tips and tricks to remove a key stuck in ignition

1/3 Tips & Tricks to Remove a Key Stuck in Ignition Have you ever had your car keys stuck in ignition? It can happen to anybody. A car is essential for some people who rely on it as their only mode of transportation. You have to identify the reason why it is stuck, and you can efficiently resolve it. However, if the key has broken in the ignition, then it can be a problem. Contact Automotive Locksmith in Oak Park if you face this problem. This article will tell you the tips & tricks to remove a key stuck in the ignition. Tips & Tricks to remove a key stuck in ignition Steering Lock The steering lock (also called the wheel lock) is a safety feature in many modern cars. It activates when you rotate the key to turn off the card, and at the same time, you move the steering wheel. It does lock not only the steering but also locks the key in the ignition. Do not apply force to remove the key as it could break in the ignition. This problem has an easy solution. Turn the key while lightly using force to rotate the steering wheel. You should hear a click that indicates the steering lock has been deactivated. If you do not hear the click, turn the steering wheel in the other direction.

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Have you ever had your car keys stuck in ignition? It can happen to anybody. A car is essential for some people who rely on it as their only mode of transportation.


Page 1: Tips and Tricks to Remove a Key Stuck in Ignition


Tips & Tricks to Remove a Key Stuck in

Have you ever had your car keys stuck in ignition? It can happen to anybody. A car is

essential for some people who rely on it as their only mode of transportation. You have to

identify the reason why it is stuck, and you can efficiently resolve it. However, if the key

has broken in the ignition, then it can be a problem. Contact Automotive Locksmith in

Oak Park if you face this problem. This article will tell you the tips & tricks to remove a

key stuck in the ignition.

Tips & Tricks to remove a key stuck in ignition

Steering Lock

The steering lock (also called the wheel lock) is a safety feature in many modern cars. It

activates when you rotate the key to turn off the card, and at the same time, you move the

steering wheel. It does lock not only the steering but also locks the key in the ignition. Do

not apply force to remove the key as it could break in the ignition. This problem has an

easy solution. Turn the key while lightly using force to rotate the steering wheel. You

should hear a click that indicates the steering lock has been deactivated. If you do not hear

the click, turn the steering wheel in the other direction.

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Gear is not in the Parking or Neutral Position.

In automatic vehicles, the gear must be in a parking position for you to remove the key

from the ignition. If the gear is in any other position, the ignition will not release the key

until you put it in the parking position. In manual vehicles, the gear must be in a neutral

position to remove the key.

It is a safety feature which is very useful for people who forget to put their gear in parking

or neutral when switching the car off.

Dead Battery

The ignition system is dependent on the battery for power. If the battery is dead and

completely out of juice, the ignition system will not work, and you will not be able to

remove your key stuck in the ignition. However, there are some ways you can identify if

your battery is dead or not.

When you move the key, you will start hearing a clicking sound which indicates that

the battery is dead.

Turn on your headlights. If they don’t turn on, your battery is dead

If your car has a voltmeter, you can see the energy levels of your battery

You will have to jump-start the vehicle or replace the battery to remove the key stuck in

ignition. If you want to remove the key, for the time being, tap lightly on the ignition

system with a small hammer and lightly pull the key

Problems with the Key

There can also be a problem with the key if it is stuck in ignition. Keys can wear out and

become damaged after using them for a long time. Most people keep their keys in pockets,

which can also contain some other stuff. This other stuff can scratch the key when it

comes in contact with it. The scratch might be minor, but over the year, the key itself can

become damaged. Replace the key if you think it has been damaged before it causes

problems for you. You can reach out to Rekey Lock in Oak Park if you face this


Another problem with the key is that it can collect dirt. We often drop our keys, use them

to open packages, etc. It causes dirt to build up, which ultimately affects the performance

of the key. Make sure you keep your key clean and free of dirt. You can spray WD-40 on

your key to remove the dirt with a cotton swab.

Problems with the Ignition System

The problems mentioned above for the key can also be applied to the ignition system. The

ignition system can also fail if you have been using it for a long time. The pins inside the

ignition cylinder can wear out because it has not been lubricated or maintained. The keys

can wear out the pins, especially if your key has a heavy keychain or many keys attached

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with it. When the car moves, the keys also move, which can cause the pins to wear out.

You can use WD-40 to lubricate the ignition cylinder and make sure not to make your key

too heavy.

Key Broken in Ignition

If your key breaks in the ignition, it becomes a more complex problem. It usually happens

when you apply too much force to remove the key stuck in ignition. However, you can

follow the tips mentioned below to remove the broken key.

Key Extraction Tool

You can use a key extraction tool to remove the key stuck in the ignition. Professional

locksmiths also use these tools. Use the extractor to pull out the broken key carefully.

Make sure you do not apply too much force so as not to break the key into more pieces.

After removing the key, you can use a pair of tweezers if you think there are more pieces

of the key stuck in ignition.


If you do not want to attempt this, you can always call a locksmith. The locksmith will

solve your problem in no time as this is their area of expertise.