Page 1: Lawang ('pintu terbuka') sebagai anticipatory system (2)

‘LAWANG’ (literary means: ‘open door’) as anticipatory system

“Evolution accounts for the past, anticipation for the present and future. This is why I call

anticipation our sixth sense, the sense of context.”[Mihai Nadin]

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The problem of institutional planning for social systems is analogized to anticipatory modes of behavior of organisms, in which an organism's present behavior is determined by

a) sensory information about the present state of the environment, and

b) an “internal model” of the world, which makes predictions about future states on the basis of the present data and the organism's possible reactions to it.

Robert Rosen’s “anticipatory system”

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Robert Rosen’s definition:

An anticipatory system is a natural system that contains an internal

predictive model of itself and of its environment,

which allows it to change state at an instant in

accord with the model’s predictions pertaining to a

later instant.

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Isaac Newton declared that "Actio es reactio," the reactive

mode. I add, "Anticipo ergo sum," "I anticipate therefore I

exist." "Anticipare" comes from "antecapere," "to understand

before." That is, we exist to the extent

that we also anticipate, not only react.

[Mihai Nadin]

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Feynman had this revolutionary thought: In order to address complex phenomena, we would need to compute in the medium

that interests us. Given his interest and competence in quantum mechanics, he suggested

quantum computation. Well, it's important to understand that

alternative forms of computation cannot be reduced to digital computation. So if we're able to start thinking of

software as a living entity, then yes, I want to embed anticipatory characteristics in software.

I see this possible as a hybrid implementation: the living interacting

with the program. The resulting dynamics derives from


Anticipatory computation [Mihai Nadin]

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Mihai Nadin: distinction between prediction and anticipation

• Prediction is based on previous observations, probabilistic models, and statistics.

• Anticipation integrates both possibilities--the possibility that something might or might not affect you--and probabilities.

• In general, we have a problem in dealing with possibilities.

• We are very good in dealing with probability and statistics, but possibility is not something to which we've paid enough attention.

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 A system whose current state

depends not only upon previous states but also upon possible

future states

Anticipatory systems is …[Nadin]

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Sistem-sistem sosial–termasuk ekonomi--adalah anticipatory systems

Di dalam sistem-sistem sosial kita harus mengupayakan agar

stata masa depan (future state of the system) menentukan perubahan stata sistem masa kini ,

stata yang sekarang.(present changes of states)

 Masa depan menentukan masa kini -- Ini adalah

kalimat lain dari pernyataan “Kita perlu sejak sekarang berubah—bertumbuh--menjadi perubahan yang kita

ingin lihat di masa depan" 

Bagaimana sistem-sistem antisipatori ini tumbuh, dipaparkan oleh Robert Rosen 1972, dalam tulisannya


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‘quantifying anticipation’ : Mihai Nadin

Ekonomi di pasar (realitas, ‘real system’)Ekonomi di benak

kita (‘formal system’)

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❶Quoted Price & Quantity:

Users posting ke sistem❸

Traded Price& Quantity, dari kejadian(‘di pasar’)

𝑴 𝑒𝑘𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑚𝑖:𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙


❷Map: ‘feedforward’

Map: ‘feedback’❷

Perubahan keadaan,

‘environment’ yang dinamik

M “melihat” ke masa depan (the future) dari S, karena trajektori M di-parameterkan--dengan Quotations—menjadi lebih cepat (‘parameterized faster’) dibanding paramater trajektori sistem real SLAWANG (E + M = sebuah ‘enabler’, ‘emulator’) .. Bekerja pada boundary, .. me-nyata-kan (realizing) ‘anticipatory system’

Feedback (2) instant ke pengunggah data: ketika seseorang mem-POSTing sebuah quotation kedalam sistem, ia direspon segera: agregat (hasil komputasi) mengikut-sertakan data yang baru saja ia posting ke database, tiap ‘poster’ (pengunggah) turut menentukan nilai max., min., rerata dan Total Quantity termutakhir (updated); Bertanya (QUERYing) kepada sistem LAWANG juga akan mendapat informasi update jika sudah tersedia di database

each and every user

participating in price


Price determination

Price discovery

Harga (price) lahir, eksis, hanya jika ada

transaksi “discovered”

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Traded Price & Quantity, dari kejadian (‘di pasar’)

• Data transaksi diperoleh dari POS (‘Point of Sale’)—mesin cash register elektronik—di masing-masing pedagang yang terhubung ke billboard elektronik di pasar itu dan ke server database di internet

• Setiap kali terjadi transaksi (yakni serah-terima): sejumlah quantity barang diserahkan kepada pembeli dan uang diterima oleh penjual, transaksi tersebut ter-rekam dan terpublikasikan seketika (instantly) baik di pasar itu sendiri (locally)—pada billboard—ataupun regional / nasional di internet

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Quoted price bukan (belum) harga, ia hanya ‘informasi harga’ (= ‘penawaran’);

Informasi harga bisa menjadi harga (‘harga lahir’) jika ada kejadian pembeli

yang membeli: jika transaksi terjadi

Bahkan sebuah price tag yang menempel pada barang sebenarnya bukan harga. Itu

hanya “penawaran” (sebuah informasi, serupa dengan “quotation”)---jika tidak ada seorangpun pembeli yang membeli, ia tidak

menjadi harga

Harga (‘real price’) hanya lahir jika transaksi terjadi

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