statistik tugas 7 - anova (utk teman

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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SEBELUM MENJAWAB INI ADA RUMUS YANG DIGUNAKAN UNTUK MENJAWAB ANOVA Bisadilihatuntukmengisitable di NO 1 Source of Sum of df Mean square variation squareBetween Within Total SSb SSw________ SSt k-1 N-k N-1 MSb=SSb/k-1 MSw=SSw/N-k

F RatioMSb/MSw

Critical FFk-1,N-k

P Value(computer generated)

IniRumus ANOVA 1) Cari Grand mean-nya ( ) Rumusnya : = 2) Varian Between Rumusnya : 3) Varian Within Rumusnya : Sw2= 4. MencariNilaiF : Rumusnya : F=( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) N = adalah total seluruh orangpopulasi , di jumlahinsemuanya . cth: ada 3 kelompok , kel A 10 org, kel B 20 org, kel C 5 org ----totalnyakel A+B+C 10+20+5= 35 ( ) K=jumlahkelompok , missal : kelompok A,B,C berartiada 3 kelompok Sum of Square / SSb Numerator (penyebut) Sum of Square / SSw Denominator(pembilang) Oiya, iniguna Numerator dan Denominator adalahutkmelihatdanmencarinilai PValue dengantabel F dihalamanbelakanghal 203-205






TABEL yang digunakansekarang table F ,bisadilihatdihalamanbelakangbukubahasa Indonesia karangan dr. Luknishal 203-205

Cara menjawabnya 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ho Ha Uji F (Fischer) KeputusanUji Kesimpulan


ANOVA Analysis Of Varian


Exercise -7 / page 190/ Basic Statistic For The Health Science / 1. 10.6) Complete the following ANOVA table: Source SS df MS Between d Within Total Is the F ratio significant at the Jawaban Source of variationBetween Within Total


360 450

15 19 = 0.05 level ?

Sum of squareSSb SSw________ SSt

dfk-1 N-k N-1

Mean squareMSb=SSb/k-1 MSw=SSw/N-k

F RatioMSb/MSw

Critical FFk-1,N-k

P Value(computer generated)

Source Between d Within Total

SS 360 450 810




MS /mean square = 90 ---= 30 -----samaSebenernyaininilainyabukan 19 tapinilainya20 ,kenapa ? (N-1) (20-1 =19) 15 dari 20-5 (N-k) artinyaada 5 kelompok 4 dari 5-1 (k-1) artinya 5 kelompokdikurang 1

4900.8 15 30 19 120

= = 1. Ho : Ha : x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 Minimal satupasang mean berbeda 1. Batas Kritis = 0.05 2. UjiStatistik : Uji F (Fischer) : F= : F= = 0,8

Dfpembilang ( numerator) = k-1 / df =4 Dfpenyebut (denominator)= N-k /df =15 Untukmenentukanpvlihattabel F df (4 : 15) , F= 0.8maka (krn di tabeltidakadadf denominator 15 maka di pakaidf denominator 14 . Pv>0.001lebihbesardari 0.05 3. KeputusanUji: Ho gagalditolak 4. Kesimpulan : Minimal satupasang mean berbeda

2. 10.8) a survey was done in a community in which resident werw asked if they felt that family planning counseling was neededin the community. The tabulation in the accompanying table gives the opinions and the number of children of the respondents. Determine whether there is a difference in mean number of children of respondents. Great Need 0 1 3 4 2 1 3 0 1 Some Need 10 5 7 3 9 8 7 9 10 9 77 7.7 No Need 17 10 9 3 15 10 11 10 9

Number of children


2 17 1.7

8 102 10.2

196 (grand total) 6.53 (grand mean)

Ho : Ha : x1 x2 x3 Minimal satupasang mean berbeda Batas Kritis,diasumsikan UjiStatistik : UJI FN1 : 10 : 1.7 Simpanganbaku/Sb/Sd : 1.337

= 0.05N2 : 10 : 1.7 Simpanganbaku/Sb/Sd : 2.263 N3 : 10 : 1.7 Simpanganbaku/Sb/Sd : 3.794

1) Cari Grand mean-nya ( Rumusnya : =

) (

) (


= 6.533

2) Varian Between Rumusnya : 3) Varian Within Rumusnya : Sw2= 5. MencariNilai F : Rumusnya : F= Uji F (Fischer) : F= = 26.864 Dfpembilang ( numerator) = k-1 / df =2 (di varian between) Dfpenyebut (denominator)= N-k /df =27 (di varian within) Untukmenentukanpvlihattabel F df (2 : 27) , F= 26.864maka (krn di tabeltidakadadf denominator 27 maka di pakaidf denominator 30 . Pvalfa KeputusanUji : Ho gagal di tolak Kesimpulan : Minimal satupasang mean berbeda

4. 10.11) measurement on cumulative radiation dosage were made on workers at an atomic weapons plant over a 6-month period. The following table presents data for workers whose dosage was assessed at three different locations. Determine whether there was a significant difference in the mean dosage level among the three locations. Location A Location B Location cCumulative radiation Dosage 11 27 19 21 31 14 28 22 18 10 201 20.1 29 41 19 39 24 35 46 64 52 23 372 37.2 37 51 42 28 35 48 75 49 61 52 478 47.8

1,051 (grand total) 35.03(grand mean)

Jawaban : Ho : Ha : x1 x2 x3 Minimal satupasang mean berbeda Batas Kritis,diasumsikan UjiStatistik : UJI FN1 : 10 : 20.1 Simpanganbaku/Sb/Sd : 7.1561

= 0.05N2 : 10 : 37.2 Simpanganbaku/Sb/Sd : 14.187 N3 : 10 : 47.8 Simpanganbaku/Sb/Sd : 13.538

1) Cari Grand mean-nya ( Rumusnya : =

) (

) (


= 35.033

2) Varian Between Rumusnya : 3) Varian Within Rumusnya : Sw2= 6. MencariNilai F : Rumusnya : F= Uji F (Fischer) : F= = 13.448 Dfpembilang ( numerator) = k-1 / df =2 (di varian between) Dfpenyebut (denominator)= N-k /df =27 (di varian within) Untukmenentukanpvlihattabel F df (2 : 27) , F= 13.448maka (krn di tabeltidakadadf denominator 27 maka di pakaidf denominator 30 . Pv

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