kementerian riset, teknologi dan pendidikan tinggi ... loker pt. sartonet... · 51 teknik 5ipil,...

Post on 18-Dec-2020






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INSTITUT PERT AN IAN BOGOR Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680

Telepon (0251) 8622642, Facsimile (0251) 8622708,

: zro~ /IT3 .D3/KP /2018

1 berkas

ltf November 2018 Nomor


Yth. 1. Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan Fakultas/Sekolah 2. Ketua Departemen

di Lingkungan IPB

Direktorat Kemahasiswaan dan Pengembangan Karir IPB bekerjasama dengan PT. Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia, PT. BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk, Fourth Valley Concierge, PT. Seng Fong Moulding Perkasa, PT. Ewaysindo Makmur, PT. Siaga Global Jaya, Bimbel L2C, PT. Amerta lndah Otsuka, PT. Astra Agro Lestari, Bimbel AI Kausar. membuka kesempatan bagi lulusan maupun alumni untuk bekerja di perusahaan tersebut. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kami rnohon bantuan Bapak!Ibu untuk menyebarluaskan pengumuman ini {terlampir) di lingkungan Bapak/Ibu agar kesempatan ini dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik.

Demikian atas bantuan, perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami mengucapkan terima kasih.

~;p .. i,reJ~ti);t,:~ ........ ..,:~H" .. ..,." iswaan dan Pengembangan Karir, .,

Tembusan : .. _·-~----~ 1. Wakil Rektor Bidang Pendidikan danKemahasiswaan 2. Dekan Fakultas/Sekolah


i i\ U :·.:. N,: A D i:: FT. ft. G >! ~ ;~. ~--~·__... ... ,...,, .... ,~--.. -·.,.., ... -._,~ ....... ..._ .... _.,.,.,_,._ •• .._, .. __ .~-· . ...,-.~··»~ wo

! :NO to 8t-( n: fc· t ~ / tt frK l



Komi adalah perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawtt, baglan dari Grup ASTRA, dengan luas lohan leblh darl 250.000 ha yang berlokasl dl Sumatera, Kalimantan dan Sulawesi. Dengan semakln berkembangnya blsnls perusahaan, PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk. membuka kesempatan bagl Anda untuk bergabung bersama komi.

merupakan salah satu program pendldlkan dan pengembangan colon Aslsten baru dl PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk yang bertujuan untuk membentuk dan menylapkan pemlmpln

masa depan dl Site. PDP merupakan plntu masuk bagl para pemlmpln di Astra Agro Lestari dol am berdlnamlka dan berproses menjadl the true leader. 1

___ _ _ _________________________ ____ _ _l

51 Semua Jurvsan

Sl Pertanian, Agronomi, Agroekoteknologi/ Hamo Penyakit Tanaman

51 Teknik 5ipil, Teknik Mesin, T eknik Pertanian

KETENTUAN IPK minimal 2. 9

Sl Akuntansi, Manajemen, Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian

51 Teknik Elektro, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Kimia

Fresh graduate atau berpengalaman (usia maksimal 28thn) Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh site PT Astra Agro Lestari, Tbk PT Astra Agro Lestari, Tbk. tidak pernah memungut biaya apapun dalam proses seleksi Untuk informasi lebih lanjut kunjungi biUy/PDP-AAL

• OtsukcJ PT. 1\mcrLl lnch h Otsuka

I .

\\'t-"rr <·ur·r·(-nll~ · hir·in~ unci look in~ fur~ oun~ JJoh•nl i:al~ nho h:n t' p:as~inn in IT. c;c•l =• c·lutnc·c• In ln·u:ulc· n ~ tnn·l,.nnn lt•d!-(t• and itn)tt·nu• ~ cun· •·:u·•·•·•· in

I'T \uu•r·1:a hul:ah Ot~uk:•!

Requirement Bachelor Degree of Information Technology or related major

Knowledge of programming, Web Apps Development, Java Script, Mobile Development (Android), knowledge of SAP will be a plus Age maximum 29 years old

odi(?~mmunication skill, Strong analytical thinking, Target Oriented Experience min 1 year/ Fresh graduate are welcome to apply

Willing ,!9-work at Cicurug, Sukabumi Apply o link anrertaindahotsuka.urbanhite .com

Go get ideas and a t icke t to change your l ifE~. Novv !


l (.•. \ -'\ • • ...._ f ~, r 'i j ( ~ ' .

~ \ , • <'t, tl

lnformasi Lebih Lengkap bisa cek di : http:/ /

~.f'l'~""""""'~'~a.'U'WU~"f}~··:r-f'''"'"'~-0'...--~.-o.-. ·.•IL""



Bimbingan belajar l2C ( learning & learning Center ) membutuhkan :

Guru Matematika SO KUALIFIKASI :

• Pria I Wanita

• Usia maksimal 35 tahun

• Pendidikan minimal 03 semua jurusan

• Senang dengan anak- anak • Komunikatif

• Jujur, Loyal dan Mau Belajar

Lamaran dikirimkan ke :

Bimbingan Belajar L2C JL Jelambar Jaya IV No. 14

Rt. 02 I Rw. 03

Kel. Jelambar Baru Kec. Grogol Petamburan

Jakarta Barat 11460 Telp. 021 - 564 1794

Atau dikirimkan via email ke :

lnformasi Lebih lengkap bisa cek di :

PT. Siaga Global Jaya Saatnya Mewujudkan Quote Orang No.1 Richest Man in China

Jack Ma pernah berkata: "Before you turn 30 years old, follow somebody. Go to a small

company, you learn the passion, you learn the dreams.

Kami dari Siaga Corporation- No.1 Seminar Kit Merchandise Company- mengajak anda yang

berjiwa muda untuk bergabung bersama kami dalam program NEDP (New Employee

Development Program).

Kami memiliki visi menyebarkan cinta dan semangat melalui souvenir dengan nilai diantaranya

religius, goal oriented, team work dan kekeluargaan.

Dapatkan kesempatan bergabung bersama Perusahaan yang belokasi di Bogar- diisi oleh

anak2 muda, dengan pertumbuhan bisnis 200-300% selama 3 tahun terakhir.


1. Gaji Pokok, besaran dapat dinegosiasikan

2. Mendapatkan komisi bulanan sesuai performa

3. THR dan bonus tahunan setelah 1 tahun bekerja

4. Training sesuai kompetensi

5. Potensi kenaikan jenjang karir cepat karena organisasi sedang tumbuh

6. Suasana kerja islami, diisi oleh anak-anak muda, dan kekeluargaan

Lokasi kerja : Cibungbulang Bogar

See u on TOP!

Daftar sekarang juga di


lnformasi Lebih Lengkap bisa cek di :


Mari bergabung bersama perusahaan lOOO/o diisi anak muda, benefit menarik, lingkungan islami dan kekeluargaan! Lokasi kerja di BOGOR.

~ lf1l{l·rr'A nr,ur•• lf1JU.r·~ it ~~~ ~··~· 'l,;\!7Al[1<t-[j'l"fP• i[";-~i/iJ:-. l [PiR, t: 1 J ! ~J.o-Ii :1 ~;.! ~ ~':!J I l). \ .. t;-1 l\.A '~ J ~ L...., .. _"). [I ~ ~~ ~oo..P t· • .../.. •7 '\\ ll tC.l

ar~·a.u kllir;{ bitJy/siagaJ\IEDP

281 /I Official web:

Account Executive

1. Operation


• Responsible in preparing daily report, weekly report and monthly report of client's program

• Responsible in attending client's meeting -weekly and monthly • Working with account manager, call center, data analytic and IT to devise campaign

implementation that meets client's brief and budget • Responsible in informing the client of the progress of the campaign or any issues

related to the operation • Responsible in linkage data cleansing • Attend ing client's WIP meeting

2. Finance

• Responsible in preparing all PE related to client's program • Responsible collecting and preparing team manhours report on weekly basis

submitted to the Account Manager


• GOOD LOOKING is a must • S1 graduate from Statistics & Mathematics • Required Skill: Microsoft Office (especially Microsoft Excel and Power Point) • Fresh Graduate or has other experience during internship • Fluent in English - minimum passive • Proactive, fast learner, self-motivated , good communication skill and good analytical

thinking • Able to work under pressure

Please send your CV details to with subject

"Account Executive CDA IPB"

lnformasi lebih Lengkap bisa cek di :

PT SENG FONG MOULDING PERKASJ\ (Corporate Vision: To be the leading global b•ancl of choice spc kli c<f' ; -, "'

1. Management Trainee

• • • • • • • • •

Freshgraduate of Bachelor Degree with min.GPA 3.00 in Engineering 1 Accounting 1 Management I Forestry

Excellent verbal and written communication skills in english .

Good leadership skill

Detail Oriented and able to learn

Good Analytical Thinking

Good interpersonal skill

Hard worker and able to work under pressure

Having organizational experiences

Able to use Microsoft office

Placement in Jombang, Indonesia

2. HSE Staff

• Bachelor Degree/Associate Degree (S1/D3) with min. GPA 2.75 in any field

• Preferable have experience working with HSf field

• Knowledge of potentially hazardous materials or practice

• Certificate in occupatianal Health & Safety {AK3,1SO 140001:2015)

• Capable to understand about WWTP & Hazardous & Tonic substances (B3) process.

• Experience in writing reports and policies for Healt & Safety following the

development of goverment regulations

• Familiarity with conducting data analysis and reporting statistics

• Detail Oriented and able to learn

• Good anlytical th1nk1ng, Good Interpersonal skill

• Able to use microsoft Office

• Placement in Jombang, Jawa Timur

3. Sales Administration

• Bachelor Degree/ Associate Degree(Sl/D3) with min. GPA 2.75 in any dicipline.

• Good interpersonal skill

• Good communication skill

• Goal Oriented

• Attention to detail.

• Having Organ1zat1onal experiences

• Able to use Microsoft office

• Knowledgeable about build customer relationship, skill full in social media platform

• Placement in Jakarta Indonesia.

1f you feel that you can meet the qualification. Please send your complete application {application

letter, resume and any related supporting documents), photo at size (4x6cm) to :


for more information, please visit us :


Phone : (0321) 867222 I Fax: (0321)867111

Jl. Prof. Dr. NurchoHsh Madjid No. 173 Tunggorono Jombang.

PT SENG FONG IViOUlDING PERKASA (Corporate Vision: To be the leading gioba! bt'<JWl of cbo:ce -..nt>c:,l ;:tr.:: n "


4. Sales Executive.

• Bachelor Degree/ Associate Degree (S1/D3) with min. GPA 2.75 in any field

• Excellent verbal and written communkation skills in English

• Preferable have experience working with sales field

• High Interest and passionate in interior design industry

• Excellent presentation, strong analytical and negotiation skills

• Having organizational experiences

• Attention to detail • Having organizational experiences

• Knowledgeable about build customer relationship, skill full in social media platform

• Knowledgeable about digital marketing strategy & Build customer relationship, skill full

in social media p~atform.

• Achieve Monthly Target

• Placement in Jakarta, Indonesia

5. Marketing Staff

• Bachelor Degree/ Associate Degree (51/D3) with min. GPA 2.75 in any field

• Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English

• Preferable have experience working with marketing field

• High Interest and passionate in interior design industry

• Strong analytical skill

• Knowledgeable about digital marketing strategy & Build customer relationship, skill full

in social media platform.

• Having organizational experiences

• Placement in Jakarta Indonesia

6. Project Coordinator

• Bachelor Degree/ Associate Degree (S1/D3} with min. GPA 2.75 in any field

• Having organizational experiences

• Good leadership skill

• Detail Oriented, eager to learn and adatable, hard worker and able to work under


• Achieve monthly target

• Good interpersonal skill

• Placement in Jakarta Indonesia

If you feel that you can meet the qualification. Please send your complete application (application

letter, resume and any related supporting documents), photo at size (4x6cm) to :

Email :recruitment@ se

For more information> please visit us :

Website :www.sfresourcesgroup .com

Phone : (0321) 867222 I Fax : (0321)867111

Jl. Prof. Dr. Nurcholish Madjld No. 173 Tunggorono Jombang.

1 SF Pi SENG FONG MOULDING PERKASk ' - ~._-.;.·_. --01.

..•• :~ •• ~'111"· . :~'"'!:; . (Corporate Vision: To be the leading global brand of choice specializing in wood)

~l;" -~·"' 11=.."\ fl~ IC~ . l . _u t\ ·-· r"" .... ...~ !,

••••· ' ~-...:- -- .... -:1 L


·Fresh graduate of Bachelor Degree (51) with min.GPA 3.00 in any field

·Excellent verbal and written communication skills in english ·Good leadership skill ·Detail Oriented, eager to learn and adabtable, hard worker and able to work under pressure ·Good Analytical Thinking ·Good interpersonal skill

·Having organizational experiences ·Able to use Microsoft office ·Placement in Jombang, Indonesia

in any field ·Good interpersonal sl<ill ·Good communication skill ·Goal Oriented

.. ;


·Bachelor Degree/Associate Degree {S1/D3) with min, GPA 2, 75 in any field

·Preferably have experience working with HSE field ·Certificate in occupational health and safety {AK3, ISO 14001:2015) ·Knowledge of potentially hazardous materials or practices ·Capable to understand about WWTP & Hazardous & toxic substances {83) process

·Experience in writing reports and polkies for health and safety following the development of the goverment regulations ·Familiarity with conducting data analysis and reporting statistics ·Detail Oriented and able to learn ·Good Analytical ThinkingGood interpersonal skill ·Able to use Microsoft office ·Placement in Jombang, Indonesia

Sales Executive

·Bachelor Degree/ Associate Degree (S1/D3) with min. GPA 2.75 in any field ·Excellent verbal and written communication skills in english ·Preferably have experience working with sales field ·High interest and passionate in interior design industry ·Excellent presentation, strong analytical and negotiation skills ·Having organizational exp€riences ·Knowledgeable about Build customer relationship, sl<ill full

~~~!h!i'\iiiiil'll in social media platform

in english Prefe . experience workifig witn ilta'tk~ting field High interest and passionate in 'interior design incf Strong analytical skills A"

Knowledgeable-about digital rn~orot••nru">~

relationship, skill full in social n. leclia~rll~lt Having organizational expe Placement in Jakarta,~n<;to~esia

p~~(-:~t:?-'8· s:a y()t;~~ co:·ni::tG~-~-fi:

·Achieve Monthly Target ·Placement in Jak'~ rta, Indonesia

~i.Wi!I$11J'Bt,"'" . . -·•

Project Coordinator '-~

~ ~ --·Bachelor Degree/ Assdcl;{\:~ Degree {Sl/D3) with min. GPA 2.75

in any field /~~ ~;><' ·Having org~nizational expe·rjences ! -

t ~ .

·Good leadership skill ·Detail Oriented, eager to le~rn and-adabtable, hard worker and able to work pressure ·Achieve Monthly Target ·Good interpersonal skill

(npplh;nti··'"Jn ~~':,~~er, ,c~,;.t·~:tt:-~ Gar•l, <..,, ~. t -~ .E·r<-/ i ./ . -.~:,:: .· ~·; :" ~; .• ·•

ent@sengfong .com -,:.J"" ;~~{{! l/f,~rfr.'•t't.trJ~7 Ctt. . ~~~ -J ~ ~

@sfresources R?J sf resources group

321)867222/ Fax :(0321)867111

NIN2 JOB FAIR 2018 Career in Japanese Company

career in Japanese company


lOAM- 3PM,

lnformasi Lebih Lengkap bisa cek di : http:/ /


Lowongan 1 : Management Trainee Program


Sebuah program pelatihan dan pengembangan untuk dipersiapkan menjadi next leader di BFI Finance, untuk ditempatkan di semua lini bisnis BFI dan jaringan cabang BFI di seluruh



• MT - Marketing (MMTP)

• MT- Operational {OMTP)

• MT- Remedial (RMTP)

• MT - Credit Analyst (CMTP)

Kualifikasi :

• Pria I Wanita, single, usia maksimal 26 tahun • Pendidikan minimal S 1, IPK minimal 3 .00

• Semuajurusan (MMTP, RMTP) • Akuntansi, Manajemen Keuangan, Ekonomi Studi Pembangunan, Komputer Akuntansi,

Admin Niaga (OMTP) • Ekonomi, Statistik, MIPA, Teknik (CMTP)

• Memiliki SIMA I C • Bersedia ditempatkan di seturuh Indonesia

• Bersedia ikatan dinas selama 2 tahun

lnformasi lebih Lengkap bisa cek di : http:/ /


Lowongan 2 : [Agency Relationship Executive]


Sebuah posisi pekeijaan di bidang pemasaran dengan konsep agency marketing. Penempatan Bogor, Sukabumi, Cibinong, Cibubur, Depok.

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab :

• Marketing Via Agency (BA/broker/rnediator) • Rekrut Business Agent (BA/broker/rnediator) dan registrasi sebagai Mitra Pemasaran

• Maintain Business Agent (BA/broker/rnediator) agar produktif

• Handle konsurnen/debitur apabila pengajuan kredit

Kualifikasi :

• Min D3 Semua Jurusan. IPK min 2,50 • Pria/Wanita, maks. 30 thn,

• Memiliki Sim C atau SIM A

• Memiliki kendaraan untuk operational kerja

• Menyukai pekerjaan lapangan dan mengusai wilayahnya,

• Pengalaman Marketing lebih di Sukai.

lnformasi lebih Lengkap bisa cek di : http:/ /


Lowongan 3: {Surveyor]

Overview : Sebuah posisi pekerjaan dengan job desk analisa kelayakan calon debitur dengan

memperhatikan kondisi real debitur dan jum1ah pinjaman dana di BFI. Penempatan Bogor,

Sukabumi, Cibinong, Cibubur, Depok.

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab !

• Direct Marketing - Visit konsumen RO,

• Survey kelayakan calon debitur dengan analisa (lP + 5C)

• Maintain Angsuran 6 bulan pertama (FTD 06)

Kualifikasi :

• Min D3 Semua Jurusan, IPK min 2,50.

• Pria, Max 30 thn

• Memiliki Sim C atau SIM A,

• Memiliki kendaraan untuk Operational kerja,

• Mampu analisa kelayakan debitur, • Menyukai pekerjaan lapangan dan mengusai wilayahnya.

• Fresh Graduate Lebih di Sukai.

Lowongan 4: [Collector]

Overview : Sebuah posisi peketjaan dengan job desk penagihan angsuran konsumen dan penarikan unit apabila konsumen tidak kooperatif. Penempatan Bogor, Sukabumi, Cibinong, Cibubur, Depok.

Togas dan Tanggung Jawah ! Bertanggung jawab dalam pengelolaan dan penanganan kredit konsumen yg sudah jatuh tempo. (terlambat bayar)

KuaHfikasi :

• Min SMA, D3 Semua Jurusan

• Pria, maks. 32 thn

• Memiliki Sim C atau SIM A,

• Memiliki kendaraan untuk operational kerja

• Menyukai pekerjaan lapangan • Mengusai wilayah tagih dan kondisi sosia

lnformasi Lebih Lengkap bisa cek di :



sa rtoriu s

An establised Biotechnology Distributor requires Application Specialist for JAKARTA and BANDUNG area.

Application Specialist (Bioprocess)

Requirements : • Male/Female • Age max. 35 years old • Min 03 preferably in biotechnology, biochemistry, biology,

pharmacy, chemical engineering • Proactive, hard working & able to work under pressure • Ability to communicate in English both written and oral • Passion in marketing and enjoy meeting new people • Preferably own vehicle/motorcycle

Responsibilities • To promote and provide technical knowledge to customers

specifically on Bioreactor products with its application mainly in pharmaceutical, and general industries

Please send your resume to : before 30 November 2018.

Informasi Lebih Lengkap bisa cek di :

Lowongan Guru Fisika


1. Berijazah, 51, jurusan Fisika 2. IPK Min 3,30 (PTN) 3. Usia maks 30 tahuh, belum menikah 4. Beragama islam 5. Sehat Jasmani Rohani dan Tidak merokok 6. Memiliki Pengalaman Mengajar Minimal 1 Tahun 7. Mampu megoprasikan komputer 8. Mampu mengembangkan bahan ajar dan Inovasi pembelajaran 9. Lancar membaca AI quran 10. Kirim ke Email alkausarquru@qmail .com atau

Lowongan Teknik Komputer dan lnformatika

L Berijazah, 03, jurusan Teknik Komputer dan Jnformatika 2. IPK Min 3,30 (PTN) 3. Usia maks 30 tahuh, belum menikah 4. Beragama islam 5. Sehat Jasmani Rohani dan Tidak merokok 6. Memiliki Pengalaman dibidangnya Minimal 1 Tahun 7. Mampu megoprasikan komputer 8. Mempunyai keahliah dalam komputer jaringan dan program 9. Lancar membaca AI quran 10. Kirim ke Email atau

Lowongan Guru Matematika

1. Berijazah, 03, jurusan Teknik Komputer dan lnformatika 2. IPK Min 3,30 (PTN) 3. Usia maks 30 tahuh, belum menikah 4. Beragama islam 5. Sehat Jasmani Rohani dan Tidak merokok 6. Memiliki Pengalaman mengajar Minimal 1 Tahun 7. Mampu megoprasikan komputer 8. Mampu mengembangkan bahan ajar dan Inovasi pembelajaran 9. Lancar membaca AI quran 10. Kirim ke Email atau

lnformasi Lebih Lengkap bisa cek di :http:/ /

lowongan Humas


1. Berijazah, 51, jurusan llmu Komunikasi

2. IPK Min 3,30 (PTN) 3. Usia maks 30 tahuh, belum menikah 4. Beragama islam 5. Sehat Jasmani Rohan! dan Tidak merokok 6. Memiliki Pengalaman dibidangnya Minimal 1 Tahun 7. Mampu megoprasikan komputer 8. Mampu mengembangkan bahan ajar dan Inovasi pembelajaran 9. Lancar membaca AI quran 10. Kirim ke Emall a lkau~CllilJ,l ru@grna i ! .com atau

Lowongan Pembina Asrama

1. Berijazah, 51, semua jurusan 2. IPK Min 3,30 (PTN) 3. Usia maks 30 tahuh, belum menikah 4. Beragama islam 5. Sehat Jasmani Rohan! dan Tidak merokok 6. Berpenganlaman di pesantren 7. Mampu megoprasikan komputer 8. Mampu mengembangkan kreatlfitas siswa 9. Lancar membaca AI quran dan hafal juz 30 10. Kirim ke Email _ill kausarguru@qmail .com atau

lnformasi Lebih Lengkap bisa cek di http:/ /

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