blogger the news t july 15 s iap

B L O G G E R / Pendahuluan Adalah sangat tidak diragukan lagi bagi para Pembaca yang budiman dan tentu juga Saya atau Siapapun tanpa kecuali, pasti sudah betul2 mengenal dengan Komponen / bahan2 dasar yang harus dipersiapkan lebih dulu ketika kita ingin membuat Kue, seperti; Terigu, Gula, Vanilla atau coklat dlsb, dan atau ketika kita ingin menjahit Pakaian, bahan2 dasar yang harus disiapkan adalah seperti ; Kain, Benang, Gunting Jarum dlsb. Ataupun ketika kita juga suatu saat ingin membangun sebuah rumah, tentu saja kita harus mempersiapkan ; Batu bata, Semen, Pasir, Kapur dlsb…dengan kata lain siapapun bila kita ingin membuat, membangun, Merakit atau menciptakan sesuatu Barang / Benda yang siap pakai, siap huni dan atau ketika kita menyiapkan makanan / Kue yang siap santap, maka bahan dasarlah yang kita harus atau bahkan mutlak tersedia dan siap diolah, dibentuk,di Adon, di digunting sehingga menjadi Satu Pola / rancangan Kain yang telah terpotong- potong dan yang siap di jahit dengan mesin jahit, dst, dst…… Lantas bagaimana dengan ketika kita ingin menguasai Bahasa Asing yaitu Bahasa inggris Percakapan / English Conversation?. Berdasarkan apa yang pernah Saya alami sendiri dan tentu juga bagi kebanyakan teman2 yang sudah lancar bercakap- cakap dalam Bahasa Inggris dgn baik dan benar, bahwa ternyata proses awalnya sama seperti ketika kita ingin membuat Kue, Membagun Rumah, menjahit Pakian, dimana kita (Pembaca budiman, Saya ataupun Teman2) pastinya terlebih dulu sudah benar2 mengenal dengan baik terhadap apa yang disebut Partikel / Komponen seperti ; Kata Kerja/Verb, Kata Sifat/Adjective, Kata Benda/Noun, Kata Keterangan/Adverb, Kata Penghubung/Conjuntion, Kata Pengganti/Pronoun, Kata Sisipan/Preposition & Kata sandang/Article. Apa itu The Eight of Parts of Speech? Adalah Partikel / Komponen Bahasa inggris yang paling Utama (Most Fundamental) yang harus dipelajari dan di kenali secara akrab / familiar, artinya sama seperti Para Pembaca maupun Saya, dimana kita telah benar2 akrab dengan apa yang disebut bahan2 dasar serperti Gula, Terigu,Gunting, Jarum, Pasir, Semen.Dengan kata lain siapapun dengan latar belakang apapun, bila serius ingin menguasai Percakan Bahasa Inggris maka adalah satu keharusan bahkan mutlak dan bukan menjadi satu pengecualian untuk Mengenal lebih dahulu nama Komponen / Partikel tersebut diatas, istilah didalam satu Bahasa ialah “ Delapan Partikel Inti “ yang mungkin bagi para Pembaca yang budiman sudah mengenal sejak di SMP dulu dan tentu masih ingat dengan yang namanya “ The Eight of Parts of Speech” / Delapan Partikel inti. Tatabahasa / G r a m m a r > Khusus Conversation Setelah mengenal nama2 bahan dasar seperti jenis Gula, Terigu, Coklat, Garam Dlsb. tetapi kemudian ketika kita ingin membuat Kue, sama sekali tidak tertarik untuk mengenal dan sekaligus mempelajari Resep Kuenya? Pertanyaannya adalah, Bisakah terwujud pembuatan Kue dalam waktu singkat, dengan hanya

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B L O G G E R / Pendahuluan

Adalah sangat tidak diragukan lagi bagi para Pembaca yang budiman dan tentu juga Saya atau Siapapun tanpa kecuali, pasti sudah betul2 mengenal dengan Komponen / bahan2 dasar yang harus dipersiapkan lebih dulu ketika kita ingin membuat Kue, seperti; Terigu, Gula, Vanilla atau coklat dlsb, dan atau ketika kita ingin menjahit Pakaian, bahan2 dasar yang harus disiapkan adalah seperti ; Kain, Benang, Gunting Jarum dlsb. Ataupun ketika kita juga suatu saat ingin membangun sebuah rumah, tentu saja kita harus mempersiapkan ; Batu bata, Semen, Pasir, Kapur dlsb…dengan kata lain siapapun bila kita ingin membuat, membangun, Merakit atau menciptakan sesuatu Barang / Benda yang siap pakai, siap huni dan atau ketika kita menyiapkan makanan / Kue yang siap santap, maka bahan dasarlah yang kita harus atau bahkan mutlak tersedia dan siap diolah, dibentuk,di Adon, di digunting sehingga menjadi Satu Pola / rancangan Kain yang telah terpotong-potong dan yang siap di jahit dengan mesin jahit, dst, dst……Lantas bagaimana dengan ketika kita ingin menguasai Bahasa Asing yaitu Bahasa inggris Percakapan / English Conversation?.Berdasarkan apa yang pernah Saya alami sendiri dan tentu juga bagi kebanyakan teman2 yang sudah lancar bercakap-cakap dalam Bahasa Inggris dgn baik dan benar, bahwa ternyata proses awalnya sama seperti ketika kita ingin membuat Kue, Membagun Rumah, menjahit Pakian, dimana kita (Pembaca budiman, Saya ataupun Teman2) pastinya terlebih dulu sudah benar2 mengenal dengan baik terhadap apa yang disebut Partikel / Komponen seperti ;

Kata Kerja/Verb, Kata Sifat/Adjective, Kata Benda/Noun, Kata Keterangan/Adverb, Kata Penghubung/Conjuntion,

Kata Pengganti/Pronoun, Kata Sisipan/Preposition & Kata sandang/Article.

Apa itu The Eight of Parts of Speech?

Adalah Partikel / Komponen Bahasa inggris yang paling Utama (Most Fundamental) yang harus dipelajari dan di kenali secara akrab / familiar, artinya sama seperti Para Pembaca maupun Saya, dimana kita telah benar2 akrab dengan apa yang disebut bahan2 dasar serperti Gula, Terigu,Gunting, Jarum, Pasir, Semen.Dengan kata lain siapapun dengan latar belakang apapun, bila serius ingin menguasai Percakan Bahasa Inggris maka adalah satu keharusan bahkan mutlak dan bukan menjadi satu pengecualian untuk Mengenal lebih dahulu nama Komponen / Partikel tersebut diatas, istilah didalam satu Bahasa ialah “ Delapan Partikel Inti “ yang mungkin bagi para Pembaca yang budiman sudah mengenal sejak di SMP dulu dan tentu masih ingat dengan yang namanya “ The Eight of Parts of Speech” / Delapan Partikel inti.

Tatabahasa / G r a m m a r > Khusus Conversation

Setelah mengenal nama2 bahan dasar seperti jenis Gula, Terigu, Coklat, Garam Dlsb.tetapi kemudian ketika kita ingin membuat Kue, sama sekali tidak tertarik untuk mengenal dan sekaligus mempelajari Resep Kuenya? Pertanyaannya adalah, Bisakah terwujud pembuatan Kue dalam waktu singkat, dengan hanya bermodalkan satu keberanian yaitu membuat Kue tanpa Resep? Atau bisakah terwujud menjahit Pakain tanpa belajar menggunting Pola? Dan atau Bisakah terwujud membangun rumah tanpa mengenal / ketika membaca rancangan Gambar bangunan? Dan atau ketika kita ingin menguasai Bahasa Inggris Percakapan / Conversation, tetapi tidak ingin mengenal Delapan Partikel Inti bahkan tidak tertarik sama sekali untuk mempelajari Tata bahasa / English Grammar, Adalah suatu kemustahilan bukan?

Bab 1


Partikel Pertama: VERB / Kata Kerja

VERB adalah Kata Kerja. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Kata Kerja / VERB? Yang dimaksud Kata kerja adalah yang melakukan sesu-atu tindakan, misalnya; Mencintai, Mengendarai, Mengirim, Menyentuh, Merangkul, Merajut, Merayu.Kebanyakan menggunakan awalan Me. Tetapi ada juga yang berawalan “Ber”, Berjalan, Berdansa, Berlari, Berdiskusi, dlsbg.

Ada berapa macam bentuk Kata Kerja / VERB ?. Bentuk VERB / Kata Kerja: 2 Macam.

REGULAR VERB (Kata Kerja B e r a t u r a n) Mengapa disebut kata kerja beraturan? Karena setiap akhiran kata kerja, ditambah huruf ED, misalnya:Helped, Cooked, Visited, Renovated, Received, dlsb.

Asal usul pembetukan kata Kerja yg berakhiran ED seperti ini;

Infinitif tanpa To. Infinitif tanpa To + ED. Infinitif tanpa To + ED.

Verb 1 = Present tense Verb 2 = Past tense. Verb 3 = Perfect.

1. H e l p. H e l p e d. H e l p e d.2. C o o k. C o o k e d. C o o k e d.3. V i s i t. V I s i t e d. V I s i t e d.4. R e n o v a t e. R e n o v a t e d. R e n o v a t e d.5. R e c e i v e. R e c e i v e d. R e c e i v e d.6. Kick Kicked Kicked7 Reject Rejected Rejected8 Accept Accepted Accepted10 Cooperate Coopeerated Coopeerated

Kapan menggunakan kata kerja yang berakhiran ED? Penggunaan ED, ketika satu kalimat harus disesuaikan dengan yang Waktu / Tense, seperti; Past atau Perfect tense.untuk latihan tentang Tense / Waktu dijelaskan Bab lain.Sebaiknya anda fokus penjelasan atau pengenalan tentang nama dari beberapa“ Partikel “ .

IRREGULAR VERB / Kata Kerja Tidak beraturan. Mengapa disebut Kata kerja tidak beraturan? Karena Kata kerjanya tidak menggunakan akhiran ED.Perhatikan susunan Kata Kerja Tidak beraturan Irregular Verb di bawah ini:


I II III Terjemahan

1. Go Went Gone Pergi2. See Saw Seen Melihat3. Come Came Come Datang4. Send Sent Sent Mengirim5. Feel Felt Felt Merasakan6. Do Did Done Mengerjakan.7. Eat Ate Eaten Makan.8. Write Wrote Written Menulis.9. Read Read Read Membaca. 10.Take Took Taken Mengambil11.Sleep Slept Slept Tidur12.Sit Sat Sat duduk13.Spend Spent pent menghabiskan14.Wake Woke Woken bangun

15. Speak Spoke Spoken Berbicara.

Catatan:Kata kerja Tidak beraturan / Iregular Verb ini, jumlahnya tidak sebanyak Kata Kerja Beraturan / Regular Verb, yang jumlahnya Ribuan.sedangkan Irregular Verb / Tidak beraturan, sekitar Ratusan kata. Tetapi anda tidak perlu khawatir, maksudnya jika anda sering membaca atau berlatih membuat kalimat, pasti dengan sendirinya anda mampu mengenal dan menghafal Irregular Verb, tetapi juga tidak sesekali anda mengaggap sepele dengan Kata Kerja yang tidak beraturan ini, karena secara kebetulan bentuk Irregular Verb ini justru menentukan, benar atau tidaknya satu Kalimat, baik ketika anda menyusun sebuah penulisan maupun ketika anda bercakap-cakap dalam Bahasa Inggris.Mulailah dari sekarang menghafal Irregular Verb sehari paling sedikit 15 kata, selama 2 hari maksimal seminggu pasti sudah hafal!,dan anda juga tidak perlu mempunyai kekhawatiran yang berlebihan tentang Intonasi atau cara baca Kosakata Bahasa Inggris, saran saya,Abaikan dahulu masalah kurang pas anda membaca, karena hal ini akan lancar & baik dgn sedirinya,itu pasti!

Contoh dalam kalimat:

Today, I go to Bandung ( Go / Tidak beraturan / Irregular).Yesterday, I went to Bandung ( Went / Tidak beraturan / Irregular)Today, I visit to party ( Visit / Beraturan / Regular)I visited to party yesterday ( Visited/ Beraturan / Regular)We help people lastweek ( help / beraturan /regular)We helped refugees yesterday ( helped / Beraturan / Regular

Latihan: Melengkapi Kata Kerja Tidak beraturan.

I II III Terjemahan

1. Go ……….. ……….. Pergi

2. ……….. ………. Bought membeli3. Bring ……….. ……….. membawa4. ……….. Broke ……….. patah5. Build ……….. Built membangun


6. ……….. Came ……….. Datang7. Cut ……….. Cut memotong8. Do Did ……….. mengerjakan9. Drive ……….. Driven Mengemudi

10.……… Drank ……….. minum11.Find ……….. Found menemukan

12.……… ……….. Falwn jatuh13.Give Gave ……….. memberi14.Send ……….. Sent Mengirim15.……….. Felt Felt Merasakan16.Made ……….. …….. membuat17.……….. Ate Eaten Makan.18.Write ……….. ……….. Menulis.19.Read ……….. Read Membaca.20.……….. Ran ……….. berlari21.Take ……….. Taken Mengambil22.……….. Spoke ……….. Berbicara.23.Sleep ……….. Slept Tidur24.Send ……….. Sent mengirim

25.……….. Stood ……….. berdiri

26.Bite ……….. ……….. menggigit27.Sit ……….. Sat duduk

28.……… Saw ……….. Melihat29.Tell ……….. Told menceritakan

30.……….. Put ………. meletakkan31. Spend ……….. Spent menghabiskan32. Wake ……….. Woken bangun

33. Win ……… Won menang

34. ……… ..……… ..……… ..……….. 35. ……… ..……… ..……… ..……….. 36. ……… ..……… ..……… ..……….. 37. ……… ..……… ..……… ..……….. 38. ……… ..……… ..……… ..……….. 39. ……… ..……… ..……… ..……….. 40. ……… ..……… ..……… ..………..

Past simple tense (Lampau ).

Adalah digunakan untuk satu kegiatan / Perbuatan yang dilakukan di Waktu lampau Tertentu, jangka pendek dan jangka panjang, Contoh dalam Bahasa Indonesia:

1. Dinosaurus hidup didunia 1 juta tahun lalu > Jangka PANJANG / tertentu.2. Jaman Kerajaan terjadi 200 tahun lalu > Jangka Panjang / tertentu.3. Ayahku lahir di Jakarta tahun 1938 > Jangka panjang / tertentu.4. Putraku lahir di Malang tahun 1978 > Jangka panjang / tertentu.5. 10 Tahun yang lalu putri saya lulus SD > Jangka panjang / tertentu.6. Bulan lalu penulis pergi Bali 1 minggu > Jangka panjang / tertentu.7. Adikku membeli mobil baru 1 minggu lalu > Jangka panjang /

tertentu.8. Kemarin Putra-putriku berkujung ke Dufan > Jangka panjang / terentu.

9. Jam 7 pagi tadi saya sarapan di rumah > Jangka PENDEK / tertentu.10. Jam 8 saya dan teman2 mulai bekerja > Jangka pendek /tertentu.11. Jam 12 siang kami beristirahat bersama > Jangka pendek / tertentu.12. 10 menit lalu saya menelpon Manager > Jangka pendek / tertentu.13. 2 menit lalu aku memarkirkan mobil > Jangka pemdek / tertentu.


14. Sepuluh detik lalu apa yang anda minta > Jangka pendek / tertentu.15. Anda mengakatakan apa tadi? * > Jangka pendek / tertentu.

Jadi jelas semua contoh Kalimat2 diatas selalu menggunakan Keterangan waktuTertentu baik jangka/periode yang paling panjang maupun jangka/periode yang paling pendek sekalipun.Jadi, selama menggunakan Keterangan Waktu; Dua menit yg lalu,seribu tahun lalu, Kemarin, dua jam yang lalu, maka bentuk Past Simple Tense yang digunakan, Walaupun terjadinya hari ini.Artinya adalah;bentuk Past simple Ternse tidak selalu identik dengan kata KEMARIN. (lihat contoh kalimat No 1- 15.Khusus Untuk No 15 adalah pengecualian dimana Kalimat tersebut tidak mengunakan keterangan Waktu; “What Did you say?”,cTetapi anda juga bisa mengatakan,”What Do you say?”

Kalimat di atas dalam Bahasa Inggris:

1. Dinashourus live one million years ago.2. The Era of the King lives 200 years ago.3. My Father was born in 1938.4. My Son was born in 1978.5. 10 year ago, my Doughter was born in Malang.6. A month ago, We went to Bali for a week.7. My Young Brother bought a car aweek ago.8. My Children visited Dufan yesterday.9. I had breakfast at home at 7 a.m this morning.10. At 8 a.m, my friend and I started to our jobs.11. We took arrest together at 12 a.m.12. Ten miniutes ago, I called my Manager.13. I parked my car in front 2 minutes agao.14. Just a minute,What did you ask for me?.15. What did you say?

Formula / Rumus; VERBAL.

(+) Subject + Verb2 * + Object + Adverb. (-) Subject + Did + Not + Verb1 + Object + Adverb. (?) Did + Subject + Verb1 + Object + Adverb.

* Regular (beraturan) dan Irregular (tidak beraturan).


1. They Visited their Branch offices yesterday.(Regular)2. We Bought new computers last week. (Iregular) 3. I renovated my house for 2 days last month.4. Last year, you sent some souveneer to my Doughter.

Yang perlu anda perhatikan Kalimat2 diatas adalah;Dalam Kalimat Positive (+) Menggunakan Verb Ke 2, baik Regular maupun Irregular.

Keterangan waktu yang sering digunakan Past Simple Tense Adalah;

Two minutes ago, two days ago, two week ago, two month ago,two yearsago.

Last week, Last month, Last year, Last Sunday, Last February, LastWinter.

Yesterday, This morning, Last night, Years ago, Once upon time/dahulu kala.


Posisi dalamKalimat: di Awal / Akhir kalimat.

Yesterday, We went to Library with my friends. They sincerely helped several Refugees last month.

Formula / Rumus;NON Verbal (Predicate Tidak mengunakan Verb/Kata Kerja)

(+) Subject + Was / Were + Adjective / Noun / Adverb (ANA). (-) Subject + Was / Were + Not + ANA. (?) Was / Were + Subject + ANA.

Contoh: Non Verbal / NV.

(+) They were in the office yesterday. (-) They were not in the office yesterday. (?) Were they in the offofe yesterday.

(+) She was in Campus two hours ago. (-) She was not in Campus two hours ago. (?) Was She in Campus two hours ago.

Gantilah bentuk Kalimat sesuai lambang (+)

Did she buy some dresses in Matos? ( Bought) (+)

We did not give them contribution ( Gave) (+)

They did not drive their car fast ( drove) (+)

Did your friend want to call you (Verb1+ed) (+)

My friend did not visit my friend’s party (Verb 1 +ed) (+)

My partners did not send them last week ( Sent) (+)

Were you at home when your boss called you? NV) (+)

Was your neighbor not at home when you arrived? (+)

Did she come on time when her boss arrived? (came) (+)

Were you employees in office when you came? (+)

Did she come here last month?



Did she join her last meeting? (+)

Were they very interested to buy it? (+)

Did that company produce new goods last week? (+)

Were you at home with your uncle? (+)

Pilih dan Lingkari yang benar NV & V = did, were, was

1. We didn’t came / come yesterday

2. Did she bough / bay them

3. She wanted / wants to do it tomorrow / last week

4. They were not cooking / cook

5. Were you at home / stay at home?

6. Were they playing / there when you came there?

7. She did not have / had time

8. Did your job a good / have quality?

9. Was / were they glad / reading, when you arrived?

10.Was / did you sell them?

11.Did / were they at office

12.Did / was she cooking last night

13.Were / did we watching TV when they drooped there

14.Did / was your customers agree about them?

15.Were / did they really un delighted?

16.We did / were not sign that documents

17.Yesterday / tomorrow we were / did not at home

18.Did / was that cat playing members when you knocked the door?

19.She / did her job tomorrow / last week

20.Were / was their doing nothing when she wanted to people

21.Did / they to brought / bring something

22.She wanted to / wanted permit to absence?

23.They did / was not come to discuss about it.


24.We were / did not in out of City

25.I did / was very interested to buy that Computer

26.He was / did his job when his Clients called him.

Pilih dan Lingkari yang benar dan terjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia !

1. Yesterday / Tumorrow my friend and I were not at home

2. She did / was not come here to discuss about financial.

3. Last week / Next week he was going to sign a new agreement

4. A week ago / Tomorrow morning they came here.

5. Did she join / joined her second meeting

6. Was / were they very interested to buy/ buys it

7. Did that company produce new goods last week / next week

8. Were you not at home with your Brothher last week / next week

9. Did / was your partners agree to give them

10.Were / did you pleased to do it

11.Was /did / were your Director in office last week?

12.Were /did you in office to calculate income yesterday?

13.Was / did document in drawer when you checked it out last week

14.Two hours ago we did / were not with them to negotiate it.

15.She did not like / liked to his words actually.

16.Were / was the goods still in ware-house while He was there?

17.Was your pet in cage / wanted to drink that water one hour ago?

18.Were several employees in front when you came / come?

19.Was the fire still very big when fire-brigade arrived / arrives?

20.Were your new customer / customers very satisfied last month?

21.Was / Did it on time or late for her last job.

22.Were / Did you make her very well last week?

23.Was she / They at home alonewhen her Friend dropped there?

Lengkapi dengan pendapat bebas setelah Because!

1. Why didn’t you beat (beat) a snake? (beat)


2. I did not do it because----------------3. Why didn’t you drive by car to go there? (drove)4. I did not do it because----------------5. Why didn’t you eat much in the party? (ate)6. I did not do it because----------------7. Why didn’t you draw a nice mountain? (drew)8. I did not do it because----------------9. Why didn’t you drink soft one calmly? (drank) 10.I did not do it because----------------11.Why didn’t you dig a small hole at behind? (dug)12.I did not do it because----------------13.Why didn’t you build a nice house? (built)14.I did not do it because----------------15.Why didn’t you break your job when you were last? (broke)16.I did not do it because----------------17.Why didn’t you cut talking with your Grandma? (cut) 18.I did not do it because----------------19.Why didn’t you bend the branch tree? (bent)20.I did not do it because----------------21.Why didn’t she catch you seriously? (caught)22.I did not do it because----------------23.Why didn’t she buy the souvenir for you (bought)24.I did not do it because----------------25.Why didn’t she burn her old boy friend’s photograph? (our)26.I did not do it because----------------27.Why didn’t she bring paper for you? (brought) 28.I did not do it because----------------29.Why didn’t she blow your bath day’s candle light? (blew)30.I did not do it because----------------31.Why didn’t she begin to say romantic word? (began)32.I did not do it because----------------33.Why didn’t she became a good girl? (become)34.I did not do it because----------------35.Why didn’t choose a better carrier? (chose) 36.I did not do it because----------------37.Why didn’t you find the way out when you loose away? (found)38.I did not do it because----------------39.Why didn’t he lend some money for her? (lent)40.I did not do it because----------------41.Why didn’t he fell longing far her anytime? (felt)42.I did not do it because----------------43.Why didn’t he know about her annoyed for you? (know)44.I did not do it because---------------- 45.Why didn’t he fly with a nice plan to go to Jakarta? (flew)46.I did not do it because----------------47.Why didn’t he keep his big saving for her? (kept48.I did not do it because----------------49.Why didn’t hurt his old girl friend’s memory? (hurt) 50.I did not do it because----------------

Partikel Ke Dua > ADJECTIVE / Kata Sifat. Apa yang dimaksud Kata Sifat / Adjective? Yang dimaksud dengan Kata Sifat adalah:

Menyifati Manusia : Wanita itu cantik = Cantik adalah kata sifat menerangkan Wanita.Menyifati Benda : Rumah itu besar = Besar adalah kata sifat menerangkan Rumah.Menyifati Hewan : Elang itu cerdas = Cerdas adalah kata sifat menerangkan Elang

Wanita cantik = Beautiful lady, disebut Phrase Rumah besar = Big house, disebut Phrase


Elang cerdas = Smart eagle, disebut Phrase.

Bentu Phrase diubah menjadi bentuk Kalimat;

-I see a beautiful lady. -she wants to buy a big house.

-A smart eagle flies to the sky.

Jenis Kata Sifat yang lain:

Kata sifat Murni / Bukan berasal dari satu “Akar Kata” yang lain:

Happy – Big – Tall – Small – Slim – Short,Ect.Kata sifat berakhiran ED / Suffixes :

Interested – Pleased – Amazed – Satisfied, Ect.Kata sifat akhiran ING Suffixes :

Interesting – Amazing – Charming – Annoying, Ect.Kata sifat yang berakhiran / Suffixes:

Beautiful – Visible – Parliament – Productive, Ect. Kata sifat yang berawalan / Prefixes:

Unhappy – Impossible – Irregular, discharge. Ect.

Catatan:Partikel ke Dua / Kata sifat selalu di butuhkan baik untuk Penulisan dan Percakapan.Berusahalah memperbanyak Kata sifat, Karena Tantangan kedepan harus fleksibel dapat membedakan mana Kata kerja dan mana yang Kata sifat.

Misalnya, Cantik = kata sifat - Mempercantik / kata kerja.Besar = kata sifat - Memperbesar / kata kerja. Mudah = kata sifat - Mempermudah / kata kerja, dlsb.

Ada baiknya anda coba membedakan Kata Sifat atau Kata Kerja; (lingkari sesuai dengan vocabularynya)

- Sibuk = Adjecteve / Verb. - Brush = Adj / Verb

- Menyebrang = Adjecteve / Verb. - Big = Adj / Verb

- Gaduh = Adjecteve / Verb. - Run = Adj / Verb

- Berperang = Adjecteve / Verb. - Small = Adj / Verb

- Menari = Adjecteve / Verb. - Buy = Adj / Verb

- Gampang = Adjecteve / Verb. - Heavy = Adj / Verb


- Mahal = Adjecteve / Verb. - Make = Adj / Verb

- Gemuk = Adjecteve / Verb. - Lie = Adj / Verb

- Menyiram = Adjecteve / Verb. - Saw = Adj / Verb

- Menirukan = Adjecteve / Verb. - Slim = Adj / Verb.

Anda tidak perlu khawatir bagaimana membedakan kata Kerja atau Kata Sifat, Hanya dengan semakin sering anda berlatih membuat kalimat dan membaca dengan suara perlahan keluar, maka anda tidak lagi kesulitan satu diantara keduanya.


Tugas anda sekarang menyalin Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris (Noun Verbal)

1. Mereka hati2 =………………………………………………..(becareful)

2. Kita benar =………………………………………………….(right)

3. Aku agak ceroboh =………………………………………………..(careless)

4. Udara sejuk =………………………………………….…….(cool)

5. Pohon2 itu rindang =………………………………………………….(shady)

6. Sungai itu dangkal =………………………………………………..(shallow)

7. Sumur itu dalam =………………………………………………….(deep)

8. Awan mendung =………………………………………………..(cloudy)

9. Disini banjir =………………………………………………….(flood)

10. Suatu yang mungkin =………………………………………………..(possible)11

11. Barang2 itu berharga =………………………………………………..(value)

12. Suaramu lembut =………………………………………………..(softy)

13. Cerita2 itu usang =………………………………………….…….(old)

14. Rambutmu pirang =…………………………………………….….(blonde)

15. Kabar sangat berguna =………………………………………………..(useful)

16. Orang tua itu lemah=………………………………………………..(weak)

17. Anak meda itu kuat =………………………………………….…….(serong)

18. Kucing2 itu sakit =…………………………………………….….(sick)

19. Alasan betul sempurna =………………………………………………..(perfect)

20. Gajimu sedikit =………………………………………………..(little)

21. Dina teliti =…………………………………….………….(accurate)

22. Roy dan Rina romantis =………………………………………….…….(romantic)

ADJECTIVE = KATA SIFAT (Menerangkan Kata benda)

Tambahkan Kata benda di belakang Kata Sifat =Sehingga menjadi Phrase,Dan anda dapat menentukan sendiri, apakah sebagai Subject atau Object untuk dijadikan Kalimat. Setelah itu, Bacalah dengan suara perlahan!.

1. Wet = basah = A Wet street = The wet street is under the tree.

2. Fat = gemuk = A Fat cow = A fat cow drinks milk.

3. Thin = kurus =……………………………………..

4. Slim = langsing =……………………………………..

5. Nice = bagus =……………………………………..

6. Wise = bijak =……………………………………..

7. Brave = berani =……………………………………..

8. Large = luas =……………………………………..

9. Pretty = cantik =……………………………………..

10. Greedy = rakus =……………………………………..

11. Cloudy = mendung =……………………………………..

12. Selfish = sombong =……………………………………..12

13. Poor = miskin =……………………………………..

14. Deep = dalam =……………………………………..

15. Dove = lembut =……………………………………..

16. Savage = buas =……………………………………..

17. Wild = liar =……………………………………..

18. Handsome= ganteng =……………………………………..

19. Noble = mulia =……………………………………..

20. Famous = terkenal=……………………………………..ADJECTIVE = KATA SIFAT (Menerangkan Kata benda)Tambahkan Kata benda di belakang Kata Sifat =Sehingga menjadi sebuah Phrase.Dan Anda dapat menentukan sendiri, Apakah sebagai Subject atau Object, untuk dijadikan Kalimat.Setelah itu Bacalah dengan suara perlahan dan Terjemahkan!

1. Acceptable = dapat diterima = Your idea is acceptable.

2. Predictable = prediksi = Predictable price needs calculation.

3. Visible = dapat dilihat = ……………………………………..

4. Beneficial = untung = ……………………………………..

5. Logical = wajar = ……………………………………..

6. Radical = keras hati = ……………………………………..

7. Productive = hasil = ……………………………………..

8. Dramatic = drama = ……………………………………..

9. Creative = kreatif = ……………………………………..

10. Selective = pilihan =……………………………………..

11. Brownish = kecoklatan = ……………………………………..

12. Yellowish = kekuningan = ……………………………………..

13. Bluish = kebiruan = ……………………………………..

14. Terrible = kesulitan = ……………………………………..

15. Suitable = cocok = ……………………………………..

16. Possible = mungkin = ……………………………………..13

17. Spectacular = luar biasa = ……………………………………..

18. Fair = adil = ……………………………………..

19. Peculiar = aneh = ……………………………………..

20. Romantic = romantis = ……………………………………..

1. Mereka kecewa 2.3. Kita bosan 4.5. Anda kangen 6.7. Saya pantas 8.9. Aku senang 10.11.Ria dan Roy tertarik 12.13.Teman2 saya kecewa 14.15.Roy ngantuk 16.17.Anda pusing 18.19.Ria egois 20.21.Dono penakut 22.23.Rini dan adiknya cantik 24.25.Aku malas 26.27.Nia pucat 28.29.Kucing lucu 30.31.Mobil itu mahal 32.33.Anak muda itu yakin 34.35.Barang2 itu antic36.37.Anda tergesa-gesa 38.39.Bos anda bijaksana 40.41.Adik anda sedih42.43.Kantor anda jauh44.45.Penampilan anda rapi46.47.Partner anda semangat48.49.Pembantu anda rajin50.51.Oma ada di dapur52.


Buatlah kalimat Non Verbal (+) ( Ingat! Noun Verbal, Prediket bukan Kata Kerja)Kata sifat akhiran ED (Adjective + ED) + To + Verb 1 + Object

1. Interested = tertarik = They are interested to johny’s meeting. 2. Pleased = gembira= We ……………………………… 3. Disappointed = kecewa = I ………………………………. 4. Delighted = senang = You ……………………………… 5. Satisfied = puas = He ………………………………. 6. Stimulated = bergairah = She ………………………………. 7. Tired = lelah = My friend ………………………………. 8. Damaged = rusak = Your friend ………………………………. 9. Confused = bingung = Her Uncle ………………………………. 10. Surprised = terkejut = His Father ……………………………….

Buatlah kalimat Non Verbal (Adjective murni) + To + Verb 1 + Object.

1. Small = kecil = The House is small To stay together. 2. Tall = tinggi = The Building ………………………………. 3. Old = tua = The Lions ………………………………. 4. Young = muda = My Sister ………………………………. 5. Wise = bijaksana = Your Grandma

………………………………. 6. Smart = cerdik = That Cat ………………………………. 7. Brave = berani = You ………………………………. 8. Coward = pengecut = The Terrorism

………………………………. 9. Busy = sibuk = I ………………………………. 10. Strong = kuat = My Brother ……………………………….

Buatlah kalimat Non Verbal. (Adjective / kata sifat akhiran Ing)

1. Amazing = kagum = The Circus………………………………. 2. Interesting = menarik = The Filling ………………………………. 3. Wondering = aneh = The Dragon ………………………………. 4. Boring = bosan = That Story ………………………………. 5. Annoying = jengkel = The Mosquitoes ………………………………. 6. Confusing = bingung = That Monkey ………………………………. 7. Disgusting = muak = A Big Rat ………………………………. 8. Surprising = terkejut = The news ………………………………. 9. Tiring = lelah = The Travelli ………………………………. 10. Exciting = senang = The Sport….…………………………….

Buatlah kalimat Non Verbal. (Adjective + Preposition)

1. Afraid of = khawatir = They ………………………………. 2. Ashamed of = malu = We ………………………………. 3. Tolerant of = perhatian = I ………………………………. 4. Capable of = cakap = You ……………………………….


5. Brilliant of = pintar = He ………………………………. 6. Married to = nikah = She ………………………………. 7. Different from/to= beda = The Cat ………………………………. 8. Keen on = bosan = My friend ………………………………. 9. Famous for = terkenal= Your Friends ………………………………. 10. Jealous of = cemburu = You and I ……………………………….

Buatlah kalimat Non Verbal. Adjective / Kata Sifat. ( Prefixes / awalan)

1. Unhappy = tidak bahagia=…………………………………. 2. Impossible = tidak mungkin =…………………………………. 3. Dismissed = tertinggal =…………………………………. 4. Misunderstood = salah pengertian = …………………………………. 5. Humble = sederhana =…………………………………. 6. Inexpensive = tidak mahal =…………………………………. 7. Unbalanced = tidak seimbang =…………………………………. 8. Gentle = lemah lembut=…………………………………. 9. Premature = lebih awal =…………………………………. 10. Noble = mulia =………………………………….

Buatlah kalimat Non Verbal. ( Ajective / Kata Sifat).

1. Acceptable = bisa diterima= your idea is acceptable. 2. Unpredictable = tidak diprediksi = the gasoline … 3. Visible = dilihat = that knowledge … 4. Beneficial = menguntungkan = my business … 5. Logical = nyata = those solutions … 6. Radical = keras = the terrorism … 7. Productive = hasil = the company … 8. Dramatic = sendu = ………………. 9. Creative = kreatif = ………………. 10. Selective = pilihan = ……………….

Partikel Ke Tiga > NOUN / Kata Benda.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan Kata Benda? Yang dimaksud Kata Benda adalah:Bisa di jadikan Subject dalam satu kalimat: A car is mine / A car sebagai Subject.Bisa di jadikan Object dalam satu kalimat: I have a car / A car sebagai Object.

Ada berapa jenis Kata Benda?

Jenis / Bentuk Kata Benda, ada 3 macam: (Yang sering digunakan Percakapan)

1. Uncountable Noun (tidak bisa dihitung): Sand /pasir, Sugar /gula, Salt /garam


2. Countable Noun (dapat dihitung) : Pencil/pansil, Book/buku, Bag/tas, dll

3. Abstract Noun (Tdk bisa dihitung / diraba): Beauty / Kecantikan. Honesty / Kejujuran. Bravery / Keberanian

Saran; untuk sementara anda fokuskan lebih dulu nama2 8 prtikel inti, dengan tujuan ketika anda berlatih menbuat kalimat untuk Percakapn / Conversation menjadi relatif lebih mudah & tepat sasaran,itu pasti!


Buatlah kalimat Non Verbal (Abstract Noun / kata benda abstrak)

1. Mission = misi = your mission is great …

2. Fraction = fraksi = ……………….………………………..

3. Beauty = kecantikan = ……………….………………………..

4. Honesty = kejujuran = ……………….………………………..

5. Weakness = kelemahan = ……………….………………………..

6. Greediness = kerakusan = ……………….………………………..

7. Business = kesibukan = ……………….………………………..

8. Deviation = selingkuhan = ……………….………………………..

9. Forgiveness = maaf = ……………….………………………..

10. Disturbance = gangguan = ……………….……………………….. Buatlah kalimat Non Verbal (Abstract Noun / kata benda abstrak)

1. Happiness / Kebahagiaan = ………………………………………….. 2. Weakness / Kelemahan = ………………………………………….. 3. Difference / Perbedaan = ………………………………………….. 4. Wisdom / Kebijaksanaan = ………………………………………….. 5. Boredom / Kebosanan = ………………………………………….. 6. Protection / Perlindungan = ………………………………………….. 7. Womanhood / Keibuan = ………………………………………….. 8. Guidance / Bimbingan = ………………………………………….. 9. Deviation / Selingkuhan = ………………………………………….. 10. Expectation / Harapan = ………………………………………….. 11. Freedom / Kebebasan = ………………………………………….. 12. Beauty / Kecantikan = ………………………………………….. 13. Agreement / Persetujuan = ………………………………………….. 14. Improvement / Peningkatan = ………………………………………….. 15. Slavery / Perbudakan = ………………………………………….. 16. Payment / Pembayaran = ………………………………………….. 17. Sensitivity / Kepekaan = …………………………………………..


18. Childness / kekanak-kanakan = ………………………………………….. 19. Btrayal / penghianatan =………………………………………….. 20. Thiefery / pencurian = ………………………………………….. 21. Greeanary / tumbuh2an hijau= ………………………………………….. 22. Occurance / kejadian = ………………………………………….. 23. Loyalty / kesetiaan =……………………………………….. 24. Humanism / perikemanusiaan =………………………………………….. 25. Marriage / perkawinan =………………………………………….. 26. Vandalism / merusak sifat =………………………………………….. 27. Leakage / kebocoran atap =………………………………………….. 28. Warmness / kehangatan = ………………………………………….. 29. Truth / kebenaran = ………………………………………….. 30. Strength / kekuatan = ………………………………………….. 31. Temperament / kemarahan = ………………………………………….. 32. Vacancy / lowongan = ……………………………………….. 33. Accuracy / ketelitian = ………………………………………….. 34. Bitterness / kepahitan = ………………………………………….. 35. Powerfulness / kekuatan = ………………………………………….. 36. Forgetfulness / kelupaan =…………………………………………..

37. Glory / kemulyaan =………………………………………….. 38. Custom / kebiasaan =………………………………………….. 39. Experience / pengalaman =………………………………………….. 40. Excitement / kegairahan =…………………………………………..

Partikel Ke Empat > ADVERB / Kata Keterangan.Apa yang dimaksud dengan Kata Keterangan / Adverb? Yang dimaksud dengan Adverb adalah;

Kata keterangan tempat / Place : In the room – In street – In Bus terminal.

Kata keterangan waktu / Time : At 8 am – In July – On Sunday – In summer.

Kata keterangan cara / Manner : Carefully – Hurriedly – Calmly – Queitly.

Ada Manner yg tidak berakhiran huruf LY, misalnya; Adverb of Phrase.

-With a Knife : We cut manggoe with a kinife.-By Taxi : She goes to campus by taxi-On foot : Grandma visits the Zoo on foot

Fungsi kata Keterangan:

1.Menerangkan kata kerja

2.Menerangkan kata sifat

3.Menerangkan kata keterangan yang lain


4.Menerangkan seluruh kalimat / Manner

Contoh: He drives car carefully = Carefully menerangkan Drives / kata kerja.Mia is very beautiful = Very menerangkan Beautiful. She walks very quickly = Very menerangkan Quickly.

Adverb Probability / Kemungkinan. Letakkan Kata keterangan di bawah ini / Posisi = Fleksibel.Dan Hafalkan! (hanya untuk kalimat Verbal)

1. Perhaps= mungkin = They perhaps help several refugees (membantu beberapa pengungsi)

2. Possibly= mungkin = We possibly come there on time (datang kesana tepet waktu)

3. Likely = mungkin = I likely leave to out of city soon ( berangkat keluar kota sgera)

4. Probably= mungkin = You probably interest with us ( Tertarik dgn kami)

5. Maybe = mungkin = He maybe call me tonight (me nelpon aku malam ini

Ada beberapa kata keterangan yang tidak beraturan / bentuknya Sama dengan Kata Sifat tetapi fungsinya berbeda:

Irregular Adverb

1. Good / well - better - best2. Ill - better - best3. Bad - worse - worst4. Evil - worse - worst5. Many - more - most6. Much - more - most7. Little - less - least8. Far -further - furthes / infor -Farther - farthest / jarak

Contoh dalam kalimat:

- She dances best = Best adalah kata keterangan- I have money more = More adalah kata keterangan- He loves her much = Much adalah kata keterangan


Ada kata keterangan / Manner yang lain / tidak berakhiran “Ly”

Hard. > dengan giat. Well. > dengan baik.Fast. > dengan cepat.


Contoh dalam kalimat:

1. He woks hard. = Hard adalah kata keterangan.

2. She writes well. = Well adalah kata keterangan.

3. The kid runs Fast = Fast adalah kata keterangan.

Kata keterangan diatas bisa dijadikan sebagai Kata sifat atau Bentuk sama tetapi Fungsi berbeda

1. She is a hard worker >hard =giat > dia seorang pekerja keras. 2. She is very well >well =sehat > dia sangat sehat. 3. She likes a fast food >fast =cepat > dia menyukai makan siap saji.

Latihan:Lanjutkan!.Sekarang anda berlatih membuat Kalimat Verbal dan meletakkan Manner sesuai dengan posisinya.Setelah itu Bacalah semua kalimat Bahasa Inggris denga suara perlahan, 2 – 4X!

24. Bravely/dgn berani =………………………………….

25. Easily/dgn mudah =………………………………….

26. Friendly/dgn ramah =………………………………….

27. Patienly/dgn sabar =………………………………….

28. Softly/dgn lembut =………………………………….

29. Rudely/dgn kasar =………………………………….

30. Sadly/dgn sedih = ………………………………….

31. Carefully / dgn hati2 = They…………..………….. explain the old problem……..…………….…

32. Carelessly / secara sembrono = We…………………………. calculate our last bonus…………………….……

33. Hurriedly / dgn tergesa-gesa = I …………………..…..visit my beloved in law………………..….….………

34. Calmly / secara tenang =……………………….. He persuade his wife………………….………..…………

35. Quickly / dgn cepat =…………………………. She opens her last salary…………….………..………

36. Quietly / dgn suara pelan = A………………………. kid walks into the room…………..………...… ..

37. Noisily / secara gaduh =……………………….. Children talk one another…………………………………

38. Bravely / secara berani = A boxer dog…………………………..jumps river…………….………..….…


39. Cowardly / secara pengecut = ………………………..Terrorism throws a bomb………………..………………

40. Weakly / dgn lemah = My Grandma……………………… wakes up early………………….…………

41. Happily/dgn senang ………………….………..………….

42. Dangerously/dgn bahaya………………..………………

43. Slowly/dgn perlahan……………………………….……….

44. Proudly/dgn bangga……………………………...……….

31. Carefully / dgn hati2 =………………They………………. Explain the old problem…….…………..…

32. Carelessly / secara sembrono =…………….. We…………………. calculate our last bonus……………………

33. Hurriedly / dgn tergesa-gesa =………………. I ………………………visit my beloved in law…………….………

Adverb of place / Keterangan Tempat.

Berlatih membuat Kalimat Verbal dan letakkan Adverb of Place / Tempat di awal / akhir kalimat), dan sering digunakan Present Tense untuk Percakapan se-hari2; In the Kitchen, In the Yard, In The Room, At Home, In Bus Terminal, In Office, In Out of City, In Jakarta,Ect

1. Calculate / me nghitung = They calculate money in their office. Subject Predicate Object Adverb of Place

2. Debate / berdebat = We……………………………………………………………...………….

3. Pay / membayar = Your Friends………………………………………….………………

4. Discuss / mendiskusikan= You discuss lnew job in Office…………….………….

5. Return / mengembalikan = He……………………………………………………………....………….

6. Increase / meningkatkan = She………………………………………………………….…..………….

7. Use / menggunakan = You and I…………………………………………………..………….

8. Leave / meninggalkan = Ita and Kasino……………………………………………..………

9. Start / memulai = My friend…………………………………………………..………….

10. Save / menabung = My sister………………………………………..………..…………. . 4. Drive / mengemudi = Ria and Dony………………………………………………………..

5. Promote / mempromosi = You and I……………………………..……………………..……….

6. Dance / menari = Those Men………………………………..………………….……..

7. Give / memberi = My Friends………………………….……………………….……….


8. Across / menyebe = We…………………………………………..…………………………..

9. Sign / menandatangani = I…………………………………………………………..…….………..

10. Repair / merepasi = They………………………………………….…………….……………

11. Pride of= menghargai = …………………………………………………………………..………….

12. Enlarge= memperluas = ……………………………………………………………….…..………….

14. Deny= menyangkal =………………………………………………………..…………..………….

15. Increase= meningkatkan = …………………………………………………………………..………….

16. Decrease= menurunkan =……………………………………………………………………..………….

17. Inform= menginformasikan=……………………………………………………….…………..………….Letakkan kata Keterangan di bawah ini pada kalimat di sebelahnya!

(Posisinya, bisa diawal dan ditengah kalimat. ( Verbal).(Posisi bisa diawal dan sesudah To be (Non Verbal)

1. Absolutely = mutlak = They absolutely send contribution here.

2. Surely = yakin = Surly, she comes here.

3. Apparently= kelihatannya =……………………………………..

4. Certainly = tentunya =……………………………………..

5. Clearly = dengan jelas =……………………………………..

6. Definitely = secara pasti =……………………………………..

7. Entirely = keseluruhan =……………………………………..

8. Naturally = cara alami =……………………………………..

9. Obviously = dengan mutlak =……………………………………..

10. Of course = tentu saja =……………………………………..

11. Precisely = dengan tepat =……………………………………..

12. Presumably = agaknya =……………………………………..

13. Eventually = kebetulan =……………………………………..

14. Occasionally = kadang =……………………………………..

15. Fortunately = untungnya =……………………………………..

16. Unfortunately= sayangnya =……………………………………..

17. Originally = asli =……………………………………..

18. Secondly = yang ke dua =……………………………………..

19. Thirdly = yang ke tiga =……………………………………..

20. Possibly = kemungkinan =……………………………………..


21. Suddenly = tiba-tiba =……………………………………..

22. Usually = biasanya =……………………………………..

23. Naturally = cara alami =……………………………………..

24. Really = sungguh =……………………………………..

25. Perhaps = mungkin =……………………………………Partikel ke Lima > PRONOUN / kata Pengganti Orang, Benda dan Hewan.Apa yang dimaksud dengan Kata Pengganti / Pronoun? Yang dimaksud Pronoun adalah:

1. Menggantikan Nama Orang: Tukul is comedian = Tukul diganti dengan He / She.2. Menggantikan Nama Benda: Hotel is luxury = Hotel diganti dengan It.3. Menggantikan Nama Hewan: The cats are funny= The cats diganti Them / They.

Dibawah ini, susunan Bentuk Pronoun.

Subject pronoun Object Pro Possessive Adj Poss Pro

They Them Their Cars TheirsI Me My Book MineWe Us Our Flowers OursYou You Your Pencil YoursHe Him His Friend HisShe Her Her Boy HersIt It Its Tail Its

Contoh dalam kalimat:

- Mereka menyukai aku = They like me = They atau Me = Subject / Object Pro.- Linda menyukai Roy = She likes Him= She atau Him = Subject / Object Pro.- Mobilku disana = My car is there = My = Possessive Adj.

Bentuk Pronoun yang lain / Reflexive pronoun.

Themselves, Ourselves, Herself, Himself, Myself, Itself.

Partikel Pronoun / Kata pengganti Orang, Benda / Hewan adalah sama dengan jenis Partikel2 sebelumnya. Yaitu digunakan / diposisikan, baik sebagai Subject atau Object.Bacalah dengan suara perlahan dan Hafalkan!

Subject Object Possessive Adjective. Possessive Pronoun.

1. They Them Their books Theirs 2. We Us Our books Ours production – Its production3. I Me My book Mine4. You You Your books Yours


5. He Him His book His6. She Her Her book Hers7. It It Its Tail Its.

Sekarang anda mencoba melengkapi Pronoun yang tepat.

Object Subject

1. Them …… 1. Mr. Dono’s book - His / Her book.2. Me …… 2. Miss. Dina’s book - Her His book.3. Him …… 3. The cat’s tail - Its / Their tail. 4. Us …… 4. The Fabric’shoes - That / Its shoes.5. You …… 5. My Uncle’s car - Her / His car.6. I …… 6. My Sister’s ring - 7. Her ..… 7. My Aunt’s bag -8. Him …… 8. My Grandma’s shoes -

Berikut ini Pronoun lebih lengkap, dan tugas anda hanya menghafal terjemahan yg sesuai dengan Subject;

1. They = mereka. = lebih dari seseorang2. We = kita. = lebih dari seseorang3. I = saya. = orang pertama4. You = anda. = orang kedua5. My friends = teman2ku. = teman2 lebih dari seorang6. Your friends = teman2mu. = teman2 lebih dari seorang7. Their customers = pelanggan mereka = lebih dari seorang8. You and I = kamu dan aku / Dia = lebih dari seorang9. Rian and Rony = Rian dan Roni = lebih dari seorang10. Those companies = perusahaan2 itu = lebih dari seorang11. These flowers = bunga2 itu = lebih dari satu12. The cars = mobil2 itu = lebih dari satu

Latihan Pronoun. Ubahlah kalimat2 di bawah ini ke dalam Bahasa Inggris!.

1. Mereka menyukai kita = They like us.2. Kita menyukai mereka = ………………………….3. Dona menyukai Dono = …………………………….4. Dono menyukai Dona = …………………………….5. Anda menyukai aku = …………………………….6. Aku menyukai anda = …………………………….7. Mereka menyukai aku = …………………………….8. Aku menyukai mereka = …………………………….9. Ratih menyukai anda = …………………………….10. Anda menyukai Ratih = …………………………….

Terjemahkan kalimat di bawah ini ke bahasa Indonesia!

1. Their friends = Teman2 mereka


2. Our solution = …………………………….3. My new car = …………………………….4. Your old customer = …………………………….5. His job = …………………………….6. Her dream = …………………………….7. Its nose = …………………………….8. Miss. Lia’s house = …………………………….9. Mrs. Rena’s husband = …………………………….10. Mr. Brown’s idea = …………………………….

Kata Penunjuk / Distributve pronoun

This = Ini, penunjuk dekat > This is a book / tungal.That = Itu, Penunjuk jauh > That is a book / tunggal.

These = Ini, Penunjuk dekat > These are books / jamak.Those = Itu, Penunjuk jauh > Those are books / jamak

Bentuk Pertanyaan > Is this a book ? Yes, It is.Bentuk Nergatiff > This is not a book.

Are those Books? No, They are not.Are these books? Yes, They are

Baca dengan suara perlahan dan Terjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia!.

1. Those are their cars = Itu mobil2 mereka.2. Those are our houses = …………………………….3. These are your friends = …………………………….4. This is my Brother = …………………………….5. This is your Sister = …………………………….6. That is his bicycle = …………………………….7. That is her flower = …………………………….8. It is my book = …………………………….9. It is your eraser = …………………………….10. It is mine = …………………………….11. That is yours = …………………………….12. Those are theirs = …………………………….

Baca dengan suara perlahan dan Hafalkan! (Reflexive Pronoun)

1. Them - Themselves = mereka sendiri2. Our - Ourselves = kita sendiri3. My - Myself = aku sendiri4. You - Yourselves = anda – anda sendiri5. You - Yourself = anda sendiri6. He - Himself = dia sendiri / pria7. She - Herself = dia sendiri/ wanita8. It - Itself = itu sendiri

Contoh dalam kalimat:25

Bahasa Indonesia : Robert mengetik dokument sendiri (bukan orang lain)Bahasa Inggris : Robrt types document by himself = Himself adalah Pronoun.


Partikel ke Enam > PREPOSITION / Kata Sisipan.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan Kata Sisipan / Preposition? Yang dimaksud Preposition adalah:Untuk menyatakan awalan Di: I am in the room / saya di dalam kamar.Untuk menyatakan awalan Ke: We go to Malang / kami pergi ke Malang.

Ada berapa macam / jenis Preposition? jenis / macamnya ada Lima (5), seperti;

1.Preposition yang berdiri sendiri.2.Prefosition yang Bergandengan dengan Kata Kerja.3.Bergandengan dengan Kata Sifat.4.Bergandengan dengan Kata Benda.5.Bergandengan dengan Kata Keterangan.

Contoh dalam kalimat:- She is in the room = In adalah kata sisipan / Prep = berdiri sendiri.- I believe in God = In bergandengan kata kerja / Believe.


- I am afraid of Ghost = Of bergandengan kata sifat / Afraid.

Penjelasan / latihan Preposition pada Bab tersendiri.Bagi para Pemula / Beginner hendaknya tidak merasa terbebani yang berlebihan atau merasa takut bersalah ketika menggunakan Preposition saat praktek Percakapan.atau katakalah anda untuk kali pertama sering tidak tepat atau salah ketika anda menggunakan Preposition, itupun tidak menjadikan English Conversation kurang bagus, apalagi gagal.Untuk sementara jalan terus praktek percakapan!, Adalah jauh lebih penting anda menfokuskan mengenai Golongan kalimat Verbal dan Non Verbal.

Partikel ke Tujuh > CONJUNCTION Kata Penghubung.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan Conjunction? Yang dimaksud dengan Conjunction adalah:

Menghubungkan Subject dengan Subject.Menghubungkan kalimat dan kalimat.Menghubungkan Fhrase dan Fhrase.Menghubungkan Clause dan Clause.

Contoh kalimat: - Roy and Me went to Bandung last week. = And adalah kata penghubung.- They want to build houses but delayed. = But adalah kata penghubung.- We want to call or visit them = Or adalah kata penghubung.- He is singing while she is reading = While adalah kata penghubung.

Partikel ke Delapan > DEFINITE ARTICLE / Kata Sandang tertentu dan INDEFINITE ARTICLE / Kata Sandang tidak tertentu.

Contoh:- I have a car, the car is new. = A, adalah kata Sandang tak tentu

= The, adalah kata Sandang tertentu

Delapan jenis Partikel inti selesai di jelaskan.Harapan Saya kepada Pembaca, Terutama bagi yang ingin cepat bisa ber-cakap-cakap dalam Bahasa Inggris, telah benar-benar mengerti dan sekaligus mamahami tentang apa yang disebut The Eight of Parts of Speech / Delapan partikel inti.artinya Tahapan pertama yang paling mendasar dalam proses pembelajaran pengenalan Partikel, sudah terlewati.Penulis yakin, menjadi lebih ter-arah!.Sekarang anda perhatikan, contoh satu Kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris di bawah ini; Pastinya mempunyai keterkaitan dengan The Eight of Parts of Speech:


Mr.Kasino buys two beautiful cars in Jakarta on July.

Mr. Kasino / He = adalah Pronoun /Subject.

Buys = adalah kata kerja / Prediket.

Four = adalah Numeral / Ajective.

Car = adalah kata benda / Object.

In Jakarta = adalah kata keterangan tempat.

On July. = adalah kata keterangan waktu.

Meskipun hanya satu kalimat dalam bentuk sederhana / Tunggal, maka jelas bahwa contoh kalimat diatas ternyata menggunakan beberapa jenis Partikel dari 8 jenis Partikel yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya, yaitu Delapan Partikel Inti.Jadi dapat di simpulkan bahwa ketika kita ingin membuat Kalimat2 yang lain dan dalam bentuk yang tidak sederhana lagi, maka akan memerlukan jenis Partikel2 yang lebih banyak dan bervariasi.

Sekarang jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini:

1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Kata kerja / Verb? =

2. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Kata sifat / Adjective? =

3. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Kata benda / Noun? =

4. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Kata Keterangan / Adverb? =

5. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Kata pengganti / Pronoun? =

6. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Kata sisipan / Preposition? =

7. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Kata penghubung / Conjunction? =

8. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Kata sandang / Article? =

9. Regular Verb adalah Kata kerja………………………………………………..…..

10. Irregular Verb adalah Kata kerja …………………………………………..…….


Berikut, Saya tampilkan lagi, Nama2 dari Delapan Partikel Inti:

1. Verb – Kata kerja.

2. Adjective – Kata sifat.

3. Adverb – Kata keterngan.

4. Noun – Kata benda.

5. Pronoun – Kata pengganti.

6. Preposition – Kata sisipan.

7. Conjuction – Kata penghubung.

8. Definite Artikel – Kata sandang tertentu


Jenis Grammar di bawah inilah yang menurut saya sangat dominan digunakan untuk Percakapan Keseharian baik di Rumah/di Dapur, di Kantor, di Istana Presiden, di Ruang angkasa, atau dimanapun anda berada, baik dalam suasana Formal maupun non Formal.Dan saya berani mengatakan bahwa seseorang atau siapapun yang ingin bisa ber-cakap2 bahasa Inggris, tetapi tidak tertarik mempelajari “Grammar khusus Percapakan “ Maka hasil akhir pembelajaran tidak mencapai target yang diinginkan.

Jenis / Partikel2 Grammar yang harus di fokuskan untuk di dipelajari adalah:

1) The Eight of Parts of Speech / 8 Partikel Inti (Bab1)2) Golongan kalimat / Verbal dan Non Verbal * (Bab 2)3) Apa itu kalimat / Simple Sentence * (Bab 3)4) Tenses / Waktu (Hanya Lima Tenses *) (Bab 4)5) Modal Auxiliary / Kata kerja khusus * (Bab 5)6) KKYK / Kata kerja yang di khususkan * (Bab 6)7) Command / Kalimat perintah (Bab 7)8) Comparative degree of Adjective / Perbandingan kata sifat (Bab 8)9) Comparative degree of Adverb / Perbandingan kata keterangan (Bab 9)10) Phrase / Susunan kata sifat / Adjective (Bab 10)11) Question Taq (Bab 11)12) Elliptical Sentence (Bab 12)13) Request ( Bab 13)14) Pola There / Mengatakan Kata A D A15) Mengatakan Kata Y A N G / Relative Conjunction.16) Pola It’s + Ajective / Time / Distance.17) Conditional Typ 1 and 2.18) Passive Voice


Catatan:Tanda Bintang / No 2,3,4,5,6 adalah jenis Grammar atau Partikel-partikel yang harus mendapat prioritas.Selain Parts of Speech, Tenses, dan Golongan Kalimat. Sedangkan sebagai Partikel pendukung / pelengkap seperti, Want to, Have / Has to, To be Going to, Modal Auxiliary / Can, May, Must, Should. Untuk Beberapa Partikel tambahan yang lainnya adalah Jenis Partikel no 7 s/d 13 yaitu untuk pendalaman latihan penulisan dan Percakapan ketika anda sudah benar-benar terbiasa dengan pemahaman dasar tentang partikel2 yang sekarang anda pelajari.

Bab 2

G O L O N G AN K A L I M AT / Sentence Classification.

Setelah anda mengenal Delapan jenis Partikel Bahasa Inggris / The Eight of Parts of Speech. Berikutnya anda akan mengenal “ Golongan kalimat ” / Sentence Classification.dan Penting anda ketahui, bahwa “Golongan kalimat” ini adalah “ Kunci “ (The Key to Speak English Easily and Quickly). Artinya, Apabila “ Golongan Kalimat ” ini disepelekan terlebih lagi diabaikan, Maka hasil akhir pembelajaran, saya berani mengatakan akan menjadi tidak optimal.dan bahkan proses pembelajaran akan sering timbul keragu-raguan dan cenderung berspekulasi ketika anda berusaha memahami Tata Bahasa khusus percakapan ini.Padahal untuk medapatkan pemahaman yang tepat sasaran harus mengurangi spekulasi ketika anda akan menulis maupun ketika anda ingin mengungkapkan kalimat secara flexible dalam percakapan.

Benarkah menguasai Bahasa Inggris itu sulit?

Menurut pengalaman saya, Proses Penguasaan Bahasa Inggris Percakapan, akan jauh menjadi lebih-mudah tepat sasaran, asalkan ketika anda atau siapapun saat berlatih membuat Penulisan / writing maupun Percakapan / Conversation,maka harus benar2 memperhatikan apa yang di sebut Golongan Kalimat ( sentence classification)

Tetapi sebelum lebih rinci penjelasan mengenai “Golongan Kalimat“ , terlebih dulu saya ingin mejelaskan tentang Partikel yang berkaitan erat dengan Sentece Classificatin, maksudnya, sebelum membahas / menjelaskan lebih lengkap tentang Golongan Kalimat, terlebih dulu saya akan menjelaskan mengenai apa yang disebut “ K A L I M A T “ atau yang sering kita sebut dalam istilah Bahasa Inggris yaitu; S E N T E C E.

Ijinkan saya membuat satu perumpamaan sederhana yang tujuannya adalah agar para pembaca menjadi mudah memahami tentang apa Itu Kalimat dan apa itu Golongan Kalimat.Perumpamaannya adalah seperti ini; Apa bila sebuah “ Kunci “ (baca: Golongan kalimat), tetapi tanpa


ada satu “ Bangunan Rumah “ (baca:susunan Kalimat) maka tidaklah efektif alias tidak saling melengkapi.

Artinya dgn adanya “ Satu bangunan Rumah” , pastinya ada sebuah Kunci “ (untuk keluar masuknya sepemilik rumah).Maksudnya, “ Satu Bangunan Rumah “ dibaratkan seperti “ Satu Bangunan Kalimat “, sedangkan “ Kunci “ dibaratkan seperti “ Golongan Kalimat” .Ringkasnya, “ Rumah di ibaratkan Kalimat “ dan “ Kunci “ diibaratkan Golongan Kalimat ”.Jadi dapat disimpulkan Rumah pastinnya membutuhkan sebuah Kunci, atau sebaliknya Kunci juga memerlukan sebuah Rumah.Dengan demian Golongan Kalimat bagian terpenting dari sebuah Kalimat atau sebaliknya Sebuah Kalimat adalah juga sangat berkaitan erat dengan Golongan Kalimat. Jadi sangat Naif bila Rumah tanpa ada Kunci.begitupun sangat Naif pula apabila Golongan Kalimat selalu di abaikan didalam satu Kalimat. Jadi saya senantiasa mengingatkan anda atau siapapun yang ingin cepat menguasai Percakapan Bahasa Inggris, mulai saat sekarang jangan ragu lagi tentang apa yang disebut Golongan Kalimat / Sentence Classification. Karena pendekatan penguasaan Bahasa Inggris hanya dengan cara inilah yang menurut saya sangat membantu anda untuk memudahkan anda dalam proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, sekali lagi pastikan mulai saat ini anda mempelajari melalui pendekatan ini, bukan yang lain!.

Mengapa Bisa Lancar Bahasa Inggris? Adalah Tidak diragukan lagi karena Terwudnya Sebuah K A L I M A T, dari manakah asal usul Kalimat? Adalah karena;

THE EIGHT OF PARTS OF SPEECH + GOLONGAN KALIMAT (dan Penting anda ketahui bahwa hanya Kalimat2 yang tertata yang dibutuhkan

untuk Percakapan / Conversation, Bukan Keberanian atau dari meniru orang lain!)


THE SENTENCE > K a l i m a t .

Apa itu kalimat? Kalimat adalah sekelompok kata yang tersusun menurut aturan Tata Bahasa sehingga dapat dimengerti baik si pembicara maupun oleh lawan bicara (Rangkaian kata yg terdiri dari beberapa Unsur / partikel).

Syarat2 apa saja untuk membuat sebuah K A L I M A T ?

Syarat minimal membuat Kalimat ialah harus ada 1 Subject dan 1 Predicate

They buy Subject* Predicate*

Agar kalimat menjadi lengkap maka ditambah Object*

They buy dressesS p Object (Subject=Pelaku-Predicate=Yang melakukan-Object=Sasaran)

Agar kalimat menjadi sempurna maka di tambah kata Keterangan

They buy dresses in Tunjungan Plaza at seven S P O Adverb of Pace / Ket Tempat Adverb of Time/Ket Waktu

1. She Buys deresses alone in Tunjungan Plaza at seven by Taxi2. He drives his new car with his son in free-way on Sunday.3. She walks alone in the street at 7 a.m.

3 Kalimatyg terakhir diatas adalah kalimat sangat sempurna yang memilikibeberapa Partikel seperti;

Partikel 1 SubjectPartikel 1 PredicatePartikel 1 ObjectPartikel 1 Adverb of Manner / caraPartikel 1 Adverb of Palace / tempatPartikel 1 Adverb of Time / waktu

Partikel 4, 5, 6 adalah susunan yang umum / cara, tempat, waktu.


Meskipun Kalimat2 tersebut memiliki beberapa Partikel yang berbeda,(6 Partikel ).Tetapi jenis kalimat tersebut masih berstatus Kalimat Tunggal / Simple Sentence. Mengapa masih kalimat tunggal? Karena hanya mempunyai 1 Subject dan 1 Prediket.Dan perlu ditambahkan bahwa Enam Partikel pada contoh kalimat2 diatas, sifatnya tidak mengikat!. Artinya sebuah kalimat bisa dibentuk kurang dari 6 Partikel, misalnya;

She cooks. She cooks alone.She cooks alone in kitchenShe cooks alone in kitchen everyday

Dan jenis kalimat Tunggal diatas sangat sering di gunakan pada Percakapan (Conversation) Baik Formal maupun Informal.Oleh karena itu agar proses Pembelajaran ini bisa menjadi labih efektif, maka anda hanya menfokuskan kalimat Tunggal / Simple Sentence

Contoh sebuah bangunan Kalimat yang sempurna seperti dibawah ini

1. I love you very much everyday

2. We watch film with my friend at night

3. He walks there alone slowly

4. She makes her cake alone in the kitchen

5. My friends are in Merapi mountain one week

6. Those women talk each other noisily

7. The Man promotes his new production continually

Susunan Kalimat sempurna mempunyai beberapa Partikel, Seperti; Subject – Predicate - Object - Keterangan / S.P.O.K.Jadi jelas bahwa sebuah KALIMAT selalu berisikan beberapa Unsur / Partikel-partikel yang berbeda.Dan partikel partikel yg berbeda itulah yang harus dikenali, dipelajari dan dikuasai oleh para Peminat,dan atau siapapun yang ingin cepat bisa bercakap-cakap Bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan benar.

Penjelasan tentang Kalimat yang singkat tetapi Mudah2an anda sudah memahami gambaran tetang Kalimat sederhana (Simple sentence). Tentu saja kedepan atau seiring proses Pembelajaran, anda pasti mengenal dan memahami jenis Kalimat yang lain.


Saatnya saya akan memulai menjelaskan tentang apa yang disebut; Golongan Kalimat / “ K u n c i “ THE SENTENCE CLASSIFICATION / Golongan Kalimat.Ada berapa jenis “ Golongan Kalimat ” ?ssdalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris “Golongan Kalimat ” mempunyai Dua jenis, yaitu;

Golongan Kalimat V E R B A L. disingkat V Golongan Kalimat N O N V E R B A L. disingkat, NV

Apa itu Golongan Kalimat V e r b a l?V e r b a l, adalah Kalimat yang Prediketnya menggunakan Kata kerja, baik Regular / Irregular verb .Atau Kalimat yang Prediketnya menggunakan Kata kerja / Verb, disebut Kalimat Verbal . Contoh kalimat Golongan Verbal:

1. We help people = Help / kata kerja / Regular* sebagai Prediket kalimat. 2. I buy a car = Buy / kata kerja / Irregular* Prediket kalimat. 3. A cat drinks wather = Drink / kata kerja / Irregular* Prediket kalimat. 4. They visited here = Visit / kata kerja / Regular* Prediket kalimat.

Lihat Partikel Pertama (The Eight of Parts of Speech).

Dan yang Paling Penting anda harus terus meng-ingat 2 Bahwa “Kalimat Verbal Tidak Menggunakan TO BE / Are, Am, Is !!.

Yang harus selalu anda ingat juga bahwa kalimat Golongan Kalimat VERBAL dapat anda kenali melalui ciri2nya yaitu; bentuk Negatif, lambangnya (-) dan Interrogatif (?), dimana kedua bentuk tersebut Selalu menggunakan “Kata Bantu DO & DOES”.

Contoh misalnya :

- She DOES not buy flowers. = Does adalah kata Bantu / kalimat Negatif (-)- DO they help Refugees. = Do adalah kata Bantu / Kalimat Interrogatif (?)

Dan perlu anda ketahui juga bahwa, Kalimat Golongan Verbal identik dengan semua jenis kalimat,(Klausa/Paragraf ) bentuk yang sederhana maupun yang kompleks, baik dalam bentuk Penulisan atau Percakapan.( tidak ada pengecualian ).oleh karena itu, hingga selesai memandu latihan ini, saya tidak akan bosan mengingatkan kepada para pembaca, tentang apa yang disebut Golongan kalimat, yaitu Verbal dan Noun Verbal.



Untuk yang pertama kali mulailah anda berlatih.dengan tujuan agar anda bisa “ akrab “ dan sekaligus terbiasakan dengan ke 2 Golongan Kalimat ini.Namun sebelum anda membuat kalimat golongan Verbal dalam Bahasa inggris, buatlah kalimat Golongan V e r b a l dari Bahasa Indonesia.Dan yang perlu saya ingatkan lagi, ketika anda membuat kalimat dalam Bahasa Indonesia, untuk sementara anda Tidak mengeluarkan / membuat kata-kata seperti;Kemarin, Bulan / Minggu lalu, Sudah, Sedang, Harus, Mau, Ingin, Dapat, Boleh, Sebaiknya, Akan dan juga untuk sementara anda tidak membuat Kalimat Ngatif ( - ) kalimat menolak.ataupun Interrogatif ( ? ) Kalimat Bertanya.

Misalanya anda membuat; Mereka sudah berangkat jam 8 pagi.Sebaiknya,Mereka berangkat jam 8 pagi.

Kita Kemarin bertemu dengan pak Budi.Sebaiknya,Kita bertemu dengan pak Budi.

Mereka akan membangun rumah secepatnya.Sebaiknya,Mereka membangun rumah secepatnya.

Aku tidak menyukai oalah raga,sebaiknya,Aku menyukai Olah-raga.

Diana apakah membuat kue?,Sebaiknya,Diana membuat Kue.

Dita sedang menyiram bunga, sebaiknya.Dita menyiram bunga.

Maksudnnya anda tidak mengeluarkan ungkapan kata2 atau menulis dalam bentuk Past tense / Lampau, Perfect / sudah dan Future / akan.Tujuan ini adalah supaya anda benar-benar terfokus berlatih dulu dengan Present Tense. Bukan Tenses yang lain.dan Penulis yakin latihan anda menjadi terarah dan efektif

Latihan Pertama; Berlatih Membuat Kalimat Golongan Verbal Dari Bahasa Indonesia Misalnya:

Kami menandatangani surat di Kantor jam 9 pagi = VerbalSubject. Predicate. Object Adverb Adverb

Sarinah memasak nasi di dapur setiap pagi = Verbal S P O K K



membuat Kalimat Verbal Bahasa Indonesia, kemudian mengganti ke dalam bahasa Inggris/ Gunakan Kamus bila perlu).

1. Mellinda menanam padi =(Plant)-She ………………………………….

2. Kokom menabung uang di Bank =(Save-She ………………………………………

3. Saya mengirim sebuah surat = (Send)-I…………………………………

4. Alim mengetik dgn computer = (Type)-He………………………………….

5. Rinda memasak nasi didapur =(Cook)-She……………………………………..

6. Mira Menonton film di Matos. =(Watch)-She………………………………………..


Silahkan anda melanjutkan dengan menambah Prediket, Objek dan Keterangan!

7. Kita…………………………………. =(Discuss)-We………………………….

Andy…………………………………=(Operate)-He…………………………9. Nia…………………………………. =(Miss) -She………………………………

10. Dino……………………………….. =(Compose)-He………………………………Ria…………………………………..=(Buy)-She……………………………….

12. Kucing itu………………………… =(Walk)- It………………………………

13. Bank itu………………………….. =(Produce) The Bank……………………

14.They Save/Menabung =……………………………………………….

15. We Watch/Menonton. =……………………………………………….

16. I Wash/Mencuci. =………………………………………………

17. Miss Nia Across/Menyebrang. =………………………………………………..

18. Mr Dino Persuade/Merayu. =……………………………………………….

19. Tommy Discuss/Mendiskusikan. =………………………………………………

20. The Cat Find/ Menemukan. =……………………………………………….

21. Meiling melaporkan keuangan. =(Report)………………………………………..22. Kiki menjahit bajunya =(Sew)……………………………………….

23. Temanku singgah dirumahku =(Drop in)………………………………………

24. Alamanda memesan barang di Sby = Order)………………………………………

25. Rinto menggubah lagu barunya =(Compose)……………………………………

26. Mr Brown tinggal dibali seminngu.=(stay)………………………………….............

27. Mely merindukan pacarnya =(Miss)………………………………………..

28. Mr Rangga menandatangani surat2 =(Sign)……………………………………….

29. Aku berangkat ke kantor jam7 pagi.=(Leave)………………………………………

30. Nani membakar surat birunya. = (Burn)……………………………………….

31. Erna mengecek barang di gudang =(Check)……………………………………

32.Mrs Fenny kangen suaminya =(Miss)……………………………………….

33. Miss Aliani mencari kunci mobilnya. =(Loook for)……………………………………..

Anda baru saja membuat Kalimat VERBAL yang Prediketnya (Digaris bawah) menggunakan KATA KERJA.Sekali lagi anda perhatikan bahwa Golongan Verbal Tidak ada Tobe nya! Bila anda mengabaikan pereturan2 tersebut diatas maka Proses Pembelajaran menjadi tidak mudah lagi.!

Anda baru saja membuat Kalimat VERBAL yang Prediketnya (Digaris bawah)menggunakan KATA KERJA.


Sekali lagi anda perhatikan bahwa Golongan Verbal Tidak ada Tobe nya! Bila anda mengabaikan pereturan2 tersebut diatas maka Proses Pembelajaran menjadi tidak mudah lagi.!

Bab 3Membuat Kalimat Golongan Verbal dan Noun Verbal dengan menggunakan Waktu / Tense.Tetapi sebelumnya saya lebih

dahulu akan menjelaskan tentang Waktu / T E N S E.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan Waktu atau T E N S E?Yang dimaksud T E N S E adalah menunjukkan waktu terjadinya suatu kegiatan atau perbuatan dan dibedakan menjadi Tiga (3) macam, yaitu;

Kemarin. Hari ini. Besok. Past Tense Present Tense Future Tense.

Seperti kita mengetahui bahwa dalam Kalimat Bahasa Indonesia tidak mengenal Waktu / Tense, kita lihat contoh penggunaan kalimat dibawah ini, dimana ketiga waktu tersebut tidak ada perubahan, misalnya:

Saya pergi ke bandung Hari ini > Bahasa Inggrisnya: I go to Bandung today.

Saya pergi ke Bandung kemarin > Bahasa Inggrisnya : I Went to Bandung yesterday.

Saya pergi ke Bandung besok > Bahasa Inggarisnya: I will go to Bandung tomorrow.


Perhatikan ke Tiga contoh kalimat diatas,Bahwa Kata kerja dalam kalimat Bahasa Indonesia, tidak mengalami perubahan.Sedangkan Kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris harus disesuaikan dengan Waktunya / dibedakan menjadi tingkat kesempurnaan,yaitu;

1. Hari ini kata Kerjanya GO,

2. Kemarin kata Kerjanya WENT,

3. sedangkan Besok Kata kerjanya Will Go.

Bahwa yang dimaksud Tingkat kesempurnaan Tense / Waktu dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah:

HARI INI : Terjadi sekarangSedang terjadi saat ini / hari ini sajaSudah sedang terjadi denga periode waktu yang tidak jelasSudah selesai terjadi, Waktunya tidak tidak jelas

KEMARIN:Terjadi lampau jelas waktunya Sedang terjadi lampau tanpa periode dan jelaswaktunyaSudah sedang terjadi lampau + periode dan jelas waktunyaSudah selesai terjadi lampau dan jelas

AKAN : Akan terjadi / jelas waktunyaAkan sedang terjadi / jelas wakktunyaAkan sudah sedang terjadi + Periode dan jelas waktunya.Akan sudah selesai terjadi dan jelas waktunya

Kalau kita perhatikan bahwa Tingkat Kesempurnaan Waktu baik Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris, adalah sama, Mempunyai tiga tingkat kesempurnaan, yaitu Hari ini, Kemarin, Besok.Tetapi dalam Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Kesempurrnaan Hari ini, dibedakan menjadi Empat macam, seperti:

Kelompok APresent Simple Tense*Present Simple Continuos TensePresent Perfect ContinuoesPresent Perfect Simple*


Kelompok BPast Simple Tense*Past ContinuesPast Perfect Continuos Past Perfect

Kelompok CFuture Simple Tense*Future ContinuoesFuture Prefect ContinuosFuture Perfect

Kelompok DPast FuturePast Future ContinouesPast Future Perfect ContinuosPast Future Perfect

Maka jelas perbedaan yang mencolok. dimana Tingkat kesempurnaan Bahasa Indonesia hanya 3 macam, Sedangkan tingkat kesempurnaan Bahasa Inggris menjadi 12 macam. dan masih ditambah lagi satu bentuk yang lain kelompok D, yaitu ;Past future / Lampau akan datang , sehingga jenis Waktu dalam bahsa Inggris jumlahnya menjadi 16 macam Waktu / Tenses.

Bagi Pemula / Beginner yang mempelajari Tense / Waktu tidak perlu khawatir atau terbebankan yang berlebihan karena dari i5 macam Waktu tersebut diatas , “ H a n y a “ 5 jenis Tenses yang diprioritaskan untuk penguasaan Percakapan Bahasa Inggris.Tenses-tense yang di fokuskan untuk Percakapan adalah;

Present Tense. (kelompok A)

Present Perfect Trense. (Kelompok A)

Past Tense. (kelompok B)

Future Tense. (kelompok C)

Maksud penulis kelima jenis Waktu tersebut diatas adalah yang paling sering digunakan untuk Percakapan Bahasa Inggris, baik dalam situasi formal maupun informal, dan cukup memadai.Artinya anda tidak lagi terbebani oleh jenis Waktu yang lain, Karena sangat jarang digunakan.Tetapi


anda hanya fokus berlatih menulis atau praktek bercakap-cakap dengan kelima jenis Waktu tersebut.

Saatnya Penulis menjelaskan tentang Tense / W A K T U yang pertama, yaitu; PRESENT TENSE / Waktu sekarang/ Hari ini. (Kelompok A)Apa yang dimaksud dengan Waktu sekarang ?Yang dimaksud adalah Kegiatan / Perbuatan / Aktivitas yang dilakukan Hari ini, misalnya:

Kegiatan Keseharian dirumah, dikantor, di istana,di Bulan atau dimanapun; Ibu pergi kepasar setiap pagi. = Ayah berangkat kekantor selalu jam 6 pagi. =Kakak menjemput adik kesekolah jam 11siang, =President menjemput tamunya . =Para astronot beristirat minum teh di bulan, = Para Koruptor menghitung hari di dlm penjara, =

Kegiatan rutinitas jangka pendek baik dirumah, dikantor, di istana, di bulan atau dimanapun: Semingu dua kali aku berenang. =Mereka mengadakan arisan 1x dalam sebulan. =Sekali seminggu pejabat berlatih bermain golf. =3 X seminggu belajar Bahasa Inggris, dlsb. =

Kegiatan rutinitas jangka panjang baik dirumah, di kantor, di istana, dibulan, atau dimanapun:Kita merayakan ulang tahun sekali setahun. =Mereka mengadakan reuni 5 tahun sekali. =Masa jabatan mentri selama 5 tahun selesai. =Mereka merayakan Natal setiat 25 desember. =

Ibu dan Ayah merayakan perkawinan emas. =


Kegiatan/aktivitas permanen atau Kebenaran Umum seperti:Mata hari terbit dari timur = Harga barang. =Air itu dingin. =Sebulan tiga puluh hari. =Dua ditambah Dua sama dengan Empat, dlsb. =

Jadi jelas dari ke empat bentuk kegiatan, semua kalimat disusun dalam bentuk Present tense, tidak menggunakan kata keterangan seperti, Kemarin atau besok.Karena PRESENT TENSE sering digunakan dalam percacapan,,Maka fokuskanlah dulu agar proses pembelajaran lebih tepat sasaran atau “ Pragmatisnya “ tidak terbebani dengan jenis Tense / Waktu yang lain. setelah anda sudah sangat terbiasa dengan kelima jenis itu, maka akan dengan sendirinya bisa mengetahui Tujuh macam Waktu / Tenses yang lainnya.

Latihan Membuat Kalimat berikutnya , anda akan di pandu oleh yang namanya Formula / Rumus.dan perlu Penulis ingatkan.Bahwa anda tidaklah sesekali mengaggap sepele dengan Formula.

Menurut pengalaman Penulis seseorang atau siapapun, baik seorang Mentri, Dirut Bank, Manager bahkan seorang Presiden sekalipun; Pastinya mereka bukan karena Keberanian (tanpa Grammar maksudnya),Bukan dari membiasakan praktek percakapan (berlatih praktek percakapan tanpa panduan Grammar), dan bukan juga karena ikut Kursus yang Bergengsi, Tetapi mereka semua (Orang2 asing, maksudnya bahasa ibunya adalah Bahasa Indonesia) adalah karena sangat akrab dan Hafal apa yang disebut Formula atau Rumus. adalah juga yang menyebabkan seseorang atau siapapun menjadi pintar bahkan menjadi cepat lancar bahasa Inggris (tentunya masa / periode proses penguasaan menjadi lebih cepat, terarah dan efektif), dengan kata lain Rumus adalah segala-galanya, dan tentu saja bila tanpa Rumus!, tetapi ingin cepat lancar English, adalah satu bentuk pekerjaan yang sia2 atau paling tidak membuang2 waktu bahkan materi.


Bila kita telah mengenal apa yang disebut Resep pembuatan Kue, Menggunting Pola2 pakaian dan membaca Skema/panduan merakit pembuatan Radio.

Maka dalam Bahasa Inggrispun harus mengenal apa yang disebut Formula / Rumus yangidentik dengan Tata Bahasa.Istilah bahasa asingnya adalah G R A M M A R, Dimana Grammar identik dengan Fomula yang sekaligus berperan untuk menata atau menyusun beberapa jenis Partikel yang berbeda, sehingga mejadi sebuah Kalimat dan dapat diungkapkan baik melalui penulisan maupun Percakapan.

Dengan kata lain Mengenal dan menguasai R u m u s / F O R M U L A , Adalah satu keharusan.sama halnya kita ingin menguasai Ketrampilan Naik sepeda, Memasak, Menjahit, Merakit Radio.

P R E S E N T T EN S E / Kalimat V e r b a l.(Prediketnya menggunakan Kata Kerja ) dan

Hanya untuk Subject Orang ketiga tunggal yaitu; He, She, It, My Friend, Your Friend, Nia, Rano, Company.

FORMULA / Rumus Kalimat Pernyataan/ Positif dgn lambang (+) Subject + Verb 1 + S / ES + bject + Keterangan

Kalimat Menyangkal / Negatif dgn lambang (-) Subject + Does + not + Verb 1 + Object + Kete

Kalimat Bertanya / Interrogatif dgn lambang (?) Does + Sub + Verb 1 + Object + Keterangan


Perhatikan Formula diatas bahwa DOES hanya digunakan pada kalimat Negatif / menyangkal dengan lambang (-) dan Interrogatif / bertanya dengan lambang (?)Yang perlu harus selalu anda ingat adalah:

Dalam Kalimat Positif / Kalimat Berita ( + ) yang menggunakan Subject Orang ketiga Tunggal( He – She – It – Ria – Rio – My Friend – Your Friend – The Company – A Cat / sendirian ),setiap Kata Kerja yg berakhiran huruf CH – SH – SS – X – O – Y –XX, Harus di tambah huruf ES.

Sedangkan setiap Kata Kerja yang hanya berakhiran huruf E dan Huruf mati / Konsonan,kata Kerjanya harus di tambah dengan huruf S saja!Contoh:

(+) She watches TV alone on Sunday(-) She DOES not watch TV alone on Sunday(?) DOES she watch TV alone on Sunday.

Perhatikan Kata kerja Wash + ES = Washes, Mengapa ditambah huruf ES?, Karena Subjectnya orang ketiga Tunggal.Lantas mengapa harus ditambah huruf ES tidak ditambah S?, Karena Kata kerjanya berakhiran huruf SH,bukan S.

(+) He Studies English in EEC`88 twice a week.(-) He does not study English in EEC`88 twice in a week.(?) Does he Study English in EEC`88 twice in a week.

Perhatikan Kata Kerja Study, karena akhiran Y. caranya adalah Y diganti dengan I barulah ditambah dengan huruf ES= StudiesSekarang berlatih Kata Kerja yang berakhiran huruf E dan huruf Mati / Konsonan.

(+) My Friend Visits here on time.Perhatikan Kata Kerja Visit ditambah S. Mengapa harus ditambah S Karena Subjectnmya orang ketiga Tunggal.Lantas Mengapa tidak ditambah huruf ES, Karena Kata Kerjanya berakhiran huruf Mati / Konsonan, ( huruf T).

(+) Your Uncle Writes a letter for his Wife.Perhatikan Kata Kerja Write ditambah S .Mengapa ditambah S , Karena Subjectnya Orang ke Tiga Tunggal.Lantas mengapa ditambah huruf S?, tidak ditambah huruf ES ?, Karena Kata Kerjanya berakhiran huruf E.Contoh: (Kata kerja yang berakhiran huruf mati / Consonan.

She visitS to my house on Sunday.He writeS a letter for her.A lion playS ball in the field.

(Perhatikan kata kerja visit – write – play) Kata Play / berakhiran Y didahului huruf hidup / A I U E O maka hanya di tambah huruf S saja.Sedangkan kata Play / berakhiran Y di dahului huruf mati / T, L, N, K maka harus ditambah huruf ES.Misalnya kata Play dengan Study = Plays dan Studies.

Catatan.Kalimat Negatif dan Interrogatif, tidak perlu di tambah huruf ES atau S!.Dan penambahan huruf ES dan S hanya berlaku pada kalimat Verbal / Prediket Kata Kerja!, Hanya dalam Kalimat Positif (+). Kata kerja yang harus di tambahkan huruf ES atau S yang sering digunakan Percakapan, tidak banyak, Tetapi tidak sesekali anda menganggap sepele dengan peraturan penambahan.Karena ini adalah langkah awal yang cukup menentukan.Berlatih focus, Kalimat Golongan Verbal dalam bentu Negatif / (-) dan Interrogatif (?)


Sekarang gantilah kalimat di bawah ini sesuai dengan lambang, (+) (-) (?).Terjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia dan Baca dengan suara perlahan Kalimat Bahasa Inggris!.(Abaikan pengucapan / Pronunciation yang masih kurang pas/ Penulis berkeyakinan Pronunciation anda, menjadi baik dengan sedirinya, Adalah lebih penting, Kalimat sSudah benar menurut susunan Tatabahasa / Grammar.Berlatihlah Fokus dan Serius, Kalimat Verbal / kata Bantu “Does” Jangan lupa penambahan ES dan S yang hanya di Kalimat berlambang Positif ( + )

(+) The Company produces a new model = Peruss memproduksi model baru. (?) = Peruss tdk memproduksi model baru(?) = Apakah perush memproduksi model baru?

(?) Does she work in her office on Monday? =(+)(-)

(+) The Lion catches several Buffallo =(?)(-)

(+) Brother’s friend asks about your planing =(-)(?)

(?) Does lecturer’s Assistence explain abot it?=(+)(-)

(-) The Shop ofters a big discount it =(?)(?)

(+) The Bank promotes a new solution =(?)(-)

(+) Mr. James visits Malang on Saturday =(-)(?)

(?) Does your Manager give big bonus?=(-)(+)

(+) Mrs. Brown plans to fly to Bali =(?)(-)


Gantilah kalimat di bawah ini sesuai dengan lambang; (+) ( - ) ( ? ). Dan Terjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia kemudian bacalah seluruh Kalimat Bahasa Inggris dengan suara keluar perlahan!, Fokus dan Serius! Latihan Kalimat Verbal / menggunakan Kata Bantu “Does” (Latihan mempercepat penguasaan Percakapan)

1. (+) She washes her car on Sunday. =(?)(-)

2. (+) He calculates salary in with room his son =(-)(?)

3. (+) Ria comes to her in law soon =(?)(-)

4. (+) Dino has a plan to call his girl friend =(-)(?)

5. (+) My Friend considers his a new job antientively=(?)(-)

(+) Your Friend cooperates his old business with me =(-)(?)

(+) His Girl friend expects you to replay her letter. =(?)(-)

(+) Her Boy friend waits for her in café on Sunday =(-)(?)

(+) My Brother treats his new friends in a restaurant =(?)(-)

(+) Your Sister celebrates her birthday in a big hotel =(-)(?)

Anda baru saja berlatih Kalimat Verbal dan hanya menngunakan Subject Orang Ketiga Tunggal dimana Kata kerjanya selalu ada panambahan huruf /S atau ES, ingat hanya- dalam Kalimat Positif (+).

Vocabularies / Kosa kata = Verb.1. Wash = mencuci – Calculating = menghitung – Want = ingin – Has = mempunyai.2. Consider = mempertimbangkan – Cooperate = bekerjasama – Expect = mengharapkan3. Wartfor = menunggu – Treat = mentraktir – Celebrate = merayakan – Repair = mereparasi4. Arrive = tiba – Replay = membalas – Call = menelpon – Come = datang


AdverbIn front of house = didepan rumah – On Sunday = hari minggu – with his son = dengan anak laki2nyaSoon = segera – Antentively = dengan seksama – By himself = tidak sendiriAt dormotary = di Asramanya – In Garage = di garasi –In time = lebih awal

NounSalary = gaji – Plan = rencana - Old friend = teman lama = Letter = suratnyaRestaurant = restoran – Café = di café – Big hotel = hotel besar – Birthday = ulang tahun

Hafalkan dan Bacalah Komponen Kalimat Verbal ! dng suara perlahan yaitu pasangan Kata Bantu DOES dgn Subjek Orang ketiga tunggal, yaitu ;


SUBJECT DOES + NOT = (di baca Doesn’t atau Does not)

1. She Does Not…….. Does + She ?

2. He Does Not…….. Does + He ?.

3. It Does Not…….. Does + It ?.

4. My friend Does Not Does + He / She ?.

5. Your friend Does Not Does + He / She ?.

6. His friend Does Not Does + He / She ?.

7. Her friend Does Not Does + He / She ?.

8. Mr. Fand Does Not Does + He?.

9. Mrs. Ren Does Not Does + She?.

10. A Cat Does Not Does it?.

11. Mia’s Son Does Not Does He ?.

12. Ida’sUncle Does Not Does He?.

13. Company Does Not Does + It ?.

14. Dio’s friend Does Not Does She/He

15. Nia’s friend Does Not Does He/ She

Maksud / tujuan latihan menghafal dan amembaca degan suara keluar perlahan diatas, adalah supaya anda menjadi terbiasa dengan Kalimat Verbal dalam bentuk Menyangkal (-) atau Pertanyaan (?) yang menggunakan kata Bantu DOESetelah latihan membuat kalimat Golongan Verbal dan menggunakan Kata Bantu “Does” (Subject orang ketiga Tunggal).Sekarang anda berlatih membuat “Verbal” yang menggunakan Kata Bantu “DO” ( Subjectnya disebut P l u r a l + Orang Pertama ) Jenis Subjectnya adalah:

They – We – I – You – My friends – Your friends - Their customers – You and I – Rian and Rony – Those Companies – These flowers – The cars. Hafalkan pasangan kata Bantu DO dengan Subjeknya;

They DO not. My friends DO not Our customers DO notWe DO not. Your friends DO not Their partners DO notI DO not. Those people DO not The companies DO notYou DO not. The children DO not You and I DO not


Ingat! Verbal yang Subjectnya Plural / Orang Pertama menggunakan, Do.Sedangkan Verbal yang menggunakan Subject Orang ketiga Tunggal, Does.

(He – She – It – My friend – Your friend- Mia-Dono- A Cat = DOES-They - We - I – You – My friends – Your friends- You and I = DO)

PRESENT TENSE, Formula / Rumus Kalimat VERBAL ( Kata Bantu DO ).

(+) Subject + V1 + Object + Keterangan.

(-) Subject + DO+ NOT + V1 + Object + Keterangan.

(?) DO + Subject + V1 + Object + Keterangan

Contoh kalimat; (Setiap Prediketnya tidak lagi ada penambahan hruf ES / S )

(+) We study English twice a week(-) We do not study English twice a week(?) Do we study English twice a week?

(+) They distribute Contribution(?) Do they distribute Contribution?

(-) I do not do it (Do yang kedua adalah kata kerja / mengerjakan)(+) I do it = (Do pada contoh ini adalah kata kerja / mengerjakan)

3. (+) Saya mengerjakan pekerjaanku = I do my job.(-) Saya tidak mengerjakan pekerjaanku = I do not do my job.(?) Apakah saya mengerjakan pekerjaanku = Do I do my job.

Tujuan latihan semata untuk mempercepat penguasaan percakapan.Apa bila latihan2 ini sering di abaikan / disepelekan, Proses penguasaan Bahasa Inggris tidak Efektif dan bukan tidak mungkin akan mengalami kesulitan. Karena menurut Penulis tidak ada cara lain lagi, bila ingin cepat menguasai Bahasa Inggris Percakapan, berlatihlah melalui media penulisan terlebih dahulu, dan Setelah terbiasa membedakan mana yang disebut Golongan Verbal atau Non Verbal Maka proses Penguasaan Percakapan, bisa relatif lebih cepat.

Catatan: Dalam kalimat Verbal Positif, dengan Subject Jamak / Plural dan orang Pertama,maka tidak perlu lagi ada penambahan huruf ES atau S (lihat Formula/Rumus diatas).

Latihan Verbal / kata Bantu “DO”

(+) The Companies produce a new model(?)

(?) Do they work in her office on Saturday?(+)

(+) The Tigers catch several Mousdeer(?)

(+) Brother’s friends ask about your planing (-)

(?) Do Docter’s Assistences explain?(-)


(-) The Stores do not ofter a small discount(?)

(+) The Hospitals promote a new preception(?)

(+) Mr. James and I visit Surabaya on Sunday(-)

(?) Do your Managers give big bonus?(+)

(+) Mr. Brown and his Wife plan (-)

(?) Do his Mother in law talk about Business(+)

(-) My Managers do not discuss about a new price(?)

(?) Do her old friends guide her first job?(+)

(-) Miss. Rinda and her uncle do not celebrate birthday(+)(+) Mr. Leman and his friends drop in their office on Sunday(?) (+) My sister and I treat her old friends in a new Cafe(-)

(+) Your Uncle and his young Brother repair his car in Garage. (?)(+) My Neighbors make rubbish-box in front house. (-)

(+) The Companies produce a new model(?)(?) Do they work in her office on Saturday?(+)

(+) The Tigers catch several Mousdeer(?)

(+) Brother’s friends ask about your planing (-)

(?) Do Docter’s Assistences explain?(-)

(-) The Stores do not ofter a small discount(?)

(+) The Hospitals promote a new preception(?)

26. (+) Mr. James and I visit Surabaya on Sunday(-)

(?) Do your Managers give big bonus

(+) Brother’s friends ask about your planing (-)


(?) Do Docter’s Assistences explain?(-)

(?) Do Docter’s Assistences explain?(-)

(-) The Stores do not ofter a small discount(?)

(+) The Hospitals promote a new preception(?)

(+) Mr. James and I visit Surabaya on Sunday(-)

(?) Do your Managers give big bonus?(+)

(+) Mr. Brown and his Wife plan (-)

(?) Do his Mother in law talk about Business(+)

Perlu saya ingatkan bahwa seyogianya anda tidak mempersoalkan kalimat yang maknanya sederhana, Ingat tujuan anda adalah menguasai Percakapan Bahasa Inggris.dimulai dari kalimat yang sederhana tapi Bahasa Inggrisnya baik dan benar,Bukan Sebaliknya!.Artinya anda terus berlatih dan berlatih membuat Kalimat tanpa menyoal apakah makna kalimatnya sederhana atau canggih.Tujuan latihan dibawah ini supaya anda bisa lebih cepat membedakan penggunaan Do atau Does, sekaligas terbiasa dengan Kalimat Verbal bentuk Negatif atau Interrogatif.Dibagian ini anda sekarang berlatih memilih Kata Bantu yang Benar / sesuai dengan Subjectnya, setelah itu barulah anda mengganti Kalimat Verbal yang sesuai dengan lambang!.

(-) The Companies Do / Does not produce a new model(+)

(?) Do They / He work in her office on Saturday?(+)

(-) The Tigers Do / Does not catch several Mousdeer(?)

(?) Does / Do Brother’s friends ask about your planing (+)

(?) Do / Does Docter’s Assistences explain?(+)

(-) The Stores Do / Does not ofter a small discount(?)

(?) Does / Do the Hospitals promote a new preception(+)

(-) Mr. James and I Do / Does not visit Surabaya on Sunday(?)

(?) Do / Does your Managers give big bonus?(+)

(+) Do / Does Mr. Brown and his Wife plan to fly to Bali



(?) Do / Does his Mother in law talk about Business(+)

(-) My Managers Do / Does not discuss about a new price(+)

(-) The Tigers Do / Does not catch several Mousdeer(?)

(?) Does / Do Brother’s friends ask about your planing (+)

(?) Do / Does Doctor’s Assistences explain?(+)

(- ) The Stores Do / Does not ofter a small discount(+)

(+) Do / Does Mr. Brown and his Wife plan to fly to Bali(-)

(?) Do / Does his Mother in law talk about Busines

(+) Do / Does Mr. Berry fly to Jakaarta. (-)

(?) Do / Does his Father in law talk about you(+)

Membiasakan kalimat Verbal dalam bentuk Kalimat NEGATIF (-) dan INTERROGATIF (?); Pilihlah Kata Bantu yg sesuai denganSubject!.

DO / DOES She Turn left slowly? (belok kiri)

He DO / DOES not Turn right suddenly (belok kanan)

DO / DOES your Brother Throw of some rubbish everyday? (melempar)

She DO / DOES not Put in sugar to her coffee. (memasukkan)

DO / DOES He Hang on his plan to go to zoo? (menunda)

Mrs. Reni DO / DOES not Walk into the Garage to take a key. (berjalan masuk)

DOES / DO Mr. James Jump over the fence at night? (melompat)

My friend DOES / DO not Get out her car hurriedly (turun keluar)

DOES / DO Grandpa Walk around a small garden in the morning? (berjalan putar)

My Grandpa DOES / DO Walk down running after your Grandma? (berjalan kebawah)

DO / DOES your Uncle Come out early? (muncul)

Her cat DOES / DO not Across in freeway quickly. (menyeberang)

DO / DOES his son Get in the car soon? (masuk kedalam)

Grandma DOES / DO not Tie up her shoes (mengikat)

DO / DOES Miss. Diana Stay at alone to night? (tinggal)


My Aunt DOES / DO not Keep in her money in Private Bank. (menyimpan)

DOES / DO your neighbor Take off his cup of bottle soon? (membuka)

My Wife DO / DOES not Turn off her old car immeately. (mematikan)

DO / DOES Mrs. Mina Walk on the front hotel with her doughter? (berjalan kedepan)

Your nice Pet DOES / DO not Walk up your step lader slowly. (berjalan naik)

DO / DOES She Turn left slowly? (belok kiri)

He DO / DOES not Turn right suddenly (belok kanan)

DO / DOES your Brother Throw of some rubbish everyday? (melempar)

She DO / DOES not Put in sugar to her coffee. (memasukkan)

DO / DOES He Hang on his plan to go to zoo? (menunda)

Mrs. Reni DO / DOES not Walk into the Garage to take a key. (berjalan masuk)

DOES / DO Mr. James Jump over the fence at night? (melompat)

My friend DOES / DO not Get out her car hurriedly (turun keluar)Setelah anda berlatih Present Tense dalam bentuk Kalimat VERBAL yang tidak menggunakan keterangan tambahan, Pada bagaian ini kita memulai menggunakan keterangan tambahan yaitu;

1.Keterangan Waktu Tertentu / Adverb of A certain time.2.Keterangan Keseringan / Adverb of Prequency.3.Keteranga Cara / Adverb of Manner.4.KeteranganTempat / Adverb flace.5.Keterangan Waktu / Adverb of Time .6.Keterangan Arah ? Adverb of Direction.

Tujuan menggunakan Keterangan tambahan dalam kalimat, tentu saja agar Kalimat menjadi lebih luwes dan sekaligus enak didengarkan.Lebih dari itu, semua jenis Keterangan Tambahan diatas sering digunakan dalam Percakapan.jadi anda harus mengenal sekaligus menghafal baik jenis, fungsi dan Posisi keterangan Tambahan dalam kalimat baik Verbal atau Non Verbal.

Jenis Keterangan waktu tertentu / a certain time.

Every Sunday – Every day, Everyone, every time -Today - Tonight – Now - A week - Two times- On Sunday, on Monday – (Nama Hari)- on July, Rainy season (Nama, Bulan / Musim) - This morning, This afternoon, This evening, Tonight, Twice a year,Twice.

Contoh:On Sunday, We go to market. We go to Market on Sunday.

Posisi dalam Kalimat Verbal ; di Awal atau di Akhir kalimat.

1. Office, Realese/ megeluarkan. = On Friday, The Office releases announcement.

2. George, Spend/membelanjakan. = Mr George spends His money twice a year.

3. Your Friend, Accept/menerima. =

4. The Lion, Attack/menyerang =


5. A Man, Persuade/Merayu =

6. Syntia, Type/mengwetik. =

7. Rinto, Compose/mengarang. =

8. The Woman, Keep/menyimpan. =

9. That Lady, Love/mencintai. =

10. This Boy, Run/lari =

11. Diana, Send/mengirim. =

12. Mirna, Save/ menabung. =

13. Kemas, Discuss/mendiskusikan. =

14. Dani, Repair/mereparasi. =

15. Riany, Pour/menyiram. =

16. Mr John, Inform/menginformasikan.=

17. Miss Silvie, Justify/memutuskan. =

18. Mr Brown, Ignore/mengacuhkan. =

19. Mrs Ani, Substitute/mengganti. =

20. The Lion, catch up/menangkap. =

21. That Lady, Absorb/menyerap.=

22. This Man,Delegate/mewakili.=

23. Adi,Representative/mewakili. =

24. Timo, Contribute/membagikan. =

25. The Woman, Persuade/merayu. =

Jenis keterangan waktu keseringan / Frequency:

- Always - selalu - Frequently - sering- Almost - hampir - Often - sering- Already - sudah - Usually - biasanya

- Actually - sebenarnya - Never - tidak pernah

- Ever - pernah - Just - baru saja

- Every - setiap - Sometimes - kadang-kadang

- Generally- umumnya - Seldom - jarang

-Twice -dua kali. – Once - sesekali.

- Mostly - kebanyakan - Hardly - hamper tidak.

Untuk kalimat Verbal, Prequency diletakkan diantara Subject dan Predicate Contoh; She always comes here Kecuali.



Sometimes, bisa diletakkan di awal / di akhir kalimat verbal.Contoh; Sometimes she comes here - She comes here sometimes.

Already, bisa diletakkan di akhir Kalimat VerbalContoh; They finish teir job already

Latihan melengkapi kalimat dan anda bebas memilih Prequency ( Lihat contoh )

1. Listen= mendengar = They usally listen radio alone.

2. Obey= mematuhi = Evweryday, /We Obey traffic regulaion in the street.

3. Establish= membangun = You do it already.

4. Legalize= meresmikan = I

5. Eliminate= menyingkirkan = My Friend

6. Satire= menyindir = Your Uncle

7. Adore= mengagumi = Your Elder Sister

8. Sign= menandatangani = Your Friends

9. Stimulate= merangsang = Mrs Cyntia

10. Do = mengerjakan = Miss Rinda

11. Pride of= menghargai = Mr Farouk

12. Enlarge= memperluas = That Man

14. Deny= menyangkal =Those Men

15. Increase= meningkatkan = That Company

16. Decrease= menurunkan =This Boy

17. Inform= menginformasikan =Tese women

18. Eliminate= menyingkirkan = Those Police

19. Satire= menyindir =My Partners

20. Adore= mengagumi =His Girl

21. Mr Rony Buy/membeli. =Her Husband

Lanjutkan berlatih melengkapi kalimat kemudian letakkan Prequency!

22. Mrs Brown Ignore/mengacuhkan =My Son

23. Miss RianySubstitute/mengganti = my Doughter

24. Eliminate= menyingkirkan = Her Niece

25. Satire= menyindir = His Nephew

26. Adore= mengagumi = Our Customers

27. Sign= menandatangani = Their Old Partners

28. Stimulate= merangsang = Your Grandma


1. I love you very much everyday

2. We watch film with my friend at night

3. He walks there alone slowly

4. She makes her cake alone in the kitchen

5. My friends in Merapi Mountain one week

6. Those women talk each other noisily

7. The Man promotes his new production continually

8. Listen= mendengar = They usally listen radio alone.

2. Obey= mematuhi = We

3. Establish= membangun = You

4. Legalize= meresmikan = I

5. Eliminate= menyingkirkan = My Friend

6. Satire= menyindir = Your Uncle

7. Adore= mengagumi = Your Elder Sister

8. Sign= menandatangani = Your Friends

9. Stimulate= merangsang = Mrs Cyntia

10. Do = mengerjakan = Miss Rinda

11. Pride of= menghargai = Mr Farouk

12. Enlarge= memperluas = That Man

14. Deny= menyangkal =Those Men

15. Increase= meningkatkan = That Company

Catatan : Dalam1 kalimat boleh memakai keterangan waktu keseringan + tertentu / bersamaanSetelah melengkapi,bacalah semua kalimat bahasa Inggris dengan suara perlahan 2-4X !


Bab 6

Dalam Bab ini anda mulai berlatih membuat kalimat Verbal yang menggunakan Tiga jenis Keterangan yang berbeda; Adverb of Manner / Keterangan Cara.Adverb of Place / Keterangan tempat.Adverb of Time / Keterangan waktu.

Adverb of Manner / Keterangan Cara Yang dimaksud dengan Keterangan Cara adalah bagaimana seseorang caranya melakukan sesuatu kegiatan, Misalnya ; Pengemudi mengemudikan mobilnya dengan hati-hati, Dengan hati-hati itulah yang disebut Keterangan Cara. Dengan ramah,dengan santai, dengan tergesa gesa,dlsb.

Asal usul Manner:

1. Berasal dari kata sifat = Beautiful + Ly = Beatifully / Manner2. Berasal dari kata kerja = Calm + Ly = Calmly.

Contoh;She carefully drives her new carCalmly, He walks on streetMy Brother works in office continousely.

Manner tidak selalu berakhiran Ly, tetapi ada yg bentuk Adverb of Phrase / Pronoun;With a knife - 2. By taxi - 3. By Himself - 4.Together - 5 By walking - 6. Alone -7.With a friend – For me – 9.Their talking – 10.Again and again – 11.Too heavy – 12. So much noise.

Contoh Kalimat Verbal yang menggunakan Phrase atau Pronoun dan dibawah ini tugas anda hanya menterjemahkan kedalam bahasa Indonesia (Gunakan Kamus bila perlu) ;

1 He repairs his car by himself. = Di merepasi mobilnya sendiri (Tdk dibengkel)

2. They go to Bandung by taxi. = Mereka pergi ke Bandung degan Taxi.

3. We cut manggo with a knife. =

4. We Discuss lesson with a firend. =

5. You walk in Garden by walking. =

6. Tato owe my money again again. =

7. That Kids play here so much noise =


8. Grandpa talk in the room byhimself.=

9. She stays at home alone. =

10. Miss Renny gives it twice aweek =

11. Mrs Diane and I speak together =

12. My Friends ask them by phone =

13. They go to Bandung by taxi. =

14. We write aletter by a new pen =

15. They repair cars with some tols =

16. You Whistle thre by walking. =

17. My friend promises again again. =

18. That Kids play so much noise. =

19. Grandma makes a cake byherself =

20. Sintya watches TV at home alone =

Fungsi Manner:1. Menerangkan kata kerja = She drives car slowly = Slowly, menerangkan Drive.

2. Menerangkan seluruh kalimat = Carefully, she drives car = carefully menerangkan She drives car.

Posisi Mannaer:Di antara Subjek dan Prediket.She carefully drives car

Di awal kalimat.Carefully She drives car.

Di Akhir kalimatShe drives car carefully.

Catatan Manner: Terjemahan Manner menggunakan kata “Secara atau Dengan”, misalanya;-Carefully = Secara / dengan hati2-Calmly = Secara / dengan tenang-Beatufully = Secara / dengan indahnya.She drives car with caerefully adalah salah, karena menggunakan “with”, yang benar Tanpa With!Berlatih meletakkan Manner / Keterangan Cara dengan bebas atau sesuai dgn posisinya! (Lihat contoh). (Ingat anda masih berlatih kalimat Golongan Kalimat Verbal / Prediketnya Kata Kerja!)

Slowly 6. Quickly 7. Fluently 8. Kindly 9. Actively 10. Bravely 11. Easily 12. Wisely 13. WronglyTogether 15. Fully 16. Willingly 17. Intentionally 18. Sincerely 19. Still 20. Sweetly

1. Carefully / dgn hati2 = Tesy explains proble = Roy carefully explains problem. 2. Carelessly / secara sembrono = Wina calculates our bonus = carelessly, Doni calculates bonus.3. Hurriedly / dgn tergesa-gesa = I visit my beloved in law = Ria visits her Uncle’s house hurriedly


Sekarang cobalah anda membuat kalimat Verbal bebas dan gunakan kata keterangan cara / Manner, Lihat daftar diatas!

1. Depend / mempertahankan = They

2. Report / melaporkan = We

3. Investigate / menyelidiki = I

4. Discuss / mendiskusikan= You

5. Return / mengembalikan = He

6. Increase / meningkatkan = She

7. Use / menggunakan = You and I

8. Leave / meninggalkan = Ita and Kasino

9. Start / memulai = My friend

10. Save / menabung = My sister

11. Accross / menyebrang = My Elder sister

12. Help / membantu =

13. Accompany / menemani =

14. Refuse / menolak =

15. Type / mengetik =

16. Pinch / mencubit =

17. Receive / menerima =

18. Ask / meminta =

19. Connect / menghubungi =

20. Delay / menunda =

16. Deviatedly/dgn selingkuh =………………………………….

17. Lonely/dgn kerinduan =………………………………….

18. Greatly/dgn hebat =…………………………………..

19. Wisely/dgn bijak =………………………………….

20. Weakly / dgn lemah =………………………………….

21. Beutifully/dgn indahnya = ………………………………….

22. Angrily/dgn marah = ………………………………….

23. Suddenly/secara tiba2 = ………………………………….

1. H e l p/membantu =.They 2. C o o k/memasak =. We


3. V i s i t/mengunjungi =. I 4. R e n o v a t e/merenopasi = Your 5. R e c e i v e/menerima =.He 6. Kick/menedang =. She 7 Reject/menolak =. The 8 Accept/menerima =. My 10 Cooperatebekerjasama =. His 11 Sign/menandatanganI =. Her 12 Jump/melompa =. Mr 13 Climb/memnjat =. Yonky 14 Across/menyebrang =George 15 Destroy/menghancurkan =.You 16 Check/memeriksa =Wina. 17 Report/melaporkan =. My 18 Repair/mereparasi = Her 19. Fix/memperbaiki = Suminah 20. Wash/mencuci = I 21. Watch/menonton =Om 22. Warn/memperingatkan = Her 23. Wish/menginginkan = She 24. Work/bekerja = Very 25 Walk/berjalan = Jalan

Lanjutkan!.Sekarang anda berlatih membuat Kalimat Verbal dan meletakkan Manner sesuai dengan posisinya.Setelah itu Bacalah semua kalimat Bahasa Inggris denga suara perlahan, 2 – 4X!

24. Bravely/dgn berani =………………………………….

25. Easily/dgn mudah =………………………………….

26. Friendly/dgn ramah =………………………………….

27. Patienly/dgn sabar =………………………………….

28. Softly/dgn lembut =………………………………….

29. Rudely/dgn kasar =………………………………….

30. Sadly/dgn sedih = ………………………………….

31. Carefully / dgn hati2 = They explain the old problem=………………………………….

32. Carelessly / secara sembrono = We calculate our last bonus=………………………………….

33. Hurriedly / dgn tergesa-gesa = I visit my beloved in law=………………………………….

34. Calmly / secara tenang = He persuade his wife=………………………………….

35. Quickly / dgn cepat = She opens her last salary=………………………………….

36. Quietly / dgn suara pelan = A kid walks into the room=………………………………….

37. Noisily / secara gaduh = Children talk one another=………………………………….

38. Bravely / secara berani = A boxer dog jumps river =………………………


39. Cowardly / secara pengecut = Terrorism throws a bomb=………………………………….

40. Weakly / dgn lemah = My Grandma wakes up early=………………………………….

41. Happily/dgn senang ………………………………….

42. Dangerously/dgn bahaya………………………………

43. Slowly/dgn perlahan………………………………….

44. Proudly/dgn bangga………………………………….

31. Carefully / dgn hati2 \= They explain the old problem=………………………………….

32. Carelessly / secara sembrono = We calculate our last bonus=………………………………….

33. Hurriedly / dgn tergesa-gesa = I visit my beloved in law=………………………………….

34. Calmly / secara tenang = He persuade his wife=………………………………….

35. Quickly / dgn cepat = She opens her last salary=………………………………….

36. Quietly / dgn suara pelan = A kid walks into the room=………………………………….

37. Noisily / secara gaduh = Children talk one another=………………………………….

38. Bravely / secara berani = A boxer dog jumps river =………………………

39. Cowardly / secara pengecut = Terrorism throws a bomb=………………………………….

40. Weakly / dgn lemah = My Grandma wakes up early=………………………………….

38. Bravely / secara berani = A boxer dog jumps river =………………………

39. Cowardly / secara pengecut = Terrorism throws a bomb=………………………………….

40. Weakly / dgn lemah = My Grandma wakes up early=………………………………….

Yang perlu anda harus ingat bahwa: Adverb of Manner / Keterangan cara tidak hanya dalam bentuk Regular / beraturan, Tetapi juga ada yang berbentuk Tidak beraturan / Irregular Adverb. Yaitu Ada 4 kata Keterangan yang tidak beraturan, seperti;

Fast/dgn cepat.Hard/dgn giat Well/dgn baik Late/dgn terlambat.


1. Accompany / menemani =He accompanies a Girl well.

2. Refuse / menolak = Uncle refuses it fast.


3. Type / mengetik = Secretary tepes docoments late

4. Pinch / mencubit = She pinches Kid’s cheek hard.

5. Adore= mengagumi =

6. His Mother talk about Business =

7. Din discusses about a new price. =

8. Her friend guides her first job. =

9. Rinda celebrate birthday. =

10. Mr.Leman drops in office. =

11. My sister drops in a new Café. =

12. Deveate / mengalahkan. =

Estimate / memperkirakan=

14. Renovate / merenovasi =

15. Connect / menghubungi =

16.Miss Renny gives it for me. =

17.Mrs Diane ada I speak together =

18.My Friends ask their talking. =

Adverb of place / Keterangan Tempat.Berlatih membuat Kalimat Verbal dan letakkan Adverb of Place / Tempat di awal / akhir kalimat), dan sering digunakan Present Tense untuk Percakapan se-hari2;

.In the Kitchen, In the Yard, In The Room, At Home, In Bus Terminal, In Office, In Out of City, In Jakarta,Ect

1. Calculate / me nghitung = They calculate money in their office.Subject Predicate Object Adverb of Place

2. Debate / berdebat = We…………………………………………………….

3. Pay / membayar = Your Friends…………………………………………

4. Discuss / mendiskusikan= You discuss lnew job in Office

5. Return / mengembalikan = He

6. Increase / meningkatkan = She

7. Use / menggunakan = You and I

8. Leave / meninggalkan = Ita and Kasino

9. Start / memulai = My friend

10. Save / menabung = My sister.4. Drive / mengemudi = Ria and Dony…………………………………………..


5. Promote / mempromosi = You and I…………………………………………….

6. Dance / menari = Those Men…………………………………………..

7. Give / memberi = My Friends…………………………………………….

8. Across / menyebe = We……………………………………………………..

9. Sign / menandatangani = I……………………………………………………………..

10. Repair / merepasi = They…………………………………

11. Pride of= menghargai =

12. Enlarge= memperluas =

14. Deny= menyangkal =

15. Increase= meningkatkan =

16. Decrease= menurunkan =

17. Inform= menginformasikan =

18. Eliminate= menyingkirkan =

19. Satire= menyindir =

Adverb Probability / Kemungkinan. Letakkan Kata keterangan di bawah ini / Posisi = Fleksibel.Dan Hafalkan! (hanya untuk kalimat Verbal)

1. Perhaps = mungkin = They perhaps help several refugees (membantu beberapa pengungsi)

2. Possibly = mungkin = We possibly come there on time (datang kesana tepet waktu)

3. Likely = mungkin = I likely leave to out of city soon ( berangkat keluar kota sgera)

4. Probably = mungkin = You probably interest with us ( Tertarik dgn kami)

5. Maybe = mungkin = He maybe call me tonight (me nelpon aku malam ini

ADVERB yang berasal dari ADJECTIVE, berfungsi menerangkan Verb.

The win blows very cool

That kid shouts too loud

She is singing a new song little fast

Those customers ordered a new product sooner

Some supporters come at the stadium rather late

My Grandma walks down town too quick

That official several job in short

Your partner invests his money too small


That lady sings a new song very

The company gives salary too small

Several students join into the class late

Many people work in fabric harder

That client complains about heart attack on deep

The cat runs to catch a mouse very high

Several employees have daily bonus thicker

My uncle comes to his office early

That old man only enjoys his retired everyday

My Manager explains solution very enough

They speak much, every more

The Grandma talks to low, but good

Some new comers interrupt late

They drive on racing near

A new Director speeches wellThe children swim and drive deep

She persuades her boy friend more

Pada bagian ini anda berlatih fokus menggunakan Regular Verb / Kata kerja beraturan,Lihat lagi Parts of Speech / Bab 1).dan untuk kali pertama Penulis juga memperkenalkanbentuk kata Kerja yang lain seperti INGIN, HARUS, MAU dan sering digunakan dalam Percakapan baik formal maupun Informal.Kata kerja tersebut adalah;

1. INGIN = Want to. (baca, won tu)

2. HARUS = Has / Have to (baca, hes tu)

3. MAU = To Be Going to (baca, hev tu)

(Jika anda mengatakan kata INGIN, maka gunakan WANT TO) Want to = Ingin / Keinginan, untuk kegiatan keseharian Tidak hanya di Dapur,(Yang dimaksud kegiatan keseharian, di Kantor, Istana, Dapur, Hotel, dimanapun anda berada )

Contoh Kalimat Bahasa Indonesia. (VERBAL)

Temanku ingin menghitung uang di kantor.Nona sarinah ingin menyiram bunga sendirian.Nyonya Remida ingin Merenovasi rumah minggu ini.Nona Denok ingin mempertimbangkan pekerjaan baru. Dia Laki2 ingin mengelola kantor hari Senin.

Latihan dengan tujuan membiasakan Menggunakan SUBJECT Orang ketiga Tunggal, seperti; HE,SHE,IT,MY FRIEND,YOUR FRIEND,NIA,DINO,A CAT,THE COMPANY .


Yang dimaksud orang ke tiga Tunggal adalah “Satu Orang / Orang yang dibicarakan, Si Ina, Si Badu, Si Ono,tetapi juga bukan Orang pertama,Saya (I). Jadi He / She berbeda dengan I“

Rumus / Formula kalimat Verbal.

Subject + Want + TO + Verb 1 + Object + Keterangan = Kalimat Positif (+)

Lengkapi Golongan Verbal, Kalimat Positif (+) dan Gunakan WANT TO dengan Subjek Orang ketiga tunggal + Prediket + Objek / Keterangan).Kata kerja dibawah ini adalah Regular Verb / Kata kerja beraturan ( Penambahan S bukan pada kata Kerja tetapi Wants nya)

1. Calculate = Menghitung = My Uncle WANTS TO calculate his money.

2. Pour = Menyiram = Miss Sarinah…………………………………

3. Renovate = Merenovasi = Mrs Remidah………………………………..

4. Consider = Mempertimbangkan = Miss Denok ………………………………..

5. Manage = Mengelola = He ………………………………………….

6. Swim = Berenang = Tati Wants to

7. Renovate = Meronopasi = Wendy Wants to………………………………………

8. Save = Menabung = Imam………………………………………

9. Visit = Berkunjung = Yonky………………………………………

10. Jump = Lompat = A cat………………………………………

11. Paint = Mengecat = My Brother………………………………………

12. Draw = Menggambar = My Son………………………………………

13. Watch = Menonton = Your Friend………………………………………

14. Type =Mengetik = Diana………………………………………

15. Across = Menyebrang = Intan……………………………………………..

16. Plan = Merencanakan = Your friend……………………………………….

17. Wash = Mencuci = His Uncle…………………………………………..

18. Watch = Menonton = Her Manager………………………………………

19. Welcome = Menyambut = Your Inlaw………………………………………..

20. Offer = Menawarkan = Mrs Zaitun……………………………………….

5. Manage = Mengelola = He ………………………………………….

6. Swim = Berenang = Tati Wants to

7. Renovate = Meronopasi = Wendy Wants to………………………………………

8. Save = Menabung = Imam………………………………………

9. Visit = Berkunjung = Yonky………………………………………


10. Jump = Lompat = A cat………………………………………

11. Paint = Mengecat = My Brother………………………………………

12. Draw = Menggambar = My Son………………………………………

13. Watch = Menonton = Your Friend………………………………………

14. Type =Mengetik = Diana………………………………………

15. Across = Menyebrang = Intan……………………………………………..

16. Plan = Merencanakan = Your friend……………………………………….

17. Wash = Mencuci = His Uncle…………………………………………..

18. Watch = Menonton = Her Manager………………………………………

19. Welcome = Menyambut = Your Inlaw………………………………………..

20. Offer = Menawarkan = Mrs Zaitun……………………………………….

5. Manage = Mengelola = He ………………………………………….

6. Swim = Berenang = Tati Wants to

7. Renovate = Meronopasi = Wendy Wants to………………………………………

8. Save = Menabung = Imam………………………………………

9. Visit = Berkunjung = Yonky………………………………………

10. Jump = Lompat = A cat……………………………………….

11. Paint = Mengecat = My Brother…………………………………

12. Visit = Berkunjung = Yonky………………………………………

1a. Gantilah WANT TO menjadi Kalimat Verbal, Negatif (-), Kata Bantu DOES + NOT. (Karena masih tetap menggunakan Subject orang ke Tiga Tunggal, maka dalam Kalimat Negatif Want to tidak lagi menggunakan S.(Lihat Rumus / Formula dibawah ini. )

Rumus / Formula kalimat Verbal.

Subject + DOES + Not Want + TO + Verb 1 + Object + Keterangan = Kalimat Negatif (-)

My Uncle Does not Want to calculate his money.

Miss Sarinah Does not want to make a cake.

Mrs Remidah Does not…………………………

Miss Denok Does not………………………….

He Does not……………………………………

Mira does not Want to………………………..

Kikie does not Want to make………………………………..

Andilala does not want to……………………………………


Lina does not want to ……………………………………….

Roy does not want to accompany…………………………

Kucing does not want to accross……………………………………

Roy does not want to coopetate……………………………………

Teten does not want to manage……………………………………

Miranda does not want to infom……………………………………

Andrian does not want to renovate ………………………………………

My Uncle Does not Want to calculate his money.

Miss Serita Does not….....................................

Mrs kiki Does not…………………………

Miss Deby Does not………………………….

His Brother Does not……………………………………

Mirna does not Want to………………………..

Rara does not Want to make………………………………..

Mrs Remidah Does not…………………………

Miss Denok Does not………………………….

He Does not……………………………………

Mira does not Want to………………………..

Kikie does not Want to make………………………………..

1b.Rumus / Formula kalimat Verbal.DOES +Subject + Want + TO + Verb 1 + Object + Keterangan

Gantilah WANT TO menjadi Kalimat Pertanyaan (?) masih tetap Menggunakan Kata Bantu DOES (Bila menggunakan Subject orang ketiga tunggal, maka Want to tidak lagi mengunakan huruf S)

6. Cooperate = Bekerja sama = Does She Want to cooperate with her friend?

7. Accompany = Menemani = Does My friend …………………………….?

8. Across = Menyeberang = Does Your friend …………………………..?

9. Inform = Menginformasi = Does My Uncle …………………………….?

10. Sport = Berolahraga = Does Your Grandma ……………………….?

Teruskan anda membuat Kalimat Bertanya, Gunakan DOES…….W A N T T O + Verb .

Obey /mematuhi = Does She………………………………………………

Establish / membangun =Does He…………………………………………

Legalize / meresmikan = Does Your Brother………………………………

Eliminate / menyingkirkan = Does Her Uncle……………………………..


Satire / menyindir = Does His Grand ma………………………………….

Adore / mengagumi = Does Your Director………………………………..Sign / menandatangani = Does Mr Goerge………………………………..

Stimulate / merangsang = Does Miss Tanti……………………………….

Do / mengerjakan = Does Mrs Reny………………………………………

Apreciate/menghargai =Does Mr John……………………………………

Enlarge / memperluas = Does You Sister…………………………………

Deny / menyangkal= Does Mr Bean………………………………………

Increase / meningkatkan = Doe Miss Nita…………………………….

Decrease / menurunkan = Does Mrs Fenny……………………………

Inform / menginformasikan = Does Your In law……………………………

26. Reject / Menolak = Does his Family………………………………………..

Cook / Memasak= Does Your Grand pa…………………………………….

Dance / Menari = Does Your Customer……………………………………………………………………….

Walk / Berjalan = Does her Son………………………………………………………..

30.Anger / Memarahi= Does Miss Riny…………………………………………………………..

Has to = Harus / Keharusan, untuk kegiatan keseharian(yang dimaksud kegiatan keseharian; di Kantor, Istana, Dapur , di Hotel, dimanapun anda berada)

(+) She + Has To build the Tents soon. (Mereka harus membangun Tenda2 segera)

(-) She + DOES NOT Have To build the Tents soon.

(?) DOES She Have To build the Tents soon

( HAS TO hanya digunakan untuk kalimat Verbal Positif (+),Subjectnya Orang ke Tiga tunggal)

1. Turn left / belok kiri = Mira has to turn left right now

2. Turn right / belok kanan = Dony has to……………………………………

3. Throw of / membuang = My friend has to………………………………..

4. Drive / mengendarai = My Uncle has to………………………………..

5. Stop/berhenti = My Father has to………………………………..

6. Type / mengetik = Your Sister has to……………………………….

7. Linch / menjepit = That Manager has to……………………………

8. Manage / mengelola = The Secretary has to……………………………..

9. Arrange / mengatur = Mr Gady has to………………………………

10. Pack / mengepak = Miss Anna has to……………………………………


11. Rape / membungkus = Mrs Waliman has to ………………………………………

12. Pile up / melapisi = Benny has to ……………………………………………

13. Dril / mengebor = Budiarjo has to…………………………………………

14. Connect / menyambung = Herlambang ……………………………………………

15. Roast / manggang = Imanuel has to ……………………………………………16. Dry / mengeringkan = Nency has to ……………………………………………

17. Steam / mengukus = Bambang hasto ……………………………………………

18. Crush / menggiling = Renna has to ……………………………………………

19. Grate / memarut = Mia has to ……………………………………………

20. Squeeze / memeras = Lambargo……………………………………………

16. Hang on / menggantung = Mr Brown has to ……………………………………………

17. Inject / menyuntik = Mrs Syntia has to ……………………………………………

18. Vascinate / menyuntik = Miss Rohana has to………………………………………

19. Offer / menawar = Mrs Tanty has to ……………………………………………

20. Force / memaksa = Her Girl friend has to ………………………………………

21. Serve / melayani = His Boy friend has to………………………………

22. Whip / memecut = Your Uncle has to ……………………………………………

2a H A S T O kembali menjadi H A V E T O dalam Kalimat Verbal Negatif (-) menggunakan Kata bant DOES ( Gunakan Kata kerja sebelumnya dan tambahkan object!)

(+) He / She Has To build the Tents soon. (Dia harus membangun Tenda2 segera)

(-) He / She DOES NOT Have To build the Tents soon.

(?) DOES He / She Have To build the Tents soon

Mira doesn’t have to turn left soon…………......................

Dony doesn’t have to ……….. …………………………….

Dono doesn’t have to……………………………………….

John doesn’t have to ………………………………………..

Father doesn’t have to …………………………………….

Brother does not have to………………………………….

Mrs Renny does not have to………………………………

Miss Hety does not have to……………………………..

Mr Tanaka does not have to……………………………

Bima does have to…………………………………….


Sari does not have to…………………………………..

Lina does not have to…………………………………

Miss Erlina does not have to…………………………….

That Manager does not have to………………………….

Mrs dita does not have to………………………………..

Mira doesn’t have to turn left soon…………......................

Dony doesn’t have to ……….. …………………………….

Dono doesn’t have to……………………………………….

Jimmydoesn’t have to ………………………………………..

Uncle doesn’t have to …………………………………….

Berry does not have to………………………………….

Mrs Cyndi does not have to………………………………

Miss Mia does not have to……………………………..

Mr Veonica does not have to……………………………

Welly does have to…………………………………….

Sarinah does not have to…………………………………..

Lina’s Sister does not have to…………………………………

Harry does not have to…………………………………

2b. H A S T O menjadi H A V E T O dalam Kalimat Verbal Interrogatif ( ? ), Kata bantu DOES.(Gunakan kata kerja sebelumnya, dan tambahkan object!)

(+) They Have To build the Tents soon. (Mereka harus membangun Tenda2 segera)

(-) They DO NOT Have To build the Tents soon.

(?) DO They Have To build the Tents soon

Does She Have to Turn left her car slowly?

Does Syntia Have to …………………………………..

Does Your Brother have to ……………………………..

Does His Managar have to … ……...................................

Does your Uncle have to ………………………………..

Does Mr Gombloh have to……………………………….

Does Mrs Pretty have to…………………………………..

Does Mr Bonaran have to……………………………….

Does Miss neny have to……………………………………


Does Her Son have to….…………………………………

Does Srimulyani Have to………………………………………..

Does Syntia Have to …………………………………..

Does Your Sister have to ……………………………..

Does His Director have to … ……...................................

Does your Mother-inlaw have to ………………………………..

Does Mrs Centil have to……………………………….

Does Mr Donald have to…………………………………..

Does Mr Brown have to……………………………….

Does Mrs Dessy have to……………………………………

Does His Girl friend have to….…………………………………

Does Cousin Have to………………………………………..

Does Nephew Have to …………………………………..

Does Your Niece have to ……………………………..

Does His Secretaryr have to … ……...................................

Does your Inlaw have to ………………………………..

Does Mr George have to……………………………….

Does Mrs Jerry have to…………………………………..

Does Mr Xeman have to……………………………….

Anda sekarang berlatih membuat Kalimat Verbal (+ / - / ? ) dan gunakan Want to, Has to, Have to,( Ingat, latihan dibawah ini anda masih tetap menggunakan Subject Orang ke Tiga tunggal,Yaitu:He, She, It, Nia, Dony, My Friend, Your Uncle, Company, A Cat, Ect.)

Lengkapi Kalimat sesuai dengan Lambang (+) (-) (?) ( Lihat Bentuk Formula diatas!)

1. Hang on / menunda (+) = My Father has to Hang on his discussion.

2. Walk into / berjalan masuk (-) = My Friend does not have to walk into the room

3. Jump over / melompat (?) = Does Dony Have to jump over the Gate / gerbang?

4. Get out / turun keluar (-) =

5. Walk around / berjalan putar (?) =

Walk down / berjalan kebawah(+)=


7. Come out / muncul.(?) =

8. Across in / menyeberang (+) =

9. Get in / masuk kedalam( ?) =

10. Tie up / mengikat (-) =

11. Stay at / tinggal (+) =

12. Keep in / menyimpan (?) =

13. Take put off / membuka (-) =

14. Turn off / mematikan (?) =

15. Walk on / berjalan kedepan(+) =

16. Walk up / berjalan naik (-) =

17. Roast / bread = manggang= ……………………………………………

18. Dry = mengeringkan= ……………………………………………

19. Crush / coconut = menggiling = ……………………………………………

20. Grate / chees = memarut = ……………………………………………

21. Squeeze = memeras = ……………………………………………

22. Hang down = menggantung= ……………………………………………

23. Inject = menyuntik= ……………………………………………

24. Vascinate = menyuntik= ……………………………………………

25. Offer = menawar = ……………………………………………

26. Force = memaksa = ……………………………………………

27. Serve = melayani = ……………………………………………

28. Whip = memecut = ……………………………………………

29. Pick up = menjemput = ……………………………………………

30. Pull down = membongkar= ……………………………………………

31. Pour out = menyiram = ……………………………………………

32. Pour into = menuang = ……………………………………………

33. Bime / flame = menyerut = ……………………………………………

34. Strol = mengukur = …………………………………………

35. Roast / bread = manggang (-) = ……………………………………………

36. Dry = mengeringkan (?) = ……………………………………………

37. Crush / coconut = menggiling (+) = ……………………………………………

38. Grate / chees = memarut (-) = ……………………………………………


39. Squeeze = memeras (?) = ……………………………………………

40. Hang down = menggantung (+) = ……………………………………………

41. Inject = menyuntik (-) = ……………………………………………

42. Vascinate = menyuntik (?) = ……………………………………………

43. Offer = menawar (-) = ……………………………………………

44. Force = memaksa (+) = ……………………………………………

45. Serve = melayani (+) = ……………………………………………

46. Whip = memecut (?) = ……………………………………………

27. Serve = melayani = ……………………………………………

28. Whip = memecut = ……………………………………………

29. Pick up = menjemput = ……………………………………………

30. Pull down = membongkar = ……………………………………………

31. Pour out = menyiram = ……………………………………………

32. Pour into = menuang = ……………………………………………

33. Bime / flame = menyerut = ……………………………………………

34. Strol = mengukur = …………………………………………

35. Roast / bread = manggang (-) = ……………………………………………

Setelah anda mengenal Present Tense dengan Formula / Rumus yang menggunakan Kata Bantu DOES, maka kita lanjutkan latihan HAVE TO yang Subjctnya Plural dan Orang Pertama (They, We, I, You, You and I, Dina and Rio, menggunakan Kata Bantu DO.

Have to = Harus / Keharusan u / Kegiatan keseharian.

(+) They Have To build the Tents soon. (Mereka harus membangun Tenda2 segera)

(-) They DO NOT Have To build the Tents soon.

(?) DO They Have To build the Tents soon.

Lanjutkan latihan Have To, Membuat Kalimat Positif (+). Ingat Subjectnya adalah Plural / Jamak dan Orang Pertama.Lengkapi Kalimat2 sesuai dengan Lambang (+) (-) (?)

1. Mellinda menanam padi = They have to plant rice in the field

1.They…………………………………………….. = Save/Menabung

We……………………………………………… .= Watch/Menonton.

I………………………………………………….. = Wash/Mencuci.

4. You and I……………………………………… = Across/Menyebrang.

Mr Dino and his friend….………………….. = Persuade/Merayu.


Ria and Rano……………….………………… = Discuss/Mendiskusikan.

7. The Cats………………………………………. = Find/ Menemukan.

8. Those Banks………………………………… = Break/Melanggar.

9. My Friends……………………………………. = Spend/membelanjakan.

10. Your Friends………………………………… = Accept/menerima.

11. These Lions …………………………………… .= Attack/menyerang

Men …………………………………………..= Persuade/Merayu

Syntia……………………………………………= Ttpe/mengwetik

Rinto’s friends…………………………………………….= Compose/mengarang

The Women …………………………………...= Keep/menyimpan

ThoseLadies………………………………………= Love/mencintai

These Boys………………………………………. = Run/lari

Diana and her Uncle………………………….. = Send/mengirim.

Mirna…………………………………………………= Save/ menabung

Kemalasari…………………………………………= Discuss/mendiskusikan

Dani…………………………………………………..= Repair/mereparasi

Riany…………………………………………………= Pour/menyiram

Mr John……………………………… .= Inform/menginformasikan

Miss Silvie………………………… = Justify/memutuskan………

Mr Brown…………………………. = Ignore/mengacuhkan

Mrs Rossy………………………… = Substitute/mengganti

The Company…………………….. .=Estimate/memperkirakan

That Lady………………………… = Absorb/menyerap

This Man…………………………. = Delegate/mewakili

Mr Rambo………………………… = Representative/mewakili

That Manager……………………... = Contribute/membagikan

The Woman……………………… .= Persuade/merayu

Mrs Renny…………………………… = Buy/membel

That Lady……………………………………… = Love/mencintai

This Boy………………………………………. = Run/lari

Diana……………………………………………….. = Send/mengirim.

Mirna…………………………………………………= Save/ menabung

Kemalasari………………………………………… = Discuss/mendiskusikan


Dani…………………………………………………..= Repair/mereparasi

Lengkapi kalimat2 dibawah in dan anda bisa menggunakan secara bebasd memilih seprti Going to, Want to, Have to, Has to atau tidak menggunakan kata kerja khusus tersebut.

1. Come/They= Do they have to come to my house on Sunday. ( my house on Sunday)

2. See/We= Melihat (-) We deos not see someone there, ( an accident in Free-way )

Give/You= Memberi (+)…………………………………………( me a present and Wise –words )

Meet/You= Berjumpa (-)……………………………………… .( your old friend in Café at 7.p.m )

Sell/Those Men= Menjual (?)……………………………………( his old card to his old customer )

Buy/His Friends= Membeli (+)…………………………………( several nice flowers )

Bring/Her Brothers= Membawa (?)……………………………..( her promlem to discuss together )

Make/You and I= Membuat (-)…………………………………( a deliciouse cake everyday )

Send/ My Costomers=Mengirim (+)……………………………(a card-invitation for us )

Have/The Lions= mempunyai (?)………………………………(much money to buy a new car )

Pick up/They=menjemput (-) ……………………………………………

Pull down/People=membongkar (+) ……………………………………………

Pour out/Children=menyiram (?) ……………………………………………

14. Pour intoMy Sons= menuang (-) ……………………………………………

Bime/These Boys= menyerut (+)……………………………………………

16. Strol/ His Guests= mengukur (?) …………………………………………

Burn/ Their Jobs=membakar (+)…………………………………………….

Break/YourGirls=mematahkan (-)…………………………………………….

Buy/His Friends= Membeli (+)…………………………………( several nice breads)

Write/Her Brothers= Menulis (?)……………………………..( her complain )

Type/You and I= Mengetik (-)…………………………………( a document everyday

Drive/Mrs Rinda= Mengemudi(?)………………………………(

10. Have/The Lions= mempunyai (?)………………………………(much money to buy a new car )

11. Pick up/They=menjemput (-) ……………………………………………

12. Pull down/People=membongkar (+) ……………………………………………

Pour out/Children=menyiram (?) ……………………………………………


14. Pour intoMy Sons= menuang (-) ……………………………………………

Latihan dibawah ini, anda hanya menambahkan Want to, Have To, Has To, secara bergantian, anda bisa membuat bentuk Positif (+) Negatif (-) ataupun Interrogatif (?) Golongan Kalimat VERBAL!.

1. Her Manager/ask = Her Manager does not Want to ask me.

2. Your Uncle/give = Does Your Uncle have to give me a present today?.

3. My friend/visit = My Friend is Going to visit

4. You/ send = Your Mother ………………………………………

5. He/help = Her Boy Friend………………………………………

6. She/bring = That Girl ………………………………………

7. The company/product = The Toys ………………………………………

8. The Eagle/Attack = The Snake ………………………………………

9. The People/have =………………………………………

10. My partner/cooperate = ………………………………………

11. Your customer/write =………………………………………

12. My son/accross =………………………………………

13. Your daughter/read =………………………………………

14. His young sister/dance =………………………………………

15. Her pet/run =………………………………………

16. They Have To study = (-) They DO not Have to study English on Sunday

17. My friends Want to call you = (?)……………………………………..

18. Ria sends a letter to her friend = (-)……………………………………..

19. Roy Wants to sport everyday = (?)……………………………………..

20. The companies have to Product soon = (?)……………………………………..

21. A cats are going to run to eat fish = (-)……………………………………..

22. My Uncle is going to repair his car = (?)……………………………………..

23. Your brother Has to drive a new car = (-)……………………………………..

24. Your husband Want to work in office = (?)……………………………………..

25. My Sister Wants to call you = (?)……………………………………..

26. Dini sends a letter to her friend = (-)……………………………………..

27. Rinto Wants to make a song everyday = (?)……………………………………..

28. The Fabric has to Product soon = (?)……………………………………..


Mulai sekarang anda berlatih membuat kalimat secara bebas, seperti halnya anda ber cakap-cakap dengan orang kedua, tatapi melalui media tulisan dulu.Pastinya menjadi lebih cepat berhasil, bila anda membacanya dengan suara perlahan, ber-ulang2.(Abaikan bila ada orang disebelah anda meng-olok-olok, Ingat tujuan anda adalah bagaimana Penguasaan Percakapan bisa sesingkat mungkin) Gunakan Kata kerja yang sudah anda kenal sebelumnya atau anda bisa menggunakan Kamus!

1. Turn left / belok kiri = You do not have to turn left, friend.

2. Turn right / belok kanan = but You have to turn right now.

3. Throw of / melempar = You do not have to throw rubish everywhere

4. Put in / memasukkan = but You have to put in the Rubish box.

5. Hang on / menunda = Do you want to hang on………………….?

6. Walk into / berjalan masuk = Does your Uncle have to………………?

7. Jump over / melompat = That cat want to jump over……………..

8. Get out / turun keluar =

9. Walk around / berjalan putar = …………………………………….

10. Walk down / berjalan kebawah = ……………………………………..

11. Come out / muncul = ……………………………………..

12. Across in / menyeberang = …………………………………….

13. Get in / masuk kedalam = …………………………………….

14. Tie up / mengikat = …………………………………….

15. Stay at / tinggal = ……………………………………..

16. Keep in / menyimpan = ……………………………………..

17. Turn on / menghidupkan = …………………………………….

18. Turn off / mematikan = ……………………………………..

19. Walk on / berjalan kedepan = …………………………………….

20. Walk up / berjalan naik = ……………………………………….

21. Firm / menegaskan =………………………………………..

22. Justify / memutuskan =………………………………………..

23. Ignore / mengacuhkan = ………………………………………..

24. Substitute / mengganti =…………………………………………

25. Estimate memperkirakan =…………………………………………

27. Delegate / mewakili =………………………………………..

3a. TO BE GOING TO = MAU, Adalah Untuk satu kegiatan yang akan datang dan telah direncanakan,Misalnya; - Saya MAU berangkat ke bali besok.Kita MAU Berdiskusi sesudah bertemu dia. Mereka MAU Datang menemui aku besok jam 9 pagi


FORMULA / Rumus – Kalimat Verbal .(+) Subject + Are/Am/Is + GOING TO + VERB 1* + Object + Ket Waktu/Tempat.(-) Subject + Are/Am/Is + Not + GOING TO + Verb 1* + Objecr + Ket Waktu/Tempat.(?) Are/Am/Is + Subject + GOING TO + Verb 1* + Object +Ket Waktu/Tempat.

Meskipun Tobe Going to didahului oleh Tobe, Tetapi statusnya tetap masih Golongan Kalimat Verbal,Karena formulanya masih tetap menggunakan Kata kerja.Sedangkan untuk Kalimat Golongan Non Verbal, Menggunakan BE ( Lihat Formula Non Verbal setelah latihan ini)

Contoh Kalimat Verbal.(+) Sheis going to Call me Tomorrow. ( Verbal / Call)(-) She is Not Going to Call me tomorrow.(?) Is She Going to Call me tomorrow

Berlatihlah membuat Kalimat TO BE GOING TO = MAU – Verbal.Dibawah ini anda melengkapi sesuai dengan Lambang (+) / (-) / (?) dan tambahkan Object / Keterangan.

1. Hang on / menunda (+) = My Father is Going to Hang on his discussion.

2. Walk into / berjalan masuk (-) = My Friend is not Going to walk into the room.

3. Jump over / melompat (?) = Is Dony Going to jump over the Gate / gerbang.

4. Get out / turun keluar (-) = ………………………………………………….

5. Walk around / berjalan putar (?) = …………………………………………………

Walk down /berjalan kebawah(+)= ………………………………………………..

7. Come out / muncul.(?) = ……………………………………………….

8. Across in / menyeberang (+) = ……………………………………………….

9. Get in / masuk kedalam( ?) =……………………………………………….

10. Tie up / mengikat (-) =……………………………………………….

11. Stay at / tinggal (+) =……………………………………………….

12. Keep in / menyimpan (?) =……………………………………………….

13. Take put off / membuka (-) = ……………………………………………….

14. Turn off / mematikan (?) =……………………………………………….

15. Walk on / berjalan kedepan(+) =……………………………………………….

16. Walk up / berjalan naik (-) =

17. Roast / bread = manggang = ……………………………………………

18. Dry = mengeringkan = ……………………………………………

19. Crush / coconut = menggiling = ……………………………………………

20. Grate / chees = memarut = ……………………………………………

21. Squeeze = memeras (?) = ……………………………………………

22. Hang down = menggantung (+) = ……………………………………………


23. Inject = menyuntik (-) = ……………………………………………

24. Vascinate = menyuntik (-) = ……………………………………………25. Offer = menawar (?) = ……………………………………………

26. Force = memaksa (+) = ……………………………………………

27. Serve = melayani (-) = ……………………………………………

28. Whip = memecut (+) = ……………………………………………

29. Pick up = menjemput (?) = ……………………………………………

30. Pull down = membongkar (-) = ……………………………………………

31. Pour out = menyiram (+) = ……………………………………………

32. Pour into = menuang (?) = ……………………………………………

33. Bime / flame = menyerut (-) = ……………………………………………

34. Strol = mengukur (+) = …………………………………………

35. Roast / bread = manggang (-) = ……………………………………………

36. Dry = mengeringkan (?) = ……………………………………………

37. Crush / coconut = menggiling (+) = ……………………………………………

38. Grate / chees = memarut (-) = ……………………………………………

39. Squeeze = memeras (?) = ……………………………………………

40. Hang down = menggantung (+) = ……………………………………………

41. Inject = menyuntik (-) = ……………………………………………

42. Vascinate = menyuntik (?) = ……………………………………………

43. Offer = menawar (-) = ……………………………………………44. Force = memaksa (+) = ……………………………………………

45. Serve = melayani (+) = ……………………………………………

46. Whip = memecut (?) = ……………………………………………

47. Force = memaksa (+) = ……………………………………………

48. Serve = melayani (+) = ……………………………………………

49. Whip = memecut (?) = ……………………………………………

28. Whip = memecut (+) = ……………………………………………

29. Pick up = menjemput (?) = ……………………………………………

30. Pull down = membongkar (-) =…………………………………………….

36. Dry = mengeringkan (?) = ……………………………………………

37. Crush / coconut = menggiling (+) = ……………………………………………

38. Grate / chees = memarut (-) = ……………………………………………

39. Squeeze = memeras (?) = ……………………………………………


40. Hang down = menggantung (+) = ……………………………………………

41. Inject = menyuntik (-) = ……………………………………………

42. Vascinate = menyuntik (?) = ……………………………………………

43. Offer = menawar (-) = ……………………………………………

44. Force = memaksa (+) = ……………………………………………

45. Serve = melayani (+) = ……………………………………………

46. Whip = memecut (?) = ……………………………………………

38. Grate / chees = memarut (-) = ……………………………………………

39. Squeeze = memeras (?) = ……………………………………………

40. Hang down = menggantung (+) = ……………………………………………

41. Inject = menyuntik (-) = ……………………………………………

42. Vascinate = menyuntik (?) = ……………………………………………

43. Offer = menawar (-) = ……………………………………………

40. Hang down = menggantung (+) = ……………………………………………

41. Inject = menyuntik (-) = ……………………………………………

Sekarang Anda berlanjut latihan membaca Kalimat2 Bahasa Inggris dengan suara perlahan ( Bila mungkin terjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa indonesia, meskipun hanya didalam hati ) dan Gantilah kalimat menjadi bentuk Negatif (-), Interrogatif (?) dan yang perlu Penulis Ingatkan kepada anda adalah, bahwa tidak lagi anda mengaggap spele, terlebih lagi anda mengabaikan latihan membaca dengan suara perlahan, Menurut Penulis tidak ada cara lain yang lebih Efektif, kecuali latihan bercakap-cakap melalui media tulisan seperti ini.dan ketika anda latihan membuat kalimat jangan Bersepekulasi!, namun anda harus sering melihat Rumus / Formula. Memang sesaat / beberapa detik anda harus berpikir untuk menata sebuah kalimat menjadi baik dan benar, bukan sebaliknya!, atau katakanlah anda “melangkah mundur” tetapi Ingat!, Tujuan melangkah mundur, Sesungguhnya anda sedang berancang ancang untuk lari cepat, secepat Pelari Marathon!. Setelah anda terbiasa, hafal dan akrab dengan kalimat yang benar! dijamin anda pasti melangkah lebih cepat, lebih cepat dan akhirnya lari secepat kilat, alias keinginan penguasaan percakapan Bahasa Inggris anda menjadi cepat lancar, lancar dengan baik dan benar!.Sekali lagi Penulis sarankan untuk halaman2 berikutnya berlatihlah membuat kalimat secara rutin setiap hari, fokus dan serius tapi santai ( Pengalaman Penulis dalam hitungan Minggu), meski 10 menit sekalipun / maksimal 1 jam.

Setelah anda mengenal dengan baik tentang kalimat Golongan VERBAL, Predicate selalu menggunakan Kata kerja / VERB, Maka sekarang saatnya anda memulai berlatih membuat Kalimat Golongan Noun Verbal, Predicate nya mennguanakan selain Kata kerja tetapi Kata sifat/Kata Benda/Kata Keterangan.dan selalu menggunakan Kata Bantu, yaitu BE.Have to, Has to, Want to, To Be Going to+BE+Adjective / Noun / Adverb- (ANA).

Bentuk Kalimat Negatif (-) dan Interrogatif (?), Tetap menggunakan DO atau DOESContoh:(+) She wants to BE a Secretary / Non Verbal. ( Dia ingin menjadi sekretaris ) (-) She DOES not want to BE Secretary.(?) Does She want to BE a SecretaryCatatan;


Yang dimaksud Non Verbal adalah Prediketnya Tidak menggunakan Kata Kerja, Tetapi menggunakan Kata Sifat/ADJECTIVE, Kata benda/NOUN dan Kata Keterangan/ ADVERB.

FORMULA / Rumus Kalimat NON VERBAL(+) Subject + Has / Have TO + BE + Adjective/Noun/Adverb ( ANA).(-) Subject +DOES + NOT + Have TO + BE + ANA. (?) DOES / DO+ Subject + Have TO + BE + ANA.

1. They = mereka = They Have TO BE here on tome. (NON Verbal)2. We = kami = We Have to BE There in time? (Non Verbal)3. I = saya = DO we Have to Be above first. (Non Verbal)

FORMULA / Rumus Kalimat NON VERBAL(+) Subject + Are/Am Is + GOING TO + BE + Adjective/Noun/Adverb ( ANA).(-) Subject + Are/Am/Is + NOT + GOING TO + BE + ANA. (?) Are/Am/Is + Subject + GOING TO + BE + ANA.

1. They = mereka = They are GOING TO BE here on tome. (NON Verbal)2. We = kami = we are not Going to BE There in time? (Non Verbal)3. I = saya = Am I Going to Be above first. (Non Verbal)

Rumus / Formula kalimat Non Verbal.Subject + Want + TO + BE+ Adective / Noun / Adverb.Subject + DOES + Not Want + TO + Verb 1 + Object + KeteranganDOES +Subject + Want + TO + Verb 1 + Object + Keterangan

1. They = mereka = They Want TO BE here on tome. (NON Verbal)2. We = kami = we DO not to BE There in time? (Non Verbal)3. I = saya = DO We want to Be above first. (Non Verbal)Sekarang anda mencoba berlatih membuat Kalimat bebas Golongan Non Verbal yang masih menggunakan Kata Have, Has to, Want to dan To be Going to + BE + ANA.

1. They = mereka = They are Going to BE here on tome. (Non Verbal)2. We = kami = Do we want to BE there in time? (Non Verbal)3. I = saya = I do not have to BE above soon. (Non Verbal)4. You = anda / kamu = Does he have to BE good Manager? 5. He = dia (laki2) =6. Some members = beberapa anggota =7. Several students = beberapa murid =8. That lady = wanita itu =9. That young boy = remaja itu =10. Each of us = diantara kita =11. Your Uncle = paman kamu =12. Your idea = gagasan anda = 13. The mean’s policy = kebijakan pria itu =14. Those program = acara2 itu =15. That new customer= pelanggan baru itu =16. This order = pesanan ini =17. Some members = beberapa anggota =18. Several students= beberapa murid =

Berlatih membuat Kalimat Golongan NON VERBAL / BE + ANA, dan anda bebas membentuk kalimat (+)


(-) atau (?) dan langsung menambahkan Predikat, selain Kata kerja. Tetapi Kata Sifat,Kata Bendadan kata Keterangan tambahan.

1. They = mereka = They are Going to BE here on tome. (Non Verbal)2. We = kami = Are we Going to BE there in time? (Non Verbal)3. I = saya = I am Going to BE above soon. (Non Verbal)4. You = anda / kamu = Are You Going to BE good Manager? 5. He = dia (laki2) = She is not Going to BE There too long.

She is Going to Be unhappy today.

Susy is not Going to Be at home today

We are Going to Be satisfied to do it.

Are you Going to Be here ontime?

They are not Going to Be in the Court soon.

Is Your friend Going to Be in out of city?

Is your Brother Going to Be

Are you Going to Be

They are not Going to Be

Susyana and herSister are Going to Be

Mr John is Going to Be

Mrs Dita Going to Be

Miss Intan is Going to Be

We are Going to Be

You are not Going to Be

Xapy is Going to Be

Are They Going to Be

She is Going to Be

Herlina is Going to Be

Shinta and her Elder sister are Going to Bes

Sudah cukup banyak anda berlatih membentuk kalimat Verbal baik yang Positif, Negatif dan Interrogatif.

Sampai disini mudah2an anda benar-benar sudah mengenal dan akrab dengan kalimat Golongan Verbal.Itu artinya anda sudah terbiasa juga dengan beberapa nama2 partikel Bahasa Inggris, yaitu Regular Verb dan Irregular Verb (Kata Kerja beraturan dan tidak beraturan), istilah nama2 partikel seperti, Kata Sifat, Benda, Keteranngan, Pronoun,dlsb.

Gunakan Going to, Want to, Have to, Has to + BE + Selain kata kerja. ( Untuk sementara anda tidak menyoal apakah kalimat2 yang anda buat itu kurang pas atau tidak bermakna,teruskan latihan anda adalah jauh lebih penting anda sekarang sedang berlatih untuk membiasakan tentang Golongan Kalimat Non Verbal !

NOUN VERBAL Predicate Kata sifat / Kata Benda / Kata Keterangan


FORMULA / Rumus Kalimat NON VERBAL(+) Subject + Are/Am Is + GOING TO + BE + Adjective / Noun / Adverb ( ANA).(-) Subject + Are/Am/Is + NOT + GOING TO + BE + ANA. (?) Are/Am/Is + Subject + GOING TO + BE + ANAS.

1. They Are going to Be doubtful about that solusion (ragu)2. We ………….. Curious about (penasaran)3. I …………….. Enthusiastic about (antusias)4. You and I ……………… not right in (benar)5. My assistance ………….. Delighted in (senang)6. You ……………………. (pucat)7. That case ……………… uneasy about (tidak mudah)8. She ……………………. Dependent on (tergantumg)9. Your home town ……….. Far from (kampong halaman / jauh)10. The hospital …………….Not far from here (rumah sakit + jauh)11. Those people ……………Not skillful in (terampil)12. Nia and her new friend …Not close to (akrab)13. Several members ……… abedient to (patuh)14. There ……………………Pretty girls an campus (di kampus)15. Your new Manager …… Polite to (ramah)16. Every body …………… careful with (hati-hati)17. That lady ……………… patient with (sabar)18. We ……………….. Not eager for (hasrat)19. This thing ……………. Similar to (mirip)20. I am not jealous of (cemburu)21. He …………….. Conscious of (sabar)22. His body …………… fit for (sehat)23. Their decisions …………… obvious to (jelas)24. The movie location is not the north of building (utara gedung)25. Indonesian film …………Popular with (terkenal)26. A lot of candidates ……………….. Capable of their (cakap kerja)27. Many parties …………… equal to (sama)28. …………….. Not shy of (malu-malu)29. Your pet ……………. Wild (liar)30. Several students …………sensitive to (peka)7. That case ……………… uneasy about (tidak mudah)8. She ……………………. Dependent on (tergantumg)9. Your home town ……….. Far from (kampong halaman / jauh)10. The hospital ……………. Not far from here (rumah sakit + jauh)11. Those people ……………Not skillful in (terampil)12. Nia and her new friend …Not close to (akrab)13. Several members ……… abedient to (patuh)14. There …………………….. Pretty girls an campus (di kampus)15. Your new Manager ………….. Polite to (ramah)16. Every body ……………… careful with (hati-hati)17. That lady ……………… patient with (sabar)18. We ……………….. Not eager for (hasrat)19. This thing ……………. Similar to (mirip)20. I am not jealous of (cemburu)21. He …………….. Conscious of (sabar)22. His body …………… fit for (sehat)23. Their decisions …………… obvious to (jelas10. The hospital ……………. Not far from here (rumah sakit + jauh)11. Those people ……………. Not skillful in (terampil)12. Nia and her new friend ……………. Not close to (akrab)13. Several members ……………… abedient to (patuh)14. There …………………….. Pretty girls an campus (di kampus

Sekarang anda berlatih mencoba membuat kalimat Verbal dalam bentu Positif (+) Tetapi untuk kali pertama anda berlatih dari Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris dan tambahkan; Have to, Has to, Want to,Going to. Secara bergantian.

11. Temanku menabung (Save) uang di bank = My friend Has to save money in bank.


12. Temanmu belajar (Learn) Bahasa Inggris = Your friend is Going to lean English.

13. Bapak Roy menyeberang (Across) sendirian di jalan = Mr Roy Wants to accross at street alone.

14. Ibu Santi memasak (Cook) dengan anaknya didapur =……………………………………..

15. Paman mereparasi (Repair) mobilnya di garasi =……………………………………..

16. Nenek duduk di teras sendirian jam 5 sore =……………………………………..

17. Kakek bernyanyi di kamar mandi =……………………………………..

18. Manejerku mempromosikan (Promote) produksi baru =……………………………………..

19. Sopir mencuci (Wash) mobil di depan rumah =……………………………………..

20. Keponaan meniup (Blow) lilin di ruang tamu =…………………………………….

21. Kita menyelenggarakan pesta besok =…………………………………….

22. Saya mengambil liburan selama seminggu. =……………………………………

23. Kamu menandatangani perjanjian besok lusa. =……………………………………..

24. Rinto menggubah lagu tahun depan. =…………………………………….

25. Rina pulang lebih dulu.=…………………………………………………………

26. Kucing melompat pagar (pence) dgn cepat.=………………………………………………………….

27. Mereka mendistribusikan barang2 .=…………………………………………………………..

28. Saya menjelaskan masalah secara jujur.=………………………………………………………….

29. Kita mengunjungi Paman besok lusa.=…………………………………………………………..

20. Anda meminjam mobil minggu depan.=……………………………………………………………

31. John mengirim oleh2.=………………………………………………………………

32. Dina mengoperasikan computer baru.=………………………………………………………………..

33. Adikku bekerja di bengkel swasta.=………………………………………………………………..

34. Tina dan Roy merayakan pesta tunangan.=………………………………………………………………….

35. Yon menginvestasikan uang di bank.=………………………………………………………….

36. Aku bekerja-sama dgn perusahaan besok.=……………………………………………………………


27. Anda membuat penjualan langsung.=…………………………………………………………….

Jack mau menunggu pacarnya. =……………………………………………………………………..

Rany ingin menghubungi pelanggan .=…………………………………………………………

Dina mau mencintai Tonny selamanya. =………………………………………………...

Mereka harus melaporkan ke Polisi. =………………………………………………….

Lia ingin menerjemahkan Mandarin ke Inggris .=……………………………………………

Aku harus menjamin bahasa Inggris mudah .=………………………………………………

Anda ingin bernegosiasi bisnis. =………………………………………………………………

Dita mau menjadi staf pemasaran .=…………………………………………………………..

Mr.Clinton memainkan piano didepan Monica. =…………………………………………….

Miss. Monica ingin mencubit Clinton =………………………………………………………..

Ibu Monica mengizinkan anaknya ke café. =………………………………………………

Ayah mertuanya menggoda Monica =………………………………………………………..

40. Temanku menabung (Save) uang di bank = My friend Has to save money in bank.

41. Temanmu belajar (Learn) Bahasa Inggris = Your friend is Going to lean English.

42. Bapak Roy menyeberang (Across) sendirian di jalan = Mr Roy Wants to accross at street alone.

43. Ibu Santi memasak (Cook) dengan anaknya didapur =……………………………………..

43. Paman mereparasi (Repair) mobilnya di garasi =……………………………………..

16. Nenek duduk di teras sendirian jam 5 sore =……………………………………..

17. Kakek bernyanyi di kamar mandi =……………………………………..

18. Manejerku mempromosikan (Promote) produksi baru =……………………………………..

19. Sopir mencuci (Wash) mobil di depan rumah =……………………………………..

20. Keponaan meniup (Blow) lilin di ruang tamu =…………………………………….

20. Anda meminjam mobil minggu depan. =

31. John mengirim oleh2. =

32. Dina mengoperasikan computer baru. =

33. Adikku bekerja di bengkel swasta. =

34. Tina dan Roy merayakan pesta tunangan. =

35. Yon menginvestasikan uang di bank. =

36. Aku bekerja-sama dgn perusahaan besok. =


7. The company = perusahaan itu =8. The Eagles = burung2 itu =9. The boxes = kota2 itu =10. Their partners = rekan2 merek. =11. Our customers = pelanggan2 kita =12. My son = anak laki2 saya. =13. Your daughter = anak perempuan. =14. His young sister = adik perempuan =15. Her pet = binatang pelihara =16. His tail = ekornya =17. Its tail = ekornya =18. A nice nepnew = keponakan laki2 =19. Mr. Bean = Nama orang =20. Some members = beberapa anggota =21. Several students= beberapa murid =22. That lady = wanita itu


Berlatih membentuk kalimat Golongan “Non Verbal” Dan tidak menggunakan kata kerja khusus.ingat! Non Verbal, Prediketnya tidak menggunakan Kata Kerja!.Non Verbal justru harus selalu menggunakan Are, Am, Is / TO BE.Dan yang perlu harus selalu anda ingat, bahwa apabila Kalimat Golongan Non Verbal, tidak menggunakan TO BE!, status Kalimat yang anda buat dipastikan kurang memenuhi syarat atau salah! Dan apabila kesalahan tidak diperhatikan / diabaikan, maka proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris menjadi tidak efektif, alias Program ingin bisa cepat lancar Percakapan, membutuhkan waktu relatif lebih lama!. Dan berkecendrungan tidak memperoleh hasil akhir pembelajaran yang diharapkan.

Contoh kalimat salah:

She happy = salah! = tidak ada IsHe in office = salah! = tidak ada IsThey students= salah! = tidak ada AreWe at home = salah! = tidak ada AreI well = salah! = tidak ada Am

Mengapa kalimat2 Golongan Non Verbal diatas salah?.Karena kurang To be / Tidak menggunakan ARE , AM, IS! Jadi yang benar adalah;

1. She is happy = dia bahagia2. He is in office = dia dikantor3. They are students= mereka murid24. We are at home = kita dirumah5. I am well = saya seha

Sekali lagi coba anda perhatikan contoh Kalimat Noun Verbal diatas!

N o n V e r b a l, Tidak menggunakan Kata Kerja!. Tetapi prediketnya menggunakan;

1. Kata Sifat = Happy = Bukan Kata Kerja!2. Kata Keterangan = In office = Bukan Kata Kerja!3. Kata Benda = Students = Bukan Kata Kerja!


4. Kata Ket. Tempat = At home = Bukan Kata Karja!5. Kata Sifat = Well = Bukan Kata Kerja!

Yang perlu harus selalu anda ingat adalah bahwa Non Verbal selalu ada di Delapan Tenses.Sedangkan Tenses / Waktu yang bentuknya sedang berlangsung / Continuous tense.

Contoh:She is in office = Noun Verbal.She is cooking = Bukan Noun Verbal atau Verbal, Tetapi Statusnya Present Continouse Tense,( karena mempunyai To Be dan Kata Kerja)

P R E S E N T T E N S E Formula / Rumus: ( NON VERBAL ).

(+) S + To be / Are Am Is + Adjective / Noun / Adverb (ANA)(-) S + To be / Are Am Is + ANA.(?) To be + S + ANA.

Contoh kalimat Non Verbal: (Prediket bukan Kata Kerja!)

1. I am happy = Saya bahagia2. She is a lecturer = Dia seorang Dosen3. We are in Bandung = Kita berada di Bandung4. They are students= Mereka Mahasiswa5. My friend is in = Temanku di dalam

Sekarang untuk pertama kali anda berlatih membuat Kalimat Golongan Noun Verbal-Ingat salalu menggu-nakan TO BE! ( ARE AM IS )

Catatan khusus;Untuk Pemula / Beginner dan atau kepada yang pernah kursus berkali2, tantangan kedepan adalah bagai-mana secara Flexible dapat membedakan mana yang Kata SifatDan mana yang Kata Kerja.Tujuannya semata untuk mempercepat penguasaan English Conversation.Syukur2 anda sebanyak-banyaknya hafal dengan Kosa Kata baru, baik itu Kata Sifat, Kata Kerja, Kata Benda dan Kata Keterangan, tentunya mem-bantu mempercepat penguasaan Percakapan. Terlebih lagi ketika anda telah mendapatkan “Momentum Pengertian / Pemahaman Materi Kunci -Tata Bahasa “, maka Penguasaan Percakapan menjadi lebih Reali-stis dan Pragmatis, sehingga hasil akhir Pembelajaran relatif lebih cepat.karena itu berlatihlah meskipun 5 menit dalam sehari yaitu membuat kalimat Golongan Verbal dan Non Verbal.Karena semakin cepat dapat membedakan satu diantara ke duanya, Maka Proses Pembelajaran untuk bisaberkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris, bisa terwujud, Semoga.!Sekarang anda mulai berlatih membuat kalimat Non Verbal! – Dengan santai tetapi fokus!.Tetapi jawab dahulu pertanyaan dibawah ini: Penjelasan Kalimat diatas adalah tentang golongan Kalimat? = Ya atau TidakMengapa disebut Non Verbal? =……………………………………..Non Verbal selalu menggunakan =……………………………………..

Apakah Non Verbal menggunakan / Prediket Verb / kata kerja = ya / tidak Ada berapa macam To be Non Verbal = 2 / 3 atau 4, sebutkan! =……………………………………..

Does she happy? = salah / benar

Do you in the room (betulkan!) =……………………………………..

Non Verbal adalah Prediketnya yang menggunakan selain-kata sifat, kata benda, kata keterangan dan Preposisi = benar / salah

Kalimat yang berprediket selain kata kerja adalah =……………………………………..


Do / is / does / your friend busy = (pilih yang benar!)

Selesai mengisi TOBE, ubahlah kalimat2 menjadi Kalimat Negatif / Interrogative dan baca dengansuara keluar / perlahan.Intonasi / nada, abaikan dahulu, ingat Tujuan awal supaya anda kenal dan akrab dengan Kalimat Verbal dan Non Verbal; dan jangan menganggap latihan tidak perlu. Ingat, Langkah awal kalimat sederhana untuk berkembang

Buatlah kalimat Non Verbal (+) ( Ingat! Noun Verbal, Prediket bukan Kata Kerja)

Kata sifat akhiran ED (Adjective + ED) + To + Verb 1 + Object

1. Interested = tertarik = They are interested to join y’s meeting.2. Pleased = gembira = We ………………………………3. Disappointed = kecewa = I ……………………………….4. Delighted = senang = You ………………………………5. Satisfied = puas = He ……………………………….6. Stimulated = bergairah = She ……………………………….7. Tired = lelah = My friend ……………………………….8. Damaged = rusak = Your friend ……………………………….9. Confused = bingung = Her Uncle ……………………………….10. Surprised = terkejut = His Father ……………………………….


Buatlah kalimat Non Verbal (Adjective murni) + To + Verb 1 + Object.

1. Small = kecil = The House is small To stay together.2. Tall = tinggi = The Building ……………………………….3. Old = tua = The Lions ……………………………….4. Young = muda = My Sister ……………………………….5. Wise = bijaksana = Your Grandma ……………………………….6. Smart = cerdik = That Cat ……………………………….7. Brave = berani = You ……………………………….8. Coward = pengecut = The Terrorism ……………………………….9. Busy = sibuk = I ……………………………….10. Strong = kuat = My Brother ……………………………….

Buatlah kalimat Non Verbal. (Adjective / kata sifat akhiran Ing)

1. Amazing = kagum = The Circus……………………………….2. Interesting = menarik = The Filling ……………………………….3. Wondering = aneh = The Dragon ……………………………….4. Boring = bosan = That Story ……………………………….5. Annoying = jengkel = The Mosquitoes ……………………………….6. Confusing = bingung = That Monkey ……………………………….7. Disgusting = muak = A Big Rat ……………………………….8. Surprising = terkejut = The news ……………………………….9. Tiring = lelah = The Travelli ……………………………….10. Exciting = senang = The Sport ….…………………………….

Buatlah kalimat Non Verbal. (Adjective + Preposition)

1. Afraid of = khawatir = They ……………………………….2. Ashamed of= malu = We ……………………………….3. Tolerant of = perhatian = I ……………………………….4. Capable of = cakap = You ……………………………….5. Brilliant of = pintar = He ……………………………….6. Married to = nikah = She ……………………………….7. Different from / to= beda = The Cat ……………………………….8. Keen on = bosan = My friend ……………………………….9. Famous for = terkenal = Your Friends ……………………………….10. Jealous of = cemburu = You and I ……………………………….


Gantilah kalimat diatas menjadi bentuk Pertanyaan.

Are they afraid of ghost?…………………………….…………………………….…………………………….…………………………….…………………………….…………………………….…………………………….…………………………….…………………………….

Buatlah kalimat Non Verbal. Adjective / Kata Sifat. ( Prefixes / awalan)

1. Unhappy = tidak bahagia =………………………………….2. Impossible = tidak mungkin =………………………………….3. Dismissed = tertinggal =………………………………….4. Misunderstood = salah pengertian= ………………………………….5. Humble = sederhana =………………………………….6. Inexpensive = tidak mahal =………………………………….7. Unbalanced= tidak seimbang =………………………………….8. Gentle = lemah lembut =………………………………….9. Premature = lebih awal =………………………………….10. Noble = mulia =………………………………….

Kemudian gantilah kalimat di atas dalam bentuk Pertanyaan.

Are you unhappy?………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….Buatlah kalimat Non Verbal. ( Ajective / Kata Sifat).

1. Acceptable = bisa diterima = your idea is acceptable.2. Unpredictable = tidak diprediksi = the gasoline …3. Visible = dilihat = that knowledge …4. Beneficial = menguntungkan = my business …5. Logical = nyata = those solutions …6. Radical = keras = the terrorism …7. Productive = hasil = the company …8. Dramatic = sendu = ……………….9. Creative = kreatif = ……………….10. Selective = pilihan = ……………….

Gantilah kalimat diatas menjadi bentuk pertanyaan!

Is your idea acceptable?………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….



Kemudian kalimat lainnya diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia!


Buatlah kalimat Non Verbal (Abstract Noun / kata benda abstrak)

1. Mission = misi = your mission is great …2. Fraction = fraksi = ……………….3. Beauty = kecantikan = ……………….4. Honesty = kejujuran = ……………….5. Weakness = kelemahan = ……………….6. Greediness = kerakusan = ……………….7. Business = kesibukan = ……………….8. Deviation = selingkuhan = ……………….9. Forgiveness = maaf = ……………….10. Disturbance = gangguan = ……………….

1. Happiness / Kebahagiaan = …………………………………………..2. Weakness / Kelemahan = …………………………………………..3. Difference / Perbedaan = …………………………………………..4. Wisdom / Kebijaksanaan= …………………………………………..5. Boredom / Kebosanan = …………………………………………..6. Protection / Perlindungan = …………………………………………..7. Womanhood / Keibuan = …………………………………………..8. Guidance / Bimbingan = …………………………………………..9. Deviation / Selingkuhan \= …………………………………………..10. Expectation / Harapan = …………………………………………..11. Freedom / Kebebasan = …………………………………………..12. Beauty / Kecantikan = …………………………………………..13. Agreement / Persetujuan = …………………………………………..14. Improvement / Peningkatan = …………………………………………..15. Slavery / Perbudakan = …………………………………………..16. Payment / Pembayaran= …………………………………………..17. Sensitivity / Kepekaan = …………………………………………..18. Childness / kekanak-kanakan = …………………………………………..19. Btrayal / penghianatan =…………………………………………..20. Thiefery / pencurian = …………………………………………..21. Greeanary / tumbuh2an hijau = …………………………………………..22. Occurance / kejadian = …………………………………………..23. Loyalty / kesetiaan =………………………………………..24. Humanism / perikemanusiaan=…………………………………………..25. Marriage / perkawinan =…………………………………………..26. Vandalism / merusak sifat =…………………………………………..27. Leakage / kebocoran atap =…………………………………………..28. Warmness / kehangatan = …………………………………………..29. Truth / kebenaran = …………………………………………..30. Strength / kekuatan = …………………………………………..31. Temperament / kemarahan = …………………………………………..32. Vacancy / lowongan = ………………………………………..33. Accuracy / ketelitian = …………………………………………..


34. Bitterness / kepahitan = …………………………………………..35. Powerfulness / kekuatan \= …………………………………………..36. Forgetfulness / kelupaan =37. Glory / kemulyaan =…………………………………………..38. Custom / kebiasaan =…………………………………………..39. Experience / pengalaman =…………………………………………..40. Excitement / kegairahan =…………………………………………..

Kemudian kalimat diatas diganti kalimat bertanya:

Is your mission brilliant?………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….

Semua Kalimat Noun Verbal yang ada selesaikan, adalah menggunakan Adjective beragam bentuk.Dan latihan dibawah ini masih mengenai Adjective, tatapi mengenai Fungsi adjective itu sendiri.

Fungsi ADJECTIV / KATA SIFAT Menerangkan Kata benda,misalnya;A small house = Small, menerangkan kata Benda, yaitu House.

Tambahkan dengan Kata benda di belakang Kata Sifat =Sehingga menjadi Phrase.Dan anda dapat menentukan sendiri apakah sebagai Subject atau Object untuk dijadikan Kalimat.( Gunakan Kamus), lihat contoh;

1. Different = beda = Different solution / Phrase = I have a different solution.(V).

2. Diligent = rajin = Diligent housemaid / Phrase = A diligent housemaid is mine. (NV)

3. Direct = langsung =……………………………………..

4. Dangerous= berbahaya =……………………………………..

5. Cheap = murah =……………………………………..

6. Correct = benar =……………………………………..

7. Constant = tetap =……………………………………..

8. Colorful = warna-warni=……………………………………..

9. Smart = pintar =……………………………………..

10. Careless= sembrono =……………………………………..

11. Careful = hati2 =……………………………………..

12. Bored = bosan =……………………………………..

13. Brief = singkat =……………………………………..

14. Brave = berani =……………………………………..


15. Beautiful= cantik =……………………………………..

16. Bad = buruk =……………………………………..

17. Attentive= seksama =……………………………………..

18. Fluent = lancar =……………………………………..

19. Glad = senang =……………………………………..

20. Full = penuh =……………………………………..

21. Intelligent= cerdas =……………………………………..

22. Important= penting =……………………………………..

23. Kind = ramah =……………………………………..

24. Loud = Keras =……………………………………..

25. Low= rendah =……………………………………..

ADJECTIVE = KATA SIFAT (Menerangkan Kata benda)

Tambahkan Kata benda di belakang Kata Sifat =Sehingga menjadi Phrase,Dan anda dapat menentukan sendiri, apakah sebagai Subject atau Object untuk dijadikan Kalimat.Setelah itu, Bacalah dengan suara perlahan!.

1. Wet = basah = A Wet street = The wet street is under the tree.

2. Fat = gemuk = A Fat cow = A fat cow drinks milk.

3. Thin = kurus =……………………………………..

4. Slim = langsing =……………………………………..

5. Nice = bagus =……………………………………..

6. Wise = bijak =……………………………………..

7. Brave = berani =……………………………………..

8. Large = luas =……………………………………..9. Pretty = cantik =……………………………………..

10. Greedy = rakus =……………………………………..

11. Cloudy = mendung =……………………………………..

12. Selfish = sombong =……………………………………..

13. Poor = miskin =……………………………………..

14. Deep = dalam =……………………………………..

15. Dove = lembut =……………………………………..

16. Savage = buas =……………………………………..

17. Wild = liar =……………………………………..

18. Handsome\= ganteng =……………………………………..

19. Noble = mulia =……………………………………..


20. Famous= terkenal =……………………………………..

21. Young = muda =……………………………………..

22. Heavy = berat =……………………………………..

23. Light = ringan =……………………………………..

24. Rich = kaya =……………………………………..

25. Single = sendirian =……………………………………..

ADJECTIVE = KATA SIFAT (Menerangkan Kata benda)Tambahkan Kata benda di belakang Kata Sifat =Sehingga menjadi sebuah Phrase.Dan Anda dapat menentukan sendiri, Apakah sebagai Subject atau Object, untuk dijadikan Kalimat.Setelah itu Bacalah dengan suara perlahan dan Terjemahkan!

1. Acceptable = dapat diterima = Your idea is acceptable.

2. Predictable = prediksi = Predictable price needs their calculation.

3. Visible = dapat dilihat = ……………………………………..

4. Beneficial = untung = ……………………………………..

5. Logical = wajar = ……………………………………..

6. Radical = keras hati = ……………………………………..

7. Productive = hasil = ……………………………………..

8. Dramatic = drama = ……………………………………..

9. Creative = kreatif = ……………………………………..

10. Selective = pilihan =……………………………………..

11. Brownish = kecoklatan = ……………………………………..

12. Yellowish = kekuningan = ……………………………………..

13. Bluish = kebiruan = ……………………………………..

14. Terrible = kesulitan = ……………………………………..

15. Suitable = cocok = ……………………………………..

16. Possible = mungkin = ……………………………………..

17. Spectacular= luar biasa = ……………………………………..

18. Fair = adil = ……………………………………..

19. Peculiar = aneh = ……………………………………..

20. Romantic = romantis = ……………………………………..

21. Common = biasa = ……………………………………..

22. Useful = berguna =……………………………………..

23. Shallow = dangkal = ……………………………………..


24. Fertile = subur =……………………………………..

25. Tight = ketat = ……………………………………..

Buatlah kalimat Non Verbal (Adverb of Place / Keterangan Tempat) Gunakan Are, Am, Is

1. At home = di rumah = they …2. In the room= di kamar = we …3. In the class room= di kelas = I …4. At hotel = di hotel = you …5. in the market = di pasar = he …6. In the restaurant= di restouran = she …7. In the kitchen = di dapur = Ria and Roy …8. In the yard = di teras depan = My friends …9. In bus station = di terminal bis = I …10. In train station= di stasiun kereta = I …

Kemudian tambahkan dengan “ Phrase ’ di bawah ini; (diacak / bebas memilih)

1. Alone = sendirian = You are at hotel alone2. With you = dengan anda = ……………………………………..3. Together with her / him / them = bersama dengan =……………………………………..4. With my friends = dengan teman2ku

=……………………………………..Sometimes with my husband /Grandma / Daughter / son. = kadang dengan …

=……………………………………..6. With my pet = dengan hewan kesayangan

=……………………………………..7. With another passengers = dengan penumpang lain

=……………………………………..8. A new friend = dengan teman baru

=……………………………………..9. An old friend = dengan teman lama

=……………………………………..10. (bebas mengarang) = ……………………. =……………………………………..

Kemudian kalimat diatas terjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia!………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….

Latihan membuat kalimat sendiri ( Non Verba l) ( Ingat! Gunakan To be) (Prediket salain kata kerja )

They …Me …I …4.You …He … She …The lion …Your friend …My Brother …His Uncle …

Kemudian ubahlah ke dalam bentuk kalimat (?) bertanya………………………………….



Sekarang terjemahkan kalimat di bawah ini:

1. We are not in the classroom =………………………………….2. Are you at home alone? =………………………………….3. Is she in campus alone? =………………………………….4. Am I in the kitchen? =………………………………….5. Are they in the yard? =………………………………….6. Are you in the free way? =………………………………….7. Is he with his Daughter? =………………………………….8. Is your cat funny? =………………………………….9. Is your uncle in Garage? =………………………………….10. Are your friends well today? =………………………………….

Setelah kita berlatih membuat kalimat baik Verbal atau Non Verbal,Sekarang anda akan bertambah lagi satu Partikel lain yang di sebut:

Adverb of Frequency / Keseringan.Jenisnya: Sometime – Always – Often – Never – Ever – Just, ect.Posisi Frequency adalah; diantara Subjek dan Prediket / VerbalPosisi Frequency adalah; diletakkan sesudah To be / Non Verbal.

Contoh:She always comes here on Friday / Verbal.He is often happy with his big bonus / Non Verbal.

Sekarang anda berlatih menambahkan Frequency / keseringan! (Golongan Verbal)

1. Sometimes/kadang2 = They come in office in time = They sometimes come in office in time 2. Always/selalu = We cook before at 9am. =………………………………….3. Often/sering = I replay the letter soon. =………………………………….4. Seldom/jarang = He debates with his in-law. =………………………………….5. Never/tdk pernah = She asks money much. =………………………………….6. Ever/pernah = Reni forgives her old friend. = ………………………………….7. Just/baru saja = The cat catches a mouse. =………………………………….8. Already/sudah = My friends arrive in my house. =………………………………….9. Usually/biasanya = Reni and Roy discuss their future.= ………………………………….Actually/sebenarnya = You and I cooperate our business.= ………………………………….

Kemudian kalimat2 yang sudah ditambahkan, Terjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia!Sekarang anda berlatih menambahkan Frequency / keseringan (Golongan Non Verbal)(Posisi Frequency di letakkan sesudah To be)

1. Sometimes = They are on time = They are sometime on time2. Always = We are patient =………………………………….3. Often = I am honest =………………………………….4. Seldom = He is satisfied =………………………………….5. Never = She is here before =………………………………….6. Ever = Reni is panic =………………………………….7. Just = Reni and Rano are there =………………………………….8. Already = My friend is at home =………………………………….9. Usually = My friends are talk-active =………………………………….10. Actually = The lion is savage =………………………………….


Kemudian kalimat yang sudah ditambahkan, Terjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia!


Buatlah kalimat Verbal dan Non Verbal.Dan terjemahkan / Baca dengan suara perlahan!

1. Each = setiap = … of Brothers has big money.

2. One / Ones = yang = He buys a book, … is very cheap.

3. Someone = seseorang = … Is in the room.

4. Somebody = seseorang =……………………………………..

5. Nothing = tidak ada apa2=……………………………………..Somewhere= suatu tempat=……………………………………..

7. Anyone = seseorang =……………………………………..

8. Anybody = seseorang =……………………………………..

9. Anything = sesuatu =……………………………………..

10. Anywhere = suatu tempat =……………………………………..

11. Everyone = setiap orang =……………………………………..

12. Everybody= setiap orang =……………………………………..

13. Everyday = setiap orang =……………………………………..

14. No one = tdk ada orang=……………………………………..

15. Nobody = tdk ada orang=……………………………………..

16. No where = tdk ada tempat=……………………………………..

17. Either = baik / maupun=……………………………………..

18. Neither = tidak satupun =……………………………………..

19. Another = yg lain/tunggal=……………………………………..

20. Others = yg lain/jamak =……………………………………..

21. The other = yg lain/tertentu=……………………………………..

22. The others = yg lain/tertentu=……………………………………..

23. Both of = keduanya =……………………………………..


24. Most of = kebanyakan =……………………………………..

25. All = semua =……………………………………..

Adverb of affirmation / Kata keterangan yang mempertegas Kalimat.

Letakkan kata Keterangan di bawah ini pada kalimat di sebelahnya!(Posisinya, bisa diawal dan ditengah kalimat. ( Verbal).(Posisi bisa diawal dan sesudah To be (Non Verbal)

1. Absolutely = mutlak = They absolutely send contribution here.

2. Surely = yakin = Surly, she comes here.

3. Apparently= kelihatannya =……………………………………..

4. Certainly = tentunya =……………………………………..

5. Clearly = dengan jelas =……………………………………..

6. Definitely = secara pasti =……………………………………..7. Entirely = keseluruhan =……………………………………..

8. Naturally = cara alami =……………………………………..

9. Obviously = dengan mutlak =……………………………………..

10. Of course = tentu saja =……………………………………..

11. Precisely = dengan tepat =……………………………………..

12. Presumably= agaknya =……………………………………..

13. Eventually = kebetulan =……………………………………..

14. Occasionally = kadang =……………………………………..

15. Fortunately = untungnya =……………………………………..

16. Unfortunately= sayangnya =……………………………………..

17. Originally = asli =……………………………………..

18. Secondly = yang ke dua =……………………………………..

19. Thirdly = yang ke tiga =……………………………………..

20. Possibly = kemungkinan =……………………………………..

21. Suddenly = tiba-tiba =……………………………………..

22. Usually = biasanya =……………………………………..

23. Naturally = cara alami =……………………………………..

24. Really = sungguh =……………………………………..

25. Perhaps = mungkin =……………………………………..

Tugas anda sekarang menyalin Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris ( Noun Verbal )

1. Mereka hati2 =……………………………………….2. Kita benar =……………………………………….


3. Aku agak ceroboh =……………………………………….4. Udara lembab =……………………………………….5. Pohon2 itu subur =……………………………………….6. Sungai itu dangkal =……………………………………….7. Sumur itu dalam =……………………………………….8. Awan mendung =……………………………………….9. Malang sejuk =……………………………………….10. Suatu yang tak mungkin =……………………………………….11. Barang2 itu berharga =……………………………………….12. Suaramu serak =……………………………………….13. Cerita2 itu usang =……………………………………….14. Rambutmu kusut =……………………………………….15. Kabar itu sangat berguna =……………………………………….16. Orang tua itu lemah =……………………………………….17. Anak meda itu kuat =……………………………………….18. Kucing2 itu sakit =……………………………………….Alasan itu betul sempurna=……………………………………….20. Gajimu itu lumayan =……………………………………….21. Dina teliti =……………………………………….22. Roy dan Rina romantis =……………………………………….23. Pikiran sempit =……………………………………….24. Anda menyenangkan =……………………………………….25. Aku sedikit kecewa =……………………………………….26. Kolam itu sangat indah=……………………………………….Alasan2 itu dapat diterima=……………………………………….28. Sifat mereka kekanak2an =……………………………………….29. Mereka2 keras kepala =……………………………………30. Kita adil =……………………………………….

Buatlah kalimat Non Verbal, Gunakan Adverb of Place / Keterangan Tempat ,Ingat To Be: Are, Am, Is

1. At home = di rumah = they …2. In the room = di kamar = we …3. In the class room = di kelas = I …4. At hotel = di hotel = you …5. in the market = di pasar = he …6. In the restaurant = di restouran = she …7. In the kitchen = di dapur = Ria and Roy …8. In the yard = di teras depan = My friends …9. In bus station = di terminal bis = I …10. In train station = di stasiun kereta= I …

Kemudian tambahkan dengan “ Phrase ’ di bawah ini; (diacak / bebas memilih)

1. Alone = sendirian = You are at hotel alone2. With you = dengan anda = ……………………………………..3. Together with her / him / them = bersama dengan =……………………………………..4. With my friends = dengan teman2ku

=……………………………………..Sometimes with my husband /Grandma / Daughter / son. = kadang dengan …

=……………………………………..6. With my pet = dengan hewan kesayangan

=……………………………………..7. With another passengers = dengan penumpang lain

=……………………………………..8. A new friend = dengan teman baru

=……………………………………..9. An old friend = dengan teman lama

=……………………………………..10. (bebas mengarang) = …………………….



Kemudian kalimat diatas terjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia!………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….

Latihan membuat kalimat sendiri ( Non Verba l) ( Ingat! Gunakan To be) (Prediket salain kata kerja )

They …Me …I …4.You …He … She …The lion …Your friend …My Brother …His Uncle …

Kemudian ubahlah ke dalam bentuk kalimat (?) bertanya………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….………………………………….

Sekarang terjemahkan kalimat di bawah ini:

1. We are not in the classroom =………………………………….2. Are you at home alone? =………………………………….3. Is she in campus alone? =………………………………….4. Am I in the kitchen? =………………………………….5. Are they in the yard? =………………………………….6. Are you in the free way? =………………………………….7. Is he with his Daughter? =………………………………….8. Is your cat funny? =………………………………….9. Is your uncle in Garage? =………………………………….10. Are your friends well today? =………………………………….

Setelah kita berlatih membuat kalimat baik Verbal atau Non Verbal,Sekarang anda akan bertambah lagi satu Partikel lain yang di sebut:

Adverb of Frequency / Keseringan.Jenisnya: Sometime – Always – Often – Never – Ever – Just, ect.Posisi Frequency adalah; diantara Subjek dan Prediket / VerbalPosisi Frequency adalah; diletakkan sesudah To be / Non Verbal.

Contoh:She always comes here on Friday / Verbal.He is often happy with his big bonus / Non Verbal.

Sekarang anda berlatih menambahkan Frequency / keseringan! (Golongan Verbal)

1. Sometimes/kadang2 = They come in office in time = They sometimes come in office in time


2. Always/selalu = We cook before at 9am. =………………………………….3. Often/sering = I replay the letter soon. =………………………………….4. Seldom/jarang = He debates with his in-law. =………………………………….5. Never/tdk pernah= She asks money much. =………………………………….6. Ever/pernah = Reni forgives her old friend. = ………………………………….7. Just/baru saja = The cat catches a mouse. =………………………………….8. Already/sudah = My friends arrive in my house. =………………………………….Usually/biasanya= Reni and Roy discuss their future.= ………………………………….Actually/sebenarnya = You and I cooperate our business.= ………………………………….

Kemudian kalimat2 yang sudah ditambahkan, Terjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia!Sekarang anda berlatih menambahkan Frequency / keseringan (Golongan Non Verbal)(Posisi Frequency di letakkan sesudah To be)

1. Sometimes= They are on time = They are sometime on time2. Always = We are patient =………………………………….3. Often = I am honest =………………………………….4. Seldom = He is satisfied =………………………………….5. Never = She is here before =………………………………….6. Ever = Reni is panic =………………………………….7. Just = Reni and Rano are there =………………………………….8. Already = My friend is at home =………………………………….9. Usually = My friends are talk-active =………………………………….10. Actually = The lion is savage =………………………………….

Kemudian kalimat yang sudah ditambahkan, Terjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia!


Verb I Verb II Verb III Arti

1. beat beat beaten memukul2. become became become menjadi3. begin began begun memulai4. bite bit bitten menggigit5. break broke broken mematahkan\megerem6. bring brought brought membawa7. build built built membangun8. buy bought bought membeli9. catch caught caught menangkap10. choose chose chosen memilih11. come came come datang12. clothe clothed cloted memakaipakaian13. cost cost cost menetapkan harga14. cut cut cut memotong15. dig dug dug menggali16. do did done berbuat/melakukan17. draw drew drawn menggambar/menghela18. dream dreamt dreamt bermimpi19. drink drank drunk minum20. eat ate eaten makan


21. fall fell fallen jatuh22. feed fed fed memberimakan23. feel felt felt merasa24. fight fought fought berkelahi25. find found found menemukan26. fly flew flown terbang27. forget forgot forgotten melupakan28. forgive forgave forgiven memaafkan29. get got got mendapat/menjadi30. give gave given memberi31. go went gone pergi32. grow grew grown tumbuh33. have/has had had mempunyai34. hear heard heard mendengar35. hide hid hid[den] menyembunyikan36. hit hit hit memukul37. hold held held memegang38. keep kept kept menjaga/menyimpan39. know knew known tahu/mengetahui40. lead led led memimpin41. lean leant leant bersandar42. leave left left meninggalkan43. lend lent lent meminjamkan44. lose lost lost kalah/kehilangan45. make made made membuat46. meet met met menjumpai/bertemu47. overcome overcame overcome mengatasi48. pay paid paid membayar49. put put put meletakkan/menaruh50. read read read membaca51. ride rode ridden menunggang52. ring rang rung mengelilingi53. rise rose risen terbit54. run ran run berlari55. saw sawed swan menggergaji56. say said said mengatakan57. see saw seen melihat58. seek sought sought mencari59. sell sold sold menjual60. send sent sent mengirimkan61. sew sewed sewn menjahit62. shake shook shaken menggoyangkan63. shut shut shut menutup64. sing sang sung menyanyi65. sink sank sunk tenggelam66. sit sat sat duduk67. smell smelt smelt berbau68. speak spoke spoken berbicara69. speed sped sped mempercepat70. spend spent spent membelanjakan71. spread spread spread membentangkan72. steal stole stolen mencuri73. strike struck struck memukul74. swear swore sworn bersumpah75. swim swam swum berenang76. tell told told memberitahukan77. teach taught tought mengajar78. think thought thought memikir/berpikir79. throw threw thrown membuang80. understand understood understood mengerti81. wake woke woke berjaga82. wear wore worn memakai83. withdraw withdrew withdrawn mencabut/menarik84. write wrote written menulis


Bab 7

Hingga di Bab ke 7 Anda telah membuat latihan-latihan kalimat Bahasa Inggris dalam bentuk :

Kalimat Pernyataan / Positif), Lambang (+).Kalimat Menyangkal / Negatif, Lambang (-)Kalimat Bertanya / Interrogatif, Lambang (?)

Saatnya anda berlatih membuat Kalimat Bertanya dalam bahasa Inggris Kalimat Ber-tanya / Pertanyaan yang sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris adalah;



a1. V E R B A L, Menggunakan DO atau DOESa2. N O U N V E R B A L, Menggunakan ARE, AM, IS.

a1. V E R B A L / Ya atau Tidak, Menggunakan DOES

1. Does He come here? Do the come here? Do You come there? Yes, He does. Yes, They do. Yes, I do.No, He does not No, They do not. No, I do not.

a2. NON VERBAL / Ya atau Tidak, Menggunakan To Be / Are-Am – Is.

1. Is He here? Are They Here? Are You here?


Yes,He is. Yes, They are. Yes, I am.No, He is not. No. They are not. Not I am not.

Catatan:Pada situasi Formal Menjawab bentuk Yes / No Question, harus singkat, misalnya;

Do you want to go with me?, Yes, I do (Benar) Do you want to go with me?, Yes, I want to go, (Salah)

No, I do not (Benar)No, I do not want to go (Salah)

Are you happy today?, Yes, I am. (Benar)Are you happy today?, Yes, I am happy. (Salah)

No, I am not.(Benar).No I am not happy. (Salah)

Informative question / Jawaban lengkap, S.P.O / K.Contoh :

Where Do you live?I live in Jakarta street , (Sub+Pred+Obj) (Benar)In Jakarta street, (Salah)

Berikut anda berlatih bagaimana menyusun Kalimat Bertanya dari Bahasa Indonesia ke dalam Bahasa Inggris, Bentuknya sama dengan ke Dua jenis Pertanyaan sebelumnya,yaitu:




a1. V E R B A L, Menggunakan DO atau DOES

a2. N O U N V E R B A L, Menggunakan ARE, AM, IS

Contoh: (Verbal) Does she come? = Apakah dia datang? Dia datangkah?Dia apakah datang? bahasa kurang umum. Datangkah dia?

Perhatikan contoh2 terjemahan bahasa Indonesia diatas, akhiran kata KAH, Berpindah pin-dah, tetapi sebetulnya hanya satu bentuk kalimat bertanya,Yaitu “ Does she come ?” (verbal / ada “Come” / kata kerja dan atau “Does” / kata Bantu ) .Mengapa does ?, Tidak meng-gunakan DO ?, Karena Subjeknya SHE / Orang ke 3 tunggal / DOES + She / He / It / My- friend / Your Friend / His Uncle / Her Boss / Hary’s wife / A Cat / Roy R.Mengapa Kalimat “Does She come “ tidak menggunakan To Be / Are, Is, Am ? ( Kata kerja Bantu), karena “Does She come” adalah golongan Kalimat Verbal, ada kata Kerjanya, Verb yaitu “ Come” dan Does, Sebagai Kata bantu.

Contoh lain / Latihan membuat Kalimat bertanya dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Apakah Rani merayu Manajernya ? = Does She peruade Her Bos?. Apakah Dimas menghitung uangnya? = Does He calculate His money ?.Apakah Paman mereparasi mobilnya? = Does He repair his car ?.Apakah Opa menasihati adik anda ? = Does………………………………Apakah Mr Doyok membangun rumahnya? = Does………………………………Apakah Sekretaris memeriksa surat2nya? = Does ……………………………..Apakah Walikota datang terlambat? = Does………………………………Apakah ibu anda pergi ke pasar? = Does………………………………Apakah Pelanggan memesan barangnya2? = Does……………………………….Apakah Roy membeli bunga pacarnya ? = Does………………………………Apakah Dina belajar Bahasa Inggris? = Does………………………………Apakah teman anda berenang hari ini? = Does………………………………Apakah paman mengirim uang? = Does………………………………


Apakah Mr Bean mengunjungi Indonesia? = Does………………………………Apakah Andini singgah di kantor? = Does………………………………Apakah tante anda masak sendiri? = Does ……………………………..Apakah bapak Marijan menolak bonusnya? = Does………………………………Apakah direktur mempromosikan produk? = Does………………………………20.Apakah Pelanggan memesan barang? =Does……………………………………

21.Verbs:Persuade-Calculate-Repair-Advice-Build-Check-Come-Go-Order-Buy- Learn-Swim-Send-Visit-Drop in-Cook-Reject-Promote.

Membuat kalimat bertanya : Indonesia ke English. (Does)Menterjemahkan : English ke Indonesia. (Apakah)

1. ……………………………………..? = Apakah Rima memanggang kue?

2. Does She send a letter………. ? = ………………………………………?

3………………………………………? = Apakah Rinto menggubah lagu?

4. Apakah Djanggo menembak..? = ………………………………………?

5. Does your friend stay here …? =………………………………............?

6…………………………………. ….? = Apakah Nimas menemaninya…..?

7. Does your Niece cut cakes … ? = ………………………………………..?

8. …………………………………… .? = Apakah Direktur mengetik surat?

9. Does Melly menyentuh him….? = ……………………………………….?

10. ………………………………. ….? = Apakah Intan berangkat sekarang?

11. ………………………………….. ? = Does Your Uncle fix his Radio…..?

12. Does He read novel………….? = …………………………………………?

13……………………………………..? = Apakah Ria mencintai Roy……….?

14. Apakah Dono merayu Atun....? = …………………………………………?

15. Does your friend stay there…? =……………………………….............?

16………………………………………? = Apakah Nia menjahit bajunya…..?

17. Does your Brother arrive….. ? = …………………………………………?

18. ……………………………………? = Apakah anda menerima surat…..?.

19. Does Mita wash her car………? = ………………………………………….?

20. ……………………………….. ….? = Apakah Indro menabung uangnya?

21. ………………………………........? = Apakah Rima membuat kue2…….?

22. Does She send a letter ……..? = ………………………………………....?

23……………………………………..? = Apakah Rinto menggubah lagu….?

24. Apakah Djanggo menakutkan? = ………………………………………….?

25. Does your friend come here..? =………………………………...............?

26………………………………………? = Apakah Nimas menemaninya……..?


27. Does your Niece make cakes.? = ………………………………………….?

28. …………………………………. …? = Apakah Direktur mengetik surat…?

29. Does Melly persuade him.. . ..? = …………………………………………..?

30. ………………………………. ……? = Apakah Intan berangkat sekarang.?

sekarang latihan menggunakan Kata Bantu DO, Subjectnya ; Orang Pertama ( I ) dan Plural atau lebih dari satu orang. ( They, We, You, Your Friends, You and Me, The Cats, Banks + DO)

“Do They discuss?” = Apakah mereka mendiskusikan? (Harfiah)Mendiskusikan kah mereka?Mereka apakah mendiskusikan?

Bahasa Inggrisnya hanya satu bentuk; DO THEY DISCUSS?, adalah Kalimat Golongan –Verbal / ada kata kerjanya, yaitu discuss dan Do, sebagai Kata bantu.. Jadi kesimpulan YES / NO QUESTION, golongan VERBAL (Present Simple Tense), Memiliki DUA (2) macam Kata Bantu yaitu DO dan DOES

Ingat!, Verbal selalu ada pilihan kata Bantu, Do / Does, Dan posisinya selalu di-awal kalimat Bertanya.

Latihan membuat Kalimat Bertanya / Menggunakan DO ( Verbal ).

Gantilah kedalam Bahasa Inggris!

Apakah mereka merokok? = Do…………………………………….Apakah saya berangkat sekarang? = Do…………………………………….Apakah kita menandatangani surat? = Do…………………………………….Apakah teman2 anda berkunjung ke sini?= Do…………………………………….Apakah Anda mengajar Bhs Inggris? = Do ……………………………………Apakah Ria & Roi menari di rumah? = Do…………………………………….Apakah kucing2 itu menaiki pohon? = Do ……………………………………Apakah pabrik memproduksi mainan? = Do…………………………………….Apakah paman & Tante memasak? = Do……………………………………10.Apakah Ria & Teman2 menemani Omanya= Do……………………………………


1. DO They run fast? =Apakah mereka berlari dgn cepat2. DO You like cassava? =……………………………………………..3. DO We arrive on time? =…………………………………………….4. DO your Friends come? =…………………………………………….5. DO your Friends call you? =…………………………………………….6. DO we agree about alone? =…………………………………………….7. DO Ria and Roy swim ? =…………………………………………….8. DO they help Refugees? =……………………………………………9. DO cats drink milk? =……………………………………………..10.DO Brothers discuss? =…………………………………………….

Verbs: Run- Like- Arrive- Come- Call- Agree- Swim Help- Drink- Discuss.


Saatnya anda berlatih membuat Kalimat Bertanya Dari Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris dan masih dalam bentuk Kalimat Golongan VERBAL yang Menggunakan Kata Bantu DO atau DOES.Dan Sekarang Gantilah ke dalam Bahasa Inggris!

1. Mereka apakah membayar pajak 1Xsetahun? (Pay, Tax, One time a year ).……………………………………………………………………………………………..2. Apakah Kita merawat tanaman2 kita setiap hari? (Take care, Plants,)……………………………………………………………………………………………….3. Melamunkah saya sebelum menjemput mertuaku? (Dream, pick up,inlaw)……………………………………………………………………………………………..5. Mrs Mellani apakah menandatangani surat kerjasama? (sign,agreement)………………………………………………………………………………………………….6. Apakah Mr Bologna mempromosikan produksinya? ( promote.production)………………………………………………………………………………………………..7. Dosen anda apakah memberi kuliah umum hari ini? (Lecturer, lecture,general)………………………………………………………………………………………………..8. Sekretaris itu apakah mengoperasikan computer? (operate,secretary)……………………………………………………………………………………………….10. Walikota apakah mengumumkan bebas merokok? (announce,free smoking)…………………………………………………………………………………………….11. Peramal2 itu apakah memperkirakan masa depan ? (forecaster, estimate,fut)…………………………………………………………………………………………………….12. Apakah Mr Marijan menolak turun dari bukit? (reject to get dawn,Hill)…………………………………………………………………………………………………13. Manajer anda apakah berangkat ke luar kota sekarang? ( leave,out of city)………………………………………………………………………………………………….14. Perawat itu apakah dgn ramah melayani pasiennya? (take care,nurse,friendly)………………………………………………………………………………………………..15.Apakah Polisi2 mengatur dipertigaan itu? (regulate,intersection,traffict)……………………………………………………………………………………………..16. Apakah Pedagang kaki lima itu mengeluh? (Vendors, Complain) ………………………………………………………………………………………….17. Apakah Mr Marijan membangun rumah baru? (Build, new house)………………………………………………………………………………………….18. Apakah Perawat2 membersihkan peralatan? (Nurse. Clean)……………………………………………………………………………………………..19. Apakah Pilot memeriksa mengingatkan penumpang? (Remaind,Passengers) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….20.Apakah Dokters menulis resep ke pasien itu? (write, Prescription)…………………………………………………………………………………..Apakah………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………

Apakah………………………………………………… ……………………………………….……………

Apakah………………………………………………… ………………………………………….…………..Kemudia anda berlatih membuat Kalimat yang Prdiket nya Selain Kata Kerja, melainkan Kata Sifat, Kata Benda, Kata Keterangan, Yaitu:

a2.N O U N V E R B A L, Menggunakan Kata kerja Bantu TO BE : ARE, AM, IS dalam bentuk, Yes / No QUESTION, Contoh: Is she Happy? = Apakah dia bahagia?

Dia bahagiakah?Dia apakah bahagia? Bahagiakah dia?

Perhatikan pada contoh diatas kata akhiran KAH nya berpindah pindah, tetapi sebe-tulnya hanya satu bentuk kalimat bertanya, Is she happy?Mengapa Is, Tidak Are / Am?, Karena Subjectnya She / Orang Ketiga Tunggal/ He, She, It, My friend, Roy, Ria + Is )


Ingat! Yes / No Question selalu menggunakan akhiran kah. Mengapa tidak menggunakan Do / Does?, Karena Golongan Noun Verbal. (Prediketnya selain kata kerja)

Latihan mebuat kalimat Bertanya, Kata Kerja Bantu IS, Are, Am.

1. Apakah Roy di Bandung hari ini? = Is Roy in Bandung today?2. Apakah Mereka jujur? = Are they honest.?3. Apakah teman2 anda Karyawan? = Are your friends Employees?4. Apakah Mereka di luar kota? =……………………………………………….5. Apakah Mr. Bean Pelawak ? =……………………………………………….6. Apakah Saya Pucat hari ini? =……………………………………………….7. Apakah Kita marah dgn mereka? =……………………………………………….8. Apakah bapak Marijan kecewa? =……………………………………………….9. Apakah ibu anda di pasar sendiri? =……………………………………………….10. Apakah direkturs bijaksana? =………………………………………………1. Apakah Rinna didapur ? =………………………………………………..2. Apakah Cewek2 itu Langsing? =………………………………………………..3. Apakah teman2 anda pintar? =……………………………………………….4. Apakah paman sendirian disana? =………………………………………………6. Apakah Anton rajin hari ini? =……………………………………………….7. Apakah tante anda cerewet? =……………………………………………….8. Apakah Adik anda Direktur? =……………………………………………….9. Apakah Kantor cabang2 anda jauh? =……………………………………………….10. Apakah Pelanggans anda puas? =………………………………………………

Vocabularies: Beautiful – Well - In out of city – Comedian – In Campus – Angry – Disappointed – In The Market Alone – Wise – In The Kitchen – Slim-Smart – There Alone – Pussy – Director – your house ,far – Satisfied.

Membuat kalimat bertanya : Indonesia ke EnglishMenterjemahkan : English ke Indonesia.

1. ……………………………………...? = Apakah Bimo Mahasiswa……? (A Student)

2. Are you well………………….? = …………………………………………….? (sehat)

3………………………………………..? = Apakah Ria rajin…………………? (deligent)

4. Apakah Dono lucu………..? = ………………………………...............? (cute)

5. ……………………………………...? = Is Your friend Intellgent………? (pintar)

6…………………………………….. ..? = Apakah anda bingung………..? (confused)

7. Are Your Sisters at home? = …………………………………………….? (dirumah)

8. …………………………………… ..? = Apakah anda dikantor………..? (In office)

9. Is Mita a Doctor……………..? = …………………………………………….? (dokter)

10. …………………………………….? = Apakah kita puas………………..? (satisfied)

11. Apakah Kue ini enak…..? = …………………………………………….? (delicious)

12. Are they in Office………..? =……………………………………………..? (dikantor)

13. …………………………………….? = Apakah Nia kangen……………..? ( missed))

14. Is your Manager Wise….? = …………………………………………….? (Bijaksana)


15. …………………………………….? = Are you really disappointed.? (kecewa)

16. …………………………………….? = Is Your friend Brave……………? (berani)

17……………………………………. ..? = Apakah saya pucat……………..? (pale)

18. Are Your Aunt in Plaza? = …………………………………………….? (di Plaza)

19 ………………………………………? = Apakah anda sendirian………? (alone)

20. Is Mita a Manager………? = …………………………………………….? (manajer)

21. …………………………………….? = Apakah anda heran…….……..? (wondered

22. Apakah buah itu masam? = …………………………………………….? (sour)

23. Are We lost………..…………? =…………………………………………….,? (Tersesat)

24. ……………………………………..? = Apakah teman anda di Solo..? (in Solo)

25. Is your Manager temper….? = …………………………………………….? (pemarah)


( They, We,You, Your Friends, You and Me, The Cats, Banks + ARE)

Are they in office? = Apakah mereka di kantor? (Harafiah)Dia apakah di kantor?Di kantorkah mereka?Diakah di Kantor?

Bahasa Inggrisnya hanya satu bentuk yaitu : ARE THEY IN OFFICE? = Noun Verbal / tidak ada kata kerja.Mengapa Are, tidak Is / Am, karena subjectnya They, We, You / Plural / Jamak.Jadi kesimpulan YES / NO QUESTION (NOUN VERBAL)., ada TIGA (3) macam To Be ; Are, Am, Is ( Kata kerja Bantu).

Ingat, Noun Verbal PREDIKET NYA selalu Menggunakan Selain Kata Kerja, Yaitu ;Kata Sifat.Kata Benda, Kata Keterangan dan Selalu mempunyai Tiga (3) pilihan TO Be ;Are, Am, Is, dan posisinya selalu diawal kalimat Bertanya.

Latihan: Y es / No Question = Noun Verbal : Are, Am, Is.

Terjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia!

1. Is She At Home? = Apakah dia di rumah?2. Are you well a today? =………………………………….3. Am I Pale? =………………………………….4. Is your friend here? =………………………………….5. Is your friend wise? =………………………………….6. Are we satisfied? =………………………………….7. Is Ria Alone? =………………………………….8. Are they Refugees? =…………………………………. (pengungsi)9.Am I a good looking? =…………………………………. (ganteng)10.Are Brother and Sister there? =………………………………….

Ganti Kalimat 2 dibawah ini ke dalam Bahasa Inggris! (ingat TO BE)

11. Apakah mereka kecewa? = Are they disappointed?12. Apakah saya dingin? =……………………………………13. Apakah kita bangga? =……………………………………14. Apakah teman2 anda marah? =……………………………………15. Apakah bapak Eka sabar? =…………………………………….


16. Apakah ibu Ria sabar di rumah? =…………………………………….17. Apakah kucing itu liar? =……………………………………18. Apakah mesin ini berkualitas? =……………………………………19. Apakah paman anda di garasi? =……………………………………20. Apakah mobil Ria baru? =………………………Berlatih membuat Kalimat Non Verbal + To Verb ( Prediket ke Dua ( Verb) Diabaikan)Misalnya ; Mereka Bahagia menerima Bonus besar? = Non Verbal

Adjective Verb ObjectYou Are happy to receive big bonus = Tetap Kalimat Non Verbal

Mereka kecewa menerima bonus kecil (Disappointed,receve,bonus)…………………………………………………………………………..Kita bosan mendiskusikan masalah korupsi (Bored,discuss,corruption)………………………………………………………………………….Anda kangen menemui teman lama (missed,meet,old friend)………………………………………………………………………….Saya pantas memakai topi baru ini (suitable,wear,Hat)…………………………………………………………………………Aku senang menyanyikan lagu2 lama disetiap waktu. (glad, sing old song)…………………………………………………………………………………………Ria dan Roy tertarik belajar Bahasa asing. (interested,study,foreign)………………………………………………………………………………………. Teman2 saya kecewa mendengar bensin mahal. (disappointed,hear,expensive gasone)……………………………………………………………………………………….Roy ngantuk mendengarkan pidato calon mertuanya. (Sleepy,speech,inlaw candidate)………………………………………………………………………………………..Anda pusing memikirkan jalan keluarnya. (Dizzy,think,way out)……………………………………………………………………………………….Ria egois menolak memberikan informasi baru. (selfish,reject,give,new information)………………………………………………………………………………………..Dono penakut menghadapi kenyataan. (coward,face,fact)…………………………………………………………………………………………Rini dan adiknya cantik menari di panggung. (Pretty,dance,thestage)………………………………………………………………………………………..Aku malas membersihkan mobil setiap hari. (lazy,clean,car)………………………………………………………………………………………Nia terkejut mendengar pacarnya sakit. (surprise,hear,her Girl friend,sick)……………………………………………………………………………………Kucing lucu itu menangkap ekornya sendiri. (funny,catch,its tail)……………………………………………………………………………………..Manajer anda sabar menjelaskan produksi2 baru. (patient,explain,new production)………………………………………………………………………………………..Anak muda itu yakin melamar pekerjaan barunya. (young boy,sure,apply,new job)………………………………………………………………………………………Barang2 itu antic memiliki nilai sejarah. (things,antique,have,nice story)……………………………………………………………………………………Anda tergesa-gesa menyambut calon mertua. (hurried,welcome,inlaw candidate,)…………………………………………………………………………………..Bos anda bijaksana mengatur jadwal kerja.

(employer,wise,arrange,schedule)…………………………………………………………………………………..Kue2 itu lezat mempunyai vitamin. (Cakes,delicious,vitamin)………………………………………………………………………………..Anak2 sangat gembira bermain kelereng. (children,glad,marbles)………………………………………………………………………………….


Sekretaris kecewa mendengar keluhan kantor cabang. (secretary,branch Office’s complain)………………………………………………………………………………………………..Anak anda gemuk konsumsi STMJ setiap hari.


Jawablah dengan Kalimat lengkap S.P.O.K. (setelah Because………………………….)Are you lazy to wash your car everyday?.Yes I am, Because I do not have time ……………………………………………………Are Miss Rina and her Sister pretty to dance on the Stage?.Yes I am, Because………………………………………………………………………………………….Is Mr Dono caward to face the reak life?.Yes I am , Because………………..…………………………………………………………………….Is Miss Ria selfish to refuse to give new information?.Yes I am , Because…………… ………………………………………………………………………….Are you Headache to find your solution?.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Is Roy sleepness to hear his Mother inlaw’s words?.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Are Ria and Roy interested to learn English?…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Are they disappointed to hear expensive gasoline?.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Are you delighted to sing an old song everytime?.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Am I good looking to wear this new hat?.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Are you missed to meet your old frieds?.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Are we bored to discuss corruption ?.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Are you satidfied to accept big bonus?.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Are those children glad to play marbers?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Is the Secretay disappointed to hear Branch Office’s complain?…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Is your Son fat to consume STMJ everyday?…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Are these Cakes delicious to have vitamin?…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Is your Boss wise to arrange job schedules?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Are you hurried to welcome your Inlaw candidat?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Is that Cat funny to have a short tail?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Is Your Manager patient to explain new production.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Are these Things unique to have a nice story?.

Mulai dari Halaman ini, dan seterusnya anda berlatih (pertama kali) membuat Kalimat Golongan VERBAL dan NON VERBAL Dari Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris dan Anda BEBAS menggunakan Prediket ; KATA KERJA / Kata SIFAT / Kata BENDA / Kata KETERANGAN.

Kita benar menabung uang setiap Sabtu……………………………………………………………………………..Aku agak ceroboh mebeli peralatan2ini…………………………………………………………………………….Udara lembab dan tidak cocok untuk beristirahat disini.……………………………………………………………………………………………………..Pohon – pohon itu subur untuk di jadikan obat tardisional. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Sungai itu dangkal untuk dijadikan fasilitas speed boat. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Sumur itu terlalu dalam untuk dibersihka, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………Awan mendung menyebabkan setiap orang membawa paying.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Malang sejuk sehingga banyak penduduk luar kota pindah kesini.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Suatu yang tak mungkin untuk diterapkan secepatnya………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Barang2 itu berharga dan pantas untuk di berikan kepada Pengungsi ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Suaramu serak maka kamu tidak ikut berdiskusi bahan pokok.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Cerita – cerita itu usang unutk di ceritakan kepada kami.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Rambu2 itu penting untuk di patuhi masyarakat.…………………………………………………………………………………………Kabar itu sangat berguna untuk di informasikan kepada tetangga. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Orang tua itu lemah berdiri mengambil sebatang rokok.………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Anak muda itu kuat medorong mobil calon mertua sendirian.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Kucing – kucing itu sakit sehingga Pemiliknya sibuk mencari obat.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Alasan2 itu betul2 sempurna membuat kami merasa puas.……………………………………………………………………………………………………….Gajimu itu lumayan untuk disimpan untuk masa depan.…………………………………………………………………………………………………….Dina teliti memilih warna baju untuk pacarnya.…………………………………………………………………………………..Roy dan Rina romantis ketika mereka menyambut calon2 mertuanya. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Ketulusan membuat satu gagasan menjadi tepat sasaran..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Anda menyenangkan membuat kami tertarik untuk ikut arisan. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Aku sedikit kecewa menerima pembagian keuntungan bulan ini.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Kolam itu sangat indah menyebabkan pengunjung datang kesana.……………………………………………………………Alasan2 itu dapat diterima untuk diumumkan kepada Karyawan2.…………………………………………………………………………Sifat mereka kekanak2an dalam mengambil keputusan penting.……………………………………………………………………….Mereka keras kepala membuat Manager2 itu tidak sabar. …………………………………………………………………………Pada Halaman ini dan seterusnya anda berlatih (pertama kali) Melengkapi Kalimat Golongan VERBAL dan NON VERBAL.LENGKAPILAH Kalimat2 di bawah ini dengan KATA KERJA DAN BUKAN KATA KERJA.Dan BEBAS MENGGUNAKAN Prediket; KATA KERJA / Kata SIFAT / Kata BENDA / Kata Keterangan.

Does she happy /come?Are they in hurriedly / visit here?Is your friend at home / buy it?Do you want to ……………….She does not have to ……………….Are we ……………….Rita wants to ……………….Mia doesn’t ……………….Roy is no ……………….Does your Manager ……………….Those lions are ……………….Do you want to ……………….


Are they ……………….Does your mother ……………….Are you going to ……………….Rian and Rinda do not ……………….She does not ……………….The buildings are ……………….We are not ……………….Does your friend ……………….Are those flowers ……………….Do your Secretaries ……………….Does the cat eat ……………….Is Mr. Marijan ……………….Are you ……………….Do they ……………….Is that cake ……………….Do Mia and Roy ……………….Is your in law candidate sometimes………………………….Does your partner often………………………….Are these companies really………………………….Do these new equipment………………………….They usually to do…………………………. We are always………………………….I am just………………………….You are never………………………….He does not want be………………………….She is never………………………….That Lion is never………………………….Are these pet often………………………….My Manager never………………………….That man actually want to be………………………….One of those refugees does not………………………….Do they seldom………………………….Is your Sister always…………………….

Lingkari Kata Bantu yang sesuai dengan Subjek / Prediket atau dgn/ tanpa ES / S!

Does / Is she at home on Sunday?

Does / Do your friends comes today?

They / He Does not stays / stay at home

Do / Does he watch tv with His Family?

We watch / watches a triller film every Sunday eveing.

Is / Does Your Uncle confident to come a meeting?.

Are / Do you want to go with me to welcome Inlaw?

We Do / Are not agree with you to sign a new document.

Do / are you have to send letter with your old Customers?

She Have / Has to accompany her Mom to Hospital.

We Do / Are not going to see our horror film.

She Has / Have some Notes to check agai and again..

Are / Do they in Refugees’s Camps to distribute the food?

Hery is / does not in his Campus to join a meeting.

She does not Have / Has much / many money.


She Want / wants to promote her new productions.

Does she to play / play badminton well?

Do you Come / Comes to my house to decorate a place?

Is / Does She in her my friend’s office to discuss it?.

She Is / Does not going to go to her Home town soon.

He / I does not learn to master English grammer forever..

I don’t want to be walk / there late to accompany her .

She does not Want to Plays / play piano with her Boy friend well.

Does /Are their customers come here to ask something?

Does / is / are your Brothers in out of city to stay there .

She does not washes / Wash her / his dress by hers

Bab 8

INFORMATIVE QUESTION ( IQ ),Adalah jenis ke Dua bentuk Kalimat Bertanya yang selalu menggunakan INTERROGATIVE PRONOUN ( Where,What,When,Who,How,,,dlsb) yang posisinyaselalu diawal kalimat Bertanya..


Where do you like? (Verbal)

What time do you leave? ( Verbal)

Why are you here? ( Non Verbal)

Since when is he in Jakarta? ( Non Verbal)

What for Do you study English?

I study English to get a better future ( Jawaban lengkap = BENAR).

Yes I do, ( Jawaban Singkat = SALAH)

Terjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia!

Where am I? =

How do you come here? =

How much is I =

How many books do you buy? =

How many does he come? =

Catatan I. IQ juga berlaku / di gunakan di semua Tenses Verbal dan Noun Verbal.

Catatan II Menterjemahkan IQ tidak menggunakan akhiran kata KAH, tetapi hanya;


Mengapa……………Kapan…………………Di mana……………..Jam berapa……….Untuk apa………..

(IQ tidak menggunakan KAH, Sedangkan Y/N Menggunakan akhiran Kata KAH, Tujuan-Ini agar anda dapat membedakan kedua Jenis Kalimat bertanya tersebut dengan mudah)

Sekarang anda membuat kalimat dari Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris, yaitu;IQ / Informative Question (Verbal dan Noun Verbal)

IQ = V (Indonesia to English)

Mengapa anda belajar Bahasa Inggris? (Study)Why Do…..………………………………………………..

Untuk apa mereka membayar pajak? (Pay,Taxes)What for…………………………………………………..

Dimana anda membeli computer? (Buy,Computer)Where……………………………………………………….

Jam berapa Ria berangkat? (Leave)What time…………………………………………………

Sejak kapan anda tinggal di Kota? (Stay,InTheCity)Since when……..………………………………………

Berapa harganya anda membeli Komputer? (buy,Computer)How much………………………………………………………………

Berapa lama mereka berdiskusi? (discuss)How long…………………………………………….

Hari apa Herry mulai menulis skripsi? (write,paper)What day…………………………………………………

Bagaimana anak itu memanjat pohon? (Kid,climb.tree)How…………………………………………………………..

Dengan siapa Niana berangkat keluar kota? (leave,,out of city)With whom……………………………….

IQ = NV ( Indonea to English )

Mengapa anda kecewa? (Disappointed)………………………………………………….Hari apa mereka di luar kota? (In out of city)

………………………………………………………..Sejak kapan kita puas? (Sat)ified

……………………………………………………….Untuk apa anda di sini? (Here)

……………………………………………………….Hari apa Dono ke kantor? (In theOffice)

…………………………………….Berapa lama anda disana? (there)…………………………………………………..Siapa didalam kamar? (In the room)…………………………………………………..Mengapa anak itu sedih?. (sad)…………………………………………………..Mana yang berkualitasini atau itu? (quality,here or there)……………………………………………………………………..10.Dimana Manager anda hari ini (Manager)


Berlatih membiasakan menyusun Kalimat Bertanya Jenis IQ ( Informative Qestion)(Gabungan Verbal & Non Verbal)

Change into English Sentences first!

Dari mana Pasiens itu menerima resep obatnya? ( patients, accept, prescription)?………………………………………………………………………………………………………Brapa kali anda mengunjungi ke Bali? (visit)………………………………………………………………………………Untuk apa mereka ingin menandatangani surat2 penting itu? ( sign, documents)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Siapa yang harus berada disana sebelumnya? (there, before)……………………………………………………………………………………………..Jam berapa anda tiba disana? arrive)…………………………………………………………………..Mengapa peralatan2 itu rusak? (equipments, damage)…………………………………………………………………..Sejak kapan mereka mau membantu pengungsi? (Refugees,Contribute)…………………………………………………………………………………………………..Jam berapa anda mau kesini? (here) ………………………………………………………………..Mengapa Rina harus menemani manajernya? (accompany, Manager)…………………………………………………………………………………………….Kapan paman anda mau mentransfer uang anda? (transfere)…………………………………………………………………………………………………..Mengapa anda ingin menjadi orang terkenal? ( famouse person)………………………………………………………………………………………………..Hari apa dia harus berada disana menemui mereka? (there, meet)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Apa yang harus anda lakukan jika anda berada disana? (do,if)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Siapa yang ingin mentraktir saya hari ini? (treat)……………………………………………………………………………………….Untuk apa anda ingin membeli gaun itu? (buy,dress)……………………………………………………………………………………….. Kapan aku harus memindahkan mobil itu kegarasi? (drive, garage)………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Berapa kali anak itu mau minum obat dari dokter? (prescript medicines)

Jam berapa anda berangkat ke kantor? (leave)…………………………………………………………………..Mengapa dokter2 itu meninggalkan pasiennya? (leave,patient)…………………………………………………………………..Sejak hari apa kebakaran besar di sana? (big fire,there)…………………………………………………………………………………………………..Dengan siapa adik anda mendaftarkan menjadi pilot? (register.Pilot,sister) ………………………………………………………………..Mengapa manajer2 itu mempromosikan ke luar provinsi? (promote, out of privincy)…………………………………………………………………………………………….

IQ = Verbal dan Noun Verbal / Bebas,Pilih Kata Bantunya dan lengkapi dengan Subject, Predikat dan Object

1. Since when Does / Is She stay in tha place? ( Verba0)2. What day Are / Am You in office? ( Non Verbal)

Sekarang anda teruskan!3. Which one Is / Does you car have a nice body?.4. How Are / Do your Grandmas in the Garden?5. Why Does / Are……………………………...6. Where Are / Am……………………………….7. What for Do / Is…………………………………8. Whit Whom Is / Do………………………………….9. To Whom Are / Does………………………………10. What month Does / Do……………………………..


11. What Is / Am………………………………..12. When Are / Does……………………………13. What things Does / Is……………………………….14. What season Are / Do………………………………..15. How many time Do / Am………………………………..16. How much Is / Are…………………………………17. How Does / Am………………………………18. What things Do / Does……………………………….19. By what Does / Do……………………………….20. How nice Do / Does………………………………..21. Which one Is / Does………………………………..22. How Are / Do………………………………..23. Why Does / Are……………………………...24. Where Are / Am……………………………….25. What for Do / Is………………………………26. Whit Whom Is / Do………………………………….27. To Whom Are / Does………………………………28. What month Does / Do……………………………..29. What Is / Am………………………………..30. When Are / Does……………………………31. What things Does / Is……………………………….32. What season Are / Do………………………………..33. How many time Do / Am………………………………..34. How much Is / Are…………………………………35. How Does / Am………………………………36. What things Do / Does……………………………….37. By what Does / Do……………………………….38. How nice Do / Does………………………………..39. What season Are / Do………………………………..40. How many time Do / Am………………………………..41. How much Is / Are…………………………………42. How Does / Am………………………………43. What season Are / Do………………………………..44. How many time Do / Am………………………………..45. How much Is / Are…………………………………

Asal – usul IQ (Informative Question)DOES SHE COME LATE = Y / N ( apakah dia datang terlambat )Jika diganti dengan jenis IQ, maka hanya menambahkan Interrogative Pronoun sebelum


Do / Does, Am, Is, Are!

Mengapa dia datang terlambat?WHY does She come late? Hanya meletakkan “ WHY “ di awal kalimat bertanya,

Contoh yang lain:

Is she happy? ( Y / N )Why is she happy? ( IQ )

Are they at home? ( Y / N )Since when are they at Home? ( IQ )

Do you like fruits?What kind of fruit, do you like?

Does he study English?What for does he Study English?

Am I pale?Why Am I pale?

Several employees sign a new agreement to apply to their manager3 2 1

To when do they sign agreement to apply?(+)

What do they sign to them manager?(+)

Who sign a new agreement?(+)

What time do they?(+)

Where do they(+)




A lot of football spectators sometimes make disturbing of cars in main street5 4 3 2 1

Where do(+)

What do?(+)

How do(+)

What do?(+)

Who make(+)


Are you cars luxury?(+)

Where is main street?(+)

How do they make to the cars?(+)

Are all the spectators from your home(+)


An accident happens in free way to have several injured worst 3 2 1

How many injured passengers does(+)

Where does(+)

What happens in freeway to have several injured worst?(+)

What does in freeway happen?(+)

How many victims does an accident happen?(+)

Are several injured really worst?(+)

Is the freeway far from here(+)

What makes an accident in freeway? (+).Sekarang anda hanya membaca kalimat2 dibawah ini dengan suara perlahan!!

By what do your friends jump over a until rider?They jump over the river by bamboo.

What day does your father in law get out from hotel?We go out before Sunday.

Do you often walk around in your yard in the morning?Yes, I do How long do you ………….

What time does Miss Luna come out from her campus.She comes out …………..

How do we walk down from that We walk down by running fast.

With whom does your Grandma Across in that cross road?She accrosses carefully

Does Mrs Ria some times stay in office alone?

How do I tie up my shoes?


How many day do they stay at that building?They want to stay for two days.

Since when are you and your partner not going to cooperate anymore?

Base of what does Wina not agree about it?

How nice do their Employees feel satisfied?

Why do Rida and her friend is going to marry soon?

What reason will she not come here tomorrow?

Why do they not come in party?

How many students are going to check in?

How long does Mr. Roy want to spend in Bromo Mountain

Do all customers receive old production?

Why does Nina have to burn several new letters?

What reason do many people have to drive fast?

Until when is your friend going to study in USA?

Since when do not they come in time.

Until when does she have classic cases in the Court?

Base of what does he have to send the news to her girl friend.

With whom do we clean on Friday.Mereka hati - hati

1. Watching TV alone = Watching TV with my parents

2. Painting a scenery = Painting a Bromo mountain

3. Cleaning your room = Cleaning my private car

4. Playing game on computer = Calculating my budged

5. Thanking your Girl / Boy = Thinking my in law candidate

6. Dreaming your future = Dreaming my old memory

7. Drawing an animal = Drawing a big house

8. Driving her new car = Driving her old car

9. Riding his motorcycle = Riding his in law’s cycle

10. Carrying his computer = Carrying his girl’s photo

11. Whistling in your room = Whistling in my shower

12. Looking for his wallet = Looking for blue letter

13. Writing for her Boy = Writing for her nice cat

14. Cutting paper with scissors = Cutting an apple with a knife


15. Doing their job = Doing their home work

16. Looking forward to holiday = Looking forward TV her

17. Attending a First meeting = Attending to discuss about Ring Party

18. Talking about gasoline = Talking about when she calls me

19. Making a nice call = Making delicious a snacks

20. Wearing a new jacket = Wearing a new T shirt

Contoh Read first then understand of ”Ing” form well! ( kegiatan sedang derlansung )

Hendrik: Hallo! Milla, Good afternoon! What are you doing, Milla?.Halo! Milla, Selamat sore!. Kamu sedang mengerjakan apa, Milla?

Milla : Hi, Hendrik, Good afternoon, Now, I am doing nothing, Friend!What about you, Are you find, Hendrik?.Hai Hendrik, Selamat sore. Aku tdk sedang mengerjakan apa2,Teman.

Kamu sedang ngapain?. Kamu sehat Hendrik?

Hendrik: Yes, Milla. I am very well today. How about you, now?.Ya Milla, aku baik2 saja hari ini.bagaimana kabarmu?

Milla : I am so well, Friend.Is there something good news, for me Hendrik?Aku juga sehat,Teman. Apaka ada kabar baik untuk aku,Hendrik?

Hendrik: It‘s just missed you to talk.By the way.Now, you are doing nothing, aren’t you?What‘s your Brother doing, now?.Aku hanya Kangen sama kamu, mau ngobrol2, oya..Kamu tdk sedang mengerjakan apa2 kan?.Kakakmu sedang mengerjakan apa sekarang?

Milla : Yes! My Brother is doing his homework, right now.Oya.. Kakak ku sedang mengerjakan PR nya sekarang.

Hendrik: You say Your Brother is doing his home work.Now tell me what your Uncle is doing?gitu.Kakakmu sedang mengerjakan Prnya. Kalau Pamanmu sedang mengrajakan apa?

Milla : I think He is watching tv with his Son at the moment.Saya kira dia sedang nonton TV dengan putranya saat ini.

Hendrik: Is your Mother Watering flowers in the Garden now?.Apakah ibumu sedang menyiram bunga saat ini?

Milla : No, She is not, Hendrik. I think she is talking with my Father right now.Tidak Hendrik. Saya kira Ibuku sedang berbicara dgn ayahku sekarang.

Hendrik: O I see.......Ect, ect. begitu, Milla.

Dialog diatas adalah contoh menggunakan PRESENT CONTINOUSE TENSE / Bentuk sedang berlangsung. Berikutnya anda berlatih membiasakan bentuk Tense Tersebut diatas dengan bertanya jawab;


What reason does she not accompany you?

To whom does he deliver his souvenir?

With whom does your customer complain?

Where does his sister date on Saturday?

When does her son start to study English?

How much does Mr. John’s rent car?

How long does?

What kind of things does?

Why doesSince when?

What reason does?

How does?

With whom does?

How long does?

How many days does?

What reason does has partner join some job?

How long does her older sister stay there?

What for does your nephew write a letter?

Until what day does the kid play to compete?

Since when does that man renovate his house?

How many times does a woman fall in love?

What kind of cake does that girl order?

With whom do they make a second meeting?

To whom do their customers complain, about?

Whom to you protest at?

Whom do we argue to?

Why do you present there in time?

Where do they put their equipment?

What things do Mr, Mrs. John keep in their ware house?

How long do Ria and Roy date for?

By what do we arrive there on time?

What do they try on that shop?

Why does that boy dream alone?


What reason does her brother visit to Bali?

What season does your boss read everyday?

What novel does her kid interest with?

What Bank does his daughter save in that Bank?

What dress does a lady’s manager accompany him?

Where does your in law watch film?

When does she distribute his items?

What news does tour Mr. Casino repair his car?

How long does your brother renovate his house?

How much does Mrs. Jack his neighbor?

Why does she reject her boy friend?

What kind of film does he watch?

With whom does father in law come to a party?

By what does she promote her new job?

To whom does mother in law care at?

What does that secretary do?

How long does that man talk about?

What things does lady bargain?

How much does that woman contribute?

What reason does his brother change idea?

Since what day does her boy friend date?

Until when does your partner cooperate?

How does a lady’s friend persuade her?

Why does your niece stand up there?

When does her son start to study English?

How much does his daughter rent a new car?

What time does your manager sign a new agreement?

Why does your company not produce a new production?

What for does your neighbor increase her skill of

What time dog your friend celebrate to start?

How many official prohibit to all students to get in?

Why does Roni not pick up his girl friend?

What day does an accident happed?


What reason does refugees reject his contribution?

What read mark is your motorcycle?

What month does Novi continue her study?

How do you speech your welcoming with your audience

How long does his official wait for his customer?

How much does your secretary play the taxes?

Why do you always forget to have lunch on time?

What time does your employee start to a job?

What for do students bring banners?

Since when do the police make a phone mobile?

Why do the two students want to meet a lecturer?

With whom does then chairman of KPU announcement about completed conditions?

What time does the party begin?

What time is it?

What day is it?

What month is it?What year is it?

What reason is it?

What name is it?

What color are these?

What tread mark is that?

What cakes are those?

What kind of clothes is that?

What animals are those?

What title books are these?

What food is it?

What drink is it?

What fruits are these?

What song is it?

What idea is it?

What problem is that?

What brand is it?

What joke is it?


What meatball is it?

Why do they not pay taxes every year?

What day do your friends often sell the goods?

How many officials are going to check off on Sunday?

What for do we have to send our products?

Since when do you usually want to sleep on time?

How long does Mr. Bean want to spend in friend’s house?

How will you keep your friend’s photo?

With whom do you sweep your carpet two tomes a week?

Why are your friends going to tear the agreement?Do all customers not receive new products?

What time will Dodi and his girl not face their cases to the court?

Why does Rina have to burn several old letters?

What for do many students have to continue their protests?

What reason do many drivers have to drive fast in out of city?

Base of what does a businessman not want to build a luxury ware house?

Until when does your friend freeze the food in freezer?

Why do those lions dig a hole for saving its food?

Can your neighbors make the Tin rubbish?

Since when do their profits never come in Directly.

What reason does a crowded are not going to tell the true about an accident?

What day does your Manager want to sign those documents?

Until when are there many classic cases in the Court?

How must you pack these boxes soon?

Base of what does she have to inform the news to her Branch office?

Why do Nia and Dedi want to make a deal soon?

What condition do you have to do That cases?

How do you permit to go home first?

Where are those many cats going to eat that fish?

What reason do Customers not order any more

translate, please ! ( Into Indonesian language )

PT. Lapindo just accounts for cast of house contract.

The baby twin head sometimes smiles during sleeping.


Usually the new director agrees on a new document.

The police often burns down the logs in jungle.

All women always buy up all discount items in Big sell.

One on of customers calls off several order suddenly.

My Beloved in-law never talks about US in a month.

Those friends ever call on for talking many things.

Many refugees often complain about surrounding.

We actually want to calm down their auger but I do nothing.

She is never there before.

They are occasionally satisfied.

Some members mostly feel disappointed with them.

I hardly ever do it any more.

People frequently need money every day.

They don’t regularly pay the taxes on tine.

He doesn’t come in office twice.

Repeatedly those old men deceive his partners.

Pretty Asmara seldom cleans off her car.

I want to carry out my duties in time.

I quite understand at your explaining.

They speech perfectly.

You are very happy.

Its does not check up entirely.

She greatly has many costumers.

The lion just catches the deer spontaneously.

The man partly keep his money in Swiss Bank.

Absolutely you are right.

We completely gets the idea from them.

My partners do not thoroughly understand.

Several our costumers greatly order new items.

These things are almost dangerous to continue.

Many thing are not so suitable for Us.

Some people only think about how to find money.


They find out some solution simply

We Calmly pick up several machines

I drive new car carefully

You quietly hide out behind of decision

He gives up wisely

She goes on with her planning

My partner frequently looks after their equipment

You and Me invite over to our fellows friendly

You and I keep at our idea willingly (rela)

Ria and Her boy friend want to get ahead their business

That man works hard out but he is rather greedy

Those women calmly explain their cases

These old across the crowded street carelessly

These new comer happily receive their right

Some police Carefully keep up with their boss

Several drivers drive their big bus carelessly

Most vendors bravely protest to Government

Many traders rapidly promote their new production

The building are not good perfectly

You we made decision distinctly

I come home early

You don’t come late any more, do you?

Roy already expresses their expression

We still look over our mistaken

It sound\ That nice lion runs after mouse-deer

A lot of taxi driver come on / muncul once

Mr. Bean saves his big money permanently

Mrs. Rina directly drops in her old friend

I eat up greedily

That comply regularly announces its ruler

Those members weekly pay their case

Their boxes are not here then


There is much money in parliament

The jokes have a certain quality in stage

What you want to do, now is nothing

Drive / travel by train I prefer driving to traveling by train

Shall we walk home? Prefer I’d prefer to get a taxi

Do you want to eat now I’d rather wait till later

Get a taxi / walk home I’d prefer to get a taxi rather than walk home

Are you going to cook the dinner or would you rather I cooked it?

Shall I tell Ann the news? No, I’d rather she didn’t know

What does she stay here?

What flowers does she choose?

Since when do you live were?

How long do you want for her?

What for do you come here?

How many times does your uncle repair his can?

How much does she buy it?

When do they keep refugees?

How does he come here?

When does find her money?What day do you go to hospital?

With whom does Miss Rani go to hotel?

To whom do you give a present?

What novel do they give to day?

What kind of film do you watch on Sunday?

Why do you refuse small Bonus from her?

Which one does she agree about a boy?

How many days do you Accompany you uncle there?

Who wants to Accompany with you today?

Whom does she meet in cafe today?

How much do you buy ticket to see film?

By what is he here?

Why does not your aunt come today?

Since what month do they help camp’s refugees.


What for do you study in college?

How does he drive here?

What is your name’s pet?

How often do you date with your boy / girl friend?

How long are they in that store?

Since what find are your in campus today?

What kinds of T shirt does she send to him?

What are their cars model?

When does your new friend come here?

Since when do you recognize her / him

How for do you love him / her?

With does Mr. Roy stay Bandung?

What contribution do they give to all refugees?

QUESTION TAG – ingat + -

She will go perhaps,

They must not Deny,

We can do not it again,

I shall be here in time,

You may not borrow it,

She does her home work,

You fond do not have like,

Your brothers are here on Sunday,

Every people do their working well,

Every body has house,

Every friend is not interested to do,

People are going make a good story,

The cat does not eat fish this morning,

The Companies product new toys,

Your pets are really funny,

His neighbors do not anticipate problem,

Her ideas an deed good,

Their complains make us un happy,

Our ideas never has interesting,


Every body wants to have a bag house,

We will not perhaps be here,

You are going to receive bag bonus,

They have to distribute their food,

I do not do it anymore,

Those men do their doing fast,

That man is not wise anymore,


to or so and neither or either

Doni wants to sing a new song

Rony has to explain about it

We do not want to

She does her homework well

He is going to us form about us

They do not do it anymore,

We are not playing food ball,

They will visit there as soon as possible,

She must pay taxi soon,

He may not come in now,

We are not going to do it,

She is cooking,

They not playing,

The lion is not sad,

Those bears are really dangerous,

These novels are not horror story,

Dono and Indro do their comedian well,

Atun and Mandra may be a good friend,

Lunamaya and Marijan want to do gathering,

Sintya and her brothers have many friend,

She does not have much money,

He can not do it anymore,


They will perhaps dig the street tomorrow,

She shall not be charming girl,

I have to inform about it,

You and I are really satisfied,

I don’t have satisfaction today,

She must abbey the rules,

You may not come late anymore,

Your houses are really luxury,

We do our job well,

Every body has to celebrate his birthday,

Every one wants to help them,

Let’s go to Matos,

Do not open the doo

What are can he play a guitar and piano?

What kinds of house must they build?

Since what day may she come late?

Why what day is your Grandma sad?

What day are they doing now?

How much are your new dresses?


Your pets were / did

Your friends did / were

Their houses were / did

Did / was

Was / did

Were / did

Did / were

Does / did

Was / is

Were / did

Was your book / did

Did / were

Was / are

Is / did

Are/ was

Was / did were

Was / I did

Did / your pets were

Were / your friend did


Bab 8

AKAN DATANG / Future continouse tense.Adalah digunakan untuk satu Kegiatan / Perbuatan yang akan sedang berlansung di Waktu yang akan datang dan atau ketika kegiatan sedang berlasungsung Kegiatan lain menyusul (Present tense).Bentuk dimasa datang.

Contoh dalam Bahasa Indonesia:

Dialog 1: Change into English first, Then read all English sentences!

A: “Sesudah makan siang anda ingin mengerjakanapa?”B: “saya tidak tau ya, Mungkin aku AKAN meneruskan pekerjaan di kantor aku-menyetor uang ke-Bank atau mungkin aku ber-istirahat” dan Anda sendiri bagaimana?A: “Kalu saya MAU (Sudah direncanakan / To Be Going to) pergi keToko membeli sesuatu,Ikut denganku.dst,dst.

Dialog 2: Changeinto English first, Then read all English sentences!

A : “Bagaimana menurut anda harga Besin sekarang dan Tahun Akan Datang? B : “Saya kira Harga bensin tahun AKAN DATANG naik lagi sekitar 5 %.”.dst, dst.

Formula / Rumus VERBAL:

(+) Subject + Will / Shall + Verb1 + Object + Adverb(-) Subject + Will / Shall + Not + Verb1 + Object + Adverb(?) Will / Shall + Subject + Verb1 + Object + Adverb

Formula / Rumus NON VERBAL:

(+) Subject + Will / Shall + Adjective + Noun / Adverb (ANA)(-) Subject + Will / Shall + Not + ANA.(?) Will / Shall + Subject + ANA.

Adverb of Future:Probably*, Perhaps*, Likely*, Possibly*Tomorrow, The day after tomorrow, three das after, Next time, day, Week, Month –Year, Next Sunday, Next November, Next Summer, Next,Soon, Immedeately.

Posisi dalam Kalimat: Di Awal / Akhir Kalimat.Kecuali Tanda Bintang Posisi dalam Kalimat; Pleksibel.

Translate into Indonesian language first! Then Focuse to “Akan” form (Will)

Kalimat VERBAL

Will you perhaps come to her party tomorrow? (mungkin,pesta)Apakah mungkin anda akan datang kepesta besok?

Will you possibly accompany her to go to hospital? (menemani)------------------------------------------------------

Will you probably arrive there on time? (tiba)------------------------------------------

Will they likely help some refugees there? (membantu,pengungsi)---------------------------------------------


Will she as soon as possible drop here? (singgah,secepatnya)-------------------------------------------

How much will they give money to poor people? (memberi,org miskin)-------------------------------------------------

How long will you stay in that hotel? (tinggal)---------------------------------------

When will he send a letter again for you? (mengirim,lagi)--------------------------------------------

What day will you usually replay his letter? (biasanya,membalas)----------------------------------------------

How many cities will you visit in out of provinces? (kunjung,provinsi)------------------------------------------------------

How shall we get ticket of circus?------------------------------------

How come shall be there on time?------------------------------------

What kinds of title shall I choose of paper?------------------------------------------------

What name hotel shall we stay in out of city?------------------------------------------------

How much sugar shall we need to make black forest?---------------------------------------------------------

What time will possibly she arrive here?--------------------------------------------

How shall we ceme home from Bandung?-------------------------------------------

What building will they make there?---------------------------------------

How long shall I stay in your house the day after tommorow?------------------------------------------------------------------

What month will your partner likely cooperate the new business?-----------------------------------------------------------------------

How those things shall be in Camp’s natural disaster?Answer the Questions bellow completely! (S.P.O.K)

To whom shall we contribute our food as soon as possible?---------------------------------------------------------------

With whom will you probably study in USA next month?.-------------------------------------------------------------

What time Shall I call you tmorw afternoomn?.---------------------------------------------------

How long will he travel to out of Province?----------------------------------------------

Why shall we make a decision at those cases immedeately?---------------------------------------------------------------

When will they pruduce a triller story movie------------------------------------------------

Will you perhaps come to her party tomorrow?--------------------------------------------------

Will you possibly accompany her to go to hospital?------------------------------------------------------

Will you probably arrive there on time?-------------------------------------------

Will they likely help some refugees there?---------------------------------------------

Will she as soon as possible drop here?------------------------------------------

How much will they give money to poor people?-------------------------------------------------

How long will you stay in that hotel?--------------------------------------

When will he send a letter again for you?-------------------------------------------

What day will you usually replay his letter?----------------------------------------------


How many cities will you visit in out of provinces?----------------------------------------------------

How shall we get ticket of circus?-----------------------------------

How come shall be there on time?------------------------------------

What kinds of title shall I choose of paper?----------------------------------------------

What name hotel shall we stay in out of city?-----------------------------------------------

How much sugar shall we need to make black forest?--------------------------------------------------------

Answer the Questions bellow completely! (S.P.O.K)

How much will they give money to poor people------------------------------------When will he send a letter again for you?----------------------------------What day will you usually replay his letter?-----------------------------------How many cities will you visit in out of provinces?--------------------------------------How shall we get ticket of circus?---------------------------How come shall be there on time?---------------------------What kinds of title shall I choose of paper?----------------------------------What name hotel shall we stay in out of city?-------------------------------------How much sugar shall we need to make black forest?-----------------------------------------To whom shall we contribute our food?----------------------------------Whom Will We give contributions to ?-----------------------------What for will he probably practice English?------------------------------------How long Shal I be there with you?-------------------------------Why Will you refuse at your last salary?---------------------------------When Will probably you move from here?---------------------------------When Shall We tart to study English?------------------------------------------------What building will they make there?------------------------------------------How long shall I stay in your house the day after tommorow?-----------------------------------------------------------------------What month will your partner likely cooperate the new business?--------------------------------------------------------------------------What things shall we give at Camp’s natural disaater?-------------------------------------------------------------To whom shall we contribute our food as soon as possible?--------------------------------------------------------------------With whom will you probably study in USA next month?.-----------------------------------------------------------------What time shall I call you tmorw afternoomn?.-------------------------------------------------------How long will he travel in out of province?-----------------------------------------------Pilih yang dianggap Benar dan Betulkan Kalimat2 salah / Belum lengkap!


He Make / makes his car bright

She has / many / much friends in

He has / Have to do it today.

Will / shall we go first?

We will be in time / agree with you.

They don’t have / has TV complain it anywhere

We / don’t / aren’t interest to see it

She is going makes / make cake on Sunday.

Are / is they want to send them today.

Today / next week we will be there on time.

They will probably refuse the / bad quality.

She shall / will possibly come late.

Is your pet eat / interesting?

Do / are / does your pets funny?

Do / are you going drive never on Friday.

She has / have to inform her last news.

He is often / often is happy every weekend.

Does / is Mrs. Ria have A new house?

We want / wants to discuss our business loan.

Am I pale / drink immediately.

She and I / am / are not relatives.

I / she goes to Matos on Sunday.Pilih yang dianggap Benar dan Betulkan Kalimat2 salah / Belum lengkap!

It / is not suitable / boring for me.---------------------------------------She stays / stayes here with us.-----------------------------------She does / is not wants / want buy it.-----------------------------------------Shall she / I come in?------------------------We can does / do it to you.-----------------------------Are / do we in out of Provinces now.---------------------------------------Is / does she have to type her letter soon.------------------------------------------------He is going to complain / complains as soon as possible.------------------------------------------------------------My customers want / want to order again.---------------------------------------------Her job make / makes us on happy.-------------------------------------


Their Neighbours are / does not going to be there out like.-----------------------------------------------------------------She may comes / come late.------------------------------He must to / must obey the regulation.------------------------------------------Must they / to obey / obey that rules?-------------------------------------------We can not be able to repairs / repair it.---------------------------------------------------When she is come I am reading. ( salah / benar ) -----------------------------------------------------While I sit he is coming ( benar / salah )--------------------------------------------She calls me while I am watering flowers ( benar / salah )----------------------------------------------------------------Does she arrives while you are cating dinner ( benar / salah )-------------------------------------------------------------------While they are singing suddenly the light of ( salah / benar )------------------------------------------------------------------He is arrives while his wife is cooking ( salah / benar )Are doing nothing when your teacher goes into room? ( benar / salah )They often reading we I suddenly drop there ( salah / benar Pilih yang dianggap Benar dan Betulkan Kalimat2 salah / Belum lengkap!

We can’t / do it = -------------------------------

She is arrives her =--------------------------------

Does she goes / go =--------------------------------

Is your mother cook =--------------------------------

She does not happy =--------------------------------

We are not can do it =--------------------------------

She want to do that =--------------------------------

We has many friends =--------------------------------

He does not has tike =--------------------------------

She have to make cakes =--------------------------------

My friends has time =--------------------------------

She / does not here =--------------------------------

He will be agree =--------------------------------

She shall come =--------------------------------

We are interest =--------------------------------

You does your job =--------------------------------

They do her self =--------------------------------

She does them selves =--------------------------------

I do our selves =--------------------------------

We do them selves =--------------------------------


Are they buy it =--------------------------------

She does himself =--------------------------------

My partners is here =--------------------------------

Your idea are good =--------------------------------

She does his job byherself.=--------------------------------

Translate into Indonesian language please!

Where do you study English to? =-----------------------------------

When does he arrive here? =-----------------------------------

Why do you wash their car? =-----------------------------------

What for your manager promote? =-----------------------------------

What item do Mr. Roy and Mrs. Roy buy? =-----------------------------------

Since when does that company product? =-----------------------------------

How does your secretary operate computer? =-----------------------------------

How much do you pay taxes in year? =-----------------------------------

What time does Reny come home? =-----------------------------------

Until when does Mr. Dono finish his job? =-----------------------------------

Until what day does she write her paper? =-----------------------------------

What kind of items does your father need? =-----------------------------------

Why does he refuse his bonus? =-----------------------------------

How many times does she visit her in law? =-----------------------------------

How does your neighbor throw his rubbish? =-----------------------------------

How long does your sister stay at her friend’s? =-----------------------------------

With whom does she leave her office? =-----------------------------------

By what does he jump from the gate? =-----------------------------------

What for does she debate her lecturer? =-----------------------------------

Whom does he give his souvenir to? =-----------------------------------

How much does Mr. Indro save his money? =-----------------------------------

Why does Mrs. John join ladies’ meeting? =-----------------------------------

By what does they visit toBali? =-----------------------------------

Why does your nephew cry alone? =-----------------------------------

Until what time does he welcome you? =-----------------------------------


Isilah Verb1 atau Verb 2. ! Terjemahkan ke English!!

I II !1. …... Went ! kemarin = -----------------------------------------

!2. Cut …… ! minggu depan =-----------------------------------------

!3. …... Did ! tadi pagi =-----------------------------------------

!4. Make …… ! sekarang =-----------------------------------------

5. …… Run ! kemarin lusa =-----------------------------------------!

6. See ….. ! besok lusa =-----------------------------------------!

7. ….. Give ! baru saja =-----------------------------------------!

8. Forget ….. ! pernah =-----------------------------------------!

9. …… Felt ! tidak pernah =-----------------------------------------!

10. …. ..…… ! tiba2 =-----------------------------------------!

11. Bring …… ! besok =-----------------------------------------!

12. …… Bought ! lusa =-----------------------------------------!

13. Write …….. ! sekarang =-----------------------------------------!

14. Come ……. ! Minggu depan =-----------------------------------------!

15. …… Cold ! bulan kemarin =-----------------------------------------!

16. Sat ….. ! barusan =-----------------------------------------!

17. …… Put ! kadang2 =-----------------------------------------!

18. Go ….. ! Sebulan =-----------------------------------------!

19. …… Fell ! nanti =-----------------------------------------!

20. Eat ….. ! segera =-----------------------------------------!

22. ….. Drank ! kamis lusa =-----------------------------------------!

23. Fell ….. ! kamis lalu =-----------------------------------------!

24. ….. Found ! bulan depan =-----------------------------------------!

25. Read …… ! hari ini =-----------------------------------------!

26. …… Wrote ! tepat waktu =----------------------------------------- !27. Will ……. ! Lebih awal =----------------------------------------- 28. …… Could ! hari minggu =-----------------------------------------

29. hear …… ! hari rabu =-----------------------------------------

30. ….. Knew ! bulan ini =-----------------------------------------

31. Bite…… ! minggu lalu =-----------------------------------------

32. ….. Forgive ! sering =-----------------------------------------

33. Lose …… ! jarang =-----------------------------------------


34. ….. Chose ! sejak =-----------------------------------------

35. Fight …… ! selalu =-----------------------------------------

36. …… Spoke ! pernah =-----------------------------------------

37. Send …… ! besok lusa =-----------------------------------------

38. …… Auld ! kapan =-----------------------------------------

39. Wear …… ! November berikut =-----------------------------------------

40. …… Built ! Desember lalu =-----------------------------------------

41. Began …… ! kadang2 =-----------------------------------------

42. …… Bid ! baru saja =-----------------------------------------

43. Blow …… ! selalu =-----------------------------------------

44. ….. Could ! sudah =-----------------------------------------

45. Cost ….. ! hampir =-----------------------------------------

46. ….. Dug ! tahun lalu =-----------------------------------------

47. Fought ….. ! hari ini =-----------------------------------------

48. …… Forbid ! minggu depan =-----------------------------------------

49. Forgave ….. ! segera =-----------------------------------------

50. ….. Freeze ! dahulu kala =-----------------------------------------

51. Hung …… ! langka =-----------------------------------------

52. ….. Hit ! terlambat =-----------------------------------------

53. Hurt ….. ! secepat mungkin =-----------------------------------------54. ….. Led ! musim hujan =-----------------------------------------

55. ….. Leave ! musim panas =-----------------------------------------



Answer the Questions Completely (S.P.O.K)!

Does your Manager sign a new agreement? What day?----------------------------------------------Why do we have to pay tax? How many times in a year?----------------------------------------------

Do you want to increase your ability? Why?----------------------------------------------

Does your neighbor always celebrate a birth day? What reason? ----------------------------------------------

Why do several Security-guards prohibit to all students get into the campus? ----------------------------------------------

Does Mr. John to pick up his girl friend? What time?----------------------------------------------

Where is your car key? Where is your pet?----------------------------------------------

When does she come home? What day does he replay it? ----------------------------------------------

How long are you in out of city? With whom are you there?----------------------------------------------

What reason do you repair your motor cycle?----------------------------------------------What do you want to send to your new customer?



How much is it? How many times do you wash you car?----------------------------------------------

What for are your customers in their office today?----------------------------------------------

To whom does your Manager send a big souvenir?----------------------------------------------

What kind of novel does she read every day?----------------------------------------------

How do you always come on time to your office?----------------------------------------------

Since when does your Secretary prepare her paper?----------------------------------------------

Why are you not satisfied with your a new branch office?----------------------------------------------

How does your new Director’s speech in main office.----------------------------------------------

Does she often send massage to you many times a day?----------------------------------------------

When do they have to distribute their contribution?----------------------------------------------

What month do you want to stand to make your paper?----------------------------------------------

Who wants to pick up you today?----------------------------------------------

Whom do you have to give a gift? ----------------------------------------------

What kind of building does she want to build?----------------------------------------------

How long does your uncle pix his radio. ----------------------------------------------

When does she visit your house today?----------------------------------------------

What time does your partner call you?----------------------------------------------

What for do you come there? ----------------------------------------------

Where do you find that spare part? How long.-------------------------------------------

What do you have to do now? Then after doing it.----------------------------------------------

When do you give a call for me?----------------------------------------------


Why does your friend slip out?----------------------------------------------

Who treats you every day? Why.----------------------------------------------

From whom do you receive those stuffs?----------------------------------------------

To whom do you want to confirm today?---------------------------------------------

Bila anda ingin mengatakan kata “YANG” gunakan Relatif Pronouns (who = orang: Which = benda; That = orang / benda; Whom = orang / obyek)

Petugas yang memberikan surat tilang dengan tidak ramah di depan lampu lalu lintas sudah pindahkan keluar kota Surabaya ………..

Gadis manis yang sedang berdiri di tengah antrian itu tidak sabar menunggu untuk mendapat tiket film yang berhadiah.

Gadis lugu yang anda berikan kartu telepon itu adalah salah satu pemenang dari kejuaraaan balap karung dalam perayaan hari kemerdekaan tahun lalu

Mercedes biru itu yang telah di parkirkan di depan gedung pengadilan adalah milik salah seorang karyawan tahu tempe.

Makelar yang pernah kita jumpai di depan kantor polisi itu selalu memakai seragam formal dan mereka secara menyakinkan merayu (persuade) semua pembuat SIM dan pura-pura menjadi karyawan perusahaan setiap mereka pamit kepada tetangga barunya ………….

Siapa pemilik rumah mewah (luxury) yang telah disita oleh pemerintah? Rumah mewah milik seorang karyawan yang bekerja selama 23 tahun. Tapi tiga tahun terakhir dia sangat jarang tinggal di rumah ………..

Bank milik rakyat telah di bobol oleh Edy Tamsil atas rekomendasi salah satu petugas pengalaman di Jakarta. di mana petugas yang telah memiliki reputasi itu sering memberi surat.

Terminal yang di bangun dua bulan lalu rusak berat, seperti kita ketahui dana masyarakat yang telah di kumpulkan itu adalah satu milyar.


Apakah keputusan yang dibuat oleh hakim itu layak bagi seorang tertuduh yang telah membunuh lebih dari satu keluarga?

Aku menjumpai seorang pria terkenal yang adiknya pernah satu kelas ketika aku di SMA ……

Petugas itu mengatakan bahwa dia akan memberikan penghargaan bila pajak yang dibayarkan bisa rutin terbayar setiap bulan …….

Simple Sentences / Translate, please! S-P / S-PO –SPOK – SPOKK.

She smiled.

He went to Surabaya

He loves me

He gave me a souvenir

The news made us happy

The company produced new stuffs last month

It is a gift

She is cooking

I can play a guitar

Simple Sentences / Translate Please!

A kid throws a ball

The kid sometime throws a ball

The kid sometime throws a ball in the yard

The kid sometime throws a ball in the yard twice

The kid sometime throws a ball with his friend in the yard twice

A man is operating computer

He is operating his computer

He is operating his new computer

He is operating his new computer now

He is operating computer while his wife is cooking now.Jenis kalimat sederhana lainnya bisa di buat dalam bentuk tense yang berbeda (16 macam U / Conv, Write, Read,corress)Jenis kalimat sederhana U / percakapan cukup 6 macam Tense yang berbeda + AUX & KKYKPhrase / Sub V3Noun / ProC. A beautiful want young lady Has finish Her excellent month

S P OSomeone who has sent a me cage for me is my new neighbor actually.

What you said is excellent but I am not sure.


I don’t know what you want before

She does me that what I was doing the night before?“Ngomong lancar dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah sangat mungkin bisa di kuasai dalam waktu relative singkat!Karena penguasanya EEC sama mudahnya kita bisa baik sepeda motor dan atau kita bias membuat kue, baju dan Asal saja proses pengajaran dan pembelajarannya sudah menggunakan Metode, Terprogram dan tepat sasaran / sistematis!Sebaliknya penguasaan EEC menjadi tidak mudah alias sulit, sekali lagi sulit di kuasai. Ketika proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran belum / tidak sistematis!(Pastinya 1000% metode sistematis hanya di EEC’88!!!)(Metode cemerlang, karirpun cepat berbinar)

Catatan: Grammar untuk Percakapan / Conversation, Tense / waktuYang dilingkari 1, 4, 5, 9 (yang sering digunakan Percakapan) Ditambah dengan Grammar penunjang KKY (kata kerja yang di khususkan)Modal auxiliary (kata kerja khusus)Command (perintah)PhraseExclamatoryRelative Conjunction : Who – Whom – Whose – That - Which = diterjemahkan “yang”Question Taq.Conditional.


Which one do you have to look after that document?

Whose cars do you want to drive for today?

What time do the members come here?

What day does she want to celebrate her birthday?

From where do you get this information?

What things does he bring to your garage?

How many do you have to choose ones?

How much does she buy them?

How long do you stay in that house?

How does your friend get in the ambassador’s room?

How far does she run every morning?

By what do are children go to school?

What time do you usually go to school?

Basic of what do you protest to your company?

Until what time does she talk to him?

What for do you distribute their pictures?

How nice does she won the cup of singer?

Answer With a Good Sentence, S.P.O.K

What reason does he refuse his new customers?

What month do they have to send the orders?

By what do you get here?

What for do you study English program?

How much do you pay one?

How many times do the vendors make from ideal place?

Why are the all Stuffs in warehouse behind?

By what do you accompany your Grandma to Matos?

What time are all foods ready?

Until-when are those machine normal?

What date is your card-invitation and ready?

What for does your Manager promote?

Where does he join her dancing-course

Since when does your neighbor make Rubbish Tins?

What time does your Aunt come here?


How much do you buy it?

How long do you interview your employee?

How does your Director explain his finance?

How many times does your Manager give bonus in a week?

What thing does your Secretary give to you?

What does the Assistance choose?

What day does she invite you?

What year do you start to join Lady’s meeting?

By what do you come here?

Answer With a Good Sentence, S.P.O.K

How long do you want to accompany her?

How a many time does she make any guilty?

What for do they chose those things?

Why do you want to sign those documents?

What time does she arrive there?

With whom do your sisters finish their job?

How much do you buy that computer?

How do you arrive here? What time?

Does she come there? Why he come late?

How many times do they have to protest about the service?

Which one do you want to make a good computer?

What for do they build a new Bridge?

What reason do you want to give to your customer?

How long does she have to return back money to that Bank?

Whom are you going to save your big money to?

Since what day do you have to renovate your house?

With whom does she want to go to her father in law?

What things do they want to order to?

Since when do you work this job?

What for does your Girl friend learn to sing a song?

What time does she call you today?

Why are you rather angry with her?


How much do you want to give to refugees?

Where does your lecturer live?

Answer With a good Sentence, S.P.O.K

What kind of novel does your Mother in law read?

How does she come there?

How after do you sport everyday?

By what do you usually go to out of city?

What day does your Secretary accompany to library?

What is your customer angry with you?

How much does your Girl friend save money in Bank?

How long do you stay at that hotel?

Since when does Rina date your young brother?

How long is your Brother in USA?

93. Until when is your Director in USA?

94. With whom do you accompany your Grandma?

95. How long do you want to spend a night there?

96. What for do you buy several dictionary?

97. Why do you often visit to your in law candidate on Friday?

98. How much does your aunt save her money in a week?

99. How money times do you come to library in a month?

100. Since what times are you in campus today?

101. How do you send your application to that office?

102. Why is your lecturer disappointed with you?

103. What reason does your partner reject your agreement?

104. What kind of dress do your customers refuse your production?

105. Sebuah pealatan yang mahal dan canggih (Phrase)

106. 5 cewek yang langsing cantik dan pintar (Phrase)

Answer With a good Sentence, S.P.O.K

107. With whom do you repair your old motorcycle?

108. How does your manager promote that production?

109. Why is she at home alone?

110. Are they happy to accept their bonus? Why?

111. Are you unhappy to date with here? Why?


112. What does she make in the kitchen?

113. Who brings your motorcycle today?

114. Since what time do you wait for her?

115. By what do they help some accident in freeway?

116. How many times does your friend visit here?

117. When you call your uncle, what is he doing?

118. What for does she have to accompany you?

119. How long does your grandma stay in hospital?

120. Is your girl fried dreaming, when you come?

121. Why does your uncle not send your money?

122. Since when are you playing football?

123. What times does she have to pickup her uncle?

124. How do you make instant-nudle in your kitchen?

125. What does your friend want to pay his loan?

126. Is your brother writing letter when you arrive at home?

127. Are you watching to when your girl friends calls you?

128. Where does your neighbor go today?

129. What kind of party does your sister do?

130. Are you disappointed when she talking with another day?

131. Why do you not join the first meeting?

132. How much does she buy ten flowers?

133. She has many friend’s to make a paper

134. My friends don’t have a car

135. My in law has to do her home work today

136. Doesn’t your girl friend have to send a letter today?

137. That cat doesn’t have long tail, why?

138. I don’t have time to go there why?

139. They have to go to it, what day?

140. She will have a good party tomorrow what for?

141. He wants to do his job next week how long?

142. Do you call your girl friend soon or later?

143. Who has to visit hospital today?


144. Does your brother much money today?

145. Are they going to have plan to go to USA

146. What time do you get up every day?

147. How long does he make appear on the, stage when singing?

148. How does your Nephew

149. Why do you love him very much?

150. What for does he visit his mother in law?

151. Since when does Mr. Bean accompany you?

152. While she is dreaming, do you do your job?

153. What reason do you refuse about small bonus?

154. What kind of computer do they have send to their customers?

Answer a Question With Complete, S.P.O.K

155. Where do you want to travel to day?

156. What day does your lecturer explain English?

157. What items do we make to give to your beloved friend?

158. With whom does she ask favor to write appear?

159. Are those items good Quality?

160. What is your idea to make a first paper?

161. Are you interested to do your job?

162. How is your Nephew disappointed?

163. What for does she send you a nice poem?

164. What day are they in out of city?

165. By what are you here?

166. Is that house big or small?

167. Why is your computer broken?

168. What kind of agreement is in the Branch office?

169. When do you begin to study basic Grammar?

170. How long does your brother stay in out of province?

171. By what do you go to new office?

172. How much does your girl friend buy some cakes?

173. How many times does she want to treat trakter you?


174. When you call her, what is she doing?

175. Since what month does your neighbor not return back your loa.

176. To whom do you give a souvenir?

177. When you arrive there what is your brother doing?


That Manager has / have to return back all the employees applications.

Are those woman / women going to all of the orphaned from the Aceh camp?

Does / do / are / we have enough materials build several houses.

We watch / watches a new documentary film of big flood in Tsunami waves.

No survivals do / does / are not find in their house’s circumstances.

Are / do / is many candidate English Teachers ready to study seriously.

Does she drive / drivers his / her car?

Ary and his uncle are / do / does not agree to continue to his study in overseas.

Are / is / do these usually for you to clean your black hair?

Ira and her Boy friend do not have to / has to in out of city.

Where do / does / is she put them up his / her comb?

Do your friend / your friends want you to go to beach in Namro Aceh?

Are these your / yours?

What do we have to / has to do?

Are / do / is their equipment’s completed to build the refugee’s houses?

What do you want to make a cakes / cake?

Since what day are / is / does your guests at your house?

Her kid does / is not in the yard when you come.

Does / is that man going to distribute his / her money?

We have / has to choose them soon.

Are / is /do / does her children there.

Is / are / do you operating when one your old friends phone / phones you?

Dony is / does not discussing with her / his girl friend to.

Where are / do / is / does your kid playing toys?

Do / does / are they realize with our / their obligation for disaster?


Does / is your friend in the room?

They / she / I are not going to buy computer?

Does / is / are Roy and Ria sitting together when their friends / friend come?

She has / have to send a letter soon to his / her Boy friend.

Where Nia was typing when she was in her father ‘house?

Did she wanted / want to protest him directly last week?

We did not do our task so far / last week.

Are / do you have to give them soon.

She does / do not have to do that.

Was / were your friends at home last night.

Why did she angry / reject at your idea?

Who takes / take my pen?

What time did / were they come here?

She goes with her boy friend now / today.

Reny has to repairs / repair her computer.

Do / are they satisfied today.

Are / do you agree with your friend’s point?

Is / was she here with her son two days ago?

Inul dances with her / his husband

Has your Grandma came / come here?

We do / are not / doing nothing when my mother comes.

Where did / were you last night?

Did / were you in office when your Manager came in?

Those cats don’t / are playing all its toys.

Are / is that man your friend?

Were / was your new boss polite with all clerks?

Have you write / written your task already.

Were / was their cars in second floor when you checked?What / was / did she doing when her / his uncle came?

Did she stand / stood up in front of the door when you pass / passed there?

Roy carry / carries his little brother at his / her back twice a day.

Roni and his sister has / have a plan to prosecute to decide their cases.

Do / does your Manager always promote new goods to old and new customers?


Is / are / do they / I fall to race in helping to natural disaster in Tsunami?

Do / does / me / is her brothers friend want / wants to invite her / him?

My old partner and I Am / are / do not prepare our plan to welcome every new customers?

Was / were your partners still there when you wanted to leave out from that please.

She went out before you had / has arrive there.

Has she finished her job after you do / did your job.

What are / were you doing when I called you last night, are / were you not at home?

Have / has she been here before while you have / had been there since you were kid?

Did several students went / go on strike in front of place, when you were/ore passing there?

Do your old customers negotiating about the price of gasoline, when you come/comes there?

Are/were they still debating about the Ligitan Island when your friend’s Journalist Came / comes there?

Did she wanted / want to do something when Manager had / have just finished your jabs?

Has / had / was / she been there before her husband came home?

Were / have they here before?

Did / is your uncle in office with his wife last night?

Does / is Nia beautiful / agree with you?

Wira did not studied / study English last year.

Are / do you want to walk with your son?

She does / is not cooking at present time.

Sometimes, may old friend do / does not interest them, but he is really wants it.

Was / did she angry today?

Does / do Nia and her sister have to go to hospital?

Are / did they buy those things yesterday?

Is / does your teacher explain his lesson, when you come in the class?

They was / were not in Bandung last week.

Did you happy / come last night?

Do / does your father work in office?

Were / did they return back my dictionary?

Did we brought / bring our card number?


When his boss come what was / did bring he doing?

Were / did you go out of city yesterday?

Does Roni has / here to sign the new agreement.

She actually /wants to do it last night / toda

Gantilah kedalam bentuk sesuai lambang (+)

178. Did she buy some dresses in Matos?(+)

179. We did not give them contribution (-)(+)

180. They did not drive their car fast (-)(+)

181. Did your friend want to call you (?)(+)

182. My friend did not visit my friend’s party (-)(+)

183. My partners did not send them last week (-)(+)

184. Were you at home when your boss called you?(+)

185. Was your neighbor not at home when you arrived?(+)

186. Did she come on time when her boss arrived?(+)

187. Were you employees in office when you came?(+)

188. Did she come here last month?(+)

189. Did she join her last meeting?(+)

190. Were they very interested to buy it?(+)

191. Did that company produce new goods last week?(+)

192. Were you at home with your uncle?(+)

Answer a Good Sentence!

188. What reason did you refuse a small car?(+)

189. Where did your uncle usually send items?(+)

190. How did you return back your friend’s computer?(+)


191. With whom did she drop in her old boy friend?(+)

192. By what did he make a new pence of his house?(+)

193. What for did you drop in your in law?(+)

194. To whom did she send several Souvenir?(+)

195. How much did they give to refugees?(+)

196. How many items did your Manager order?(+)

197. Since when did she stay on her hometown?

198. When did your Grandma arrive?

199. What kind of house did they build?

200. Why did you sell your old car?

201. Where did she save her money?

202. What things did you order?

203. How long did you lend money from Bank?

204. How many times did you stop traveling?

205. What month did you renovate your house last year?

206. What reason did your brother keep money in BCA?

207. By what transportation did you go to Jakarta?

TENSES ( Bentuk waktu )

A.Present Tense

Present Simple Tense (untuk hari ini) PSPresent Continuous Tense (hari ini sedang) PCPresent Perfect Continuous Tense (hari ini sudah sedang) PFCPresent Perfect Tense (hari ini sudah selesai) PF

Past Tense

Past Simple Tense (kegiatan lampau) PTSPast Continuous Tense (kegiatan lampau sedang) PCTPast Perfect Continuous Tense (kegiatan lampau sudah sedang) PPTCPast Perfect Tense (kegiatan lampau sudah selesai) PPT

Future Tense

Future Tense (kegiatan akan datang) FUTFuture Continuous Tense (kegiatan akan sedang) Fut. CFuture Perfect Continuous Tense (kegiatan akan sudah sedang) Fut. FCFuture Perfect Tense (kegiatan akan sudah sedang) Fut. FT


Past Future

Past Future Tense (kegiatan akan datang lampau) Fut. PTSPast Future Continuous (kegiatan lampau akan sedang) Fut. PTCPast Future Perfect Continuous (kegiatan lampau akan sudah sedang) Fut. PFCPast Future Perfect Tense (kegiatan lampau akan sudah selesai) Fut. PPT

Pembahasan pertama adalah: Mengenai waktu / Tense = satu persatu dibahas.

Present Tense (waktu sekarang / hari ini / Golongan Verbal / Do dan Does)

Present Tense digunakan untuk suatu kegiatan / perbuatan yang dilakukan pada:Kegiatan sehari-hari

Ex: I get up every morning

Kegiatan rutinitas jangka pendekEx: He goes to church every Sunday

Kegiatan rutinitas jangka panjangEx: We celebrate our birthday every year

Kebenaran umum, sepertiMatahari terbit dari Timur (the sun rises from the east)Harga barang (the book is two thousand)Nama hari, bulan, tahunJudul berita suratkabarPidato, wawancara, korespondenBola itu bulat (the ball is round)

RUMUS / Formula (Verbal) I

Subject plural (they, we, I, you, my friends) memakai kata bantu “do”

Kalimat Pernyataan / Positif (+) S + V1 + O + KKalimat Menyangkal / Negatif (-) S + Do + not + V1 + O + KKalimat bertanya Interrogatif (?) Do + S + V1 + O + K

Ex: (+) The children play football in the street every Sunday(-) The children don’t play football in the street every Sunday(?) Do the children play football in the street every day?

RUMUS / Formula (Verbal) II (Tetap Present Tense)

Subjek orang ketiga tunggal (third person) yaitu; He, She, It, My friend, Everybody, Anybody, Person, Dina, etc. Selalu menggunakan katabantu “Does”

Kalimat Pernyataan / Positif (+) S + V1 + es / s + O + KKalimat menyangkal / Negatif (-) S + does + not + V1 + O + KKalimat bertanya Interrogatif (?) Does + S + V1 + O + K

Ex: (+) She washes her dress every morning(-) She doesn’t wash her dress every morning(?) Does she wash her dress every morning?

Note:Kalimat verbal yang subjeknya orang ketiga tunggal dalam kalimat (+) kata kerja yang berakhiran -sh, - ch, - ss, - x, - o, - y dan – yy maka ditambah “ES”Sedangkan untuk kalimat (-) dan (?) Tidak Perlu ditambah dengan “ES” lagiUntuk kata kerja yang berakhiran “huruf mati dan E” maka hanya ditambah dengan “S” saja.

Note: Verbal Does =1 orang (he, she, it, my friend)Do = Plural / they, we, you, my friends. Dan orang pertama, I / Saya


Untuk akhiran “Y” bila didepan / sebelumnya terdapat huruf vocal “A” maka hanya ditambah –S. dan bila akhiran y sebelumnya ada huruf konsonan / mati atau lainnya, maka ditambah “ES” dan “Y” diganti “-I”

Ex:Play plays - She washes her dressStudy studies - He goes to TP


Noun Verbal:RUMUS / Formula.(+) S + to be (am, is, are) + adjective / adverb / noun(-) S + to be (am, is, are) + not + adjective / adverb / noun(?) To be (am, is, are) + S + adjective / adverb / noun

Ex: (+) They are studentsShe is diligentMy mother is a nurseI am in Malang


Kucing itu makan ikan dengan tergesa-gesa

Manajer itu sering menjanjikan bonus setiap hari senin

Apakah dokumen itu penting?

Gudang itu membutuhkan kipas angin

Secara perlahan-lahan petugas itu menerangkan pajak pendapatan

Apakah mereka membagikan bantuan kepada pengungsi?

Pengemudi itu mereparasi mobilnya dengan santai

Jalan Ahmad yani selalu macet pada hari ini

Lima karyawan itu berada dilantai 2 hari ini

Kantor saya sering tutup jam 6 sore

Mereka menghitung hasil penjualan mobil hari ini

Temanku selalu bertanggung jawab dengan pekerjaannyaAnswer:1.

Present Continuous (hari ini sedang -)Digunakan untuk suatu kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung pada saat itu juga dan atau ketika kegiatan sedang berlangsung kegiatan lain menyusun / Present Tense.

Example:Ketika saya sedang mengoperasikan computer tiba-tiba direktur itu masukWhile I am operating computer-suddenly the director comes into the roomThe director comes into the room, I am operating computer

Note:Kegiatan yang lebih lama dalam bentuk sedang berlangsung selaluV1 ditambah – ing (Present Continuous)

Ketika dosen saya sedang, menjelaskan tiba-tiba teman saya masukketerangan:


Kata sedang menjelaskan, Explain kegiatan yang lebih lama / sedang berlangsung maka (V1 + Ing)Contoh:

When my lecture is explaining, Suddenly my friend comes into the classNote: Present Continuous tidak ada Verbal / Noun Verbal

Rumus / Formula: tunggal Present Continuous(+) S + to be (am, is, are) + V1 + ing + obj + ket(-) S + to be (am, is, are) + not + V1 + ing + obj + ket(?) To be + S + V1 + ing + obj + ket

Keterangan waktu yang sering digunakanNowAt PresentAt momentRight nowFor time beingTodayNote: Posisinya diletakkan diawal atau akhir kalimat kecuali “now” diletakkan sesudah “to be”She is now reading book.Rumus gabungan

While + PC (present Continuous) + PS (Present Tense)PS + While + PCWhen + PS + PCPC + When + PSPC + While + PC

# Yes / No Question Present Continuous TenseAre they playing football? - Yes, they areNo, they aren’t

# Informative Question Present Continuous TenseUntil when they building house?They are building house until tomorrowWhere is he living? He is living ……Since when is he reading book? He is reading book since …..

# Penggunaan Present Continuous Tense ke II (PC II)Untuk suatu kegiatan yang segera akan dilakukan tetapi hanya menggunakankata kerja yang bergerak kearah tempat / dinamisMissal: - Saya akna pindah = I am movingSaya akan berangkat = I am leaving

Example: - while I am reading the light is off

Exercise:Dream – Pass (lewat)

While she is dreaming her problem, her car passesPaint – Ring

I am painting the wall, suddenly my phone ringsArrive – Discuss

When my father arrives, me and my friend are discussing about big problem

Kata Kerja yang di Khususkan (KKYK)Menggunakan keterangan waktu: Present Tense (PS) dan Future biasanaya KKYKselalu yang berhubungan dengan: harus, ingin, mau.

VerbalHas to = harusUntuk orang ketiga tunggal: he, she, it, Rina, my friendDipakai hanya untuk kalimat (+)


Have to = harusUntuk orang pertama dan jamak: they, we, I, you, my friends

Want to = ingin she wants to go with me

Rumus(+) S + 3 KKYK + V1 + O + K(-) S + Do / does + not +3 KKYK + V1 + O + K(?) Do / does + S + 3 KKYK + V1 + O + K

“To be” (am, is, are) going to = Mau

Rumus(+) S + to be (am, is, are) + going to + V1 + O + K(-) S + to be (am, is, are) not, going to + V1 + O + K(?) To be (am, is, are) + S + going to + V1 + O + K

Example: “has to” (subjek orang ketiga tunggal)(+) My friend has to come here today(-) My friend doesn’t (have) to come here today (Kembali kesemula “Have To”)(?) Does my friend (have) to come here today? (Subject orang pertama dan jamak)

Example: “Have To”(+) We have to obey the rules(-) We don’t have to obey the rules(?) Do we have to obey the rules?

Note: (catatan)

Has to Have to digunakan untuk menyatakan satu keharusan pada kegiatan keseharian (tidak mutlak), namun bila kegiatan itu mutlak maka memakai “must” (mutlak seperti: peraturan dan keharusan / kewajiban lebih dari 1x. Contoh: harus memakai helm, harus minum obat)

Has to / Have to sifatnya lebih halus digunakan untuk keseharian contoh: harus menjemput, menemani, belajar, makan siang, dll

Catatan: (menggunakan has to / have to lebih baik dari pada menggunakan must)

Example: “Want to” ingin(+) She wants to go to the campus (-) She doesn’t want to go to the campus(?) Does she want to go to the campus?

Example: “To be” going to (mau)(+) She is going to come here now(-) She isn’t going to come here now(?) Is she going to come here now?

NOUN VERBALRumus (has to, have to, want to)(+) S + 3 KKYK + be + noun / adj / adverb + K(-) S + do / does + 3 KKYK + not + be + noun / adj / adverb + K(?) Do / does + S + 3 KKYK + be + noun / adj / adverb + K

Rumus (to be / am, is, are, going to)(+) S + to be (am, is, are) + going to + be + noun / adj / adverb + K(-) S + to be + not + going to + noun / adj / adverb + K(?) To be (am, is, are) + S + going + be + noun / adj / adverb + K


Example: “has to + be”(+) She has to be in hospital(-) She doesn’t have to be in hospital(?) Does she have to be in hospital

Example: “have to + be” (+) I have to be a designer(-) I don’t have to be a designer(?) Do I have to be a designer

Example: “want to + be(+) She wants to be a millioner(-) She doesn’t want to be a millioner(?) Does she want to be a millioner

Example “to be going to + be”(+) I am going to be happy(-) I am not going to be happy(?) Am I going to be happy

ExerciseSekretaris itu mau memeriksa gudang dilantai dua sesegera mungkin

Siapa yang mau menjadi pemimpin dikantor ini?

Siapa yang sedanga melamun ketika direktur masuk dikantor ini

Apakah sekretaris itu harus mengembalikan barang2 ini segera

Dimana barang itu berada

Polisi itu harus memberhentikan pengendara sepeda motor karenapengendara itu tidak memakai helm

Saya harus berada dirumah sakit hari ini

Apakah pengemudi itu harus memperbaiki mobilnya besok lusa

Jam berapa temen kamu menelpon aku

Answer:The secretary is going to check wear house in second floor as soon as possible

Who is going to become the leader in this office?

Who is dreaming when the director comes into office?

Is the secretary has to return back the good new?

Where are the good now?

The polish has to stop motor because driver doesn’t wear helm

I has to be in hospital today

Does the driver has to repair his car the day after tomorrow?

What time is your friend going to call me?

Temanku ingin bermalam dirumah saya hari iniMy friend want to spend the night in my house today

Mereka tidak ingin kecewa untuk hasil ujian merekaThey don’t want to be disappointed for result their test


*Pemakaian Yet.Hanya digunakan dalam kalimat Negatif yang berarti belum dan kalimat bertanya

Example:I haven’t done it yetHaven’t you finished yet?

Pemakaian this morningBisa dipakai dalam Present Tense, Past Tense dan Present Perfect

Example(PS) I have breakfast this morning(PTS) I had breakfast this morning(PF) I have had breakfast this morning

ExerciseSaya sudah menjual mobil 10, ketika pelanggan saya nenelpon

Menejer itu menegur saya, untungnya saya sudah selesai mengetik

Apakah mereka sudah membayar pajak tahun ini

Sudahkah anda solat hari ini?

Dia sudah tidak pernah menghubungi saya lagi sejak kita lulus sekolah

AnswerI have sold ten cars, when the customers call me

The manager addresses me, fortunately I have finished type

Have they part tax this year?

Have you prayed today?

She hasn’t ever call me anymore, since we graduated schoolShe has never call me anymore, since we graduated school

# Note:Kata Anymore digunakan untuk kalimat (-) dengan arti “lagi” Kata Again digunakan untuk kalimat (+) dengan arti “lagi”Kata “Again” sangat tidak cocok untuk kalimat (-)


Answer:Who has to be there?

Where are they going to help refugee?

What time are you going to came here?

Does Rina have to accompany her manager in promotion new product?

Is your uncle going to transfer money to you today?

What are you going to be?

Why do you want to be a president?


Do I have to be there soon?

What do you have to do if you are there?

Who wants to be treat me today

Do you want to buy the dress?

Father has to remove his car on the garage

She isn’t going to drink medicine from doctor

ExerciseKami sudah sedang berdebat selama 2 jam ketika dosen masuk ruangan

Apakah nokia paling mahal antara Samsung dan siemens?

Apa yang sedang anda kerjaka kemarin ketika bos anda menelpon

Apakah anda mau menelponku hari ini?

Petugas itu sudah menandatangani perjanjian ketika sekretarisnya datang

Siapa yang akan menjemput aku besok dikampus?

Mana yang lebih cepat larinya kucing atau anjing?

Ketika macan tiba dikandangnya anaknya sudah pergi keluar mencari makan minggu lalu

Mengapa Rina tidak datang kemarin? Apakah Rina sakit. Apakah Rina tidak memberitahukan dosennya dan mengapa Rina tidak menelpon aku?

Jam berapa sebenarnya manager itu datang kekantor. Ketika sekretarisnya sudah sedangmengetik surat selama 10 menit

Answer:We have been debating for 2 hours, when the lecture comes in the room

Is the nokia the most expensive among Samsung and siemens?

What were you doing yesterday, when your boss called?

Are you going to call me to day?

The officer has agreement when his secretary comes

Who will pink up in campus tomorrow?

Which one runs more quickly cat or dog?

When the tiger came in its cage, its son had gone out look for the feed last week

Why Rina didn’t come yesterday? Was Rina suck, didn’t Rina tell to her lecturerand why she didn’t call me?

What time does the manager actually come to office when his secretaryhas been typing for ten minutes


Note:Subject shall hanya dapat menggunakan I da we

Subject will bebas

Perbedaan Will dengan “to be” going to:#Will Belum direncanakan“To be” going to sudah direncanakan

# Shall / will bisa digunakan untuk menyatakanExample:Shall, I close the door? (Bolehkah)Shall, I come in?Shall, I go firstWill you help me? (Anda mau bantu saya)

Will bisa digunakan dalam kalimat conditional / kalimat bersyaratExample perbedaan will dengan “to be” going toSon : mom, tadi ayah bilang pesan nanti masak sayur asamMom : ya, nanti akan masak sayur asamNeighboard : masak apa hari ini?Mom : saya akan masak sayur asam

Son : mom, f ather say to order you have to cook sour soupMom : yes, I will cook sour soup / I will do itNeigboard : What do you cook today?Mom : I am going to sour soup

Rumus Noun Verbal (+) S + Shall / will + be + ajd / noun / adverb(-) S + Shall / will + not + be + adj / noun / Adverb(?) Shall / Will + be + adj / noun / adverb

Example:I will be happyI will be in jogya

# Note:Bentuk lain dari kata “akan” adalah “to be” about to dan “to be” on the point to (bentuk zaman dulu)Bentuk lain kata “akan” bisa menggunakan present continuous (maknanya berbeda / menggunakan

kata kerja tertentu yang aktif / bergerak)

# Example:Where are you going? – I am leaving to JuandaI am moving

Siapa yang mau menikah minggu depan kalau saya menerima undangan mudah2an saya mau datangJam berapa dosen kita mau menjelaskan tentang harga bensin saya sebenarnya ingin mampir

kerumahmu tadi malam. Tapi rumah kamu lampunya mati,Jadi aku tidak mampir kesana, kemana kamu semalam

Hari ini anda punya rencana apa? Kalau anda mau pergi ke WTC boleh kita pergi bersamaApakah manager itu sedang ngobrol dengan sekretarisnya ketika istrinya mengetukmpintuBerapa lama direktur itu sudah sedang berpidato didepan karyawannya, ketika anda tiba disana

Who going to merit next week? If I accept invitation hapefully I am going to come there


What time is the our lecturer going to explain about gasoline price

I actually want to dropped in your house last night. But your home light was office, so I didn’t drop

there, where were you last night?

What do you have plan today/ if you are going to go to WTC, may we go together

Is the manger speaking with his secretaries when his “wife” knocks the door

Ketika saya tiba dirumah teman saya, teman2 saya sudah sedang mengerjakan pekerjaan kelompok kita selama 15 menit Ketika teman saya menikah saya sedang tidak berada di Surabaya sehingga saya tidak bisa datang kesanaPara karyawan sudah sedang menunggu mengambil gaji mereka selama 30 menitSaya dan teman saya akan pergi berlibur ke Bandung ketika kami liburan nanti

When I arrive in my friend’s home, my friends have been doing our homework for 15 minutesWhen my friend marry, I am nothing in Surabaya, so I can not come in thereThe employees have been waiting get the our salary for 30 minutesMe and friend will 90 on vacation in Bandung when we vacation letter

LANJUTAN “Future Tense”Menyatakan suatu kegiataan yang akan dilakukan sesegera mungkin meskipun tidak terencana, Yaitu menggukan:

Rumus:(+) S + to be (am, is are) V1 + ing(-) S + tom be + am, is, are) + not + V1 + ing(?) To be (am, is, are) + S + V1 + ing

Tanpa keterangan waktu yang dimiliki oleh Present Continuous tapi dengan menggunakan keterangan waktu Future Tense

Note:Bentuk ini sering menggunakan kata kerja yang aktif atau melakukan sesuatu (bergerak):

Example:What are you doing here?Ngapain kamu akan kesini (dengan datang secara tiba2)

I am meeting with youSaya akan segera bertemu denganmu

I am coming to thereSaya akan sesegera datang kesana

I am leaving to airportSaya akan segera berangkat ke bandara

I am going to do it

I am doing soon

Apakah direktur PT. Lapindo mau memberikan bantuan kepada pengungsi secepatnyaManager itu biasanya akan memperkenalkan diri kepada karyawan2nya agar mereka mengetahui

apakah rencana – pemasaran akan segera dipromosikan kepada pelanggan lama dan baru Mr. Marijan mengkonfirmasikan kepada pemerintah dan penduduk setempat

bahwa gunung merapi tidak akan meletus dalam waktu dekat


Ketika sekretaris itu menelpon, kebanyakan kryawan sudah mempersiapkan barang2 baru

dilantai dasar lebih awalKetika saya menelpon anda, mengapa anda tidak menjawab apakah anda tidak menjawab,

apakah anda sibuk, apakah anda diluar kota. Apakah anda sakit kemarinBeberapa hari yang lalu pengungsi itu mengeluh karena lingkungan pengungsi sudah tidak layak

ditempati siapa yang akan segera memberi bantuan iniBerapa harga komputer2 itu komputer2 itu kelihatannya lebih canggih dari sebelumnya

Minggu lalu diman anda membeli computer itu

PAST PERFECT TENSE (Tinggal cerita) Selalu digabung dengan Past Tense

Example :When I arrive, my boss has gone (PS + PF)When I arrived, my boss had gone yesterday (PTS + PPT)

Past Perfect Tense adalah digunakan untuk suatu kegiatan yang sudah selesai dilakukan atau kegiatan tersebut, baru saja, belum selesai kegiatan lain menyusul

(Past Tense)

Keterangan waktu yang sering digunakan sama dengan Past Tense

Rumus: (Verbal) (+) S + had + V3 + O + K(-) S + had + not + V3 + O + K(?) Had + S + V3 + O + K


(Noun Verbal) (+) S + had + been + ajd / adv / noun

(-) S + had + not + been + adj / adv / noun (?) Had + S + been + adj / adv / noun

Example: She had gone to Bandung yesterday They had gone in office two days ago

Rumus Gabungan : When / after / before / as soon as / until + PTS + PPT PTS + when / after / before / as soon as + PPT

Example: > Sebelum tiba disana perampok itu sudah malarikan diri

Before the police arrived there, the robbers had escaped

> Ketika saya tiba di stasiun, kereta sudah berangkat kemarin When I arrive in rellyway satition,the train had gone yesterday

> Calon mertuaku sudah berada dirumahku ketika aku pulang pacaran dengan anaknya kemarin

My in law candidate had been at my house when I came home from dating with her son

Note:Apabila dua kejadian tsb waktunya sudah jelas dan singkat maka bisa dibuat dalam bentuk Past Tense keduanyaExample: Ketika saya memperbaiki computer, lampu mati When I repaired the computer, the lamp turn off

PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS (PPTC) (Sudah tinggal cerita tetapi sedikit berbeda dengan PPT/PTS)

Digunakan untuk suatu kegiatan yang sudah sedang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu ketika kegiatan lain menyusul (Past Tense)

Rumus: Tidak memiliki Status Verbal / Non Verbal).

(+) Subject + had + been + V1 + ing + O + K(-) Suject + had + not + been + V1 + ing + O + K(?) Had + Subject + been + V1 + ing + O + K

Example: Semua Jenis Tenses di Kelompok B.

1. (PTS) : Calon mertuaku tiba dirumahku, aku terkejut tadi malam My in law candidate come to my house, I was surprised last night.

2. (PTC) : Ketika aku sedang duduk melamun, tiba2 calon mertuaku datang tadi malam

When I was dreaming alone, suddenly my in law candidate came last night.

3. (PPS) : Calon mertuaku datang aku sudah tidur tadi malam


My in law candidate came, I had slept.

4. (PPC) : Aku sudah sedang duduk melamun selama 30 menit, ketika calon mertua- ku datang tadi malam

I had been dreaming for 30 minutes, when my in law candidate came- last night.

Catatan: Semua Subject menggunakan Kata Bantu HAD + Verb1+ING > (+) (-) (?).

INFINITIVE (Kata kerja pertama)

Kata kerja pertama terdiri dari 2 macam:

1. Infinitive dengan to (to see) infinitive asli2. Infinitive tanpa to (go home) bar infinitive

1. Fungsi-fungsi Infinitive: Tetap bermakna kata kerja.

A.Sebagai subject kalimat

Example:1. To pray 5 times in a day is my obligation2. To study English in globalitation area is decision3. To say is easy, but to do as difficult4. To play badminton in Saturday night is very happy

B. Sebagai object pelengkap / objective complement (menerangkan object)

Example:1. My headmaster suggest me to study English reguraly2. I want them to stop crying3. The spectators wish Indonesia football team to get championship of Asian Games4. Most of people football player’s stamina, to increase well5. Tom wants mechanic to repair his motorcycle

C.Sebagai Subject Complement memakai to be

Example:3. You are to do last examination before February


4. (kamu harus test terakhir sebelum February5. Mr. President is to accompany Mr. Bush in Botanical Garden in Bogor6. I am to visit hospital soon7. (saya harus mengunjungi rumah sakit segera)8. Note: contoh diatas bermakna harus, ingin, perintah9. This job are to finish before late10.The police is to stop the bad driver in the street

D.Sebagai pelengkap kata kerja

Example:11.Mr. Marijan rejected to go down from the hill soon12.I fail to understand what you wanted last night13.My old friend comes out to be ready a chairman in meeting (tiba2 muncul)14.My new director has promised to give big bonus15.For us in the future (dalam waktu dekat)16.The security protect to come Mr. Bush in Jakarta

E.Sebagai Object kata kerja

Example:17.They forgot to tell me about you reminded them 2 days ago18.I must to learn to find another solution to PT. Lapindo19.We want to be a good football player in the future, god willing

F.Sebagai Object kata depan Object preposition

Example:20.She is about to go overseas (akan segera)21.My friend desires nothing to distribute some money to the refugee disaster of Sidoarjo (tanpa pamrih)22.Mr. Bush is just about to renew of terrorism constitution

G.Sebagai kata sifat bermakna pasif

Example:23.You best friend has a few secret words to say me24.I had bought a good novel to read with you25.I give a candy to that kid to absorb soon

H.Sebagai adverb hanya menerangkan kata kerja

Example:26.You must finish your job to give to our boss tomorrow27.She got up to answer the phone

I.Digunakan kata “Too” (terlalu / sehingga) “too + adj + infinitive

Example”28.I am too tired to type this letter soon29.I think my friend is too old to register a military now30.Those problems are too hard to solve in one hour

J.Adj / adv + enough + infinitiveK.Enough + noun + infinitive

Example:31.Do you have enough book to study English32.My friend speak English well enough to be secretary33.I think he is young enough to joint military soon


L. S + V + pronoun / noun + infinitive

Example:34.My friend tell something very important to give you35.To always remind someone to be more care full to drive car in free way36.I need someone to help me37.I invite him to come here soon38.My uncle allow me to joint English program39.My brother always an caurange me to study regularly

M S + to be + kata sifat + infinitive

Example:40.I am glad to do it41.I am not happy to welcome you soon42.I am Lucky to got big bonus from my boss today43.I am pager to register as military department

44.Note: - How to over come it (infinitive)45.How do you over come it (present tense)

N.Digunakan dengan “IQ / kalimat negative”

Example:46.I don’t know what to do47.Do you think how to get some is easy48.My friend tell us where to live now49.The official gurde me to operate this camera

O.Bentuk negatif Infinitive

Example:1. He decided not to go to movie with you now2. It’s wrong help commodities to refugees came3. I tell him not to stand there, please4. I think you are not to do it by your self but try with your friend

P.Digunakan sebagai “Continuous”

5. Example:6. You took to be recovering your deases7. He seems to be dreaming alone to his old story of the memory

Q. Digunakan dengan “Perfect Continuous”

8. Example:9. We are delighted to have been working with you for a long time10.She suspected us to have been hiding her money

R. Sebagai Passive Infinitive

Example:11.Her car is to be repaired by mechanic12.Those big trees were to be damaged by big light13.Her car to has been repaired by mechanic


DIRECT OR INDIRECT SPEECH (kalimat langsung dan kalimat tidak langsung) Kalimat yang dilaporkan dari orang pertama kepada orang ketiga, melalui pembicara orang kedua

Perubahan Tenses dari kalimat langsung ke dalam bentuk kalimat tidak langsung:

Kalimat langsung Kalimat tidak langsung1. Present Tense 1. Past Tense2. Present Continuous 2. Past Continuous3. Future Tense 3. Past Future4. Present Perfect 4. Past Perfect5. Present Perfect Continuous 5. Past Perfect Continuous6. Past Tense 6. Past Perfect7. Past Continuous 7. Past Perfect Continuous8. Past Future 8. Past Future Perfect 9. Future Continuous 9. Past Future Perfect Continuous

Kata pengganti benda / orang (Pronoun):

Kalimat langsung Kalimat tidak langsung1. I 1. He / she2. We 2. They3. You 3. Me, he, she, they4. My 4. His / her5. Our 5. My .., his / her, their6. Me 6. Him / her

Present Tense

1. Mr. Bean said, “I’m happy” (D.S) > kalimat langsung Mr. Bean said that he was happy. (I.S) > kalimat tidak langsung

2. Miss Atun said, “I buy dress today” (D.S) Miss Atun said that she bought drees that day (I.S)

Present Continuous

1. My friend said,”My sister is cooking now” (D.S)2. My friend said that her sister was cooking than (I.S)

Present Perfect Continuous

1. My friend said, “My brother has been debating for two hours recently” (D.S)2. My friend said that his brother had been debating for two hours recently (I.S)

Future Tense

1. Mr. Kevin said, “My partner will negosied with me the day after tomorrow”2. Mr. Kevin said that his partner would negosied with him in two days there.

1. Future Continuous Mr. Ryo said, “My daughter will be repairing her car when I come there next month”Mr. Ryo said that his daughter would be repairing her car when he came there the following month.

Perubahan keterangan waktu dan keterangan tempat:

Kalimat langsung kalimat tidak langsung

1. Now 1. Then2. Yesterday 2. The day before3. Last night 3. The night before4. Last week 4. The week before5. Two days ago 5. Two days before


6. Last Sunday 6. The Sunday before7. Five years ago 7. Five years before8. Today 8. That day9. Tomorrow 9. Next day / the following day10. Next month 10. The following month11. Next year 11. The following years12. The day after tomorrow 12. In two days there13. This 13. That14. Can 14. Could15. Will 15. Would16. Shall 16. Should17. May 17. Might18. Have to 18. Had to 19. Must 19. Has to20. Going to 20. Was / were going to

Bentuk Yes / No Question

1. Ms. Alda said, “Are you happy?” She asked me that if / weather I was happy or not (I.S)

2. Ms. Tamara said, “Do you come on time to your course today? She asked me that if I come on time to my course that day

3. Mr. Bondan said, “Are they debating about these problem He asked me that weather they were debating about there problem than?

4. Mrs. Lany said, “Has she been doing many thing yet?” She questioned me that if she had doing many thing yet?

5. Mrs. Ria said,” have you visited Bali already recently? She asked me that weather I had visited Bali already recently?

6. Mr. Kasino said, “Have you been here before? He asked me that if I had been there before?

7. Mr. Bean said, “Were you at your house last night when I called you?” He asked me that if I had been at my house the night before when he had called me?

8. Ms. Demimoore said, “did you son study English with your son’s friend yesterday?” She asked me that if my son had studied English with my son’s friend the day before

9. Mr. Ray said, “Were you partner negotiating about your agreement when you came last night?”

He asked me that if my partner had been negosiating about my agreement when I had come the night before

10.Ms. Julia said, “Will your secretary finish your job on time the day after tomorrow?” She asked me that if my secretary would finish my job on time in two days time?

11.Ms. Pretty said, “Will your neigh board be bargaining your private flower vas when your son

comes home late tomorrow morning?

She asked me that if my neigh board would be bargaining my private flower vas when my son comes home late the next day?

12.Mr. Silver said, “Would your new fellows do your duties” when you drop in friend’s house last week?”

He asked me that if my new fellows would have done my duties when I had dropped to my friend’s house the week before?



13.Present Tense

14.Mr. Kelvin said, “Why are you here on time temporally / eventually / accident / suddenly today?

15.He asked me that why I was there on time temporally that day?

16.Ms. Any said, “What time does your friend came here today?”17.She asked me that time my friend came there that day?

18.Present Continuous

19.Mr. Bond said, “What are you doing when your old friend calls you today?”20.He asked me that what I was doing when my old friend called me that day?

21.Present Perfect

22.My neigh board said, “Our old friends have gone to America”23.My neigh board said that old friends has gone to America

24.Past Perfect

25.My old friend said, “I had been there for a long time”26.My old friend said that he had been there for a long time

27.Past Tense

28.Several people said, “We visited Bali many times last year”29.Several people said that they had visited Bali many times the year before

30.Past Continuous

31.Miss Melanie and her husband said, “We were discussing about future last night”32.Miss Melanie and her husband said that they had been discussing about future the night


33.Past Continuous + Past Tense

34.Mr. Keanu Reave said, “My grandma was finishing her cooking when I came yesterday”35.Mr. Keanu Reave said that his grandma was finishing her cooking when he had come

home the day before

36.Future Past Tense

37.Miss Tamara said, “My son would play in the street without his brother last week”38.Miss Tamara said that the son would have played in the street without his brother the

week before

39.Future Tense

40.Mr. Kevin said, “My partner will negotiate with me the day after tomorrow”41.Mr. Kevin said that his partner would negotiate with him in two days there

42.Future Continuous

43.Mr. Ryo said, “My daughter will be repairing her paper when I come there next month”44.Mr. Ryo said that his daughter would be repairing her paper when he came there the

following month

Bentuk kalimat Negative


1.Present Tense

1. My uncle said, “My son is not interested to study English this month”2. My uncle said that son wasn’t interested to study English that month

3. My lecturer said, “I don’t want to explain my last answering to my old student this day”4. My lecturer said that he didn’t want to explain my last answering to his old student hat


5. The security said, “all buyers are not home planning about their quality order when the 6. company’s manager came there

7. The security said that all buyers are not home planning about their quality order when the

8. company’s manager came there

2.Present Perfect

1. The trainer said, “my secretary has not finished her job since I come to the office the morning”

2. The trainer said that his secretary had not finished her job since he came to the office that morning

3. Present Prefect Continuous

1. What has your partner been operating computer for ten minutes when your secretary arrives here today.” My director ask to me

2. He asked me that what my partner had been operating computer for ten minutes when my secretary arrived there that day

4. Present Perfect

1. “Since when have they lived in there hometown when your brother has finished your brother’s script

2. Recently my neigh board asked me this morning

3. He asked me that since when had lived in there hometown when my brother had my brother’s script

4. recently that morning

5. Mr. Yusuf said, “have there car been here before 6 pm today?6. He asked me that if I had been there before 6 pm that day?

5. Past Tense

1. What did your neigh board do when you first came here to live with him last week? My mother ask to me


2. She asked me that what my neigh board had done when I first had come there with him the week before

6. Past Tense

1. “Is your uncle very disappointed when his job is not on time for finishing?” Mrs. Yanti ask to me

2. She asked me that if my uncle was very disappointed when his job wasn’t on time for finishing

7. Future + Present Perfect

1. Mrs. Anggun said, “Why will you do it for your friends as we have known you are very tired

2. two hours letters?”

3. She asked me that why I would do it, for my friends as they had known I was very tired two hours letter

8. Past Tense

1. My manager said,” were your new friend an were house when your checked suddenly last night?

2. He asked me that if my new friend had been at were house when I had checked suddenly the night before

9. Present Tense (KKYK)

1. “Do you have to visit your grandma home town in the near time?” Ms Dian ask to me2. She asked me that if I had to visit my grandma home town in the near time

10. Past Continuous + Past Tense

1. Mr. Calvin said,”what were your young sister calculating when you were here last night?

2. He asked me that what my young sister had been calculating when I had there he night before

11. Present Tense

1. Mrs. Tamara Sara, “can you be able to do your script by your self next time?2. She asked me that if I could be able to do my script by my self the following time

12. Past Continuous

1. Mr. Bond said, “were your friends debating about gasoline price suddenly your2. lecturer came to class yesterday

3. He asked me that if my friends had been debating about gasoline price suddenly my4. lecturer had come to the day before

13. Perfect Continuous

1. My mom said, “How long have you been dreaming alone in of the door?2. My mom asked me that how long I had been dreaming alone in front of the door

Bentuk Exclamatory

1. My mother said, “what a hand some men he is!2. My mother said that man was hand some


3. “How nice hair she has” My sister said that she had nice hair4. “How wonder full you are” My brother said that you were wonder full

Bentuk Menawarkan (Ofered)

1. The waitress said, “sell I bring you some a tea” The waitress offered me to bring some a tea

Bentuk Mengajak, Suggested/advised = Menyarankan

2. My father said, “Let go to Dufan Jakarta now” My father advice we should go to Dufan Jakarta than

My father advice going to Dufan Jakarta than

Bentuk Kebenaran umum

1. My boyfriend tell me “the James Bond film’s ticket is cheap on Monday” My boyfriend told me that the James Bond film’s ticket is cheap on Monday

2. The Jury said, “We have never been satisfied to all our decision about the last punishment in our court .

The Jury said that they had never been very satisfied to all their decision about the last punishment in their court

Bentuk Perintah

Tidak memakai “that” pada kalimat tidak langsung (I.S)Dipakai hanya pada Present Tense Dalam bentuk: ordered, asked, remanded, commanded

1. My uncle said, “Don’t come late to the office today” My uncle ordered me not to come late to my office that day

2. “Don’t make any noise now, because my baby is sleeping” The girl asked me not to make any noise than, because her baby is sleeping

Bentuk Berterimakasih

1. He said, “Congratulation!” He congratulated me

2. He said, “thank you! He thanked me

3. He said, “liar!” He called me a lia


Bila kata penghantarnya dalam bentuk:1. Present Tense2. Present Perfect3. Future isinya cenderung KKYKMaka pronoun tetap berubah tetapi Tense nya tidak berubah / tetap

1. Mr. Bean says, “I am very happy today”2. Mr. Bean says that he is very happy that day

3. Mr. Bean has said, “My wife is cooking”4. Mr. Bean has said that his wife is cooking

5. Miss Atun will say, “I am going to marry soon this year”6. Miss Atun will say, “I am going marry soon that year

7. “Have you ever meet your formaly lecturer”,Tamara says8. Mrs. Tamara says to me that if I have ever meet my formally lecture

9. “When you come is your uncle calculating his last salary?”10.Mr. Didi has said to me that when I come if my uncle is calculating his last salary

11.“Old the employees have to sign all new agreement without complaining”12.Mrs. Audy will say that old employees have to sign all new agreement without



Dibedakan menjadi 2 golongan:174

A.Present Participle (Vrb+1-ing)

Example:4. Sleeping5. Dancing6. Cooking7. Washing8. Surprising

Past Participle (Verb+Ed) Termasuk V3 (irregular).

Example:1. Interested2. Broken3. Understood4. Delighted

Perbedaan Ping dan Ped

1. Ping bermakna aktif

Example: 1. Mengejutkan2. Melaksanakan3. Berkembang4. Berenang5. Menyentuh

2. Ped bermakna pasif Example:

1. Dikejutkan2. Dilaksanakan 3. Dikembangkan4. Ditandatangani

Contoh: Jika penjelasan itu membingungkan, pendengar menjadi bingung.

If the explanation is confusing, you get confused


1. Ped bisa diartikan sudah selesai2. Ping bisa diartikan masih terjadi.

P1-ing : a. Interesting film = film yang menarikb. Falling love = hati yang sedang jatuh cintac. Boiling water = air yang matang

Ped : d. Faded flower = bunga yang sudah layu


e. Broken heart = hati yang sudah patahf. Folen leaves = daun yang bergugurang. Boiled water = air yang sudah matang h. Falled love = hati yang sudah jatuh cinta

Fungsi P1-ing dan Ped .

1. Atributif, memberi sifat kepada benda (sebagai kata sifat)

Example:1. Developing Country: Negara yang sedang berkembang2. Developed Country : Negara yang dikembangkan3. Complement Subject, menerangkan tambahan kepada subject

Example:1. Ping The film is interesting2. Ped She is very tired

Catatan: Karena Ping dan Ped fungsinya sebagai kata sifat maka dapat dinerikan penekanan, dengan kata-kata seperti:

1. - Must - Most - Rather = agak2. - More - Too 3. - Very - Almost

Example:1. I am very hungry2. I am too sleepied3. Bean’s film is more interesting than “Harry potter”4. I am most tired

Ping Ped , dapat diletakkan didepan atau dibelakang kata benda atau pronoun yang diterangkan

Ping (dibelakang kata benda)

1. The girl who is standing in front of my house is lecture. (who is Tidak ditulis) -> The girl standing in front of my house is my lecture

2. The director who is walking to word me wants to give fee ->The director walking to word me wants to give bonus

3. The cat which is eating fish on the table belongs to my neigh board ->The cat eating fish on the table belongs to my neigh board

Note: kata Pronoun = who is / which is bisa dihilangkan

Ped (Dibelakang kata benda)

1. Saya belum pernah mendengar seorang koruptor besok dihukum mati2. I have never heard big coruptor punished by dead sentence


3. Gelas yang diletakkan diatas meja berisi jus alpukat4. The glasses which is put on the table is avocado jus.5. The glasses put on the table is avocado jus.

CLAUSE Adalah serangkaian kata yang mempunyai Subject dan Predikat (lebih jelas lihat di relative Conjunction / adjective clouse)

Example:1. What you want is nothing -> Noun Clouse (anak kalimat)2. I don’t known where you live -> Noun Clouse (anak kalimat)3. I will go if you go -> Noun Clause (anak kalimat)

Bandingkan dengan Phrase: I want to buy an expensive red dress Phrase

Jenis Clause:

1. Main Clause / induk kalimat (Independent Clause) bisa berdiri sendiri (bebas)2. Subordinate Clause / anak kalimat (Dependent Clause) kalimat yang tidak bisa

berdiri sendiri

Fungsi Clause, dibedakan menjadi:

1. Clause sebagai Noun Noun Clause. (anak kalimat)2. Clause sebagai kata sifat Adjective Clause. (anak kalimat)3. Clause sebagai kata keterangan Adverbal Clause. (anak kalimat)


Golongan / Clasification Noun Clause: 1. Pernyataan / Statement 2. Pertanyaan / Question 3. Permintaan / Request4. Seruan / Exlamation

Pertanyaan / Statement.

1. Mr. Marijan has a certain skill Indonesian people have known that Mr. Marijan has a certain skill Independent clause dependent clause

2. We agree that Mr. Marijan has a certain skill has been famous in Indonesia country Dependent clause object keterangan tambahan (appositive)

Sebagai penghantar Noun Clause adalah kata “That” dan sering menggunakan Kata kerja seperti:

1. - Admit (mengakui) - Explain (menjelaskan)2. - Assure (menyakini) - Inform (menginformasikan)3. - Arrague (membantu) - Promise4. - Annaunce (mengumumkan) - Persuade (merayu) 5. - Claim (memprotes) - Predict (meramal)6. - Convise - Pray (berdoa)7. - Convise (menyakini) - Report, remind8. - Disagree (tidak setuju) - Say, suer9. - Deny (menyangkal) - State10. - Teach - Tell11. - Trarethin (mengancam) - Remarit (mengingatkan)

Kata kerja aktifitas mental (Verb of mental berhubungan dengan Panca Indra)

12. - Assum (memperkirakan) - Learn (belajar)13. - Believe (mempercayai) - Pretend (berpura-pura)14. - Calculate (berhitung) - Mind (keberatan)15. - Care (memperdulikan) - Prove (terbukti)16. - Conclude (menyimpulkan) - Realize (menyadari)17. - Decide (memutuskan) - Recall (menggeser)18. - Discover (menemukan) - Recollect (mengumpulkan kembali)19. - Dream (mengharapkan) - Reflect (mencerminkan)20. - Fell (rasa) - Remember (mengingat)21. - Find out - See (melihat)22. - Forget (melupakan) - Saw (menunjukkan)23. - Hear (mendengar) - Rejoice (melembutkan, menyenangkan)24. - Hope (berharap) - Think (berfikir)25. - Imagine (membayangkan) - Understand (mengerti)26. - Indicate - Wish (berharap)27. - Know - Regret (menyesali)


28. - Judge (mengadili) - Suppose

Jenis Noun Clause: 1. Kalimat Positif / Statement2. Kalimat bertanya / Question3. Permintaan / Request4. Kekaguman / Exlamatory

Example: Posisi Noun Clause dalam Kalimat.

P.T Lapindo has met Sidoarjo’s people suffering .

1. P.T Lapindo has met Sidoarjo’s people suffering that is right. Noun Clause (Caluse sebagai Subject)

2. That PT Lapindo has met Sidoarjo’s people suffering is right. Noun Clause (Clause sebagai Subject)

3. It’s right that PT. lapindo has met Sidoarjo’s people suffering. Noun Clause (Clause sebagai subject)

My friend is reding book.

4. I know that my friend is reading my book (sebagai Object dari Know)5. My friend is reading my book , that I know it6. That my friend is reading my book , I know it (sebagai Subject)

Kalimat bertanya / Question IQ biasanya tidak memakai “That” Where do you live?

7. I want to know where you live? Sebagai Object8. The big question is where you live? Sebagai Object9. Where you live is the big question for me? Sebagai Subject10.I am still thinking of where you live? Sebagai Object dari Preposisi

Kalimat bertanya / Question (Y / N)

Is Mr. Adjie married?

11.Do you know wheather Mr. Adjie is married of not?12.Do you know , if Mr. Adjie is married?13.Kalimat Induk

Can she do it?

14.I think wheather she can do it or not?15.Wheather Mr. Adjie is married or not, doesn’t care for me16.I hear about weather she can do it (Object Preposition)17.If Mr. Adjie is married or not , doesn’t care for me18.Anak kalimat Induk kalimat


Did Miss Lysa accompany me to go to Mall19.I hope weather Miss Lysa accompany me to go to mall or not20.Yesterday I dreamed weather Miss Lysa accompanied me or not?

Adjective Clause


29.Pengunaan Tanda Baca (PUNCTUATIONS)

Tanda baca Opostrophe (‘)

Example: untuk mahkluk hidup: Devina’s car ; cat’s eyes ; mankey’s house

Example: Penyingkatan 2 huruf menjadi 1: 30.- You have : you’ve31.- I am : I’m32.- You will : Won’t

Example: kutipan kalimat dalam kutipan lain (biasanya dalam Direct and Indirect)

9. He said ‘I am happy’

Example: penyingkatan tahun pada abad sekarang 10.I was born 1986 : I was born ‘8611.Do you still remember the general election pemit of

Tanda baca Collon (:)

Contoh daftar yang mengukuti kata-kata:12.My friend asked for several equipment: computer, book, HP, etc13.Our planings are us follow: married, go to makkah, looking for job, gradueated of

university Contoh untuk surat dagang

14.Dear sir

Contoh untuk memisahkan jam, antara jam dam manit15.20:3016.09:10

Tanda Semi Collon (;)

Contoh memisahkan dua atau lebih Induk kalimat (Independent) 33.yang tidak dihubungkan dengan Conjunction

34.Hari ini hujan deras aka saya membawa payung17.Today rain very havily so I bring umbrella18.Today rain very havily; I bring umbrella

The human being only have a number of teeth hair and ideas;35.their comes a time went he is 85 year old.

Contoh memisahkan Induk kalimat yang dihubungkan dengan kata penghubung Adverb

36.(therefore, howefer, never theless) dan setelah itu memakai koma.

37.I want to discuss with my candidate in law; however she is persuading her new boy friend.

38.It's very hot today ; therefore (oleh karena itu)39.I want to drik ice cream, I feel thirsty

Memisahkan Induk kalimat yang dihubungkan dengan coordinate Conjunction. Bila klausa-

40.klausanya mengandung koma (and, or, both for, not am but also)

- While he is dreaming of me imazing us Future for us great carrier; and us merried soon he possible try to do that hard

Contoh memisahkan item-item dalam sebuah daftar rangkaian bila hal tersebut mengandung koma.


Send me souvenir now: Dress; Radio; Pen; HP and deliver to my house.

Mantion of mamtened South East of Asian41.Countries are: Indonesia, Jakarta; Philipine, Manila; Malaysia, 42.Kuala Lumpur; Thailand, Bangkok; etc

Tanda Koma (,)

Memisahkan kutipan langsung dari bagian lain dalam kalimat example:43.‘Send me a letter’, my boyfriend ordered44.‘Yes, I am very happy’, my friend answer

45.Digunakan setelah frase atau kalimat penghantar / an Introductory He said

46.My candidate in law said. ‘I don’t give you a time for my son.

47.Unfortunately, my father in law candidate has rejected my planning.

48.Sebelum atau sesudah keterangan tambahan kata benda / Appositive; exemple:19.Mr. Bean, comedian, live in Australia.20.Hear, my new boyfriend, you monitored before.

Memisahkan alamat surat, tanggal, greating, address, example:

49.- Friday, August 17, 2007 (date)

22 Karangrejo, Surabaya, Indonesia

50.H. Dear my new friend, awal surat51.Sincerely, 52.With realy realy love, akhir surat

Memisahkan 2 kalimat yang dihubungkan dengan and, or but, example21.My biy friend come late today, but he is very nice.22.She work in wheet company, her brother on agriculture.

Digunakan dalam Question Tag.53.Example: - She is cooking, is she?

Digunakan sesudah Adverb Clause (anak kalimat) bila diletakkan diawal kalimat.

54.Example:55.If you interested with your father in law candidate persuade him softly.

Persuade him softly if you interested with your father in law candidate.23.Because he hates me accidentally, I don’t want to call him any more.

I don’t want to call him any more because he hates me accidently saat tidak sengaja

Untuk memisahkan item-item dalam sebuah kalimat, 56.Example:

24.I have bought some paper, books, Mk, ruler and pencils.

Untuk memisahkan bila meletakkan Adverb / Conjunction diantara Subject, Predicate

57.Example:25.That boy has, sometimes come to my house in time.

They are, believe it or not, in together Complement

58.Forever jika tidak ada koma setelah are ya salah I have, surpricingly me, got my old boyfriend again

Saya sudah mendapatkan pacar lama saya kembali secara mengejutkan.




26. Membuat kue mengenal nama bahan2; terigu, gula, coklat dll27. membangun rumah menggunakan bahan material; kayu, semen, bata dll28. Merakit radio / computer, handphone diperlukan macam2 komponen

60. Untuk menguasai percakapan Bahasa Inggris mutlak dan61. harus mengenal komponen2 (Elements)

62. Apakah mungkin membuat kue, tanpa mengenal nama bahan2?63. Apakah mungkin membangun rumah tanpa mengenal material?64. Terlebih lagi jika kita ingin merakit radio, siapapun mutlak65. mengenal komponen2 elektronik.66. Apakah mungkin, seseorang yang ingin menguasai percakapan Bahasa Inggris,67. tetapi tidak tertarik belajar mengenal komponen2? 68. Jadi satu kemustahilan proyek membangun rumah, membuat kue, 69. merakit computer akan bisa terwujud dalam waktu singkat!70. Bahasa Inggrispun tidak pengecualian, pasti akan kesulitan. 71. Bila ingin cepat berbicara Bahasa Inggris, tanpa sedikitpun 72. mau belajar dan menguasai Parts Of Speech.

73. partikel inti / komponen 2 Bahasa English! ( Parts of Speech )



74. 2. ADJECTIVE = kata sifat75. 3. ADVERB = kata keterangan76. 4. NOUN = kata benda77. 5. CONJUNCTION = kata penghubung78. 6. PRONOUN = kata pengganti79. 7. PREPOSITION = kata sisipan80. 8. DEFINITE ARTICLE = kata sambung

81. Adverb of Degree / Tingkat / Derajat82. (Menerangkan Adjective dan Adverb yang lain)83. (Bisa digunakan pada Kalimat Verbal dan Non Verbal)

84. 1. Very = sangat = I have a … nice chocolate (V) / Cassava is … nice (NV)

85. 2. More = lebih = She is … beautiful (NV) / He runs … quickly (V)

86. 3. Too = terlalu = The table is … heavy (NV) / My Manager arrives … early (V)

87. 4. Quite = cukup = He is … tired (NV) / She walks … slowly (V)

88. 5. Pretty = cantik = My Sister jumps … successful (V) / My Aunt is … enough (NV)

89. 6. Nearly = hampir = My Guests are … sleepy (NV) / My Uncle … arrives at home (V)

90. Hardly ever= tidak pernah= My In law … calls us (V) / His Brother is …… satisfied (NV)

91. 8. Fairly = agak = Her Neighbors are … friendly (NV) / My friend comes … late (V)

92. 9. Fully = penuh =

93. 10. Rather = agak =

94. 11. A bit = sedikit =

95. 12. Completely= lengkap =

96. 13. Relatively = kurang lebih =

97. 14. Extremely = luar biasa =

98. 15. Deeply = dalam =

99. 16. Distinctly = dengan jelas =

100. Enormously= sangat besar=


101. 18. Enough = cukup =

102. 19. Equally = sana =

103. 20. Exactly = persis =

104. 21. Exclusively= beda sendiri=

105. 22. Totally = seluruhnya =

106. 23. Moderately= sedang =

107. 24. Only = hanya =

108. 25. Partly = sebagian = 109. I Okky’s lesson

110. Chose a best Word, then Change Into sign below!

111. A.

112. She did not come / came to discuss problem (+)

113. Did your lecturer drive / drove his car alone (+)

114. My neighbor did / does his routine job yesterday (?)

115. That lion did not steal / stolen / stole its enemy’s food (+)

116. She wanted / wants to continue her old job last week (-)

117. Was / were they not at home to avoid their task (+)

118. She was very interest to buy it (-)

119. My sister did not throw / threw garage any where (+)

120. Was / did your brother wake / woke up early yesterday (-)

121. They were / did not win / won their championship (+)

122. B.

123. Mereka tidak membelanjakan untuk membeli barang2 kemarin

124. Kita memulai untuk menjelaskan hasil laba minggu lalu.

125. Aku memilih karir untuk mencapai cita2.

126. Anda menceritakan tentang kejadian itu kemarin sore

127. Mr. Jimmy mengirim daftar harga kemarin


128. I II I II I II129. 16. Come ….. Do ….. Forget ……

130. 17. Buy ….. Drink ….. Forgive ……

131. 18. Lend ….. Have ….. Feel ……

132. 19. Keep ….. Get ….. Make ……

133. 20. Know ….. Drive ….. Write ……

134. C.135. 21. She did not do it (+) We did our job well (?)

136. 22. He did not give (+) You fail your interview (?)

137. 23. Did you write it (+) I blow a balloon (-)

138. 24. Did they sing together (+) My uncle and I build a house (?)

139. 25. Mrs. Neny read novel (-) You and me had problem (?)

140. What time did you start to do it (answer please!)

141. How long did you visit there with your friend?

142. With whom did your friend study English last night?

143. Since what day did they distribute their contribution?

144. What for did he receive a small bonus?

145. II

146. A.

147. Does she has / have many friend before living here (+)

148. She does not have / has to call us anymore (+)

149. My partner does not want to have a had production (+)

150. Sarinem has / had dinner when her brother comes (?)

151. Has / have you had safety-belt before taking off (+)

152. Are you want / delighted to have big bonus (-)

153. Do / are they very tired to continue their job (+)

154. She / my friends is a good Secretary to do it (?)

155. Are / do you very interested to see that film (-)


156. That children are / does / do / is not enough age to do it (?)

157. B.

158. She has / had lunch when I came at her house last night

159. Did your partners has / have / had to sign it again (+)

160. Were they having dinner while you were discussing (-)

161. Our customers have / had done it when she comes (?)

162. He had / have to make a good job before she came (?)

163. Had / have you made a decision before your doctor phoned you (+)

164. Were / did they agree to continue our promotion (+)

165. Was / did the fish big to give some collector (+)

166. One of my customers was / were not here to join meeting (?)

167. The vendors / did / were / was not satisfied to do it (?)

168. Did / was your pet very funny on welcoming guest (+)

169. C.

170. 51. Are / is your friend going to accompany you soon (+)

171. Will you to / will you visit here to meet them (-)

172. Hery will have / has been doing his job when you come (?)

173. That man will / would have finished his occupation when she comes (?)

174. When your uncle drops / drop there, will she have / has done - 175. her task for one hour? (-)

176. Is / does she going to be very pleased to receive bonus (+)

177. Are / do you going to be / here in time tomorrow (-)

178. She will / would have been very satisfied when her husband, 179. send letter tree times in a month (?)

180. We / she shall be very pleased when you do on time (?)

181. Do / is / are they going to be in out of city for a week before you visit there (+)

182. III


183. Choose a best answer by making around!

184. Yesterday / Tumorrow my friend and I were not at home

185. She did / does not come here today

186. Last week / Next week he is going to sign a new agreement

187. A week ago / Tomorrow morning they came here.

188. Did she join / joined her last meeting

189. Was / were they very interested to buy it

Answer the question bellow completely!

1. Did that company produce new goods last week / next week

2. Were you not at / home with your uncle last week / next week

3. Did / was your partners agree to give them

4. Were / did you pleased to do it

5. Translate into Indonesian language!

6. Were you in office yesterday?

7. Was document in drawer last week


8. Two hours ago we did own job with them our own ….

9. She did not like his words

10. Were goods still in ware - house?

11. Was your pet in cage one hour ago?

12. Were several employees in front when you came?

13. Was the fire still very big when fire-brigade arrived?

14. Were your new customers very satisfied last month?

15. Was it on time or late

16. Were you very well last week?

17. Was she at home alone?

18. Were they not satisfied to have that performance?

19. Was I suitable to wear this hat last night?

20. Were you delighted to welcome your new customer?

21. Did they arrive early last night?

22. Was I fit to wear this dress in a party last night?

23. Were we satisfied to know it there?

24. Did you do your best job?

25. Were the equipments sophisticated to handle it

26. Was she in a good condition?

190. VI

191. Change into English well (Past Tense V / NV)

192. Aku telpon anda, tapi anda tidak menjawab telponku, 193. Apakah anda tidak di rumah, atau anda tidak mendengar?

194. Ketika saya singgah kerumah anda kemarin sore, 195. anda tidak tinggal dirumah, kemana anda sebetulnya?


196. Kami ingin menjelaskan tentang keuntungan kepada semua anggota, 197. tetapi kami menunda pertemuan itu karena beberapa pimpinan cabang198. tidak berada di Surabaya, dan mereka sebetulnya ingin mengukuti pertemuan 199. untuk mengetahui berapa banyak keuntungan 2 bulan ini.

200. Apakah jalan2 di Jakarta selalu macet?201. Ceritakan kepada saya. jam berapa anda tiba di sana?202. Dan anda dengan keluarga bermalam dimana, apakah anda tinggal di 203. salah satu hotel di Jakarta atau anda bermalam di salah satu teman lama? 204. Berapa hari anda tinggal di Jakarta, apakah anda merasa cocok dengan cuaca di sana?

205. Siapa2 yang sedang bernegosiasi ketika salah satu pelanggan baru balik206. ke lantai tiga? apakah pelanggan itu mengetahui bahwa anda sedang berdialog 207. kepada salah satu pimpinan cabang.

208. Apakah di Bali minggulalu hujan? ketika anda di Bali, tempat wisata2 apa yang telah 209. anda kunjungi, apakah anda puas? melihat pemandangan2 di Sanur? atau anda ingin 210. berkunjung lagi karena waktu itu anda sangat tergesa-gesa untuk pulang?

211. Answer the question bellow completely!

1. What things did you buy in Jakarta?

2. Where did she visit with her mom?

3. When did your relatives send money?

4. How long did you stay in out of city?

5. How much did you pay that used car?

6. How many computers did you keep in your cup-board?

7. Since when did she make papers?

8. What for did you help your neighbor everyday?

9. What reason did Mr. Jim Brown forgive his partner?

10. What day did they want to call me?


11. Why did you reject your benefit from him?

12. What year did he build that house?

13. What color did you choose a new car?

14. What kinds of dress did she wear to go to a party?

15. Whom did they give souvenir to?

16. Who made delicious syrup?

17. By what did we come there on time?

18. How far did your young brother walk everyday?

19. What novel did she read last night?

20. With whom did you go to the zoo?

21. Did you stay at that hotel long? Why?

22. Did you forgive her sincerely? Why?

23. Did you send a letter five times to her? Why?

24. Did she accompany you in hospital shortly? Why?

25. Did she wear her best color? Why?

26. Did she write a letter romantically? Why?

212. Did Miss Shinta persuade you sometime? Why?

213. Did Miss Luna want to drop in your house? Why?

214. Did Miss Reny remain you when you forget? Why?

215. Did Miss Widya pick up you to go office? Why?

216. Was she pleased to enjoy your dating? Why?

217. Were they satisfied to accept your benefits? Why?

218. Was she angry to your appointment late? Why?

219. Were you wondered when she did not answer your phone? Why?

220. Was she selfish to welcome you on Saturday night? Why

221. Did your friends to be friendly to welcome them

222. Were Mia and Amir in the office last week?


223. Was Miss Maya not in the stage?

224. Did you and your partner come there?

225. V

226. Answer the Question below Completely! (SPO / SPOK)

227. Examples:

228. Why didn’t you wake up soon last night?229. (Yes I did) I woke up soon.

230. Why didn’t you beat (beat) a snake? (beat)

231. Why didn’t you drive by car to go there? (drove)

232. Why didn’t you eat much in the party? (ate)

233. Why didn’t you draw a nice mountain? (drew)

234. Why didn’t you drink soft one calmly? (drank)

235. Why didn’t you dig a small hole at behind? (dug)

236. Why didn’t you build a nice house? (built)

237. Why didn’t you break your job when you were last? (broke)

238. Why didn’t you cut talking with your Grandma? (cut)

239. Why didn’t you bend the branch tree? (bent)

240. Why didn’t she catch you seriously? (caught)

241. Why didn’t she buy the souvenir for you (bought)

242. Why didn’t she burn her old boy friend’s photograph? (our)

243. Why didn’t she bring paper for you? (brought)

244. Why didn’t she blow your bath day’s candle light? (blew)

245. Why didn’t she begin to say romantic word? (began)

246. Why didn’t she became a good girl? (become)

247. Why didn’t choose a better carrier? (chose)

248. Why didn’t you find the way out when you loose away? (found)

249. Why didn’t he lend some money for her? (lent)

250. Why didn’t he fell longing far her anytime? (felt)


251. Why didn’t he know about her annoyed for you? (know)

252. Why didn’t he fly with a nice plan to go to Jakarta? (flew)

253. Why didn’t he keep his big saving for her? (kept)

254. Why didn’t hurt his old girl friend’s memory? (hurt)

255. Why didn’t he hide his girl friend’s weakness? (hid)

256. Why didn’t he give a special gift for her? (gave)

257. Why didn’t you get a good chance to approach her? (got)

258. Why didn’t he forgive her forever? (forgave)

259. Why didn’t they near about last information? (heard)

260. Why didn’t Mrs. Anna make a nice black forest? (make)

261. Why didn’t Miss. Rina read the last story about you?(read)

262. Why didn’t Mr. Jomes ride motorcycle? (rode)

263. VII

264. Chang Into different Sentence of Tense (PS to PTS / PTC to be / PS) (PCT to be PC / PC to PCT) (To be Going to change into Will)

265. Was it very clean weather at your home town yesterday?

266. Did you bargain at your new shoes when you bought it?

267. Were they doing their activities when she dropped there?

268. Was your Secretary checking her last task when her Manager came?

269. Did your subordinates want to help your when you got trouble

270. Did she have to accompany her Grandma?

271. She had to sign document but her boss was not there

272. He had a plane to do it soon but his partner didn’t come

273. My old neighbor had to register to join camera election

274. Her new idea was not deserve to overcome old problem

275. Were you talking with someone when your director called you?

276. Was your subordinates typing concept while you were calculating?


277. Were they in office last night?

278. Was rainy season not prediction last years?

279. Were those members debating each when you got into the room?

280. Complete the sentence below V / NV = PTS (Past Simple Tense / lampau)

281. Were / did those ……

282. Did / was these ……

283. Were / did that ……

284. Was / were this ……

285. Did / was it …..

286. Were / was several …..

287. Did / were money ……

288. Were / did some ….

289. Was / were all ……..

290. Did / was one of ……….

291. Did / were their ………

292. Were / was your ……….

293. Was / did his ……….

294. Were / was her ………

295. Was / did but ……….

296. Did / was nay ………

297. Was / were you and me ………

298. Did / were Mr and Mrs ……..

299. Were / was your brothers ……….

300. Was / did uncle’s ………

Complete the Question Tag Below!


301. We are very satisfied, ………?

302. They are in out of city, ……….?

303. I am suitable with this hat, ………..?

304. You are tired, …………..?

305. He is a good man, ………..?

306. She is a very pretty, …………….?

307. You and I are a good cooperation, …………..?

308. Mr. Brown is a newcomer, ………………?

309. Mr. John is a good cooker, ……………..?

310. Those lions are very savage, ……………?

Change Into English in Question Tag Verbal / non Verbal

311. Mereka bahagia, kan?

312. Kita dilantai dua, kan?

313. Aku cocok dengan baju ini, kan?

314. Anda haus, kan?

315. Mr. John pendatang, kan?

316. Mr. Luna seorang artis, kan?

317. Kucing itu, lucu, kan?

318. Pengendara2 itu patuh, kan?

319. Pedagang kaki lima itu, bingungkan?

320. Pemandangan itu menakjubkan, bukan?

321. III.

322. They want to come here, ……………..?

323. They are in our job on time, …………….?

324. I look like a wise man, ……………?

325. You just arrive here, ……………?


326. He has much money, …………….?

327. She make a paper today, ……………?

328. That tiger jump to catch mouse-deer, …………………?

329. Those employees reject their bonus, …………….?

330. This is very sophisticated, ……………?

331. Your neighbor are newcomer, …………..?

Complete the Elliptical Sentence below!332. (Verbal dan Non Verbal) So & Too.

333. They have to pay taxes, so do I – I do to (example)

334. We want to join a meeting,

335. I have many friends,

336. You have to accompany them,

337. He has much thing to do it,

338. She make a nice syrup,

339. That company wants to produce new production,

340. Those people interest to build houses in Malang,

341. It really has a certain qualification,

342. My partner wants to sign a new agreement,

343. V.

344. Those men do not, neither do I, she does too.

345. My uncle and I do not,

346. They do not

347. Mr. Jacky does not,

348. Mrs. Linda does not,

349. We do not,

350. Our partners do not,

351. My employee does not,

352. You do not,


353. He does not,

354. Several films are not interesting,

355. Some cheese is not quality,

356. A lot of sugar is not on table,

357. Many occident are not in free way,

358. All members are not satisfied,

359. One of friends are not in office,

360. Each of us is not interested,

361. That statue is not new model,

362. This lady is not wise,

363. Those women are not talking,

364. Verbal (-) Change Into English Command Well !

365. Jangan sentuh aku, yang!

366. Jangan berdiri ditengah pintu!

367. Jangan tinggalkan sendirian!

368. Jangan pergi tanpa pamit!

369. Jangan sering merayu calon mertua!

370. Translate Into Indonesia (NV)

371. Be happy!

372. Be a nick girl!

373. Be diligent!

374. Be careful on the way!

375. Be wise man!

376. Be wise today!

377. Be patient please!

378. Be a good performance!379. Be always pleased!


380. Be here please!

381. Translate Into Indonesia (NV)

382. Don’t be a bad girl!

383. Don’t be a bad boy!

384. Don’t be lazy everyday!

385. Don’t be a lies!

386. Don’t be a careless driver!

387. Don’t be there late!

388. Don’t be always selfish to people!

389. Don’t be arrogant when getting success!

390. Change Into Command Sentence (NV)

391. Jangan jadi pimpinan otoriter!

392. Jangan jadi korupsi!

393. Jangan jadi pembohong!

394. Jangan jadi pemalas!

395. Jangan jadi seorang penipu!

396. Jangan jadi seorang yang kasar!

397. Jangan jadi penyela pembicara!

398. Jangan keluar tanpa rencana!

399. Jangan jadi seorang misterius!

400. Jangan jadi seorang yang patah semangat!

401. Jangan jadi seorang yang terlalu cerewet!

402. Jangan jadi pemabuk!

403. Jangan jadi ……………..

404. Jangan jadi ………………

405. Jangan jadi ……………….

406. Command Exercises in Formal Sentences (Translate)


407. Verbal

408. 99. Close the window!

409. Change Into English Command!

410. Sentuhlah aku yang!

411. Kirimi aku surat yang!

412. Rindukanlah aku!

413. Buatlah segelas kopi untukku yang!

414. Dekatlah selalu hatimu!

415. Pindahkan kursi2 ini!

416. Bicaralah sebentar denganku!

PREQUENCY / Keseringan. 1. Ever / Pernah = She ever makes Blackforest by herself

2. Always/selalu = We cook before at 9am. =…………………………… 3. Often/sering = I replay the letter soon.

=……………………………… 4. Seldom/jarang = He debates with his in-law. =………………………… 5. Never/tdk pernah = She asks money much. =……………………………… 6. Ever/pernah = Reni forgives her old friend. = ……………………………. 7. Just/baru saja = The cat catches a mouse. =……………………………… 8. Already/sudah = My friends arrive in my house. =……………………………… 9. Usually/biasanya = Reni and Roy discuss their future.= ……………………………… 10.Actually/sebenarnya = You and I cooperate business. = …………………………….

Sisipkan Prequency sesuai dengan posisinya! (bebas memilih)

32. They do it again and again to know it more

33. We close the door because the win is big.

34. I walk on the grass to have a good foot. 199

35. You run in early morning to sport towice in a week.

36. He drives his car very fast in free way.

37. She breaks the traffic light because She does not careabout it

38. That Man forgets his appoinment to his old customers

39. That Girl eats them much while she is unhappy.

40. Those People drink spirit too much,so they feel headach.

41. This Boy talkabout his new Girl friend too much.

42. The Kid whistles when He gets into the room.

43. Miss Nina takes off her new shoes when she comesinto her Inlaw’s house.

44. They want to their job as quickly as possible.

45. Mr Tommy slips out at his big idea.

46. Mrs Rinny makes her first Blackforest to bring to her Inlaw candidate.

47. Your Frends eat in party’s birthday too much.

48. Her new Boy friend leaves her alone in her old friend ‘s party

49. His old Girl friend goes home without saying good bye

50. Our Pet knocks the door front again and again!

51. My Kid forgets to lock the door back before leaving out.

52. Some Ladies bargain a good stuff too cheap.

53. Miss Alamanda crosses in the street without seeing left and right.

54. Several young Boys ride motorcycle without wearing a helmet.

55. My beloved Grandma cooks the Cassave too much salt!

56. One of my Sisters makes a cake in baking too big size

57. My Gand pa drinks coffee too much sugar.

58. Our Kid Opens the box candy too fas.!

59. He Sits at beside his Old Girl friend without thouching her hand at all.

60. She Comes there not to close off her Boy friend actually.


61. One of Drivers of cargo taxi Turns the left suddenly.

62. My closed friend takes my candy out from my pocket.

63. The Cat Puts them out at one of our hand-bag .

64. My Grand ma wants me to take off your shoes from there

65. Those old people Walk slowly whe they ara in Garden.

66. Thaat Secretary Hangs on the receiver whenher Boss comes suddenly.

67. That man interest to master one of hisfriend’s business.

68. Those girls have many planings come to their big parties in time,

69. These ladies show off their jewelry in front of the cute men.

70. That woman does not want to bargain

71. That company wants to produce new production,

72. Those people interest to build houses in Malang,

73. Mr Brad fitt wants his fans to tell the right phone number

74. That Child jumps at his front fence when He wants to a kite.

75. Mrs Melanny Griffit wants her old friend to pick her up soon.

76. Mr Burt lynard regulates his second horror movie.

1. My closed friend takes my candy out from my pocket

2. The Cat Puts them out at one of our hand-bag .

3. My Grand ma wants me to take off your shoes from there

4. Those old people Walk slowly whe they ara in Garden.

5. Thaat Secretary Hangs on the receiver whenher Boss comes suddenly.

6. That man interest to master one of hisfriend’s business.

7. Those girls have many planings come to their big parties in time,

8. These ladies show off their jewelry in front of the cute men

9. That woman does not want to bargain

10. That company wants to produce new produc


11. My Kid forgets to lock the door back before leaving out.

12. Some Ladies bargain a good stuff too cheap.

13. Miss Alamanda crosses in the street without seeing left and right.

14. Several young Boys ride motorcycle without wearing a helmet.

15. My beloved Grandma cooks the Cassave too much salt!

16. One of my Sisters makes a cake in baking too big size

17. My Gand pa drinks coffee too much sugar.

18. Our Kid Opens the box candy too fas.!

19. He Sits at beside his Old Girl friend without thouching her hand at all.

20. She Comes there not to close off her Boy friend actually

21. They do it again and again to know it more

22. We close the door because the win is big.

23. You run in early morning to sport towice in a week.

24. He drives his car very fast in free way.

25. She breaks the traffic light because She does not careabout it

26. That Man forgets his appoinment to his old customers

27. That Girl eats them much while she is unhappy.

28. Those People drink spirit too much,so they feel headach.

29. This Boy talkabout his new Girl friend too much

30. They do it again and again to know it more

31. I walk on the grass to have a good foot.

32. You run in early morning to sport towice in a week

33. He drives his car very fast in free way.

34. She breaks the traffic light because she does not care about it

35. That Man forgets his appoinment to his old customers

36. That Girl eats them much while she isunhappy.

37. Those People drink spirit too much,so they feel headach.


38. This Boy talkabout his new Girl friend too much

39. That Lion catches the Deer at eat it up

40. Wira persuades his girl friend to

My Employee join a meeting in out of city,

I send some gift to many friends,

You accompany you beloved them,

He has much thing to do it,

She make a nice syrup,

That company produce new production,

Those people interest to build houses in Malang,

Ihas a certain qualificationshe stay here?

she choose? you live were?

you want for her?

you come here?

your uncle repair his can?

she bu



419. Lingkari yang benar, danterjemahkan kemudian baca dengan suara perlahan!

420. She does / is not busy421. She does not watch / watches TV422. Do / are you in out of city?423. Does / is you uncle angry witch you?424. We studies English have425. Is she agree / pleased to you?426. Do / does you friends come here427. Ria and I are / am not interested to buy it428. She wants / want to go with me429. Are / do you interested to see a film?430. She is / does not feel well today


431. Are they busy / go there on Sunday432. Your new newsbody watches / watch TV quietly433. Am I feel / pale much today434. You are / do not absolutely right435. Does you mother goes / to go mar436. She / we study about plat Accounting?437. They have / has to do it438. She is / does in the kitchen now439. She / they do / does not (buy)440. Mereka membeli baju (boy)441. Baju2 di lemari (cupboard)442. Kita mengunci pintu segera (soon)443. Ibu menjahit baju sendiri (sew)444. Mekanik mereparasi (repair) mobil hari minggu

445. ADVERB yang berasal dari ADJECTIVE, berfungsi menerangkan Verb.

446. The win blows very cool



447. That kid shouts too loud

448. She is singing a new song little fast

449. Those customers ordered a new product sooner

450. Some supporters come at the stadium rather late

451. My Grandma walks down in Garden too quick

452. That official several job in short

453. Your partner invests his money too small

454. That lady is train is very long

455. The company gives salary too small

456. Several students join into the class late

457. Many people work in fabric harder

458. That client complains about heart attack on deep

459. The cat runs to catch a mouse very high

460. Several employees have daily bonus thicker

461. My uncle comes to his office early

462. That old man only enjoys his retired everyday

463. My Manager explains solution very enough

464. They speak much, every more


465. The Grandma talks to low, but good

466. Some new comers interrupt late

467. They drive on racing near

468. A new Director speeches we469. The children swim and drive deep

She persuades her boy friend more


EEC’88’S FORMERLY STUDENT (ALUMNIES 2008)Mr. Satiyo Dr – Mr. Fery Businessman S1 – Mrs. Menik, Teaher D3 – Mr. Arry B, Direktur cbng – Mr /Mrs Akbar Dr – Mr. Roy, S1 – Miss Kiki, S1 Bank – Mrs Rani S1-IKIP – Miss Ana SMA – Mrs. Setiyo, Lulusan SMP – Mr Danu SMA – Mr Dani SMA – Mr Rudy, Kolonel Laut – Mr. Zicco, Scotland/Bule,MM – Mr. Ayub, Businessman S1 – Mrs. Alite, S1 – Mr. Karlin, Teacher S1- Mr. Joshuadane, S1 – Miss. Nike, S1 – Miss Erni, S1-PETRA – Mrs. Wiken !, Teacher – Mr. Saiful S1, Teacher – Mrs. Yuni Guru SMU Petra – Tri Sugi D3, Teknik – Elisa, Mahasiswa, Devina, Melisa, Nasya, Arhi S1, Lina-Didik, S2 Semarang – Mr. Reza S2, Dosen UNTAG – Mr. Khusnul Marinir – Mr. Handik H Kapten/Wakapolsek – Mr. Erry, Dr – Mrs. Lia, Notaris – Mrs. Linda S2 – Dewi, Saufa, Milka, Jaja, S1 (PETRA) – Miss. Dista S1 – Mr. Setiawan S1 Dosen UPN – Mr. Arry S2 Missionaris – Miss Yuni SMK – Mr. Jakfar Lulusan SMP – Mr.Dedy, Ir Adhiyasa, Dosen UBAYA – Bpk/Ibu (Consutant/Telkom) dan beberapa perusahaan asing / BUMN / kampus / Parlement / Laboratorium / Giant Superma