1. soetomenggolo ts. kejang demam. dalam : soetomenggolo ts

Post on 09-Dec-2016






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(bulan)Jenis Kelamin Riwayat Keluarga Durasi kejang Frekuensi Kejang Kelompok Status Hb

1 47 P + 3 2 Kasus N

2 14 L + 5 2 Kasus N

3 6 L - 2 2 Kasus N

4 6 L - 10 3 Kasus N

5 9 L - 60 3 Kasus N

6 29 L - 5 4 Kasus N

7 48 P + 1 2 Kasus N

8 9 P - 5 2 Kasus N

9 21 L + 1 3 Kasus N

10 15 L - 3 2 Kasus N

11 10 L - 5 2 Kasus anemia

12 2 L + 3 3 Kasus N

13 5 P - 3 2 Kasus N

14 9 P - 20 1 Kasus N

15 18 L + 1 3 Kasus anemia

16 18 P + 1 2 Kasus anemia

17 15 L + 20 2 Kasus anemia

18 48 L - 5 2 Kasus anemia

19 17 L - 1 2 Kasus anemia

20 3 P - 1 2 Kasus anemia

21 46 P - 3 3 Kasus anemia

22 15 P + 3 2 Kasus anemia

23 19 L + 2 2 Kasus anemia

24 32 L - 20 2 Kasus anemia

25 15 P + 2 2 Kasus anemia

26 13 P - 20 2 Kasus anemia

27 7 P + 2 4 Kasus anemia

28 16 L - 5 3 Kasus anemia

29 16 L - 3 3 Kasus anemia

30 9 L + 20 2 Kasus N

31 12 P - 10 2 Kasus anemia

32 2 L + 5 2 Kasus anemia

33 8 L - 5 2 Kasus N

34 19 L + 2 2 Kasus N

35 29 L - 5 3 Kasus N

36 42 P + 5 2 Kasus anemia

37 55 P - 3 2 Kasus N

38 22 L - 5 2 Kasus N

39 16 L + 5 2 Kasus anemia

40 20 L - 5 3 Kasus N

41 36 L - 15 2 Kasus anemia

42 10 L + 20 1 Kasus N

43 25 L - 5 3 Kasus anemia

44 12 L + 5 2 Kasus anemia

45 25 L - 5 2 Kasus N

46 14 L + 5 2 Kasus anemia

47 6 P - 5 2 Kasus N

48 24 L - 5 1 Kontrol N

49 36 L - 2 1 Kontrol N

50 13 P + 5 1 Kontrol N

51 34 L + 1 1 Kontrol N

52 18 L + 5 1 Kontrol N

53 21 L - 5 1 Kontrol N

54 10 L + 1 1 Kontrol N

55 16 L - 5 1 Kontrol N

56 44 L + 5 1 Kontrol N

57 40 L + 1 1 Kontrol N

58 29 L + 5 1 Kontrol N

59 7 L - 5 1 Kontrol N

60 17 P + 10 1 Kontrol anemia

61 6 L + 5 1 Kontrol N

62 51 L - 5 1 Kontrol N

63 31 L - 5 1 Kontrol N

64 32 P + 1 1 Kontrol N

65 32 L - 2 1 Kontrol N

66 44 L + 5 1 Kontrol N

67 5 L - 10 1 Kontrol N

68 37 L + 2 1 Kontrol N

69 18 P - 10 1 Kontrol N

70 7 P + 5 1 Kontrol N

71 25 P - 3 1 Kontrol N

72 8 P - 5 1 Kontrol N

73 8 L - 10 1 Kontrol N

74 40 L + 3 1 Kontrol N

75 1 P + 1 2 Kontrol N

76 9 L + 1 1 Kontrol N

77 16 L - 2 1 Kontrol N

78 18 P - 10 1 Kontrol N

79 2 P - 15 1 Kontrol N

80 53 L - 2 1 Kontrol N

81 12 L + 5 1 Kontrol anemia

82 13 L + 5 1 Kontrol anemia

83 8 L - 3 1 Kontrol anemia

84 18 P + 3 1 Kontrol anemia

85 31 L - 5 1 Kontrol anemia

86 18 L - 5 1 Kontrol anemia

87 32 L + 5 1 Kontrol anemia

88 16 L - 5 1 Kontrol anemia

89 18 P - 10 1 Kontrol N

90 2 P - 14 1 Kontrol N

91 53 L - 2 1 Kontrol N

92 33 L - 5 1 Kontrol N

93 27 L + 5 1 Kontrol anemia

94 30 P - 5 1 Kontrol N

Hasil Analisis Data

1. Lampiran karakteristik dasar subyek penelitian

Jenis kelaminKelompok * Jenis Kelamin Crosstabulation

Jenis Kelamin

TotalL P

Kelompok Kasus Count 31 16 47

Expected Count 32,0 15,0 47,0

% within Kelompok 66,0% 34,0% 100,0%

% within Jenis Kelamin 48,4% 53,3% 50,0%

% of Total 33,0% 17,0% 50,0%

Kontrol Count 33 14 47

Expected Count 32,0 15,0 47,0

% within Kelompok 70,2% 29,8% 100,0%

% within Jenis Kelamin 51,6% 46,7% 50,0%

% of Total 35,1% 14,9% 50,0%

Total Count 64 30 94

Expected Count 64,0 30,0 94,0

% within Kelompok 68,1% 31,9% 100,0%

% within Jenis Kelamin 100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

% of Total 68,1% 31,9% 100,0%

Chi-Square Tests

Value df

Asymp. Sig. (2-


Exact Sig. (2-


Exact Sig. (1-


Pearson Chi-Square ,196a 1 ,658

Continuity Correctionb ,049 1 ,825

Likelihood Ratio ,196 1 ,658

Fisher's Exact Test ,825 ,413

N of Valid Cases 94

a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 15,00.

b. Computed only for a 2x2 table Usia

Test Statisticsa


Mann-Whitney U 923,000

Wilcoxon W 2051,000

Z -1,374

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,170

a. Grouping Variable: Kelompok

Riwayat keluarga

Kelompok * Riwayat Keluarga Crosstabulation

Riwayat Keluarga

Total- +

Kelompok Kasus Count 27 20 47

Expected Count 26,5 20,5 47,0

% within Kelompok 57,4% 42,6% 100,0%

% within Riwayat Keluarga 50,9% 48,8% 50,0%

% of Total 28,7% 21,3% 50,0%

Kontrol Count 26 21 47

Expected Count 26,5 20,5 47,0

% within Kelompok 55,3% 44,7% 100,0%

% within Riwayat Keluarga 49,1% 51,2% 50,0%

% of Total 27,7% 22,3% 50,0%

Total Count 53 41 94

Expected Count 53,0 41,0 94,0

% within Kelompok 56,4% 43,6% 100,0%

% within Riwayat Keluarga 100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

% of Total 56,4% 43,6% 100,0%

Chi-Square Tests

Value df

Asymp. Sig. (2-


Exact Sig. (2-


Exact Sig. (1-


Pearson Chi-Square ,043a 1 ,835

Continuity Correctionb ,000 1 1,000

Likelihood Ratio ,043 1 ,835

Fisher's Exact Test 1,000 ,500

N of Valid Cases 94

a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 20,50.

b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

2. Analisis anemia dengan manifestasi klinis kejang demamKelompok * Status Hb Crosstabulation

Status Hb

Totalanemia N

Kelompok 1 Count 24 23 47

Expected Count 17,0 30,0 47,0

% within Kelompok 51,1% 48,9% 100,0%

% within Status Hb 70,6% 38,3% 50,0%

% of Total 25,5% 24,5% 50,0%

2 Count 10 37 47

Expected Count 17,0 30,0 47,0

% within Kelompok 21,3% 78,7% 100,0%

% within Status Hb 29,4% 61,7% 50,0%

% of Total 10,6% 39,4% 50,0%

Total Count 34 60 94

Expected Count 34,0 60,0 94,0

% within Kelompok 36,2% 63,8% 100,0%

% within Status Hb 100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

% of Total 36,2% 63,8% 100,0%

Chi-Square Tests

Value df

Asymp. Sig. (2-


Exact Sig. (2-


Exact Sig. (1-


Pearson Chi-Square 9,031a 1 ,003

Continuity Correctionb 7,787 1 ,005

Likelihood Ratio 9,237 1 ,002

Fisher's Exact Test ,005 ,002

N of Valid Cases 94

a. 0 cells (0,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 17,00.

b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Durasi kejang

Status Hb * Durasi Kejang Crosstabulation

Durasi Kejang

Total< 15 menit > 15 menit

Status Hb anemia Count 31 3 34

Expected Count 31,5 2,5 34,0

% within Status Hb 91,2% 8,8% 100,0%

% within Durasi Kejang 35,6% 42,9% 36,2%

% of Total 33,0% 3,2% 36,2%

N Count 56 4 60

Expected Count 55,5 4,5 60,0

% within Status Hb 93,3% 6,7% 100,0%

% within Durasi Kejang 64,4% 57,1% 63,8%

% of Total 59,6% 4,3% 63,8%

Total Count 87 7 94

Expected Count 87,0 7,0 94,0

% within Status Hb 92,6% 7,4% 100,0%

% within Durasi Kejang 100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

% of Total 92,6% 7,4% 100,0%

Chi-Square Tests

Value df

Asymp. Sig. (2-


Exact Sig. (2-


Exact Sig. (1-


Pearson Chi-Square ,146a 1 ,702

Continuity Correctionb ,000 1 1,000

Likelihood Ratio ,143 1 ,705

Fisher's Exact Test ,701 ,497

N of Valid Cases 94

a. 2 cells (50,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2,53.

b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Frekuensi kejang

Frekuensi kejang * Status Hb Crosstabulation

Status Hb

Totalanemia N

Frekuensi kejang 1,00 Count 10 38 48

Expected Count 17,4 30,6 48,0

% within Frekuensi kejang 20,8% 79,2% 100,0%

% within Status Hb 29,4% 63,3% 51,1%

% of Total 10,6% 40,4% 51,1%

2,00 Count 24 22 46

Expected Count 16,6 29,4 46,0

% within Frekuensi kejang 52,2% 47,8% 100,0%

% within Status Hb 70,6% 36,7% 48,9%

% of Total 25,5% 23,4% 48,9%

Total Count 34 60 94

Expected Count 34,0 60,0 94,0

% within Frekuensi kejang 36,2% 63,8% 100,0%

% within Status Hb 100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

% of Total 36,2% 63,8% 100,0%

1 = 1 x kejang dalam 24 jam

2 = 2 x kejang dalam 24 jam

Chi-Square Tests

Value df

Asymp. Sig. (2-


Exact Sig. (2-


Exact Sig. (1-


Pearson Chi-Square 9,993a 1 ,002

Continuity Correctionb 8,682 1 ,003

Likelihood Ratio 10,216 1 ,001

Fisher's Exact Test ,002 ,001

N of Valid Cases 94

a. 0 cells (0,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 16,64.

b. Computed only for a 2x2 table


A. Identitas

Nama : Muhamad Helmi H

Tempat, tanggal lahir : Salatiga 15 September 1992

Agama : Islam

Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki

Alamat : Jalan Raden Patah 145 Salatiga

B. Riwayat Pendidikan

1. TK Tarbiyatul Banin Salatiga

2. SD Negeri 01 Salatiga

3. SMP Negeri 01 Salatiga

4. SMA Negeri 01 Salatiga

C. Keterangan Keluarga

Ayah Kandung : Drs Fadholi

Ibu Kandung : Dra Anis Rosiqoh

Kakak Kandung : Happy Risdian

Adik Kandung : Muhammad Henri Indrawan

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