
Post on 14-Jan-2016






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Soal ProyekProject Case

T2334Web Database

Teknik InformatikaComputer ScienceO2-T2334-KF01

Periode Berlaku SemesterGanjil 2014/2015Valid on Odd SemesterYear 2014/2015Revisi 00Revision00

1. Seluruh kelompok tidak diperkenankan untuk :The whole group is not allowed to:0. Melihatsebagian atau seluruh proyek kelompok lain,Seeing a part or the whole project from other groups0. Menyadur sebagian maupun seluruh proyek dari buku,Adapted a part or the whole project from the book0. Mendownload sebagian maupun seluruh proyek dari internet,Downloading a part or the whole project from the internet,0. Mengerjakan soal yang tidak sesuai dengan tema yang ada di soal proyek,Working with another theme which is not in accordance with the existing theme in the matter of the project,0. Melakukan tindakan kecurangan lainnya,Committing other dishonest actions,0. Secara sengaja maupun tidak sengaja melakukan segala tindakan kelalaian yang menyebabkan hasil karyanya berhasil dicontek oleh orang lain / kelompok lain.Accidentally or intentionally conduct any failure action that cause the results of the project was copied by someone else / other groups.

1. Jika kelompok terbukti melakukan tindakan seperti yang dijelaskan butir 1 di atas, maka nilai kelompok yang melakukan kecurangan (menyontek maupun dicontek) akan di NOL kan.If the group is proved to the actions described in point 1 above, the score of the group which committed dishonest acts (cheating or being cheated) will be Zero

1. Perhatikan jadwal pengumpulan proyek, segala jenis pengumpulan proyek di luar jadwal tidak dilayani.Pay attention to the submission schedule for the project, all kinds of submission outside the project schedule will not be accepted

1. Jangan lupa untuk melihat kriteria penilaian proyek yang ditempel di papan pengumuman, atau tanya asisten anda.Dont forget to look at the project assessment criteria that posted on the announcement board, or ask your teaching assistant.

1. Persentase penilaiaan untuk matakuliah ini adalah sebagai berikut: Marking percentage for this subject is described as follows:

Tugas MandiriAssignmentProyekProjectUAPFinal Exam


1. Software yang digunakan pada matakuliah ini adalah sebagai berikut: Software will be used in this subject are described as follows:


XAMPP 1.8.0 (PHP MySQL)Adobe Dreamweaver CS3IE / Firefox, Adobe Reader, Microsoft Excel 2007

1. Ekstensi file yang harus disertakan dalam pengumpulan tugas mandiri dan proyek untuk matakuliah ini adalah sebagai berikut: File extensions should be included in assignment and project collection for this subject are described as follows:

ProyekProjectUAPFinal Exam

PHP, SQL, HTM/HTML, image files (JPG/PNG/GIF)PHP, SQL, HTM/HTML, image files (JPG/PNG/GIF)


belihp.com is a store that provides newest and various mobile phone brand in Indonesia. Owner of belihp.com store ask you as a web developer to develop a website for selling, organizing and introducing the store to public in accordance with the following details.

GENERAL STRUCTUREThe website structure must contain these following:belihp.comlogo as the headerSearching facility for searching the product(s) using the provided textbox based on the words contained in product nameNavigation menusContent of each menuFooter that contains copyright of the website

ROLEThe following are access granted for each role:Non-MemberHomeProductLoginRegisterAbout UsMemberHomeProductEdit ProfileShopcartAbout UsAdminHomeProductList MemberAdd New ProductView TransactionAbout Us

Please make sure all of the created web pages have the appropriate permissions to the role that has been mentioned above. If its not appropriate, then return the user to the home page (index.php) according to his/her role.Further details about those pages will be explained below:Home page (home.php) //OKThis page can be accessed by Non-Member, Member, and Admin. This page displays information about latest product. This page will also display a greeting for users using his/her fullname. Display Welcome, Guest for Non-Members useror Welcome,[users full name] for logged in user.

Login page (login.php) //OKLogin page is used to log on to the website. Login pagecan only be accessed by Non-Member users. Use MD5 technique to encrypt the password. Also give rememberme option to set cookie into web browser. If rememberme is checked, the cookie will be set in the web browser, but if it is not checked, the cookie will not be set. Also validate Username textbox will be automatically filled every time users access this website again within 60 minutes since the cookie is set. This page will show error message if user made a mistake during the registration process.The table below shows the list of validation for the login form:

Field NameDescription

UsernameMustbe filled

PasswordMust be filled

Username &PasswordMatch with username and password in the databaseUser is not in banned condition

Registerpage (register.php) //OKThis page can only be accessed by Non-Member. This page is used for Non-Member to be registered as the Member on this website (the Members data must be stored in the database). This page will show error message if user made a mistake in the registration process. The password will be encrypted with MD5 technique when the password stored in the database. Member also can provide their profile picture in register form. If users do not choose any image, a default image will be used as their profile picture. The table below shows the list of validation for the registration form:

Field NameDescription

UsernameMust be filledMust be different from any username in database

PasswordMust be filled

Confirm PasswordMust be filledMust match with the password

FullnameMust be filled

GenderMust be chosen (Male or Female)

EmailMust be filledMust be a valid email addressExample: erwinkodok@gmail.com

PhoneMust be filledMust containonly numeric characters

AddressMust be filledMust contains Street (case sensitive)

ConfirmationMust confirm the checkbox

Product Listpage(product.php) //OKThis page can be accessed by Non-Member, Member, and Admin. The information of each product includes: Name, Price,and Image. Provide paging feature in this page. Each page will display12 products. Also provide a Searchingfacility for searching the product(s) using the provided textbox based on the words contained in product name andacombo box based on the product category.This page will show Add New Product button when admin login into the website. This button will redirect the admin into the Add Product page.

Add Product page (product_new.php) //OKThis page can only be accessed by Admin through Product page. This page is used by Admin to add a new product into the database. You are required to addan uploadfile feature on this page to upload product image. The table below shows the list of validation for theadd product page:

Field NameDescription

Product NameMust be filled

Category NameMust be chosen (obtained from the list of categories stored in database)

Product ImageMust be filledFile format must be .jpeg, .jpg, or .png

StockMust be filledMust contain only numeric character(s)Must greater than or equal zero

PriceMust be filledMust contain only numeric characterMust greater than or equal zero

Detail Product page (product_detail.php) //OKGuestIn this page, guests only can view information of the product. The information includes Product Name, Price, and Image from database. This page also provides all the reviews about the product.

MemberIn this page, members can view information of the product. The information includes Product Name, Price, and Image from database. Members can add the product into the shopping cart. This page will show Add to Cart Button for each product to buy as much as user wants. You must validate quantity which have been input, make sure that the quantity does not exceed the Product Stock and give information message on error or success. Product that is already in the cart only appeared once, means that any addition within the same product will increase the product quantity in the shopping cart. These following validations are required when users choose to click the Add to CartbuttonField NameDescription

QuantityMust contain only numbersMust more than zero and less than stockSame product should only can be added once

This page also provides all the reviews about the product. Members can post a review about the product show in this page. Only the reviews poster can update or delete the content. You must validate data which have been input and give information message on error or success. These following validations are required on this page:

Field NameDescription

ContentMust be filled Must not contain any HTML tag

AdminIn this page, admin can view information of the product. The information includes Product Name, Price, and Image from database. This page will showUpdate and Delete button to update or delete the products. This page also provides all the reviews about the product. Admin can post a review about the product show in this page. Only the reviews poster can update or delete the content. These following validations are required on this page:

Field NameDescription

ContentMust be filled Must not contain any HTML tag

Edit Product Page(product_update.php) //OKThis page will show all data of product information. In this page member can edit Product Name, Category, Description, Stock, Price and Image. You must validate the data which have been input and give information message on error or success.These following validations are required on this page:

Field NameDescription

NameMust be filled

CategoryMust be chosen

StockMust be filledMust contain only numbersMust more than zero

PriceMust be filledMust contain only numbersMust more than or equal zero

ImageMust .jpeg, .jpg, or .png

Edit Comment Page(comment_detail.php) //OKThis page will show the comment from Detail Product Page. In this page member can edit the content of the comment. You must validate the data which have been input and give information message on error or success.These following validations are required on this page:

Field NameDescription

ContentMust be filled Must not contain any HTML tag

ShopCart Page(cart.php) //OK (Checkout belom)This page show any products which purchased by member. Each product only appears once.Each item has a Delete button to remove the item from shopping cart. This page will show Checkout Button to confirm the transaction. If transactions is success then data will be saved in database, and update product stock which purchased by member. These following validations are required when users choose to click the Checkout button:

Field NameDescription

StockMust be bigger than or equal quantityMust be reduced after the transaction approved

List Members Page (member_list.php) //OKThis page shows all lists of members. Not only that, in this page admin can update, delete, ban, or unban any members. Provide paging feature in this page. Each page will display10members. Also provide a Searching facility for searching the member (s) using the provided textbox based on the words contained in member name

Edit Profile Page(member_detail.php)This page will show all data of member profile. In this page member can edit Fullname, Address, Gender, Email, Phone, and Image. You must validate the data which have been input and give information message on error or success.These following validations are required on this page:

Field NameDescription

Full NameMust be filled

ImageMust be choose

GenderMust be choose

EmailMust be filledMust be a valid email addressExample: erwinkodok@gmail.com

AddressMust be filled and must contains Street (case sensitive)

PhoneMust be filled and must in numeric

ViewTransaction Page(ViewTransaction.php)This page will showing all transactions and its details include total and grand total. Provide a report in form of PDF and XLS files that can be downloaded by the admin.

AboutUs page ( AboutUs.php ) //OKThis page contains about belihp.com profile. Feel free to design in this page.


1. Table Member


MemberIDintPrimary key (Auto Increment)

Usernamevarchar (100)Username

Passwordvarchar (100)Password

Fullnamevarchar (100)Fullname

Addressvarchar (200)Address

Gendervarchar (50)Gender (Male or Female)

Emailvarchar (100)Email

Phonevarchar (50)Phone

Imagevarchar (100)Image

Rolevarchar (100)Role (admin or member)

Statusvarchar (100)Member status (none or banned)

Table Product


ProductIDintPrimary key (Auto Increment)

CategoryIDintCategory ID (Foreign key from Category table)

Namevarchar (100)Product name

StockintProduct stock

PriceintProduct price

DescriptiontextProduct description

Imagevarchar (100)Image path

Table Category


CategoryIDintPrimary key (Auto Increment)

CategoryNamevarchar(100)Category name

Table Comment


CommentIDintPrimary key (Auto Increment)

ProductIDintProduct ID (Foreign key from Product table)

MemberIDintUser ID (Foreign key from Product table)

ContentVarchar (200)Content

CommentDatedateCreated Date of the comment

Table SalesHeader


SalesIDintPrimary key (Auto Increment)

MemberIDintMemberID (Foreign key from Member table)


Table SalesDetail


SalesIDintTransactionID (Foreign key from SalesHeader table)

ProductIDintProductID (Foreign key from Product table)

QuantityintQuantity of the product

Here are the rules that you must follow to create your project:1. Use appropriate software for this subject based on Sistem Praktikum that can be downloaded from Binusmaya.2. Additional rules: All validations must use PHPtaught during the practicum. (Another language or Regular Expression is prohibited) Using the existing framework is prohibited (such as: CodeIgniter, Yii, etc.) Note the language used on the website, including grammar and spelling. Be consistent in choosing the language (Indonesian or English) Use subdirectory to categorize the files Design the database based on the website requirements. Moreover, database must be designed in MySQL3. Collect appropriate files for this subject based on Sistem Praktikum that can be downloaded from Binusmaya.4. Include the other files that can support your project, such as: All files in your project Other files (image, audio, video, etc.) used in your project *.DOC file (documentation of your project) that contains the reference links of additional files (image, audio, video, etc.) used in your project

If you do not understand, please ask your assistant. Do not make your own assumption

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