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SMP 2 UNDAANJalan Purwadadi Km.7 Wates Undaan 0291- 4247837 Kudus 59372


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa InggrisKelas : VIII ( Delapan )Hari / Tanggal : Rabu, 28 September 2011Waktu : 07.30 – 09.00 WIB

PETUNJUK UMUM1. Berdo’a sebelum mengerjakan.2. Tulislah terlebih dahulu nama dan nomor tes pada lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan.3. Semua jawaban dikerjakan dilembar jawab yang telah disediakan.4. Bacalah soal dengan teliti sebelum memberi jawaban.5. Laporkan kepada pengawas apabila terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah soal

kurang.6. Periksalah dahulu hasil pekerjaannmu sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.


I. Berilah tanda silang ( X ) pada huruf a, b, c atau d jawaban yang paling benar pada lembar jawab yang tersedia !

1. Vanes : Will you help me clean the white board?Umi : ...., I have something to do.a. OK b.All right c. Sorry d.Sure

2. Jeni : Umm,what do you think about this book?Dina : ...., it is very good book.a. I don’t know b. I can’t believe c. I don’t dream d. In my opinion

3. Ana : You look so busy, do you need some help?Ina : No, thanks. I can manage it.The underlined words are examples of...a. Offering help b. Asking help c. Accepting help d. Refusing help

4. Mutia : I’m hungry ,...Evin : Sure.a. Can you take me something to eat? c. Let me help you?b. Can you get me some drink? d. What can I do for you?

5. Risma always ... her lesson every night.a. Studies b. Studied c. Studying d. Study

6. Those deer ... grass on the field.a. Eat b. Eats c. Eaten d. Eating

7. Riski ... a beautiful girl.a. Is b. Are c. Am d. Do

8. Layla ... to the market every morning.a. Goes b. Go c. Going d. Good

9. Shinta : What will we have for dinner Mom?Mother : Ehm ...soup , fried tofu and fish paste chili sauce.Shinta : Yummy! Can I have a bit?The underlined words are examples of ...a. Asking something c. Offering somethingb. Refusing something d. Accepting semething

10. A : What do you think about the test?B : We think that it’s difficult.The underlined words are examples of ...a. Asking opinions c. Refusing opinions

Ulangan Tengah Semester Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012 Bahasa Inggris VIII hal : 1

b. Giving opinions d. Denying facts11. A : Can I help you?

B : No, thanks.The underlined words are examples of ...a. Offering help c. Refusing helpb. Accepting help d. Asking for help

12. A : Can I help you?B : No, thanks.The underlined words are examples of...a. Offering help c. Refusing helpb. Accepting help d. Asking for help

Text for number 13 – 15Lore Kalamanta Reserve is in Central Sulawesi. It is between 700 and 2000 meters above sea level and covers an area of 131,000 hectares. From Palu we can go by road to Kulawi , 70 kilometers to the south. Then we continue the trip on foot. There we can see much wildlife , especially the anoa and babirusa. Beside, we can enjoy the beautiful streams and forest.

13. How large is Lore Kalamanta Reserve?a. 700 meters b. 2000 meters c. 131,000 hectars d. 70 kilometers

14. What is the special animal from Lore KalamantaReserve?a. Anoa b. Cow c. Tiger d. Hen

15. There we can see much wildlife,... (third line). The word “There” refers to...a. Lore Kalamanta Reserve c. Central Sulawesib. Kulawi d. Palu

Text for number 16 – 18.

You are cordially invited to an Evening of dinner and good friends At the second Wedding Anniversary

Celebration Saturday, December 14th

at 7.00 P.M At the home of Ahmad Hafidz and Miftahunni’mah

Be on time

16. The text is called a. a brochure b. An advertisement c. Book d. An invitation

17. When is the party held?a. Saturday, December 14th c. At the homeb. Monday,December 15th d. Be on time

18. Who is holding the party?a. Ahmad Hafidz and Miftahunni’mah c. Saturdayb. Celebration d. December

Text for number 19.X : What do you want to drink?Y : I don’t know. I want a glass of ice tea but the weather is cold.X : How about a cup of hot coffee milk?Y : Okay, let’s order it.

19. Where does the dialogue take place? It takes in the...a. Hotel b. Restaurant c. Bookstore d. Library

20. ... you like my hair style?a. Do b. Does c. Is d. Am

Ulangan Tengah Semester Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012 Bahasa Inggris VIII hal : 2


1. Rearrange these jumbled words into a good order!

a. Not – does – like – watching – TV – Mother.

b. Running – a long – the – beach – are – They.

2. Complete the birthday invitation below use the words in the box below!


She has learned to laugh, (1)....., and (2).....

She can sing and talk much (3).....

The fun has just begun

She’s turning four

Please (4)..... us to celebrate

Miftahunni’mah 26th birthday on

(5)..... , May 22nd , 2011 at 4 p.m

In kebun ibu Restaurant

Jl. Colo Muria

- Smile - Join - words - come - cry - Sunday

3. Make a short conversation, please ask for help to him/her , use these situations.

a. your mother is bringing a lot of things.

b. an old lady wants to cross a road.

Read the following situation , write your message. Send your message to your friend and ask

him/her to write the reply.

4. you left your English book at home and you need that book to join English class today.

5. you came to your friend’s house but he/she was out. Write a message ask him/her to join the

football club next Saturday afternoon.


Ulangan Tengah Semester Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012 Bahasa Inggris VIII hal : 3

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