daftar pustaka

Daftar Pustaka 1. Harahap, A.O. Kesembuhan Stomatitis Aftosa Rekuren(SAR) Minor dengan Pemberian Daun (Centella asiatica). Jakarta: Jurnal Ilmiah dan Teknologi Kedokteran Gigi FKG UPDM, November 2006; 92-95. 2. Hartono, R. Seluk Beluk Sariawan dalam Mulut. Jakarta: Dental Horison, Vol.I. no. 3 April1999. 3. Jurge,S . et al. Mucosal Disease Series; Number VI Reccurent Aphtgous Stomatitis.(www.biomedexpert.com/Abstract.bme/16390463/Mucosal)_Disease_N umber_VI_Reccurent_aphthous_stomatitis ) 4. Zunt, L. Susan. Reccurent Aphthous Ulcers: Prevention and treatment.(http://www.mmcpub.com/pdf/2001jph/200104jph_pdf/0 1jphv10n4p17.pdf ) 5. Marwati, E & Chahya R. Penatalaksanaan Penderita Stomatitis Aftosa Rekuren. Jakarta: Majalah Kedokteran Gigi, Maret 2004;28-34. 6. Kilic, S.S. Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis(RAS) In Children. Jaypee Brothes Publishers, NewDelhi,2004 (http://www.imunoloji.uludag.edu.tr/notlar_seminerler/aphtho us_eng_w.htm ) 7. Scully, Crispian. Oral and Maxilofacial Medicine. London: Elsevier Science Ltd,2004;194-203 8. Anonymous. Stomatitis Aphthous Recurrent/SAR(Sariawan). (http://wwww.klikdokter.com/illne ) 9. Mirowski. G. aphthous Stomatitis.New Jersey; Oktober 2003. (http://emedicine.medscape.com/articel/overview )

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Daftar Pustaka

1. Harahap, A.O. Kesembuhan Stomatitis Aftosa Rekuren(SAR) Minor dengan Pemberian Daun (Centella asiatica). Jakarta: Jurnal Ilmiah dan Teknologi Kedokteran Gigi FKG UPDM, November 2006; 92-95.

2. Hartono, R. Seluk Beluk Sariawan dalam Mulut. Jakarta: Dental Horison, Vol.I. no. 3 April1999.

3. Jurge,S . et al. Mucosal Disease Series; Number VI Reccurent Aphtgous Stomatitis.(www.biomedexpert.com/Abstract.bme/16390463/Mucosal)_Disease_Number_VI_Reccurent_aphthous_stomatitis)

4. Zunt, L. Susan. Reccurent Aphthous Ulcers: Prevention and treatment.(http://www.mmcpub.com/pdf/2001jph/200104jph_pdf/01jphv10n4p17.pdf)

5. Marwati, E & Chahya R. Penatalaksanaan Penderita Stomatitis Aftosa Rekuren. Jakarta: Majalah Kedokteran Gigi, Maret 2004;28-34.

6. Kilic, S.S. Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis(RAS) In Children. Jaypee Brothes Publishers, NewDelhi,2004 (http://www.imunoloji.uludag.edu.tr/notlar_seminerler/aphthous_eng_w.htm)

7. Scully, Crispian. Oral and Maxilofacial Medicine. London: Elsevier Science Ltd,2004;194-203

8. Anonymous. Stomatitis Aphthous Recurrent/SAR(Sariawan).(http://wwww.klikdokter.com/illne)

9. Mirowski. G. aphthous Stomatitis.New Jersey; Oktober 2003.(http://emedicine.medscape.com/articel/overview)

10. Anonymous. Cancer Sores(Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis) Cause and Control. (http://www.contuiningeducation.com/pharmacy/cancer.html)

11. Adhwa. Faktor Predisposisi Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (Sariawan).(http://adhwanotebook.blogspot.com/2009)

12. Lewis, M.A.O. Lamey P.J. Tinjauan Klinis Penyakit Mulut (Clinical Oral Medicine). Cetakan I. Alih Bahasa Elly Wiriawan. Jakarta: Widya Medika, 1998

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13. Gayford, JJ. Penyakit Mulut (Clinical Oral Medicine). Edisi 2. Alih Bahasa Lilian Yuwono. Jakarta: EGC.1990

14. Houston, Glen. Traumatic Ulcers. (emedicine.medscape.com/article/overview)

15. Pratiknyo M & hendarmin S. Aspek Klinik dan Penanggulangan Penyakit alergi. (Clinical Aspect and Treatment of Allergy). Jakarta: Jurnal PDGI, agustus 2007;Vol.57 No.3;77-81

16. Eart, B.J. et al. Aphthous Ulcers. (www.angelfire.com/aphthous_ulcers.html)

17. Lubis, S. stomatitis Aftosa Rekuren dan Liken Planus Mulut: Kasus yang Berhubungan dengan Stres. Medan: Dentika Dental journal, Desember 2005; Vol.10,No.2:102-107

18. Mcnally,IM. Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis and Perceivede Stress: A Preliminary study.(http://aphthous.stresstudy.tripod.com)

19. Scully, C. et al. Diagnosis and Management of recurrent Aphthous stomatitis, A Consensus Approach. JADA, Vol.134, Februari 2003.(http://jada.ada.org)