2-istn-jkt - konversi energi.pptx

Post on 08-Jan-2016






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DASAR KONVERSI ENERGI (Sistem Pembangkit dan Pengaman)Dr.-Ing. Oo Abdul Rosyid, MScINSTITUT SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI NASIONAL (ISTN)PROGRAM PASCASARJANA TEKNIK ELEKTROISTN - "Sistem Pembangkit dan Pengaman" rosyid - 2Daftar IsiPendahuluan (Energi)Sumberdaya EnergiDasar Konversi EnergiKebijakan Energi (Listrik)1. PENDAHULUANListrik adalah bentuk energi sekunder yang paling praktis penggunaanya oleh manusia, dimana listrik dihasilkan dari proses konversi energi sumber primer seperti batubara, minyak bumi, gas, panas bumi, potensial air dan energi angin.Kebutuhan listrik di masyarakat semakin meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah penduduk dan pemanfaatan tenaga listrik pada peralatan-peralatan rumah tangga, kantor dan sebagainya.Pada kehidupan sehari-hari energi lisrtik diubah menjadi energi cahaya lampu atau panasnya heater, dinginnya AC (air conditioner) atau menjadi energi gerak motor listrik dan lain sebagainya.Minyak, batubara, dan gas termasuk energi yang tidak terbarukan karena sumber energi ini terbatas dan suatu saat akan habis. Energi matahari , air, angin, biomassa, panas bumi, dll disebut energi terbarukan karena sumbernya melimpah dan selalu tersedia.

Sejarah Perkembangan Konversi EnergiDalam sejarah manusia mesin pengkonversi energi adalah manusia (bertani, menggarap lahan, dll)Hampir diseluruh dunia, manusia secara cepat mengadopsi tenaga hewan yang lebih powerful, dan menambah dayaDi eropa digunakan pertama kalinya pemanfaatan energi angin untuk menggiling hasil pertanianTahun 1712 ditemukan mesin uap pertama oleh Thomas NewcomenTahun 1769, ditemukan mesin uap modern oleh James Watt, 1769 (patent), 1774 (prod.), lebih efisien dari Newcomen dengan memperkenalkan condensor. Reduces wasted heat by not requiring heating and cooling entire cylinder

ISTN - "Sistem Pembangkit dan Pengaman" rosyid - 4

First true steam engine:Thomas Newcomen, 1712, blacksmithCopy of Papins engine of design of 1690, with piston falling as steam cooled, drawn down by the low pressure generatedFirst reciprocating engine: force transmitted by motion of pistonCan pump water to arbitrary height.Force only on downstroke of pistonVery low efficiency: 0.05%Intermittent force transmission

First modern steam engine:

James Watt, 1769 (patent), 1774 (prod.)Higher efficiency than Newcomen by introducing separate condenseReduces wasted heat by not requiring heating and cooling entire cylinder

ISTN - "Sistem Pembangkit and Pengaman" rosyid - 7SUMBER DAYA ENERGIEnergi: dalam ilmu fisika dan sain lainnya, energi berasal dari bahasa yunani: energeia activity, operationEnergos activity, workingadalah besaran skalar , yakni sifat suatu objek dan sistem yang dilestarikan oleh alam. kemampuan untuk melakukan kerja.

Hukum konservasi energi: Jumlah energi dalam sistem terisolasi tetap konstan. Energi tidak dapat dihancurkan maupun diciptakan; energi berubah menjadi bentuk energi lainnya atau berubah antara bagian-bagian yang berbeda dari sistem.8Satuan EnergiOur main unit of energy will be the metric unit of the Joule, but many others exist:The calorie is 4.184 Joulesraise 1 gram (c.c.) of water one degree CelsiusThe Calorie (kilocalorie) is 4,184 Jraise 1 kg (1 liter) of water one degree CelsiusThe Btu (British thermal unit) is 1,055 J (roughly 1 kJ)raise 1 pound of water one degree FahrenheitThe kilowatt-hour (kWh) is 3,600,000 Jone Watt (W) is one Joule per second a kWh is 1,000 W for one hour (3,600 seconds)\An oil barrel (bbl) is 42 gallons, or 159 liters

EnergySpring, 2009Lecture 289The kilowatt-hourWe will often see the kilowatt-hour (kWh) as a unit ofEnergy1 kWh is a power times a time energy1000 W (kW) for one hour1 hr = 3600 sec 1 kWh = 3,600,000 J = 3.6 MJ1 W for 1000 hours100 W for 10 hours2000 W for 30 minutes3.6 MW for one secondso a 100 W bulb left on for a day is 2.4 kWhEnergySpring, 2009Lecture 2910The Great Energy Disparity

Many countries in the world lie in this quarter-circle!!Course IntroductionSpring 2009Lecture 110Bentuk EnergiEnergi Mekanik(kinetik, potensial), Energi Listrik, Energi Elektromagnetik, Energi Kimia, Energi Nuklir, Energi Thermal (Panas)

ISTN - "Sistem Pembangkit dan Pengaman" rosyid - 11ISTN - "Sistem Pembangkit and Pengaman" rosyid - 12SUMBER ENERGISumber energi dibagi dalam 2 jenis: terbarukan (renewable) tak terbarukan (non-renewable). Energi terbarukan energi yang diperoleh dari keberlanjutan atau pengulangan arus energi yang terjadi di alam. Contoh: energi surya, dimana pengulangan berkait dengan perioda (24 jam).Energi tak terbarukan energi yang diperoleh dari simpanan statis energi yang tetap terikat, kecuali dilepaskan oleh interaksi manusia. Contoh: batubara, minyak, gas alam, juga nuklir.13Sumber Energi GlobalSource1018 Joules/yrPercent of TotalPetroleum*15840.0Coal*9223.2Natural Gas*8922.5Hydroelectric*28.77.2Nuclear Energy266.6Biomass (burning)*1.60.4Geothermal0.50.13Wind*0.130.03Solar Direct*0.030.008Sun Abs. by Earth*2,000,000then radiated awayCourse IntroductionSpring 2009Lecture 113ISTN - "Sistem Pembangkit and Pengaman" rosyid - 14Klasifikasi Sumber EnergideviceuseenvironmentenvironmentenvironmentdeviceuseFinite source ofEnergy potentialsinksinkRenewable energyfinite energyCurrent source ofContinuous energy flow15Cadangan Minyak DuniaCountryProd (Mbbl/day)Reserves (Gbbl)No. Prod. Wellsyears leftSaudi Arabia9.03262.71,56080Russia7.9869.141,19224U.S.5.7329.4521,07014Iran3.74130.71,12096China3.4123.772,25519Mexico3.3416.013Norway2.8610.183310U.A.E.2.3597.8114Canada2.2416.954,06121Kuwait2.1896.5790121Fossil FuelsSpring 2009Lecture 615ISTN - "Sistem Pembangkit and Pengaman" rosyid - 16Cadangan Sumber Energi (Indonesia) JENIS ENERGI FOSSILSUMBER DAYA(resources)CADANGAN (reserve=proven+possible)PRODUKSI (PER TAHUN)RASIO CAD/PROD (TAHUN)Minyak86.9 Miliar barel9.1 Miliar barel387 Juta barel23Gas384.7 TSCF185.8 TSCF2.97 TSCF62Batubara58 Miliar Ton19.3 Miliar Ton132 Miliar Ton146JENIS ENERGI FOSSILSUMBER DAYASETARAPEMANFAATANKAPASITAS TERPASANGTenaga Air845.0 Juta BOE75.67 GW6,885.1 GWh4,200.00 MWPanas Bumi219 Juta SBM27.14 GW2,593.5 GWh852.00 MWMini/mikro hydro0.46 GW0.46 GW84.00 MWBiomassa49.81 GW302.00 MWTenaga Surya4.8 kWh/m2/d8.00 MWTenaga Angin9.29 GW0.50 MWUranium24,112.0 ton33.0 GW1616ISTN - "Sistem Pembangkit dan Pengaman" rosyid - 17Energi Baru Dan Terbarukan

Energi terbarukan adalah energi yg dibangkitkan dari sumberdaya alam (surya, angin, air, dll), dapat diperbaharui dari alam secara tetap (tidak habis secara alami).Potensi (EBT) di Indonesia cukup besar, namun belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Contoh kapasitas terpasang 2002: PLTS 5 MW, Angin 0.5MW, mikro-hydro 54MW, dll. PLTH(PV+angin+BBM) telah terpasang di bbrp area terpencil (NTT & Sulut). 17ISTN - "Sistem Pembangkit and Pengaman" rosyid - 18Sumber Energi TerbarukanSolar radiationGeo-thermalGravita-tionalSensible heatingLaten heat potential energykinetic energyphotosynthesisheattidesReflected to space 50,000120,000Absorb on earth80,00040,00030030303Infrared radiation to spaceFrom SunFrom EarthFrom plantary motionSolar radiationhydropowerWind and wave conversionBiofuelsgeothermalTidal power(in PJ)Energi Terbarukan AditifPotensi sumber daya energi terbarukan, seperti; matahari, angin dan air, ini secara prinsip memang dapat diperbarui, karena selalu tersedia di alam. Namun pada kenyataannya potensi yang dapat dimanfaatkan adalah terbatas. Tidak di setiap daerah dan setiap waktu, matahari bersinar cerah, air jatuh dari ketinggan dan mengailr deras, serta angin bertiup dengan kencangDisebabkan oleh keterbatasan-keterbatasan tersebut, nilai sumber daya energi sampal saat ini belum dapat begitu menggantikan kedudukan sumber daya energi fosil sebagai bahan baku produksi energi listrik. Oleh sebab itu energi terbarukan ini lebih tepat disebut sebagai energi aditif, yaitu sumber daya energi tambahan untuk memenuhi peningkatan kebutuhan energi listrik, serta menghambat atau mengurangi peranan sumber daya energi fosil.

ISTN - "Sistem Pembangkit dan Pengaman" rosyid - 20Keuntungan dan KendalaRelatif mudah didapat, Bahan bakar dapat diperoleh dengan gratis, berarti biaya operasional sangat rendah, Ramah lingkunganTidak mengenal problem limbah, Proses produksinya tidak menyebabkan kenaikan temperatur bumi, dan Tidak terpengaruh kenaikkan harga bahan bakar. Mendukkung diversifikasi energiSumber RE berkelanjutanHarga jual energi fosil, masih rendah. Rekayasa dan teknologi pembuatan komponen utamanya masih harus mengimport dari luar negeri. Biaya investasi pembangunan yang tinggi menimbulkan masalah finansial pada penyediaan modal awal. Belum tersedianya data potensi sumber yang lengkap, masih terbatasnya penelitian yang dilkakukan. Secara ekonomis belum bisa bersaing dengan pemakaian energi fosil. Kontinuitas penyediaan listrik rendah, karena sumber energinya bergantung pada kondisi alam yang perubahannya tidak tentu.

2020KONVERSI ENERGIKonversi energi (Energy Conversion) Perubahan bentuk energi dari yang satu menjadi bentuk energi lain.Hukum konservasi energi: energi tidak dapat diciptakan (dibuat) ataupun di musnahkan akan tetapi dapat berubah bentuk dari bentuk yang satu ke bentuk lainnya.Contoh:energi batubara menjadi energi gerak mesin uap. energi listrik diubah menjadi energi cahaya lampu atau panasnya heater, dinginnya AC (air conditioner) atau menjadi energi gerak motor listrik dan lain sebagainyaEnergi listrik produk konversi energi dari energi lain seperti energi kinetik air terjun, energi uap/panas bumi, energi minyak diesel, energi batubara dan lain sebagainya.

ISTN - "Sistem Pembangkit dan Pengaman" rosyid - 21Matrik Konversi Energi

Konversi Energi Kimia Menjadi PanasPembakaran sempurna dari bahan bakar fosil menggunakan oksigen untuk menginisiasi pembakaran.

di mana koefisien stoikiometri x dan y bergantung pada tipe bahan bakar. Persamaan yang lebih simpel lagi adalah:

Sisa pembakaran seperti nitrogen dan sulfur dioksida, datang dari bahan bakar yang tidak murni karena terdapat campuran yang tidak diharapkan (pengotor) dari bahan bakar tersebut.

ISTN - "Sistem Pembangkit dan Pengaman" rosyid - 23

Natural Sources of EnergyWaterFuelsNuclear EnergySunWindSea wavesTidesBiomass etc.1.Non renewable sources : The sources of energy which once used can not be replaced are called as non renewable source of energy such as coal, petroleum etc.2.Renewable sources : The source of energy which will never runout are called renewable source of energy such as sun, water, wind, tides and biomass etc.

WaterThe potential energy of water collected at higher level or the kinetic energy of water flowing at high velocity can be used to run the turbines. These turbines or prime- movers are known as hydraulic turbines. Generators are coupled to these turbines which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. The capital investment is high but the running cost is low as no fuel is used. So this type of system is more popular. The energy flow diagram is as under:

07/02/2013Potential or Kinetic Energy of waterMechanical EnergyElectrical EnergyFuelThe most common source of energy is fuel and is available as under :Solid fuelsLiquid fuelsGaseous fuelsThe initial cost of these power stations are low but the operating cost is high.07/02/2013Barjinder SinghSolid FuelsThe main solid fuel is coal, which is available in nature in huge quantity. By the combustion of coal in the boiler, heat energy is produced which is utilized to convert water into steam. This steam is used to run the turbines, to which generator is coupled. Thus electrical energy is generated. This type of energy generation is very popular in India.

Heat energy of CoalPotential or Kinetic energy of steamMechanical EnergyElectrical Energy07/02/2013liquid dan gaseous FuelsThe main liquid fuel is diesel. The diesel is injected into the piston cylinder of diesel engine, where burning of diesel take place which develops mechanical energy. A generator is coupled to diesel engine and this mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy. The running cost of these systems is very high. Natural gas, when available is used to run the gas turbines or it is burnt to produce steam which is used to run the turbines. Thereafter, a generator is coupled to the turbine to generate electrical energy. Except at the site where it is available in abundance, it is rarely used.

Heat energy of dieselMechanical EnergyElectrical Energy07/02/2013Nuclear EnergyThe heavy substance whose nucleus can be broken into fragments is called nuclear fuel. The only substance found in nature which fissions and is capable of propagating nuclear chain reaction is Uranium. By fission of nuclear of Uranium, binding energy is released in the form of heat energy, which is used for conversion of water into steam. Steam is used to run turbines, and a coupled generator produces electrical energy. The operating cost is very low, however limited availability of material and high initial cost are the main drawbacks.07/02/2013SunThis is the primary source of energy. Sun radiates energy in the form of electro magnetic waves, which includes heat, light and lot of ultra violet radiations. Heat energy received by the upper layer of atmosphere is of the order of 1000 Kcal/m2. This heat energy may be converged at the boiler by using reflectors. This is used to run steam turbines, which coupled with generator and hence produce electrical energy. Usually for small energy conversion, solar cells are used. The panel of solar cells converts solar energy into electrical energy. This energy is stored in batteries. The electrical energy supplied by the batteries is utilized for the operation of various electronic circuits such as street lights , watches, satellites, calculators etc.

07/02/2013Solar energyElectrical energyWind energyWind pressure is developed due to heating and cooling of atmosphere and this wind energy is utilized in wind mills to drive small generators. This energy generated is used to charge the bank of batteries for continuous use. Power generation in this case is limited and depend upon velocity of wind. The electrical energy in this case is very economical.

Kinetic energy of windMechanical energyElectrical energy07/02/2013Wind Electric Systems

Sea WavesConsiderable energy is possessed by the waves of ocean in the form of potential energy. The amount of energy depends upon the amplitude and pitch of waves. Depending upon the amplitude of wave the ship tilts in any direction , wheel starts rotating and a generator is coupled which gives electrical energy. In this case, the generated electrical energy is very small and use for charging the batteries.

potential energy of tidesMechanical energyElectrical energy07/02/2013TidesWater is stored in the tidal basin during high tides, while it is discharged during the low tides. Due to the difference of level , potential energy of water is utilized for the generation of electrical energy. A dam is erected at the sea shore. At the time of high tide the water flows from sea to tidal basin and rotate the turbine and increase the level of water in tidal basin. Similarly, at low tide, water flows from tidal basin to sea and rotate turbine and decrease level of water in tidal basin. A generator is coupled to turbine which produce electrical energy. However, when both level same no energy is produced.

potential and kinetic energy of waterMechanical energyElectrical energyEnergi gelombang

Biomass Biomass contain chemical energy. We have seen people in villages burning cowdung cakes as fuel. A better method is to convert biomass into gas called biogas. This gas is prepared in biogas plants. In this case, biomass is mixed with water and slury is made. It is an excellent fuel for cooking.It can also used as street lighting and running engines in villages. 07/02/2013

KONVERSI ENERGI LISTRIKKonversi energi listrik proses perubahan energi listrik, dari listrik menjadi gerak maupun dari gerak menjadi listrik dengan menggunakan sistem pengubahan dengan prinsip pengolahan medan magnet. Energi listrik adalah produk konversi energi dari energi lain seperti energi kinetik air terjun, energi uap/panas bumi, minyak, batubara, dll.

The Generator PrincipleLoop of wire (conductor) rotates within stationary magnetic fieldthis produces changing field requirementBrush contacts connect to rotating loops and carry current to external circuitIn practice, wire makes many (thousands of) loops to get a larger voltageeach loop adds to voltageSimplest arrangement leads to alternating current (AC)

The Transformer PrincipleTransformers use similar principle to step-up or step-down voltageCurrent through loop produces magnetic field along axis of loopAlternating current produces changing magnetic fieldMagnetic field carried along iron coreSecondary coil sees changing magnetic field and develops alternating voltageRatio of voltages is just ratio of turns in the two coils: V2 = (N2/N1) V1Allows transmission at high voltage, household at low voltage

Efisiensi Peralatan Konversi Energi

ISTN - "Sistem Pembangkit and Pengaman" rosyid - 41Renewable vs Non-renewableRENEWABLE ENERGYCONVENTIONAL ENERGYContohangin, surya, biomas. dllBatubara, minyak, gasSumberLingkungan lokal alamStok terkonsentrasiUmur suplaiTal terhinggaterhinggaBiaya sumbergratissemakin mahal > $0.1/kWhHarga alatMahal, $2000/ kWSedang, $500/kWVasiasi & kontrolBerfluktuasi, dikontrol oleh perubahan bebanKonstan, dikontrol oleh penyetelan sumberPolusi & lingkunganRamah lingkunganpolusiPRINSIP KONVERSI ENERGI (Sistem Pembangkit dan Pengaman)Dr.-Ing. Oo Abdul Rosyid, MScINSTITUT SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI NASIONAL (ISTN)PROGRAM PASCASARJANA TEKNIK ELEKTRO

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