ch12 global market opportunity assessment

Post on 11-Nov-2015






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  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Chapter 12Penilaian Peluang Pasar Global

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Global Market OpportunityKombinasi konstruktif dari lingkungan, lokasi, atautiming yang menawarkan prospek untuk exporting,investing, sourcing, atau kemitraan pada pasar luarnegeri.Peluang-2 meliputi:Marketing produk-2 dan jasa; Pendirian pabrik atau fasilitas-2 produksi lainnya untuk menawarkan kapabilitas lebih atau biaya secara efektif; Pembelian raw materials atau komponen-2, biaya lebih murah jasa-2 atau kualitas terbaik; Memasuki collaborative arrangements dengan mitra asing.

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Enam Tugas dari GMOAMelakukan penilaian kesiapan internal/assessment of readiness untuk mengawali aktivitas bisnis internasional.Menilai kesesuaian produk dan jasa/Assess suitability of products and services bagi pasar luar negeri. Secara sistematis mengidentifikasi pasar terbaik/identify the best markets untuk tujuan produk-2 atau jasa-2 terpilih. Mengestimasi industry market potential, atau market demand, untuk produk-2 atau jasa-2 pada target markets yang dipilih.Screen and select qualified business partners, seperti distributors atau suppliers. Mengestimasi company sales potential untuk masing-2 target market.

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Task 1. Kesiapan Organisasi/Organizational Readiness Objective: Untuk memberi penilaian obyektif dari kesiapan perudahaan untuk melakukan aktivitas bisnis international .Outcomes: Daftar strengths dan weaknesses perusaahaan, berkenaan dengan bisnis international, dan rekomendasi untuk menyelesaikan ketidak cukupan/deficiencies yang menghalangi pencapaian tujuan-2 perusahaan.Criteria: Keuangan relevan dan sumber daya-2 fisik; skills and competencies relevan; komitmen dan motivasi senior management

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Masalah-2 yang akan diselesaikan dalam Analisis Kesiapan OrganisasiHarapan apa yang diperoleh perusahaan dari bisnis internasional? Mis., peningkatan penjualan atau profit, challenging competitors dalam home markets, mencapai global strategy, etc.Apakah ekspansi bisnis international konsisten dengan tujuan-2 lain perusahaan, saat ini atau di masa datang? Tuntutan-2/demands internasionalisasi pada sumberdaya-2 perusahaan, seperti kapasitas management, personnel, finance, production dan marketing? Bagaimana tuntutan-2 tersebut akan dipenuhi?

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Task 2. Kesesuaian Produk/Product SuitabilityObjective: Untuk melakukan penilaian sistematik kesesuaian produk-2 dan jasa-2 perusahaan untuk international customers; Untuk mengevaluasi tingkat kesesuaian antara produk atau jasa dan kebutuhan-2 customer.Outcomes: Menentukan faktor-2 yang bisa menghalangi market potential produk atau jasa dalam masing-masing target market; Identifikasi kebutuhan-2 untuk adaptasi-2 yang dibutuhkan untuk initial and ongoing market entry. Criteria: Menilai produk-2 dan jasa-2 perusahaan terkait dengan: Karakteristik-2 dan requirements foreign customerRegulasi-2 pemerintahEkpsektasi-2 dari channel intermediariesKarakteristik-2 dari competitors offerings

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Product SuitabilityJual dengan baik/Sell well di pasar domestik. Mis., Microsoft Xbox, IphoneMemanjakan kebutuhan-2 universal. Mis., cancer drug, energy efficient refridgerator Fokus pada kebutuhan yang tidak dilayani dengan baik di pasar luar negeri tertentu. Mis., mutual fund, kredit pemilikan rumah/home mortgageFokus pada kebutuhan baru atau sedang bertumbuh di luar negeri. Mis., major earthquake menciptakan urgent need untuk portable housing; AIDS di Afrika menciptakan kebutuhan untuk drugs and medical supplies.

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Task 3. Country ScreeningObjective: Untuk mengurangi sejumlah negara yang menuntut in-depth investigation sebagai potential target markets untuk dapat kelola dengan mudah. Outcomes: Identifikasi 5 atau 6 pasar-2 paling potensial/highest potential country markets.Criteria: Market size dan growth rate; market intensity (yaitu, buying power penduduk terkait dengan income level); consumption capacity (yaitu, size and growth rate dari kelas menengah suatu negara); ketertarikan/receptivity negara untuk imports; infrastruktur yang tepat untuk melakukan bisnis; economic freedom; political risk.

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Pertimbangan Khusus/Specific ConsiderationsKesamaan budaya dengan Target Market penting. Beberapa perusahaan target countries secara fisik sama dalam hal bahasa dan budaya. Jenis Informasi yang dibutuhkan berbeda dengan produk/industri. Mis., untuk peralatan pertanian, pertimbangkan negara-2 dengan agricultural land banyak dan farmers dengan higher incomes. Targeting wilayah yang Make Sense. Mis., European Union, Latin America

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Kriteria Relevan bagiCountry Screening untuk FDILong-term growth prospectsCost of doing business. Potential attractiveness dari negara didasarkan atas cost dan ketersediaan dari commercial infrastructure, tax rates and wages, access to high-level skills and capital marketsCountry risk. Kendala-2 Regulatory, financial, political, dan cultural dan legal environment bagi perlindungan intellectual-propertyCompetitive environment. Intensitas kompetisi dari perusahaan-2 lokal dan luar negeriGovernment incentives. Ketersediaan tax holidays, subsidized training costs, grants, atau low-interest loans.

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Task 4. Industry Market Potential AnalysisObjective: Untuk mengestimasi size of relevant industry sales dalam masing-2 target country; Untuk investigasi dan evaluasi tiap kendala-2 untuk market entry.Outcomes: 3 hingga 5- year forecasts of industry sales untuk masing-2 target market. Penjelasan kendala-2 market entry dalam industriCriteria: Market size, growth rate, dan trends dalam industri; derajat intensitas kompetitif; tariff dan non-tariff trade barriers; standards dan regulations; ketersediaan dan kompleksitas dari local distribution; unique customer requirements dan preferences; industry-specific market potential indicators.

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Industry Market PotentialEstimasi kemungkinan sales yang dapat diperkirakan untuk seluruh perusahaan dalam suatu industri tertentu selama periode waktu khusus. Industry Market Potential berbeda dari company sales potential, berkenaan dengan pangsa dari penjualan industri perusahaan tersebut harapkan selama periode waktu tertentu. Banyak perusahaan-2 forecast sales sekurangnya tiga tahun kedepan, baik industry market potential dan company sales potential.

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Contoh-2 Industry-Specific IndicatorsCameras: Examine climate-related factors such as the average number of sunny days in a typical year. Laboratory equipment: Examine government expenditures on health care. Cooling equipment: Examine the number of institutional buyers, such as restaurants and hotels.

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Task 5. Seleksi Mitra Luar negeri/Foreign Partner SelectionObjectives: Untuk menentukan tipe mitra bisnis asing; clarifikasi kualifikasi ideal partner; dan rencana mode of entry.Outcomes: Penentuan tipe mitra bisnis asing yang paling cocok. Daftar atribut-2 diinginkan dari mitra bisnis asing. Penentuan aktivitas-2 value-adding kontribusi mitra bisnis asing. Criteria: Manufacturing and marketing expertise dalam industri; commitment terhadap international venture; akses atas distribution channels dalam pasar; kekuatan finansial; kualitas staf; technical expertise; infrastruktur & facilitas.-2

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Tipe/jenis Mitra Bisnis AsingExporters cenderung untuk kolaborasi dengan foreign market intermediaries, seperti distributors and agents. Licensing partners adalah independent businesses yang mengaplikasikan intellectual property untuk memproduksi produk-2 dalam negara mereka. Franchising partners adalah franchiseesindependent businesses luar negeri yang memperoleh rights and skills dari perusahaan lokal untuk melakukan local operationsInternational collaborative venture, mencakup joint venture and strategic alliance partners. Lainnya: global sourcing, contract manufacturing, and basic suppliers.

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Task 6. Estimasi Company Sales PotentialObjective: Untuk estimasi paling tepat pangsa penjualan industri perusahaan dapat capai, lebih dari satu periode, untuk masing-2 target market.Outcomes: 3 hingga 5-tahun forecast of company sales dalam masing-2 target market. Memahami faktor-2 yang akan memengaruhi company sales potential.Criteria: Kapabilitas mitra; akses atas distribusi; intensitas kompetitif; pricing dan financing; market penetration timetable perusahaan; risk tolerance of senior managers.

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Company Sales PotentialCompany sales potential adalah suatu estimasi pangsa penjualan tahunan industri yang perusahaan perkirakan untuk dihasilkan dalam target market tertentu selama periode waktu tertentu. Butuh mendapatkan informasi sangat lengkap dari pasar. Researcher harus memproyeksikan revenues and expenses perusahaan untuk 3-5 tahun ke depan; very challenging.

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Faktor-2 yang Menentukan Company Sales PotentialPartner capabilities. Kompetensi-2 dan resources mitra-2 asing menentukan seberapa cepat perusahaan dapat masuk dan menghasilkan sales dalam target market. Access to distribution channels. Kemampuan untuk membangun dan menggunakan channel intermediaries dan distribution infrastructure dalam target market.Intensity of the competitive environment. Kompetitor-2 Lokal atau negara ketiga siap untuk intensifikasi upaya-2 marketing mereka saat berhadapan dengan new entrants. Pricing and financing of sales. Ukuran dimana pricing dan financing yang menarik bagi baik untuk customers dan channel members adalah penting bagi initial penetration. Human and financial resources. Sumber daya-2 tersebut merupakan faktor utama dalam menentukan kesanggupan dan kecepatan atas keberhasilan yang dapat dicapai.

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Faktor-2 yang Menentukan Company Sales Potential (cont.)Market penetration timetable. Gradual entry memberi perusahaan waktu untuk mengembangkan dan memengaruhi sumberdaya-2 dan strategi-2 yang tepat, namun bisa melepas beberapa keunggulan kepada kompetitor dalam memperoleh ketenaran dalam pasar. Rapid entry bisa memberi jalan bagi perusahaan untuk mengungguli competitors dan memperoleh first-mover advantages, namun ini dapat membebani sumberdaya-2 dan kapabilitas perusahaan. Risk tolerance of senior managers. Toleransi manajemen terhadap risiko dalam pasar.Special links, contacts, capabilities of the firm. network utama perusahaan dalam pasar hubungan existing perusahaan dengan customers, channel members, dan suppliers.Reputation. Perusahaan dapat berhasil lebih cepat dalam pasar jika target customers telah familiar dengan brand name and reputation.

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Pendekatan-2 Praktis atas Estimasi Company Sales Potential Survey atas end-users dan intermediaries. Perusahaan dapat melakukan survey sample of customers dan distributors untuk identifikasi potential market.Trade audits. Para manager megunjungi retail outlets dan menanyakan channel members untuk menilai level harga penawaran relatif para kompetitor dan persepsi kekuatan kompetitor. Trade audit dapat memberi indikasi peluang-2 untuk new modes of distribution, identifikasi jenis-2 outle alternatif, dan memberi perkiraan-2/insights atas kekuatan kompetitif relatif. Competitor assessment. Perusahaan bisa melakukan benchmark terhadap pesaing-2 utama dan estimasi level of sales yang secara potential dapat diambil dari mereka.

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Pendekatan-2 Praktis atas Estimasi Company Sales Potential (cont.)Obtaining estimates from local partners. Collaborators seperti distributors, franchisees, atau licensees yang sudah pengalaman dalam pasar seringkali best positioned untuk pembentukan estimasi market share and sales potential. Limited marketing efforts to test the waters. Beberapa perusahaan bisa memilih untuk memasuki limited entry pasar luar negeri semacam test market sebagai cara mengestimasi long-term sales potential atau memperoleh better understanding pasar. Dari hasil awal ini, memungkinkan untuk forecast longer-term sales.

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*A.T. Kearneys Offshore Location Attractiveness IndexAssists managers understand and compare the factors that make countries attractive as potential locations for offshoring of service activities such as IT, business processes and call centers. Evaluates countries on 39 criteria categorized into three dimensions:Financial structure accounts for cost of labor, infrastructure costs (for electricity and telecom systems), and tax and regulatory costs.People skills and availability accounts for suppliers experience and skills, labor force availability, education and linguistic proficiency, and employee attrition rates.Business environment assesses economic and political aspects of the country, commercial infrastructure, cultural adaptability, and security of intellectual property.

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Indicators of Industry Market PotentialMarket size, growth rate, dan trends dalam specific industryTariff and non-tariff trade barriers untuk memasuki pasarStandards and regulations yang memengaruhi industriKetersediaan dan kompleksitas dari local distributionUnique customer requirements dan preferences Industry-specific market potential indicators

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Practical Methods for Estimating Industry Market PotentialSimple Trend Analysis. Aggregate production for the industry as a whole, adding imports from abroad and deducting exports. Monitoring Key Industry-Specific Indicators. Caterpillar, examines announced construction projects, building permits, growth rate of households, and infrastructure development.Monitoring Key Competitors. If Caterpillar is considering Chile as a potential market, it investigates the current involvement in Chile of its number-one competitor, the Japanese firm Komatsu. Following Key Customers. Automotive suppliers can anticipate where their services will be needed next by monitoring the international expansion of their customers such as Honda or Mercedes Benz. Tapping into Supplier Networks. Firms can gain valuable leads from current suppliers by inquiring with them about competitor activities. Attending International Trade Fairs. Industry trade fairs and exhibitions are excellent venues for obtaining valuable market information.

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*National Trade Data BankBest Market Reports identify the top 10 country markets for specific industry sectors.Country Commercial Guides analyze economic and commercial environments of countries.Industry Sector Analysis reports analyze market potential for sectors such as telecommunications.International Market Insight reports cover country and product-specific topics, with various ideas for approaching markets of interest.

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*Ideal Qualifications of Foreign DistributorsFinancially sound and resourcefulCompetent managementQualified technical and sales staffWilling and able to invest to grow the businessStrong industry knowledgeAccess to distribution channels and end-usersKnown in the marketplace and well-connected with local governmentCommitted and loyal

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities

  • International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities*The Method of AnalogyWhen using the analogy method, the researcher draws on known statistics from one country to gain insights into the same phenomenon for a similar country. If the researcher knows the total consumption of citrus drinks in India then -- assuming that citrus drink consumption patterns do not vary much in the neighboring Pakistan a rough estimate of Pakistans consumption can be made, making an adjustment, of course, for the difference in population.If the marketer of antibiotics knows from experience that X number of bottles of antibiotics are sold in a country with a Y number of physicians per thousand people, then it can be assumed that the same ratio (of bottles per 1,000 physicians) will apply in a similar country.

    International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities


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