sea games

Post on 26-Oct-2014






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Sejarah Pesta Olahraga Negara-Negara Asia Tenggara

Pesta Olahraga Negara-Negara Asia Tenggara (juga dikenal sebagai Sea Games), adalah peristiwa multi-olahraga dua tahunan yang melibatkan peserta dari 11 negara Asia Tenggara. Perayaan ini diatur di bawah peraturan Federasi Sea Games dengan pengawasan oleh Komite Olimpiade Internasional (IOC) dan Dewan Olimpiade Asia.

Sea Games sebelumnya dikenal sebagai Pesta Olahraga Semenanjung Asia Tenggara atau SEAP Games. Pada tanggal 22 Mei 1958, delegasi dari negara-negara di semenanjung Asia Tenggara menghadiri Asian Games ke-3 di Tokyo, Jepang mengadakan pertemuan dan sepakat untuk membentuk sebuah organisasi olahraga.

Thailand, Burma (sekarang Myanmar), Malaya (sekarang Malaysia), Laos, Vietnam Selatan dan Kamboja (dengan Singapura termasuk sesudahnya) adalah anggota pendiri. Negara-negara ini sepakat untuk mengadakan pesta olahraga negara-negara Asia Tenggara dua kali setahun. Komite Federasi SEAP Games dibentuk.

SEAP Games pertama diadakan di Bangkok 12-17 Desember 1959 yang terdiri lebih dari 527 atlet dan pelatih atau manajer dari Thailand, Burma, Malaya (sekarang Malaysia), Singapura, Vietnam dan Laos yang berpartisipasi dalam 12 cabang olahraga.

Pertandingan terakhir yang diadakan adalah Sea Games 2009 (berjalan 9-18 Desember) yang merupakan pertama kalinya diadakan diLaos. Saat yang sama juga diperingati perayaan ke 50 tahun SEA Games, di Vientiane, Laos. Tuan rumah berikutnya untuk Sea Games 2011 Tenggara adalah Indonesia. Pesta olahraga ini dimulai dan berkembang sebagian besar lancar sehingga pujian dan kesan baik diungkapkan oleh banyak atlet, pejabat olahraga dan pers- karena Laos dan negara yang tergabung di Asia Tenggara telah berhasil menjadi tuan rumah Sea Games.

Tentang Sea Games 2011

SEA Games biasa dikenal sebagai Pesta Olahraga Negara - negara se-Asia Tenggara. Penyelenggaraan SEA Games kali ini adalah yang ke 26 kalinya dan akan dilaksanakan selama 11 hari terhitung sejak 11 November 2011 - 22 November 2011 di dua kota di Indonesia, Palembang dan Jakarta dan memperebutkan 542 medali emas dari seluruhnya 44 cabang olahraga yang dipertandingkan.

Indonesia ditetapkan menjadi tuan rumah SEA Games 2011 pada saat Rapat Dewan Federasi SEA Games di Bangkok, Thailand 6 September 2006. Tahun ini adalah keempat kalinya Indonesia menjadi tuan rumah pesta olahraga negara - negara Asia Tenggara setelah SEA Games X 1979, SEA Games XV 1987, dan SEA Games XIX 1997.

Sebagai kota penyelenggara utama, Palembang akan memusatkan pertandingan di Kompleks Olahraga Jaka Baring yang mencakup area seluas 45 ribu meter persegi dan juga di pusat olahraga Gelora Sriwijaya Palembang.

Di Jakarta, gelanggang pertandingan akan dipusatkan di kawasan Stadion Utama Gelora Bung

Karno (SUGBK) yang merupakan stadion terbesar dan tertua di Indonesia. Stadion ini yang amat bersejarah bagi bangsa Indonesia dimana stadion memiliki kapasitas tempat duduk sekitar 88 ribu penonton. Di kawasan Gelora Bung Karno berdiri berbagai macam fasilitas untuk kegiatan olahraga, sebanyak 36 Venues, Politik, Bisnis, Rekreasi dan Pariwisata.

Panitia penyelenggara SEA Games atau yang biasa disingkat menjadi INASOC menyatakan ada empat kunci sukses yang harus dicapai selama pesta olahraga negara ? negara Asia Tenggara ini berlangsung, yakni sukses prestasi, sukses penyelenggaraan, sukses pewarisan dan yang tidak kalah pentingnya adalah sukses ekonomi kerakyatan.

Agar SEA Games dapat berkesan khususnya bagi negara Indonesia dan seluruh negara peserta. Logo yang ditetapkan untuk mewakili multi even ini adalah Burung Garuda dengan filosofi "Garuda Terbang di Atas Alam Indonesia". Sebagai lambang negara, Burung Garuda di ranah global dikenal luas dan langsung terasosiasikan dengan Indonesia.

INASOC juga memastikan akan membuat SEA Games 26 ini berkesan dengan memilih tanggal 11 November 2011 atau 11/11/11 untuk menggelar upacara pembukaan dan penutupan yang spektakuler di sepanjang tepian Sungai Musi dan bangunan bersejarah, Benteng Kuto Besak. Berikut daftar detail mengenai cabang olahraga yang dipertandingkan di Indonesia SEA Games ke 26 Tahun 2011. No. Sports1. Aquatics2. Archery3. Athletics4. Badminton5. Baseball6. Basketball7. Billiards & Snooker8. Bowling9. Boxing10. Bridge11. Canoeing12. Chess13. Cycling14. Equestrian15. Fencing16. Fin Swimming17. Football18. Futsal19. Golf20. Gymnastic21. Judo22. Karate23. Paragliding

24. Pencak Silat25. Petanque26. Roller Sports27. Rowing28. Sailing29. Sepaktakraw30. Shorinji Kempo31. Shooting32. Softball33. Soft Tennis34. Table Tennis35. Taekwondo36. Tennis37. Traditional Boat Race38. Volleyball39. Vovinam40. Wall Climbing41. Water Ski42. Weightlifting43. Wrestling44. Wushu


Bowling adalah suatu jenis olahraga atau permainan yang dimainkan dengan menggelindingkan [bola] dengan menggunakan tangan. Bola boling akan digelindingkan ke pin yang berjumlah sepuluh buah yang telah disusun menjadi bentuk segitiga jika dilihat dari atas.

Jika semua pin dijatuhkan dalam sekali gelinding (lemparan) maka itu disebut strike. Jika pin tidak dijatuhkan sekaligus maka diberikan satu kesempatan lagi untuk menjatuhkan pin yang tersisa. Bilamana pada lemparan kedua tidak ada lagi pin tersisa disebut spare. Jika setelah dua kali masih ada pin yang tersisa maka disebut open frame (missed) yang kesemuanya itu akan menentukan perhitungan angka yang didapat dalam setiap gamenya. Pin akan kembali disusun seperti semula untuk frame selanjutnya.

Cara perhitungan angka untuk olahraga ini adalah:

Setiap permainan mempunyai 10 frame Setiap frame mempunyai 2 kotak yang melambangkan dua kali kesempatan lemparan Khusus pada frame ke 10 ada 3 kotak yang artinya bisa mempunyai kesempatan 3 kali

lemparan Skor tertinggi dalam setiap permainannya adalah 300 yang disebut perfect game Setiap frame strike akan mendapatkan tambahan angka dari 2 lemparan selanjutnya,

sedangkan untuk spare mendapat tambahan angka dari 1 lemparan selanjutnya.


Fédération Internationale des Quilleurs (FIQ) President : Mrs. Jessie Phua Secretary General : Mr. Addie Ophelders Address : 100 Tyrwhitt Road #02-05 Jalan Besar Swimming Complex Singapore 207542 Tel : +65 6440 7388 Fax : +65 6440 7488 E-mail : Website :

Asian Bowling Federation (ABF) President : Sheikh Talal Al Sabah Secretary General : Prof. Leung Mee Lee Address : C/O Hongkong Ten Pin Bowling Congress Olympic House Rm 20041 Stadium Path So Kon Po, Causeway Bay Tel : +852 2 893 6039 Fax : +852 2 893 6290

E-mail : Website :

Indonesian Bowling Congress (PBI) President : Oky Harwanto Joedo General Secretary : Lani Sardadi Address : Gedung Direksi Gelora Bung Karno Lt. 8 Jl. Pintu I Senayan, Jakarta 10270 Indonesia Tel : +62 21 573 7673 Fax : +62 21 570 5417 Email : Website :

Bowling SEAG 26th Organizing Committee Chairman : Aswin Limansantoso Administration : Meliana Fransisca Technical Delegate : Orlando Brian Robot Admin&Log Manager : Hadi Busono

Secretary : Supardi

III. COMPETITION INFORMATION 1. Dates The 26th SEA Games Bowling Competition will be held from November 13 – 20, 2011 2. Venue a. Competition Site The competition will be held at Jaya Ancol Bowling Center, Jakarta, Indonesia b. Training Site Training venues will be provided at Jaya Ancol Bowling Center, Jakarta, Indonesia The training schedule for each team will be given upon the arrival. 3. Events : The 26th SEA Games Bowling Competition will be contested in the following events for both men and women: Singles 6 games Doubles 6 games Trios 6 games Teams of Five 6 games Masters 15 games plus one game of position round and Step-ladder Finals



1. Technical Organization Indonesia Bowling Federation is responsible for and has full control of the technical organization of the Bowling Competition, in consultation with the Technical Delegate when necessary.

2. Format of Play Each game shall be bowled on a pair of lanes. Individuals shall successively and in regular order bowl one frame on one lane, and alternate and use the adjoining lane for the next frame. So, alternating until five frames are bowled on each lane thus completing the game. When any question arises as to which of the two bowlers shall bowl first, it is incumbent upon the bowler on the right to do so.

3. Practice 3.1 Minimum one day of official practice must be provided immediately prior to the start of the Singles. One hour practice is required for each federation. However, if the competition lanes are not available for unofficial practice immediately prior to the official practice, two days of official practice will be required with two hours for each federation the first day and one hour for each federation the second day. 3.2 After the lanes have been prepared and the official practice concluded, no play whatsoever by the participants of the championships shall be allowed on the competition lanes during the entire duration, except the championships proper. This will not preclude efforts (e.g. exhibition) to promote bowling before, after or in between events. However, this does not allow any play by participants on the competition lanes after the last event of the day when the bowling centre is available to the public for open bowling. Violators are subject to disqualification. 3.3 Practice for Event in each Block a. Singles, 10 minutes practice time b. Doubles, 10 minutes practice time c. Trios, 15 minutes practice time d. Team, 25 minutes practice time e. Masters, 10 minutes practice time

4. System of Competition In each of the following events, players assigned to commence bowling on odd numbered lanes will move left and players assigned to commence bowling on even numbered lanes will move right for each successive game. The Tournament Director will determine the number of lanes to be moved each game during the event. 4.1 Singles Open to all members of each team. Six (6) games in one block across twelve (12) lanes with two (2) persons from the same federation scheduled per lane, if feasible. Each game shall be played on a different pair of lanes.

4.2 Doubles Six (6) games in one block across twelve (12) lanes. Each game shall be played on a different pair of lanes. Three (3) teams for men and three (3) teams for women per federation, one to be

scheduled per lane. The team of the same federation shall be scheduled on different squads when possible.

4.3 Trios Six (6) games in two different blocks across twelve (12) lanes on the same day, with two (2) men’s teams and two (2) women’s teams per federation. One team will be scheduled per lane, and each game shall be played on a different set of lanes.

4.4 Teams of Five Six (6) Games in two different blocks across twelve (12) lanes on the same day, with one team scheduled per lane and each game played on a different set of lanes. A team may change one player at the start of the second block or make a change as otherwise provided under the substitution rule. Line-up changes will be allowed for the second block, but cannot be made during a block.

4.5 Extra Players All players shall be scheduled for make-up teams to bowl towards their All-Events total. Players from different federations shall be combined for such team.

4.6 Masters & Step-ladder Finals 4.6.1 The Finals shall consist of a round-robin competition between the top sixteen (16) players who qualify based on the scores from their 24 qualifying games (six each from Singles, Doubles, Trios, and Teams of Five). One-game matches will be played. A final match will be played as a ranking round making a total of sixteen (16) matches bowled over two (2) days.

4.6.2 Players failing to qualify for the Masters final shall fill vacancies that may exist at the start of this competition. Such vacancy/vacancies shall be filled by the top-ranked non-qualifiers from the 24 games All-Around competition. In case of a tie between two (2) or more non-qualifiers. The selection will be made by a roll-off. 4.6.3 A Masters Step-ladder Finals for the top three (3) players after the sixteen (16) round robin matches will be conducted to determine the champion, the second and the third position. 4.6.4 The Master Step-ladder Finals will be played match play style with the player in the higher position having the choice of starting lane and which of the two oiling pattern. All pin fall and bonus points are dropped. a) Players two and three bowl a one game match b) The winner bowls player one (1) in a two (2) game match to determine the champion based on total pin fall. 4.7 Substitution A player who has already started in an event shall not be replaced. A pacer will be used in the event of any walkover in any of the events.

5. Draw of Code Numbers and Lanes Code numbers shall be drawn according to country and shall be done in the Team Manager’s Meeting.

6. Submission of Line-up All final line-ups must be submitted to the Tournament Coordinator one (1) hour after the end of each event at the latest.

7. Interrupted Games The Tournament Coordinator may authorize the competition of a game and series on another pair of lane when equipment failure on the starting lanes delays the normal progress of the series. An interrupted game and series that cannot be completed on the same date must resume from the point of interruption.

8. Bowling on the Wrong Lanes 8.1 When only one (1) player of the lead-off persons on both teams bowl on a wrong lane, and the error is discovered before another player has bowled, a dead ball shall be declared and the player/s is/are required to bowl again on the correct lanes. 8.2 When more than one (1) player on the same team has bowled on the wrong lane, the game shall be completed without adjustment and the next game shall be started on a correctly scheduled lane. 8.3 If during the finals of the Masters, where players normally bowl two (2) frames during their declared and the player must bowl both frames again on the correct lanes, provided the error is discovered before the opposing player has bowled on that same lane. Otherwise, the score shall count and the player must bowl all remaining frames on the correct lanes.

9. Slow Bowling 9.1 Player preparing to step on the approach and deliver a ball shall have the following rights and obligations: 9.1.1 They may claim right of way over a player moving to the approach or preparing to bowl on the lane immediately to their left. 9.1.2 They may yield to a player moving to the approach or preparing to bowl on the lane immediately to their right. 9.1.3 Players shall be ready to bowl on their turn and should not delay the start of their approach or delivery if the lanes immediately adjacent to them on both the right the left are clear. 9.1.4 A Player is given 30 seconds from the moment the previous bowler steps down from the approach or delivery if the lanes immediatelly adjacent to them on both the right and the left are clear. 9.2 If the player does not observe the procedures mentioned in the above para graph, it may be construed as slow bowling. A player failing to observe these procedures shall be warned/penalized by an authorized tournament official as follows: 9.2.1 White Card - 1st Offence - No penalty 9.2.2 Yellow Card - 2nd Offence - No penalty 9.2.3 Red Card - 3rd and Succeeding Offences in Block of Games - Zero Pin fall per concerned frame. 9.3 For interpretation of this rule, the Lane Marshal of the Day shall specifically monitor any player or team that gets more than four frames behind the leader, not counting the end pairs of lanes.

9.4 Whenever there is any question concerning the enforcement of this rule or lack thereof, in the Masters Finals, the final decision shall be made by the Tournament Technical Committee, notwithstanding the reference to the Lane Marshal of the Day in Rule 4.12.

10. Prohibited Items

10.1 The players must not use tobacco products, consume alcohol or be under the influence of alcohol while in the competition, i.e. during those players’ block of games. In those instances where it is established that a player violates this rule, the tournament Coordinator or his/her assistants may refer him/her to the Tournament Technical Committee for suspension from the tournament for the series of games being played. Non-alcoholic beverages and snacks are allowed provided they are not consumed in the players’ area. 10.2 The players must not wear any headgear during the competition, with the exception of hair bands. 10.3 For events with bowling ball restrictions ( e.g 6-ball limited events) bowling ball surface adjusments by hand are acceptable between games provided the are done in the designated area and that the adjusments procedure does not delay the bowlers next turn. Any use of chemicals must be on the “ acceptable list “ as listed on WTBA website; A full, up to date list of these products is available at WTBA website includes anything listed in the “ acceptable during certified competition “ sections. its is not allowed to use anything listed in the “ products Containing Solids or Abrasives “ section nor anything listed in the “ Not acceptable at any time “ sections. The ball mus be wiped clean after any adjusments Altering the surface of a bowling ball is allowed in a designated area only during the official practise, during the practise session immediatelly proceeding a competition round, and between competitions rounds 10.4 Altering the surface of the bowling ball during a game is not allowed. if the surface is adjusted during a game the penalty is zero pinfall on that game. 10.5 Competition is defined as all games in a block, as well as the practise session immediatelly proceeding the block. During a step - ladder format, each match is considered a competition round. 10.6 Immediatelly following the official practise registration shall be made of the bowling balls to be used during the championship events. Each player will be permitted to register a maximum of 6 bowling balls during the tournament. additions to the players bowling ball list shall be allowed ( up to a maximum of 6 ) throughout the tournament provided they pass rule 10.5 above. in very special circumstances the Tournament Technical Committee may allow a replacement of a registered bowling ball. Additions to a players ball registration list shall be made no later than 1 hour prior to the start of their squad . 10.7 Each day during the events random inspection of the bowling balls may be performed. The Tournament Technical Committee shall decide on the number of balls and the players, which shall be randomly selected. the inspection shall be limited to a visual inpection of the serial number of the balls and any modifications.

10.8 The Penalties for violation of the rule are a) daily random inspection, zero score for the event in which the failed inspection was performed , b) medalists, zero score for the event C) Master finals, disqualification and all scores null and void.

10.9 A maximum of five gripping holes are allowed in a bowling ball. the player must be able to reach each set of finger holes ( not all four simultaneously ) while using the numb hole. any hole, which cannot be reached, is considered a balance hole. the ball must be balanced twice when one set of finger hole are for fingertip and the other et for conventional grip. 10.11 When delivering the ball the player must have his/her thumb in or over the thumb hole. it may not be 180 degrees away from thumb hole. 10.12 The applications of any foreign substance on any part of the approach that detracts from the possibility of other players having normal conditions is prohibitted. This includes, but is not also limited to, such substances as talcum powder, pumice and resin on shoes; also soft rubber soles or heels that rub off on the approach are prohibited

11. Officials / Jury of Appeal 11.1 Tournament Coordinator The host country shall select a manager (coordinator) for the tournament. The manager and designated representatives shall supervise and direct the tournament. This shall include responsibility to the Tournament Technical Committee and referee of the Day in compliance with the WTBA Playing Rules. 11.2 Tournament Technical Committee The Tournament Technical Committee for the games shall consist of the Tournament Coordinator, and one (1) Technical Delegate and (1) Tournament Director from each of the countries appointed by the President of the Asian Bowling Federation. The Technical Delegate shall advise and counsel with the Tournament Technical Committee and Tournament Coordinator with regard to the lane conditioning procedures and techniques prior to the start of the event, and on a daily basis during the competition. Should there be a disagreement between the host country and the Tournament Technical Committee, the decision of the Tournament Technical Committee shall be final. 11.3 referee of the Day The Tournament Technical Committee shall arrange for one or more Lane Marshals of the Day who shall have the responsibility of compliance with WTBA Playing Rules, uniform requirement, code of conduct and disqualification when any conduct becomes harmful to the Tournament operation. They shall work with the Tournament Coordinator and his assistants with regard to the daily operation of the tournament. All matters that cannot be settled by the Lane Marshal of the Day shall be heard and reviewed by the Tournament Technical Committee. The decision of the Tournament Technical Committee is final unless there is an appeal to the Jury of Appeal within twenty four (24) hours after the decision is announced, or before the prize presentation, whichever is sooner. Protest on eligibility arising after the conclusion of the Championship shall be lodged directly to The Jury of Appeals within thirty (30) days

11.4 Jury of Appeal The Jury of Appeal shall be a three-member jury appointed by the President of the Asian Bowling Federation. The President of the Asian Bowing Federation shall appoint the Jury of Appeal for the Games, and three different countries must be represented on this body. The Jury of Appeal shall be empowered to cite before it all papers and persons involved in the appeal at a regularly scheduled meeting, or if deemed appropriate, the Jury of Appeal may decide an issue by mail vote after all materials involved in the matter have been studied by each of its members.

11.5 Appeal Procedure All appeals for the Tournament Technical Committee’s decisions must be filed in writing with the Lane Marshal of the Day or with any member of the Jury of Appeal. Each appeal must be specific and include a fee of US$100.00. If the appeal is not upheld by the Jury of Appeal, the fee will be forfeited to the Asian Bowling Federation. 11.6 Pre-Tournament Meeting Immediately prior to the Tournament, a team managers’ meeting of participating federations will be held to resolve any pending questions This meeting shall be chaired by the President of the Asian Bowling Federation. 12. Protests 12.1 Protests involving the eligibility or general playing rules must be confirmed in writing to a responsible Tournament Official not later than twenty-four (24) hours after the concerned game. If no written protest is entered prior to the expiration of the twenty-four (24) hour period, the game shall stand as bowled. Each protest under this rule must be specific in itself. This rule shall not be construed to cover a similar or previous violation.

12.2 Errors in scoring or errors in calculation in tournament play must be corrected by a responsible tournament official upon immediate discovery of such an error. Questionable errors shall be decided upon by the Tournament Technical Committee.

13. Tie-Breaking Procedures 13.1 The player or team with the highest score in each event shall be the winner. When score ties equal registered for any of the first three places in the Five Player Teams, Trios, Doubles and Singles events, co-champions shall be declared. 13.2 When a tie occurs for the sixteen (16) position in the all events total a one game roll off shall be held. 13.3 In case of a tie in the Masters Final before the position round (after 15 games) between places 2-3, 4-5, 6-7 and so on, the player with the higher position is the one who in the round robin has The higher total scratch pin fall Won their match Won more matches The least difference between the highest and the lowest game The higher game 13.4 When a tie occurs after the position round for first or third place a one game roll off shall be held. 13.5 If a tie occurs for any position in the Step-ladder Finals a 9th and 10th frame shall be bowled, starting from scratch, to break the tie. If a tie still exists, repeat the 9th and 10th frame roll off until the tie is broken.

14. Dress Code All participants in the games shall wear a standard uniform with the name of their respective countries printed on the back of the shirt. Individual variations to the uniform are not permitted. Each member of a team must be in exact team uniform during an event and not in a combination of color and design.

15. Equipment Only bowling balls manufactured on or after January 1, 1991 that are on the USBC approved ball list are allowed for use in sanctioned WTBA competition. The online list may be found at WTBA website Given that the online ball list was created on January 1, 1991 any bowling ball not on the list and proven to be manufactured prior to January 1, 1991 have been previously approved. A complete hard copy of the USBC apporved ball list will be made available at the ball registration desk. Acceptance of manufactured balls prior to the inception of the USBC ball list for use in competition is at athe discretion of the Tournament Committee. All balls used during competition shall be inspected and documented. The inspection shall be limited to a) Eligibility of the ball b) Serial number c) Weight and balance d) number of balls

VI. PRIZES AND COMMENDATION 1. Victory Ceremonies The Victory Ceremonies shall normally be held after the completion of each event. Participants receiving awards must wear their official NOC uniforms.

2. Prizes

The prizes will be awarded as follows: Individual Events – Singles, Masters First Prize : Gold Medal and Diploma to the winner in each event. Second Prize : Silver Medal and Diploma to the athlete placed second in each event second Third Prize : Bronze Medal and Diploma to the athlete placed third in each even Third.

Team Events – Doubles, Mixed Doubles, Trios, Team of Five First Prize : Gold Medal and Diploma to each member of a winning team in each event Second Prize : Silver Medal and Diploma to each member of the team placed second in each event Third Prize : Bronze Medal and Diploma to each member of the team placed third in each event Each country can only win a maximum of two (2) medals per event in accordance with the SEA Games Rules. In the event that bowlers from the same country finish first, second, and thirds, the bronze medal shall be awarded to the highest placed bowler from a different federation.

Berita Sea Games Cabang Olahraga Bowling

Tim Bowling Putri Indonesia Gagal

Jakarta: Pada cabang olahraga bowling SEA Games 2011  di Jaya Ancol Bowling Center hari Rabu (16/11) siang, ketiga pasangan ganda putri yang diturunkan untuk membela Indonesia gagal meraih medali. Perolehan medali didominasi pasangan Malaysia.

Perolehan medali didominasi pasangan Malaysia.  yang memperoleh emas dan perunggu. Emas diperoleh pasangan Malaysia 1, Zandra Aziela dan Jacquelin Sijore dengan perolehan nilai total 2463. Perunggu Malaysia didapatkaan oleh Sharon Koh dan Dayang Khairuniza dengan nilai 2413.

Sedangkan medali perak diperoleh pasangan Singapura 3 yaitu, Daphne Tan dan Cherie Tan dengan nilai tipis hanya terpaut 7 angka dari pasangan Malaysia 1. Pasangan Singapura 3 tersebut memperoleh nilai total 2456.

Pasangan Indonesia hanya bisa menduduki peringkat sembilan, sebelas dan peringkat buncit, limabelas. Peringkat sembilan Indonesia 1 pasangan, Tannya Roumimper dan Sharon Limansantoso dengan perolehan nilai total 2218. Putri Astari dan Ivana Hie, 2189. Novie Phang dan Putty Armien, 2129.

Saat ini masih berlangsung pertandingan Ganda Putra Indonesia. Manajer Tim Bowling Indonesia, Isra M Taher menyatakan, PB PBI menargetkan dua emas dalam ajang SEA Games kali ini. Diharapkan hal itu akan terwujud di nomor-nomor putra. "Putra masih confident untuk medali," katanya.

Nihil Medali di SEA Games, Boling Indonesia Perlu Darah Muda

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Belum adanya satupun medali yang mampir ke tim boling Indonesia membuat Manajer Tim Boling Indonesia, Isra Mochamad Taher, angkat bicara. Menurutnya, jika boling Indonesia mau berprestasi, harus ada pembinaan pemain muda, dan itu tidak bisa diperoleh secara instan.

Isra menuturkan, negara lain yang berkompetisi di SEA Games kali ini juga menurunkan pemain muda, namun sudah dapat berprestasi. Hal itu dikarenakan pembinaan yang dilakukan negara masing-masing sudah cukup lama.

"Cuma di sini saja yang maunya mengandalkan pemain tua. Yang tua memang bisa diandalkan, tapi sampai kapan? Pembinaan pemain muda itu butuh waktu, nggak bisa short time langsung jadi," kata Isra, Kamis (17/11/2011).

Dikatakannya, semua negara peserta boling dalam SEA Games kali ini selalu melakukan pembinaan pemain muda sehingga mudah untuk regenerasi. "Itu ada pelatih yang umurnya seumuran sama pemain kita. Coba lihat yang main dari negara lain, masih anak-anak semua," ujarnya.

Hal senada sebelumnya juga diutarakan oleh pelatih teknis tim boling putra Indonesia, Indra Gondokusumo. Menurutnya Indonesia memang masih tertinggal dalam pembinaan pemain muda, khususnya di olahraga boling.

Saat ini, game keempat Men's Trio dan Women's Trio masih berlangsung. Tim Indonesia berharap setidaknya mampu mencuri medali setelah target medali dari kelas single dan double sirna setelah atletnya tidak mampu menyodok minimal di peringkat ketiga.

Boling Indonesia Puasa Medali Emas di SEA Games 2011

Minggu, 20 November 2011 18:50 WIB

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA-- Pupus sudah harapan Tim Nasional Boling Indonesia untuk meraih medali emas setelah pada nomor master, Ryan Lalisang, Yeri Ramadona dan Hardy Rachmadian tersingkir dari tiga besar untuk melaju ke final. Timnas boling tidak menyumbangkan satu medali emas pun untuk Indonesia.

Setelah sebelumnya tim putri juga gagal melaju ke tiga besar, tim putra juga harus menelan nasib serupa dan harus mengakui keunggulan lawan-lawan mereka dari Filipina dan Malaysia, Yeri hanya mampu mencetak nilai 3487 dari 16 game yang dimainkan, sementara Ryan tersungkur di urutan ke-14, sementara Hardy menjadi juru kunci dari 16 atlet yang berlaga.

Tiga peboling yang berhasil melaju ke babak final nomor master adalah Frederick Ong asal Filipina dengan total skor 3716, disusul oleh dua peboling Malaysia dengan total skor masing-masing 3673 dan 3594.

Mantan Ketua Umum Persatuan Sepak Bola Seluruh Indonesia yang juga Pembina tim boling Indonesia, Agum Gumelar, mengatakan bahwa dia kecewa dengan perolehan medali dari cabang olahraga boling yang hanya mampu menyumbangkan medali perak dan perunggu dari total 10 medali emas yang diperebutkan.

"Saya jelas kecewa dengan hasil satu perak dan satu perunggu yang didapat timnas boling," kata Agum, yang juga menyatakan bahwa peta kekuatan boling di Asia memang didominasi oleh Singapura, Malaysia, Filipina dan Thailand.

Bahkan, Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga Andi Malarangeng juga menyatakan bahwa dia menyayangkan minimnya prestasi cabang boling pada ajang SEA Games ke-26 kali ini, Sabtu (19/11)"Saya menyayangkan bahwa hingga saat ini timnas boling belum mendapatkan medali emas, saya harap atlet boling kita dapat berjuang lebih keras demi meraih prestasi tertinggi," kata Andi.

Peboling putri Indonesia Sharon Liman Santoso (kanan) bersiap melempar bola dalam nomor tunggal putri bowling SEA Games XXVI di Jaya Ancol Bowling Center, Jakarta Utara, Selasa (15/11)


Tim bowling Indonesia menerima kekalahan pada Sea Games kali ini. Diharapkan kejadian ini dijadikan pelajaran sehingga pada

pertandingan selajutnya, Tim Bowling Indonesia menjadi lebih baik dan dapat mengharumkan nama bangsa.

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