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Post on 06-Feb-2018






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1. Identitas Mata Kuliah Nama Mata Kuliah : Intermediate English for Tourism Kode Mata Kuliah : MR 401 SKS : 2 SKS Semester / Jenjang : 4 / S1 Kelompok Mata Kuliah : MKK Program Studi Program Studi : Manajemen Resort & Leisure Prasyarat : Telah lulus Pre Intermediate English for Tourism Dosen : Dra. Kuswardhani, M.Ed

2. Tujuan

The objective of Intermediate English for tourism is the students are expected to be able to speak English confidently, clearly, briefly and professionally about hotel, travel and tourism industries. Therefore, in hospitality industries English language skills are both a daily requirement and essential for career advancement, So, the students are not only expected to understand the language system well but also an awareness of how to implement it effectively and appropriately. Then, a wide range of communicative practice will be provided through having mini – presentations, discussions and etcetra.

3. Deskripsi Isi

Mata kuliah Intermediate English for Tourism adalah mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris yang berkaitan dengan bidang kepariwisataan. Dalam perkuliahannya dipelajari bagaimana memberikan penjelasan penjelasan tentang hospitality industries mulai dari memberikan pelayanan kepada pelanggan sampai dengan memberikan penjelasan tentang akomodasi, fasilitas, entertainment, food and beverage dan lain sebagainya.

4. Pendekatan Pembelajaran

Selama mengikuti perkuliahan ini mahasiswa diwajibkan untuk mengikuti kegiatan: cermah, tanya-jawab, diskusi, role – play in pairs or in groups.

5. Evaluasi

Keberhasilan mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan ditentukan oleh prestasi yang bersangkutan dalam : a. kehadiran di kelas, disipli, kesopanan dan partisipasi aktif. b. Tugas-tugas perorangan dan kelompok. c. UTS dan UAS

6. Uraian Materi Perkuliahan tiap pertemuan

Pertemuan 1 : Membahas silabus perkuliahan Pertemuan : City Tours : - discuss some tourist attractions in our city

related with the facilities, location, services, attractions available, accessibility, the problems found in the places of interest. And what their planning is to make them better or more profitable.

Pertemuan 3 : Checking their written work related with grammar, and their ideas. And discuss the mistakes, and hoping they will be aware and not to make the same mistakes again.

Pertemuan 4, 5 & 6 : Presentation in small groups + discussion sessions Pertemuan 7 : Reading passage about “Hotel Descriptions”

Discuss about - the most important facilities and why - what the best hotels are and what makes them

special Pertemuan 8 : UTS Pertemuan 9 : Service and safety :

- requests and offers - give health and safety advice - write a letter of apology

Pertemuan 10 : “Business or pleasure” - reply to an enquiry - recommend places of interest - plan a tour

Pertemuan 11 & 12 : “The Great outdoors” - geographical features - sell tours - excursions - exchange information on excursions

Pertemuan 13, 14 & 15 : Group presentations about excursions in our country or region.

Pertemuan 16 : UAS

7. Daftar Buku

Allen, 1990, Living English Structure, London, Longman.

Adam, Donald, 1989, International Hotel English, Prentice Hall International, UK

Horner, et al. 2003, English for International Tourism, London, Longman.

Leo, Jones, 1990, Welcome! English for the Travel and Tourism Industry,

Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Leo, Sutanto, 2004, English for Professional Hotel Communication, Jakarta, PT.

Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Martin, Hewings, 1999, Advanced Grammar in Use, CUP, England

Margaret, O’Keeffe, Dubicka, Iwonna, 2003, English for International Tourism,

Pearson Education Limited, England.

Swan and Walters, 1984, The New Cambridge English Course, CUP, New York.

Strott and Holt, 1989, First Class English for Tourism, OUP, Oxford.

Scott, Crits and Revell, 1989, Five Star English, OUP, Oxford.

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