pengisian freon ac mobil

Post on 14-Oct-2014






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Pengisian Freon AC Mobil

Sediakan alat1. manifold gauge (alat pembaca tekanan rendah dan tinggi)2. tabung Freon R12.

Perhatikan langkah berikut.1. Pada Manifold Gauge, terdapat 3 selang. Warna kuning yang di tengah terhubung ke Tabung Freon, Warna Biru terhubung ke Low Pressure Pentil (Pentil yang dekat dengan selang ac yg dingin saat ac dinyalakan), dan selang terakhir berwarna merah terhubung ke High Pressure Pentil (selang yg menuju kondenser di bagian depan mobil, yg biasanya dekat dengan radiator dan juga didinginkan dengan kipas elektrik).2. Pastikan semua valve dalam keadaan tertutup, lalu hubungkan tiap selang ke portnya masing2x.3. Buka sedikit valve dari tabung, lalu longgarkan sedikit mur selang kuning yang menempel ke Manifold gauge. Tunggu sampai terdengar bunyi Hiss selama 4 detik. Tujuannya untuk membuang udara yang ada dalam selang kuning dan menggantinya dengan Freon.4. Tutup/rapatkan kembali mur pada selang kuning di manifold gauge tadi, dan tutup juga valve pada tabung freon.5. Nyalakan mesin dan ac pada setting fan yg paling cepat dan suhu yang paling rendah / dingin dalam keadaan jendela terbuka.6. Setel engine hingga running pada rpm 1100 sampai 1500.7. Buka ke 2 valve manifold (Low dan High) hingga terbaca penunjukkan.8. Idealnya, Tekanan rendah maximum 40 PSI, tekanan tinggi maximum 225 PSI.9. Jika kurang, berarti freon harus ditambah.10. Tutup kembali semua valve, lalu buka sedikit valve tabung.11. Buka Valve Biru atau low pressure -disinilah proses pengisian froen berlangsung. Tunggu sesaat sampai penunjukkan akan naik dan terbaca 35 (hingga 40) PSI.12. Dengan mesin tetap menyala, tutup valve low press dan tutup valve tabung.13. Buka kembali ke 2 valve low and high. Step ini dalah prose pembacaan penunjukkan, jika high pressure belum mencapai 200 PSI, ulangi langkah 10.14. Begitu seterusnya sampai pembacaan maximal pada point 8.

NB. 1. Untuk tabung dengan isi Liquid freon, sebaiknya tabung direbahkan atau dibalik saat pengisian.2. Sebaiknya setelan suhu paling dingin (bisa diputar maximal dari thermostat yg dipasang dekang evaporator ac). Tujuannya agar saat proses pengisian berlangsung, ac tetap hidup terus, tdk mati karena terputus oleh Thermostat. Dan itu juga salah satu alasan kenapa Jendela atau pintu sebaiknya di buka.3. Pengisian sebaiknya dilakukan dengan bukaan valve tabung yg kecil saja, hingga freon yang masuk sedikit demi sedikit (bukan sekaligus). Tidak tahu persis alasannya, mungkin supaya Kompresor tdk mendadak bekerja berat akibat mendapat tekanan yang langsung besar.

Below are normal car AC pressure readings with 134A.

Normal readings on high and low side with AC OFF (static pressure) – Depends on outside temperature, but normally is between 80-105 PSI

Normal low side reading with AC on high speed and MAX & engine at 800-1000 RPM’s – Ranges from 25-35 PSI – Note that on many Chrysler products a normal reading on the low side may be 15-25 PSI

Normal high side reading ranges from 200-350 PSI

Don’t assume that if adding little Freon is good that adding a lot is better! Overcharging just a little can decrease the performance of the system and possibly damage the compressor.

Additional Car A/C Info – Troubleshooting Gauge Readings

With the AC on the coldest setting, use a thermometer in a middle vent. Normal vent temperature readings will vary depending on the (ambient) outside temp. The vent temperature should range from around 42-55 degrees in my experience. If normal gauge readings are obtained and the vent air is cold – STOP don’t overcharge the system. The only proper way to remove refrigerant is with a AC recovery machine so if this is being done at home I can’t emphasize enough not to over charge the system. And actually the best way to insure the proper charge is in a system, is to use an AC machine to recover the freon and then evacuate and recharge the system with the correct amount. Most cars have the specified amount on a decal under the hood.


Both sides are lower than normal. Both low and high side readings are lower than normal, this indicates a cars AC system is low on refrigerant and is under-charged.


Both readings are higher than normal.  If both low and high side readings are too high, this indicates an overcharged system – too much refrigerant. This also can indicate that the condenser fan is not working, is too slow or the car is overheating and heat is transferring from the radiator to the condenser.


Low side goes into a vacuum and high side is too high.  When the low side goes so low that it’s reading shows it is in a vacuum, the most likely cause is a bad expansion valve or blocked orifice tube. Another possibility is a restricted condenser. Blocked condensers are not as common as they used to be but if a compressor fails and comes apart inside the remnants can end up in the condenser causing it to restrict the flow of refrigerant.


Low side is too high and high side is too low. When the compressor clutch is definitely engaged and the low side is high and the high side is low, the most likely cause is that the compressor is failing – it is not pumping sufficiently. Rarely an AC clutch could be slipping but usually this will be accompanied with a squeal or chirp. Also be sure not to overlook the obvious, like a loose belt!

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