silabus dan sistem penilaian.doc

Post on 15-Dec-2015






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S I L A B U S Nama Sekolah : SMA Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : X Semester : 2 Standart Kompetensi : Deskriptif

Standart Kopetensi Kompetensi Dasar Materi

Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Penilaian

Alokasi Waktu (Menit)

Sumber / Bahan, Alat


1. Memahami makna

dalam teks

fungsional pendek

dan monolog yang



sederhana dalam

konteks kehidupan


1.1. Merespon makna

dalam teks sederhana

yang menggunakan

ragam bahasa lisan

secara akurat lancer

dan berterima dalam

konteks kehidupan

sehari-hari dalam teks

berbentuk descriptive

Teks lisan



Mendengarkan deskripsi

untuk menemukan

berbagai informasi secara

klasikal melalui kaset.

Mengidentifikasi main idea dari

teks yang didengar.

Mengidentifikasi tokoh dari

cerita yang didengar.

Mengidentifikasi kejadian

dalam teks yang didengar.

Mengidentifikasi cirri- cirri dari

benda / orang yang


Mengidentifikasi inti berita

yang didengar.

Mengidentifikasi sumber berita

yang didengar.





1 x 45’ English Test


Kaset CD


2. Mengungkapkan

makna dalam teks

fungsional pendek

dan monolog

sederhana berbentuk

dskriptive dan dalam

konteks kehidupan


2.1. Mengungkapkan

makna dalam teks

monolog sederhana

dengan menggunakan

ragam bahasa lisan

secara akurat, lancer

dan berterima dalam

konteks kehidupan

sehari-hari dalam teks

berbentuk dekriptive.

Berdiskusi secara

kelompok untuk membuat

sebuah deskripsi secara

sambung menyambung

Menggunakan kalimat simple

present dalam mendeskripsikan

benda, tempat, atau orang.

Melakukan monolog untuk

menyampaikan sebuah


Bercerita secara lisan




1 x 45

English Text




Standart Kopetensi Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Penilaian Alokasi Waktu (Menit)

Sumber / Bahan, Alat


3. Memahami makna

teks fungsional

pendek dan esei

sederhana berbentuk

descriptive dan

dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-

hari dan untuk

mengakses ilmu


3.1. Merespon makna dan

langkah – langkah

retorika dalam esei

sederhana secara

akurat, lancer dan

berterima dalam

konteks kehidupan

sehari – hari dan untuk

mengakses ilmu

pengetahuan dalam

teks berbentuk


Teks tertulis



Membaca nyaring

berbentuk teks berbentuk

deskripsi secara individu.

Mendiskusikan berbagai

aspek dari teks seperti isi,

struktur teks, secara


Berlatih menggunakan

kalimat simple present

untuk menyatakan fakta.

Mengidentifikasi makna kata

dalam teks yang dibaca

Mengidentifikasi cirri – cirri

dari benda / orang yang


Mengidentifikasi inti berita

yang didengar





2 x 45

2 x 45


4. Mengungkapkan

makna dalam teks

tulis fungsional

pendek dan esai

sederhana berbentuk

deskriptif dan dalam

kehidupan sehari –


4.1. Mengungkapkan

makna dan langkah

retorika dalam esai

sederhana secara

akurat lancer, dan

berterima dalam

konteks kehidupan

sehari – hari dalam

teks berbentuk


Membuat draft teks

dekriptif dengan

melakukan chain writing.

Melakukan koreksi teman

sejawat untuk

menyempurnakan draft.

Menyempurnakan draft

berdasarkan hasil koreksi


Mengidentifikasikan kalimat

simple present dalam sebuah


Menggunakan kalimat simple

present tense dalam sebuah


Menghasilkan teks berbentuk





2 x 45’

2 x 45’

Lantern to




Nama Sekolah : SMA Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas / Semester : X / II Standart Kompetensi : Listening

Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog yang berbentuk descriptive sederhana dalam konteks kehidupan sehari – hari.

Kompetensi Dasar : Merespon makna dalam teks monolog sederhana yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari – hari dalam teks berbentuk descriptive.

Indikator : 1. Memahami makna teks fungsional, pendek dan monolog berbentuk descriptive yang didengar. 2. Mengidentifikasikan cirri-ciri dari benda / tempat yang didiskripsikan. 3. Mengidentifikasikan inti berita yang didengar. 4. Menjawab pertanyaan – pertanyaan yang diberikan

Tujuan Pembelajaran : Siswa dapat merespon teks descriptive dengan tepat melalui proses diskusi kelompok dan presentasi individu.

Materi Pembelajaran : Teks descriptive Metode Pembelajaran : GBA / BKOF daN MOT of Oral Cycle. Kegiatan Pembelajaran :

No Kegiatan

Waktu Ket. Guru Siswa

1. Kegiatan Awal - Greeting - Presentasi Siswa - Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

- Merespon greeting 3 x 45’

2. Kegiatan Inti JCOT - Meminta siswa mendengarkan teks baik

dari guru maupun dari kaset - Menyuruh siswa menemukan ide utama

atau informasi penting dalam teks - Menyuruh siswa menjawab pertanyaan

berdasarkan teks yang didengar. - Menyuruh siswa menentukan generic

structure of the text -

- Mendengarkan dan memahami teks yang dibacakan oleh guru

- Mendiskurikan isi teks yang didengar

- Menentukan generic structure of the text

3. Kegiatan Akhir - Menyampaikan materi yang telah

dibahas - Mencatat hal – hal yang

dianggap penting



Nama Sekolah : SMA Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas / Semester : X / II Standart Kompetensi : Membaca

Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esai sederhana berbentuk dekriptive dalam kontek kehidupan sehari – hari.

Kompetensi Dasar : Merespon makna dan langkah – langkah retorika dalam esai sederhana secara akurat, lancer, dan berterima alam konteks kehidupan sehari – hari dalam teks descriptive.

Indikator : - Mengidentifikasi makna kalimat dlaam teks yang dibaca. - Mengidentifikasi cirri – cirri dari bendam, tempat atau orang

yang dideskripsikan. - Mengidentifikasi inti berita yang dibaca.

Tujuan Pembelajaran : Siswa dapat mengidnetifikasikan makna kalimat, inti berita dan tujuan berkomunikasi dari teks yang dibaca.

Materi Pembelajaran : Teks descriptive Kegiatan Pembelajaran :

No Kegiatan

Waktu Ket. Guru Siswa

1. Kegiatan Awal - Greeting - Presentasi Siswa - Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

- Merespon greeting

- Menanyakan tujuan pembelajaran yang kurang jelas

2 x 45’ Classical

2. Kegiatan Inti BKOF - Menyuruh siswa menulis kalimat

berbentuk present tense untuk menyatakan fakta, kebenaran umum.

MOT - Menyuruh siswa membaca nyaring

teks bermakna descriptive.

- Menyuruh siswamenjawab pertanyaan - Mendiskusikan berbagai aspek dari

teks, seperti : isi, strujtur teks

- Menulis kalimat berbentuk simple present

- Membaca teks dekriptif secara bergantian dengan intonasi yang benar.

- Menjawab pertanyaan - Berdiskusi bersama



3. Kegiatan Akhir - Menugaskan kepada siswa untuk

membuat kalimat berbentuk simple present tense

- Menanyakan tugas yang belum jelas




Nama Sekolah : SMA Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas / Semester : X / II Standart Kompetensi : Speaking

Mengungkapkan makna dakan teks monolog sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari – hari.

Kompetensi Dasar : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks monolog sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancer dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehair-hari dalam teks berbentuk Descriptive

Indikator : - Menggunakan kalimat simple present tensi dalam mendeskripsikan benda / tempat / orang. - Melakukan monolog untuk menyampaikan sebuah deskripsi. - Bercerita secara lisan

Tujuan Pembelajaran : Siswa dapat menggunakan tata bahasa, tanda baca, dalam teks descriptive dengan akurat

Materi Pembelajaran : Teks descriptive Metode Pembelajaran : GBA / BKOF dan MOT of Oral Cycle. Kegiatan Pembelajaran :

No Kegiatan

Waktu Ket. Guru Siswa

1. Kegiatan Awal - Greeting - Presentasi Siswa - Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

- Merespon greeting

- Menanyakan tujuan pembelajaran yang belum jelas

3 x 45’ Classical

2. Kegiatan Inti JCOT - Menyuruh siswa mengidentifikasikan

kalimat berpola simple present.

ICOT - Menyuruh siswa melakukan monolog

untuk menyampaikan dekripsi benda, tempat, orang.

- Menggunakan kalimat simple present dalam mendeskripsikan ornag, banda, tempat.

- Melakukan monolog untuk menyampaikan deskripsi benda, tempat, orang



3. Kegiatan Akhir - Menyampaikan materi yang telah

dibahas - Melakukan presentasi





Nama Sekolah : SMA Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas / Semester : X / II Standart Kompetensi : Writing

Mengungkapkan makna dakan teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif dalam konteks kehidupan sehari – hari

Kompetensi Dasar : Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esai sederhana secara akurat, lancer, dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari – hari dalam teks berbentuk deskriptif.

Indikator : 1. Mengidentifikasikan pola Simple Present Tense dalam sebuah kalimat. 2. Menggunakan kalimat Simple Present Tense dalam membuat

sebuah dskripsi. 3. Menghasilkan teks berbentuk description

Tujuan Pembelajaran : Siswa dapat membuat teks yang berbentuk deskripsi dengan menggunakan tata bahasa, kosakata, tanda baca, ejaan dan tata tulis dengan akurat.

Materi Pembelajaran : Teks descriptive Metode Pembelajaran : GBA / BKOF Kegiatan Pembelajaran :

No Kegiatan

Waktu Ket. Guru Siswa

1. Kegiatan Awal - Greeting - Presentasi Siswa - Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

- Merespon greeting

- Menanyakan tujuan pembelajaran yang belum jelas


2. Kegiatan Inti BKOF - Menyuruh siswa melengkapoi kalimat

dengan pola present tense.

JCOT - Menyuruh siswa mempelajari contoh

brosur yang disediakan. - Mengurus sisw amenjawab pertanyaan

tentang brochure secara tertulis. ICOT - Menyuruh siswa membuat brochure


- Menjawab pertanyaan tentang brosur

- Menulis topic teks brochure bebas

3 x 45’ Classical



3. Kegiatan Akhir

- Mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaan siswa. - Menanyakan hal-hal yang kurang jelas




Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : X / II

Genre : Descriptive

Cycle : Listening

Listen to your teacher and than answer the questions

My grandmother is eighty year old

She is tall and thin. She has a wrinkled face and small bright eyes. She is a light-

hearted woman and she likes telling stories. She is also famous for her jokes.

One day my mother went to her said,” Come and see the new chickens. They’re very

funny. “My grandmother quickly said,” I like chickens better on a dish.”

All kind of people, young and old, rich and poor, love her because she always has a

kind word or a joke for everybody. Children come to her for stories and little present. Women

come to ask her for advice about their problems. She is always smiling. She usually says, “We

have only this one life and we please God if we show with our smiles that we like it. It is

easier to be happy sad.”

When one of her friends is busy or has go to go out for a few hours, my grandmother

takes care of her baby or little child. Children are always happy to be with her.

She never eats much. She thinks that a lot of food makes people stupid and lazy. She

says that small meals keep our body active and awake. She likes tea, she a was a special way

of making and drinking it. She keep little decorated glasses out of which she drinks it. She

never drinks tea with children. She would drink it with her friend, but never with more than

two friends at one time. When children ask her for tea, she gives them the little glasses to

drink out of. Children often ask her for tea, not because they are thirsty, but that like the

decorated glasses. Moreover, not one glass is broken. They love my grandmother, they like her

tea and her many delightful stories, and while they are with her, they are well-behaved and


A. Now, how far do you know about my grandmother

1. What is the main idea of the text?

2. When was my grandmother born?

3. How is her face? Why?

4. What did my mother show my grandmother?

5. What kind of people love my grandmother?

6. Why do you children like to go to her? Why do women to go her?

Why does she say about smiling? What help does she give to her neighbours?

7. Why does she eat a little?

8. What makes children ask her for tea?

9. Why do the children love her?

10. Do you love my grandmother ? Why?


B. Text Modeling

1. Listen to the cassette and complete the text.

University of CambridgeSOCIAL FUNCTION:

To describe a particular

person, place or thing



Focus on specific


Use of attributive and


Frequent use of

classifiers in nominal


Use of simple present


Do you plan to study (1) _____? Don’t

hesitate. (2) ____ to Cambridge University.

Cambridge, university of, instruction of higher

education, is the second (3)_____ university in

Great Britain after the University of Oxford. It

is (4) _____ in the city of Cambridge.

The University Cambridge is a system of

faculties (5) ____, and 31 independent (6)

____. You know, although the colleges and the

university per se are parts of an integrated

educational entity. The university (8) ____

candidates for degrees during their (9) ____

and at the conclusion of their studies. The

colleges provide their students with lodging

and meals, assign tutors, and offer social,

cultural, and athletic activities. Every students

at the University of Cambridge is a member of

a (10) _____

Let’s see its academic year. The

academic year. The academic year is (11) ___

into three terms of (12) ____ eight weeks each:

Michaelmas (autumn), Lent (late winter), and

Easter (spring). Students are (13) ____ to be in

residence for the duration of each term.

Students study under (14) ______ usually

members of the college’s faculties who (15)

____ close relationships with the small groups

of students in their charge and (16) ____ them

in preparing for university exams.





phenomenon to

be described)


(describe parts,



2. Discuss these questions

1. What does the speaker try to describe?

2. What does the first paragraph tell the readers about?

3. In what paragraph are the terms in University of Cambridge mentioned?

4. What does the second paragraph tell the readers about?

5. What does “it” in paragraph 1 line 4 refer to?

6. What does “their” in paragraph 2 line 6 refer to?

7. What does “their” in paragraph 2 line 7 refer to?



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas / Semester : X / II Genre : Descriptive Cycle : Speaking

A. BKOF Answer the question orally! Expressing person 1. Where do you like? Do you live in a village, a town, or a city? Describe it orally. 2. Do you live with your parents? What do they do? What do they look like? 3. Are your grandparents still alive? Describe your grandmother and your grandfather. 4. How many sisters and brother do you have? Describe them one by one.

Expressing location Useful phrases to express locations To face To be opposite On, at in Under, beneath Over, on top of At the top of, on the side of, at the bottom of. Inside Outside Beside, next to, near, between In back of, in the middle of, in front of. (to) (on) the left (of), (to), (on) the right (of) Across from (at) (on) the corner of At the end of To be located

Work in pairs. Talks about the location of these places in your school.

canteen parking area for teachers language laboratory biology laboratory court kitchen field garden toilet health centre parking area for students counseling room

B. JCOT Choose somebody in the class then make a about his/ her performance and the location of his/ her house

Could you tell me where the canteen is? Could you tell me where the canteen is?

It’s beside the music room, at the end of the corridor It’s beside the music room, at the end of the corridor


C. ICOT Ask to the students to tell to his / her friends about is / her family, house or surrounding in

front of the class.


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas / Semester : X / II Genre : Descriptive Cycle : Reading

Study the generic structure description text!

My grandmother is eighty years old.

She is tall and thin. She has a wrinkled face and small bright eyes. She is a light-hearted

woman and she likes telling stories. She is also famous for her jokes.

One day my mother went to her and said,” Come and see the new chickens. They’re very


“My grandmother quickly said,” I like chickens better on a dish.”

All kind of people, young and old, rich and poor, love her because she always has a kind word

or a joke for everybody. Children come to her for stories and little present. Women come to

ask her for advice about their problems. She is always smiling. She usually says, “We have

only this one life, and we please God if we show with our smiles that we like it. It is easier to

be happy sad.”

When one of her friends is busy or has to go to for a few hours, my grandmother takes care of

her baby or little child. Children are always happy to be with her.

She never eats much. She thinks that a lot of food make people stupid and lazy. She says that

small meals keep our body active and awake. She likes tea, she has a special way of making

and drinking it. She keep little decorated glasses out of which she drinks it. She never drinks

tea with children. She would drink it with her friends, but never with more that two friends at

one time. When children ask her for tea, she gives them the little glasses to drink out of.

Children often ask her for tea, not because they are thirsty, but they like the decorated glasses.

Moreover, not one glass in broken. They love my grandmother, they like her tea and her many

delightful stories, and while they are with her, they are well-behaved and happy.

Answer these questions!

1. Sit in a group of three and discuss again the description of the “My Grandmother”?

2. Split the above description in three paragraphs.

3. Decide who is responsible for par 1, par2. and par 3

4. Retell “My Grandmother” in from of the class !

Use the correct pronunciation and intonation.

“Telling is deferent from reading”

5. Rewrite “My Grandmother” in your own style.




Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas / Semester : X / II Genre : Descriptive Cycle : Reading

Read the text. Study is structure. Answer the questions!

Pingvellir is a very famous historic place in Iceland, where a lot of things have

happened which have influenced the Icelandic history.

Pingvellir was reserved in 1928 and became a national park. Now there is a fence all

around Pingvellir ti protect in from sheep and other animals which can destroy the vegetation.

Pingvallavatn, which is in Pingvellir, is the Larges Lake in Iceland. It is 83.7 square

kilometers, and 114 meters deep. There are many kinds of fish in the lake, like trout’s, chars

and tiddlers.

Pingvellir is also a very famous tourism place, and thousand of people come there

every year to see this smashing and its beautiful surroundings.

Men have tried to do anything they can to protect this old, fampus place. They have put

fence all around Pingvellir and there are special rules. They have also made many path and

you are only allowed to camp on special places, to protect the vegetation. They have rebuild

the houses and many things for the travel industry.

A. 1. What is the purpose of the text?

2. Is the text easy to follow ? Why / why not?

3. Who do you think reads the text?

B. 1. What is the text about?

2. What is Pingvallvatn ?

3. Do you know how wide Pingvallavatn is?

4. Can you find fish in Pingvallavatn?

5. How many people come there every year?

6. What rule is made to protect the vegetation?

7. Can you visit Pingvballavatn via travel industry?

It is a descriptive text. The function of a descriptive text is to describe a particular person,

place, or thing. A descriptive text has two parts: the identification and the description. The

identification identifies the phenomenon to be described. The description describes parts,

qualities, and the characteristics of the person, place, or thing to be described.



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas / Semester : X / II Genre : Descriptive Cycle : Written


A. Put the verb into the correct form (Present Tense)

1. Water (boil) at 1000C.

2. The sun (rise) in the east.

3. Cats (catch) mice.

4. The earth (be) around.

5. Amir (go) to school everyday.

B. Review on Simple Present Tense

Put the verb in the correct Simple Present Tense form.

I (be) a strange looking animal. I (be) quite large even though I (not be) as large as an

elkephat. My colour (be) black and white. I (live) in the forest. I (be) very shy. I (have)

a difficulty to see. I (sleep) in the daytime and (look) for food at night. Like Rhino, I

(be) a vegetarian and I mainly (eat) leaves. I (have) a log nose, but not as long as an

elephant’s trunk.

It (be) a dull, dark, soundless autumn day. The clouds (be) lying low in the sky. My

happiness almost (vanish). I can’t find no pleasure in the sight before me. The walls

(be) cold and unfriendly. The windows (look) like cruel eyes. The plans and trees

surrounding the house (book) unhealthy and lifeless.



In the midst of Sumatra’s tropical jungles which were once infested with

mosquito’s and urban jungles infested with smog, lake Toba stands out as a

jewel : a temperate ecological zone with cool, sometimes crisp air and quietness

on demand.

Here you can enjoy the sight of the 1,707

square kilometers lake and its almost 450

meters depth. Stroll along the beaches which

are lined with pine trees. Enjoy the view of

steep, scenic mountain slopes around the lake.

Samosir Island, the ancestral home of

Sumatra’s Toba Batak people allows you to

know more about Batak culture, arts, and

crafts which are the attractions for the region.

Samosir island also provides some excellent

trails and paths for trekking.

Beware : Lake Toba is the sort of place

people come planning to stay 48 hours and

instead decide to forsake the rest of their

schedule and just spend their two-week

vcation there. It is refreshing. And it offers

inexpensive hikes all-year round swimming is

another irresistible.


Please study the brochure above and then answer the question below.

1. What is the text about?

2. What is the content of the brochure above?

3. What do you get in Samosir Island?

4. Where is Lake Toba situated?


Write a brochure which advertises or promotes the interesting place in your area.


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