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Grup Para : Tambah Melejit berkat “Energi” Baru

Rabu, 12 Juli 2006 11:48 WIB -

Dibangun dengan modal Rp150 juta, kini Grup Para tumbuh jadi konglomerasi beraset lebih dari Rp30 triliun. Ke depan, bisnis energi menjadi target ekspansinya.

Jarum jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 24.00, tetapi Chairul Tanjung baru akan beranjak dari meja kerjanya yang tampak bersih dari tumpukan kertas. Bekerja selama 14 jam sehari, pemilik Grup Para ini selalu meninggalkan ruang kerjanya dalam keadaan bersih. Begitulah kebiasaan pria 44 tahun ini. Bagi dia, tingginya produktivitas hanya bisa diraih dari kantor yang selalu rapi dan teratur. Dan, dengan cara itulah ia mengelola dan mengembangkan bisnisnya selama hampir 20 tahun terakhir. Di tangannya, bisnis yang bermula dari sebuah pabrik sepatu pada 1987 ini tumbuh menjadi konglomerasi beraset lebih dari Rp30 triliun dengan empat bidang usaha: jasa keuangan, properti, media, dan energi.

Semua itu langsung menempatkan pria bertinggi 180 cm ini sebagai bintang baru di kalangan pebisnis papan atas di Tanah Air. Sebagai seorang bintang, pria berbintang Gemini ini pun tak luput menjadi objek “rumor”. Salah satunya seputar rencana pengambilalihan 40% saham Bank Mega oleh Anthony Salim. Jika kabar itu benar, Chairul tak cuma harus rela berbagi kepemilikan dengan Anthony, tetapi juga membuka pintu lebar-lebar bagi kembalinya konglomerasi Salim dalam bisnis perbankan. Sebab, sebelumnya, Salim adalah pemilik mayoritas dari PT Bank BCA Tbk., yang kini kepemilikannya menyusut hingga tinggal 1,77%. Namun, kabar terse¬but dibantah oleh Chairul Tanjung. “Jangankan 1%, satu lembar pun tidak ada,” cetusnya.

Bukan di perbankan, kongsi Anthony-Chairul rupanya terjadi di bisnis properti. Keduanya beraliansi membeli sebuah perusahaan medis di Singapura dan mengembangkan proyek properti di Batam seluas 300 hektar dengan kepemilikan 50%:50%. Di luar urusan dengan Grup Salim, Chairul kembali disorot saat Grup Para mengumumkan niatnya untuk memasuki bisnis energi—sebuah bidang usaha yang sama sekali baru. Menurut Chairul, dia memasuki bisnis tersebut karena masa depannya sangat cerah dan kebutuhan konsumen akan energi kian meningkat.

Dari Sepatu ke EnergiEnergi adalah ladang baru bagi kelompok usaha yang memulai bisnisnya dari industri sepatu ini, setelah selama ini menekuni bisnis jasa keuangan, media, dan properti. Lewat payung besar PT Para Global Investindo, Chairul membesarkan bisnis jasa keuangannya. Ia menjadi pemilik saham mayoritas di empat perusahaan, yaitu PT Mega Capital Indonesia, PT Bank Mega Tbk., PT Bank Tugu (dikonversi menjadi bank syariah), dan Para Multifinance.

Bank Mega belakangan mencatat kinerja yang memuaskan. Lihat saja kinerjanya per 31 Maret 2005. Nilai total aktivanya meningkat 50%, dari Rp13 triliun menjadi Rp19,5 triliun. Di sisi lain, nonperforming loan-nya (NPL) hanya 1,98% (gross), atau 1,42% (net). Ini jauh di bawah ketentuan maksimal NPL dari Bank Indonesia (BI) yang 5%. Dengan reputasi demikian, jelas bank yang saat diambil alih Grup Para pada 1996 cuma bernilai Rp120 miliar itu menjadi terlihat sangat cemerlang. Apalagi aset Bank Mega, menurut Chairul, telah mencapai Rp21 triliun dan bakal membengkak menjadi Rp50 triliun pada 2008. Voila, siapa tak mau “gadis” semolek ini?

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Selain bisnis keuangan, lewat PT Para Inti Investindo, kelompok usaha ini mengembangkan bisnis pertelevisian. PT Televisi Transformasi Indonesia (Trans TV), yang mengantongi izin siaran nasional pada 15 Desember 2001, kini mampu menyodok pendahulunya dalam hal perolehan jumlah penonton maupun pengiklan. Menurut data ACNielsen, tayangan reality show semacam Dunia Lain milik Trans TV sanggup meraih rating 7,6 pada Juni-Juli 2004.

Sementara itu, bisnis propertinya pun tak kalah menggeliat. Saat ini, di bawah payung besar PT Para Inti Propertindo, kelompok usaha ini memiliki beberapa proyek properti, seperti Bandung Supermal dan proyek di Batam. Bahkan, Batam agaknya akan menjadi fokus utama pengembangan bisnis properti Grup Para ke depan. Menurut pengamat properti Panangian Simanungkalit, peran mitra kongsinya, Grup Salim, menjadi bagian penting dalam kerja sama pengembangan kota mandiri di Batam seluas 300 hektar itu. “Dalam lima tahun ke depan, prospeknya akan sangat bagus,” katanya. Hanya, Panangian mengingatkan pentingnya regulasi yang mengatur kepemilikan asing terhadap properti di Indonesia.

Berbagi dengan para ProfesionalPertumbuhan bisnis Grup Para tak lepas dari kejelian Chairul dalam memilih para profesionalnya. Memang, saat memulai usaha, ayah dua anak berumur 10 dan 3,5 tahun ini lebih banyak berjuang seorang diri. Itu sekitar 25 tahun lalu, saat ia masih kuliah dan menjadi “pebisnis” dengan berjualan buku kuliah stensilan hingga kaus. Bisnis Chairul lalu meningkat dengan membuka toko peralatan kedokteran dan laboratorium di kawasan Senen Raya, Jakarta Pusat, pada 1983—1985, meski akhirnya bangkrut.

Chairul kemudian membuka berbagai usaha, seperti kontraktor, baja, hingga rotan. Bisnis pemegang gelar MBA dari IPPM ini memasuki babak baru ketika ia membangun PT Pariarti Sinduthama pada 1987 dengan modal Rp150 juta, bersama tiga orang rekannya. Inilah cikal bakal bisnis Grup Para. Sejak itu pula Chairul mulai berbagi kepercayaan dengan para profesional yang andal dalam membesarkan usahanya.

Sebut, misalnya, di Trans TV. Ia menggaet tiga profesional sekaligus, yakni Ishadi S.K., Alex Kumara, dan Riza Primadi, untuk ikut membidani dan mengembangkan bisnis televisinya. Ishadi dikenal piawai menggarap tayangan TV untuk jenis hiburan bagi kelas menengah-atas dan ahli menempatkan program bagus. Sementara Alex Kumara sangat jempolan dalam hal teknik penyiaran. Adapun Riza Primadi, yang ikut membidani kelahiran Liputan 6 SCTV, dianggap jagoan dalam membuat tayangan berita yang bersifat investigatif dan eksklusif.

Hasilnya? Jelas kinerja positif buat stasiun TV yang kemunculannya hanya dipandang sebelah mata ini. Tayangan hiburannya, seperti Extravaganza, sanggup menyita perhatian pemirsa lewat tokoh Aming-nya. Lantas, tayangan komedi situasi, seperti Bajaj Bajuri, menjadi tayangan komedi favorit bagi semua kalangan pemirsa TV dari berbagai segmen dan usia. Lalu, tayangan Dunia Lain-nya diganjar penghargaan Asian Television Award untuk kategori Best Reality Programme.

Sementara itu, di bisnis jasa keuangan, Chairul—yang pernah menggadaikan mobilnya untuk membayar gaji pegawainya—berbagi kepercayaan dengan kolega lamanya, seperti Yungky

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Setiawan. Ambisinya untuk membangun kelompok usaha pengelola jasa keuangan yang lengkap mendorongnya merekrut profesional andal di bidangnya. Salah satunya adalah Yungky Setiawan, yang kini menjabat dirut PT Bank Mega Tbk. Kemudian Chairul juga merekrut Kostaman Thayib, kini direktur, untuk mengembangkan Bank Mega sebagai retail banking.Yungky bukanlah orang baru dalam bisnis perbankan. Sebelum bergabung dengan Bank Mega pada awal 1998, pria kelahiran Jakarta 43 tahun lalu ini pernah menjadi bankir di Bank Danamon. Bahkan, ia termasuk orang yang membidani kelahiran produk tabungan Primadana dan Prima Dollar. Bagi Yungky, kesediaannya bergabung dengan Bank Mega adalah buah pertemanannya dengan Chairul yang terjalin sejak 1980-an.

Kini, berkat kerja keras Yungky—yang menjadi dirut sejak Februari 2004—dan koleganya, kinerja bank ini terus meningkat. Aset bank yang tadinya cuma Rp400 miliar, pada 2005 sudah Rp25,109 triliun. “Saya diserahi tanggung jawab memimpin perusa¬haan yang mulai berkembang,” kata Yungky. Pria berbintang Capricornus ini mematok target peningkatan aset Rp10 triliun per tahun. Jadi, kloplah. Chairul, sang pemilik, menemukan profesional yang sejalan dengan cita-citanya menjadikan Bank Mega sebagai bank terlengkap di Indonesia. Para profesional, bagi Chairul, adalah bagian dari kunci suksesnya.


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Man of the YearYanto Soegiarto | January 02, 2012

Chairul Tanjung is not afraid to dream big and turn those dreams into reality. That is where his true power and influence lie and it is for that reason that he is GlobeAsia’s Man of the Year.

Entrepreneur, visionary and presidential advisor, Chairul Tanjung is arguably Indonesia’s fastest rising tycoon. Through his business moves and his vision, he is helping to shape the new Indonesia. GlobeAsia takes a look at what makes Chairul Tanjung Man of the Year.

Chairul Tanjung is no ordinary businessman. To say that he has pulling power would be an understatement. Since the 49-year old entrepreneur hit the big time, he has continued to surprise with this bold business moves.

The latest of these was the acquisition of internet news portal for $60 million, which he is now transforming into a major digital news outfit. His business empire has grown by leaps and bounds over the past decade but it is his growing presence on the national political stage that makes him stand out.

He is not affiliated to any political party but politicians court him furiously. He is not afraid to speak his mind, which at times infuriates those in high positions. His open ambitions create both fear and envy amongst his business rivals who know that there is no stopping him once he sets his mind to a plan.

But more than that he is not afraid to dream big and turn those dreams into reality. That is where his true power and influence lie and it is for that reason that he is GlobeAsia’s Man of the Year.

For Chairul Tanjung is not merely searching for profits. He is transforming Indonesia, especially the fast rising middle class with his vision and business acumen. He is giving voice to the aspirations of millions of Indonesians who want to see their nation respected on the global stage and contributing to social change.

Extremely smart, he is on the fast track to being a dominant force in the country. In Indonesia, if you want to be a major player, you must understand social issues and address them and this is

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where Chairul excels. Not only can he engage the government on macro-issues, he has the ability to focus on micro-issues as well.

It is no surprise that people want to get close to him and hear what he has to say. At a party last December inaugurating the transformation of his Para Group into a modern, fast-growing business empire under the new entity CT Corp, many guests agreed it was this special quality that set him apart.

I want to be an agent of change,” the man affectionately known by his initials told a high-profile luncheon of leading business minds, politicians, media executives and officials.

“The establishment of CT Corp, officially called PT CT Corpora, marked Para Group’s transformation after my 30 years of doing business. Para Group was established when I was still a mid-level businessman. At that time of course, the group’s vision and mission reflected that.

“Now, the group’s business size is expanding in line with the country’s growing economic development. That’s why CT Corp has the motto ‘For a better Indonesia.’

“Our new brand identity is an expression of transforming ambition into excellence. Indonesia’s transformation is awakening the hopes, dreams and ambitions of the people,” Chairul said, adding he believed Indonesia was in a golden era of economic growth. “We are committed to helping the country and its citizens realize their ambitions.”

CT Corp’s diverse media, entertainment, retail, mining, agriculture and banking brands have become household names in the archipelago and beyond.

Financial services are provided by Bank Mega, Bank Mega Syariah, Mega Insurance, Mega Life, Mega Finance and Mega Capital, and it was after success in this sector that Chairul turned his attention to media.

His first television station Trans TV began broadcasting in 2000, while cooperation with leading newspaper publisher Kompas Gramedia led him to pick up second channel TV7 in 2006 and turn it into Trans 7. Online news portal caters to a new breed of information-hungry Indonesians.

The new portal, launched on December 15, features a new video streaming facility integrated with the television stations as well as a new digital newspaper published twice a day at 6 am and 4 pm. The new portal, which also sports a new color scheme, also features a 43-page digital magazine.

In the retail business, CT Corp’s Carrefour chain of hypermarkets is a popular choice for groceries and gadgets and Trans Lifestyle controls high-end clothing franchises such as Hugo Boss, Tod’s, Giorgio Armani and Mango.

Trans Studio owns indoor theme parks in Makassar and Bandung, the latter the biggest of its kind in the world. When it comes to food and beverage, Chairul holds the rights to premium ice-

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cream franchise Baskin Robbins, while Antatour and Vayatour are leaders in Indonesian tour and travel.

The tycoon’s agricultural assets include a 60,000-hectare palm oil plantation in East Kalimantan, of which 10,000 hectares have been planted. New horizons

Chairul said the new CT Corp will maintain three main sub-holdings: Mega Corp to look after financial services, Trans Corp to manage media, lifestyle, entertainment and retail, and CT Global Resources to run his plantations.

As part of the changing face of Chairul’s empire, Mega Corp will sport a new logo in the middle of this year, while Trans Corp’s new logo was launched at the December 15 event, which marked with the anniversaries of Trans TV and Trans 7.

But the 49-year-old isn’t content with all that. He has revealed he is eyeing possibilities for expansion, in line with Indonesia’s economic boom. Chairul says CT Corp is aiming for 30% to 40% annual growth of its own.  “Our business growth must be on top of gross domestic product, and if we are somewhere near $10 billion, we will surely attract foreign investors,” he said.

Given the company rebranding, Chairul expects Trans Corp’s earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization will reach $1 billion by 2015, double the growth achieved in 2011. He also says that revenue from both of his television stations in 2011 has reached around $300 million.

Chairul has let slip that he plans to acquire other organizations, but he definitely won’t disclose the details of his next big bets.He also sees no need at the moment to list his companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. “We want to increase the size of our companies, ensure they are world class, before we do IPOs,” he said. “If the companies are large then people will be interested and then maybe some of the business units can go public.

Right now, we have enough internal funds to expand our businesses and we don’t need to look for money in the stock market. If we float all of our subsidiaries on the stock market, it is because we want to give the public a chance to hold ownership of the companies.“Maybe in about 10 or 20 years CT Corp can go public, but it must be listed on the Fortune 500 before an IPO can be done.”To date, Bank Mega is Chairul’s only listed company. Asked about his plans to invest in regional banks, the Jakarta native said he is finalizing a deal that will see CT Corp own a 30% stake in PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Sulawesi Utara (Bank Sulut) worth Rp134 billion.

We are open to investing in other regional banks as well, but my philosophy is not to make acquisitions for the sake of it, but instead help regional banks expand and flourish,” he said.

Bank Sulut invited Chairul to be a strategic partner and help inject capital and improve

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management. “So it is not only capital but synergy,” he said. “When Bank Sulut is strong and capable, we will allow the regional bank to acquire our shares at market price. The idealism behind this venture is about developing eastern Indonesia, including the province of North Sulawesi.”

Head of Bank Sulut Jeffry Wurangian said that a shareholders’ meeting approved Chairul’s actions and noted his role will remain as a secondary shareholder. “CT is very professional as a businessman,” Jeffry said. “He reiterated that he wants to help. The deal is a breakthrough in terms of regulations.”

Chief Economic Minister Hatta Rajasa confirms that Chairul has committed to investing $1 billion in eastern Indonesia. And, according to Globe Asia sources, he is planning to expand Trans Studio to 20 theme parks over the next 10 years and will invest Rp8 trillion in a new project called Trans City. The 100-hectare development will house 50 television production studios and is expected to be completed by 2014.

But we are still concentrating on the Trans Studio Bandung, which will also have a hotel in operation by March 2012,” says the tycoon of the operation which has been so popular that traffic jams have become a problem in the West Java capital. Building iconic status

Economic and business analyst Roy Sembel believes the rebranding of Para Group is aimed at building a new business icon with its leader’s personal strength as an internationally successful businessman at its core.

CT Corp, which embodies the same values Chairul Tanjung holds dear, will guarantee the successful emergence of new businesses and partnerships,” Roy said. “Doing business in Indonesia is costly, so his high profile and media companies will naturally help with lobbying and save CT Corp a considerable amount of money. Like Dr. Ir. Ciputra from Ciputra Development, CT’s strategy is right. He is a rising star.”

Many people have linked Chairul’s success to the involvement of the Salim Group, a conglomerate established by former President Suharto’s close confidante Sudono Salim. Chairul admits to learning a lot from Salim’s son Anthony but stresses that CT Corp and its predecessor Para Group are 100% his own.

The path he has walked to success has not been an obvious one. Chairul graduated from the University of Indonesia’s dentistry faculty more than two decades ago, a far cry from what he spends his time doing now. Still, his unusual start has not stopped him becoming Indonesia’s 24th richest man, with an estimated net worth of $900 million based on the 2011 Globe Asia rich list.

Chairul has made an effort to give back to his country too. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono appointed him to serve as head of the National Economic Committee (KEN), which is comprised of top economists and powerful business people. However, Chairul’s closeness to

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national leaders has prompted questions about whether he might one day consider running for the presidency.

The answer is a big no because I have no intention at all of becoming president,” he responds. “My main agenda is to expand CT Corp. We certainly want to become the market leader in every industry we enter. If everybody wants to be a politician, who will be running the businesses?And besides, he adds, “I like being a businessman.” GA

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