katakata untuk syang

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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  • 8/3/2019 KataKata untuk syang


    p1) When giving her a dozen roses, 11 real and 1 fake, say "I will love you until the last rose dies."

    * langsung kejang2 gan..

    2) Last night I looked up into the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love you. I was

    doing great untill I ran out of stars.

    3) If you held up 11 roses into a mirror, youd be looking at 12 of the most beautiful things in the


    4) I love you so much.

    5) I love you.

    * kadang2 yg simpel kek gini mbikin cewek senyum jg lho gan

    6) They say a picture tells 1,000 words but when I see yours all I see is 3: I...love...you

    7) You are my bestfriend, my shoulder to lean on, the one person I know I can count on, you're the

    love of my life, you're my one and only, you're my everything.

    * intinya: you're my everything..

    8) I could hold you forever.

    * pas lagi pelukan, kalimat ini mematikan

    9) I'll love you till death, and then some

    10) You are beautiful/gorgeous.

    11) I sent an angel to look over you at night. The angel came back a minute later and I asked it why.

    It told me "Angels don't watch other angels."

    *hahah gubraaaakkk

    12) Life without you is like a broken pencil, pointless.

    13) I fall in love with you again everytime I look into your beautiful eyes.*yang ini ane suka

    14) My heart beats your name.

    15) Some night when you're outside, look up at all the stars in the sky, each one represents is a

    reason I'm in love with you.

    16) This feels so right.

    17) You are the only one for me.

  • 8/3/2019 KataKata untuk syang


    * singkat jelas padat..

    18) I say I love you so much because I never know if one day one of us will end up in the hospital and

    I want your last feeling to be me loving you.

    19) Sigh >> kalo diartikan.. "duh.."

    * ya gw tau ini bukan kalimat yang "WOW" tapi sangat manjur loh... kalo kalian lagi deket, kayanya

    "duh.." itu menggambarkan hati lo yang jadi kacau begitu deket dia...

    ** buat cowo, percaya ma gw: ini manjur

    20) look into my eyes and youll find me. look into my heart and youll find you.

    21) You are so amazingly... wonderfully... beautifully... awesomely... maybe... no most definitely the

    most precious of all precious things.

    * kalo si doi lagi down ato lagi sedih-sedihnya, nah pas banget line ini...

    22) Youre amazing.

    * kata-kata pujian yang simple kaya gini yang kita kadang-kadang lupa ucapin..

    23) I want to make you feel special, always.

    24) Youre so warm.

    * klo lagi pelukan pas banget ni gan

    25) You are so cute!

    * kalo2 si doi lagi buat kesalahan dan kaya mau-mau nangis gitu, bilang kata2 ini sangat efektif.. pasti

    dia senyum lagi..

    26) How did a guy like me end up with a princess like you?

    * gw tau terkesan "loser" hahaha tapi pasti kita pernah ngerasain hal gini pas berhubungan... kita

    biasa-biasa aja sedangkan cewe kita dimata kita itu sempurna abis...

    27) Late at night, when the hum of the everyday world retreats like the sun on the horizon....I think

    of you.

    29) When I'm near you I'm a better Me and when youre away I'm only half the man I want to be.

    30) Life with out you, it isn life at all.

    31) I need you (Name). Like the roses need the rain. Like the poet needs the pain. I just can`t live

    without you. My body and soul are yours.

    * romantis gan

    32) God was showing off when He created you.* jayus abis ahahaha

  • 8/3/2019 KataKata untuk syang


    33) You dont look fat in that outfit.

    * bilang ini kalo dia tanya ato kalo dia komplain aja tentang pakaiannya.. tapi jangan tertawa ato

    senyum, abis ente tar wkakakakaka

    34) I miss you because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you

    want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.

    36) I didnt think it was possible for a girl to look better than you did last time I saw you, but you

    pulled it off today.

    * kalo kemarin baru abis kencan, dan sekarang kencan lagi... nah ini kalimat pas banget... apalagi

    kalo kita tau kalo dia bener-bener dandan buat kita... kita harus menghargai itu..

    37) I could conquer the world with just one hand as long as you were holding the other.

    38) You mean the world to me (Name).

    39) I was just going to say something, but I forgot when I started looking at you.

    40) I love you more than yesterday but less than tomorrow.

    * ksebenernya intinya sama aj sih hahaha

    41) Everyone is someone's dream and you were mine.

    * nunjukkin kalo dia punya arti penting banget dalam hidup lo...

    42) Your fathers a thief because he stole all the stars in the sky and put them in your eyes.

    * jayus sih tapi tetep bagus..

    43) I love you because of no reason at all because if I have a reason to love you, Im afraid I'll have a

    reason to leave you.

    45) I never understood why my friends would ever say "she's the one" or "I know I want to spend the

    rest of my life with her", but now, being with you, I've finally realized why.

    46) You're my better half. Without you, I won't be complete. It's possible that we may forget each

    other but right now you complete me.

    47) When I see you I become speechless because baby you take my breath away.

    48) Goodnight sweetheart.

    * pas telepon / sms / lo tau aja kalo dia mau tidur, kalimat yang simple tapi penting..

    49) Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.

  • 8/3/2019 KataKata untuk syang


    50) I miss you.

    * standar tapi selalu ngefek haha

    Tadi malam aku kirim bidadari untuk menjaga tidurmu. Eh, dia buru-buru balik. Katanya, Ah, masa

    bidadari disuruh jaga bidadari? TOEENGG.

    Kalau kamu nanya berapa kali kamu datang ke pikiranku, jujur aja, cuma sekali. abisnya, ga pergi2

    sih! Gubraak!!

    Sempet bingung jg, kok aku bisa senyum sendiri. Baru nyadar, aku lagi mikirin kamu. WAKS!

    Kalau suatu saat kamu hancurkan hatiku akan kucintai kamu dengan kepingannya yang tersisa.


    Berusaha melupakanmu, sama sulitnya dengan mengingat seseorang yang tak pernah kukenal.

    Hahaha nice one!

    Kalau kamu ajak aku melompat bareng, aku ngga bakalan mau. Mending aku lari ke bawah, bersiap

    menangkapmu. idih gepeng ntar!

    Aku pernah jatuhkan setetes air mata di selat Sunda. Di hari aku bisa menemukannya lagi, itulah

    waktunya aku berhenti mencintaimu. jitak!

    Ga usah janjiin bintang dan bulan untuk aku, cukup janjiin kamu bakal selalu bersamaku di bawah

    cahayanya. Jreng.. gak kuku..

    Kalau kamu nanya mana yg lebih penting buat aku: hidupku atau hidupmu, aku bakal jawab hidupku.

    Eits, jangan marah dulu, karena kamulah hidupku. hahaha sakit perut..

    Pertama ketemu, aku takut ngomong sama kamu. Pertama ngomong sama kamu, aku takut kalau

    nanti suka sama kamu. Udah suka, aku makin takut kalau jatuh cinta. Setelah sekarang cinta sama

    kamu, aku jadi bener2 takut kehilangan kamu. Kamu emang menakutkan gantung diri

    Ketika hidup memberiku seratus alasan untuk menangis, kau datang membawa seribu alasan untuk

    tersenyum. getok pake kursi

    Jika aku bisa jadi bagian dari dirimu, aku mau jadi airmatamu, yang tersimpan di hatimu, lahir dari

    matamu, hidup di pipimu, dan mati di bibirmu - maksut loh?!

    Orang bilang bulan itu indahtapi aku bilang tidak. Orang bilang planet venus itu cantiktapi

  • 8/3/2019 KataKata untuk syang


    menurut aku tidak. Aku bilang bumi itu indah dan cantikkarena ada kamu. lempar pake bedug


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