photoshop editing

Post on 07-Apr-2015






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Ada banyak sekali tehnik editing foto pada Photoshop, dan kesemua tehnik tersebut bisa digunakan untuk membentuk sebuah gaya tertentu pada foto. Tentunya, tehnik yang akan digunakan akan sangat bergantung kepada hasil akhir yang ingin dicapai. Pada tutorial kali ini kita akan mencoba membentuk sebuah foto bergaya cinematik dari foto yang biasa-biasa saja. Dan korban yang akan kita permak kali ini adalah..*..eng-ing-eng..* Alyssa soebandono!haha..berlebihankah diriku??

Hmm..foto ini saya ambil langsung dari blognya si Alyssa yang katanya artis itu. Bukan membajak, karna udah minta ijin dulu di postingannya dia..meskipun blom dikasih ijin. :D

ok, langsung aja..tanpa basa-basi kita mulai tutorialnya..(lha itu yg diatas bukannya basa-basi!?)

step satoe : File>Open (Ctrl + O), pilih gambar yang mau dicinematikkan (duuh..bahasanya!).

step dua : Klik pada layer background, kemudian drag ke ikon Create a New Layer di bagian bawah pada tab Layer. Langkah ini kita gunakan untuk menduplikasi layer. Bisa juga dilakukan dengan klik kanan pada layer, kemudian pilih Duplicate Layer. Langkah ini kita gunakan hanya sebagai perbandingan untuk melihat sejauh mana perbedaan layer yang telah dimanipulasi dengan objek aslinya. Setelah selesai, klik pada ikon bergambar mata pada layer background agar tidak terlihat, sehingga yang tersisa hanya layer background copy hasil duplikasi tadi.

step tiga : Pilih layer background copy. Pada Menu, klik Image>Adjustment>Hue/Saturation. akan terpampang window baru di area kerja photoshop, set besar saturation menjadi -50. kemudian klik Ok.

step empat : Pilih Image>Adjustment>Exposure. pada window Exposure, set nilai Exposure = +0.97, Offset = -0.0490, dan Gamma Correction sebesar = 0.78. Kemudian klik Ok.

step lima : Duplikat lagi Background Copy, lakukan seperti yang telah dijelaskan pada step dua, sehingga menciptakan sebuah layer baru bernama Background Copy 2

step enam : pilih layer background copy 2, kemudian pada Menu, pilih Filter>Blur>Lens Blur. Pada window Lens Blur, set nilai Radius seperti pada gambar dibawah ini, langkah ini dilakukan untuk memberikan kesan blur yang secukupnya pada gambar.

step toejoeh : Pilih layer Background copy 2 dan klik pada ikon Add Layer Mask.

step delapan : klik pada kotak putih di layer Background copy 2, kemudian pilih Brush Tool (B) atur nilai hardness pada brush sebesar 20 %, untuk besar brush, sesuaikan dengan gambar dibawah

ini. fokuskan ditengah-tengah gambar kemudian klik. Maka kesan blur dibagian tengah akan hilang.

step sembilan : pilih layer background copy, kemudian pada Menu, pilih Layer>Merge Down (Ctrl + E) untuk menggabungkan layer background copy 2 dengan layer background copy.

step sepuluh : Pilih layer background copy (hasil penggabungan tadi) kemudian pada menu, pilih Image>Adjustment>Color Balance. Pada window color balance, centang tanda pada Shadow kemudian set nilai cyan = -60 dan blue = +60. klik Ok.

Daaannn..selesai! inilah hasilnya.. :D

sebagai tambahan, berikan kesan "movie" dengan batas garis hitam di atas dan di bawah gambar. biar keliatan kaya di film beneran. :D

Basic Retouch and Colorization

Apr 20, 2009This tutorial will show you how to do a basic retouch, change the colorcast of an image and colorize some of its elements.

Step 1. We will use this Naomi Watts image: 

Duplicate the layer then go to Filter -> Noise -> Median...and enter a value of around 3 pixels. Then go to Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur... and enter 5 pixels.

Step 2. Add a layer mask (by pressing the third button on the lower part of the Layers Palette) to the layer you have just blurred and fill it with black. Then pick a soft, medium sized brush and start painting with white on the layer mask. Make sure you avoid any lines on the face; use it only on the skin, to get a smooth, professional effect. Vary the brush size and opacity depending on the area. Avoid blurring the eyes, lips or hair.

After you finish this step, you should get something like this:

Step 3. Add a Curves adjustment layer with the following settings:

Step 4. Add a Selective Color adjustment layer with the following settings then fill its mask with black.

Reds: -55 0 0 0Neutrals: -20 +15 –40 +5

Now paint with white over the lips and you will notice they’ll turn a light pink. Make sure you follow the edges of the lips properly.

Step 5. Add another Selective Color adjustment layer with these settings:

Yellows: -100 0 0 0Whites: 0 0 0 –25Neutrals: +20 –10 –50 +8

Fill its mask with black and carefully paint with white over the eyes.

Step 6. Go to Layer -> Flatten Image, then to Filter -> Sharpen -> Smart Sharpen... and use the following settings:

Finally, go to Image -> Canvas Size… and choose black as a color, 40 pixels for both Width and Height to add a stylish outer border.

The final result:

Give a dull landscape a vibrant photographic effect

Aug 28, 2010This tutorial will show you how to transform a dull photo of a waterscape into a vibrant image with a photographic effect. This easy technique can be used to enhance your personal travel pictures or your photographer’s portfolio.

1. Start off by downloading this image and opening it in Photoshop.

2. Then, duplicate the layer and set the resulting layer to grayscale. Then, with a medium soft brush, mask out everything but the sky (it doesn’t have to be perfect), as shown below:

3. Next, we’re going to add some better clouds to replace this rather dull sky. Download this image and position it as shown below over the image and mask away everything but the sky. Set the layer’s blending mode to Darken.

4. Then, we’re going to create a vivid photographic effect that will bring out the best in this image, by adding several adjustment layers as follows:

Add a new Hue/Saturation… adjustment layer with the settings below:

Add a new Channel Mixer adjustment layer with the following settings:

Add a new Curves… adjustment layer and modify the RGB curves as shown:

Add a new Selective Color… adjustment layer with the settings below:

Finally, add another Hue/Saturation… adjustment layer:

At this point, the image should look something like this:

5. To add a dark vignette effect, create a new layer and paint on its edges with a very large, round and soft brush, to get something similar to this:

6. Flatten the image and add a dark gray border (exact color: #212121) by going to Image -> Canvas Size… and using these settings:

7. Go to Filter -> Sharpen -> Smart Sharpen… and use the following settings:

The final result:

Create digital makeup

Jun 21, 2009This tutorial will show you how to apply digital makeup and additionally, how to change the eye color, smooth the skin texture of a model and enhance the image.

Though the process of applying makeup in Photoshop is fairly simple, the most important thing about digital makeup is that, by all means, it must look natural. It’s always better to "underdo" it than to overdo it, so keep that in mind while following this tutorial. Less is more, therefore try to be subtle.

The initial image (credits to

The final result:

Step 1. First of all, we’re going to smooth the skin texture of the model. This will give the whole image a professional feel and improve its overall aspect.

Duplicate the background layer and go to Filter -> Noise -> Median and insert a value of 3. Next, go to Filter -> Blur… -> Gausian Blur … and insert 3 again.

Add a layer mask to the layer you just blurred, fill it with black and start painting with white over the skin, with a soft brush, varying the size according to the area. Make sure you avoid the lines of the face, eyes etc. because you don’t want to blur those, just the skin.

Step 2. Now we’re going to change the lip color to mimic a light pink lipstick. First, press Q in order to enter the Quick Mask editing mode, and then choose a soft brush, choose black as the color and then zoom in and paint over the lips. You’ll notice that instead of black, it will seem as if you were painting with red; this is because you’re in the mask mode. Make sure you don’t go over the edges. If you make any mistake, just choose white and paint over that part.

Switch back to Standard Mode by pressing Q again and you’ll notice a selection appear. The advantage of using the mask mode to select is that you have far more control over the selection than by using the Lasso Tool.

Go to Select -> Inverse and then to Image -> Adjustments -> Hue/Saturation… (or simply press Ctrl+U for the dialog box to appear) and insert the following settings:

Press Ctrl+H to hide your selection (this will not deselect the area, it will just make the marquee around it disappear), so that you can see clearly the edges of the selection. If you notice that an unwanted area around the lips turned pink, simply press Q to enter the Quick Mask Mode again, zoom in and carefully paint with black over that area. Then switch back to the standard mode by pressing Q again and take a look at the result.

Add a subtle highlight on her lower lip by using the Dodge Tool, a small soft brush, exposure set to 70%. With a slightly bigger brush you may highlight her upper lip, again in a very subtle way.

When you’ve finished, make sure the area of the lips is deselected to continue to the next step.

Step 3. To change the eye color, select the eyes by using the same method you used for the lips, and then press Ctrl+U to bring up the Hue/Saturation dialog box, check Colorize and use the following settings:

Press Ctrl+H and check for any mistakes. If there are any, fix them as previously shown with the lips.

Step 4. Now we’re going to do the eye makeup. Select the eyelashes on her lower eyelid by using the Lasso Tool, with a feather setting of 5. Go to Image -> Adjustments -> Brightness/Contrast… and lower the Brightness to -10. Deselect the area.

Create a new layer and paint with a purple, soft brush on it, over the area between her eyebrows and eyes.

Set the layer blending mode to Overlay and the Opacity to 35%. Then refine the edges of the area by erasing with a large soft brush around it, making sure it blends in well and looks natural.

Step 5. To enhance the effect of the image, we can now adjust its color cast to better match the changes we made.

Add a Selective color adjustment layer with the following settings:

Reds: -43 0 -22 +7Yellows: 0 0 0 -41Neutrals: 0 0 0 -7

Step 6. Add another Selective color adjustment layer, in order to change the color of her dress from cyan to purple:

Cyans: -100 +100 -100 +100

You will notice that this layer will slightly affect the color of the eyes. I actually liked it better that way, so I didn’t change it.

If you don’t like that, then choose a soft brush and paint with black on the layer mask of the adjustment layer (I’ve highlighted it with yellow on the following screenshot).

Finally, go to Image -> Adjustments -> Auto Levels to really bring out the colors of the image and remove the somewhat reddish color cast it had.

The final result:


Photoshop, when it is born, the main job for it is to retouch picture. Even though it has lot of other function, it still the main tool used to restore and polish picture.

following, I will see some simple steps to show you how to make a wrinkled face back to younger again. The main tools we use are  “surface blur” and “Healing brush Tool”. Of course, if you want to add more detail, you can use “add noise” to make some facial texture. So, our target will not look like so plastic. Following is the picture shows before and after face.

How to make that happen, here is the steps:

1. open the picture you want to retouch, duplicate the layer;2. select you duplicated tool, go to Filter–>Blur –> Surface Blur; There are two parameter

for you to set: “radius” and “threshold“; more radius, more smoother and more threshold, more blue will be. In above example, I set 13 for “Radius” and “27″ for Threshold;

3. after that, you will find your target just look like so plastic, some place of the skin is so smoother that won’t like a real human. The picture at right will show the comparison between the face after “Surface Blur” (left) and our final face(right); So we should do something to blend the blurred face with our original. Add a “Vector Mask” for our blurred face, use a blurred brush to draw at the place you want to show up.

4. After that, adjust the opacity for the blurred layer. So we can show a bit of original picture to the face more real.

5. If you still find the face is too plastic and won’t want to show more wrinkle of our original picture by lowering the opacity of the blurred face. we can add some noise to that blurred face. Create a new layer, set its mode be”Overlay” or  “Soft Light” . Fill that layer with neutral grey. Right click that layer and select “Create Clipping Mask“. Then go to “Filter –> Noise –> add Noise (select the “Gaussian for Distribution” Setting and adjust “amount” to whatever you like. the number is 2 in the example);If you find the Noise is still so rock, you can make a Gaussian Blur to the noise by Filter–>Blur –> Gaussian;

6. If you still find there are some wrinkle need to be removed, select the “Healing Brush” from the tool bar, sample the skin tone you like, press on the place you want to cover.

7. that’s all. Hope I make it clear enough.


Here we you go on with our topic, photoshop retouching. In the topic, we will not only remove all the defects on the face as I did in last one, we will also make a portrait glow for that picture.

Before I show you how to achieve the effect step by step, I will show you the comparison first. The left is the original one, the middle is after defect removed and the right is after applying portrait glow effect.

I am not saying how to remove all the defects on face again. If you are interested, you can find the related information by clicking this page. The main topic for this one, is how to create the portrait effect.

1.       We got our defects-removed face, duplicate that layer in photoshop.

2.       Go to Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur. Blur until we cannot see the detail of face anymore, then set the layer mode to “Overlay”. Now, we can get the draft of portrait effect.

3.       But we might find the contrast between shadow and highlight is not so natural. We can go to Image-Adjustments-Shadows/highlights. Adjust them a bit until you feel satisfied. I use 15% for shadows and 8% for highlights here.

4.       Then the last step is the burn the edge to make the focus more concentrated on face. We will use gradient fill tool, select the color “black to transparent” and change the opacity to 30%. Fill the gradient from edges of photo and stop at the edges of face. By filling the color from different angles, we will find the face is more outstanding in the center and with a little burning dark edges arrounding.

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