Page 1: Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 TOEFL

8/19/2019 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 TOEFL 1/5

Nama : Adam Ramadhan

NPM : 20112113

Kelas : 4 KB 01

Softskill (Bahasa Inggis Bisnis 2!"es#i$e A$o%t &')* Pe+aation


The Test of English as a Foreign Language, or TOEFL, is a test which measures people’s

English language skills to see if they are good enough to take a course at university or 

graduate school in English-speaking countries. t is for people whose native language is not

English. t measures how well a person uses listening, reading, speaking and writing skills to

 perform academic tasks. This test is accepted !y more than ",#$$ colleges, universities, and

agencies in more than %&$ countries' which means it is the most widely recogni(ed English

test in the world.

The format of the TOEFL test has !een changed three times. The first was the )*T +paper-

 !ased TOEFL test. t tests listening, reading and grammar skills with a perfect score !eing"". ome centers where computers are not availa!le still offer this format. The second

format is the /*T +computer-!ased TOEFL test. )eople are each provided with a computer 

to take the test. 0 writing section was added as well as the three sections. The level of 

listening and grammar skills are automatically changed depending on a person’s English

level. The third change is the i*T +nternet-!ased test that is !eing !rought in around the

world which measures listening, speaking, reading and writing.

There are three procedures that people are following to take the test. First it is decided where

and when you are going to take the test !ecause the format of the test could !e either i*T or 

/*T depending on location. )eople need to register 12& months in advance to get a place.

econd is registration in person, online, !y phone, or through email. Online registration is

most common and payment will !e re3uired to complete the registration. The cost changes

depending on what kind of e4am is taken.

0s more universities and colleges want a TOEFL more people are wanting to do the test. n

5orea in 1$%$, nearly %%#,$$$ people took the test to demonstrate their a!ility in English.

This was 1$6 of the total for people doing the test. t is considered as one of the ways for middle or high school students to apply for the high ranked domestic universities.

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The test is designed !y the /enter for 0pplied Linguistics and administered !y the

Educational Testing ervice.

%. *ackground

*ased in 7ashington, 8./., the /enter for 0pplied Linguistics +/0L is a nonprofit

organi(ation committed to researching the relationship !etween language and culture.

Founded in %9#9, its first director was /harles 0. Ferguson +%91%-%99:, who had

administered similar programs in the ;iddle East and taught as a professor at <arvard

=niversity. Ferguson guided the center to develop practical solutions for the applied

language and literacy concerns of international and national governments.

1. Origin

One of Ferguson>s earliest pro?ects was to develop a test that would 3uantify the

command of the language that EL +English-as-a-econd-Language students and

government employees had. Ferguson and fellow applied linguistics researchers

developed the TOEFL test for the first five years of the /0L. n %9@, the first official

TOEFL test was taken at the center.

&. 8evelopment

ince the late %9$s, the TOEFL test has !een administered !y the Educational

Testing ervice +ET, an international standardi(ed-testing organi(ation. 0ccording

to ET, !etween %9@ and 1$$:, 1@ million people, largely international students,

have taken the test. ntroduced in 1$$#, the nternet-!ased test has replaced thecomputer-!ased and paper-!ased formats, with the computer-!ased results ruled no

longer valid as of 1$$.

@. Organi(ation

ince the early %9"$s, the %#-mem!er TOEFL !oard has dealt with specific pro!lems

regarding the organi(ation. This !oard is comprised of educators and government and

industry representatives who are involved in international education. 0 !oard of %1

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language specialists form the TOEFL /ommittee of E4aminers, which addresses any

concerns with the test>s content and methodology, keeping the test valid.

#. /omposition of Test

ince %99:, the paper test has !een made up of &$ listening-!ased 3uestions, @$

Awritten-e4pressionA 3uestions, #$ reading-comprehension 3uestions, and a &$$-word


7hen applying to schools and for ?o!s, international students and !usinesspeople must often

take the Test of English as a Foreign Language +TOEFL to prove their proficiency. The test

has !een around for nearly half a century, taking several different forms !efore arriving at the

version test-takers see today. 5nowing the history of TOEFL can help students understand the

nature of the test, how it is scored, and how their score compares to those of past test-takers.

Pa+e.Based &est

o From %9@ until %99:, test-takers took the TOEFL paper-!ased test, which was given like a

traditional e4am. This test was originally !ased on discrete-point testing, which tests one

 particular area of language knowledge per 3uestion and e4trapolates a score that gives an

overall view of the student>s level. The paper-!ased test was scored from &%$ to "".

<owever, as linguistic models changed, the Educational Testing ervice +ET, which

administers the TOEFL, decided to change the test format as well.

/om+%te.Based &est

o tarted in %99:, the computer-!ased TOEFL test kept some discrete-point 3uestions, !ut

also tested voca!ulary and other skills directly. The computer-!ased test worked on an

adaptive modelB the 3uestions a student saw depended on his answers to the first 3uestion in a

given section. f he got the first few 3uestions wrong, he would receive easier 3uestions and

thus a lower score. The computer-!ased test was scored on a scale of $ to &$$ points.Intenet.Based &est

o n 1$$#, ET !egan to phase out the computer-!ased test in favor of the current nternet-

 !ased test. This test contains no discrete-point 3uestions and is not adaptiveB all students see

the same 3uestions, regardless of whether or not they answer the first 3uestions correctly. The

TOEFL nternet-!ased test appeared first in the =nited tates, /anada, France, Cermany and

taly in 1$$#, !efore gradually spreading to other parts of the world in 1$$. t is scored on a

scale of $ to %1$.

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&')* &oda-

o Today, the TOEFL is !roken down into four sections, designed to measure the test-taker>s

skills in reading, listening, writing and speaking. Each section is scored on a scale of $ to &$,

for a ma4imum total of %1$ points. The paper-!ased test is still availa!le in some parts of the

world' however, the nternet-!ased test is much more common and more widely accepted.

The Test of English as a Foreign Language, or TOEFL +pronounced D to flD TO<-fl,ˈ ʊ

evaluates the a!ility of an individual to use and understand English in an academic setting. t

sometimes is an admission re3uirement for non-native English speakers at many English-

speaking colleges and universities. 0dditionally, institutions such as government agencies,

licensing !odies, !usinesses, or scholarship programs may re3uire this test. 0 TOEFL score is

valid for two years and then will no longer !e officially reported since a candidate>s language

 proficiency could have significantly changed since the date of the test.citation neededG

/olleges and universities usually consider only the most recent TOEFL score.


)AS& AS &' IMPR' 'R &')* S/'R

f you dream of studying in the tates, TOEFL could !e your ticket to success. 0s with any

e4am, good e4am techni3ue is as important as your English a!ility and could make the

difference !etween getting the score you need to study in the tates and missing out. This is

especially important for the internet-!ased TOEFL test. ;ake sure you get the score you

deserve with these terrific tips for tackling the TOEFL test.

Im+o5e -o% #om+%te skills

The i*T is now the most common format for TOEFL, and poor computer skills can make you

nervous, careless and slow. mprove your chance of success !y !eing familiar with a

computer and !y making full use of the pre-test computer tutorial. Learning the section

instructions ahead of time is also a must, so that you don’t get confused and save time during

the e4am.

*ean ho6 the 7%estions 6ok t sounds o!vious, !ut read each 3uestion and answer choice carefully, and !e cautious of

distracting choices 2 ones that may look correct at first glance, !ut are wrong. Finally, !e sure

to dou!le-check your selection !efore clicking to confirm your answer and move on.

*uild your memory skills

Hou can take notes or during the Listening section, !ut it’s still important practice listening to

longer conversations and remem!ering key details. The entire listening section takes @$ to $

minutes, which can !e tiring if you haven’t practiced for that long. )ractice at home under

actual test-taking conditions to ma4imse your chance of success in the e4am.

A#e -o% essa-

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n the i*T, you have to write an essay on an assigned topic. Iemem!er that idea content and

organi(ation are ?ust as important as correct English in your essay, if not more. )ractice not

only writing short &$-minute essays, !ut also developing supporting ideas for a topic and

creating 3uick and effective outlines. For further practice, make use of’s

writing classes, where teachers give you fast feed!ack on your essays and help you sharpen

your skills.

Manage -o% time

;any 3uestions trap you into wasting time, so avoid this !y setting yourself a careful limit

for each 3uestion !efore you start the section. 0lso practice speed-reading techni3ues like

skimming and scanning. Hou can’t lose points for incorrect answers, so take a guess even if

you aren’t sure.

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