live operating system on cd

Post on 11-Oct-2015






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LIVE OPERATING SYSTEM ON CDMakalahDisusun untuk memenuhi sebagai tugasUjian Akhir SemesterMata kuliah Sistem OperasiDosen Pengampu : Kristiawan Nugroho,S.Kom,M.Kom

Disusun Oleh:Hasan zaki G.231.12.0242 Petit Wuri Nur S G.231.12.0156 Riza Sasongko G.231.12.0196


Kata Pengantar1Bab I2Pendahuluan..2A. Latar Belakang.2B. Rumusan Masalah3C. Tujuan.3D. Landasan Teori3Bab II..5Pembahasan..5A. Sejarah Live Operating System On CD5B. Fungsi Live Operating System On CD5C. Cara Kerja Live Operating System On CD6D. Tipe Live Operating System On CD6Bab III..8Penutup8Kesimpulan.8Saran..8Daftar Pustaka.9

Live CDFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaA live CD, live DVD, or live disc is a complete bootable computer installation including operating system which runs in a computer's memory, rather than loading from a hard disk drive; the CD itself is read-only. It allows users to run an operating system for any purpose without installing it or making any changes to the computer's configuration. Live CDs can run on a computer without secondary storage, such as a hard disk drive, or with a corrupted hard disk drive or file system, allowing data recovery. A live ISO is an ISO image of a Live CD which can be used in virtual machine environments, mounted as if it were a CD/DVD and used as the virtual machine's boot CD. Live CDs, ISOs, and images usually include an operating system available without charge or restrictive licence such as Linux, rather than a commercial one such as Microsoft Windows, for legal rather than technical reasons.The functionality of a live CD is also available with a bootable live USB flash drive, or even an external USB drive. These may have the added functionality of writing changes on the bootable medium. Also, solid-statedevices are faster than optical drives. Write-locked Live SD WORM systems are the direct solid-state counterpart to live CDs, and can be booted natively in a media card slot or by using a USB adapter. Write-locked Live SD systems avoid excessive write cycles or corruption by ill-conditioned software, such as malware.While a live CD typically does not alter any operating system or files already installed on a computer's secondary storage (such as hard disk drives), many live CDs include software mechanisms and utilities for altering the host computer's data stores, including installation of an operating system. This is important for the system management aspect of live CDs, which can be useful for removing malware, for disk imaging, and for system recovery. Unless such software is used, at the end of a live CD session the computer remains as it was before. The live system is able to run without permanent installation by placing the files that normally would be stored on a hard drive intoRAM, typically in a RAM disk. The computer must have sufficient RAM both to store these files and maintain normal operation.HistoryAll except the earliest digital computers are built with some form of minimal built-in loader, which loads a program or succession of programs from a storage medium, which then operate the computer. Initially a read-only medium such as punched tape or punched cards was used for initial program load. With the introduction of inexpensive read-write storage, read-write floppy disks and hard disks were used as boot media.After the introduction of the audio compact disc, it was adapted for use as a medium for storing and distributing large amounts of computer data. This data may also include application and operating-system software, sometimes packaged and archived in compressed formats. Later, it was seen to be convenient and useful to boot the computer directly from compact disc, often with a minimal working system to install a full system onto a hard drive. While there are read-write optical discs, either mass-produced read-only discs or write-once discs were used for this purpose.The first Compact Disc drives on personal computers were generally much too slow to run complex operating systems; computers were not designed to boot from an optical disc. When operating systems came to be distributed on compact discs, either aboot floppy or the CD itself would boot specifically, and only, to install onto a hard drive. The first live CD was FM Towns OS first released in 1989.[citation needed]Origin of Linux liveAlthough early developers and users of distributions built on top of the Linux kernel could take advantage of cheap optical disks and rapidly declining prices of CD drives for personal computers, the Linux distribution CDs or "distros" were generally treated as a collection of installation packages that must first be permanently installed to hard disks on the target machine.However, in the case of these distributions built on top of the Linux kernel, the free operating system was meeting resistance in the consumer market because of the perceived difficulty, effort, and risk involved in installing an additional partition on the hard disk, in parallel with an existing operating system installation.The term "live CD" was coined because, after typical PC RAM was large enough and 52x speed CD drives and CD burners were widespread among PC owners, it finally became convenient and practical to boot the kernel and run X11, a window manager and GUI applications directly from a CD without disturbing the OS on the hard disk.This was a new and different situation for Linux than other operating systems, because the updates/upgrades were being released so quickly, different distributions and versions were being offered online, and especially because users were burning their own CDs.The first Linux-based 'Live CD' was Yggdrasil Linux first released in beta form 1992~1993 (ceased production in 1995), though in practice its functionality was hampered due to the low throughput of contemporary CD-ROM drives. DemoLinux, released in 1998, was the first Linux distribution specially designed as a live CD. The Linuxcare bootable business card, first released in 1999, was the first Live CD to focus on system administration, and the first to be distributed in the bootable business card form factor. As of 2010, Finnix (first released in 2000) is the oldest Live CD still in production. Knoppix, a Debian-derived Linux distribution, was released in 2003, and found popularity as both a rescue disk system and as a primary distribution in its own right.Since 2003, the popularity of live CDs has increased substantially, partly due to Linux Live scripts and remastersys, which made it very easy to build customized live systems. Most of the popular Linux distributions now include a live CD variant, which in some cases is also the preferred installation medium.UsesLive CDs made for many different uses. Some are designed to demonstrate or "test drive" a particular operating system (usually Linux or another free or open source operating system). Software can be tested, or run for a particular single use, without interfering with system setup. Data on a system which is not functioning normally due to operating system and software issues can be made available; for example, data can be recovered from a machine with an active virus infection without the virus process being active and causing more damage, and the virus can be removed with its defences against removal bypassed.Although some live CDs can load into memory to free the optical drive for other uses, loading the data from a CD-ROM is still slower than a typical hard drive boot, so this is rarely the default with large live CD images, but for smaller live CD images loading the filesystem directly into RAM can provide a significant performance boost, as RAM is much faster than a hard drive, and uses less power.[1] Experienced users of the operating system may also use a live CD to determine whether and to what extent a particular operating system or version is compatible with a particular hardware configuration and certain peripherals, or as a way to know beforehand which computer or peripheral will work before buying.[1] A live CD can be used to troubleshoot hardware, especially when a hard drive fails, and more generally as a recovery disc in case of problems. Some live CDs can save user-created files in a Windows partition, a USB drive, a network drive, or other accessible media. Live backup CDs can create an image of drives, and back up files, without problems due to open files and inconsistent sets.A few additional uses include:installing a Linux distribution to a hard drivetesting new versions of softwarelisting & testing hardware [2]system repair and restorationhigh security/non-invasive environment for a guestcracking, stealing, and changing passwordsnetwork security testingbeing the primary or backup operating system for any computerquick and simple clustering of computers [3]computer forensicsplaying video games or running applications that require a different operating systemproviding a secure server platform where crucial files cannot be permanently alteredproviding a secure, reliable platform for the performance of high-vulnerability tasks such as internet banking;Internet kiosks and public computers, which can be brought back to their original state by a rebootBypassing parental controls and other restrictionsThematic Live CDsSeveral live CDs are dedicated to specific type of applications according to the requirements of thematic user communities. These CDs are tailored to the needs of the applications in subject including general knowledge, tutorial, specifications and trial data too.Some of these topics covers sub topics, e.g. IT administration breaks down to firewall, rescue, security, etc. type of live CDs. In some cases a particular LiveDVD covers more than one topic.Live CD software appliancesPackaging a software appliance as an installable live CD, or live ISO, can often be beneficial as a single image can run on both real hardware and on most types of virtual machines.This allows developers to avoid the complexities involved in supporting multiple incompatible virtual machine images formats and focus on the lowest common denominator instead.Typically after booting the machine from the live CD, the appliance either runs in non-persistent demo mode or installs itself, at the user's request, to an available storage device.Mounting without burningThe files on a live CD ISO image can be accessed in Microsoft Windows with a disk image emulator such as Daemon Tools, or in Unix variants by mounting a loop device. Later versions of Windows (i.e. Windows 8 and later), and software available for earlier versions, allow an ISO to be mounted as a volume.After mounting the live CD's filesystem, software on the live CD can be run directly, without booting it, by chrooting into the mounted filesystem.A live CD ISO image can also be mounted by Virtual Machine software such as VirtualBox and VMware Workstation or can be converted to a Live USB using SYSLINUX. Tools such as UNetbootin can automate this process.Common traitsSome live CDs come with an installation utility launchable from a desktop icon that can optionally install the system on a hard drive or USB flash drive. Most live CDs can access the information on internal and/or external hard drives, diskettes and USB flash drives.Live CDs are usually distributed on read-only media, requiring either copying to rewriteable media (i.e. a hard drive or CD writer) or complete remastering to install additional software; however, there are exceptions such as Puppy Linux which has the ability to save files to the live CD itself or other multisession media, allowing data, programs and customized settings to be written.[clarification needed]The first live CDs used Linux as their operating system, available without charge or restrictive licence. The term came to be used for any CD containing operating system and software which could be run without installation on the host computer; example include OpenSolaris, BeleniX and others based on Solaris. Other operating systems which can be used live include AmigaOS 4, Amithlon, AROS, FreeBSD, FreeDOS, Mac OS, Microsoft Windows installation and repair discs, OS/2, ReactOS, NetBSD,OpenBSD, MINIX 3, Plan 9 from Bell Labs, and MorphOS. There are maintenance versions of Microsoft Windows bootable from CD such as BartPE, Windows PE, and Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset (DaRT), previously known as Emergency Repair Disk Commander (ERD Commander).The first personal computer operating system on a CD to support "live" operations might have been the AmigaOS, which could be booted from CD on an Amiga CDTV in 1990.[citation needed]. Earlier examples of live OS are of course the operating systems used from floppy, and most widely spread is DOS.Unlike previous operating systems on optical media, though, Linux and OS/2 "live CDs" were specifically designed to run without installation onto other media like a hard disk drive. The live CD concept was meant to promote Linux and showcase the abilities of the free, open source operating system on conventional personal computers with Microsoft Windows already installed.[citation needed]On a PC, a bootable Compact Disc generally conforms to the El Torito specification. Many Linux based live CDs use a compressed filesystem image, often with the cloop compressed loopback driver, or squashfs compressed filesystem, generally doubling effective storage capacity, although slowing application start up[citation needed].The resulting environment can be quite rich: typical Knoppix systems include around 1,200 separate software packages. Live CDs have a reputation for supporting advanced auto-configuration and plug-and-play functionality. This came out of necessity to avoid requiring the user to configure the system each time it boots and to make it easily usable by those who are new to the operating system.TechniqueA read-only file system, such as on a CD-ROM has the drawback of being unable to save any current working data. For this reason, a read-only file system is often merged with a temporary writable file system in the form of a RAM disk. Often the default Linux directories "/home" (containing users' personal files and configuration files) and "/var" (containing variable data) are kept in ramdisk, because the system updates them frequently. Puppy Linux and some other live CDs allow a configuration and added files to be written and used in later sessions.In modern live CDs, a read-only file system is merged with a RAM drive using transparent techniques such as UnionFS, AuFS or EWF. Boot loaders like syslinux can boot ISO files from USB memory devices.Live CDs have to be able to detect and use a wide variety of hardware (including network cards, graphic cards etc.) in realtime, often using facilities such as udev, hotplug, hal, udisk etc.. which are a common part of all distributions based on Linux kernel2.6.Boot codeDuring live CD initialization, a user typically may resort to using one or more boot codes to change the booting behavior. These vary from distribution to distribution but can most often be accessed upon first boot screen by one of the function keys.


Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena berkat kasih dan anugerah-Nya, penulis dapat menyelesaikan Makalah yang berjudul Live Operating System on CD. Makalah ini disusun untuk memenuhi tugas Ujian akhir Take Home Sistem Operasi. Selain itu, tujuan dari penyusunan makalah ini juga untuk menambah wawasan tentang pengetahuan penggunaan Operating sistem pada cd tanpa menginstal terlebih dahulu .Pada kesempatan ini, Penulis juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada keluarga dan teman - teman yang telah memberikan dukungan baik material maupun non material sehimgga penulis dapat menyelesaikan Makalah ini. Akhirnya, Tiada gading yang tak retak penulis menyadari bahwa Makalah ini sangat jauh dari kesempurnaan. Oleh karena itu, dengan segala kerendahan hati, penulis menerima kritik dan saran agar penyusunan Makalah selanjutnya menjadi lebih baik. Semoga karya tulis ini bermanfaat khususnya bagi penulis dan bagi para pembaca .

Semarang, 20 JULI 2014



A.Latar BelakangDalam ilmu komputer, sitem operasi atau OS yang berfungsi untuk melakukan kontrol dan memanage hardware serta operasi dasar sistem termasuk menjalankan software aplikasi.Live CD, DVD live adalah instalasi komputer bootable lengkap termasuk sistem operasi yang berjalan di memori komputer, bukan loading dari hard disk drive; CD itu sendiri adalah read-only. Hal ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk menjalankan sistem operasi untuk tujuan apapun tanpa menginstal atau membuat perubahan pada konfigurasi komputer. Live CD dapat dijalankan pada komputer tanpa penyimpanan sekunder, seperti hard disk drive yang memungkinkan pemulihan data. Dengan CD Live ISO adalah image ISO dari Live CD yang dapat digunakan dalam lingkungan mesin virtual, dipasang seolah-olah itu adalah CD / DVD dan digunakan sebagai boot CD mesin virtual. Live CD, ISO, dan image OS biasanya termasuk sistem operasi tersedia tanpa biaya atau lisensi terbatas seperti Linux, bukan komersial satu seperti Microsoft Windows, karena alasan hukum ketimbang teknis. Fungsi dari live CD juga tersedia dengan live USB bootable flash drive, atau bahkan USB drive eksternal. Memiliki fungsi tambahan perubahan tulisan di media bootable. Sementara live CD biasanya tidak mengubah sistem operasi atau file yang sudah diinstal pada penyimpanan sekunder komputer (seperti hard disk drive), banyak live CD meliputi mekanisme perangkat lunak dan utilitas untuk mengubah menyimpan data komputer host, termasuk instalasi sistem operasi . Hal ini penting untuk aspek manajemen sistem live CD, yang dapat berguna untuk menghapus malware, untuk pencitraan disk, dan untuk pemulihan sistem. Kecuali perangkat lunak tersebut digunakan, pada akhir sesi live CD komputer tetap seperti sebelumnya. Sistem Live dapat berjalan tanpa instalasi permanen dengan menempatkan file yang biasanya akan disimpan pada RAM disk. Komputer harus memiliki RAM yang cukup baik untuk menyimpan file-file ini dan mempertahankan operasi normal.

B.Rumusan Masalah1. Apa yang dimaksud Live Operating System On CD?2. Bagaimanakah sejarah Live Operating System On CD?3. Bagaimanakah fungsi Live Operating System On CD?4. Mengetahui macam-macam Live Operating System On CD berdasarkan atas beberapa operating system yang adaC. TUJUAN Adapun tujuan dari penulisan makalah ini yaitu:1. Sebagai tugas UAS Take Home mata kuliah System Operasi2. Dapat lebih mengetahui sejarah Live Operating System On CD3. Dapat mengenal dan memahami bagaimana cara kerja Live Operating System On CDD. LANDASAN TEORILive CD adalah sebuah CD yang bisa menjalankan (biasanya) distribusi Linux lengkap (tertentu) dari drive CD-ROM tanpa perlu menginstalnya ke hard disk terlebih dahulu. Pada awalnya, LiveCD digunakan untuk melakukan pengujian sistem operasi yang bersifat open-source seperti GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, ReactOS, dan BeOS. Selain digunakan untuk melakukan pengujian, dapat juga digunakan untuk melakukan troubleshooting terhadap sistem operasi yang bermasalah.

Salah satu pelopor LiveCD berbasis sistem operasi ini adalah Knoppix, sebuah distro yang dirilis oleh Klaus Knopper berbasis Debian GNU/Linux. Contoh lain adalah BlankOn, NimbleX, PCLinuxOS, Puppy Linux, dan Ubuntu.

Selain sistem-sistem operasi tersebut, sistem operasi Windows juga dapat digunakan sebagai LiveCD. Microsoft sebagai pembuat Windows telah membuat Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE), sebuah lingkungan minimal sistem operasi Windows (lingkungan grafis Windows tanpa shell Explorer). Selain Windows PE, ada juga implementasi lainnya yang dikenal dengan BartPE, dengan program pembuatnya yang disebut dengan PE Builder.


A. SEJARAH LIVE OPERATING SYSTEM ON CDAwal mula adanya operating sistem menggunakan floopy disk untuk boot up komputer dan membebankan program pada media tertentu yang built in loader. Dengan diperkenalkannya media penyimpanan baru berupa hardisk maka mulailah berkembang operating sistem yang bisa disimpan langsung dalam media tersebut.Setelah adanya compact disk audio yang dapat diadaptasi untuk media penyimpanan data komputer dalam kapasitas yang cukup besar, tetapi komputer tidak dirancang untuk menjalankan operating sistem lewat compact disk karena akses yang lambat. Akan tetapi pada era sekarang dikarenakan perkembangan open source yang lebih dominan para warehouse software operating sistem menggunakan live cd sebagai sarana marketing dan sarana pengembangan dari operating sistem itu sendiri. B. FUNGSI LIVE OPERATING SYSTEM ON CDPada awal mulanya fungsi utama dari Live Operating System on CD adalah untuk menguji kemampuan dari sebuah operating sistem dan program aplikasinya yang berbasis open source. Hal ini dilakukan karena lebih praktis dan efisien. Konsumen yang akan memakai operating sistem tersebut dapat mencoba dan mengubah operating sistem tersebut.Selain sebagai bahan ujicoba juga sebagai jalan penyebaran yang lebih cepat. Dan pada saat ini Live Operating System On CD sudah merupakan suatu perangkat penting bagi para tehnisi untuk mendiaknosa sebuah pc ataupun notbook.Kegunaan lain sebuah operating sistem live on cd adalah :1. Sebagai master penginstalan Distribusi Linux 2. Sebagai ujicoba software versi tertentu3. Sebagai sarana ujicoba hardware dan mendeteksian hardware4. Sebagai sarana pembetulan dan recovery file sistem ataupun file data5. Sebagai sarana pemblokiran hak pakai6. Sebagai sarana ujicoba keamanan jaringan7. Sebagai sarana cloning antar pc8. Sebagai sarana forensic data komputer9. Sebagai sarana hacking dan crackingC. CARA KERJA LIVE OPERATING SYSTEM ON CDLive CD adalah operating system independen yang tidak memerlukan instalasi terlebih dahulu kedalam harddisk, karena didalam CD tersebut sudah ada ditanamkan program-program pendukung dan library-library yang dibutuhkan untuk menjalankan sebuah komputer. Tapi karena membutuhkan cd/dvd-rom maka akses ke komputer menjadi lebih lambat dibandingkan dengan menggunakan operating system biasa. Pada dasarnya semua perintah software diminimalisasikan sehingga dapat tersimpan secara sementara pada RAM. Jadi tidak perlu menginstal ataupun merubah operating sistem yang ada pada harddrive lain nya.D. TIPE LIVE OPERATING SYSTEM ON CDAda banyak Live Operating System On CD yang beredar sekarang ini tergantung dari kebutuhan dan dasar operating sistem original nya yang dikembangkan oleh konsumen, komunitas ataupun oleh warehouse software itu sendiri. Antara lain :1. Rescue and repair live CDsa) Billix. Merupakan multiboot yang bisa digunakan untuk perlengkapan adminstrator untuk penginstalan ulang master software yang berasal dari distro linuxb) Boot Repair Disk. Merupakan bootable cd yang digunakan untuk memperbaiki disk bootable pada linux maupun microsoft.c) Inquisitor. Merupakan bootable cd yang digunakan untuk mendiagnosa hardware berbasis linux.d) Kapersky Rescue CD. Bootable antivirus yang digunakan untuk menghapus virus systeme) Partition Magic. Bootable yang digunakan untuk mengubah partisi hardisk tanpa kita harus masuk kesistem hardisk tersebut.2. FreeBSD baseda) DesktopBSDb) FreeBSDc) FreeNASd) GhostBSD3. Mac OS X-baseda) BootCD from Charlessoft for Mac OS X up to 10.3 (including PowerPC Macintosh)b) DasBoot by SubRosaSoft.comc) OSx86 (x86 only)4. Gentoo-baseda) Calculate Linuxb) FireballISO c) IncognitoPentood) SabayonLinuxe) SystemRescueCDf) Ututog) VidaLinux5. Microsoft Windows-baseda) BartPE (Windows XP/2003)b) Reatogo-X-PE based on BartPEc) Ultimate Boot CD for Windows (UBCD4Win)d) Microsoft Windows Preinstallation Environment


KesimpulanPada dasarnya Live Operating On Cd merupakan implementasi dari operating sistem lainnya yang diminimalisasikan dan berfungsi untuk ujicoba trial and error sebuah operating system.Selain itu jika Live Operating System On Cd di tambah dengan aplikasi tertentu digunakan untuk kepentingan tertentu dan tujuan tertentu.

Saran1. Jika kita membutuhkan aplikasi tertentu untuk membackup data dan menganalisa kondisi hardware tanpa harus menginstal aplikasi tertentu kita membutuhkan Live Operating System On Cd yang sesuai dengan operating sistem yang kita gunakan.2. Pergunakan lah live operating system on cd untuk hal-hal yang tidak merugikan orang lain ataupun yang bertentangan dengan peraturan yang ada.


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