tes schlumberger

(Postingan ini nyambung dari postingan gw yang sebelumnya disini . Isinya tentang garis besar kerjaan di Schlumberger nanti). Ada temen gw sesama TI 07 kemarin nanya, “Yan, masuk Schlumberger tesnya apa aja sih? Kuncinya biar bisa masuk apa?” Oke, buat menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan model gitu, gw mau share disini tentang tes masuk Schlumberger buat temen-temen yang ada keinginan buat masuk kesini. Gw cerita tentang tes yang gw kejadian di gw aja ya. Karena selama ini tes masuknya ya gitu-gitu aja. Kalau emang beda, berarti ada perubahan. Basically, ada 6 tahap tes buat masuk Schlumberger : mini interview, academic test, forum group discussion, human resources interview, user interview, dan medical check-up. Gw sempet juga konsultasi sama om Robert, temennya si papa tentang test Schlumberger ini. The man was in the company for 15 years, so you’ll get a credible resource. Sekalian nanti gw kasih tips dari tiap-tiap tahapannya. Tips ini hasil diskusi gw sama om Robert. Sekarang ayo kita bahas satu-satu. Mini Interview Mini interview ini bener-bener mini. Di interview ini bisa dibilang juga nasib ikut ambil andil. Di tahap ini, peserta disuruh ambil 1 dari sekian banyak kartu yang isinya satu pertanyaan non-technical dalam bahasa inggris. Terus lo akan disuruh jawab pertanyaan itu setelah 1 atau 2 menit waktu buat mikir. Contoh pertanyaannya, “What do you think about attitude?”, atau “The rig failed, and it needs to be repaired in 1 months. So, you have 1 months off. What will you do?” Gw nggak tau penilaian pastinya gimana. Tapi di tes ini banyak yang gugur. The HR have cunning eyes guys. Be careful. Tips : Stand-out in the crowd, berdandan ala orang lapangan tapi rapih (nggak perlu baju yang terlalu formal, cukup kemeja & celana jeans), postur jalan tegap, jabat tangan dengan rigid. Selama interview, pandangan mata lurus kedepan, pede tapi nggak sombong, tetep senyum tapi jangan berlebihan, jawab pertanyaannya dengan nada santai tapi lurus teratur, nggak gagap, dan jangan panik. Ada baiknya latihan ngomong sendiri didepan kaca. Konten jawaban lo juga mempengaruhi menurut gw, jadi coba berfikir cepat. Oia, ini perlengkapan standard buat semua jenis interview nantinya. Jadi semua interview perlu ini. Academic Test Tes akademik ini tes yang gw lakuin dengan sangat kurang persiapan. Gw nggak tau kalau ternyata tes ini ada. Isi tesnya matematika dasar, fisika dasar, fisika power, dan kemampuan ruang. Nggak begitu banyak hitungan disini teruma di soal fisika. Kebanyakan logika dasar aja. Fisika power itu isinya tentang kelistrikan, dan gw cuma ngisi 3/4 dari total semua soal fisika power. Soal kemampuan ruang ini kita dikasih suatu bentuk, jadi kita harus bisa bikin proyeksi 3 dimensinya atau kita disuruh ngebagi ruang itu jadi 2 bagian yang identik. Imajinasi megang peranan penting disini. Buat anak TI-ITB, ini mirip-

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Tes Schlumberger


(Postingan ini nyambung dari postingan gw yang sebelumnyadisini. Isinya tentang garis besar kerjaan di Schlumberger nanti).Ada temen gw sesama TI 07 kemarin nanya, Yan, masuk Schlumberger tesnya apa aja sih? Kuncinya biar bisa masuk apa?Oke, buat menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan model gitu, gw mau share disini tentang tes masuk Schlumberger buat temen-temen yang ada keinginan buat masuk kesini. Gw cerita tentang tes yang gw kejadian di gw aja ya. Karena selama ini tes masuknya ya gitu-gitu aja. Kalau emang beda, berarti ada perubahan. Basically, ada 6 tahap tes buat masuk Schlumberger : mini interview, academic test, forum group discussion, human resources interview, user interview, dan medical check-up. Gw sempet juga konsultasi sama om Robert, temennya si papa tentang test Schlumberger ini. The man was in the company for 15 years, so youll get a credible resource. Sekalian nanti gw kasih tips dari tiap-tiap tahapannya. Tips ini hasil diskusi gw sama om Robert. Sekarang ayo kita bahas satu-satu.Mini InterviewMini interview ini bener-bener mini. Di interview ini bisa dibilang juga nasib ikut ambil andil. Di tahap ini, peserta disuruh ambil 1 dari sekian banyak kartu yang isinya satu pertanyaan non-technical dalam bahasa inggris. Terus lo akan disuruh jawab pertanyaan itu setelah 1 atau 2 menit waktu buat mikir. Contoh pertanyaannya, What do you think about attitude?, atau The rig failed, and it needs to be repaired in 1 months. So, you have 1 months off. What will you do? Gw nggak tau penilaian pastinya gimana. Tapi di tes ini banyak yang gugur. The HR have cunning eyes guys. Be careful.Tips: Stand-out in the crowd, berdandan ala orang lapangan tapi rapih (nggak perlu baju yang terlalu formal, cukup kemeja & celana jeans), postur jalan tegap, jabat tangan dengan rigid. Selama interview, pandangan mata lurus kedepan, pede tapi nggak sombong, tetep senyum tapi jangan berlebihan, jawab pertanyaannya dengan nada santai tapi lurus teratur, nggak gagap, dan jangan panik. Ada baiknya latihan ngomong sendiri didepan kaca. Konten jawaban lo juga mempengaruhi menurut gw, jadi coba berfikir cepat. Oia, ini perlengkapan standard buat semua jenis interview nantinya. Jadi semua interview perlu ini.Academic TestTes akademik ini tes yang gw lakuin dengan sangat kurang persiapan. Gw nggak tau kalau ternyata tes ini ada. Isi tesnya matematika dasar, fisika dasar, fisika power, dan kemampuan ruang. Nggak begitu banyak hitungan disini teruma di soal fisika. Kebanyakan logika dasar aja. Fisika power itu isinya tentang kelistrikan, dan gw cuma ngisi 3/4 dari total semua soal fisika power. Soal kemampuan ruang ini kita dikasih suatu bentuk, jadi kita harus bisa bikin proyeksi 3 dimensinya atau kita disuruh ngebagi ruang itu jadi 2 bagian yang identik. Imajinasi megang peranan penting disini. Buat anak TI-ITB, ini mirip-mirip kayak mata kuliah DPTI kok.Tips: Santai aja ngerjainnya, usahain isi yang kemampuan ruang dulu soalnya porsinya gede, dan soalnya sedikit (cuma 2 kalau nggak salah).Forum Group DiscussionFGD jaman gw itu kita semacem kerja kelompok (dalam tim) buat ngebangun rig dari kertas dan ada aturan-aturan tertentu buat penilaiannya. Di job-fair ITB, test hari pertama cuma sampe tahap ini aja.Tips: Aktif yang kontributif itu jadi poin penilaian besar. Paling nggak itu yang bisa ditebak jadi salah satu poin penilaian. Selebihnya itu tergantung penguji.HR InterviewIsi interview-nya cuma ditanya apapun yang ada di CV lo. Jawab aja dengan jujur, tapi dikemas dengan baik.Tips: Contoh pertanyaan yang berat, Kenapa IP kamu mepet?, atau, Kenapa kamu lulus lebih dari 4 tahun? buat yang punya masalah itu, jangan kuatir. Bukan berarti peluang lo ketutup kok. Gw punya 2 masalah itu *curhat* dan gw ada disini sekarang. Tapi kemas jawaban lo dengan baik dan menarik.User InterviewIni interview yang ngebolak-balik hari gw dan bikin gw ngerasa kalau gw fix nggak keterima. Interview ini kemampuan argumen lo diuji. Lo harus tau interview lo buat segmen apa, dan lo harus tau requirement segmen lo apa. Jangan ikuin orang-orang semacem gw yang nggak tau apa-apa waktu dateng buat user interview. Lo harus bisa berfikir cepat, ngeles-ngeles sedikit, kalau bisa ungkapin dan hubung-hubungin pengalaman lo (mau itu akademik atau keorganisasian) seolah-olah itu yang dicari sama interviewer. Hahahaha. Agak tricky emang.Tips: Cari kelemahan & kekuatan diri lo sendiri. Paling nggak lo punya 3 masing-masing. Dan carilah kelemahan dan kekuatan yang dikemas dengan baik dan seolah-olah kelemahan lo bisa ditanggulangin atau bahkan bisa jadi benefit buat perusahaan. Latih lagi jawaban lo biar lo lancar. Pertanyaan ini jarang keluar, tapi kata om robert vital dan bisa jadi faktor penting buat decission making.Medical Check-UpNggak ada yang perlu gw jelasin dari ini. Yang takut jarum suntik, Brace yourself. Hahahaha.Tips: Say no to drugs. Apa lagi? Hahahaha.Who we AreWith a history and culture of science and innovation, were the worlds largest oilfield services company. Our people invent, design, engineer, and apply technologies that help customers find and produce oil and gas more efficiently and safelyoften in remote and challenging locations.Founded in 1926, the company takes its name from Conrad and Marcel Schlumberger, brothers who transformed the energy industry with the revolutionary idea of using electrical measurements to map subsurface rock formations. We employ over 115,000 people and work in more than 85 countries. We leverage strong local experience and thediversityin thought, background, and knowledge that more than 140 nationalities bring.As the demand for energy increases so does our need for hardworking, fresh talent to meet the engineering and technical challenges of todays upstream oil and gas business. We have countless career opportunities that will let you prove your abilities from your first day of work. And we'll give you the training and support you need to succeed throughout your career.Each day, in more than 80 countries, we help our customers find and produce oil and gas. Through our wellsite operations and in ourresearch and engineering facilities, we are working to develop products, services and solutions that optimize customer performance in asafe and environmentally sound manner.We aim to do business in a consistent and transparent way with all our clients and do not hold equity stakes in our customers' assets. Customers place a great deal of trust in us, particularly when it comes to handling sensitive and confidential information. Our reputation forintegrity and fair dealingis vitally important in winning and retaining this trust.We're looking for men and women to join our global family in this effort. If you're ambitious, innovative, and hard working, a Schlumberger career may be for you. You'll follow in the tradition of our founders, Conrad and Marcel Schlumberger, who transformed the energy industry with the revolutionary idea of using electrical measurements to map subsurface rock formations. Schlumberger engineers recorded the first electrical resistivity well log in Pechelbronn, France in September 1927, and wireline logging was born!Their pioneering attitude has been the foundation of our success for almost 80 years. Today Schlumberger is the world's leading oilfield services company, providing the mostcomplete range of oilfield servicesfrom surface seismic to drilling, formation evaluation, well completion and stimulation services, production optimization, reservoir studies, well construction and integrated project management.As the demand for energy continues to increase, new ideas, techniques, and solutions are necessary. We have a multitude of career opportunities that will enable you to prove your abilities from the first day of work. We'll give you the training and support you need to take on our complex engineering and technical challengesGlobal Citizenship at Schlumberger reflects the diversity and integrity of our workforce. Drawn from 140-plus nationalities working in approximately 85 countries, our employees embody the qualities of global citizensmaintaining high standards of behavior wherever we operate.As a business and a community of individuals, Schlumberger is connected to global challenges that also impact our employees, contractors, suppliers, clients, shareholders, families and communities.To guide our behavior, we have developed a framework that addresses these challenges while anchoring them in the bedrock that allows us to call ourselves global citizensethics and governance, health and safety, diversity and people development.The Schlumberger Global Citizenship framework focuses on six issues chosen because they are the ones to which we can bring most leadership and best practice.Mostly questionSchlumberger and its position in the industryWhat does Schlumberger do?Schlumberger is the worlds largest oilfield services company. Working globallyoften in remote and challenging locationswe invent, design, engineer, and apply technology to help our customers find and produce oil and gas safely and efficiently.Where does Schlumberger operate?We employ over 115,000 people of more than 140 nationalities working in approximately 85 countries. Schlumberger does not have a 'nationality' which describes its culture, but operates in a truly global fashion throughout the world.We are often told that oil is running out. Why should I join an ageing industry?Far from joining a dying industry, technology is ensuring that hydrocarbon resources will be extended, that the amounts recovered will increase and the challenges the technology represents will remain as exciting as ever.Where does Schlumberger fit in to the oil and gas industry?The oil and gas industry covers three main sectionsupstream, midstream and downstream. We operate in the upstream section, which covers activity from the subsurface to the wellhead.Is Schlumberger committed to equal opportunities?One of our greatest strengths is the diversity of our workforce, with men and women of many nationalities and backgrounds working together and sharing common objectives. As a company, we encourage fair employment practices worldwide and offer equal opportunities to all our employees. We also try to take family considerations into account in any decisions about personnel matters or assignments.Does Schlumberger have a corporate social responsibility policy?We've developed aGlobal Citizenshipframework that is focused on issues of global concern. We believe that, through thought leadership and our own best practices, we can make a difference in six priority areas: climate change, environment, driving safety, malaria prevention, HIV/AIDS awareness and education.Training, career opportunities and the Schlumberger lifestyleWhat type of training will I receive?We believe that high-quality training is fundamental to both your success and the success of our business. When you join Schlumberger as an oilfield trainee, you initially follow a fixed-step training program which lasts three years. No matter what your background, we ensure you have the right training to develop quickly and advance in your role. The program blends technical, safety, personal development, business and managerial courses, and on-the-job validated training. Viewmore information.Is career progression possible at Schlumberger?Yes. In a company of 115,000 employees in 85 countries, there are always opportunities to advance; whether you want to stay on a technical career path, or move into other areasor to another countrythere are almost endless projects to get stuck into.Is there a typical Schlumberger lifestyle?Depending on which area of the business you are working in it will differ. However, Schlumberger lifestyle certainly is not for everyone! In any job, there can be long hours, sometimes away from home. If you are a field engineer or specialist, you will be away from home a lot. No matter where you are, there is always pressure to perform!Can I work abroad?You could be working in your own country, or abroad, in +45oC in a desert, or -45oC in the arctic. There are also opportunities to work onshore or offshore. When you apply for a job you will initially be contacted by the recruiter working in the country that you are based.What jobs are available at Schlumberger?We recruit for a wide variety of roles; including fresh out and experienced professionals positions. All career opportunities can be found on thestudent and recent graduateand theexperienced professionalsections of our careers website.Does Schlumberger offer internships?Yes. We offer internships inengineering, research and operationsand thegeoscience and petrotechnical domain. We also offer internships inIT,supply chain and for Schlumberger Business Consulting.The recruitment processHow do I apply for a job at Schlumberger?Review our available positions and decide which one is right for you. Then register for an account online and submit your application. You will receive a confirmation email, and will be contacted if a suitable role becomes available. View an animation of the recruiting processhere.Can I apply for more than one job?Please apply for only one position at a time.How do I find out if I am eligible to apply for a certain position?Please view the qualifications section of your chosen position.I have searched through your available jobs but cant find a suitable role. Can I still send you my CV?We do not accept speculative applications. Please wait until a suitable position becomes available.I think Ive received a fraudulent employment letter from Schlumberger. How can I be sure and what should I do?Please view the followingpage.I am experiencing problems uploading my CV and/or cover letter. What should I do?Please fill in the site feedback form, which can be foundhere.Is my profile information and CV stored within Schlumberger indefinitely? If not for how long will it be active?This is subject to local regulation. However, candidates can use the opt out option when accessing the candidate portal (by clicking on the link My Schlumberger Career). By doing this, all the data submitted is automatically deleted.What should I do if I have submitted an application but I have not yet heard anything back?The recruiting team will do their upmost to reply to your application as soon as possible. You can view the status of your application by logging into your account.If my application is unsuccessful will you let me know? Can I reapply?All candidates will be advised about the state of their application. You should wait 2 years before reapplying.Do you provide feedback for unsuccessful applications?Unfortunately we are unable to provide feedback at the application stage.FAQs for parentsBelow are the questions most frequently asked by the parents of our job seekers.Does Schlumberger provide a safe working environment?Absolutely. Schlumberger has a long-standing HSE commitment to the highest standards for the health and safety of our employees, customers, and contractors as well as to the protection of the environment in the communities in which we live and work. Viewmore information.Do employees have the facilities to keep in touch with friends and family back home when working for Schlumberger?Yes. Even in remote locations phones and internet connection are generally available.Will female employees be given private rooms when working on vessels?A female employee would not be expected to share a cabin with a member of the opposite sex.Who can an employee talk to if they have any issues at work?There are numerous support channels that an employee can contact depending on the dilema they are facing. A manager and/or a personnel representative should be the first point of call.