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Neza Annisa Pradilla

151710101115/THP A

How to Make a Candy Apple

Hello everyone today we making a recipe that has been requested a couple times this is a traditional while treat candied apples and people have been making these for years and years so we are medium heat place 1\2 cups sugar , 1 cup a blade corn syrup and 1 cup water. Mixture this over high heat and continue to stir into it starts to boil insurance it is I’ll in sixteen boiling you can stop story need to keep if over high heat until the sugar syrup reaches two hundred eighty five degrees Fahrenheit would you thought crack stage in you can use a candy thermometer disagree the easiest method. But there is another method up telling you agree to stop crack stage up with that information in the description box. So while your candy fear spoiling you can prepare your apples to remove the stem from the apple and then just in search a pop stick into the apple. Easier gala apples because it happens to me when I have in the house you can use whatever apple you prefer now thought I would try doing half apples big sometimes eating an entire candy apple it a little bit too much especially for kids, so I wanted to try he is happy apple’s so once that mixtures come to you two hundred eighty five degrees Fahrenheit. He cannot eat and carefully and a half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a half a teaspoon red food coloring an Easter that in a moment is up little bit so just do it carefully when that’s thirteen you are ready to get your apple in to the sugar syrup each year apples are mason jar briny and then if the apples into the candy mixture I just do a little bit and the third mixture completely coated. Coated removed from the syrup and just let it drip of and I suggest you let as much as you can drip of the apple you want to try to make the coding nearly ten –foot just easier to each then you are gonna place it on a greased cookie sheet on a cookie covered with greased. Love well fifty the m using my trusty silicone match and Marianne taking another apple you’ll find that out should researchers took will be you may get some bubbles in the mixture you might people army apples but that’s okay you are still be fine now for the half apple, the half apples I was talking about keep them that you can mixture I found I guess because I’ve always cheer on the cut service on the apple the sugar just wooden stick to it and also the sugar research the cold quite a bit at that point so it didn’t really work wrote very well I also believe that when you put the candy apple have on the cookie sheet that the cut up

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will continue to release and juice to build the sugar in it was really kind a sticky and messy so didn’t really work don’t think we you want to have apples use caramel or use chocolate now when you are done with all the apples pick as much as you can about sugar syrup in the bottom, fill the pan with water put it on low heat and just let it heat in all that sugar expect to the park will dissolve you can also put it in some hot soapy water each let it sit now to the thinking not that difficult to clean up at all near the apple taster good to eat the same day or the next day at the maximum because the candy will start to absorb moisture from the air and also get sticky. You have ever had candy apples you’ll know that you can be really hard bite into you for that first bite it cracked through that hard candy shell. may not be suitable for real kids or you might have to try get started for the my crankiness candy shell. Because the candy so sweet I find that the best apples to use finished a tart apple like a Macintosh it’s a nice complement to all that sugar. So there you go and traditional not Hallowen her poultry candied apple give it a try.

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