kuliah 1 - pendahuluan

Post on 30-Sep-2015






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KULIAH PENDAHULUANBIOKIMIA1Apakah BIOKIMIA itu?Definisi biokimia: the study of the structure, composition, and chemical reactions of substances in living systems (ACS).Biokimia dapat dikatakan penggabungan ilmu kimia dan biologi.Ilmu dasar untuk memahami berbagai reaksi kimia di dalam sel, mulai dari masuknya nutrisi ke dalam sel, pengolahannya menjadi energi, sampai proses pengolahan dan ekskresi limbah metabolismenya.Apa yang dipelajari dalam BIOKIMIA?Struktur kimia dan bentuk tiga dimensi molekul biologiInteraksi antar biomolekulSintesis dan degradasi biomolekul dalam selPerolehan dan pemanfaatan energi oleh selMekanisme pengorganisasian biomolekul dan pengkoordinasian aktivitasnyaPenyimpanan, pemindahan dan ekspresi informasi genetikaGenetika, biologi selFisiologi dan imunologiFarmakologi dan farmasiToksikologi, patologi, mikrobiologiZoologi dan botaniIlmu Yang Membutuhkan Dasar-dasar BIOKIMIAMinggu ke-Topik Kuliah1Kuliah pendahuluan: Biokimia, definisi dan fungsi biomolekul2Air dalam sistem hayati3Karbohidrat: mono, oligo, dan polisakarida, serta glikosida4Lipid: Lemak dan minyak kompleks5Asam amino dan protein6Enzim: sifat, fungsi, kinetika, dan inhibitor7Asam nukleat: struktur dan sifat DNA, RNA, dan sistem informasi genetik10Konsep dasar Metabolisme dan konsep hukum termodinamika dalam sistem hayati11Katabolisme karbohidrat: glikolisis, daur TCA, dan transpor elektron12Katabolisme lipid: oksidasi asam lemak jenuh dan tak jenuh13Katabolisme senyawa N: asam amino dan asam nukleat14Anabolisme karbohidrat pada hewan15Fotosintesis16Biosintesis asam amino dan asam nukleatWhat does the Biochemistry discuss?structure and function of cellular components proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and other biomolecules Metabolism and RegulationGene expression and modulation DNARNA Protein Principles of Biochemistry Cells (basic structural units of living organisms) are highly organized and constant source of energy is required to maintain the ordered state.All organisms use the same type of molecules: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids & nucleic acids.Living processes contain thousands of chemical pathways. Precise regulation and integration of these pathways are required to maintain life.Instructions for growth, reproduction and developments for each organism is encoded in their DNA.CellsBasic building blocks of lifeSmallest living unit of an organismA cell may be an entire organism (unicellular) or it may be one of billions of cells that make up the organism (multicellular). Grow, reproduce, use energy, adapt, respond to their environment

Many cannot be seen with the naked eyea typical cell size is 10m; a typical cell mass is 1nanogram.)Cells May be Prokaryotic or EukaryoticProkaryotes (Greek: pro-before; karyon-nucleus) include various bacteria lack a nucleus or membrane-bound structures called organelles

Eukaryotes (Greek: eu-true; karyon-nucleus) include most other cells (plants, fungi, & animals)have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles

Cell membrane & cell wallNucleoid region contains the DNA Contain ribosomes (no membrane) Cell Membrane Nucleus Cytoplasm with organelles

Characteristic of Bio-membranes and Organelles

Mitochondria- the power generatorsMitochondria (Greek: mitos-thread; chondros-granule): Surrounded by a double membrane with a series of folds called cristae. Functions in energy production through metabolism. Contains its own DNA. Plasma Membrane-Cells defining boundary Providing a barrier and containing transport and signaling systems.

Nucleus Cells information center Double membrane surrounding the chromosomes and the nucleolus. The place where almost all DNA replication and RNA synthesis occur. The nucleolus is a site for synthesis of RNA making up the ribosome

Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) Covered with ribosomes (causing the "rough" appearance) which are in the process of synthesizing proteins for secretion or localization in membranes.RibosomesProtein and RNA complex responsible for protein synthesisSmooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)A site for synthesis and metabolism of lipids. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) The transport network for moleculesCytoplasmenclosed by the plasma membrane, liquid portion called cytosol and it houses the membranous organelles.

Lysosomes-contain digestive enzymeA membrane bound organelle that is responsible for degrading proteins and membranes in the cell.

Golgi apparatus -process and package the macromolecules.A series of stacked membranes. Vesicles carry materials from the RER to the Golgi apparatus. Vesicles move between the stacks while the proteins are "processed" to a mature form.


1. Sebagian besar massa sel terbentuk dari unsur:HidrogenOksigen NitrogenKarbon2. Sisanya disebut trace element, berperan dalam fungsi spesifik dan jumlahnya sangat kecilBIOMOLEKULApa itu BIOMOLEKUL?Biomolekul: molekul organik yang dibuat oleh organisme hidup (Karbohidrat, Protein, Lemak, DNA, senyawa bahan alam)Molekul dalam sistem hidup:Dibagi atasMakromolekul (Karbohidrat, Protein, Lipid, Asam Nukleat)Mikromolekul (as amino, glukosa)Dibagi atasMetabolit primer ada di semua sistem hidupMetabolit sekunder fungsi khusus

Contoh-contoh BiomolekulMolekul berukuran kecil: Lipid, fosfolipid, glikolipid, sterol, Vitamin Hormon, neurotransmitter Monomer: Asam Amino Nucleotida MonosakaridaPolimer: polypeptides, proteins Asam Nukleat, yaitu DNA, RNA polisakaridaBagaimana biomolekul dapat membuat makhluk hidup menjadi hidup?Serangkaian proses kimia secara berurutan dan terkendali yang mengubah senyawa kompleks menjadi sederhana dan senyawa sederhana menjadi senyawa lebih kompleks.Senyawa penyusun gula sederhana asam amino nukleotida asam lemakMakromolekul polisakarida Protein (polipeptida) RNA atau DNA Lipid


Carbon is more abundant in living organisms than it is in the rest of the universe.What makes Carbon Special? Why is Carbon so different from all the other elements on the periodic table?The answer derives from the ability of Carbon atoms to bond together to form long chains and rings.

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