Download - Lawang versi 2.0

Page 1: Lawang versi 2.0

Lawang: layanan informasi

harga komoditas pertanian -

‘realtime’ - ‘anytime’ - ‘all the time’

‘kita perlu menjadi perubahan yang kita

inginkan’ - in the way it happens

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Beberapa kalimat bijak yang kita dengar Untuk sampai pada perubahan yang kita inginkan, kita perlu

menjadi perubahan itu sendiri

Jalan terbaik untuk itu adalah: mulai dengan berpikir seakan-akan kita sudah berada di sana

Jadi, mari kita masuk ke dalam jalan itu kemudian menjalaninya

Sebenarnya, “jalan itu” adalah diri kita sendiri (yang dimampukan berjalan di dalam perubahan) – menjadi res cogitant - entity which gains awareness of what it’s doing.

Because there is ….“the necessity to substitute a new explanation for the relation between our knowledge (i.e. every conceptual structure we use successfully) and the "medium" in which we find ourselves living”. [Distinguishing the Observer, Ernst von Glasersfeld]

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Interaksi user dengan sistem LAWANG via SMS

Harga terhubungkan, “attached” dengan object dari harga tersebut yakni “barang/benda-nya”. ‘Ini harganya, yang ini barangnya’.

Perata-rataan dengan jendela periode-bergeser (‘sliding window’) mis. 24 jam

Informasi spasial dan temporal juga ter-rekam Melalui web-browser, peta harga (price map) interaktif bisa diakses Quantity item komoditi spesifik akan ter-rekam oleh sistem. Sistem berjalan tanpa operator entry data, selain oleh kontributor data

(users) Semakin banyak kontributor data semakin baik kualitas informasi


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Aktifitas para-pihak penyelenggaraan layanan Lawang

Manajemen penerbitan offer

Penyedia Content

Manajemen akses kepada content

Teknologi Pengelola –


Operator – Telecomm

Line Channel

Pasokan Koneksi dan AksesEnd-users

Manajemen pembayaran

Manajemen transaksi

Layanan content

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Diachronic (or Syntagmatic in “languaging”)

the sequential logic of a road

Synchronic (or Paradigmatic in “the use of language”)

the all-at-once logic of a pool

Process Structure"What Comes After What“ "What Goes With What“Cause and Effect OrderDuration correlative to the intentional direction: this house I am walking by, that bird that flew from here to there,… These are actual durations, and refers to the object having a location in time.

Associative Order (non-sequential)Unity correlative to the individuality of the object-events in question, standing out as a distinct whole against the background of other events.

Meaning from Plot, Sequence Meaning from Proximity, Contrast and Similarity

Anticipation and Satisfaction Connections and Patterns

Like a road you're traveling down Like a pool of people and objects you climb into

from: [modified by me - DS]

Diachronic (proses) dan Synchronic (struktur)two logics of order, meaning, and expression which oppose and/or complement one another

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Speaking/Writing “into system” when observed becomes the through-time structure of the domain observed - its

diachronics. When particularly referring to languaging, this diachronics becomes the syntagmatic structure of language.

Listening/Reading “from system” when observed becomes structure in relation to a point in time - its

synchronics . When observed in the use of language, synchronics becomes its paradigmatic structure

The synchronics of the 10 would describe its internal organisation - the relations between the people running the business which were constitutive of the invariant characteristics of the business structure.

The diachronics of the 10 would be expressed in terms of the particular forms of structural

coupling sustained by the business;

The 10 closure is described within Humberto Maturana's structural/cognitive domain

The 20 closure is described within the conversational domain

who is talking to whom in the sense of being conversationally coupled; who is

doing deals with whom;

the organisation of these networks in terms of the relations of content constitutive of the invariant characteristics of the conversational structures of how they deal with each other.

diachronic / synchronic. (Greek, chronos, time; dia-, through, across; syn-, with, together). A diachronic study or analysis concerns itself with the evolution and change over time of that which is studied; it is roughly equivalent to historical. Thus diachronic linguistics is also known as historical linguistics. A synchronic study or analysis, in contrast, limits its concern to a particular moment of time. Thus synchronic linguistics takes a language as a working system at a particular point in time without concern for how it has developed to its present state. The extent to which synchronic study really does as it were take a frozen slice of history for study is itself not absolute: to talk of a system necessarily implies movement and interaction, and movement and interaction take place in time.

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market organization


demand organization


business structure


business organization

diachronics synchronics

2nd order closure (or boundary)

1st order closure

the ontology of the observer

Melahirkan, menumbuhkan (‘brought forth’) suatu particular ordering dari ‘4 hal’ yang dihasilkan oleh 2 irisan: suatu tatanan (ordering) di mana tiap level

menjadi sebuah context bagi level-level yang di bawahnya

REALITAS YANG MENGEMUKA: the reality ‘brought forth’

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Three “level of activity”: Activity, Action, Operation.Tiga pasangan (pairs) of ‘complementary opposites’


PROCESS :Diachronic : ‘Languaging’

‘syntagmatic write/speak’ into the system ‘membedakan’

STRUCTURE :Synchronic :

‘Use of language’ ‘paradigmatic read/listen’

from the system ‘menyatukan’

discovering relationship patterns = Structuration



ying rea


= M



realizing m


= M





Process-based STRUCTURE:

process menjadidialog sebagai

structure= ACTION

(Epistemologic, memperbaiki

‘clarity of mind’..

“yang ada di pikiran”)


Dialog-based PROCESS:

dialog menjadi stru


sebagai process = OPERATION

(Ontologic, memperje

las ‘reality

or truth’..

“yang ada di realita



Structure-based DIALOG: structure menjadi

process sebagai dialog = ACTIVITY

Time-reversed recursion (subtraction) generates structures: 3 pairs of complementary opposites:

sum of two complementary opposites produces an identity element, and sum of two primaries equals the complement of the third.

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DIALOG ‘menemukan bersama, pola-pola keterhubungan (interrelationship patterns) dalam sistem’ - berdasar pengakuan (peng-aku-an = objektivasi): sebelum sesuatu bisa diakui ia harus mengakui: “aku adalah dia sebagai aku” - “Yang Rp500/kg adalah dia (benda itu) sebagai aku (‘yang Rp500/kg’)” memberikan hak-nya (kebenarannya) me-nyata-kan token atau icon: sesuatu yang menghadirkan form (surah) sesuatu

PROSES ‘laksana tagging’ - Quoting: mengumumkan; Message-writing/speak into the system melahirkan indices, which point to something me-nyata-kan relasi struktural (relationship) antara signifier & signified melahirkan rules karena: (1)data melekat pada

‘maklum-nya’ = object (2)verifiability mudah

veridical process (Latin veridicus ("truly said"))

STRUKTUR ‘laksana marking’-

Registering & representing - Simplifying reality:

“read/listen from (=in terms of) the system” ujud basis

data topologis (as well as typologic) symbol-symbol yang

mudah ditemukan (findable) dan digunakan (usable) kembali



Subjek Objek


Counterclockwise; ‘because we must allow future states of the system to affect the present changes of state


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• Menulis message ke Lawang (“mem-posting data”) adalah menjadikan message sebagai prakata – (akad, proemial, prelude, preface) laksana men-segerakan relasi-relasi “proses menemukan arah menuju ke keterhubungan yang lebih penting” – bagi kedua sisi: baik signifier (”representing”, misalnya quotation) maupun signified (”represented”, misalnya value /currency)

• Penting: seseorang merasakan, mengalami menjadi dan sebagai subjective subject, (menjadi dirinya sendiri dan sebagai “pemberi sesuatu” untuk orang/hal lain) bukan sekedar objective subject (hanya menjadi dirinya sendiri melakukan sesuatu hal) - bahwa ia unsur penting pembentukan stata sistem (system state). Karena itu Lawang perlu menumbuhkan dan memelihara responsiveness-nya (sistem harus interaktif) dan real-time. • Walaupun sekedar mengisi data-bukan bertanya- seorang user akan

mendapat respon dari sistem, segera setelah ia mem-posting data: stata sistem termutakhir meng-ikut-sertakan (me-’rekap’) input terakhir dari user tersebut.

Quotation menjadi Message sebagai Currency

Sebagai penumbuh ‘intrinsic memory (IM)’ dan ‘extended mind (EM)’, Lawang mampu menjadi ‘anticipatory system’

Lihat juga: Kodifikasi Pengetahuan untuk "computing with collaborative minds“ dan

Kodifikasi Pengetahuan (Knowledge Codification)

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Lawang menguatkan “Quote-driven economy”, mengimbangi “Order-driven economy” dengan

men-generate informasi (:: “the use of language”) meng-komunikasikan informasi (:: “languaging”) mem-fasilitasi kapabilitas kolektif (:: “correlating”) mengelola secara stratejik (:: “living in the correlates”)

Kita semua menjadi diri kita sebagai perubahan yang kita inginkan, berlangsung di dalam bagaimana perubahan itu sendiri berubah - in the way it happens in real time, anytime, all the time.

By the way, kata ‘lawang’ sendiri berarti ‘pintu yang terbuka’, sebagai pintu yang menjadi jalan

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Stop searching start findingLawang berbeda dengan metode layanan informasi pasar yang lainnya (misalnya metode survey) karena di dalam Lawang, datum bisa berhenti mencari dan mulai saling menemui datum lainnya dan saling menemukan, me-wajada-kan data, informasi, dsb. – It’s a discovery process!

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