b.ing lala

Post on 10-Feb-2017






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Morning at the Royal Hospital Progers, there came a man who wanted to commit radiological examination on referral from a Specialist Doctors.

(The administration / window)

(Patients register for administrators)

(Communication between a patient administration officer)

PP: Good morning

PA: Good morning, can i help you?

PP: My friend wanted to x-rays

PA: On behalf of whom, yes sir, what age?

PP: Riza Oktarianda .. 18 years

PA: Sorry can show me the request?

PP: This is it (amprah submit to the administrative staff), how much they cost ya ma'am?

PA: (see price list) for photo thorax examination costs Rp 130,000

PP: Oh, this is the money ma’am ..

PA: Please wait in the radiology room , okay ..

PP: Where is the Radiology room?

PA: Straight ahead, continue to turn right, the room at the corner beside USG room.

(Patients waiting in front of the radiology)

(waiting for photo)

(Communication between patients and radiographers)

R: Mr. Riza please enter.

P: yes ma’am ..

R: Do you want to photo for Chest?

P: Yeah ma’am ..

R: please change your clothes with this gown, you can use that toilet .

P: I have finished.

R:OK, please come here and stand straight in front of this cassette . Please pronate your arm resting the back of your hands low on the hips

P: Yeah ma’am ..

R: Now I want to do the exposing, and please stay with this posisition . Inhale ..... Remove .... Inhale .... Hold (do exposure)

Patients do as instructed by the radiographer

R: It's over, now please change your gown with your clothes again and please come back again to take the photo around at 15.00

While the radiographer consult with Doctor of Radiology.

(Technologist give results to the patient's thorax photo Physician Radiology).

(Communication between the doctor Radiology technologist).

R: Excuse me ..

Dr: Please come in.

R: This doctor, there are the images of the patient's thorax named Mr. Riza. Please in the analysis.

Dr: The picture is good. This look was photographed spots in the lungs. Wait a minute I wrote before the results report.

R: Okay the doctor ..

Dr: This is my analysis of the results is complete.

R: okay the doctor ..

Radiographers contact administrative officer

R: (call to administrators) Hello, good afternoon.

PA: Yes, good afternoon, who’s speaking ? can I help you?

R: I Vellyn, this is the image the thorax on behalf of Mr. Riza was completed in analysis Physicians. Could take the picture in a radiology.

PA: Good ma’am.

Administrative officer taking the photos in the thorax radiology

PA: Excuse me ..

R: Come in, this is the result. Please give to the patient.

PA: Well ..

Patients come to counter the administration to take X rays.

PP: mba Excuse me, I want to take the results of x-rays on behalf of Riza Oktarianda.

PA: Yes sir, in the name of Riza Oktarianda.

PP: Well, thank you ...

PA: Please come back here again for a check-up with Specialist Doctors.

PP: Well, thank you ...

PA: Same same, sorry if our services are unsatisfactory.


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