  • 8/12/2019 Abstrak kista retensi



    Kista dalam sinus maksillaris merupakan kista retensi atau mukokel pada

    rongga sinus maksillaris berisi cairan mukoid yang terletak diintra oral didasar

    sinus,dinding lateral, rongga sinus dan kadang-kadang melibatkan rongga sinus

    lainny,dinding kista ini dilapisi oleh epitel pseudostrat if ied cil ia ted columnar

    ephitelium. Etiologinya biasanya terjadi setelah ada cedera dan trauma pada

    pencabutan gigi premolar dan molar yang diikuti perluasan kesinus

    maksillaris,pasca operasi sinus,nasal antrostomi,luka tembak dan fraktur

    maks il la kompleks dan dapat pula disebabkan oleh infeksi, reaksi inflamasi, penyumbatan

    cairan atau genetik. Terdapat 2 tekhnik pembedahan yang dapat dilakukan yaitu

    pembedahan radikal dan non radikal, dimana pembedahan non radikal lebih

    disukai karena mempunyai banyak keuntungan dan komplikasi yang minimal.

    Dilaporkan satu kasus kista retensi disinus maksillaris dextra pada seorang perempuan

    umur 32 tahun,dilakukan ektirpasi kista retensi pada sinus maksilaris dextra dengan bedah

    sinus endoskopik fungsional yaitu dengan menggunakan teleskop 700,pada hari ke 10 pasca

    operasi penderita kontrol di poli THT,dengan tidak ada keluhan dihidung dan sudah tidak

    sakit kepala. Hasil pemeriksaan patologi anatomi adalah kista retensi.

    Kata kunci : Kista retensi sinus maksillaris,bedah sinus fungsional endoskopik

  • 8/12/2019 Abstrak kista retensi



    Cyst that present in maxillary sinus cavity is known as a retention cysts or a mucocel

    on maxillary sinus cavity which contain mucoid fluid and is located at the bottom of the sinusspecifically at intraoral area, lateral wall, sinus cavity and sometimes involved neighboring

    sinus cavity, the cyst wall is lined by pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium. The

    etiology of this cyst is thought to usually occur following an injury or a trauma from a

    premolars or molars extraction procedure which expand towards maxillary sinus,

    postoperative sinus, nasal antrostomy, gunshot wounds and fractures of the maxillary

    complex and can also be caused by infection, inflammatory reactions, fluid blockage or

    genetic predisposition. There are two surgical techniques that can be done to treat this

    condition which are classified as radical and non- radical surgery , in which the non- radical

    surgery is preferred because it has a lot of advantages the complications that can occurred are

    minimal. This case report is about a woman age 32 years old that present with retention cyst

    located at right maxillary sinus, removal of the retention cyst located at the right maxillary

    sinus is perfomed with functional endoscopic sinus surgery by using a telescope 700, on day

    10thof post-operative the patient is followed up at ENT polyclinic, with no nasal complaints

    nor a headache. Pathological anatomy examination results shows the sample taken as a

    retention cysts .

    Keywords : Maxillary sinus retention cysts, functional endoscopic sinus surgery

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