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Critical Analysis of Research Design and Data Collection

Dr. Nancy Agens, Head,

Technical Operations, Phdassistance

[email protected]

In Brief

Research design talks about the overall

strategy that you choose to logically

integrate the various elements of your

research so to make sure that you deal with

the research issues efficiently. Data

collection for your research has two parts -

Primary Data Collection and Secondary

Data Collection. Primary data collection

can be done from various sources like

workplace, interview, questionnaires, and

expert opinion. Secondary data collection

involves literature review, reports etc.

The methodology of research is the

path through which researchers are required

to conduct their research. It demonstrates the

direction along which these researchers

formulate their questions and goal and

present their result from the data collected

during the time of analysis. In this article,

we should objectively examine the pieces of

the entire cycle of study design and data



The analysis architecture aims to

contain an appropriate structure for a

review. The choice you make with respect to

the research approach is a crucial decision in

the research design process as it says how

related data can be available for a study;

however, the process of research design

engages a number of correlated decisions

(Reay et al., 2019).

This report also uses a concise test

method to focus on the impact of the

workplace protection and risk control

program on the fitness, welfare, and

property harm of workers for chosen

industrial sectors. Descriptive research

shows an precise profile of individuals or

events. This Framework Gives

Researcher’s a human, organizational, and

industry-oriented viewpoint a profile of

defined related aspects of the phenomena of

interest. This research design allowed the

researchers to grab data from a broad range

of respondents on the effect of protection

and health on Ethiopian manufacturing

industries. And this helped evaluate the

feedback gathered on how it impacts the

occupational protection and wellbeing of the

manufacturing sectors.


The data collection process is based

on the fundamental techniques including

collections of secondary and primary data,

focused on both qualitative and quantitative

data as defined in the previous section. You

can take help of the Research Data

Collection Service.



The key origins of primary data are

both qualitative and quantitative (Corti et al.,

2019). The qualitative sources are field

study, questioning, and casual

conversations, whereas those of quantitative

data sources are sample questionnaires and

interview queries. Primary data collection

PhD Research is vital to your research.

● Workplace site observation data


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Observation is a significant part of

science. It is closely related to data

collection, so there are various forms for

this: reports, archival documents, interviews,

direct findings, group findings.

Observational research findings are strong

data because the researcher can gather depth

of information on a particular behavior

(Gregory et al., 2019). The researchers used

observation method as a means to gather

knowledge and details before the design of

the questionnaire and even after work.

Workplace data collection is one of the Best

Primary data collection. In the sample fields,

the researcher made over 20 basic findings

of the manufacturing sectors. It found a

deeper understanding of the working

environment and the various sections within

the production system and OSH practices

during the observations.

● Data collection through interview In-depth qualitative interview with

people deemed to be particularly

knowledgeable about the topic of interest.

Usually, the semi-structured interview is

conducted in a face-to-face setting that lets

the researcher to look for new insights, ask

questions, and evaluate events from different

angles (Baillie, 2019). It allows the

researcher know the depth of dominant

factors and aftermaths of the present work

environment. It has created incentives to

optimize attempts to gather data and to

analyze complex programs or processes.

You can use it when as a researcher; you

face limitations of published document or

want to triangulate the data obtained from

other sources of primary and secondary data.

Interview data collection is one of

the most sought after Methodology

Primary Data Collection .The benefit of

applying interviews as a tool is that it lets

respondents raise issues that may not have

been expected by the interviewer. The

accompanying researcher performed all

interviews with staff, managers, and

technicians on a face-to-face basis at the


● Data collection through

questionnaires Questionnaires are the key method

for collecting primary knowledge in

functional testing, provided that the

researcher may agree on the questionnaire

and the types of questions to be asked.

In this thesis, each respondent is

asked to answer an identical list of mixed

questions so that bias was avoided. Initially,

the questionnaire design was coded and

mixed up based on uniform structures from

specific topics. The questionnaire, therefore,

produced valuable data that was necessary to

achieve the goals of the dissertation.

Data obtained from experts’ opinion You can also get data from the

expert's opinion on the knowledge,

management, group effort, and technology

use, including their sub-factors, being

compared. The resultant data was used for

OSH's prioritization and decision-making,

improving factor priorities (Kaverzneva et

al., 2019). The variables prioritization was

done using Saaty scales and then converted

to Fuzzy set values gathered from previous

work using a triangular fuzzy range.



The secondary data relates to data

where anyone other than the consumer

received (Stobaugh et al., 2019). This source

of data gives insights into the current state-

of-the-art method research area. It also

creates some kind of work void where the

researcher wants to fill. Such secondary

sources of data may be internal and external

sources of knowledge and may span a

number of fields.

Literature/desk review and industry

papers and reports: The researcher

conducted excessive document review and

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company reports in both online and offline

modes to attain the goals of the dissertation.

From an analytical point of view, literature

reviews should be interpreted as an

examination of material, where quantitative

and qualitative elements are combined in

order to determine both systemic and quality


A Literature Review was carried

out using information references such as

MEDLINE; Emerald; Taylor and Francis

publications; EMBASE ; PsycINFO;

Sociological Abstracts; Papers on Injury

Prevention; US Labour Statistics, European

Safety and Health Information; ABI Inform;

Market Source Premier; The search strategy

focused on articles or reports measuring one

or more of the dimensions within the OSH

model framework for research. This quest

strategy was focused on a structure and

measurement filter strategy established by

the community Collection of Health

Measurement Instruments (COSMIN)

Consensus-based Criteria. Unrelated papers

to the study model and priorities were

omitted dependent on sampling. Prior to

selection, the reviewer (principal

investigator) checked a collection of over

2000 papers, blogs, studies, and

recommendations to decide if they would be

considered for further consideration or

dismissal. Discrepancies were thoroughly

identified and resolved before more than 300

articles began review of the main group.

After deleting the title-based papers,

keywords, and summary, the remaining

publications were checked in-depth, and the

knowledge was collected on the instrument

used to determine the study interest aspect.

A full list of things was then collated within

each target or purpose of the study and

checked to find any missed objects.


Both Research design and data

collection play crucial roles in research

methodology. Our discussion has critically

analyzed both the aspects and we hope that

it will be of some help to the future

researchers. REFERENCE

[1] Baillie, L. (2019). Exchanging focus groups for

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[3] Gregory, K., Groth, P., Cousijn, H., Scharnhorst, A. &

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