<Ê|tfn^ot¥iiêr canisters, mm m · aaah andbliud tn«niifa toryofmr. p. p.toals,, in...

wholesale prls^ï . watch«», Silver war«-« ? rne^iYlt^jft^^ «lear, eue) be»lne*f-li*>Jp ell itè etatemeote en à r.nderlng^ s^klbg tyr ¿b^tttooy *? »he CUrk of tho B«ard, Mr. O SÍ. HWÍST. H pre.ente .[formidable )l»t of expeadliareaby th« County. »i^Xil:correct assailing misiipprV. Bee beeè^qiry-.^^in to BU the; pol pit of th« 1ierl»94U4 OVorsb, et thli plea« for the cn»u1ègîe^;^àtt^ to arrive ai;S0"9* ter In . :7*e^lebet^ with' ¿a>ked acceptability ap* Wnl««#*;: djWagvtbn year now earing, er Uh M Ö*kfoaV at.Oeorg.to-D, th« mgmh«raafó$fo, «jînîawWwl*? ejfíiífWoa up with »ouch relaeteae«. liWé oT^ foniD^o.t ?* #4î .?,lwlw^ÁJ^»>-.««- A . The Masonic rvaiurnîty of >SOmU*, 'with their breUtre* or odjeeent Wgée, ex ptwt en wca.i»o .f moobi lo rer.s't «O B». Sob n'a ßey JJ t, w'h i ob : ocoursoo >Voed*y,the^27th Inst. Ike atteadaoo« willoo itoebk>» ler^rth» « Mirria proec«»10» I m p o. lng~*»d »h. V**unítj ro«Í.Í^r*«, ' The orator. Moo, H a tr*Y Bóier, '«Äet^otv*. » gentlema« of Äo» gtftf end enUlvaiUon Ma «peaksr. end a«^ ju eying ^ OMr tion will do honor to tko occasions., v. ! ' H*o4av»one (fenalan** *ree*n«. < Flashes of brlghtües« eoaWüue» flit athwart the pathway ov;n of an editor, sitting lo «om bra meditation, at» evening" pt two »IMO«, our oanoinna WM sudden ¡J llbimlá^d by the generous «mile* of oar good Trlend, C. .T./WACOH. jHe «ame, with want uoteterlted compliments, bearing a bandeóme Stiver Goblet, which/ he »aid, Waa onr Christian1 present. Aa "gilding throughv tho aroa oo à s**.6<ae»','' Was tb!» gladsome visitation.We felt better-^decf d«dly bolter, and to<& fre«h cou raget. And now,' we want to tell alt of ottr kind ret, dara whom bandseme; Cbristmas Presents pay bo fouOd^ to Manoa'e. .. V./;^Wa»aeW At tho' Anntvemary Communication of Salem Lodge. No, 141 A.sF.% Bi.-. the following omcers wore) elected to Wry«! for th» e»»ui*g year, vjat J. II. WILSON...................................W. .M. W. J. M tfLDRaw.u..;......*".e. W. CK. W BATHE UFO lt I). ....ifJ. W.' St A. MAY BB. u»i.Treasurer. H. H. WILSON.;«........;.. t\/J ... ......Secretary. I B. p. 'WILSON ..,.%....>.*.«...'. .t.mm. B. M. COOPKR................... ....J. D. i!Ä*|---. J. B. TttlMNAL.....Til«. Con»>r«iseo Apa>olMtmcutsw Tho appointments, In full, of tbe Sooth .Care« lina Conference, for dext yosr, will be found "n eur fourth page. Many changes hare boen made. BOT. J W. bf OURAY, leave« hi« fi< ld of «»«101. ne»« on Sumter Circuit, beloved by all; and is .neeeededby Rev. ri, J. HILL, a preacher of aler ling worth and ability, and greatly esteemed where ver ho ha« boM. Ber. L. Wool», after a »Ingle year's «ervIce at Bi»h op ville, where he won many bea ru, leaves amid many regrets, and is »ueoe*d«<; by Rev; S. A. Wa »ita, à yoong preacher of oom mab di og Val eat, of'wuch attainment e.« a «oholar, and of fervent »cal In bis holy calling. Rev. O. J. Me Mleave» Ly ebburg great¬ ly beloved, after year* of devoted and erduous labor, and iueoeeded by Rev. L. M. LITTLB, an earned and efllrlont m lobter. Rev.J. B. CAMPBKHU, who a young preacher of acne* promise, after Toar' years of ascfulness' OB tao San tee Cir« ni», it «uoceeded by Rev. J. L. Slfley, who will be found a faithful aud »u4c«rs- ÍBV laborer in (be vineyard of his Lord. The friends ai Manning, too, wilt find ;a worthy and effletent suoee»«or lo tba person of Rev. A. BaviB. Oar best wl«hea atteod them all. f Deeieton of «ha Sojpreaue Coan co»»- c«rulnait>e Home»»ea«t Aet. On Monday, be ¿tb' Instant, tW Supreme Coori or tbU Btata deevdwd/lb r jsent «ou of tko Legi. laturs, pr¿7ld|ng for a Hook* «toad axerep- lion, ta ba ! tst/osal ; a pd thai not only esto kew, but also as u> old-debts ead Judgment». As}.' .oelau Ju.tlea WI^LÁHO delivered ibo opin»oo of tb« Court, whieb was «eB«Orred in by. A««oo ate /uitice wWsnv rtM/tis^ea^jwa» disesa ted from so much of ibo d«l|km,»t «uitalaed the axempUea from U¿» I isp or^s^^pwecU; turer«, übe bava boee UdaeoeTb» (\Là ]M-h ,\\VL JStSsr* '. ""'">»" tom. Uod»v**AmnA*nn\ha. kp t^>eM«td«gT«V «. M r*r««*d«d that th*, worth «md ability d> ;Ä*»^Ä «I 0..d. i#.«,oi ft.il, b.»»»»nd pr^rl* »WmU<ii,ttM'b, air; own br*tV«a of tb* 8<^t« ewàfoi. c^ /$îfT; -T$ÍÍ ?.f *»? entntag .»nl|ner.n« gow. ¡J «lo*. |M0»»|r>;> AJh***f F' .1«t of w to»br d«U**r«J a alg^tiu»** ejoeeb .t Albany .'«.» »h.» pU cteetlea;fi|(«Wala no« but lUite «loobt tb M bo wilt ba broeght prowl- ».ntl, for«ard for tb« nomina t iou by tb« D*»o- ( critic 'Wrty, Éor tb* PrMtdw.^U Al a a*vol«»at leader, therefore, of tb* Nor thora D*' »oeraey. bte *tt«*edeM ar« »I go i flea ot. Thc fbi. lowing ap extract from bi» spoecb t ." - "Aa we burr Our dead oat of sight, whether tb.y be méndTbr foe. «o lt bahoov.» a gnat part» bory dead tenue* an J to direct Ibo whole fore. ..Mia energy dealing with tba Urine facta «nd qu«*Üopi«f the day. They will crowd opon oj« fa* i en nu ab-que« flo« s which T%I»t« fl nano« and taxation, to reduction of expenditure« «nd taxe» «ador tb« federal government and th« 8tat« to r>M«anal«, fra« trade. OM .lections and to the Assertion and maintenance in every way Of th« right of American citfaeat ever} where and of a free people iq th« fr«« States to the btetei»«:* ot * free conni tu« iou« I government in th« United \ fAt* If you" want ia bay Harne««, ßaddle«, Crunks, Vail»»««, Bftga, S«tob«l«,Collar», Hame«, Chait)«r JRHlhg brldtee, . Matting.!**, Whip», Spar«, Curry-comb», Hon« brnaba*, F«*th»iy bni.be«, Ax|«Jgr««««, Oil, Leather, -Saddler jr Hardware, and all OboiU kept la a, fl rat ela«« Saddlery K«tablUbine»t, cati at J. 8. TOP»*» A Co.'«., Ko. South Fropt St. Wilmington, Jt^O. 'SuoçBisrui. 8OOT«BKK Ba»aHi>»iB*kr-Orin«ny *t)W Southern enterprise« which have bron ««» d«rtak*n «ince the «a«,. non» have mat with greater or thora doserved aucceu than tb« door, aaah and bliud tn«niifa tory of Mr. P. P. Toals,, In Çhûrtetilon, 8. O. ß* bard work, Indomitable energy »ld liberal advertising, Mr. Toate bas In Ihr«» jeir« outstripped all compeciou anet. ..Ubllihed a bu«ine,« wbleh Wonld do «redit to any eUyJn »b> Dnlud BUtaV. I .yang. ¡ ? ' There are «nany good natured fellows who have1 paid the forfeit of their- Uv«*, io not availing thetageLve*' or e. re med t's. I age ut al tb« com meneó¬ me rtWof a «light ..liment- "Only a cold," «od "Only** tour «lom«cb," har« dug many a gr« vu. Do not neglect your health I Take tl.« o*I«brn ted "Old Carolina Bitter«"-they will prov« a fountain «f rencw«dH*«. r y , .?: ,. Tbua «rMl':ncw^ii^ ?ßo^Un'» Ca)U«d 8 te tes A Imo *«« for 1Ç71, f0, «nd al! who «Uh to ondorauo . tb« tr*« pbHco. phJ of health abanld *4i*P^<^fc*|Ma«ble .uggMiloo* it nonuina. In addition re,** admlr- *bU medteál <r**4U«(e.n th« MO«^ »fttwation ind «afr«*fn|fjwat variety of dl«****VTl dahra***. .> larg» amoant of lnfuTsoa|>n Interesting to lb« merobant, the mecbaolc. th« aiiner, lb« farmer, UM pUnur, «ad pn»fc*airinal'Bt»n4 and th« calcu¬ lation* have been aaad* for ««ch atettduna «nd latitude* aa ar* moat »rtliable for a correct and comprehensive NATIONAL CALKKDX*. TH nature, *i«*«, And extraordinär* «aoltary effect« ofRoatetter'a Stomach Bitter*, th* «(«pie tonie and altera tl»e of more than half of tb« Cfc rta. tian world, *fe fully a«t forth In tU'pag**, wbleh .r* alto iB«riper*ed with pictorial illustration», valuable recipe» for the household and farm, hu- muroui aiieedolM and other Instructive and a «Baa¬ ing reading matter, original and selected. Among the Annaal« «o appear with the opening df tb«' year, tbl« will be one Of tb« **d*t t>»«f*|. and may K«4 for tl*^ tithing. Th« proprietor«, MeoKT«. Hos teilet'Jh Smith, op reeflpt of a t«P eent otorap, will for word a copy by mall to any Eeraon «h.« cannot prôCur* one ia bte neighbor ood. Tb« Mtier« .ate «old in every elly, town and village, and ar* ex t*n»l vet y «»ed throughout thc entire olvililted world. . ; ; Jiim^iW^ HOW RESTORED. Junt published, a new edition of Dr. CULVBB- WKLVS CELEBRATED 88SAY on tne rmdical ewra itboat medfolne) of BrBRMATOaaMOIA or seminal Weal ne»», In vol un t«Ty S«»ir>*l JA>«»«», mro7«NCT. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Ina. p«didientR to Marriage, ete.| «lae, CoMTOrTÎpà, KpiuiraT, »nd FIT«, lndoe«d by MlMadnlgMda. or «exaal «xtravaganc«. ró' . i aar Priée, la) » «ealtd envelop«, only fl cen tr. The celebrated author, in t hi« admirable «e»ay, clearly demonstrtte», from a thirty year«' tur- OMtful prfcotie.; that the alarming ao*»«qu**««J» ot «*lf «bute'áiay be radically eorefl «Hbo*» (be duageroüB qi« ôf roternal medlclneor tb« app'l" eallon of ih>'kbffo; pointing out, a «od« »f ««re at ônca'sitédie. eaVtata. and «wVötoel, by noni of which «Wry sufferer, no matter what his cob¬ alt Jon mar bey may our« hi mr«I f oh««ply, prrratd- ^^1*%nr* «W»ld ba la tb. M it; every yonth «nd every mao in I he land. - S*nt, nader real, In * plain envelop*, to any «ddr«*a, poipaid. on receipt »Ix cont* or. tia* poat ataaipa. Ateo. Dr. Cul vet neU.a "Marrlag« 0 ul**,"price 35 oent», A Addrafi tb« Pnbllabeta, j^:-' t,\ ^ CHAS. J. C. KLINE A CO,, \ ISr Bowry, New York, Pc.t.Offlc« Bot 4&fl. la lili 11 j- i. i a 'I *7 il gW> ' 1kmrrlag« «Hiac-Kvery OH« Uta Öwo j »octor. - V I A private I ni true tor for mavrled pwMiio or tho«« »bout to bo married, both »al« and te-, asalto,Tn ererything concerning th« physlotegy a«d r*4tfttea« of oar »ex eal »yat* as, and tb« pro- dec tlca and prevention of o{T««*lng, i naiad In g all th« éfW disco vettea hover Ufo** gi wa ita th« English langeag*. by WM. YOUNO. Wt D^j- Tbte rMlty;* *élaàbte»nd latetMtíng «ari. It is written In plain laagu.ge for^Ak g*Mràl readvt. «nd la filuairated WTth «*»crMs .«-- .r^HrgV AU young aaarrted pdopb. .* tata, ionteJplaHng nUrrlaf*. -nd bavteV Ü» teu» I p«d I wan tte marfUd li»*, sb* old r*ad th!« book. It dlMt**M .ecret. that «v«ry oo« should M «equAlnted wilbt »IUI it a boob lb at mutt 5 ÏTiTJÏJÎÎ AHW*t*.«U^ «n'î üJi¡ onawifl ana iJioaKs. > M'-V :' -:>VCsrQRBBW * WALSH'S. ' ' Blankets, Clothing ... .'.-4*; j GREEN r^W/AWB'S. /". * Ur^t^iawrt»«í of HtrpwSt U Soja,^ CM« 'c'i À- AND WHIP8, of bol quality, At QcVfcBtir ^A WALSH'S. . Saddles Md Brfdlaato IOU .»"17 ooo. Crockery, Glasswaïe, ANP HARDWARE, it itiiil and whole**'*. GRBBN .A WALLH'8. Jr¿ Aooiher Lot of tho« Kew Sijle Hâte. ACCIDBWTS PREVÉS TÉÍ* BY PURCHASING TUB NON EXPLOSIVE KEROSINE LAM Pa,ia b* bad oo'y -, Ai g^ggjj WALSH'S. GMeeaadGla.a Wara, H Crockery of.aM kind*. Full Stock OF CORN, BACON. LARD, HAMS AND BUTTER, COFFKB, TRA and SUGAR, *v « 4* *Bir <"* WALSH'S. Cs&tfa^Ujart Ueia« LaatUr. T^LOl^rC' SALT/ 140LA8BB8 and ME88 ^ ' A*. OREEN '«V. WAWiH'S. »,-... v. yT.*v,. . f\à "^HKfa oooDs, 0LOVB8, HOSIERY VJ aed PRESS 000U8, Juli reoeWed ac e»- tttfstttafiy rfrjyt**i By ..- GREEN A WALSH. _-Soi-. 3 . .- J-!-j_i_.- Mlle'» Boots and Shoat. King's Ladle« Shots. New York Exchange, *. BOUGHT AND 8OLD BY OREEN * WALSH, j Bargains in Remnants, ' At GBBBri WALSH» Planter'* owing uf Jbr &upplie$ are rtqtiesicd to meei their1 obtiga- Honeproinptfy, ai thu ù the time of the year toe need our . VI'."" monty. Jf yo» d»-%xot wi$h to rf Cotton, ***; will ¿kip and koki it -: -C-",y*? »'.?...,- -? . . f-«jáytósy «.':: ' Vi mina m wWKwmMmi ? ' .'!!..H''- f'll/*'."*^'--^- " .' ' >'.'*' '.' ???? ? , ; - For Çhristmaéi '* Presents. - Fire Crackers. feÄwwWiw -. ¿SÍ a - . j * ' . <Ê|tfn^ot¥iiêr irs 1 lb. Canisters, AT FIFTY CENTS. New mm m Raisins* Almonds, Citron, Currants and Prunes. '.VJ! .... .*. .' Old Government .Tava Coffee. Rio Coffee of all kinds. Sogar, Molasses and Syrups. NEW^ CROP NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. Goshen Butter at 40c. per lb. FULTON-MARKET BEEF. Champagne, Wines and Liquors of all Kinds, French Cordials. ALSO- A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES. STONE WARE. BOOTS, HATS, LEATHER. DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, CHINA, SHOES, SADDLERY, Which will be sold LOW. , BEFORE MAKING YOUR PURCHASES CALL /. .: rf--AT-- Sumter, S. C. VOL. xx WEDNESDAY MORN Tlaneo Danaoa B< Doa» P DEVOTED TO LITERATURE. MORALIT fore* in Sumter. CROCKERY ----AND--* Glassware, WILL BE DISPOSED OP AT AND BELOW C OST, until 1st January nejçt. ....... ; >.< . >;":-'A *' c?*3J<S? i.vav/ will be-sold a little above^ost. [f you really want bargains .. ?' " " ". .. j i ti»,<*.; ir"?*"»*? '¿Cw' » come to the i'< í .; .?. r. f, , ELDEST AND ONtï EEO UL AU AS A GENERAL STOCK IT GAfiNOT ÊE SÜBPA&SMfi- tm I desire to. call especial atten¬ tion to my extensive Stock of CLOTHS, . CASSIMEKES. JEANS, JDWEIBS, SATINETS ??:>.;? My Grocery Department is being claily replenished witîi.a varied stock of et;oiy style of KiÎPT .a»r TOAT Ï.LKE: -¿Al PORCELAIN. P1CTC-KISR. V «^W^ÄW.^ tfiVen m -the Sn* ter 0*,-!áft¿!ÍÍ^*?' 'Á**«~*P ip Ufe »Ile. ' *^i'Tn'íf*.Í,Íh*f*''*»n hreöght Into rennUftloo, nod ,h« ondeY*^hedfoele. eonidéní, i^2iiAÄÄiEßil8!.M ~erf*<< «r.a well flol.hod toloré oïîjr renroduc i". W!L»Ï So; then Prcíul»»¿lf, Îîiif^ju^ AH »pruca^r>lïy(,} Anil .woiVW'Aj^Mtó -^-~-AND ?»? ^?¿'i.^f^ Chair War^ft^É^ . J ¿ft? .. '^^^^iá '?A.^Si \ KrtcrUU niul Ca»(un»erí IhA ^^t^ffijKi ."Tod will oojilltiuo tu'recvive-rv ^'V.V^K'«| NE w Áw&cr/ívÁ ii Fi'XtifTtiam HI« Stook eoostBtí'.'df íríúi'o>:C«»fth^tliMtfttrÍ? liño, el«». .? . ^V '^^JÖ« SO KAS..8IDE-IJOATM)"7 fjÖ^fe/CÄft» ' - *aT«viún,k\»'<<ii»i,8xiiri»Ji»,í, S'&WMi Silting »Bit<H"*l<iitK Cosí rn, of ^«o>y>^UH Crit^, OredUoi, Trundle* U<u<«j,<B»hrT>M Sorairwoiti nf tho** ¡JltftÁ-R, 0'<.'T'i\UJÓ#fc!-« I M*¡.t SnlV»,: ,iVjni|..w H lui. s ; ¡fu»«í ^%EH l'upuritijf.--aU int» /«ir OAAII;-, »¿Ri :^ B;:'S\|a^ SEntrañe» frmrt J*lnlr Chilton .rf«»ri%fr«UraÍnl| WOULD RBSÍ»EOTFI;l»UV,¿S,Ví^.^ - her frïcndf, a\¡.\ l.:.T!i/dtnr|/ Iffé^^ Indies of- Suilitni* ittiil aïtù'Jiyfcîy¡>,¡jj>;í ï.i ty oildVsñmíVur^-» .^ii^j Hör Ricli áni' é.^U|ifcëtp| and Fanoy f^ap . Having fclcricd. i.ic jfy ¡.willi gr«.»»I ..»#*»! «ó Jil»1 N'I-MÍ VIHC ;^iwí»-J»jaJ»j«A</l^ ojiÀVs à i ;vj;ii T*:ÍMÍ' ú i>u i-:^«.,, ¥ (Vom Jfc,^)n«>r>,*«v h.v :ir«j,«f«» ii|i oV*-trji/ir ^ 'iiuííttem. Tin'- í'ir,ii'.oti'c i^M-V t'/ rV_»!? ;»';^jjï.ij Ladii'i. .-«U od I.rt Vi':, I lu»I bri,/./. ifftV^lnl. tumlo in th«' Inti si *»vl,.¿. '. ^>:&~;*'. l>l>-r |»/'t.-ii......: I'ir. r-.v.; ;t;,^)ji«< .»Ul >ll»^ nrtielen of di«"/ tii'i i liii 1. mi$T At Hie Sew .' Lin nv.M ti'* J- 'J'. ..-t)r.O>H - s«»i»t'2A " ; . Pall mi Wiutn;4íí?.^i MU^ M,' J. ZiCUNUW' V' .. /'.. ? » v lin» . rkceúllj- relying fr.iu Nsw j York, who**/ »Im »cleHed An »!». gnni and vnrii-d n««ortuiCiit tlood'iln i).u . ty.fi MILLÍN3IÍ.Y LINE, , .inl»»0l.iig'»II th* )nl«'u, N.OVI LÏIJiS'Pl»' TIlVW 8KAMOH. ..u * ller"8tiwk'.h»»'hF*n. »»J»>t»il with pr.'nf i^rfciri and will he found iiui.quiilrd |iritlit.*e hi d viii -3 íy, «tul will br /.ff<-red nt prie on .tlint -cnnii-u fol to.f Ire »»ti«fiiriii)n. '. . i « jJC^r Ordors fi04h. thà country wilt jWelVayj prompt nitentioii. » *.';'. ^! yVS^Sj.^^V!.^,^^« Books and ^tió¡aat7í' Oo to . Kbiy;' íííi i:i;ui;\. 140 Meeliog.srrtet. opposite Çhml^tvu HiVel, q0t -' " ?. "': «rn .. LA BAOS »nd wnArf'FiVH PAP H. Oet 8

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wholesale prls^ï .

watch«», Silver war«-«

? rne^iYlt^jft^^«lear, eue) be»lne*f-li*>Jp ell itè etatemeote enàr.nderlng^ s^klbg tyr ¿b^tttooy *?»he CUrk of tho B«ard, Mr. O SÍ. HWÍST. Hpre.ente .[formidable )l»t of expeadliareaby th«County. »i^Xil:correct assailing misiipprV.

Bee beeè^qiry-.^^inw« to BU the; polpit of th« 1ierl»94U4 OVorsb, et thli plea« for the

cn»u1ègîe^;^àtt^ to arrive ai;S0"9*ter In . :7*e^lebet^ with' ¿a>kedacceptability ap* Wnl««#*;: djWagvtbn yearnow earing, erUhM Ö*kfoaV at.Oeorg.to-D,th« mgmh«raafó$fo, «jînîawWwl*? ejfíiífWoa upwith »ouch relaeteae«. liWé oT^ foniD^o.t

?* #4î .?,lwlw^ÁJ^»>-.««- A.

The Masonic rvaiurnîty of >SOmU*, 'with theirbreUtre* or odjeeent Wgée, ex ptwt en wca.i»o.f moobi lo rer.s't «O B». Sob n'a ßey o« JJ t, w'h i ob :

ocoursoo >Voed*y,the^27th Inst. Ike atteadaoo«willoo itoebk>» ler^rth» « Mirria proec«»10»Im p o.lng~*»d »h.V**unítj ro«Í.Í^r*«, ' Theorator. Moo, H a tr*Y Bóier, oí '«Äet^otv*. *» »

gentlema« of Äo» gtftf end enUlvaiUon Ma«peaksr. end w» a«^ ju eying ^ OMrtion will do honor to tko occasions., v. ! '

H*o4av»one (fenalan** *ree*n«. <Flashes of brlghtües« eoaWüue» flit athwart

the pathway ov;n ofan editor, sitting lo «om

bra meditation, at» evening" pt two »IMO«, our

oanoinna WM sudden ¡J llbimlá^d by the generous«mile* of oar good Trlend, C. .T./WACOH. jHe«ame, with want uoteterlted compliments, bearinga bandeóme Stiver Goblet, which/ he »aid, Waaonr Christian1 present. Aa "gilding throughvtho aroa oo à s**.6<ae»','' Was tb!» gladsomevisitation.We felt better-^decf d«dly bolter,and to<& fre«h cou raget.And now,' we want to tell alt of ottr kind ret,

dara whom bandseme; Cbristmas Presents paybo fouOd^ O» to Manoa'e.

.. V./;^Wa»aeWAt tho' Anntvemary Communication of Salem

Lodge. No, 141 A.sF.% Bi.-. the following omcers

wore) elected to Wry«! for th» e»»ui*g year, vjatJ. II. WILSON...................................W. .M.W. J. M tfLDRaw.u..;......*".e. W.CK. W BATHEUFO ltI). ....ifJ. W.'St A. MAYBB. u»i.Treasurer.H. H. WILSON.;«........;.. t\/J ... ......Secretary. IB. p. 'WILSON ..,.%....>.*.«...'. .t.mm.B. M. COOPKR................... ....J. D.

i!Ä*|---.J. B. TttlMNAL.....Til«.

Con»>r«iseo Apa>olMtmcutswTho appointments, In full, of tbe Sooth .Care«

lina Conference, for dext yosr, will be found "n

eur fourth page. Many changes hare boen made.BOT. J W. bf OURAY, leave« hi« fi< ld of «»«101.

ne»« on Sumter Circuit, beloved by all; and is.neeeededby Rev. ri, J. HILL, a preacher of alerling worth and ability, and greatly esteemedwhere ver ho ha« boM.Ber. L. Wool», after a »Ingle year's «ervIce at

Bi»h op ville, where he won many bea ru, leavesamid many regrets, and is »ueoe*d«<; by Rev; S.A. Wa »ita, à yoong preacher of oommab diog Valeat, of'wuch attainment e.« a «oholar, and offervent »cal In bis holy calling.

Rev. O. J. MeMleave» Lyebburg great¬ly beloved, after year* of devoted and erduouslabor, and I« iueoeeded by Rev. L. M. LITTLB,an earned and efllrlont mlobter.Rev.J. B. CAMPBKHU, who I« a young preacher

of acne* promise, after Toar' years of ascfulness'OB tao San tee Cir« ni», it «uoceeded by Rev. J. L.Slfley, who will be found a faithful aud »u4c«rs-ÍBV laborer in (be vineyard of his Lord.The friends ai Manning, too, wilt find ;a

worthy and effletent suoee»«or lo tba person ofRev. A. BaviB.Oar best wl«hea atteod them all.


Deeieton of «ha Sojpreaue Coan co»»-c«rulnait>e Home»»ea«t Aet.

On Monday, be ¿tb' Instant, tW SupremeCoori or tbU Btata deevdwd/lb r jsent «ou of tkoLegi. laturs, pr¿7ld|ng for a Hook* «toad axerep-lion, ta ba s» ! tst/osal ; a pd thai not only estokew, but also as u> old-debts ead Judgment». As}.'.oelau Ju.tlea WI^LÁHO delivered ibo opin»oo oftb« Court, whieb was «eB«Orred in by. A««oo ate/uitice wWsnv rtM/tis^ea^jwa» disesatedfrom so much of ibo d«l|km,»t «uitalaed theaxempUea from U¿» I isp or^s^^pwecU;turer«, übe bava boee UdaeoeTb» (\Là ]M-h ,\\VL

JStSsr*'. ""'">»" tom.

Uod»v**AmnA*nn\ha. kp t^>eM«td«gT«V«.M r*r««*d«d that th*,worth «md ability d>;Ä*»^Ä «I 0..d. i#.«,oi ft.il, b.»»»»nd pr^rl*»WmU<ii,ttM'b, air; own br*tV«a of tb*8<^t« ewàfoi.c^ /$îfT; -T$ÍÍ?.f *»? entntag .»nl|ner.n« gow.

¡J «lo*. |M0»»|r>;>AJh***f F'.1«t of N«w to»br d«U**r«J a alg^tiu»** ejoeeb.t Albany .'«.» »h.» pU cteetlea;fi|(«Wala no«but lUite «loobt tbM bo wilt ba broeght prowl-».ntl, for«ard for tb« nomina t iou by tb« D*»o- (critic 'Wrty, Éor tb* PrMtdw.^UAlaa*vol«»at leader, therefore, of tb* Northora D*'»oeraey. bte *tt«*edeM ar« »Igo i flea ot. Thc fbi.lowing I» ap extract from bi» spoecb t ." -

"Aa we burr Our dead oat of sight, whethertb.y be méndTbr foe. «o lt bahoov.» a gnat part»I« bory dead tenue* an J to direct Ibo whole fore...Mia energy t» dealing with tba Urine facta «ndqu«*Üopi«f the day. They will crowd opon oj«fa* i en nuab-que« flo« s which T%I»t« (» flnano«and taxation, to reduction of expenditure« «ndtaxe» «ador tb« federal government and th« 8tat«to r>M«anal«, fra« trade. OM .lections and to theAssertion and maintenance in every way Of th«right of American citfaeat ever} where and of afree people iq th« fr«« States to the btetei»«:* ot* free conni tu« iou« I government in th« United

\ fAt* If you" want ia bay Harne««, ßaddle«,Crunks, Vail»»««, Bftga, S«tob«l«,Collar», Hame«,Chait)«r JRHlhg brldtee, . Matting.!**, Whip»,Spar«, Curry-comb», Hon« brnaba*, F«*th»iybni.be«, Ax|«Jgr««««, Oil, Leather, -SaddlerjrHardware, and all OboiU kept la a, flrat ela««Saddlery K«tablUbine»t, cati at J. 8. TOP»*» ACo.'«., Ko. i» South Fropt St. Wilmington, Jt^O.'SuoçBisrui. 8OOT«BKK Ba»aHi>»iB*kr-Orin«ny

*t)W Southern enterprise« which have bron ««»d«rtak*n «ince the «a«,. non» have mat withgreater or thora doserved aucceu than tb« door,aaah and bliud tn«niifa tory of Mr. P. P. Toals,,In Çhûrtetilon, 8. O. ß* bard work, Indomitableenergy »ld liberal advertising, Mr. Toate basIn Ihr«» jeir« outstripped all compeciou anet...Ubllihed a bu«ine,« wbleh Wonld do «redit toany eUyJn »b> Dnlud BUtaV. I .yang. ¡?

' There are «nany good natured fellows who have1paid the forfeit of their- Uv«*, io not availingthetageLve*' or e. remed t's. I age ut al tb« com meneó¬me rtWof a «light ..liment- "Only a cold," «od"Only** tour «lom«cb," har« dug many a gr« vu.Do not neglect your health I Take tl.« o*I«brnted "Old Carolina Bitter«"-they will prov« afountain «f rencw«dH*«. r y ,


,. Tbua «rMl':ncw^ii^?ßo^Un'» Ca)U«d 8 te tes AImo*«« for 1Ç71, f0,

«nd al! who «Uh to ondorauo . tb« tr*« pbHco.phJ of health abanld *4i*P^<^fc*|Ma«ble.uggMiloo* it nonuina. In additionre,** admlr-*bU medteál <r**4U«(e.n th« MO«^ »fttwationind «afr«*fn|fjwat variety ofdl«****VTl dahra***..> larg» amoant of lnfuTsoa|>n Interesting to lb«merobant, the mecbaolc. th« aiiner, lb« farmer,UM pUnur, «ad pn»fc*airinal'Bt»n4 and th« calcu¬lation* have been aaad* for ««ch atettduna «ndlatitude* aa ar* moat »rtliable for a correct andcomprehensive NATIONAL CALKKDX*.TH nature, *i«*«, And extraordinär* «aoltary

effect« ofRoatetter'a Stomach Bitter*, th* «(«pietonie and altera tl»e of more than halfoftb« Cfc rta.tian world, *fe fully a«t forth In tU'pag**, wbleh.r* alto iB«riper*ed with pictorial illustration»,valuable recipe» for the household and farm, hu-muroui aiieedolM and other Instructive and a«Baa¬ing reading matter, original and selected. Amongthe Annaal« «o appear with the opening df tb«'year, tbl« will be one Of tb« **d*t t>»«f*|. andmay 6« K«4 for tl*^ tithing. Th« proprietor«,MeoKT«. Hos teilet'Jh Smith, op reeflpt of a t«Peent otorap, will for word a copy by mall to any

Eeraon «h.« cannot prôCur* one ia bte neighborood. Tb« Mtier« .ate «old in every elly, town

and village, and ar* ex t*n»l vet y «»ed throughoutthc entire olvililted world.

. ; ;

Jiim^iW^ HOW RESTORED.Junt published, a new edition of Dr. CULVBB-

WKLVS CELEBRATED 88SAY on tne rmdicalewra (« itboat medfolne) of BrBRMATOaaMOIA orseminal Weal ne»», In vol un t«Ty S«»ir>*l JA>«»«»,mro7«NCT. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Ina.p«didientR to Marriage, ete.| «lae, CoMTOrTÎpà,KpiuiraT, »nd FIT«, lndoe«d by MlMadnlgMda.or «exaal «xtravaganc«. ró' . iaar Priée, la) » «ealtd envelop«, only fl cen tr.The celebrated author, in t hi« admirable «e»ay,

clearly demonstrtte», from a thirty year«' tur-OMtful prfcotie.; that the alarming ao*»«qu**««J»ot «*lf «bute'áiay be radically eorefl «Hbo*» (beduageroüB qi« ôf roternal medlclneor tb« app'l"eallon of ih>'kbffo; pointing out, a «od« »f ««reat ônca'sitédie. eaVtata. and «wVötoel, by noniof which «Wry sufferer, no matter what his cob¬alt Jon mar bey may our« himr«I f oh««ply, prrratd-

^^1*%nr* «W»ld ba la tb.M it;every yonth «nd every mao in I he land.- S*nt, nader real, In * plain envelop*, to any«ddr«*a, poipaid. on receipt »Ix cont* or. tia*poat ataaipa.

Ateo. Dr. Cul vet neU.a "Marrlag« 0 ul**,"price35 oent», AAddrafi tb« Pnbllabeta, j^:-'t,\ ^ CHAS. J. C. KLINE A CO,,\ ISr Bowry, New York, Pc.t.Offlc« Bot 4&fl.la lili 11 j- i. i a 'I *7 il gW>


1kmrrlag« «Hiac-Kvery OH« Uta Öwoj »octor. - V IA private I ni true tor for mavrled pwMiio or

tho«« »bout to bo married, both »al« and te-,asalto,Tn ererything concerning th« physlotegya«d r*4tfttea« ofoar »ex eal »yat* as, and tb« pro-dec tlca and prevention of o{T««*lng, inaiad Ingall th« éfW disco vettea hover Ufo** giwa ita th«English langeag*. by WM. YOUNO. Wt D^j-Tbte l» rMlty;* *élaàbte»nd latetMtíng «ari.It is written In plain laagu.ge for^Ak g*Mràlreadvt. «nd la filuairated WTth «*»crMs .«--.r^HrgV AU young aaarrted pdopb. .* tata,ionteJplaHng nUrrlaf*. -nd bavteVÜ» teu»I .«p«d Iwantte marfUd li»*, sb* old r*ad th!«book. It dlMt**M .ecret. that «v«ry oo« shouldM «equAlnted wilbt »IUI it I« a boob lb at mutt



«n'î üJi¡onawifl ana iJioaKs.

> M'-V :' -:>VCsrQRBBW * WALSH'S. ''

Blankets, Clothing... .'.-4*; j GREEN r^W/AWB'S. /". *

Ur^t^iawrt»«íof HtrpwStU Soja,^ CM«'c'i À-

AND WHIP8, of bol quality,At QcVfcBtir ^A WALSH'S. .

Saddles Md Brfdlaato IOU .»"17 ooo.

Crockery, Glasswaïe,ANP HARDWARE, it itiiil and whole**'*.


Jr¿ Aooiher Lot of tho« Kew Sijle Hâte.


-, Ai g^ggjj WALSH'S.GMeeaadGla.a Wara, H

Crockery of.aM kind*.


*v « 4* *Bir <"* WALSH'S.Cs&tfa^Ujart Ueia« LaatUr.

T^LOl^rC' SALT/ 140LA8BB8 and ME88^ '

A*. OREEN '«V. WAWiH'S.»,-... v. yT.*v,. .

f\à "^HKfa oooDs, 0LOVB8, HOSIERYVJ aed PRESS 000U8, Juli reoeWed ac e»-tttfstttafiy rfrjyt**iBy ..- GREEN A WALSH._-Soi-. 3 . .-J-!-j_i_.-Mlle'» Boots and Shoat. King's Ladle« Shots.

New York Exchange,*. BOUGHT AND 8OLD BY


Bargains in Remnants,' At GBBBri WALSH»

Planter'* owing uf Jbr &upplie$ are

rtqtiesicd to meei their1 obtiga-Honeproinptfy, ai thu

ù the time of the year toe need our. VI'.""

monty. Jf yo» d»-%xot wi$h to

rf Cotton, ***; will ¿kip and koki it

-: -C-",y*? »'.?...,-

-? . . f-«jáytósy «.':: ' Vi

mina m wWKwmMmi ?'

.'!!..H''- f'll/*'."*^'--^- " .'' >'.'*' '.'

???? ?

, ; - For Çhristmaéi '*Presents. -

Fire Crackers.feÄwwWiw -. ¿SÍ a

- . j* '.

<Ê|tfn^ot¥iiêr irs 1 lb. Canisters,AT FIFTY CENTS.

New mm mRaisins* Almonds, Citron, Currants and Prunes.

'.VJ! .... .*. .'

Old Government .Tava Coffee.Rio Coffee of all kinds.

Sogar, Molasses and Syrups.


Goshen Butter at 40c. per lb.


Champagne, Wines and Liquors of all Kinds,French Cordials.




Which will be sold LOW.


/. .: rf--AT--

Sumter, S. C.


VOL. xx WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 23, 1S70. NO 46.Tlaneo Danaoa B< Doa» Perentie*.-Vir«.


fore* in Sumter.




C OST,until 1st January nejçt........ ; >.< . >;":-'A *' c?*3J<S? i.vav/

will be-sold a little above^ost.[f you really want bargains.. iî ?' " "

". .. j i ti»,<*.; ir"?*"»*? '¿Cw' » I»

come to thei'< í .; .?. r. f, ,





I desire to. call especial atten¬

tion to my extensive Stock of




My Grocery Department is beingclaily replenished witîi.a varied

stock of et;oiy style of

KiÎPT .a»r TOAT Ï.LKE:-¿Al

PORCELAIN. P1CTC-KISR.V «^W^ÄW.^ tfiVen m -the Sn* ter0*,-!áft¿!ÍÍ^*?''Á**«~*P ip Ufe »Ile.' *^i'Tn'íf*.Í,Íh*f*''*»n hreöght IntorennUftloo, nod ,h« ondeY*^hedfoele. eonidéní,i^2iiAÄÄiEßil8!.M ~erf*<< «r.a well flol.hod

toloré oïîjr renroduci". W!L»Ï

So; then Prcíul»»¿lf, Îîiif^ju^

AH »pruca^r>lïy(,}Anil .woiVW'Aj^Mtó

-^-~-AND ?»?^?¿'i.^f^Chair War^ft^É^. J¿ft? .. '^^^^iá'?A.^Si

\ KrtcrUU niul Ca»(un»erí IhA ^^t^ffijKi."Tod will oojilltiuo tu'recvive-rv ^'V.V^K'«|NE w Áw&cr/ívÁ ii Fi'XtifTtiamHI« Stook eoostBtí'.'df íríúi'o>:C«»fth^tliMtfttrÍ?liño, el«». .?

. ^V'^^JÖ«SO KAS..8IDE-IJOATM)"7 fjÖ^fe/CÄft»'

- *aT«viún,k\»'<<ii»i,8xiiri»Ji»,í, S'&WMiSilting »Bit<H"*l<iitK Cosí rn, of ^«o>y>^UHCrit^, OredUoi, Trundle* U<u<«j,<B»hrT>M

Sorairwoiti nf tho** ¡JltftÁ-R, 0'<.'T'i\UJÓ#fc!-«I M*¡.t SnlV»,: ,iVjni|..w H lui. r» s ; ¡fu»«í^%EHl'upuritijf.--aU int» /«ir OAAII;-, »¿Ri:^ B;:'S\|a^SEntrañe» frmrt J*lnlr Chilton .rf«»ri%fr«UraÍnl|

WOULD RBSÍ»EOTFI;l»UV,¿S,Ví^.^- her frïcndf, a\¡.\ l.:.T!i/dtnr|/ Iffé^^Indies of- Suilitni* ittiil aïtù'Jiyfcîy¡>,¡jj>;í

ï.i ty oildVsñmíVur^-» .^ii^jHör Ricli áni'é.^U|ifcëtp|and Fanoy f^ap

. Having fclcricd. i.ic jfy¡.willi gr«.»»I ..»#*»! «ó Jil»1 N'I-MÍ VIHC ;^iwí»-J»jaJ»j«A</l^

ojiÀVs à i ;vj;ii T*:ÍMÍ' ú i>u i-:^«.,, ¥(Vom Jfc,^)n«>r>,*«v h.v :ir«j,«f«» ii|i oV*-trji/ir ^'iiuííttem. Tin'- í'ir,ii'.oti'c i^M-V t'/ rV_»!? ;»';^jjï.ijLadii'i. .-«U od I.rt Vi':, I lu»I bri,/./. ifftV^lnl.tumlo in th«' Inti si *»vl,.¿. '. ^>:&~;*'.l>l>-r |»/'t.-ii......: I'ir. r-.v.; ;t;,^)ji«< .»Ul >ll»^nrtielen of di«"/ tii'i i I» liii 1. mi$TAt Hie Sew .' Lin nv.M ti'* J- 'J'. ..-t)r.O>H- s«»i»t'2A "

; .

Pall mi Wiutn;4íí?.^iMU^ M,' J. ZiCUNUW'V' .. /'.. ?»vlin» . rkceúllj- relying fr.iu Nsw jYork, who**/ »Im »cleHed An »!».

gnni and vnrii-d n««ortuiCiit

tlood'iln i).u . ty.fiMILLÍN3IÍ.Y LINE, ,.inl»»0l.iig'»II th* )nl«'u, N.OVI LÏIJiS'Pl»' TIlVW8KAMOH. ..u *

ller"8tiwk'.h»»'hF*n. »»J»>t»il with pr.'nf i^rfciriand will he found iiui.quiilrd |iritlit.*e hi d viii -3íy, «tul will br /.ff<-red nt prie on .tlint -cnnii-u folto.fIre »»ti«fiiriii)n. '.

. i «jJC^r Ordors fi04h. thà country wilt jWelVayjprompt nitentioii. » *.';'.^!yVS^Sj.^^V!.^,^^«Books and ^tió¡aat7í'Oo to . Kbiy;' íííi i:i;ui;\.140 Meeliog.srrtet. opposite Çhml^tvu HiVel,

q0t-' "

?. "': «rn ..

LA BAOS »nd wnArf'FiVH PAP H.

Oet 8