prep0sition ppt

Post on 27-Nov-2015






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Preposition, Conjunction, Adjectives and Adverb

Eny Wahyuning P.

Preposition (Kata Depan)

kata yang tidak dapat berubah bentuknya

biasanya di letakkan di depan kata benda atau padanan kata benda lainnya (objek) yang

bertujuan untuk menunjukkan hubungannya tertentu dengan kata-kata lain dalam kalimat.


1. Simple Preposition (Kata Depan Tunggal)

2. Double Preposition (Kata Depan Ganda)

3. Compund Preposition (Kata Depan Majemuk)

4. Participal Preposition (Kata Depan Partisif)

5. Prepositional Phrase (Frase Kata Depan)

1. Simple Preposition (Kata Depan Tunggal)

after, at, by, for, from, of, over, on, in, through, to, off, till, under, up, with, dsb

2. Double Preposition (Kata Depan Ganda)

into, onto, from under, from among, from off, from within, over against, dsb

3. Compund Preposition (Kata Depan Majemuk)

across (on cross), along (on long), behind (by hind), about (on by out), above (on by up), before (by fore), beneath (by neath), beside (by side), between (by twain), beyond (by yonder), but (by out except), within (with in), without (with out), dsb

4. Participal Preposition (Kata Depan Partisif)

pending, during, notwithstanding, past, except, considering, concerning, regarding, dsb

5. Prepositional Phrase (Frase Kata Depan)

because of, by means of, in behalf of, in front of, in view of, by reason of, with respect to, with regard to, aith relation to, on behalf of, in spite of, dsb.


Kata setelah kata depan disebut sebagai "Object of the Preposition".

Contoh: The cat ran under the car.

(Kata "the car" adalah objek dari "under".) Can you give this parcel to him tomorrow?

(Kata "him" adalah objek dari "to".)

Kata Depan dapat juga berada di depan kata ganti (Pronouns) selain kata benda.

Contoh: Can you give the parcel to him? I went to the cinema with them.

adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan kata-kata, ungkapan atau kalimat dan sebagainya. Kata Sambung yang paling umum digunakan dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah "and", "or" dan "but".

Conjunctions (Kata sambung)

Yaitu menghubungkan kalimat-kalimat yang sederajat. Artinya kalimat yang satu tidak membutuhkan kalimat yang lainnya dan andaikan kalimat itu berdiri sendiri pun, tanpa adanya conjunction, maka makna kalimat tersebut sudah dapat dipahami dengan baik.


Conjunction yang sering dipakai pada golongan ini adalah and, both...and, also, as well as, no less than, not only...but also, dsb

Contoh: You and I will go to Bali tomorrow

(kalimat aslinya adalah "you will go to Bali tomorrow" dan " I will go to Bali tomorrow". Maka kalimat seperti ini dapat digabungkan seperti contoh tersebut)

He is both an actor and a director He is clever and you are also

a. Cumulative (Menunjukkan Penambahan)

Conjunction yang dipakai pada jenis ini adalah either...or, neither...nor, or, else, otherwise

Contoh: You can eat either the red apple or the green one.

(Kamu boleh memakan salah satu apel yang berwarna merah ataupun yang berwarna hijau)

You can eat neither the red apple nor the green one. (Kamu tidak boleh memakan apel yang berwarna merah ataupun yang berwarna hijau. Kalimat ini sama dengan " You can't eat both the red apple and the green one.")

You or William is right.

b. Alternative (Menunjukkan Pilihan)

Conjunction yang sering dipakai adalah but, still, yet, nevertheless, however, whereas, while

Contoh: Mrs. Henry is generous but her husband isn't. She is very wealthy still she isn't contented. He is very clever, nevertheless he often

makes mistakes. I'd like to go; however, I haven't got time.

c. Adversative (Menunjukkan Pertentangan)

Conjunction yang dipakai adalah therefore, so, so then, then, for

Contoh: My sister was ill, therefore, she couldn't go to

school yesterday It's time to go; so, let's start If you make mistake, then you must admit it. It is going to rain; for the barometer is falling

d. Illative (Menunjukkan Kesimpulan)

Yaitu kata sambung yang menghubungkan antara anak kalimat dan induk kalimat. Artinya jika kita tidak menggunakan kata sambung, maka salah satu kalimat tidak dapat dimengerti


a. Apposition (Keterangan Tambahan) He said that he could pick me up Sean promised that he would tell me the

truthb. Cause and Effect (Hubungan Sebab

Akibat) He could not pass the exam because he was

lazy I will succeed to pass the exam since I have

studied hard

c. Impact (Pengaruh atau Akibat) This coffee is too hot that I cannot drink it He ran too fast that he made himself


d. Purpose (Maksud dan Tujuan) I bought a lot of books that I can prepare

myself to pass the exam You have to study hard in order that you can

pass the exam

e. Condition (Syarat) You will pass the exam if you study hard I will come to your house provided that I am

well enough

f. Concession (Pernyataan Mengalah) He kept working hard even though he was

very tired She will probably fail however much she

may try

g. Comparison (Perbandingan) Mr. William is as tall as Mr. Robert You are more beautiful than my girlfriend

h. Manner (Taraf atau Cara) The plane hasn't landed yet as far as I know Men will reap as they sow

i. Time (Waktu) You can sit on my seat while I stand I will be around you as long as I live


adalah kata-kata yang menerangkan kata benda (nouns) atau kata ganti (pronouns). Adjectives dapat diletakkan sebelum kata benda atau setelah kata kerja tertentu. Kita juga dapat meletakkan lebih dari 1 kata sifat di depan kata benda.


D = Determiner (the, a, an, some, dll)O = Opinion (beautiful, rich, diligent, dll)S = Size (big, small, long, dll)A = Age (young, old, new)S = Shape (round, fat, thin, dll)C = Color (white, yellow, red, dll)O = Origin (Italy, Indonesia, Malaysia, dll)M = Material (rubber, plastic, cotton, dll)P = Purpose (tennis, school, dll)


1. Kata Sifat dengan 1 suku kata Big - bigger - biggest Small - smaller - smallest Thin - thinner - thinnest Old - older - oldest

2. Kata Sifat yang lebih dari 1 suku kata Beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful Expensive - more expensive - most

expensive Interesting - more interesting - most


3. Kata Sifat yang berakhiran dengan huruf "y"

Happy - happier - happiest Easy - easier - easiest Busy - busier - busiest

4. Kata Sifat yang berakhiran dengan some, low, le, dan er

Handsome - more handsome/handsomer - most handsome/handsomest

Narrow - more narrow/narrower - most narrow/narrowest

Gentle - more gentle/gentler - most gentle/gentlest Clever - more clever/cleverer - most clever/cleverest

5. Kata Sifat tak beraturan Good - well - best Bad - worse - worst Little - less - least Much - more - most

Adverbs (Kata Keterangan atau kata tambahan)

adalah kata yang menjelaskan bagaimana caranya, di mana tempatnya, kapan waktunya, berapa kali dan sebagainya, suatu pekerjaan dilakukan atau suatu peristiwa terjadi.

1). Adverbs of Time (Keterangan Waktu)

Kata keterangan waktu yang sering dipakai adalah: now, then, ago, since, before, already, soon, immediately, instantly, presently, late, lately, early, afterwards, today, yesterday, tomorrow, dsb.. Press the button now.

2). Adverbs of Place (Keterangan Tempat)

Adverbs yang sering dipakai adalah: here, there, hence, thence, above, below, beside, in, on, inside, outside, far, near, dll.

Daisies grow everywhere. I did not put it there.

3). Adverbs of Number (Kata Keterangan Bilangan)

Adverbs yang sering dipakai adalah: once, twice, thrice, again, firstly, never, often, sometimes, dll I go to school five times a week You have to take the medicine twice a


4). Adverbs of Manner, Quality, State (Kata Keterangan Cara, Kualitas, dan Keadaan)

Adverbs yang sering dipakai adalah: well, seriously, probably, thus, so, dll. I can finish the work quickly He ran fast

cara untuk membentuk Adverbs.

1. Dengan menambahkan "ly" pada akhir Adjectives. beautiful - beautifully smart - smartly serious - seriously slow - slowly 2. Ada juga beberapa Adverbs yang memiliki bentuk

yang sama dengan Adjectives-nya. fast - fast hard - hard free - free 3. Ada juga 1 kata sifat yang memiliki bentuk yang

berbeda pada Adverbs-nya good - well

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