun tadi kedalam rongga mulut dan tentunya paru-paru )

Smoking can also cause a variety of disease such as heart disease , lungcancer , etc.

( Merokok juga dapat menyebabkan berbagai penyakit seperti penyakitjantung , kanker paru-paru, dan lain-lain )Dichia :

Smoking habit is not only injure to the smoker, but also thosearound him.

( Kebiasaan merokok tidak hanya merugikan si perokok, tapi juga orangsekitarnya)Angga :

Yes , I know about it. Thank you for the advice from all of you.

( Ya , saya tau akan hal itu , terimakasih atas nasehat dari anda semua )Bayu :

Sorry Sir, it looks like I have to leave our conversation. Because I wouldgo to the office now

.( Maaf pak , sepertinya saya harus meninggalkan pembicaraan kita ini, karenasaya akan pergi kekantor.Arif :

Yes , I also have to go now.

( Ya, saya juga harus pergi sekarang )Dichia :

I also had to go to the office now.

( Saya juga harus pergi kekantor sekarang )Angga :

Yes , please. See You again next time.

( Ya ,silahkan . Sampai jumpa lagi dilain waktu )

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