212_kuliah 01 - pengenalan pemrograman berorientasi objek (java)

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  • I F 3 0 7 P E M R O G R A M A N B E R O R I E N T A S I O B J E K ( J A V A )

    N I K O I B R A H I M , M I T

    E R I C K C O S T A N I O , S . K O M

    F A K U L T A S T E K N O L O G I I N F O R M A S I

    U N I V E R S I T A S K R I S T E N M A R A N A T H A

    2 0 1 0

    Kuliah 01Pengenalan PBO Berbasis Java

  • Class Attendance

    Lectures schedule: Class A: Monday, 08.00 10.00

    Class B: Monday, 10.30 13.00

    Practical work schedule: Class A: Wednesday, 08.00 10.00

    Class B: Wednesday, 10:00 12:00

    All students must meet 75% of lectures attendances to be eligible for the exams.

  • On Time

    Students are expected to come on time for both lectures and practicals sessions.

    More than 10 minutes means no proof of attendace

  • Books & References

    You may use any books you like most

    However, for your guidelines: Object of Java (BlueJ Edition)

    Core Java 2 Volume 1 Fundamental 8th Edition

    Other References Java 6 API Documentation (Java Doc)

    BlueJ Tutorials

    BlueJ Reference Manual

  • Practical Works

    There are several practical works

    Checkpoint system (1-5 stage for each pracs)

    Checkpoint 1 - basic concepts (everyone)

    Checkpoint 2 - understand and describe (nearly everyone)

    Checkpoint 3 - apply to new contexts (most)

    Checkpoint 4 - compare, synthesize (only top 40%)

    Checkpoint 5 - generalize, hypothesize, analyze (only top 20%)

    Try your best, do not copy others work

    No late submission, no excuse

    No cheating, no copying, no sharing

    Work independently, ask for help

  • Softwares and Tools

    JDK 1.6 + Java API Documentation

    Editors: BlueJ (www.bluej.org): java editor + OOP concept

    JGrasp (www.jgrasp.org): Java editor

    NetBeans 6.9 (Java IDE)


    Text Editor: Notepad, EditPlus, TextPad, UltraEdit, dll

    Java Editor: JCreator, DrJava

    IDE: Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA

  • Silabus Perkuliahan

    PertemuanPerkuliahan Praktikum

    Materi Tanggal

    Minggu 1 Perkuliahan ditiadakan 09 Agt -

    Minggu 2 Pengenalan Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek (Java) 16 Agt P1 Java Lang 1

    Minggu 3Mengenal lebih dalam Java API dan Java Documentation

    23 AgtP2 Java Lang 2

    Minggu 4Konsep Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek: Class, Object

    30 AgtP3 Java Sun Rise

    Minggu 5 Method, Attributes, Encapsulation, & Overloading 06 Sep P4 Smiley FaceMinggu 6 Libur Hari Raya Idul Fitri 13 Sep P5 Java Clock

    Minggu 7 Konsep Inheritance, Overriding, & Polymorphism 20 Sep P6 Color Matcher

    Minggu 8 Review Materi 27 Sep Ujian PraktikumUTS Ujian Teori 4-6 Okt -Minggu 9 Abstract Class dan Interface 18 Okt P7Minggu 10 OOP Advanced Features & Exception Handling 25 Okt P8Minggu 11 Java Collections Framework 01 Nov P9Minggu 12 Java Graphical User Interface (GUI) Bagian 1 08 Nov P10Minggu 13 Java Graphical User Interface (GUI) Bagian 2 15 Nov P11Minggu 14 Java Input/Output (Java IO) 22 Nov P12Minggu 15 Review Materi 29 Nov Ujian PraktikumUAS Ujian Teori 6-18 Des -

  • What Java?

    1991: project Oak by James Gosling Berorientasi objek, berdasarkan bahasa C++

    Dirancang untuk memprogram home applicances seperti TV sets, freezers, dll

    Perlu berjalan di berbagai platform/processor dan harus murah

    1994: HotJava (browser yang mampu menjalankan aplikasi java)

    1995: implementasi publik yang pertama kali Semua browsers dapat menjalankan aplikasi java di web (java applet)

    1998: The advent of Java 2: J2EE, J2ME, & J2SE

    2002: Microsoft memperkenalkan bahasa baru yang memiliki sintaks yang mirip Java yaitu C# sebagai bagian dari platform .NET, sekaligusmenghilangkan Java dari Windows (harus install manual)

    2006: Sun released parts of Java as Free/Open Source Software!

    Versi saat ini: Java Development Kit (JDK) versi 1.6, biasa disebut JDK 6

    In 2009, Sun Microsystem (the creator of Java) was acquired by Oracle (2nd

    largest software company in the world)

  • Why Java?

    cheap almost all tools/softwares/components are available for free!

    simple - partially modeled on C & C++ but greatly simplified and improved (eliminates pointers, simplifies multiple inheritance, etc.)

    object-oriented programming language any conceptual component in your problem can be represented as an object in

    your program

    portable Java programs are compiled (translated) into the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

    code called bytecode

    bytecode is machine-independent and run on any machine with a Java interpreter

    the Java interpreter (part of JVM) further translates the bytecode into the machine language of the target machine

    once compiled programs can run on any platform (with JVM installed) without being recompiled

  • Why Java? (cont.)

    robust (reliable) - well developed exception handlingmechanisms, early checking for errors, etc.

    secure - several built-in security mechanisms

    multithreaded - can perform several tasks simultaneously

  • Where Java?

    Desktop applications

    Web applications Ebay, Amazon, AirAsia, klikBCA

    Mobile Devices: mobile phone, smartphone, Blackberry, PDA

    Smart Card: Simcard, Credit Card, RFID Card

    (Contoh: E-Tol)

    Enterprise Applications SAP, JD Edward, PeopleSoft, Oracle Business Suite

    All machines & OS: windows, linux, mac, solaris

  • Java Platformhttp://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/

    The following conceptual diagram illustrates all the component technologies in Java SE platform and how they fit together.

  • Typical Java Development Environment

    Ada 5 tahapan pengembangan aplikasimenggunakan Java: Tahap 1: Creating a program Tahap 2: Compiling the program into bytecodes Tahap 3: Loading the program into memory Tahap 4: Byte verification Tahap 5: Execution

  • Tahap 1: Creating a program

    Pada tahap ini, kita membutuhkan suatu editor untukmenulis kode program.

    Kode program disimpan pada file berekstensi .java

    Editor yang dapat digunakan:

    Editor teks sederhana: notepad, editPlus, Textpad, UltraEdit

    Editor teks berbasis Java: JGrasp, JCreator, DoctorJava

    Editor teks + diagram sederhana: BlueJ

    Integrated Development Environment (IDE):

    Free: NetBeans, Eclipse, Oracle JDeveloper

    Commercial: IntelliJ IDEA, IBM, BEA, Borland JBuilder

  • Tahap 2: Compiling

    Pada tahap ini, kita compile kode program menjadi bytecodesdengan menggunakan perintah javac

    Contoh: Kita membuat program dengan nama Welcome.java Perintah compile: javac Welcome.java Apabila proses compile berhasil, maka compiler akan menghasilkan sebuah

    file dengan ekstensi .class yaitu Welcome.class

    File .class bukan bahasa mesin, melainkan merupakanBytecodes yang dapat dimengerti oleh Java Virtual Machine (JVM) JVM inilah yang akan mengeksekusi bytecodes ke dalam bahasa mesin JVM inilah yang menyebabkan Java begitu powerful, secure, scalable dan

    multi-platform/portable Bytecode ini dapat dieksekusi di mesin/platform apapun asalkan telah

    diinstal JVM yang dapat mengerti versi Java tempat bytecode tersebutdicompile sebelumnya

    Untuk menjalankan JVM dan mengeksekusi program, kitagunakan perintah java Misalnya: java Welcome

  • Tahap 3-5

    Phase 3: Loading a Program into Memory In Phase 3, the program must be placed in memory before it can

    execute a process known as loading.

    The class loader takes the .class files containing the program's bytecodes and transfers them to primary memory.

    The class loader also loads any of the .class files provided by Java that our program uses.

    Phase 4: Bytecode Verification In Phase 4, as the classes are loaded, the bytecode verifier

    examines their bytecodes to ensure that they are valid and do not violate Java's security restrictions.

    Phase 5: Execution In Phase 5, the JVM executes the program's bytecodes, thus

    performing the actions specified by the program.

  • Latihan 1: HelloMe.java

    Berdasarkan program HelloWorld.java, buatlahsebuah program baru bernama HelloMe.java

    Pada saat di-run, program harus menampilkanpesan sbb:

    Hello World, Niko!

    Note: Ganti dengan nama Anda sendiri

    Biasakan beri NRP dan Nama anda (dalam bentukcomment)

    Pertanyaan: apa perbedaan antara print danprintln ?

  • Pembahasan Program

    0: // Exercise 1: HelloMe.java

    1: // NIK: 730015, NAMA: Niko Ibrahim

    2: public class HelloMe {

    3: public static void main (String args[ ]) {

    4: System.out.println("Hello World, Niko!");

    5: }

    6: }

    Line 0: Komentar program, judul program, keterangan penting.

    Line 1: Selalu tuliskan identitas penulis program.

    Line 2: - Nama kelas. Setiap program Java minimal memiliki 1 deklarasi kelas.- Kelas diawali huruf kapital untuk setiap kata.- Untuk men-save public class ke file, harus diberi nama sesuai dengan

    nama kelastsb dan diakhiri dengan ekstensi .java. Tentang public akan dibahas


    Line 3: main method the starting point of every Java application

    Line 4: instruksi pada komputer untuk menulis suatu String (kata-kata)

  • Compile & Run menggunakan command window

    Kita dapat menggunakan command window untuk melakukan compile dan run program Java.

    Jalankan command window: Start menu run ketik cmd

    Masuk ke direktori tempat Anda menyimpan file HelloMe.java

    PERINTAH COMPILE : javac HelloMe.java

    PERINTAH RUN : java HelloMe

    Note: JAVA PATH harus di-set terlebih dahulu disistem operasi

  • print, println,dan printf

    Untuk menuliskan sesuatu, Java memberikan 3 pilihan methods: print posisi akhir kursor berada di garis yang sama Contoh: System.out.print ("Hello World");

    println posisi akhir kursor berada di garis yang baru(seolah menekan enter)

    Contoh: System.out.println("Hello World");

    printf print dalam bentuk format tertentu (f = formatted) Contoh: System.out.printf("%s\n %s\n", "Hello", "World");

  • Karakter Khusus

    Kita juga dapat memasukan karakter khusus ke dalam String.

    Untuk itu kita perlu menggunakan tanda escape, sbb: Contoh:

    Sequence Character

    \n New line\t Tab\r Return\ Quotation Mark\\ Backslash

    String Result

    "Code: JSPS\nPrice: $50.25" Code: JSPS

    Price: $50.25"Niko\tIbrahim\r\Maranatha\tUniversity" Niko Ibrahim

    Maranatha University"Type \"x\" to exit" Type "x" to exit

    "C:\\java\\files" C:\java\files

  • Tipe Data Primitif

    Java memiliki 8 tipe data primitifType Bits Bytes Minimum Range Maximum Range

    byte 8 1 -128 or -27 127 or 27-1

    short 16 2 -32,768 or -215 32,767 or 215-1

    int 32 4 -2,147,483,648 or -231 2,147,483,647 or 231-1

    long 64 8 -263 263-1

    float 32 4 -3.4E38 3.4E38

    double 64 8 -1.7E308 1.7E308

    char 16 2 n/a n/a

    boolean 8 1 n/a n/a

    float 7 significant digitsdouble 16 significant digits

  • Variabel & Assignment

    Java merupakan bahasa pemrograman yang bersifat static, artinya kita harus mendeklarasikan nama variabel sebelummeng-assign suatu nilai

    Sintaks: tipeData namaVariabel Contoh:

    int counter;

    counter = 1;

    Kita juga dapat secara langsung meng-assign suatu nilai kepadavariabel: int counter = 1;

    boolean valid = false;

    char letter = A;

    char letter = 65;

    double distance = 3.65e+9;

    Untuk menginisialisai suatu konstanta, kita gunakan keyword final: final int DAYS_IN_NOVEMBER = 30;

    final double SALEX_TAX = 0.75

  • String di Java

    String dapat berisi huruf, angka, dan karakter khusus String bukan merupakan tipe data primitif melainkan

    tipe data reference Untuk menyambung (concat) dua/lebih string, gunakan

    operator +

    Syntax:String variableName = value;

    Examples:String message1 = "Invalid data entry";

    String message2 = " ";

    String message3 = null;

    String firstName = "Niko";

    String lastName = "Ibrahim";

    String name = firstName + " " + lastName;

  • Operator Aritmatika

    Program seringkali membutuhkan berbagai operasiaritmatika. Java menyediakan berbagai operasiaritmatika untuk melakukan:

    Penjumlahan, Pengurangan,

    Pembagian, Perkalian,

    Sisa Pembagian

  • Parentheses ( )

    Kita dapat menggunakan tanda kurung dalammelakukan operasi aritmatika.

    Contoh: a dikalikan dengan hasil penjumlahanantara b dengan c

    Yang manakah yang benar?1) a * b + c

    2) a * (b + c)

    3) (a * (b + c))

    Note: operasi di dalam kurung akan diprosespertama kali!

  • Precedence dari operator aritmatika

    Berikut ini adalah urutan pengerjaan operasi aritmatika(precedence)

    Contoh urutan pengerjaan:

  • More: Operator Aritmatika

    Operator Name # Operands Description

    + Addition 2 Add two operands

    - Subtraction 2 Subtract the right operand from the left

    * Multiplication 2 Multiplies the right operand and left operand

    / Division 2 Divides the right operand into the left operand

    % Modulus 2 Returns the value that is left over after dividing the right operand into the left operand

    ++ Increment 1 Adds 1 to the operand (x = x + 1)

    -- Decrement 1 Subtracts 1 from the operand (x = x -1)

    + Positive Sign 1 Promotes byte, short, and char types to the int type

    - Negative Sign 1 Changes a positive value to negative, and vice versa

    Secara keseluruhan Java memiliki 9 operator aritmatika:

  • Contoh-contoh operasi aritmatika

    Integer Arithmetic:

    int x = 14;

    int y = 8;

    Double Arithmetic:

    double a = 8.5;

    double b = 3.4;Operations Results Operations Results

    int result1 = x + y;

    int result2 = x y;

    int result3 = x * y;

    int result4 = x / y;

    int result5 = x % y;

    int result6 = -y + x;

    int result7 = --y;

    int result8 = ++x;

    result1 = 22

    result2 = 6

    result3 = 112

    result4 = 1

    result5 = 6

    result6 = 6

    result7 = 7

    result8 = 15, x = 15

    double result9 = a + b;

    double result10 = a b;

    double result11 = a * b;

    double result12 = a / b;

    double result13 = a % b;

    double result14 = -a + b;

    double result15 = --a;

    double result16 = ++b;

    result9 = 11.9

    result10 = 5.1

    result11 = 28.90

    result12 = 2.5

    result13 = 1.7

    result14 = -5.1

    result15 = 7.5

    result16 = 4.4Character Arithmetic:

    char letter1 = C; // letter1 = C Unicode integer is 67

    char letter2 = ++letter1; // letter2 = D Unicode integer is 68

  • Shorcut Assignment Operators

    Java memiliki 6 shortcut assignment operators:Operator Name Description

    = Assignment Assigns a new value to the variable

    += Addition Adds the operand to the starting variable value of the variable and assigns the result to the variable

    -= Subtraction Subtracts the operand from the starting value of the variable and assigns the result to the variable

    *= Multiplication Multiplies the operand by the starting value of the variable and assigns the result to the variable

    /= Division Divides the operand by the starting value of the variable and assigns the result to the variable

    %= Modulus Derives the value that is left over after dividing the right operand by the value in the variable, and then assigns this value to the variable

  • Contoh shortcut assignment operator

    count += 1; // count is increased by 1

    count -= 1; // count is decreased by 1

    total += 100.0; // total is increased by 100.0

    total -= 100.0; // total is decreased by 100.0

    price *= .8; // price is multiplied by 0.8

    sum += nextNumber;// sum is increased by the

    value of nextNumber

  • Using Console for Input & Output

    Mulai Java versi 5, cara paling mudah untuk mendapatkan input dariconsole adalah dengan menggunakan Scanner class

    Untuk menampilkan output ke console adalah menggunakan method (fungsi) System.out.println

    Sebelum menggunakan Scanner class, kita harus melakukan proses import sbb:

    import java.util.Scanner;

    Untuk membaca input dari console, kita buat objek scanner dengan caramenuliskannya sbb:

    Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

    Ada 4 buah methods dari objek Scanner (yaitu sc) yang dapat kita gunakansesuai kebutuhan:

    Method Description

    next() or nextLine() Reads a String value from the user

    nextInt() Reads an integer value from the user

    nextDouble() Reads a double value from the user

    nextBoolean() Reads a boolean value from the user

  • Latihan 2: Operasi Penambahan Integer// Addition program that displays the sum of two numbers.

    import java.util.Scanner; // program uses class Scanner

    public class Addition {

    // main method begins execution of Java applicationpublic static void main( String args[] ){

    // create Scanner to obtain input from command windowScanner input = new Scanner( System.in );

    int number1; // first number to addint number2; // second number to addint sum; // sum of number1 and number2

    System.out.print( "Enter first integer: " ); // prompt number1 = input.nextInt(); // read first number from user

    System.out.print( "Enter second integer: " ); // prompt number2 = input.nextInt(); // read second number from user

    sum = number1 + number2; // add numbers

    System.out.print( "Sum is " + sum ); // display sum

    } // end method main

    } // end class Addition

  • Variabel dan Konsep Memori

    Nama variable seperti number1, number2, dan sum sebenarnya berkorenpondensi dengan lokasi dimemori komputer.

    Setiap variabel memiliki nama, tipe, ukuran, dan nilai

    Kode dari contoh 2:

    number1 = input.nextInt(); // read first number from user

    Pada saat kode tsb dieksekusi, nomor yang diketik oleh user akandisimpan ke suatu lokasi dimemori yang telah diberikan kepadanumber1 oleh compiler.

    Misal, user memasukkan angka 45, maka komputer akanmenyimpan nilai integer ke lokasi number1 sbb:

  • Variabel dan Konsep Memori (cont.)

    number2 = input.nextInt(); // read second number from user

    Memory locations after storing values for number1 and number2.

    sum = number1 + number2; // add numbers

    Memory locations after calculating and storing the sum of number1 and number2.

  • Latihan 3: InvoiceApp.java// Latihan 3: InvoiceApp.java

    import java.util.Scanner;

    public class InvoiceApp {

    public static void main (String args[]) {

    // create a Scanner object

    Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

    // read a string

    System.out.print("Enter product code: ");

    String productCode = sc.next();

    // read a double value

    System.out.print("Enter price: ");

    double price = sc.nextDouble();

    // read an int value

    System.out.print("Enter quantity: ");

    int quantity = sc.nextInt();

    // perform a calculation and display the result

    double total = price * quantity;


    System.out.println(quantity + " " + productCode + " @ "

    + price + " = " + total);



  • Ekspresi Boolean

    Ekpresi Boolean biasanya digunakan untuk mengatur control statements.

    Ekpresi Boolean menghasilkan nilai true atau false. Ada 6 operator relational yang membandingkan operand

    bertipe data primitif dan menghasilkan nilai boolean. Dalam suatu ekpresi boolean, suatu operand dapat berupa

    literal, ekpresi aritmatika, maupun keyword true atau false.

    Operator Name Description

    == Equality Returns a true value if both operands are equals

    != Inequality Returns a true value if the left and right operands are not equal

    > Greater Than Returns a true value if the left operand is greater than the rightoperand

    < Less Than Return a true value if the left operand is less than the rightoperand

    >= Greater Than Or Equal Returns a true value if the left operand is greater than or equalto the right operand

  • Contoh ekpresi boolean

    discountPercent == 2.3 // equal to a numeric literal

    letter == y // equal to a char literal

    isValid == false // equal to the false value

    subtotal != 0 // not equal to a numeric literal

    years > 0 // greater than a numeric literal

    i < months // less than a variable

    subtotal >= 500 // greater than or equal

    to a numeric literal


  • String Comparison

    Karena String adalah suatu objek, bukan tipe data primitif, kita tidak dapat menggunakan operator relational untukmembandingkannya.

    Kita harus menggunakan method equals atauequalgnoreCase yang dimiliki oleh kelas String.

    Contoh: firstName.equals("Niko"); // equal to a string literal

    firstName.equalsIgnoreCase("Niko"); // equal to a string literal

    firstName.equals(""); // equal to an empty string

    !lastName.equals("Ibrahim"); // not equal to a string literal

    !code.equalsIgnoreCase(productCode); // not equal to another

    string variable

    firstName == null // equal to a null value

    firstName != null // not equal to a null value

    Java 6 only: firstName.isEmpty() // check if firstName is an empty string

  • Next Week!

    Struktur Control: Looping

    For Loop

    For Each Loop

    While Loop

    Do While Loop


    If Else

    Switch Case

    Konsep Arrays

    Java Documentation