tugas 1 softskill bahasa inggris 2

Post on 13-Jul-2016






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Tugas 1 Softskill Bahasa Inggris 2





NPM : 14212035


Program Sarjana Ekonomi

Universitas Gunadarma


1. If the government decided to pick a win-win solution for both sides, it surely would give V2 would + V1

conventional taxi companies a chance to regain the market as the ride-hailing apps would still be obliged to obey the law. (Bentuk Kalimat 2)

Jika pemerintah memutuskan untuk mengambil solusi sama-sama untung untuk kedua sisi, hal itu tentu dapat memberikan perusahaan sebagai aplikasi panggilan yang akan tetap menjadi kewajiban untuk mematuhi hukum.

2. If they want to run a car-rental business, they must possess a license as public transportation V1 must + V1

operators, driver's licenses and be covered by insurance. (Bentuk Kalimat 1)

Jika mereka mau menjalankan bisnis sewa mobil, mereka harus memiliki sebuah lisensi sebagai operator transportasi umum, lisensi pengemudi dan ditanggung oleh asuransi.

3. If they want to offer a taxi service, they need to use a taximeter. (Bentuk Kalimat 1) V1 V1

Jika mereka menginginkan penawaran sebuah layanan taksi, mereka membutuhkan untuk menggunakan sebuah taksi meter.

4. If they drove yellow-plated cars, compared to the costs they must bear for their private cars at V2 V2

present. (Bentuk Kalimat 2)

Jika mengendarai mobil plat kuning, dibandingkan dengan biaya yang harus mereka keluarkan dengan mobil-mobil pribadi pada saat ini.

5. If they [Uber and GrabCar] use black plates as they are doing now, they are subject to value- V1 to + V1

added tax. (Bentuk Kalimat 1)

Jika mereka (Uber dan Mobil Grab) menggunakan plat hitam sebagaimana yang mereka lakukan sekarang, mereka subjek kepada pajak pertambahan nilai.

6. If the government wanted to make sure that Uber and GrabCar paid the required tax, the V3

solution would be more complicated than issuing them with yellow plates. Would be + V3

(Bentuk Kalimat 3)

Jika pemerintah menginginkan untuk melakukan kepastian bahwa Uber dan Mobil Grab membayar pajak yang diminta, solusinya akan lebih menjadi komplikasi daripada menyatakan kendaraan-kendaraan itu dengan plat kuning.

Blue Bird, Express Taxi stocks rise amid protest chaos

ArifGunawan S., thejakartapost.com, Jakarta | Business | Tue, March 22 2016, 3:34 PM

The rowdy taxi driver protest in Jakarta rejecting ride-hailing apps has been perceived positively by Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) investors, prompting the share price of two largest taxi operators in Indonesia to rise.

Blue Bird and Express Taxi opened the second trading session in the green zone. Blue bird shares (BIRD) rose 0.4 percent or 25 points to Rp 6,425 (US$ 0.5) per unit, while Express TransindoUtama shares (TAXI) rose 4 percent or 9 points to Rp 242 per share.

“There were speculations that drove the increase in both cases; speculations that lead to positive expectation, despite the violent protests,” NH Korindo Securities head of research Reza Priyambada told thejakartapost.com on Tuesday.

Some traders, he continued, speculated that the government would accommodate the protesters’ desperate aspirations by temporarily shutting down Uber and GrabCar operations, due to license issues.

Another speculation, a moderate one, predicted that both of the conventional taxi operators started to realize that protests would not be enough to save them from losing in the competition against ride-hailing apps, due to the popularity of app-based service among the public.

“Therefore, Blue Bird and Express taxi will possibly start to boost efficiency and marketing, which is good for their long-term business,” Reza explained.

Even if the government decided to pick a win-win solution for both sides, it surely would give conventional taxi companies a chance to regain the market as the ride-hailing apps would still be obliged to obey the law, he further said.

“Basically those speculations provided a reason for traders to bet on a future rebound. The protest opened a momentum for them to buy the shares,” Reza said.

The Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) closed the first trading session with 0.6 percent or 31.7 points decline, to 4,853.46. There were 149 stocks that rose, 148 others declined, while 230 stocks remained unchanged. (ags)(+)

Uber, GrabCar illegal until licenses sealed: Ministry

Anton Hermansyah, thejakartapost.com, Jakarta | Business | Tue, March 22 2016, 12:42 PM

The Transportation Ministry will insist on labeling Uber and GrabCar illegal until they have secured a license to provide transportation to the public. The statement comes as the transportation association holds its second rally protesting ride-hailing apps.

Transportation Ministry spokesman Sugihardjo stated that both of the app-based transportation operators had yet to submit applications to the ministry. GrabCar is in the process of preparing a cooperative, as a legal entity, covering all of its car owners.

"Before they have the license, they are illegal," he said to kompas.com.

The ministry, he continued, has provided options for Uber and GrabCar.

First, if they want to run a car-rental business, they must possess a license as public transportation operators, driver's licenses and be covered by insurance. Also, the vehicles must pass roadworthy tests, he emphasized.

"Second, if they want to offer a taxi service, they need to use a taximeter. The fare is regulated by the regional government," Sugihardjo said.

Another option, he continued, is that the two companies maintain their ride-hailing business, but work with official car operators to provide rides. "There are some small taxi operators. Grab can join them, the B2B [business to business] agreement is up to them," he said. (ags)(+)

Are yellow plates a feasible option for Uber, Grab?

Anton Hermansyah, thejakartapost.com, Jakarta | Business | Thu, March 24 2016, 4:48 PM

The government has urged Uber and GrabCar to become business entities and apply for yellow license plates for their armadas, which identify cars designated for public transportation, to create a level playing field with conventional taxis.

Some have questioned whether yellow plates would be the best choice for ride-hailing apps in their bid to legalize their operations in Indonesia.

If they drove yellow-plated cars, compared to the costs they must bear for their private cars at present. Thejakartapost.com made some simple calculations and found that car owners working with ride-hailing apps would pay lower administration costs

A yellow-plated Toyota Vios, which is widely used in taxi armadas, bears annual tax of Rp 269,000 while a private car, featuring a black license plate, needs to pay 10 times more, at Rp 2.7 million.

Referring to Transportation Ministry information, the cost to undergo a road worthiness test is Rp 100,000 per vehicle every six months, or Rp 200,000 per year. It usually takes one hour to complete the test.

Routine licenses cost car owners Rp 150,000 for the permit, plus Rp 25,000 for a travel time card. The license is valid for five years, thus the annual cost is Rp 35,000.

In total, adding the extra cost for license and scrutiny tests, car owners who joined with Grab and Uber would only have to pay Rp 504,000, far less than the Rp 2.7 million they would otherwise pay annually for their private car.

Indonesian Taxation Analysis Center (CITA) tax expert YustinusPrastowo agreed that operating as public transportation vehicles would allow Uber and GrabCar drivers to pay lower administrative costs. Their cars would also not be subject to value-added tax.

"If they [Uber and GrabCar] use black plates as they are doing now, they are subject to value-added tax," he said, noting a 2003 Finance Minister Decree that excludes taxi services from the tax.

Profit scheme

Yustinus added that if the government wanted to make sure that Uber and GrabCar paid the required tax, the solution would be more complicated than issuing them with yellow plates. For example, the government must assess the profit-sharing scheme between app developers and the drivers or car owners.

"Conventional taxi drivers have their fees or commissions automatically deducted for income PPh [tax]. What about the profit sharing in app-based transportation? Who will deduct or pay the tax? Do the drivers pay their income tax?" he said.

Therefore, he argued that the yellow plates were not the answer. The best solution, according to him, would be for both types of taxis to play by the same rules to guarantee some of the principles of private transportation such as tax liability, car quality inspections and customer service.

"It would be good to have them both running under the same regulations. However, vehicle owners with the apps may be reluctant to change their plates to yellow," He said.

Yustinus suggested that app-based taxis use special plates for their vehicles, instead of converting to yellow plates. "The plates may be black, but with a distinctive added mark," he said. (ags)(+)

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