definisi dan klasifikasi acl

Post on 11-Aug-2015



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Definisi dan KlasifikasiCedera Ligamentum Crusiata Anterior


• ACL ( Anterior Cruciate Ligament ) Istilah Cruciate berasal dari kata crux yang artinya menyilang dan crucial berarti sangat penting. Cruciate ligament saling bersilangan

satu sama lain menyerupai huruf X Merupakan stabilizer untuk knee

jointMencegah translasi os.tibia ke depan


Definisi Cedera LCA

• Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are most often a result of low-velocity, noncontact, deceleration injuries and contact injuries with a rotational component. (Medscape, 2014)

Menurut Academia.Edu

• Robekan di salah satu ligament lutut yang menghubungkan tungkai atas dan tu ngkai bawah.

Menurut Mayoclinic

• An ACL injury is the tearing of the anterior cruciate (KROO-she-ate) ligament, or ACL, inside your knee joint. An ACL injury most commonly occurs during sports that involve sudden stops and changes in direction — such as basketball, soccer, tennis and volleyball. (Mayoclinic, 2013)

Klasifikasi Cedera LAC

• Berdasarkan tingkat keparah cedera, sbb :1. GRADE I : Sebuah hamparan ringan, dengan nyeri ringan dan bengkak

tetapi tidak ada perpanjangan permanen atau kerusakan pada ligamentum.2. GRADE II : Ligamentum tertarik keluar dan di perpanjang. Ada rasa sakit

umumnya dan bengkak yang disertai memar. Ligamentum akan sembuh tanpa operasi. Namun memiliki beberapa kelemahan, namun sendi dapat berfungsi normal dengan sedikit ketidakstabilan.

3. GRADE III : Ligamentum tertarik jauh sehingga robek. Relative sedikit sakit. Sendi sangat tidak stabil bahkan sulit menahan tongkat.Lutut terlepas atau buckle. Memar disekitar lutut dan diperlukan operasi perbaikan.

Classification ACL Injuries (BrooklynSoccer)• An ACL injury is classified as a grade I, II, or III sprain.

Grade I sprain • The fibres of the ligament are stretched, but there is no tear. • There is a little tenderness and swelling. • The knee does not feel unstable or give out during activity.

• Grade II sprain • The fibres of the ligament are partially torn. • There is a little tenderness and moderate swelling. • The joint may feel unstable or give out during activity.

• Grade III sprain • The fibres of the ligament are completely torn (ruptured); the ligament itself has torn completely into two

parts. • There is tenderness (but not a lot of pain, especially when compared to the seriousness of the injury).

There may be a little swelling or a lot of swelling. • The ligament cannot control knee movements. The knee feels unstable or gives out at certain times.

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