




Diajukan untuk Memenuhi Salah Satu Syarat Penyelesaian

Program Pendidikan Strata Satu

Jurusan Manajemen.

Oleh :


NIM : 2011210439









“Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone...just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages

that you've had.”



Dia memberikan hikmah (ilmu yang berguna)

kepada siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya.

Barang siapa yang mendapat hikmah itu

Sesungguhnya ia telah mendapat kebajikan yang banyak.

Dan tiadalah yang menerima peringatan

melainkan orang- orang yang berakal”.

(Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 269)

Persembahan utama dan rasa bersyukurku kepada Allah S.W.T yang telah

memberikan segala yang terbaik didalam hidupku. Terimakasih engkau telah

memberikan berkah rahmat dan hidayahmu untukku dalam menjalankan

kehidupan ini. Ya allah berilah aku ilham untuk tetap mensyukuri nikmat mu

yang telah Engkau anugerahkan kepadaku dan kepada orang tua,keluarga ,

calon imamku kelak serta sahabat-sahabatku untuk mengerjakan amal saleh yang

Engkau ridhai, dan masukkanlah kami dengan rahmat-Mu ke dalam golongan

hamba-hamba-Mu yang saleh.Amin Yarobbalallamiin

Dear mom, “Sad Boedi Setijawati S.Pd” you’re the most beautiful woman I ever

saw. All I am I owe to you. I attribute my success in life to the moral, intellectual

and physical education I received from you thank you and love you.”

Dad, “Slamet Effendi S.Pd” No matter how old i get, no matter how often i stay

out with friends, no matter how far i move away with my love ichwan , no matter

how many children i will have, no matter how many grandchildren i will

have....daddy, i will still be your little girl! Thank you i love you more than the

world will ever know!!

There’s no other love like the love for a brother. There’s no other love like the

love from a brother. Sometimes, being a brother is even better than being a

superhero.thank you“Nanang Setya Perdana” for your support for me your little

sister. I am so thankful that you are “ Estiko Wina Teguh Wati ” my sister-in-

law. I have learned so much from you and I can honestly say that you are a

blessing to our family. “ Ash-Syaamil Tsabata Perdana ” trust me you have a

SuperAunt.thanks for my aunty “ Dwi Avritanti” and her families


Hey love “Muhammad Ichwan Arianto Amd.” i’m so sorry sometimes i get little

jealous,thinking that someone else could make you happier that i could, i guess

it’s my insecurities acting up. Because i know that i’m not the prettiestor most fun

and exciting girl but i do know that no matter how hard and how long you look,

you’ll never find somebody that love you like i do.I do really love you thank you

for your support, thank you for your love i really enjoy every moment with you.

You’re amazing alhamdulillah barakallah that i have you and now im wait for

your seriousness in our relationships, yes i believe you can do it amin


Thanks for my second family ayah “Iswanto” ibu “Mimik Muarifah” mas “

Ardy Rachmansyah” mbak “Andi Bintang Octavinda” adek “ Reza Ari

Puspita” I don't know half of you half as well as I should like,and I like less than

half of you half as well as you deserve. Mbak Wita,Tante Alfi and all of ichwan’s

family Thank you so much.

Hello “Para Telur” Fitriya, Eko Sembodo, Vina Pepriyanti, Melinda Tunggal

Dewi, Balgis Hikmah Fitriyamani, Nadia Farah Quamilla, Anugrah Febri

Kusuma, Inggrid Vio Fernanda, Wike Widyawati, Ridha Destriana, Ardini`

Putri Lestari, Nur Shofuah, Aldy Rachmatya, Elwin Novaris “ I really believe

that a true best friend sees the first tear... catches the second... and stops the

third ”.thanks for u’re support,attention and u’re sincerity can’t wait for next

trip!!! Miss you guys!

My dearest Gangnam crew “Hj. Nur Wilda Sholikhah, SE., MM.” as my

advicer, her son “Azka Alzam Abdillah” , & her mom “Ibuk Mala”, and im

proud of having you as my “suhu”, thanks for your support your help and your

time for us “Fitriya”, “Vina Pepriyanti”, “Yuni Putri Ningtyas”, “Endar

Pratiwi”, “Wempy Widya Tristiyanti”, “Gesang Putri Setianingtyas” , “Ardina

Zahrah Fajaria”, “Cheysilia Novita Dae & Icha Nocazz” remember our live

looks like spongebob and patrick guys laugh out loud all days without any

reason and annoy the mean people with our happiness thanks a lot gengs for our

togetherness i can’t forget about this.

Hey sissy “ Viananda Rizka Amelia” Spirit over mind. Mind over matter. It's

that simple yes we’re stronger !, and you too “Riris Arista” believe me that in

life u’ll meet two types of people the ones..who build you up and the ones... who

tear you down but in the end you will thanks them both. Thanks a lot sis. And my

lovely sissy “Asfia Febriani, S.E” many thanks for u sis.

My bebeb sri “ Nisrina yuli Astrie” and you mamo “ Haryo Hutomo” & “

Novia Dwi Asteria “ and you “ Yusuf Nur Isnain” “Firdaus Synto Nugraha”

“Harun Nur Rasyid”, “Mochamad Fajar Akbar” “Mochamad Miftahul

Achyar”, “ Chandra Saifuddin” “Sisilia Septy Pratiwi” “ Diana Sinthia

Dewi” “ Dicky Nur Utomo” “ mbak Juniatin” if there ever comes a day when


we cant be together keep me in your heart, i’ll stay there forever. Thanks a lot my

class mate my desk mate may allah bless you all ! cant wait for attending in your

marriage amiiiiin..for my aunt ibuk “ Agustina Soekarno” jus kantin STIE

Perbanas Surabaya thanks a lot for u’re advice for me for u’re attention for u’re

help love you soo much!

For my private nurse “Merryscha Aulia Suwandi”my gemblong “Desty

Rosiana Dewi” my ciko “Rahayu Dwi Utami” finally i got it best ! nowits a time

for eating,movie(ing),shopping again thanks full my babsky mumumu love you all

Many thanks for my little sister “Yunitha Ardian Puspitasari”& “ Maghfirah

Ramadhani”thanks for your book and your time for my PKM. Thanks a lot for

my family in Paduan Suara STIE Perbanas Surabaya we’re the best !!!

Thanks for my super family on “SMA GIKI 2 Surabaya” especially for my family

on “ X-2”, “XI IPS 1”,“XII IPS 1” i think if i’ve learned anything about

friendship, its to hang in stay connected, fight for them and let them fight for you.

Dont walk away, dont be distacted, dont be too busy or tired, dont take them for

granted.friends are a part of glue that holds life and faith together. Powerfull

stuff. Thanks alot for your kindness !!



Dengan mengucapkan rasa syukur kehadirat Allah S.W.T atas segala

limpahan rahmat dan karunia-Nyalah sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan

skripsi ini yang berjudul “Pengaruh Total DPK dan Penyalurannya Serta

Pergerakan Nilai Tukar Terhadap BOPO Pada Bank-Bank Malaysia”.

Kemudian tujuan penyusunan skripsi ini adalah untuk menempuh dan

memenuhi salah satu syarat penyelesaian program pendidikan sarjana strata satu

(S1) Jurusan Manajemen Perbankan STIE PERBANAS SURABAYA.

Pada kesempatan ini dengan penuh ketulusan hati, perkenanlah saya untuk

mengucapkan rasa terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang mendukung dan

membantu penulis selama menjalani perkuliahan dan penyusunan skripsi ini,

yaitu :

1. Bapak Dr.Drs.Ec Abdul Mongid, M.A. selaku dosen pembimbing yang sangat

berperan besar dan membantu atas proses penyusunan dan sekaligus

penyelesaian skripsi ini melalui proses pemberian bimbingan, arahan dan

pengetahuannya kepada penulis.

2. Bapak Lutfi,S.E, M.Fin. selaku Ketua STIE Perbanas Surabaya.

3. Ibu Muazaroh S.E.,M.T. selaku Ketua Jurusan Manajemen STIE Perbanas



4. Bapak dan Ibu Dosen beserta seluruh civitas Akademika STIE Perbanas

Surabaya yang telah memberikan ilmu pengetahuan dan bantuan penulis

selama perkuliahan.

Akhirnya dengan segala kerendahan hati, penulis memohon maaf yang

sebesar-besarnya jika terdapat kesalahan dalam seluruh proses penyusunan


Surabaya, Januari 2015




HALAMAN JUDUL .................................................................................... i

HALAMAN PERSETUJUAN SIAP UJI ................................................... ii

HALAMAN LULUS UJIAN SKRIPSI ....................................................... iii

HALAMAN PENGESAHAN SKRIPSI ...................................................... iv

HALAMAN MOTTO .................................................................................... v

HALAMAN PERSEMBAHAN...................................................................... vi

KATA PENGANTAR ................................................................................. ix

DAFTAR ISI ................................................................................................ xii

DAFTAR TABEL ........................................................................................ xii

DAFTAR GAMBAR....................................................................................... xiiii

DAFTAR LAMPIRAN ................................................................................ xv

ABSTRAK/ RINGKASAN ......................................................................... xvi

BAB I. PENDAHULUAN ................................................................... 1

1.1. Latar Belakang .................................................................. . 1

1.2. Perumusan Masalah. .......................................................... 4

1.3. Tujuan Penelitian. ............................................................. 5

1.4. Manfaat Penelitian. ........................................................... 6

1.5. Sistematika Penulisan ....................................................... 6

BAB II. TINJAUAN PUSTAKA .......................................................... 8

2.1. Penelitian Terdahulu. ........................................................ 8

2.2. Landasan Teori. ................................................................ 14

2.3. Kerangka Pemikiran. ........................................................ 27

2.4. Hipotesis Penelitian. ......................................................... 29

BAB III. METODE PENELITIAN ........................................................ 31

3.1. Rancangan Penelitian. ....................................................... 31

3.2. Batasan Penelitian. ............................................................ 32

3.3. Identifikasi Variabel. ........................................................ 32

3.4. Definisi Operasional dan Pengukuran Variabel. ............... 33

3.5. Populasi, Sampel, dan Teknik Pengambilan Sampel ........ 37

3.6. Data dan Teknik Pengumpulan Data ................................ 37

3.7. Teknik Analisis Data ........................................................ 38


4.1. Gambaran Subyek Penelitian ............................................ 46

4.2. Analisa Data. ..................................................................... 59

4.3 Pembahasan......................................................................... 83

BAB V. KESIMPULAN ......................................................................... 94

5.1. Kesimpulan. ...................................................................... 94

5.2. Keterbatasan Penelitian. .................................................... 95

5.3. Saran. ................................................................................ 96





Tabel 1.1 : Posisi BOPO Pada Bank- bank Malaysia Selama Tahun 2008 -

2013 ................................................................................................ 3

Tabel 2.1 : Persamaan dan Perbedaan Penelitian Terdahulu dengan Penelitian

Sekarang ....................................................................................... 14

Tabel 3.1 : Peringkat Bank –bank MalaysiaBerdasarkan total asset periode

desember 2013 ............................................................................. 38

Tabel 4.1 : Hasil Analisis Deskriptif .............................................................. 60

Tabel 4.2 : Total DPK ..................................................................................... 62

Tabel 4.3 : Total Pinjaman yang Diterima ..................................................... 64

Tabel 4.4 : Total Surat Berharga .................................................................... 66

Tabel 4.5 : Total Penempatan pada Bank Lain .............................................. 68

Tabel 4.6 : Total Kredit .................................................................................. 70

Tabel 4.7 : Fluktuasi Nilai Tukar ................................................................... 72

Tabel 4.8 : Rasio BOPO ................................................................................. 74

Tabel 4.9 : Hasil Perhitungan persamaan regresi ........................................... 75

Tabel 4.10 : Hasil Analisis Uji T dan Koefisien Determinasi Parsial .............. 79

Tabel 4.11 : Rangkuman Hasil Pengujian............................................................84



Gambar 2.1 : Kerangka Pemikiran ............................................................. 29

Gambar 3.1 : Daerah penerimaan dan penolakan h0 uji f............................41

Gambar 3.2 : Daerah penerimaan dan penolakan h0 uji t..........................43

Gambar 3.3 : Daerah penerimaan dan penolakan h0 uji t..........................44

Gambar 3.4 : Daerah Penerimaan dan Penolakan H0 Uji t.........................45

Gambar 4.1 : Rata-Rata DPK.....................................................................60

Gambar 4.2 : Rata-Rata Pinjaman yang Diterima......................................63

Gambar4.3 : Rata-Rata Surat Berharga.....................................................65

Gambar 4.4 : Rata-Rata Pinjaman pada BankLain.... ............................... 67

Gambar 4.5 : Rata-Rata Kredit........ ................................................ ..........69

Gambar 4.6 : Fluktuasi Nilai Tukar........................................................ ... 71

Gambar 4.7 : Rata-Rata Bopo.......................................... .......................... 72

Gambar 4.8 : Daerah penerimaan dan penolakan h0 uji f.............................78

Gambar 4.9 : Kurva Uji T untuk Pengaruh DPK terhadap BOPO..............80

Gambar 4.10 : Kurva Uji T untuk Total P YD terhadap BOPO.................... 80

Gambar 4.11 : Kurva Uji T untuk Total SB terhadap BOPO.......................81

Gambar 4.12 : Kurva Uji T untuk Total PBL terhadap BOPO.....................81

Gambar 4.13 : Kurva Uji T untuk Total Kredit terhadap BOPO................82

Gambar 4.14 : Kurva Uji T untuk fluktuasi Nilai Tukar.............................82

Gambar 4.15 : Rata-rata DPK .......................................................................85

Gambar 4.16 : Rata-rata BOPO.....................................................................85

Gambar 4.17 : Rata-rata Biaya Operasional..................................................86


Gambar 4.18 : Rata-rata Pendapatan Operasional........................................ 86

Gambar 4.19 : Rata-rata Pinjaman yang Diterima....................................... 88

Gambar 4.20 : Rata-rata Surat Berharga....................................... .............. 89

Gambar 4.21 : Rata-rata Penempatan pada Bank Lain ................................ 90

Gambar 4.22 : Rata-rata Kredit....................................... ............................ 91

Gambar 4.23 : Fluktuasi Nilai Tukar....................................... .................... 93



Lampiran 1. Tabel total BOPO tanpa Log (Ln)

Lampiran 1. Tabel total BOPO dengan Log (Ln)

Lampiran 1. Tabel Rata-rata Biaya Operasional

Lampiran 1. Tabel Rata-rata Pendapatan Operasional

Lampiran 2. Tabel total DPK tanpa Log (Ln)

Lampiran 2. Tabel total DPK dengan Log (Ln)

Lampiran 3. Tabel total PYD tanpa Log (Ln)

Lampiran 3. Tabel total PYD dengan Log (Ln)

Lampiran 4. Tabel total SB tanpa Log (Ln)

Lampiran 4. Tabel total SB dengan Log (Ln)

Lampiran 5. Tabel total PBL tanpa Log (Ln)

Lampiran 5. Tabel total PBL dengan Log (Ln)

Lampiran 6. Tabel total Kredit tanpa Log (Ln)

Lampiran 6. Tabel total Kredit dengan Log (Ln)

Lampiran 7. Tabel pergerakan Nilai Tukar

Lampiran 8. Tabel tabulasi Variabel BOPO

Lampiran 9. Tabel tabulasi Variabel total pinjaman yang diterima

Lampiran 10. Tabel tabulasi Variabel Surat Berharga

Lampiran 11. Tabel input data SPSS tanpa Log (Ln)

Lampiran 11. Tabel input data SPSS dengan Log (Ln)

Lampiran 12. Hasil olah SPSS


The Effect of Total Funding, Fund Allocation And Exchange Rate

Fluctations To Cost Income Ratio At Malayan Banking.

ABSTRACT Gita Dwi Cahyani Effendi

STIE Perbanas Surabaya

Email: [email protected]

The main function of bank institutions activitiy is finance intermediary from

surplus unit to deficit unit or funding activities and lending activities. For

comercial banks in Malaysia, funding activities include saving deposits and time

deposits. On the other side, lending activities include commercial papers, credits,

interbank placement and than exchange rate. The purpose of this research to

examine the influence of Total Funding, Fund Allocation And Exchange Rate

Fluctations To Cost Income Ratio At Malayan Banking. This study uses

secondary data from bank’s financial reports and exchange rate, during 2008 to

2013. Sampling technique used was census with criteria total assets. The analysis

was done by performing mathematical calculations and statistics from various

financial ratios that reflect the total of savings products and their distribution in

the referance. Analysis techniques used in this research are multiple regressions

linear on result of research, the influence of loans received, commercial papers,

credits, interbank placement, exchange rate increases to Cost Income Ratio

(BOPO). are significance.

Keywords: Third Party of total Fund, Distribution, Exchange Rate Fluctuations,

Bank’s Efficiency.

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