lampiran - yohanes... · 2....

Post on 11-Aug-2020






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A. Pertanyaan Umum

Nama (Boleh tidak diisi) : __________________________________

Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki Perempuan

Umur : ________ th

Universitas : UNDIP UNNES



Semester : 1 Sampai 4 5 Sampai 8

9 Sampai 12 Lainnya

IPK : 2,00 – 2,49 2,50 – 2,99

3,00 – 3,49 3,50 – 4,00

Angkatan : ___________________________________

Kapan Anda ingin mengikuti ujian CPA? (cek satu)

Segera setelah saya menyelesaikan studi sarjana saya

Saat mengerjakan gelar master saya

Segera setelah saya menyelesaikan gelar master saya

Saya tidak yakin kapan

Saya tidak bermaksud mengikuti ujian CPA


1. Responden diharapkan membaca terlebih dahulu setiap pernyataan

sebelum memberikan jawaban.

2. Responden dapat memberikan jawaban dengan memberikan tanda silang

[X] pada salah satu pilihan jawaban yang tersedia.

3. Bila terjadi kesalahan dan ingin merubah pilihan jawaban, maka beri

tanda [=] pada jawaban yang salah dan beri tanda silang [X] pada jawaban

yang baru.

4. Pada masing-masing pernyataan terdapat lima alternative jawaban yang

mengacu pada teknik skala likert, yaitu:

1. Sangat Tidak Setuju (STS) = 1

2. Tidak Setuju (TS) = 2

3. Netral (N) = 3

4. Setuju (S) = 4

5. Sangat Setuju (SS) = 5

6. Data responden dan semua informasi yang diberikan akan dijamin

kerahasiannya, oleh sebab itu dimohon untuk mengisi kuesioner

dengan sebenarnya dan seobjektif mungkin.

















Niat mahasiswa untuk mengikuti ujian CPA

1 Saya ingin segera mengikuti ujian CPA setelah

saya memenuhi syarat.

2 Saya berencana untuk mengikuti ujian CPA

sesegera mungkin.

3 Segera setelah saya memenuhi persyaratan, saya

akan mengikuti ujian CPA.

















Rasa Urgensi

4 Fakta bahwa ujian CPA ditawarkan sesuai

permintaan membuatnya mudah untuk menunda-


5 Fakta bahwa ujian CPA tidak memiliki tenggat

waktu yang tepat mudah untuk menunda-nunda

















Kemampuan dan Usaha

6 Jika saya mengikuti ujian CPA dan melakukannya

dengan baik, itu pasti terjadi karena kompetensi


7 Jika saya mengikuti ujian CPA dan melakukannya

dengan baik, itu pasti terjadi karena kemampuan


8 Jika saya mengikuti ujian CPA dan melakukannya

dengan baik, itu pasti terjadi karena saya siap

untuk ujian.

9 Jika saya mengikuti ujian CPA dan melakukannya

dengan baik, itu pasti terjadi karena usaha saya

















Kesulitan dan Keberuntungan.

10 Jika saya mengikuti ujian CPA, saya pikir akan

sulit lulus karena ujian itu sulit

11 Jika saya mengikuti ujian CPA dan tidak

melakukannya dengan baik, itu akan terjadi karena

ujian itu sulit

12 Jika saya mengikuti ujian CPA, saya akan

membutuhkan keberuntungan untuk lulus

13 Jika saya mengikuti ujian CPA dan melakukannya

dengan baik, itu pasti terjadi karena


















Daya Tarik

14 Melewati ujian CPA akan membantu saya

mendapatkan pekerjaan yang saya inginkan.

15 Melewati ujian CPA akan membantu saya

memenuhi karir saya

16 Saya bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan yang saya

inginkan tanpa lulus ujian CPA..

17 Menghasilkan kredensial CPA akan sangat

berharga bagi saya.

















Biaya Mempersiapkan Ujian CPA

18 Kursus review CPA mahal.

19 Jika saya mengikuti ujian CPA, akan sulit bagi

saya untuk mampu mengikuti kursus review CPA.

20 Jika saya mengikuti ujian CPA, akan sulit bagi

saya untuk membayar kursus review CPA

















Dukungan Finansial dari Calon Perusahaan

21 Jika saya mengikuti ujian CPA, saya kira atasan

saya sangat mungkin akan mengizinkan saya

untuk belajar CPA di tempat kerja

22 Jika saya mengikuti ujian CPA, saya kira atasan

saya kemungkinan besar akan memberi saya

waktu untuk mengambilnya Ujian CPA

23 Jika saya mengikuti ujian CPA, saya kira

Perusahaan saya bekerja kemungkinan besar

akan membayar kursus review CPA

24 Jika saya mengikuti ujian CPA, saya kira

Perusahaan saya bekerja kemungkinan besar

akan membayar biaya untuk mengambil CPA


















Kemampuan Diri

25 Saya selalu bisa mengatasi masalah yang sulit jika

saya mencobanya cukup keras.

26 Jika seseorang menentang saya, saya bisa

menemukan cara untuk melakukannya dan

mendapatkan apa yang saya inginkan

27 Mudah bagi saya untuk tetap berpegang pada

tujuan saya dan mencapai tujuan saya

28 Saya yakin bahwa saya bisa menangani masalah

secara efisien dengan cara yang tak terduga..

29 Berkat akal saya, saya tahu bagaimana menangani

situasi yang tak terduga

30 Saya bisa memecahkan sebagian besar masalah

jika saya menginvestasikan usaha yang diperlukan

31 Saya bisa tetap tenang saat menghadapi kesulitan

karena saya bisa mengandalkan kemampuan untuk


32 Ketika saya menghadapi masalah, biasanya saya

dapat menemukannya beberapa solusi

33 Saya menavigasi karir saya sendiri, sesuai rencana

saya sendiri. Jika saya dalam masalah, biasanya

saya bisa memikirkan solusi

34 Saya biasanya bisa menangani apapun yang

datang dengan cara saya

















Biaya Mengikuti Ujian CPA

35 Biaya untuk mengikuti ujian CPA (aplikasi,

administrasi, dan biaya ujian) mahal.

36 Jika saya mengikuti ujian CPA, akan sulit bagi

saya untuk mampu membayar biaya aplikasi,

administrasi, dan ujian

















Dukungan Finansial dari Keluarga

37 Jika saya mengikuti ujian CPA, saya kira anggota

keluarga akan memberikan dukungan finansial

agar bisa mengambil CPA review saja

38 Jika saya mengikuti ujian CPA, saya kira anggota

keluarga akan memberikan dukungan finansial

agar saya bisa membayar

















Akses ke Panutan

39 Saya memiliki banyak interaksi dengan CPA.

40 Saya telah melakukan diskusi signifikan dengan

CPA tentang keberadaan sebuah CPA.

41 Saya telah banyak mengamati CPA di tempat


42 Saya terbiasa dengan CPA yang memiliki jalur

karir dan saya ingin mengikutinya.

















Dukungan Psikologi dari Fakultas

43 Fakultas Akuntansi di sekolah saya telah

mendorong saya untuk melakukannya ujian CPA

44 Fakultas Akuntansi di sekolah saya telah memberi

saya saran tentang mengambil ujian CPA

















Dukungan Fungsional dari Fakultas

45 Fakultas Akuntansi di sekolah saya menunjukkan

bagaimana isi kursus terkait ujian CPA.

46 Fakultas Akuntansi di sekolah saya meminta siswa

menyelesaikan tugas yang seharusnya sangat

membantu saat mengikuti ujian CPA.

47 Fakultas Akuntansi di sekolah saya menjelaskan

formatnya Ujian CPA di kelas

















Karir Protean

48 Bagi saya, kesuksesan karir berarti bagaimana

saya melakukan pembandingan antara tujuan dan

nilai saya

49 Saya bertanggung jawab atas karir saya sendiri.

50 Saya menavigasi karir saya sendiri, sesuai rencana


51 Saya bertanggung jawab atas pengembangan karir

saya sendiri.

52 Bagi saya, kesuksesan karir berarti memiliki

tingkat tinggi kebebasan dan otonomi.

53 Bagi saya, kesuksesan karir berarti menjadi


















Dukungan Sosial

54 Jika saya mengikuti ujian CPA, saya rasa anggota

keluarga akan memberi saya dorongan

55 Jika saya mengikuti ujian CPA, saya pikir teman-

teman akan menawarkan dorongan saya

Lampiran 2a

Data Responden


Lampiran 2b

Tabulasi Responden (1)

Tabulasi Responden (2)

Lampiran 2c

Frekuensi Indentitas Responden


Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid laki-laki 52 53,1 53,1 53,1

perempuan 46 46,9 46,9 100,0

Total 98 100,0 100,0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid 19,00 4 4,1 4,1 4,1

20,00 20 20,4 20,4 24,5

21,00 26 26,5 26,5 51,0

22,00 36 36,7 36,7 87,8

23,00 8 8,2 8,2 95,9

24,00 4 4,1 4,1 100,0

Total 98 100,0 100,0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid unika 19 19,4 19,4 19,4

undip 5 5,1 5,1 24,5

unnes 17 17,3 17,3 41,8

udinus 17 17,3 17,3 59,2

unisula 15 15,3 15,3 74,5

unisbank 25 25,5 25,5 100,0

Total 98 100,0 100,0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid 1-4 27 27,6 27,6 27,6

5-8 64 65,3 65,3 92,9

8-12 7 7,1 7,1 100,0

Total 98 100,0 100,0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid 2.00 - 2.49 1 1,0 1,0 1,0

2.50 - 2.99 44 44,9 44,9 45,9

3.00 - 3.49 45 45,9 45,9 91,8

3.50 - 4.00 8 8,2 8,2 100,0

Total 98 100,0 100,0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid 2012,00 1 1,0 1,0 1,0

2013,00 6 6,1 6,1 7,1

2014,00 31 31,6 31,6 38,8

2015,00 33 33,7 33,7 72,4

2016,00 18 18,4 18,4 90,8

2017,00 9 9,2 9,2 100,0

Total 98 100,0 100,0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid segera setelah sarjana 19 19,4 19,4 19,4

saat mengerjakan master 8 8,2 8,2 27,6

setelah menyelesaikan

master 29 29,6 29,6 57,1

tidak yakin kapan 28 28,6 28,6 85,7

tidak bermaksud mengikuti 14 14,3 14,3 100,0

Total 98 100,0 100,0

Lampiran 2d

Compare Means


jeniskelamin n ru ku kk dt bm df kd

laki-laki Mean 3,9623 3,7692 3,7308 3,3846 2,4279 3,8398 3,7019 3,6654

N 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52

Std. Deviation ,65973 ,76352 ,70510 ,86100 ,76590 ,64300 ,70890 ,56634

perempuan Mean 3,7026 3,7391 3,5543 3,7337 2,4239 3,8770 3,6196 3,5174

N 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46

Std. Deviation ,83333 ,74341 ,70890 ,70199 ,69496 ,63108 ,65349 ,57361

Total Mean 3,8404 3,7551 3,6480 3,5485 2,4260 3,8572 3,6633 3,5959

N 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98

Std. Deviation ,75364 ,75041 ,70878 ,80563 ,72972 ,63442 ,68121 ,57165

jeniskelamin bmu dfk akp dp dff kp ds

laki-laki Mean 3,5865 3,8750 3,5817 3,7115 3,7877 3,7660 3,8365

N 52 52 52 52 52 52 52

Std. Deviation ,71894 ,53206 ,79785 ,84799 ,66409 ,52179 ,63956

perempuan Mean 3,5217 3,8587 3,6630 3,7065 3,6959 3,6089 3,9783

N 46 46 46 46 46 46 46

Std. Deviation ,91867 ,65543 ,72690 ,77872 ,67001 ,60042 ,52659

Total Mean 3,5561 3,8673 3,6199 3,7092 3,7446 3,6922 3,9031

N 98 98 98 98 98 98 98

Std. Deviation ,81507 ,59009 ,76255 ,81203 ,66502 ,56267 ,59055

ANOVA Tablea,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o

Sum of Squares df

Mean Square F Sig.

n * jeniskelamin

Between Groups

(Combined) 1,646 1 1,646 2,957 ,089

Within Groups 53,447 96 ,557

Total 55,093 97

ru * jeniskelamin

Between Groups

(Combined) ,022 1 ,022 ,039 ,844

Within Groups 54,600 96 ,569

Total 54,622 97

ku * jeniskelamin

Between Groups

(Combined) ,760 1 ,760 1,520 ,221

Within Groups 47,970 96 ,500

Total 48,730 97

kk * jeniskelamin

Between Groups

(Combined) 2,974 1 2,974 4,760 ,032

Within Groups 59,983 96 ,625

Total 62,957 97

dt * jeniskelamin

Between Groups

(Combined) ,000 1 ,000 ,001 ,979

Within Groups 51,651 96 ,538

Total 51,651 97

bm * jeniskelamin

Between Groups

(Combined) ,034 1 ,034 ,083 ,774

Within Groups 39,007 96 ,406

Total 39,041 97

df * jeniskelamin

Between Groups

(Combined) ,166 1 ,166 ,354 ,553

Within Groups 44,847 96 ,467

Total 45,013 97

kd * jeniskelamin

Between Groups

(Combined) ,535 1 ,535 1,647 ,202

Within Groups 31,164 96 ,325

Total 31,698 97

bmu * jeniskelamin

Between Groups

(Combined) ,102 1 ,102 ,153 ,697

Within Groups 64,339 96 ,670

Total 64,441 97

dfk * jeniskelamin

Between Groups

(Combined) ,006 1 ,006 ,018 ,892

Within Groups 33,769 96 ,352

Total 33,776 97

akp * jeniskelamin

Between Groups

(Combined) ,161 1 ,161 ,275 ,601

Within Groups 56,242 96 ,586

Total 56,404 97

dp * jeniskelamin

Between Groups

(Combined) ,001 1 ,001 ,001 ,976

Within Groups 63,961 96 ,666

Total 63,962 97

dff * jeniskelamin

Between Groups

(Combined) ,206 1 ,206 ,463 ,498

Within Groups 42,693 96 ,445

Total 42,899 97

kp * jeniskelamin

Between Groups

(Combined) ,602 1 ,602 1,920 ,169

Within Groups 30,108 96 ,314

Total 30,710 97

ds * jeniskelamin

Between Groups

(Combined) ,490 1 ,490 1,412 ,238

Within Groups 33,339 96 ,347

Total 33,829 97

a. With fewer than three groups, linearity measures for n * jeniskelamin cannot be computed.

b. With fewer than three groups, linearity measures for ru * jeniskelamin cannot be computed.

c. With fewer than three groups, linearity measures for ku * jeniskelamin cannot be computed.

d. With fewer than three groups, linearity measures for kk * jeniskelamin cannot be computed.

e. With fewer than three groups, linearity measures for dt * jeniskelamin cannot be computed.

f. With fewer than three groups, linearity measures for bm * jeniskelamin cannot be computed.

g. With fewer than three groups, linearity measures for df * jeniskelamin cannot be computed.

h. With fewer than three groups, linearity measures for kd * jeniskelamin cannot be computed.

i. With fewer than three groups, linearity measures for bmu * jeniskelamin cannot be computed.

j. With fewer than three groups, linearity measures for dfk * jeniskelamin cannot be computed.

k. With fewer than three groups, linearity measures for akp * jeniskelamin cannot be computed.

l. With fewer than three groups, linearity measures for dp * jeniskelamin cannot be computed.

m. With fewer than three groups, linearity measures for dff * jeniskelamin cannot be computed.

n. With fewer than three groups, linearity measures for kp * jeniskelamin cannot be computed.

o. With fewer than three groups, linearity measures for ds * jeniskelamin cannot be computed.

Measures of Association

Eta Eta Squared

n * jeniskelamin ,173 ,030

ru * jeniskelamin ,020 ,000

ku * jeniskelamin ,125 ,016

kk * jeniskelamin ,217 ,047

dt * jeniskelamin ,003 ,000

bm * jeniskelamin ,029 ,001

df * jeniskelamin ,061 ,004

kd * jeniskelamin ,130 ,017

bmu * jeniskelamin ,040 ,002

dfk * jeniskelamin ,014 ,000

akp * jeniskelamin ,053 ,003

dp * jeniskelamin ,003 ,000

dff * jeniskelamin ,069 ,005

kp * jeniskelamin ,140 ,020

ds * jeniskelamin ,120 ,014


umur n ru ku kk dt bm df kd

19,00 Mean 3,8350 3,5000 3,4375 3,3750 2,3750 3,8350 3,8125 3,7000

N 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Std. Deviation 1,26345 1,08012 ,80039 ,43301 ,72169 ,19053 ,87500 ,94868

20,00 Mean 3,8495 3,7250 3,6125 3,3750 2,3250 4,1340 3,6500 3,6900

N 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

Std. Deviation ,90180 ,95249 ,79254 ,87170 ,67911 ,49019 ,89000 ,59816

21,00 Mean 3,7181 3,6923 3,4135 3,6442 2,4519 3,6146 3,4423 3,6038

N 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

Std. Deviation ,60230 ,63367 ,74143 ,85491 ,81859 ,75955 ,58441 ,48289

22,00 Mean 3,8708 3,7361 3,7153 3,5417 2,4236 3,9356 3,7153 3,5583

N 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36

Std. Deviation ,77541 ,69165 ,62150 ,74282 ,73635 ,55187 ,57988 ,58181

23,00 Mean 3,9588 4,0000 3,8750 3,6875 2,7188 3,8338 3,7500 3,4750

N 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

Std. Deviation ,70054 ,80178 ,51755 ,99777 ,50775 ,59107 ,68139 ,47132

24,00 Mean 4,0850 4,2500 4,5000 3,7500 2,2500 3,4150 4,3750 3,5500

N 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Std. Deviation ,41988 ,50000 ,45644 ,84163 ,95743 ,96033 ,43301 ,92556

Total Mean 3,8404 3,7551 3,6480 3,5485 2,4260 3,8572 3,6633 3,5959

N 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98

Std. Deviation ,75364 ,75041 ,70878 ,80563 ,72972 ,63442 ,68121 ,57165

umur bmu dfk akp dp dff kp ds

19,00 Mean 3,7500 3,8750 4,0625 3,7500 3,9175 3,7925 4,0000

N 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Std. Deviation ,86603 ,25000 ,51539 ,28868 ,87550 ,37170 0,00000

20,00 Mean 3,4000 3,8000 3,7375 3,6250 3,7830 3,6840 3,7750

N 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

Std. Deviation ,88258 ,76777 ,76294 ,88667 ,80468 ,59955 ,69727

21,00 Mean 3,5577 3,7308 3,5000 3,6731 3,5896 3,6350 3,7500

N 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

Std. Deviation ,75269 ,56975 ,71063 1,04826 ,50178 ,67734 ,66708

22,00 Mean 3,5000 3,8750 3,5833 3,6250 3,7492 3,6942 3,9444

N 36 36 36 36 36 36 36

Std. Deviation ,87014 ,55259 ,84304 ,68007 ,68766 ,53680 ,51793

23,00 Mean 3,8750 4,3125 3,6875 4,1875 3,8338 3,7700 4,2500

N 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

Std. Deviation ,64087 ,37201 ,82104 ,53033 ,61683 ,29335 ,26726

24,00 Mean 4,0000 4,1250 3,5625 4,1250 4,1675 3,8325 4,3750

N 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Std. Deviation ,70711 ,25000 ,51539 ,25000 ,64148 ,59287 ,47871

Total Mean 3,5561 3,8673 3,6199 3,7092 3,7446 3,6922 3,9031

N 98 98 98 98 98 98 98

Std. Deviation ,81507 ,59009 ,76255 ,81203 ,66502 ,56267 ,59055


Sum of

Squares df Mean

Square F Sig.

n * umur Between Groups

(Combined) ,776 5 ,155 ,263 ,932

Linearity ,264 1 ,264 ,447 ,505

Deviation from Linearity

,512 4 ,128 ,217 ,929

Within Groups 54,318 92 ,590

Total 55,093 97

ru * umur

Between Groups

(Combined) 1,853 5 ,371 ,646 ,665

Linearity 1,101 1 1,101 1,920 ,169

Deviation from Linearity

,752 4 ,188 ,328 ,859

Within Groups 52,769 92 ,574

Total 54,622 97

ku * umur

Between Groups

(Combined) 5,111 5 1,022 2,156 ,066

Linearity 2,751 1 2,751 5,801 ,018

Deviation from Linearity

2,361 4 ,590 1,245 ,298

Within Groups 43,618 92 ,474

Total 48,730 97

kk * umur

Between Groups

(Combined) 1,279 5 ,256 ,382 ,860

Linearity ,676 1 ,676 1,008 ,318

Deviation from Linearity

,604 4 ,151 ,225 ,924

Within Groups 61,678 92 ,670

Total 62,957 97

dt * umur Between Groups

(Combined) 1,042 5 ,208 ,379 ,862

Linearity ,190 1 ,190 ,346 ,558

Deviation from Linearity

,851 4 ,213 ,387 ,818

Within Groups 50,610 92 ,550

Total 51,651 97

bm * umur

Between Groups

(Combined) 4,072 5 ,814 2,143 ,067

Linearity ,533 1 ,533 1,402 ,239

Deviation from Linearity

3,539 4 ,885 2,328 ,062

Within Groups 34,969 92 ,380

Total 39,041 97

df * umur Between Groups

(Combined) 3,546 5 ,709 1,573 ,175

Linearity ,932 1 ,932 2,069 ,154

Deviation from Linearity

2,613 4 ,653 1,450 ,224

Within Groups 41,467 92 ,451

Total 45,013 97

kd * umur

Between Groups

(Combined) ,398 5 ,080 ,234 ,947

Linearity ,339 1 ,339 ,996 ,321

Deviation from Linearity

,060 4 ,015 ,044 ,996

Within Groups 31,300 92 ,340

Total 31,698 97

bmu * umur

Between Groups

(Combined) 2,353 5 ,471 ,697 ,627

Linearity ,786 1 ,786 1,164 ,283

Deviation from Linearity

1,567 4 ,392 ,581 ,677

Within Groups 62,088 92 ,675

Total 64,441 97

dfk * umur

Between Groups

(Combined) 2,429 5 ,486 1,426 ,222

Linearity 1,094 1 1,094 3,210 ,076

Deviation from Linearity

1,335 4 ,334 ,980 ,423

Within Groups 31,347 92 ,341

Total 33,776 97

akp * umur

Between Groups

(Combined) 1,532 5 ,306 ,514 ,765

Linearity ,366 1 ,366 ,614 ,435

Deviation from Linearity

1,165 4 ,291 ,488 ,744

Within Groups 54,872 92 ,596

Total 56,404 97

dp * umur

Between Groups

(Combined) 2,959 5 ,592 ,893 ,490

Linearity ,949 1 ,949 1,431 ,235

Deviation from Linearity

2,010 4 ,503 ,758 ,555

Within Groups 61,002 92 ,663

Total 63,962 97

dff * umur

Between Groups

(Combined) 1,553 5 ,311 ,691 ,631

Linearity ,161 1 ,161 ,358 ,551

Deviation from Linearity

1,393 4 ,348 ,775 ,544

Within Groups 41,346 92 ,449

Total 42,899 97

kp * umur

Between Groups

(Combined) ,254 5 ,051 ,153 ,979

Linearity ,044 1 ,044 ,133 ,717

Deviation from Linearity

,210 4 ,053 ,159 ,959

Within Groups 30,456 92 ,331

Total 30,710 97

ds * umur

Between Groups

(Combined) 2,890 5 ,578 1,719 ,138

Linearity 1,656 1 1,656 4,925 ,029

Deviation from Linearity

1,234 4 ,309 ,917 ,457

Within Groups 30,939 92 ,336

Total 33,829 97

Measures of Association

R R Squared Eta Eta Squared

n * umur ,069 ,005 ,119 ,014

ru * umur ,142 ,020 ,184 ,034

ku * umur ,238 ,056 ,324 ,105

kk * umur ,104 ,011 ,143 ,020

dt * umur ,061 ,004 ,142 ,020

bm * umur -,117 ,014 ,323 ,104

df * umur ,144 ,021 ,281 ,079

kd * umur -,103 ,011 ,112 ,013

bmu * umur ,110 ,012 ,191 ,037

dfk * umur ,180 ,032 ,268 ,072

akp * umur -,081 ,006 ,165 ,027

dp * umur ,122 ,015 ,215 ,046

dff * umur ,061 ,004 ,190 ,036

kp * umur ,038 ,001 ,091 ,008

ds * umur ,221 ,049 ,292 ,085


universitas n ru ku kk dt bm df kd

unika Mean 3,7021 3,7632 3,6316 3,1184 2,3553 3,9647 3,6842 3,6474

N 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19

Std. Deviation 1,07768 1,07197 ,80953 ,90281 ,87922 ,47120 ,88130 ,76039

undip Mean 3,4020 2,9000 3,3000 3,6500 3,2000 4,2000 3,1000 3,1800

N 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Std. Deviation ,54742 ,82158 ,32596 ,37914 ,57009 ,65150 ,51841 ,32711

unnes Mean 3,8047 3,8529 3,7941 3,5735 2,4118 3,9212 3,8235 3,3765

N 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17

Std. Deviation ,71863 ,76577 ,73546 ,74354 ,64312 ,60868 ,58473 ,66476

udinus Mean 4,0006 3,5588 3,4559 3,6765 2,9118 3,7065 3,5000 3,4765

N 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17

Std. Deviation ,66719 ,80782 ,63267 ,72222 ,76004 ,69701 ,68465 ,43950

unisula Mean 3,9773 3,8000 3,7833 3,3000 2,4667 3,6887 3,9167 3,7000

N 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Std. Deviation ,52803 ,49281 ,58909 ,93637 ,61140 ,79240 ,48795 ,34641

unisbank Mean 3,8664 3,9600 3,6800 3,9000 1,9800 3,8672 3,6100 3,8080

N 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

Std. Deviation ,69584 ,32016 ,78236 ,65749 ,36742 ,61792 ,64984 ,48983

Total Mean 3,8404 3,7551 3,6480 3,5485 2,4260 3,8572 3,6633 3,5959

N 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98

Std. Deviation ,75364 ,75041 ,70878 ,80563 ,72972 ,63442 ,68121 ,57165

universitas bmu dfk akp dp dff kp ds

unika Mean 3,5000 3,7632 3,5658 3,7632 3,7726 3,8947 3,7895

N 19 19 19 19 19 19 19

Std. Deviation 1,11803 ,69459 ,69643 1,00510 ,88972 ,50379 ,76948

undip Mean 2,9000 3,2000 4,0000 3,2000 2,8640 3,3340 3,7000

N 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Std. Deviation ,65192 ,90830 ,98425 ,90830 ,76862 ,58024 ,57009

unnes Mean 3,7059 4,0882 3,8088 3,9412 3,8824 3,7541 4,1471

N 17 17 17 17 17 17 17

Std. Deviation ,46967 ,19648 ,87736 ,49631 ,45661 ,43310 ,45978

udinus Mean 3,6765 4,0294 3,4853 3,8529 3,6076 3,4812 4,0588

N 17 17 17 17 17 17 17

Std. Deviation ,61087 ,27786 ,89909 ,65586 ,84421 ,60068 ,34832

unisula Mean 3,2667 3,6000 3,3667 3,2667 3,9320 3,7887 3,6000

N 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Std. Deviation 1,11590 ,76064 ,73719 1,13179 ,42104 ,40514 ,68661

unisbank Mean 3,7200 3,9800 3,7000 3,7800 3,7864 3,6536 3,9400

N 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

Std. Deviation ,59652 ,52994 ,58184 ,57879 ,40629 ,68625 ,52678

Total Mean 3,5561 3,8673 3,6199 3,7092 3,7446 3,6922 3,9031

N 98 98 98 98 98 98 98

Std. Deviation ,81507 ,59009 ,76255 ,81203 ,66502 ,56267 ,59055


Sum of

Squares df Mean

Square F Sig.

n * universitas

Between Groups

(Combined) 2,080 5 ,416 ,722 ,609

Linearity ,825 1 ,825 1,431 ,235

Deviation from Linearity

1,256 4 ,314 ,545 ,703

Within Groups 53,013 92 ,576

Total 55,093 97

ru * universitas

Between Groups

(Combined) 5,555 5 1,111 2,083 ,075

Linearity ,942 1 ,942 1,767 ,187

Deviation from Linearity

4,612 4 1,153 2,162 ,079

Within Groups 49,068 92 ,533

Total 54,622 97

ku * universitas

Between Groups

(Combined) 1,901 5 ,380 ,747 ,590

Linearity ,097 1 ,097 ,190 ,664

Deviation from Linearity

1,805 4 ,451 ,886 ,475

Within Groups 46,828 92 ,509

Total 48,730 97

kk * universitas

Between Groups

(Combined) 7,870 5 1,574 2,629 ,029

Linearity 4,269 1 4,269 7,130 ,009

Deviation from Linearity

3,601 4 ,900 1,504 ,208

Within Groups 55,087 92 ,599

Total 62,957 97

dt * universitas

Between Groups

(Combined) 12,103 5 2,421 5,631 ,000

Linearity 1,982 1 1,982 4,610 ,034

Deviation from Linearity

10,121 4 2,530 5,886 ,000

Within Groups 39,548 92 ,430

Total 51,651 97

bm * universitas

Between Groups

(Combined) 1,692 5 ,338 ,833 ,529

Linearity ,503 1 ,503 1,239 ,269

Deviation from Linearity

1,189 4 ,297 ,732 ,572

Within Groups 37,350 92 ,406

Total 39,041 97

df * universitas

Between Groups

(Combined) 3,519 5 ,704 1,560 ,179

Linearity ,025 1 ,025 ,056 ,813

Deviation from Linearity

3,493 4 ,873 1,936 ,111

Within Groups 41,494 92 ,451

Total 45,013 97

kd * universitas

Between Groups

(Combined) 3,263 5 ,653 2,112 ,071

Linearity ,918 1 ,918 2,971 ,088

Deviation from Linearity

2,345 4 ,586 1,897 ,118

Within Groups 28,435 92 ,309

Total 31,698 97

bmu * universitas

Between Groups

(Combined) 4,768 5 ,954 1,470 ,207

Linearity ,384 1 ,384 ,591 ,444

Deviation from Linearity

4,384 4 1,096 1,690 ,159

Within Groups 59,673 92 ,649

Total 64,441 97

dfk * universitas

Between Groups

(Combined) 5,098 5 1,020 3,271 ,009

Linearity ,344 1 ,344 1,103 ,296

Deviation from Linearity

4,754 4 1,189 3,813 ,007

Within Groups 28,677 92 ,312

Total 33,776 97

akp * universitas

Between Groups

(Combined) 2,815 5 ,563 ,967 ,443

Linearity ,043 1 ,043 ,074 ,786

Deviation from Linearity

2,772 4 ,693 1,190 ,321

Within Groups 53,589 92 ,582

Total 56,404 97

dp * universitas

Between Groups

(Combined) 5,681 5 1,136 1,793 ,122

Linearity ,079 1 ,079 ,125 ,725

Deviation from Linearity

5,602 4 1,400 2,211 ,074

Within Groups 58,281 92 ,633

Total 63,962 97

dff * universitas

Between Groups

(Combined) 5,104 5 1,021 2,485 ,037

Linearity ,299 1 ,299 ,727 ,396

Deviation from Linearity

4,805 4 1,201 2,924 ,025

Within Groups 37,795 92 ,411

Total 42,899 97

kp * universitas

Between Groups

(Combined) 2,420 5 ,484 1,574 ,175

Linearity ,282 1 ,282 ,919 ,340

Deviation from Linearity

2,137 4 ,534 1,738 ,148

Within Groups 28,290 92 ,307

Total 30,710 97

ds * universitas

Between Groups

(Combined) 3,288 5 ,658 1,981 ,089

Linearity ,009 1 ,009 ,026 ,872

Deviation from Linearity

3,279 4 ,820 2,469 ,050

Within Groups 30,541 92 ,332

Total 33,829 97

Measures of Association

R R Squared Eta Eta Squared

n * universitas ,122 ,015 ,194 ,038

ru * universitas ,131 ,017 ,319 ,102

ku * universitas ,045 ,002 ,198 ,039

kk * universitas ,260 ,068 ,354 ,125

dt * universitas -,196 ,038 ,484 ,234

bm * universitas -,113 ,013 ,208 ,043

df * universitas ,024 ,001 ,280 ,078

kd * universitas ,170 ,029 ,321 ,103

bmu * universitas ,077 ,006 ,272 ,074

dfk * universitas ,101 ,010 ,389 ,151

akp * universitas -,028 ,001 ,223 ,050

dp * universitas -,035 ,001 ,298 ,089

dff * universitas ,083 ,007 ,345 ,119

kp * universitas -,096 ,009 ,281 ,079

ds * universitas ,016 ,000 ,312 ,097


semester n ru ku kk dt bm df kd

1-4 Mean 3,8763 3,7778 3,5926 3,4722 2,2870 4,0626 3,7407 3,7111

N 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27

Std. Deviation

,81283 ,68407 ,66198 ,72169 ,53576 ,46359 ,67040 ,54089

5-8 Mean 3,8077 3,6797 3,5898 3,5000 2,4883 3,8333 3,5508 3,5313

N 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64

Std. Deviation

,75197 ,77852 ,70902 ,83452 ,79236 ,66262 ,66693 ,59010

8-12 Mean 4,0014 4,3571 4,3929 4,2857 2,3929 3,2843 4,3929 3,7429

N 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

Std. Deviation

,57831 ,47559 ,49701 ,48795 ,80178 ,62166 ,31810 ,47909

Total Mean 3,8404 3,7551 3,6480 3,5485 2,4260 3,8572 3,6633 3,5959

N 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98

Std. Deviation

,75364 ,75041 ,70878 ,80563 ,72972 ,63442 ,68121 ,57165

semester bmu dfk akp dp dff kp ds

1-4 Mean 3,5185 3,8333 3,7685 3,6111 3,8763 3,7785 3,8519

N 27 27 27 27 27 27 27

Std. Deviation

,81431 ,63549 ,77188 ,80064 ,55571 ,57163 ,55148

5-8 Mean 3,5313 3,8281 3,5156 3,6953 3,6297 3,6197 3,8750

N 64 64 64 64 64 64 64

Std. Deviation

,82074 ,57196 ,75445 ,83389 ,69589 ,57046 ,61075

8-12 Mean 3,9286 4,3571 4,0000 4,2143 4,2871 4,0229 4,3571

N 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

Std. Deviation

,78680 ,37796 ,67700 ,48795 ,40566 ,26132 ,37796

Total Mean 3,5561 3,8673 3,6199 3,7092 3,7446 3,6922 3,9031

N 98 98 98 98 98 98 98

Std. Deviation

,81507 ,59009 ,76255 ,81203 ,66502 ,56267 ,59055


Sum of

Squares df Mean

Square F Sig.

n * semester

Between Groups

(Combined) ,285 2 ,142 ,247 ,782

Linearity ,001 1 ,001 ,001 ,970

Deviation from Linearity

,284 1 ,284 ,492 ,485

Within Groups 54,808 95 ,577

Total 55,093 97

ru * semester

Between Groups

(Combined) 2,915 2 1,458 2,678 ,074

Linearity ,434 1 ,434 ,797 ,374

Deviation from Linearity

2,481 1 2,481 4,559 ,035

Within Groups 51,707 95 ,544

Total 54,622 97

ku * semester

Between Groups

(Combined) 4,183 2 2,092 4,460 ,014

Linearity 1,505 1 1,505 3,209 ,076

Deviation from Linearity

2,678 1 2,678 5,712 ,019

Within Groups 44,547 95 ,469

Total 48,730 97

kk * semester

Between Groups

(Combined) 4,112 2 2,056 3,319 ,040

Linearity 1,742 1 1,742 2,812 ,097

Deviation from Linearity

2,370 1 2,370 3,826 ,053

Within Groups 58,845 95 ,619

Total 62,957 97

dt * semester

Between Groups

(Combined) ,777 2 ,389 ,726 ,487

Linearity ,414 1 ,414 ,774 ,381

Deviation from Linearity

,363 1 ,363 ,678 ,412

Within Groups 50,874 95 ,536

Total 51,651 97

bm * semester

Between Groups

(Combined) 3,473 2 1,737 4,638 ,012

Linearity 3,052 1 3,052 8,151 ,005

Deviation from Linearity

,422 1 ,422 1,126 ,291

Within Groups 35,568 95 ,374

Total 39,041 97

df * semester

Between Groups

(Combined) 4,698 2 2,349 5,535 ,005

Linearity ,304 1 ,304 ,716 ,400

Deviation from Linearity

4,394 1 4,394 10,354 ,002

Within Groups 40,315 95 ,424

Total 45,013 97

kd * semester

Between Groups

(Combined) ,777 2 ,389 1,194 ,308

Linearity ,145 1 ,145 ,445 ,506

Deviation from Linearity

,632 1 ,632 1,942 ,167

Within Groups 30,921 95 ,325

Total 31,698 97

bmu * semester

Between Groups

(Combined) 1,049 2 ,524 ,786 ,459

Linearity ,439 1 ,439 ,657 ,420

Deviation from Linearity

,610 1 ,610 ,914 ,341

Within Groups 63,393 95 ,667

Total 64,441 97

dfk * semester

Between Groups

(Combined) 1,809 2 ,904 2,688 ,073

Linearity ,632 1 ,632 1,877 ,174

Deviation from Linearity

1,177 1 1,177 3,499 ,064

Within Groups 31,967 95 ,336

Total 33,776 97

akp * semester

Between Groups

(Combined) 2,304 2 1,152 2,023 ,138

Linearity ,061 1 ,061 ,107 ,744

Deviation from Linearity

2,242 1 2,242 3,938 ,050

Within Groups 54,100 95 ,569

Total 56,404 97

dp * semester

Between Groups

(Combined) 2,058 2 1,029 1,579 ,212

Linearity 1,278 1 1,278 1,961 ,165

Deviation from Linearity

,780 1 ,780 1,197 ,277

Within Groups 61,904 95 ,652

Total 63,962 97

dff * semester

Between Groups

(Combined) 3,374 2 1,687 4,055 ,020

Linearity ,002 1 ,002 ,005 ,945

Deviation from Linearity

3,372 1 3,372 8,105 ,005

Within Groups 39,525 95 ,416

Total 42,899 97

kp * semester

Between Groups

(Combined) 1,303 2 ,652 2,105 ,128

Linearity ,000 1 ,000 ,000 ,996

Deviation from Linearity

1,303 1 1,303 4,209 ,043

Within Groups 29,407 95 ,310

Total 30,710 97

ds * semester

Between Groups

(Combined) 1,565 2 ,782 2,303 ,105

Linearity ,695 1 ,695 2,047 ,156

Deviation from Linearity

,869 1 ,869 2,559 ,113

Within Groups 32,265 95 ,340

Total 33,829 97

Measures of Association

R R Squared Eta Eta Squared

n * semester ,004 ,000 ,072 ,005

ru * semester ,089 ,008 ,231 ,053

ku * semester ,176 ,031 ,293 ,086

kk * semester ,166 ,028 ,256 ,065

dt * semester ,090 ,008 ,123 ,015

bm * semester -,280 ,078 ,298 ,089

df * semester ,082 ,007 ,323 ,104

kd * semester -,068 ,005 ,157 ,025

bmu * semester ,082 ,007 ,128 ,016

dfk * semester ,137 ,019 ,231 ,054

akp * semester -,033 ,001 ,202 ,041

dp * semester ,141 ,020 ,179 ,032

dff * semester ,007 ,000 ,280 ,079

kp * semester ,000 ,000 ,206 ,042

ds * semester ,143 ,021 ,215 ,046


ipk n ru ku kk dt bm df kd

2.00 - 2.49

Mean 4,6700 4,0000 4,5000 3,5000 2,0000 4,0000 4,2500 4,0000

N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Std. Deviation

2.50 - 2.99

Mean 3,9170 3,7727 3,6136 3,5341 2,3864 3,8030 3,6761 3,5795

N 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44

Std. Deviation

,77915 ,71897 ,76145 ,80260 ,71823 ,64119 ,71035 ,59790

3.00 - 3.49

Mean 3,7927 3,7778 3,6389 3,6056 2,4889 3,8149 3,6167 3,6022

N 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45

Std. Deviation

,72668 ,78012 ,68787 ,80568 ,75933 ,62346 ,69617 ,56306

3.50 - 4.00

Mean 3,5838 3,5000 3,7813 3,3125 2,3438 4,3763 3,7813 3,6000

N 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

Std. Deviation

,77260 ,84515 ,54178 ,93303 ,71885 ,51744 ,45193 ,56061

Total Mean 3,8404 3,7551 3,6480 3,5485 2,4260 3,8572 3,6633 3,5959

N 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98

Std. Deviation

,75364 ,75041 ,70878 ,80563 ,72972 ,63442 ,68121 ,57165

ipk bmu dfk akp dp dff kp ds

2.00 - 2.49

Mean 4,0000 4,0000 2,2500 4,0000 4,0000 4,3300 4,5000

N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Std. Deviation

2.50 - 2.99

Mean 3,5114 3,9773 3,6023 3,7841 3,7498 3,6093 3,9545

N 44 44 44 44 44 44 44

Std. Deviation

,81760 ,57013 ,77819 ,89830 ,73373 ,62788 ,56874

3.00 - 3.49

Mean 3,5333 3,7667 3,6333 3,6444 3,7553 3,7451 3,8667

N 45 45 45 45 45 45 45

Std. Deviation

,82847 ,60865 ,75302 ,73564 ,61771 ,48399 ,63425

3.50 - 4.00

Mean 3,8750 3,8125 3,8125 3,6250 3,6238 3,7713 3,7500

N 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

Std. Deviation

,79057 ,59387 ,67810 ,83452 ,62928 ,60544 ,46291

Total Mean 3,5561 3,8673 3,6199 3,7092 3,7446 3,6922 3,9031

N 98 98 98 98 98 98 98

Std. Deviation

,81507 ,59009 ,76255 ,81203 ,66502 ,56267 ,59055


Sum of

Squares df Mean

Square F Sig.

n * ipk Between Groups

(Combined) 1,576 3 ,525 ,923 ,433

Linearity 1,216 1 1,216 2,136 ,147

Deviation from Linearity

,360 2 ,180 ,316 ,730

Within Groups 53,517 94 ,569

Total 55,093 97

ru * ipk Between Groups

(Combined) ,617 3 ,206 ,358 ,783

Linearity ,265 1 ,265 ,461 ,499

Deviation from Linearity

,353 2 ,176 ,307 ,737

Within Groups 54,005 94 ,575

Total 54,622 97

ku * ipk Between Groups

(Combined) ,924 3 ,308 ,605 ,613

Linearity ,018 1 ,018 ,036 ,849

Deviation from Linearity

,905 2 ,453 ,890 ,414

Within Groups 47,806 94 ,509

Total 48,730 97

kk * ipk Between Groups

(Combined) ,604 3 ,201 ,303 ,823

Linearity ,033 1 ,033 ,049 ,825

Deviation from Linearity

,571 2 ,286 ,430 ,652

Within Groups 62,354 94 ,663

Total 62,957 97

dt * ipk Between Groups

(Combined) ,483 3 ,161 ,296 ,829

Linearity ,091 1 ,091 ,167 ,683

Deviation from Linearity

,392 2 ,196 ,360 ,699

Within Groups 51,168 94 ,544

Total 51,651 97

bm * ipk Between Groups

(Combined) 2,386 3 ,795 2,039 ,114

Linearity ,948 1 ,948 2,432 ,122

Deviation from Linearity

1,438 2 ,719 1,843 ,164

Within Groups 36,655 94 ,390

Total 39,041 97

df * ipk Between Groups

(Combined) ,561 3 ,187 ,395 ,757

Linearity ,015 1 ,015 ,032 ,857

Deviation from Linearity

,545 2 ,273 ,577 ,564

Within Groups 44,452 94 ,473

Total 45,013 97

kd * ipk Between Groups

(Combined) ,177 3 ,059 ,176 ,912

Linearity ,000 1 ,000 ,000 ,988

Deviation from Linearity

,177 2 ,088 ,264 ,769

Within Groups 31,521 94 ,335

Total 31,698 97

bmu * ipk

Between Groups

(Combined) 1,122 3 ,374 ,555 ,646

Linearity ,320 1 ,320 ,475 ,493

Deviation from Linearity

,802 2 ,401 ,595 ,553

Within Groups 63,319 94 ,674

Total 64,441 97

dfk * ipk Between Groups

(Combined) 1,029 3 ,343 ,985 ,403

Linearity ,744 1 ,744 2,136 ,147

Deviation from Linearity

,286 2 ,143 ,410 ,665

Within Groups 32,746 94 ,348

Total 33,776 97

akp * ipk Between Groups

(Combined) 2,195 3 ,732 1,269 ,290

Linearity ,620 1 ,620 1,074 ,303

Deviation from Linearity

1,576 2 ,788 1,366 ,260

Within Groups 54,209 94 ,577

Total 56,404 97

dp * ipk Between Groups

(Combined) ,577 3 ,192 ,285 ,836

Linearity ,502 1 ,502 ,744 ,390

Deviation from Linearity

,075 2 ,037 ,055 ,946

Within Groups 63,385 94 ,674

Total 63,962 97

dff * ipk Between Groups

(Combined) ,188 3 ,063 ,138 ,937

Linearity ,070 1 ,070 ,155 ,695

Deviation from Linearity

,118 2 ,059 ,130 ,878

Within Groups 42,710 94 ,454

Total 42,899 97

kp * ipk Between Groups

(Combined) ,885 3 ,295 ,930 ,430

Linearity ,219 1 ,219 ,690 ,408

Deviation from Linearity

,666 2 ,333 1,050 ,354

Within Groups 29,825 94 ,317

Total 30,710 97

ds * ipk Between Groups

(Combined) ,720 3 ,240 ,681 ,566

Linearity ,532 1 ,532 1,509 ,222

Deviation from Linearity

,188 2 ,094 ,267 ,766

Within Groups 33,109 94 ,352

Total 33,829 97

Measures of Association

R R Squared Eta Eta Squared

n * ipk -,149 ,022 ,169 ,029

ru * ipk -,070 ,005 ,106 ,011

ku * ipk ,019 ,000 ,138 ,019

kk * ipk -,023 ,001 ,098 ,010

dt * ipk ,042 ,002 ,097 ,009

bm * ipk ,156 ,024 ,247 ,061

df * ipk -,018 ,000 ,112 ,012

kd * ipk -,002 ,000 ,075 ,006

bmu * ipk ,070 ,005 ,132 ,017

dfk * ipk -,148 ,022 ,175 ,030

akp * ipk ,105 ,011 ,197 ,039

dp * ipk -,089 ,008 ,095 ,009

dff * ipk -,041 ,002 ,066 ,004

kp * ipk ,084 ,007 ,170 ,029

ds * ipk -,125 ,016 ,146 ,021


angkatan n ru ku kk dt bm df kd

2012,00 Mean 4,6700 4,5000 4,7500 4,7500 1,0000 3,3300 4,5000 4,3000

N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Std. Deviation

2013,00 Mean 3,8900 4,3333 4,3333 4,2083 2,6250 3,2767 4,3750 3,6500

N 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Std. Deviation ,54501 ,51640 ,51640 ,48520 ,56458 ,68064 ,34460 ,45056

2014,00 Mean 3,9252 3,8387 3,6935 3,5000 2,4274 3,9684 3,5887 3,5613

N 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31

Std. Deviation ,78452 ,56843 ,65736 ,78793 ,62979 ,58075 ,66316 ,57369

2015,00 Mean 3,6973 3,5303 3,4924 3,5000 2,5455 3,7064 3,5152 3,5030

N 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33

Std. Deviation ,71435 ,91804 ,75126 ,88829 ,92587 ,71689 ,67875 ,61262

2016,00 Mean 3,6844 3,7222 3,4722 3,5000 2,2639 4,0189 3,5972 3,6222

N 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

Std. Deviation ,68174 ,59956 ,58088 ,81800 ,45755 ,47926 ,63094 ,42779

2017,00 Mean 4,2600 3,8889 3,8333 3,4167 2,3333 4,1500 4,0278 3,8889

N 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Std. Deviation ,95455 ,85797 ,78062 ,51539 ,69597 ,44438 ,68971 ,71317

Total Mean 3,8404 3,7551 3,6480 3,5485 2,4260 3,8572 3,6633 3,5959

N 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98

Std. Deviation ,75364 ,75041 ,70878 ,80563 ,72972 ,63442 ,68121 ,57165

angkatan bmu dfk akp dp dff kp ds

2012,00 Mean 4,0000 4,5000 4,2500 4,5000 4,0000 3,8300 5,0000

N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Std. Deviation

2013,00 Mean 3,9167 4,3333 3,9583 4,1667 4,3350 4,0550 4,2500

N 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Std. Deviation ,86120 ,40825 ,73172 ,51640 ,42217 ,27068 ,27386

2014,00 Mean 3,4355 3,9032 3,5000 3,8065 3,7197 3,6123 3,9516

N 31 31 31 31 31 31 31

Std. Deviation ,90131 ,59749 ,77190 ,73799 ,72622 ,50224 ,55309

2015,00 Mean 3,6212 3,7576 3,5303 3,5909 3,5452 3,6267 3,8030

N 33 33 33 33 33 33 33

Std. Deviation

,73983 ,54660 ,74937 ,91391 ,66614 ,63568 ,66072

2016,00 Mean 3,5278 3,7778 3,7917 3,5833 3,7956 3,7506 3,9167

N 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

Std. Deviation ,88238 ,71171 ,75367 ,73264 ,48729 ,58601 ,46177

2017,00 Mean 3,5000 3,9444 3,7222 3,6667 4,0378 3,8344 3,7222

N 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Std. Deviation ,70711 ,46398 ,85188 ,96825 ,67459 ,57180 ,71200

Total Mean 3,5561 3,8673 3,6199 3,7092 3,7446 3,6922 3,9031

N 98 98 98 98 98 98 98

Std. Deviation ,81507 ,59009 ,76255 ,81203 ,66502 ,56267 ,59055


Sum of

Squares df Mean

Square F Sig.

n * pertanyaanumum

Between Groups

(Combined) 1,951 4 ,488 ,854 ,495

Linearity ,265 1 ,265 ,463 ,498

Deviation from Linearity

1,687 3 ,562 ,984 ,404

Within Groups 53,142 93 ,571

Total 55,093 97

ru * pertanyaanumum

Between Groups

(Combined) ,467 4 ,117 ,201 ,937

Linearity ,000 1 ,000 ,000 ,996

Deviation from Linearity

,467 3 ,156 ,268 ,849

Within Groups 54,155 93 ,582

Total 54,622 97

ku * pertanyaanumum

Between Groups

(Combined) 1,922 4 ,481 ,955 ,436

Linearity ,255 1 ,255 ,506 ,479

Deviation from Linearity

1,668 3 ,556 1,105 ,351

Within Groups 46,807 93 ,503

Total 48,730 97

kk * pertanyaanumum

Between Groups

(Combined) ,626 4 ,156 ,233 ,919

Linearity ,010 1 ,010 ,014 ,905

Deviation from Linearity

,616 3 ,205 ,307 ,821

Within Groups 62,331 93 ,670

Total 62,957 97

dt * pertanyaanumum

Between Groups

(Combined) ,578 4 ,145 ,263 ,901

Linearity ,432 1 ,432 ,786 ,378

Deviation from Linearity

,147 3 ,049 ,089 ,966

Within Groups 51,073 93 ,549

Total 51,651 97

bm * pertanyaanumum

Between Groups

(Combined) 1,957 4 ,489 1,227 ,305

Linearity ,718 1 ,718 1,802 ,183

Deviation from Linearity

1,239 3 ,413 1,036 ,381

Within Groups 37,084 93 ,399

Total 39,041 97

df * pertanyaanumum

Between Groups

(Combined) 1,143 4 ,286 ,606 ,659

Linearity ,034 1 ,034 ,071 ,790

Deviation from Linearity

1,110 3 ,370 ,784 ,506

Within Groups 43,869 93 ,472

Total 45,013 97

kd * pertanyaanumum

Between Groups

(Combined) ,427 4 ,107 ,317 ,866

Linearity ,064 1 ,064 ,189 ,665

Deviation from Linearity

,363 3 ,121 ,360 ,782

Within Groups 31,271 93 ,336

Total 31,698 97

bmu * pertanyaanumum

Between Groups

(Combined) 5,848 4 1,462 2,321 ,063

Linearity ,668 1 ,668 1,060 ,306

Deviation from Linearity

5,180 3 1,727 2,741 ,048

Within Groups 58,593 93 ,630

Total 64,441 97

dfk * pertanyaanumum

Between Groups

(Combined) 2,377 4 ,594 1,760 ,143

Linearity ,467 1 ,467 1,382 ,243

Deviation from Linearity

1,911 3 ,637 1,887 ,137

Within Groups 31,398 93 ,338

Total 33,776 97

akp * pertanyaanumum

Between Groups

(Combined) 1,340 4 ,335 ,566 ,688

Linearity ,332 1 ,332 ,561 ,456

Deviation from Linearity

1,008 3 ,336 ,567 ,638

Within Groups 55,063 93 ,592

Total 56,404 97

dp * pertanyaanumum

Between Groups

(Combined) 2,666 4 ,667 1,011 ,406

Linearity ,779 1 ,779 1,183 ,280

Deviation from Linearity

1,887 3 ,629 ,954 ,418

Within Groups 61,296 93 ,659

Total 63,962 97

dff * pertanyaanumum

Between Groups

(Combined) 1,708 4 ,427 ,964 ,431

Linearity ,001 1 ,001 ,003 ,958

Deviation from Linearity

1,707 3 ,569 1,285 ,284

Within Groups 41,191 93 ,443

Total 42,899 97

kp * pertanyaanumum

Between Groups

(Combined) 1,435 4 ,359 1,140 ,343

Linearity ,150 1 ,150 ,476 ,492

Deviation from Linearity

1,285 3 ,428 1,361 ,260

Within Groups 29,275 93 ,315

Total 30,710 97

ds * pertanyaanumum

Between Groups

(Combined) 1,582 4 ,395 1,141 ,342

Linearity ,931 1 ,931 2,685 ,105

Deviation from Linearity

,651 3 ,217 ,626 ,600

Within Groups 32,247 93 ,347

Total 33,829 97

Measures of Association

R R Squared Eta Eta Squared

n * pertanyaanumum ,069 ,005 ,188 ,035

ru * pertanyaanumum -,001 ,000 ,093 ,009

ku * pertanyaanumum ,072 ,005 ,199 ,039

kk * pertanyaanumum ,012 ,000 ,100 ,010

dt * pertanyaanumum ,091 ,008 ,106 ,011

bm * pertanyaanumum -,136 ,018 ,224 ,050

df * pertanyaanumum ,027 ,001 ,159 ,025

kd * pertanyaanumum -,045 ,002 ,116 ,013

bmu * pertanyaanumum -,102 ,010 ,301 ,091

dfk * pertanyaanumum ,118 ,014 ,265 ,070

akp * pertanyaanumum -,077 ,006 ,154 ,024

dp * pertanyaanumum ,110 ,012 ,204 ,042

dff * pertanyaanumum -,005 ,000 ,200 ,040

kp * pertanyaanumum -,070 ,005 ,216 ,047

ds * pertanyaanumum ,166 ,028 ,216 ,047

Lampiran 3a

Uji Reabilitas dan Validitas Variabel Niat

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 98 100,0

Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 98 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics




Alpha Based on


Items N of Items

,855 ,854 3

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

n1 3,8469 ,84160 98

n2 3,7755 ,91416 98

n3 3,8980 ,80578 98

Inter-Item Correlation Matrix

n1 n2 n3

n1 1,000 ,719 ,554

n2 ,719 1,000 ,710

n3 ,554 ,710 1,000

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

11,5204 5,098 2,25777 3

Lampiran 3b

Uji Reabilitas dan Validitas Variabel Rasa Urgensi

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 98 100,0

Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 98 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics




Alpha Based on


Items N of Items

,794 ,810 2

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

ru1 3,6429 ,92223 98

ru2 3,8673 ,71274 98

Inter-Item Correlation Matrix

ru1 ru2

ru1 1,000 ,680

ru2 ,680 1,000

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

7,5102 2,252 1,50082 2

Lampiran 3c

Uji Reabilitas dan Validitas Variabel Kemampuan dan Usaha

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 98 100,0

Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 98 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics




Alpha Based on


Items N of Items

,779 ,772 4

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

ku1 3,5816 ,95165 98

ku2 3,5714 ,97389 98

ku3 3,4796 ,91076 98

ku4 3,9592 ,81124 98

Inter-Item Correlation Matrix

ku1 ku2 ku3 ku4

ku1 1,000 ,706 ,484 ,325

ku2 ,706 1,000 ,629 ,317

ku3 ,484 ,629 1,000 ,292

ku4 ,325 ,317 ,292 1,000

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

14,5918 8,038 2,83511 4

Lampiran 3d

Uji Reabilitas dan Validitas Variabel Kesulitan dan Keberuntungan

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 98 100,0

Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 98 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics




Alpha Based on


Items N of Items

,898 ,901 4

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

kk1 3,6531 ,89790 98

kk2 3,5714 ,83728 98

kk3 3,4490 1,01659 98

kk4 3,5204 ,92201 98

Inter-Item Correlation Matrix

kk1 kk2 kk3 kk4

kk1 1,000 ,760 ,669 ,606

kk2 ,760 1,000 ,761 ,706

kk3 ,669 ,761 1,000 ,661

kk4 ,606 ,706 ,661 1,000

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

14,1939 10,385 3,22253 4

Lampiran 3e

Uji Reabilitas dan Validitas Variabel Daya Tarik

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 98 100,0

Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 98 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics




Alpha Based on


Items N of Items

,853 ,856 4

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

dt1 2,5918 ,97216 98

dt2 2,4286 ,84950 98

dt3 2,3265 ,88254 98

dt4 2,3571 ,78975 98

Inter-Item Correlation Matrix

dt1 dt2 dt3 dt4

dt1 1,000 ,638 ,529 ,501

dt2 ,638 1,000 ,733 ,553

dt3 ,529 ,733 1,000 ,630

dt4 ,501 ,553 ,630 1,000

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

9,7041 8,520 2,91887 4

Lampiran 3f

Uji Reabilitas dan Validitas Variabel Biaya Mempersiapkan Ujian CPA

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 98 100,0

Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 98 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics




Alpha Based on


Items N of Items

,800 ,799 3

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

bm1 3,9184 ,80812 98

bm2 3,8163 ,72292 98

bm3 3,8367 ,71355 98

Inter-Item Correlation Matrix

bm1 bm2 bm3

bm1 1,000 ,662 ,549

bm2 ,662 1,000 ,501

bm3 ,549 ,501 1,000

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

11,5714 3,608 1,89954 3

Lampiran 3g

Uji Reabilitas dan Validitas Variabel Dukungan Finansial dari Calon Perusahaan

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 98 100,0

Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 98 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics




Alpha Based on


Items N of Items

,770 ,770 4

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

df1 3,7755 ,84378 98

df2 3,7857 ,74957 98

df3 3,5510 ,95380 98

df4 3,5408 ,97567 98

Inter-Item Correlation Matrix

df1 df2 df3 df4

df1 1,000 ,396 ,207 ,374

df2 ,396 1,000 ,527 ,527

df3 ,207 ,527 1,000 ,707

df4 ,374 ,527 ,707 1,000

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

14,6531 7,425 2,72485 4

Lampiran 3h

Uji Reabilitas dan Validitas Variabel Kemampuan Diri

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 98 100,0

Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 98 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics




Alpha Based on


Items N of Items

,850 ,843 10

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

kd1 3,8673 ,75488 98

kd2 3,8367 ,71355 98

kd3 3,3878 ,86909 98

kd4 3,6122 ,93756 98

kd5 3,4388 ,93131 98

kd6 3,5612 ,85030 98

kd7 3,5714 ,89673 98

kd8 3,4592 ,96504 98

kd9 3,4082 ,92877 98

kd10 3,8163 ,87752 98

Inter-Item Correlation Matrix

kd1 kd2 kd3 kd4 kd5 kd6 kd7 kd8 kd9 kd10

kd1 1,000 ,419 ,016 ,189 ,098 ,197 ,022 ,056 ,284 ,212

kd2 ,419 1,000 ,020 ,105 ,109 ,051 ,067 ,125 ,257 ,116

kd3 ,016 ,020 1,000 ,629 ,539 ,540 ,467 ,498 ,300 ,270

kd4 ,189 ,105 ,629 1,000 ,622 ,612 ,389 ,404 ,302 ,476

kd5 ,098 ,109 ,539 ,622 1,000 ,610 ,524 ,496 ,399 ,453

kd6 ,197 ,051 ,540 ,612 ,610 1,000 ,643 ,537 ,373 ,416

kd7 ,022 ,067 ,467 ,389 ,524 ,643 1,000 ,623 ,447 ,397

kd8 ,056 ,125 ,498 ,404 ,496 ,537 ,623 1,000 ,479 ,393

kd9 ,284 ,257 ,300 ,302 ,399 ,373 ,447 ,479 1,000 ,523

kd10 ,212 ,116 ,270 ,476 ,453 ,416 ,397 ,393 ,523 1,000

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

35,9592 32,679 5,71653 10

Lampiran 3i

Uji Reabilitas dan Validitas Variabel Biaya Mengikuti Ujian CPA

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 98 100,0

Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 98 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics




Alpha Based on


Items N of Items

,671 ,672 2

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

bmu1 3,4796 ,91076 98

bmu2 3,6327 ,96738 98

Inter-Item Correlation Matrix

bmu1 bmu2

bmu1 1,000 ,506

bmu2 ,506 1,000

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

7,1122 2,657 1,63015 2

Lampiran 3j

Uji Reabilitas dan Validitas Variabel Dukungan Finansial dari Keluarga

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 98 100,0

Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 98 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics




Alpha Based on


Items N of Items

,720 ,721 2

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

dfk1 3,8469 ,64779 98

dfk2 3,8878 ,68688 98

Inter-Item Correlation Matrix

dfk1 dfk2

dfk1 1,000 ,563

dfk2 ,563 1,000

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

7,7347 1,393 1,18017 2

Lampiran 3k

Uji Reabilitas dan Validitas Variabel Akses ke Panutan

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 98 100,0

Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 98 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics




Alpha Based on


Items N of Items

,869 ,870 4

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

akp1 3,5408 ,94343 98

akp2 3,5918 ,93980 98

akp3 3,5510 ,92081 98

akp4 3,7959 ,78595 98

Inter-Item Correlation Matrix

akp1 akp2 akp3 akp4

akp1 1,000 ,658 ,638 ,637

akp2 ,658 1,000 ,668 ,570

akp3 ,638 ,668 1,000 ,584

akp4 ,637 ,570 ,584 1,000

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

14,4796 9,304 3,05020 4

Lampiran 3l

Uji Reabilitas dan Validitas Variabel Dukungan Psikologis dari Fakultas

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 98 100,0

Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 98 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics




Alpha Based on


Items N of Items

,796 ,798 2

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

dp1 3,6633 ,84882 98

dp2 3,7551 ,93126 98

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

dp1 3,6633 ,84882 98

dp2 3,7551 ,93126 98

Inter-Item Correlation Matrix

dp1 dp2

dp1 1,000 ,664

dp2 ,664 1,000

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

7,4184 2,638 1,62407 2

Lampiran 3m

Uji Reabilitas dan Validitas Variabel Dukungan Fungsional dari Fakultas

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 98 100,0

Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 98 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics




Alpha Based on


Items N of Items

,744 ,738 3

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

dff1 3,6429 ,87638 98

dff2 3,7959 ,82436 98

dff3 3,7959 ,74556 98

Inter-Item Correlation Matrix

dff1 dff2 dff3

dff1 1,000 ,740 ,329

dff2 ,740 1,000 ,384

dff3 ,329 ,384 1,000

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

11,2347 3,975 1,99381 3

Lampiran 3n

Uji Reabilitas dan Validitas Variabel Karir Protean

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 98 100,0

Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 98 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics




Alpha Based on


Items N of Items

,751 ,747 6

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

kp1 3,5918 ,91760 98

kp2 3,5918 ,92877 98

kp3 3,5204 ,92201 98

kp4 3,8163 ,76451 98

kp5 3,8878 ,71627 98

kp6 3,7449 ,77740 98

Inter-Item Correlation Matrix

kp1 kp2 kp3 kp4 kp5 kp6

kp1 1,000 ,807 ,705 ,098 ,071 ,069

kp2 ,807 1,000 ,708 ,155 ,132 ,126

kp3 ,705 ,708 1,000 ,181 ,089 ,144

kp4 ,098 ,155 ,181 1,000 ,659 ,458

kp5 ,071 ,132 ,089 ,659 1,000 ,541

kp6 ,069 ,126 ,144 ,458 ,541 1,000

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

22,1531 11,389 3,37472 6

Lampiran 3o

Uji Reabilitas dan Validitas Variabel Dukungan Sosial

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 98 100,0

Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 98 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics




Alpha Based on


Items N of Items

,670 ,672 2

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

ds1 3,8265 ,71832 98

ds2 3,9796 ,64183 98

Inter-Item Correlation Matrix

ds1 ds2

ds1 1,000 ,507

ds2 ,507 1,000

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

7,8061 1,395 1,18111 2

Lampiran 3p

Uji Normalitas

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum


25th 50th (Median) 75th

Standardized Residual 98 ,0000000 ,92502438 -2,33834 1,97193 -,5132696 ,0337384 ,7000477

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test



N 98

Normal Parametersa,b Mean ,0000000

Std. Deviation ,92502438

Most Extreme Differences Absolute ,057

Positive ,029

Negative -,057

Test Statistic ,057

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,200c,d

a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.

c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.

d. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

Lampiran 3q

Uji Multikolinearitas



Sum of

Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 29,504 14 2,107 6,836 ,000b

Residual 25,589 83 ,308

Total 55,093 97

a. Dependent Variable: n

b. Predictors: (Constant), ds, dt, bm, akp, kp, kk, bmu, ku, ru, dfk, kd, dp, dff, df



Unstandardized Coefficients



t Sig.

Collinearity Statistics

B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) -1,167 1,020 -1,145 ,256

ru ,008 ,122 ,008 ,065 ,948 ,378 2,649

ku ,642 ,149 ,604 4,322 ,000 ,286 3,492

kk ,020 ,082 ,022 ,249 ,804 ,726 1,377

dt ,237 ,114 ,229 2,081 ,040 ,460 2,172

bm ,013 ,100 ,011 ,134 ,894 ,788 1,270

df -,435 ,187 -,393 -2,331 ,022 ,197 5,087

kd ,608 ,159 ,461 3,817 ,000 ,383 2,608

bmu ,054 ,085 ,059 ,635 ,527 ,655 1,527

dfk ,031 ,160 ,025 ,197 ,845 ,356 2,806

akp -,072 ,081 -,072 -,881 ,381 ,828 1,208

dp ,037 ,118 ,040 ,316 ,753 ,344 2,907

dff ,258 ,172 ,228 1,504 ,136 ,244 4,106

kp ,029 ,137 ,022 ,214 ,831 ,535 1,869

ds ,019 ,138 ,015 ,135 ,893 ,479 2,089

a. Dependent Variable: n

Residuals Statisticsa

Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N

Predicted Value 2,3858 5,2766 3,8404 ,55151 98

Residual -1,29837 1,09492 ,00000 ,51362 98

Std. Predicted Value -2,638 2,604 ,000 1,000 98

Std. Residual -2,338 1,972 ,000 ,925 98

a. Dependent Variable: n

Lampiran 3r

Uji Heteroskedasitas

Variables Entered/Removeda





Removed Method

1 ds, dt, bm, akp,

kp, kk, bmu, ku,

ru, dfk, kd, dp,

dff, dfb

. Enter

a. Dependent Variable: n

b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summaryb

Model R R Square

Adjusted R


Std. Error of the


1 ,732a ,536 ,457 ,55525

a. Predictors: (Constant), ds, dt, bm, akp, kp, kk, bmu, ku, ru, dfk, kd,

dp, dff, df

b. Dependent Variable: n


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 29,504 14 2,107 6,836 ,000b

Residual 25,589 83 ,308

Total 55,093 97

a. Dependent Variable: n

b. Predictors: (Constant), ds, dt, bm, akp, kp, kk, bmu, ku, ru, dfk, kd, dp, dff, df



Unstandardized Coefficients



t Sig. B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) -1,167 1,020 -1,145 ,256

ru ,008 ,122 ,008 ,065 ,948

ku ,642 ,149 ,604 4,322 ,000

kk ,020 ,082 ,022 ,249 ,804

dt ,237 ,114 ,229 2,081 ,040

bm ,013 ,100 ,011 ,134 ,894

df -,435 ,187 -,393 -2,331 ,022

kd ,608 ,159 ,461 3,817 ,000

bmu ,054 ,085 ,059 ,635 ,527

dfk ,031 ,160 ,025 ,197 ,845

akp -,072 ,081 -,072 -,881 ,381

dp ,037 ,118 ,040 ,316 ,753

dff ,258 ,172 ,228 1,504 ,136

kp ,029 ,137 ,022 ,214 ,831

ds ,019 ,138 ,015 ,135 ,893

a. Dependent Variable: n

Lampira 3s

Uji Regresi

Model Summary

Model R R Square

Adjusted R


Std. Error of the


1 ,732a ,536 ,457 ,55525

a. Predictors: (Constant), ds, dt, bm, akp, kp, kk, bmu, ku, ru, dfk, kd,

dp, dff, df


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 29,504 14 2,107 6,836 ,000b

Residual 25,589 83 ,308

Total 55,093 97

a. Dependent Variable: n

b. Predictors: (Constant), ds, dt, bm, akp, kp, kk, bmu, ku, ru, dfk, kd, dp, dff, df



Unstandardized Coefficients



t Sig. B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) -1,167 1,020 -1,145 ,256

ru ,008 ,122 ,008 ,065 ,948

ku ,642 ,149 ,604 4,322 ,000

kk ,020 ,082 ,022 ,249 ,804

dt ,237 ,114 ,229 2,081 ,040

bm ,013 ,100 ,011 ,134 ,894

df -,435 ,187 -,393 -2,331 ,022

kd ,608 ,159 ,461 3,817 ,000

bmu ,054 ,085 ,059 ,635 ,527

dfk ,031 ,160 ,025 ,197 ,845

akp -,072 ,081 -,072 -,881 ,381

dp ,037 ,118 ,040 ,316 ,753

dff ,258 ,172 ,228 1,504 ,136

kp ,029 ,137 ,022 ,214 ,831

ds ,019 ,138 ,015 ,135 ,893

a. Dependent Variable: n

top related