daftar pustaka

DAFTAR PUSTAKA Afonso V., Romuald Champy, Dragoslav Mitrovic, Pascal Collin, Abderrahim Lomri. 2007. Reactive oxygen species and superoxide dismutases: Role in joint diseases. Joint Bone Spine 74: 324-329. Arif, Sjamsul. 2007. Radikal Bebas. Surabaya : FK UNAIR Aristiarini, Agnes. 2009. Bayam dan Stroberi pun antikanker. Dalam I. Suhanda (Ed.), Rahasia Sehat dengan Makanan Berkhasiat (hlm. 112-115). Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kompas. Arnal, J.F, P Gourdy, R Elhage, B Garmy-Susini, E Delmas, L Brouchet, C Castano, Y Barreira, JC Couloumiers, H Prats, AC Prats, and F Bayard. 2004. Estrogen and Atherosclerosis. European Journal of Endocrinology 150: 113-117. Astuti, sussi. 2009. The Effects of Isoflavone-riched Soybean Flour, Zinc (Zn ) and Vitamin E on Profile of Cu, Zn-SOD in the Seminiferous Tubules of Male Rats Testes. Makalah disajikan pada Seminar Hasil Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat. Boudi, F.B. 2010. Atherosclerosis, (Online). (http://emedicine.medscape.com/cardiology#atherosclero sis, diakses18 Agustus 2010). Bourassa P.A., Patrice M.M., B.J. Gaynor, Jan L.B., Robert J.A. 1996. Estrogen Reduce Atherosclerotic Lession Development in Apo-E deficient mice. Applied Biological Science 93: 10022-10027 Burcham PC. 1998. Genotoxic lipid peroxidation products : their DNA damaging properties and role in formation of endogenous DNA adducts. Mutagenesis 13 : 287 – 305. Cai, Fei., Cai, Fei., Li CR , 49

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Afonso V., Romuald Champy, Dragoslav Mitrovic, Pascal Collin, Abderrahim Lomri. 2007. Reactive oxygen species and superoxide dismutases: Role in joint diseases. Joint Bone Spine 74: 324-329.

Arif, Sjamsul. 2007. Radikal Bebas. Surabaya : FK UNAIR

Aristiarini, Agnes. 2009. Bayam dan Stroberi pun antikanker. Dalam I. Suhanda (Ed.), Rahasia Sehat dengan Makanan Berkhasiat (hlm. 112-115). Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kompas.

Arnal, J.F, P Gourdy, R Elhage, B Garmy-Susini, E Delmas, L Brouchet, C Castano, Y Barreira, JC Couloumiers, H Prats, AC Prats, and F Bayard. 2004. Estrogen and Atherosclerosis. European Journal of Endocrinology 150: 113-117.

Astuti, sussi. 2009. The Effects of Isoflavone-riched Soybean Flour, Zinc (Zn ) and Vitamin E on Profile of Cu, Zn-SOD in the Seminiferous Tubules of Male Rats Testes. Makalah disajikan pada Seminar Hasil Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat.

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Bourassa P.A., Patrice M.M., B.J. Gaynor, Jan L.B., Robert J.A. 1996. Estrogen Reduce Atherosclerotic Lession Development in Apo-E deficient mice. Applied Biological Science 93: 10022-10027

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