
Post on 26-Jan-2017






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Giving Suggestion

Responding the Suggestion

Accepting Suggestion


 I’ve got a bad toothache. What do you suggest?

What do you advise me to do?

What should I do?

What ought I to do?

Do you have any suggestion for me…

 I suggest/ recommend that you …

You really should/ought to…

You’d better …

Why don’t you go to the dentist?

How about playing cards?

 Yes, I’d like/ love to.

That sounds like a good idea.

Thank you/Thanks

I’ll do/try that.

Why didn’t I think of that?


 I tried that, but…

Thanks, but that won’t work/ help because …

That’s a good idea, but …

No, I’d rather not.

I don’t feel like it.

 2. Social Function

Social Function of suggestion:

To ask and give suggestion to someone and give responses to the suggestion whether accepting or refusing it.

To help someone who needs any suggestion or advice by giving our personal idea and opinion in our daily life.


3. Formula–          Formal: S + Modal (should, ought to, could, etc) + V + complement

S + suggest + (that) + S + should + V + complement

–          Informal          : WH question → What about going to the cinema tonight?

What about going to the cinema tonight? How about playing cards?

Materi untuk anak yang Prakerin kelas XI

 Mari bahas WISH dulu........Oke, pertama, Wish dipake jika kita menginginkan sesuatu atau mengharapkan keberuntungan  atau nikmatin sesuatu yang akan terjadi di masa depan. Contohnya:* 'I wish you Happy.'* 'Remember it's Sarah's birthday tomorrow. Don't forget to wish her many happy returns.'* 'They wished me all the best in my new job.'* 'I wish you good health and every happiness in the New Millennium.' 

Kedua, Wish juga dipake ketika kita mengharapkan sesuatu, walo itu memang ga terjadi atau nggak mungkin terjadi. Dalam hal ini wish HARUS diikuti verb atau auxiliary bentuk lampau.* 'We wish you could be here.'* 'He wished he hadn't said that, for Fiona was terribly upset.'* 'It rained every day. I do wish I hadn't gone there for my holidays.'* 'I wish you didn't have to work so hard.'

 Oke, sekarang kita bahas HOPE. Hope digunakan jika kita mngharapkan sesuatu dan itu mungkin atau akan terjadi. Verb hope dapat diikuti oleh semua tense.

Seperti wish, hope juga dapat digunakan dengan to sebagai pengganti want to:* 'I hope to be a millionaire by the time I'm thirty.'* 'I was hoping to catch the 5.30 train and would have caught it, if Jennifer hadn't phoned.'

Jika ada subjek baru, hope harus diikuti oleh anak kalimat:* 'I hope (that) she'll like these flowers.'* 'Her mother hoped (that) Judith would become a doctor, but her heart was always set on the stage.'* 'I hope (that) you won't think me rude, but that red dress that you're wearing definitely doesn't suit you.'* 'They were stranded on the side of the mountain and hoped (that) the rescue team would reach them before nightfall.' 

NOTE: wish dapat digunakan dalam bentuk yang lebih bervariasi dari pada hope.. jadi wish itu ga Cuma sekadar angan2 kosong, tapi lebih luas :)

liatlah perbedaan berikut ini Perhatikan perbedaan penggunaan wish dan hope pada contoh-contoh di bawah ini:

1. We hope that they can come. (kita berharap bahwa mereka bisa datang). Dalam kalimat ini subject we tidak tahu apakah they bisa datang atau tidak. Tetapi, ada kemungkinan bahwa they bisa datang.2. We wish that they could come. (kita berharap bahwa mereka bisa datang). Di sini,we sudah tahu bahwa they tidak bisa datang. Faktanya adalah: they can’t come.

3. I hope that they came yesterday. (saya berharap kamu datang kemarin). Di sini, Itidak tahu apakah they datang atau tidak kemarin.4. I wish that they had come yesterday. (saya berharap bahwa mereka datang kemarin). Di sini, I sudah tahu bahwa they didn’t come yesterday. Faktanya adalah:they didn’t come yesterday. “wish” expresses a desire for a situation that doesn’t exist now. 1. Wish + Simple Past

We use “wish” + simple past to express that we want a situation in the present (or future) to be different.

Examples:“I wish I lived in Spain” – Right now this person does not live in Spain but would like to in the present.“He wishes he had a Lambourghini” – Right now this person does not have a Lambourghini but want one in the present.“They wish it was June” – Right now it’s May and they still have to wait a month to go on holiday in the future.2. Wish + Past ContinuousWe use “wish” + past continuous to express that we want to be doing a different activity in the present (or the future).Examples:“I wish I was eating Spanish food in Barcelona” – Right now this person is in the office, they would like to be in Spain, eating tapas, in the present.“He wishes he was driving a Lambourghini in Paris” – Right now this person is also in an office, they want to be driving, in the present.“They wish they were leaving tomorrow to go on holiday” – They aren’t going on holiday, in the future, but would like to.3. Wish + Past PerfectWe use “wish” + past perfect to express regret. This means we want to be able to change a situation in the past.Examples:“I wish I hadn’t eaten so much chocolate” – This person ate too much chocolate, feels sick and would like to go back to the past and change it.“He wishes his Dad had bought him a Lambourghini for his birthday” –  This person would have liked a car for his birthday, in the past.“They wish they had studied more for their exam” – They didn’t study and now would like to go back and study more.4. Wish + WouldWe use “wish” + would + infinitive to express dissatisfaction with the present situation.Examples:“I wish you would stop making so much noise” – The person wants the other to stop making noise.“He wishes his dog would behave” – The dog is barking and he wants it to stop. 

Other uses of 'wish'Wish + to + infinitive: We can use 'wish' with the infinitive to mean 'would like'. This is very formal. We don't usually use a continuous tense with 'wish' in this case.

5. I wish to speak to the headmaster. (This means the same as 'I would like to speak to the headmaster'.)6. I wish to go now.Wish + object + to + infinitive: In the same way, we can use 'wish' with an object and an infinitive. I do not wish you to publish this article.

I wish these people to leave.Wish + somebody + something: This is used mostly in set phrases. I wished him a happy birthday. They wished us Merry Christmas.

Ayo kita mulai dengan bagian yang termudah terlebih dahulu. “I wish to” dapat mempunyai arti yang sama dengan”I want to” Tetapi itu akan lebih terdengar formal dan terdengar terdengar jarang. Simak contohnya dalam kalimat dibwah ini.

I wish to make a delicious coffe. I wish to see the leader of this company.

Kamu juga dapat menggunakan ‘wish’ dengan noun atau kata benda untuk mengucapkan harapan yang baik or good wishes’.

We wish you a merry Christmas. I wish you all the best in your effort.

Perhatikan bahwa ketika Anda ingin mengungkapkan keinginan baik menggunakan kata kerja, Anda harus menggunakan ‘hope’ dan bukan ‘wish’ .

We wish you the best of lucky. We hope you have the best of lucky. I wish you a safe and pleasant trip. I hope you have a safe and pleasant trip.

Namun, penggunaan utama ‘wish ‘ adalah untuk mengatakan bahwa kita ingin hal yang berbeda dari apa yang mereka dapatkan sekarang, bahwa kita memiliki penyesalan tentang situasi sekarang.

I wish I got rich. She wishes she lived in Tokyo. We wish we’d chosen a different president.

Perhatikan bahwa kata kerja tegang yang mengikuti ‘I wish’ lebih banyak di masa lalu ‘ daripada di waktu sesuai dengan maknanya.

She is too thin. She wish she was fat. He never get invited to parties. He wish he got invited to parties. It is raining. I wish it was sunny.

I went to see the latest Divergent film. I wish I had not gone. I havee eaten too much. I wish I had noteaten so much. She is going to visit me later. She wish she is going to visit me later.

Dalam kasus penggunaan “Will” dimana “will” berarti menunjukkan keinginan, kita gunakan “would”.

She will not help him. She wish she would help him. They are making too much noise. They wish they would be quiet. You keep disrupting me. I wish you would notdo that.

Ketika “will” berarti kejadian di masa depan, kita tidak dapat mebggunakan “wish” dan harus menggunakan “hope”.

There is a examination tomorrow. I hope some buses willstill be runing I hope everything will be ok in your new job.

Dalam Bahasa inggris yang formal, kita menggunakan bentuk subjunctive “were” dan bukan “was” setelah “wish”.

Macam Aturan

Compound Sentence

Jika menggunakan coordinate conjunction (for, and, nor, etc), tanda baca koma digunakan tepat sebelum kata hubung tersebut.

Jika menggunakan conjunctive adverb (furthermore, however, when, etc), tanda baca semicolon (titik koma) digunakan tepat sebelum kata hubung dan koma tepat setelah kata hubung.

Dapat menggunakan semicolon untuk menghubungkan dua independent clause yang sangat berhubungan.

Complex Sentence

Pada adverbial clause, jika berada di awal kalimat, diujung klausa ini diberi tanda baca koma.

Pada adjective clause, jika menerangkan subject (berada di tengah kalimat), dapat diapit koma atau tidak tergantung dari penting atau tidak informasi yang dibawanya.

Contoh Kalimat Compound-Complex Sentence:

Keterangan: DC= dependent clause IC= independent clause SC= subordinate Conjunction AC= adverbial conjunction RP= relative pronoun

No. Contoh Keterangan


While cleaning the kitchen, he found a lot of expired food, but he didn’t  got rid of it.

While cleaning the kitchen= DC (adverbial clause)he found a lot of expired food= ICbut= SChe didn’t  got rid of it= IC


Andra found a lot of expired food, but he didn’t  got rid of it because he was too lazy to do it.

Andra found a lot of expired food= ICbut= SChe didn’t got rid of it= ICbecause= AChe was too lazy to do it= IC


Yulia, who works out two times a week, has a positive body image; therefore, she always looks happy and healthy.(Yulia yang berlatih dua kali seminggu, mempunyai body image yang positif. Oleh karena itu, dia selalu tampak bahagia dan sehat.)

Yulia has a positive body image= ICwho works out two times a week = DC (non-essential adjective clause)therefore= ACshe always looks happy and healthy= IC

4 People who exercise regularly rarely get sick; they usually have a great immune system.(Orang-orang yang berolahraga secara teratur jarang jatuh sakit. Mereka biasanya mempunyai sistem imun

People get sick= ICwho do exercise regularly= DC (essential adjective clause)they usually have a great imune system= IC

yang baik.)

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